IT-03-67-T 25644 D25644 - D25582 07 December 2007 AJ


Case No. IT-03-67





The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, pursuant to her authority under Article 18 of the Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (“the Statute of the Tribunal”), charges:



1. Vojislav ŠEŠELJ, son of Nikola ŠEŠELJ, was born on 11 October 1954 in Sarajevo, Republic of Bosnia and (“”). He is a graduate of the faculty of law of Sarajevo University. He holds a Bachelor's Degree, a Masters Degree and a Doctorate obtained in 1976, 1978 and 1979 respectively. From 1981 to 1984 he worked as an assistant professor lecturing on political science at Sarajevo University.

2. Although he was originally a communist, Vojislav ŠEŠELJ eventually became critical of the communist regime in the former Yugoslavia and in the early 1980s he developed close relations with a group of Serbian nationalists. In 1984 he was convicted of “counter-revolutionary activities” and sentenced to eight years of imprisonment. Upon the commutation of the sentence by the Supreme Court of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (“SFRY”) he was released in 1986.

3. After his release Vojislav ŠEŠELJ settled down in Belgrade and continued to engage in nationalistic politics. In 1989 he travelled to the USA and met the chairman of the “Movement of in the Free World”, Momčilo Đujić, who on the day of the 600th anniversary of the Battle of - 28 June 1989 – appointed him a Chetnik "Vojvoda", meaning a "Duke" or leader. Following this appointment Vojislav ŠEŠELJ travelled in the USA, Canada, Australia and Western Europe collecting funds to support his nationalistic activities. On 23 January 1990, Vojislav ŠEŠELJ became the leader of the Serbian Freedom Movement and on 14 March

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1990, formed an alliance with Vuk Drašković, another Serbian nationalist, and started the “Serbian Renewal Movement” (“SPO”).

4. In June 1990 Vojislav ŠEŠELJ founded the “Serbian National Renewal Party", subsequently renamed the “Serbian Chetnik Movement” (“SČP”). In the elections of December 1990 his party received almost 100,000 votes. Shortly thereafter, the authorities of the SFRY banned the SČP”. On 23 February 1991, Vojislav ŠEŠELJ was appointed President of the newly founded “” (“SRS”). From 23 February 1991 to 28 April 1994, he remained leader of the SČP, and the SČP continued to exist operating in parallel to or incorporated within the SRS. In June 1991, Vojislav ŠEŠELJ was elected a member of the Assembly of the Republic of . In almost daily rallies and election campaigns, he called for Serb unity and war against Serbia’s “historic enemies”, namely the ethnic Croat, Muslim and Albanian populations within the territories of the former Yugoslavia. Additional relevant historical and political facts are set out in Annex I to this indictment.

INDIVIDUAL CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY Article 7(1) of the Statute of the Tribunal

5. Vojislav ŠEŠELJ is individually criminally responsible for the crimes referred to in Articles 3 and 5 of the Statute of the Tribunal and described in this indictment, which he planned, ordered, instigated, committed or in whose planning, preparation, or execution he otherwise aided and abetted. By using the word “committed” in this indictment, the Prosecutor does not intend to suggest that the accused physically committed all of the crimes charged personally. Physical commitment is pleaded only in relation to the charges of persecutions (Count 1) by direct and public ethnic denigration (paragraphs 15 and 17(k)) with respect to the Accused’s speeches in , Mali Zvornik and Hrtkovci, and by and forcible transfer (paragraphs 15 and 17(i)) with respect to the Accused’s speech in Hrtkovci, and in relation to the charges of deportation and inhumane acts (forcible transfer) (Counts 10 – 11, paragraphs 31 - 33), with respect to the Accused’s speech in Hrtkovci. “Committed” in this indictment includes the participation of Vojislav ŠEŠELJ in a joint criminal enterprise as a co-perpetrator. By using the word "instigated", the Prosecution charges that the accused Vojislav ŠEŠELJ's speeches, communications, acts and/or omissions contributed to the perpetrators' decision to commit the crimes alleged.

6. Vojislav ŠEŠELJ participated in a joint criminal enterprise. The purpose of this joint criminal enterprise was the permanent forcible removal, through the commission of crimes in violation of Articles 3 and 5 of the Statute of the Tribunal, of a majority of the Croat, Muslim and other non-Serb populations from approximately one-third of the territory of the Republic of ("Croatia"), and large parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and from parts of , in the Republic of Serbia ("Serbia"), in order to make these areas part of a new Serb-dominated state. With respect to Croatia the areas included those regions that were referred to by Serb authorities as the "SAO Krajina” (i.e. the Serb Autonomous Region of Krajina), the “SAO Western ”, and the “SAO Slavonia, Baranja and Western Srem” (after 19 December 1991, the "SAO Krajina" became known as the RSK ("Republic of Serbian Krajina"); on 26 February 1992, the "SAO Western Slavonia" and the "SAO

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Slavonia, Baranja and Western Srem" joined the RSK), as well as the “Dubrovnik Republic /Dubrovačka republika/”. With respect to Bosnia and Herzegovina, the areas included Bosanski Šamac, Zvornik, five municipalities collectively known as “Greater Sarajevo” (Ilijaš, Vogošća, Novo Sarajevo, Ilidža and Rajlovac), Bijeljina, Mostar, Nevesinje and Brčko. 7. The crimes in this indictment were within the object of the joint criminal enterprise and Vojislav ŠEŠELJ shared the necessary intent for the commission of each of the crimes with the other participants in the joint criminal enterprise. Alternatively, the crimes enumerated in Counts 1, 4, 8, 9 and 12 to 14 of this indictment were the natural and foreseeable consequences of the execution of the object of the joint criminal enterprise and Vojislav ŠEŠELJ was aware that such crimes were the possible outcome of the execution of the joint criminal enterprise. 8. (a) The aforesaid joint criminal enterprise came into existence before l August 1991 and continued at least until December 1995. Vojislav ŠEŠELJ participated in the joint criminal enterprise until September 1993 when he had a conflict with Slobodan Milošević. Vojislav ŠEŠELJ worked in concert with members of the joint criminal enterprise to succeed in its objective. Each participant in the joint criminal enterprise played a role that significantly contributed to the objective of the enterprise. Participants in this joint criminal enterprise include Slobodan MILOŠEVIĆ, General Veljko KADIJEVIĆ, General Blagoje ADŽIĆ, Colonel Ratko MLADIĆ, Radmilo BOGDANOVIĆ, Jovica STANIŠIĆ, Franko SIMATOVIĆ also known as “Frenki”, Radovan STOJIČIĆ, also known as “Badža”, Milan MARTIĆ, Goran HADŽIĆ, Milan BABIĆ, Radovan KARADŽIĆ, Momčilo KRAJIŠNIK, Biljana PLAVŠIĆ, Željko RAŽNATOVIĆ, also known as “” and other political figures from the (S)FRY, the Republic of Serbia, the Republic of and the Bosnian and Croatian Serb leadership. Participants in the joint criminal enterprise also included “Serb Forces”, collectively defined as members of the Yugoslav People's Army ("JNA"), later the Yugoslav Army ("VJ"), the newly- formed Serb Territorial Defence ("TO") of Croatia and of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the army of the Krajina ("SVK") and the army of the Republika Srpska ("VRS"), and the TOs of Serbia and of Montenegro, local Serb, Republic of Serbia and Republika Srpska police forces ("MUP forces"), including the State Security/Državna bezbednost/ ("DB") Branch of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia, and Serb special police forces of the SAO Krajina and the RSK commonly referred to as "Martić's Police", Martićevci", "SAO Krajina Police" or "SAO Krajina Milicija" (collectively, "Martić's Police") and members of Serbian, Montenegrin, Bosnian and Croatian Serb paramilitary forces and volunteer units including “Chetniks”, or “Šešeljevci” (translated as “Šešelj’s men”).

(b) Alternatively, the individuals and groups identified above participated in a joint criminal enterprise and implemented its objective by using persons and groups in the Serb Forces defined in Paragraph 8(a), above, to carry out the actus reus of the crimes in this indictment.. (c) Vojislav ŠEŠELJ is responsible for all crimes the actus reus of which was carried out by a person used by him or any other participant in the joint criminal enterprise, where either the actus reus of the crime formed part of the objective of the joint criminal enterprise, or (i) it was foreseeable that the crime might be perpetrated by a person used by Vojislav ŠEŠELJ or any other participant in the joint criminal enterprise in order to carry out the actus reus of the crime, and (ii) Vojislav ŠEŠELJ Case No. IT-03-67 3 07 December 2007

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willingly took that risk – that is, with the awareness that such crimes were a possible consequence of the implementation of the joint criminal enterprise, he decided to participate in that enterprise. 9. Vojislav ŠEŠELJ, as President of the SRS, was a prominent political figure in the SFRY/FRY in the time period relevant to this indictment. He propagated a policy of uniting “all Serbian lands" in a homogeneous Serbian state. He defined the so- called Karlobag-Ogulin-Karlovac-Virovitica line as the western border of this new Serbian state (which he called “”) which included Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and considerable parts of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

10. Vojislav ŠEŠELJ participated in the joint criminal enterprise in the following ways:

a. Vojislav ŠEŠELJ participated in the recruitment, formation, financing, supply, support and direction of Serbian volunteers connected to the SRS and/or SČP through and/or with the assistance of the SRS Crisis, then War Staff. These volunteer units were created and supported to assist in the execution of the joint criminal enterprise through the commission of crimes in violation of Articles 3 and 5 of the Statute of the Tribunal. b. Vojislav ŠEŠELJ made inflammatory speeches in the media, during public events, and during visits to the volunteer units and other Serb forces in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, instigating those forces to commit crimes in violation of Articles 3 and 5 of the Statute of the Tribunal. c. Vojislav ŠEŠELJ espoused and encouraged the creation of a homogeneous “Greater Serbia”, encompassing the territories specified in this indictment, by violence, and thereby participated in war propaganda and incitement of hatred towards non-Serb people. d. In public speeches Vojislav ŠEŠELJ called for the expulsion of Croat civilians from parts of the Vojvodina region in Serbia (namely Hrtkovci, , , Šid, and other places bordering Croatia) and thus instigated his followers and the local authorities to engage in a persecution campaign against the local Croat population. e. Vojislav ŠEŠELJ participated in the planning and preparation of the take-over of towns and villages in two SAOs in Croatia and in the municipalities of Bosanski Šamac, Zvornik, “Greater Sarajevo”, Bijeljina, Mostar, Nevesinje and Brčko in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the subsequent forcible removal of the majority of the non-Serb population from these areas. f. Vojislav ŠEŠELJ participated in the provision of financial, material, logistical and political support necessary for such take-overs. He obtained this support, with the help of Slobodan Milošević, from the Serbian authorities and from living abroad where he collected funds to support the aim of the joint criminal enterprise. g. Vojislav ŠEŠELJ recruited Serbian volunteers connected to the SRS and indoctrinated them with his extreme ethnic rhetoric so that they Case No. IT-03-67 4 07 December 2007

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engaged in the forcible removal of the non-Serb population in the targeted territories through the commission of the crimes in this indictment with particular violence and brutality. 11. Vojislav ŠEŠELJ knowingly and wilfully participated in the joint criminal enterprise, sharing the intent of other participants in the joint criminal enterprise or being aware of the foreseeable consequences of their actions. On this basis, he bears individual criminal responsibility for having committed the crimes under Article 7(1) of the Statute of the Tribunal, in addition to his responsibility under the same Article for having planned, ordered instigated, physically committed or otherwise aided and abetted in the planning, preparation and execution of those crimes.


12. At all times relevant to this indictment, a state of armed conflict existed in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. A nexus existed between this state of armed conflict and the alleged crimes in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and parts of Vojvodina, Serbia.

13. At all times relevant to this indictment, Vojislav ŠEŠELJ was required to abide by the laws and customs governing the conduct of armed conflicts.

14. Conduct charged as a crime against humanity was part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against the Croat, Muslim and other non-Serb civilian populations within large areas of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Vojvodina, Serbia. With regard to conduct as a crime against humanity, Vojislav ŠEŠELJ acted knowing that the civilian population was being attacked and that his acts comprised part of those attacks.


15. From on or about 1 August 1991 until at least September 1993, Vojislav ŠEŠELJ, acting individually or as a participant in a joint criminal enterprise, planned, ordered, instigated, committed or otherwise aided and abetted in the planning, preparation or execution of, or physically committed, persecutions of Croat, Muslim and other non-Serb civilian populations in the territories of the SAO SBWS (Slavonia, Baranja and Western Srem), and in the municipalities of Zvornik, “Greater Sarajevo”, Mostar, and Nevesinje in Bosnia and Herzegovina and parts of Vojvodina in Serbia.

16. Throughout this period, the Serb forces defined in paragraph 8(a), above, including volunteers recruited and/or instigated by Vojislav ŠEŠELJ, attacked and took control of towns and villages in these territories. After the take-over, these Serb forces, in co-operation with the local Serb authorities, established a regime of persecutions designed to drive the non-Serb civilian population from these territories.

17. These persecutions were committed on political, racial and religious grounds and included: Case No. IT-03-67 5 07 December 2007

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a. The [REMOVED]1 murder of many Croat, Muslim and other non-Serb civilians, including women, children and elderly persons, in the municipality of Vukovar, in the municipalities of Zvornik, “Greater Sarajevo”, Mostar and Nevesinje in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as described in paragraphs 18 to 27.

b. The prolonged and routine imprisonment and confinement of Croat, Muslim and other non-Serb civilians in detention facilities within Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, including prison camps in Vukovar, and in Zvornik, “Greater Sarajevo”, Mostar, and Nevesinje as described in paragraphs 28 to 30.

c. The establishment and perpetuation of inhumane living conditions for Croat, Muslim and other non-Serb civilian detainees within the said detention facilities.

d. Killings and repeated torture and beatings of Croat, Muslim and other non-Serb civilian detainees in the said detention facilities.

e. Prolonged and frequent forced labour of Croat, Muslim and other non- Serb civilians detained in the said detention facilities or under house arrest in their respective homes in Vukovar, Zvornik, “Greater Sarajevo” and Mostar. The forced labour included digging graves, loading ammunition for the Serb forces, digging trenches and other forms of manual labour at the frontlines.

f. Sexual assaults of Croat, Muslim and other non-Serb civilians by Serb soldiers during their capture and while detained in the said detention facilities.

g. The imposition of restrictive and discriminatory measures against the Croat, Muslim and other non-Serb civilian populations, including persons in Zvornik, “Greater Sarajevo”, Mostar and Nevesinje in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in parts of Vojvodina, Serbia (namely Hrtkovci, Nikinci, Ruma, Šid, and other places bordering Croatia), such as restriction of movement; removal from positions of authority in local government institutions and the police; dismissal from jobs; denial of medical care; and arbitrary searches of homes.

h. Torture, beating and robbing of Croat, Muslim and other non-Serb civilians.

i. Deportation or forcible transfer of tens of thousands of Croat, Muslim and other non-Serb civilians from the territories as specified above, and from parts of Vojvodina, Serbia (namely Hrtkovci, Nikinci, Ruma, Šid, and other places bordering Croatia) as described in paragraphs 31 to 33.

1 The word [REMOVED] indicates a change in accordance with the Decision of the Trial Chamber pursuant to Rule 73 bis, dated 8 November 2006. Case No. IT-03-67 6 07 December 2007

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j. Deliberate destruction of homes, other public and private property, cultural institutions, historic monuments and sacred sites of the Croat, Muslim and other non-Serb civilian populations in the municipality of Vukovar in Croatia, and in the municipalities of Zvornik, “Greater Sarajevo”, Mostar and Nevesinje in Bosnia and Herzegovina as described in paragraph 34.

k. Direct and public denigration through “hate speech” of the Croat, Muslim and other non-Serb populations in Vukovar, Zvornik and Hrtkovci on the basis of their ethnicities as described in paragraphs 20, 22, and 33.

By his participation in these acts, Vojislav ŠEŠELJ committed:

Count 1: Persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds, a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY, punishable under Articles 5(h) and 7(1) of the Statute of the Tribunal.


18. From on or about 1 August 1991 until June 1992 in the territory of the SAO SBWS in Vukovar, from on or about 1 March 1992 until at least September 1993 in the municipalities of Zvornik, “Greater Sarajevo”, Mostar and Nevesinje in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vojislav ŠEŠELJ, acting individually or as a participant in a joint criminal enterprise, planned, ordered, instigated, committed or otherwise aided and abetted in the planning, preparation, or execution of the [Removed] murder of Croat, Muslim and other non-Serb civilians as specified in paragraphs 20-22, 24, 26, and 27.



19. [Removed]

S A O S B W S - V U K O V A R

20. In November 1991 while Serb forces fought to take over Vukovar, Vojislav ŠEŠELJ visited the town. On or about 8 November 1991, Vojislav ŠEŠELJ publicly pronounced “This entire area will soon be cleared of Ustaša.” On or about 13 November 1991, Vojislav ŠEŠELJ, both publicly and privately, pronounced “Not one Ustaša must leave Vukovar alive.” These speeches persecuted and instigated the killing of Croats. On or about 20 November 1991, as part of the overall persecution campaign, Serb forces, including volunteers recruited and/or incited by Vojislav ŠEŠELJ, removed approximately four hundred Croats and other non-Serbs from Vukovar Hospital in the aftermath of the Serb take-over of the city. Approximately three hundred of these non-Serbs were transported to the JNA barracks and then to the Ovčara farm located about 5 kilometres south of Vukovar. There, members of the Serb forces beat and tortured the victims for hours. During the

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evening of 20 November 1991, the soldiers transported the victims in groups of 10-20 to a remote execution site between the Ovčara farm and Grabovo, where they shot and killed approximately two hundred and sixty-four non-Serbs from Vukovar Hospital. Their bodies were buried in a mass grave. The names of the murder victims are set out in Annex III attached to this indictment.

21. After Serb forces took control of Vukovar on 18 November 1991, over one thousand civilians gathered at the Velepromet facility. Some were compelled to go there by Serb forces and others went voluntarily seeking protection. By 19 November 1991, approximately two thousand people had gathered inside the Velepromet facility. The JNA considered about eight hundred of these persons to be prisoners of war. By the evening of 19 November 1991, shortly after the JNA began to transfer the alleged prisoners of war to their detention facility in Serbia, Serb forces, including volunteers recruited and/or incited by Vojislav ŠEŠELJ, separated a number of individuals from the alleged group of prisoners of war. They took these selected individuals out of the Velepromet facility and killed them. The bodies of some of those killed were transported to the Ovčara farm and buried there in the mass grave. The bodies of six other victims were left lying on the ground behind the Velepromet facility. The names of these six murder victims are set out in Annex IV attached to this indictment.

B O S N I A and H E R Z E G O V I N A


22. In March 1992, Vojislav ŠEŠELJ gave a speech at a rally in Mali Zvornik, located across the Drina river from Zvornik. Vojislav ŠEŠELJ said: "Dear Chetnik brothers, especially you across the Drina river, you are the bravest ones. We are going to clean Bosnia of pagans and show them a road which will take them to the east, where they belong." This speech persecuted and/or instigated the persecution of non-Serbs in Zvornik. In April 1992, Serb forces, including volunteers known as "Šešelj's men" and "Arkan's tigers", attacked and took control of the town of Zvornik and surrounding villages. During the attack, Serb forces killed many non-Serb civilians. On or about 9 April 1992, Serb forces, including members of Arkan's unit, executed twenty Bosnian Muslim and Croat men and boys in Zvornik town. Following the take-over, non-Serbs were routinely detained, beaten, tortured and killed. From April to July 1992, hundreds of non-Serb civilians were detained in or near Zvornik in the "Standard" shoe factory, the "Ciglana" factory, the Ekonomija farm, the Drinjača Dom Kulture and the Čelopek Dom Kulture. On or about 12 May 1992, at the Ekonomija farm, Serb forces, including the leader of a group of "Šešelj's men", beat to death a detainee named Nesib Dautović. Between 12 and approximately 20 May 1992, Serb forces killed at least four other Muslim men at the Ekonomija farm. In June or July 1992, Serb forces, including volunteers known as “Šešelj’s men”, killed a non-Serb male detainee at the “Ciglana” factory. Between 30 and 31 May 1992, Serb forces, including a group of “Šešelj’s men”, tortured and killed 88 Bosnian Muslim males at Drinjača Dom Kulture. Between 1 and 5 June 1992, Serb forces killed more than 150 Bosnian Muslim males at Karakaj Technical School. Between 7 and 9 June 1992, Serb forces killed more than 150 detainees at Gero's slaughter-house. Between 1 and 26 June 1992, Serb forces killed more than forty non-Serb male detainees at Čelopek Dom Kulture. The names of the identified

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murder victims at the “Ciglana” factory, Drinjača Dom Kulture, Karakaj Technical School, Gero's slaughter-house, Čelopek Dom Kulture, and Ekonomija farm are set out in Annex V to this indictment.


23. [Removed]


24. Beginning in April 1992, Serb forces, including volunteers known as “Šešelj’s men”, attacked and took control of towns and villages in the area of “Greater Sarajevo,” including the town of Ilijaš and the village of Lješevo in Ilijaš municipality, the village of Svrake in Vogošća municipality and the neighborhood of Grbavica in Novo Sarajevo municipality. Following the take-over, non-Serbs were routinely detained, beaten, tortured and killed. On or about 5 June 1992, members of a unit of “Šešelj’s men” killed 22 non-Serb civilians in the village of Lješevo. During the summer of 1993, members of a unit of “Šešelj’s men” cut off the head of a civilian and killed four prisoners-of-war in the area of Crna Rijeka in Ilijaš municipality. In the summer of 1993, members of a unit of “Šešelj’s men” killed twenty-five non-Serb men who were being used as “human shields”, and two non-Serb men who refused to act as “human shields”, at Žuč in Vogošća municipality. On 17 July 1993, members of a unit of “Šešelj’s men” killed two prisoners-of-war, Živko Krajišnik and Rusmir Hamalukić, on Mount Igman in Ilidža municipality. The names of identified victims of murder/[REMOVED] at Lješevo and Žuč are set out in Annex VII to this indictment.


25. [Removed]


26. Between April 1992 and June 1992, Serb forces, including volunteers known as “Šešelj’s men”, attacked and took control of the town of Mostar and surrounding villages. Following the attack, non-Serbs were routinely detained, beaten, tortured, and killed. On or about 13 June 1992 Serb forces, including volunteers known as “Šešelj’s men”, arrested and transported eighty-eight non-Serb civilians from the neighbourhood of Zalik and from the villages of Potoci, Kuti Livač, Vrapčići and other nearby villages to Vrapčići football stadium, detained them in the locker room, and subsequently killed them. The bodies of these non-Serbs were found in the dump in Uborak. On or about 13 June 1992, Serb forces arrested eighteen non-Serb civilians from Zalik and transported them to the city mortuary in Sutina. They were subsequently killed in Sutina in the vicinity of the city mortuary and dumped near the Neretva River in a pit. “Šešelj’s men” participated in the detention and killings. The names of identified victims of murder/[REMOVED] at Uborak and Sutina are set out in Annex IX to this indictment.

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NEVESINJE 27. In June 1992, Serb forces, including volunteers known as “Šešelj’s men”, took control of the town of Nevesinje and attacked Muslim villages in the municipality. During this time, non-Serbs were routinely detained, beaten, tortured, and killed. On or about 22 June 1992, Serb forces, including volunteers known as “Šešelj’s men”, arrested seventy-six Muslim civilians in the woods in the area of Velež and took them to the primary school in the village of Dnopolje in Zijemlje Valley. They separated the men from the women and children. The men were killed. Their bodies were found in a place known as “Teleća Lastva”. The women and children were transported to and detained in the heating factory in Kilavci, Nevesinje. Forty-four of them were killed at the dump pit at Lipovača. “Šešelj’s men” participated in the detention and killing. Five of the women from the heating factory were further detained at the resort at Boračko Jezero, part of the Konjic municipality, which was used by Serb forces, including “Šešelj’s men”, as a military post. Two of the five women detained at that location, Fadila Mahinić and Mirsada Mahinić, were subsequently killed. On or about 26 June 1992, eleven Muslim civilians from the areas of Hrušta and Kljuna were arrested in Teleća Lastva. They were detained and tortured in the primary school in Zijemlje. Seven were taken away and subsequently killed. Their bodies were found in a pit in Zijemlje. “Šešelj’s men” participated in these killings. The names of identified victims of murder/[REMOVED] at the Lipovača pit and [REMOVED], as well as the names of identified victims of murder[REMOVED] whose bodies were found at “Teleća Lastva” and the pit at Zijemlje are set out in Annex X to this indictment.

By his participation in these acts, Vojislav ŠEŠELJ committed:

Count 2: [Removed]

Count 3: [Removed]

Count 4: Murder, a VIOLATION OF THE LAWS OR CUSTOMS OF WAR, as recognised by Common Article 3(1)(a) of the Geneva Conventions of 1949, punishable under Articles 3 and 7(1) of the Statute of the Tribunal.


28. From August 1991 until September 1993, Vojislav ŠEŠELJ, acting individually or as a participant in a joint criminal enterprise, planned, ordered, instigated, committed or otherwise aided and abetted in the planning, preparation or execution of the imprisonment under inhumane conditions of Muslim, Croat and other non-Serb civilians in the territories listed above.

29. Serb forces, including those volunteer units recruited and/or incited by Vojislav ŠEŠELJ, captured and detained hundreds of Croat, Muslim and other non- Serb civilians. They were detained in the following short- and long-term detention facilities:

a) The Velepromet warehouse, Vukovar, SAO SBWS, November 1991, run by JNA, approximately twelve hundred detainees.

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b) The Ovčara farm, near Vukovar, SAO SBWS, November 1991, run by JNA, approximately three hundred detainees. c) [Removed] d) [Removed] e) The "Standard" shoe factory, the "Ciglana" factory, the Ekonomija farm, the Drinjača Dom Kulture, the Karakaj Technical School, Gero’s slaughter-house and the Čelopek Dom Kulture in Zvornik, Bosnia and Herzegovina between April and July 1992, hundreds of detainees. f) [Removed] g) The “Iskra” warehouse in the village of Podlugovi, Ilijaš municipality, “Planja’s house” in the village of Svrake, Vogošća municipality, “Sonja’s house” in Vogošća municipality, the barracks in Semizovac village, Vogošća municipality and the tire repair garage at the Vogošća crossroad in Vogošća municipality between April 1992 and September 1993, dozens of detainees. h) [Removed] i) [Removed] j) The city mortuary in Sutina, Mostar and the stadium in Vrapčići, Mostar during June 1992, more than one hundred detainees. k) The basement of the heating factory in Kilavci, Nevesinje, the resort at Boračko Jezero, Nevesinje, the primary school in Zijemlje, Nevesinje and the SUP building in Nevesinje during June 1992, more than one hundred detainees.

30. The living conditions in these detention facilities were brutal and characterised by inhumane treatment, overcrowding, starvation, forced labour, inadequate medical care and systematic physical and psychological assault, including torture, beatings and sexual assault.

By his participation in these acts, Vojislav ŠEŠELJ committed:

Count 5: [Removed]

Count 6: [Removed]

Count 7: [Removed]

Count 8: Torture, a VIOLATION OF THE LAWS OR CUSTOMS OF WAR as recognised by Common Article 3(1)(a) of the Geneva Conventions of 1949, punishable under Articles 3 and 7(1) of the Statute of the Tribunal.

Count 9: Cruel Treatment, a VIOLATION OF THE LAWS OR CUSTOMS OF WAR as recognised by Common Article 3(1)(a) of the Geneva Conventions of 1949, punishable under Articles 3 and 7(1) of the Statute of the Tribunal.


31. From on or about 1 August 1991 until May 1992 in the SAOs in Croatia and the RSK, from on or about 1 March 1992 until at least September 1993 in Bosnia and

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Herzegovina, and between May and August 1992 in parts of Vojvodina, Serbia, Vojislav ŠEŠELJ, acting individually or as a participant in a joint criminal enterprise, planned, instigated, committed, or otherwise aided and abetted in the planning, preparation, or execution of the deportation or forcible transfer of the Croat, Muslim and other non-Serb civilian populations from their legal domiciles, in Vukovar (SAO SBWS) in November 1991, in the municipality of Zvornik in Bosnia and Herzegovina between March 1992 and September 1993, in “Greater Sarajevo” in Bosnia and Herzegovina between April 1992 and September 1993, in the municipality of Nevesinje in Bosnia and Herzegovina between June 1992 and September 1993 and in parts of Vojvodina, Serbia, including the village of Hrtkovci, between May and August 1992.

32. In order to achieve this objective, Serb forces, including the “White Eagles” and “Dušan Silni”, and volunteers recruited and/or incited by Vojislav ŠEŠELJ, surrounded Croatian and Bosnian towns and villages and demanded that the inhabitants surrender their weapons, including legally owned hunting rifles. Then, the towns and villages were attacked or otherwise taken-over, even those where the inhabitants surrendered their weapons. These attacks were intended to compel the population to flee. After taking control of the towns and villages, the Serb forces sometimes rounded up the remaining Croat, Muslim and other non-Serb civilian populations and forcibly transported them to locations within Croatia or Bosnia and Herzegovina not controlled by Serbs, or deported them to locations outside Croatia or Bosnia and Herzegovina, in particular . On other occasions, Serb forces, in co-operation with the local Serb authorities, imposed restrictive and discriminatory measures on the non-Serb population and engaged in a campaign of terror designed to drive them out of the territory. The majority of the non-Serbs that remained were later deported or forcibly transferred from their homes.

33. In May 1992, Vojislav ŠEŠELJ came to Vojvodina and met with his associates in the SRS. Vojislav ŠEŠELJ instructed his associates to contact non- Serbs and threaten them with death if they did not leave the area. On 6 May 1992 Vojislav ŠEŠELJ gave an inflammatory speech in the village of Hrtkovci, Vojvodina, calling for the expulsion of Croats from the area and reading a list of individual Croat residents who should leave for Croatia. As a result of this speech, a number of Croat residents decided to leave Hrtkovci. After this speech, supporters and associates of the accused, including members of the SRS and the SČP ("Srpski Četnički Pokret"/"Serbian Chetnik Movement"), began a campaign of directed at non-Serbs, particularly Croats, in Hrtkovci. During the next three months, many non-Serbs were harassed, threatened with death and intimidated, forcing them to leave the area. Homes of Croats were looted and occupied by Serbs. Serb families who had been displaced from other parts of the former Yugoslavia often occupied the homes of those non-Serbs who had been compelled to leave. The victims of the offences enumerated in Counts 1, 10, and 11, with respect to Hrtkovci, were the non-Serb residents of Hrtkovci. Annex XI sets out the names of the victims that are known.

Case No. IT-03-67 12 07 December 2007

PURL: 25632

By his participation in these acts, Vojislav ŠEŠELJ committed:

Count 10: Deportation, a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY, punishable under Articles 5(d) and 7(1) of the Statute of the Tribunal.

Count 11: Inhumane Acts (Forcible Transfers), a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY, punishable under Articles 5(i) and 7(1) of the Statute of the Tribunal.


34. From on or about 1 August 1991 until May 1992 in the territories of the SAOs in Croatia and the RSK, from on or about 1 March 1992 until at least September 1993 in the municipalities of Zvornik, “Greater Sarajevo”, Mostar and Nevesinje in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vojislav ŠEŠELJ, acting individually or as a participant in a joint criminal enterprise, planned, ordered, instigated, committed, or otherwise aided and abetted in the planning, preparation, or execution of the wanton destruction and plunder of public and private property of the Croat, Muslim and other non-Serb populations, acts which were not justified by military necessity. This intentional and wanton destruction and plunder included the plunder and destruction of homes and religious and cultural buildings, and took place in the following towns and villages:

(a) SAO SBWS: Vukovar: (hundreds of homes destroyed and many homes plundered);

(b) Bosnia and Herzegovina: Zvornik (hundreds of homes plundered, and many mosques and other places of worship and a religious archive destroyed); “Greater Sarajevo” (homes plundered and many homes destroyed, and mosques and Catholic churches and other places of worship destroyed in the municipality of Ilijaš; homes plundered and many homes destroyed, and mosques and Catholic churches and other places of worship destroyed in the municipality of Vogošća); Mostar (many homes plundered and destroyed and several mosques destroyed) and Nevesinje (many homes plundered and destroyed and many mosques destroyed).

Case No. IT-03-67 13 07 December 2007

PURL: 25631

PURL: 25630

Schedule of Annexes Page

Annex I: Additional Historical and Political Facts 1

Annex II: (removed in accordance with the Decision of the Trial Chamber pursuant to Rule 73 bis, dated 8 November 2006) n/a

Annex III: Vukovar 20 November 1991 (Ovčara farm and Grabovo). Paragraph 20. 7

Annex IV: Vukovar (Velepromet facility). Paragraph 21. 14

Annex V: Zvornik (“Ciglana” factory, Drinjača Dom Kulture, Karakaj Technical School, Gero's slaughter-house, Čelopek Dom Kulture, and Ekonomija farm). Paragraph 22. 14

Annex VI: (removed in accordance with the Decision of the Trial Chamber pursuant to Rule 73 bis, dated 8 November 2006) n/a

Annex VII: Greater Sarajevo (Lješevo and Žuč). Paragraph 24. 15

Annex VIII: (removed in accordance with the Decision of the Trial Chamber pursuant to Rule 73 bis, dated 8 November 2006) n/a

Annex IX: Mostar (Uborak and Sutina). Paragraph 26. 16

Annex X: Nevesinje (Lipovača pit and “Teleća Lastva” and Zijemlje pit). Paragraph 27. 19

Annex XI: Hrtkovci (known victims). Paragraph 33. 21

Case No. 03-67-T 7 December 2007 PURL: 25629



1. In advance of the 1990 elections, the nationalistic Serbian Democratic Party (“SDS”), which advocated the autonomy and later secession of predominately-Serb areas from Croatia, was founded in Knin. Vojislav ŠEŠELJ maintained contact with the leaders of the SDS. He attended meetings of the SDS and took part in SDS political events.

2. On 25 July 1990, a group of SDS leaders established the Serbian National Council (“SNC”), adopting a Declaration on Autonomy and the Position of Serbs in Croatia, and on the Sovereignty and Autonomy of the Serbian Nation.

3. On 30 July 1990, during the SNC’s first constituent session, a referendum, which would confirm the autonomy and sovereignty of the Serb nation in Croatia, was scheduled.

4. On 17 August 1990, Serbs in Knin put up barricades after the Croatian government declared the referendum illegal.

5. Between 19 August and 2 September 1990, Croatian Serbs held a referendum on the issue of Serb “sovereignty and autonomy” in Croatia. The vote took place in predominately Serb areas of Croatia and was limited only to Serb voters. Croats who lived in the affected region were barred from participating in the referendum. The result of the vote was overwhelmingly in support of Serb autonomy. On 30 September 1990, the SNC declared “the autonomy of the Serbian people on ethnic and historic territories on which it lives and which are within the current boundaries of the Republic of Croatia as a federal unit of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia”.

6. On 21 December 1990, Croatian Serbs in Knin announced the creation of a “Serbian Autonomous District” (SAO) of Krajina and subsequently declared their independence from Croatia. 7. On 7 January 1991, the Serbian National Council (SNC) for Slavonia, Baranja and Western Srem ("SBWS") was formed in Šidski Banovci. 8. Conflicts between armed Serbs and Croatian police forces erupted throughout the Spring of 1991.

9. In March 1991, the conflict intensified with clashes in and Plitvice. At Plitvice on 31 March 1991, Serbs attacked a bus carrying Croatian policemen and another battle erupted. The JNA deployed troops in the area and issued an ultimatum to the Croatian police to withdraw from Plitvice. Vojislav ŠEŠELJ and some of his volunteers took part in the events in Plitvice, SAO Krajina. In discussions with the JNA officers he introduced himself as “Vojvoda”. He made extreme nationalistic speeches inciting the local population to engage in violence against the Croatian police.

10. On 1 April 1991, the Executive Council of the SAO Krajina adopted a resolution to incorporate the SAO Krajina into the Republic of Serbia. At the same time the SAO Krajina recognised the constitution and laws of Serbia as well as the

Annex I 1 Vojislav [e{elj PURL: 25628


SFRY constitutional-legal system and decided that the laws and regulations of Serbia applied throughout the territory.

11. In the end of April 1991, armed local Serbs assisted by Šešelj's men and other Serbian volunteers erected barricades in the village of Borovo Selo near Vukovar. On 1 May 1991, these armed Serbs took hostage a number of Croatian policemen who were sent to restore law and order in Borovo Selo. On 2 May, the Croatian police authorities in Osijek sent a larger group of heavily armed policemen to Borovo Selo to free the hostages. Local armed Serbs assisted by Šešelj's men and other Serbian volunteers ambushed this group of policemen. Twelve Croatian policemen were killed and twenty injured in the fighting.

12. On 12 May 1991, a referendum was held in the SAO Krajina, Slavonia, Baranja and Western Srem concerning the annexation of these regions to Serbia and the consolidation of these regions in Yugoslavia with Serbia, Montenegro and others that wished to preserve Yugoslavia. The annexation was supported by 99.8% of those who voted.

13. On 19 May 1991, Croatia held a referendum in which the electorate voted overwhelmingly for independence from the SFRY. On 25 June 1991, Croatia and the Republic of declared their independence from the SFRY. On 25 June 1991, the JNA moved to suppress Slovenia’s secession.

14. On 25 June 1991, the “Great National Assembly of SBWS” was formed in Bačka Palanka, Serbia at a meeting attended by representatives of all the Serb villages in the SBWS. The Great National Assembly decided that the region of SBWS was to be constituted as SAO SBWS and was to secede from Croatia. Goran Had‘ić, until then President of the SNC, was elected Prime Minister designate. 15. The European Community sought to mediate in the conflict. On 8 July 1991, an agreement was reached that Croatia and Slovenia would suspend implementation of their independence until 8 October 1991. The European Community ultimately recognised Croatia as an independent state on 15 January 1992.

16. On 18 July 1991, the Federal Presidency, with the support of the Serbian and Montenegrin governments and General KADIJEVIĆ, voted to withdraw the JNA from Slovenia, thereby acceding to its secession and the dissolution of the SFRY.

17. The Serbs in the Krajina region, in Eastern Slavonia and in Western Slavonia, began receiving increasing support from the government of Serbia and the JNA. By August 1991, local Serb Territorial Defence, volunteer and police forces in these regions were being supplied, trained and partly led by the JNA and officials of the Serbian MUP. Throughout August and September 1991, large areas in Croatia came under Serb control as a result of actions by Serb military forces, including “Šešelj’s men”, the “White Eagles”, and police forces.

18. During this period Vojislav ŠEŠELJ constantly appealed to the public to join the war effort. He visited the frontlines on numerous occasions and held meetings with the local Serb leaders.

Annex I 2 Vojislav [e{elj PURL: 25627


19. In the Serb occupied regions in Krajina, Slavonia, Baranja and Western Srem, the Croatian and other non-Serb populations were systematically driven out and the areas were incorporated into the various “Serbian Autonomous Districts” as specified above. The JNA remained deployed in the areas where the Serb insurgents had taken control, thereby securing their gains.

20. On 13 August 1991, the West Slavonian members of the presidency of the SDS of Slavonia held a session in Pakrac at which it was decided to declare the establishment of the "Serbian Autonomous District" ("SAO") Western Slavonia. The ethnic distribution of the population was used as the criteria for defining the territory of SAO Western Slavonia. The municipalities included in the SAO Western Slavonia were those whose representatives were present at the above session of the SDS Regional Board: Pakrac, , Grubišno Polje, Podravska Slatina, Okučani, and parts of the Slavonska Požega and Orahovica municipalities. In these areas Serbs represented 50% or more of the total population.

21. In August 1991, Serb forces, led by the JNA, undertook operations against towns in Eastern Slavonia, resulting in their occupation. The Croat and other non- Serb populations of these areas were forcibly expelled. In late August, Serb forces laid siege to the city of Vukovar. By mid-October 1991, all other predominately Croat towns in Eastern Slavonia had been taken over by Serb forces except Vukovar. Non-Serbs were subjected to a brutal occupation regime consisting of persecution, murder, torture and other acts of violence. A large portion of the non-Serb population was eventually killed or forced from the occupied areas.

22. The siege of Vukovar continued until 18 November 1991 when the city fell to the Serb forces. During the course of the three-month siege, the city was largely destroyed by JNA shelling and hundreds of persons were killed. When the Serb forces occupied the city, hundreds of Croats were killed by Serb forces. Most of the non-Serb population of the city was expelled within days of its fall under Serb control.

23. In Geneva on 23 November 1991, Slobodan MILOŠEVIĆ, Federal Secretary of People’s Defence Veljko KADIJEVIĆ, and Franjo TUĐMAN entered into an agreement signed under the auspices of the Special Envoy . This agreement called for the lifting of blockades by Croatian forces on JNA barracks and for the withdrawal of JNA forces from Croatia. Both sides committed themselves to an immediate cease-fire throughout Croatia by units “under their command, control, or political influence” and further bound themselves to ensure that any paramilitary or irregular units associated with their forces would also observe the cease-fire.

24. On 19 December 1991, the SAO Krajina proclaimed itself the Republic of Serbian Krajina ("RSK") with Milan Babić as its first President. On 26 February 1992, the SAO Western Slavonia and SAO SBWS joined it in unilateral declarations by these entities.

25. Under the , three United Nations Protected Areas (UNPAs) were created (Krajina, Western Slavonia, SBWS), corresponding with four Sectors (South, North, West and East) in the areas occupied by Serb forces. The Vance Plan called

Annex I 3 Vojislav [e{elj PURL: 25626


for the withdrawal of the JNA from Croatia, the return of displaced persons to their homes in the UNPAs, and the demilitarisation of these UNPAs. Although the JNA officially withdrew from Croatia in May 1992, large portions of its weaponry and personnel remained in the Serb-held areas and were turned over to the “police” of the RSK. Displaced persons were not allowed to return to their homes and those few Croats and other non-Serbs who had remained in the Serb-occupied areas were expelled in the following months and years.

26. The Serb held territories in the RSK remained under Serb control until early May and early August 1995, respectively. In early May 1995, during , the Croatian authorities re-established control over Western Slavonia. In early August 1995, the Serb political and military leadership left most of Croatian territory during a massive Croatian operation. This operation, commonly referred to as “”, restored Croatian control over most of the RSK territory. The remaining areas of Serb control in Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Srem were peacefully re-integrated into Croatia in 1998.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

27. In November 1990, multi-party elections were held in Bosnia and Herzegovina. At the Republic level, the SDA (“Stranka Demokratske Akcije – Party of Democratic Action), the party of the Bosnian Muslims, won 86 seats; the SDS, the party of the Bosnian Serbs, won 72 seats and the HDZ (Hrvatska demokratska zajednica - Croatian Democratic Community) won 44 seats in the Assembly.

28. The central idea within the SDS political platform, as articulated by its leaders, including Radovan KARADŽIĆ, Momčilo KRAJIŠNIK and Biljana PLAVŠIĆ, was the unification of all Serbs within one state. The SDS regarded the separation of Bosnia and Herzegovina from the SFRY as a threat to the interests of the Serbs.

29. The results of the November 1990 elections meant that, as time went on, the SDS would be unable through peaceful means to keep Bosnia and Herzegovina in what was becoming a Serb-dominated Yugoslavia. As a result, Serb people within certain areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with Serb majorities, began to organise themselves into formal regional structures that they referred to as “Associations of Municipalities.” In April 1991 the Association of Municipalities of Bosnian Krajina, centred in Banja Luka, was formed.

30. From Autumn 1991, the JNA began to withdraw its forces out of Croatia. Forces under the control of the JNA began to re-deploy in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Many of these troops were deployed to areas in which there was no garrison or other JNA facility.

31. As the war continued in Croatia it appeared increasingly likely that Bosnia and Herzegovina would also declare its independence from the SFRY. The SDS, realising it could not prevent the secession of Bosnia and Herzegovina from the SFRY, began the creation of a separate Serbian entity within Bosnia and Herzegovina. During the period from September to November 1991, several Serbian Autonomous Regions (SAO) were formed, some of them on the basis of the Associations of Municipalities referred to above.

Annex I 4 Vojislav [e{elj PURL: 25625


32. On 12 September 1991, the Serbian Autonomous Region of Herzegovina was proclaimed. On 16 September 1991, the Assembly of the Association of Municipalities of Bosnian Krajina proclaimed the Autonomous Region of Krajina. By 21 November 1991, the Serbian Autonomous Regions and Autonomous Regions consisted of the Autonomous Region of Krajina, the SAO Herzegovina, the SAO Romanija-Birač, the SAO Semberija, and the SAO Northern Bosnia.

33. On 15 October 1991, at the meeting of the SDS Party Council, a decision was made to form a separate assembly entitled the “Assembly of the Serbian People of Bosnia and Herzegovina” to secure Serb interests.

34. On 24 October 1991, the Assembly of the Serbian People in Bosnia and Herzegovina, dominated by the SDS, decided to conduct a “Plebiscite of the Serbian People in Bosnia and Herzegovina” in order to decide whether to stay in the common state of Yugoslavia with Serbia, Montenegro, the Serbian Autonomous Region of Krajina, SAO Western Slavonia and SAO Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Srem.

35. On 9 and 10 November 1991, the Bosnian Serbs held the plebiscite. The results overwhelmingly showed that the Bosnian Serbs wanted to stay in Yugoslavia.

36. On 11 December 1991, the Assembly of the Serbian People made a request to the JNA to protect with all available means as “integral parts of the State of Yugoslavia” the territories of Bosnia and Herzegovina in which the plebiscite of the Serbian people and other citizens on remaining in a joint Yugoslav state had been conducted.

37. On 9 January 1992, the Assembly of the Serbian People of Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted a declaration on the Proclamation of the Serbian Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The territory of that republic was declared to include “the territories of the Serbian Autonomous Regions and Districts and of other Serbian ethnic entities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, including the regions in which the Serbian people remained in the minority due to the genocide conducted against it in World War Two”, and it was declared to be a part of the federal Yugoslav state. On 12 August 1992, the name of the Bosnian Serb Republic was changed to Republika Srpska.

38. From 29 February to 2 March 1992, Bosnia and Herzegovina held a referendum on independence. At the urging of the SDS, the majority of Bosnian Serbs boycotted the vote. The referendum resulted in a pro-independence majority.

39. On 27 March 1992, the Serbian Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina was formally proclaimed in Pale.

40. From March 1992 onwards, Serb regular and irregular forces seized control of territories within Bosnia and Herzegovina, including those specified in this indictment.

Annex I 5 Vojislav [e{elj PURL: 25624


41. On 6 April 1992, the United States and the European Community formally recognized the independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

42. On 27 April 1992, Serbia and Montenegro proclaimed a new Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and declared it the successor state of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

43. On 15 May 1992, the United Nations Security Council, in its resolution number 752, demanded that all interference from outside Bosnia and Herzegovina by units of the JNA as well as elements of the ("HV") cease immediately and that those units either be withdrawn, be subjected to the authority of the Government of the Republic, or be disbanded and disarmed.

44. Vojislav ŠEŠELJ visited Bosnia and Herzegovina before and during the period of the armed conflict to boost the morale of the participants. In October 1991, he visited Serb soldiers in gathered in preparation for the attack on Dubrovnik. In May and August 1992, he visited Gacko and Zvornik, respectively. In May 1993, he gave a speech in Banja Luka.

45. In September 1993 Vojislav ŠEŠELJ had a conflict with Slobodan MILOŠEVIĆ during which he challenged MILOŠEVIĆ’s leadership and called for a vote of “no confidence” in the government of Serbia. Between October and November 1993, dozens of Vojislav ŠEŠELJ's Chetnik volunteers were arrested in Serbia and charged with war crimes and other offences.

Annex I 6 Vojislav [e{elj PURL: 25623

ANNEX III Vukovar 20 November 1991 (Ovčara farm and Grabovo) Paragraph 20.

Unless otherwise indicated, all victims listed in this Schedule were male.


AD@AGA, Jozo 1949 AHMETOVI], Ismet-Ivo 1968 ANDRIJANI], Vinko 1953 ANI]-ANTI], Jadranko 1959 ARNOLD, Kre{imir 1958 ASA\ANIN, Ilija 1952 BABI], Dra`en 1966 BAINRAUCH, Ivan 1956 BAJNRAUH, Tomislav 1938 BAKETA, Goran 1960 BALA[, Stjepan 1956 BALOG, Dragutin 1974 BALOG, Josip 1928 BALOG, Zvonimir 1958 BALVANAC, \uro 1952 BANO@I], Boris 1967 BARANJAJI, Pero 1968 BARBARI], Branko 1967 BARBIR, Lovro 1935 BARI^EVI], @eljko 1965 BARI[I], Franjo 1946 BARTA, An|elko 1967 BATARELO, Josip 1947 BATARELO, @eljko 1955 BAUMGERTNER, Tomislav 1972 BEG^EVI], Marko 1968 BEGOV, @eljko 1958 , Stjepan 1958 BJELANOVI], Ringo 1970 BLA[KOVI], Miroslav 1959 BLA@EVI], Zlatko 1964 BODRO@I], Ante 1953 BOSAK, Marko 1967 BOSANAC, Dragutin 1919 BOSANAC, Tomislav 1941 BO[NJAKOV, Josip 1960 BARI], Duka 1950

Case No. IT-03-67-T 7 7 December 2007 PURL: 25622

Annex III Vukovar 20 November 1991 (Ovčara farm and Grabovo) Paragraph 20.

BO@AK, Ivan 1958 BRA^I], Zvonimir 1970 BRADARI], Josip 1949 BRAJDI], Josip 1950 BUOVAC, Ivan 1966 BU@I], Zvonko 1955 CRNJAC, Ivan 1966 ^ALETA, Zvonimir 1953 ^OLAK, Ivica 1965 ^UPI], Mladen 1967 ^UPI], Stanoja 1953 DALI], Tihomir 1966 DOLI[NI, Ivica 1960 DO[EN, Ivan 1958 DO[EN, Martin 1952 DO[EN, Tadija 1950 DRAGUN, Josip 1962 DUVNJAK, Stanko 1959 \U\AR, Sa{a 1968 \UKI], Vladimir 1948 EBNER, Vinko-\uro 1961 FIRI, Ivan 1915 FITU[, Karlo 1964 FRI[^I], Dragutin 1958 FURUND@IJA, Petar 1949 GAJDA, Robert 1966 GALI], Milenko 1965 GALI], Vedran 1973 GARVANOVI], Borislav 1954 GA[PAR, Zorislav 1971 GAVRI], Dragan 1956 GLAVA[EVI], Sini{a 1960 GOJANI, Jozo 1966 GOLAC, Krunoslav 1959 GRAF, Branislav 1955 GRANI], Dragan 1960

Case No. IT-03-67-T 8 7 December 2007 PURL: 25621

Annex III Vukovar 20 November 1991 (Ovčara farm and Grabovo) Paragraph 20.

GREJZA, Milan 1959 GRUBER, Zoran 1969 GUDELJ, Drago 1940 HEGEDU[I], Tomislav 1953 HEGEDU[I], Mario 1972 HERCEG, @eljko 1962 HERMAN, Ivan 1969 HERMAN, Stjepan 1955 HLEVNJAK, Nedeljko 1964 HOLJEVAC, Nikica 1955 HORVAT, Ivica 1958 HORVAT, Viktor 1949 HUSNJAK, Nedjeljko 1969 ILE[, Zvonko 1941 IMBRI[I], Ivica 1957 IVAN, Zlatko 1955 IVEZI], Aleksander 1950 JAJALO, Marko 1957 JAKUBOVSKI, Martin 1971 JAL[OVEC, Ljubomir 1957 JAMBOR, Tomo 1966 JANI], Mihael 1939 JANJI], Borislav 1956 JANTOL, Boris 1959 JARABEK, Zlatko 1956 JEZID@I], Ivica 1957 JOVAN, Zvonimir 1967 JOVANOVI], Branko 1955 JOVANOVI], Oliver 1972 JULARI], Goran 1971 JURELA, Damir 1969 JURELA, @eljko 1956 JURENDI], Drago 1966 JURI[I], Marko 1946 JURI[I], Pavao 1966 JURI[I], @eljko 1963

Case No. IT-03-67-T 9 7 December 2007 PURL: 25620

Annex III Vukovar 20 November 1991 (Ovčara farm and Grabovo) Paragraph 20.

KA^I], Igor 1975 KAPUSTI], Josip 1965 KELAVA, Kre{imir 1953 KIRALJ, Damir 1964 KIRALJ, Damir 1959 KITI], Goran 1966 KNE@I], \uro 1937 KOLAK, Tomislav 1962 KOLAK, Vladimir 1966 KOLOGRANI], Du{ko 1950 KOMORSKI, Ivan 1952 KOSTENAC, Bono 1942 KOSTOVI], Borislav 1962 KO[IR, Bo`idar 1957 KOVA], Ivan 1953 KOVA], Mladen 1958 KOVA^EVI], Zoran 1962 KOVA^I], Damir 1970 KO@UL, Josip 1968 KRAJINOVI], Ivan 1966 KRAJINOVI], Zlatko 1969 KRASI], Ivan 1964 KREZO, Ivica 1963 KRISTI^EVI], Kazimir 1959 KRI@AN, Drago 1957 KRUNE[, Branimir 1966 LEN\EL, Tomislav 1957 LEN\EL, Zlatko 1949 LEROTI], Zvonimir 1960 LESI], Tomislav 1950 LET, Mihajlo 1956 LILI, Dragutin 1951 LJUBAS, Hrvoje 1971 LON^AR, Tihomir 1955 LOVRI], Joko 1968 LOVRI], Jozo 1953 LUCI], Marko 1954 LUKENDA, Branko 1961 LUKI], Mato 1963

Case No. IT-03-67-T 10 7 December 2007 PURL: 25619

Annex III Vukovar 20 November 1991 (Ovčara farm and Grabovo) Paragraph 20.

MAGDI], Mile 1953 MAGO^, Predrag 1965 MAJI], Robert 1971 MAJOR, @eljko 1960 MANDI], Marko 1953 MARI^I], Zdenko 1956 MARIJANOVI], Martin 1959 MARKOBA[I], Ru`ica 1959 MA@AR, Ivan 1934 ME\E[I, Andrija 1936 ME\E[I, Zoran 1940 MERI], Ohran 1956 MIHALEC, Josip 1926 MIHOVI], Tomislav 1952 MIKLETI], Josip 1952 MIKULI], Zdravko 1961 MIKULI], Zvonko 1969 MILI], Slavko 1955 MILJAK, Zvonimir 1950 MI[I], Ivan 1968 MLINARI], Mile 1966 MOKO[, Andrija 1955 MOLNAR, Aleksandar 1965 MUTVAR, Antun 1969 NA\, Darko 1965 NA\, Franjo 1935 NEJA[MI], Ivan 1958 NICOLLIER, Jean Michael 1966 OMEROVI], Mersad 1970 ORE[KI, Ivan 1950 ORE[KI, Vladislav 1967 PAPP, Tomislav 1963 PATARI], @eljko 1959 PAVLI], Slobodan 1965 PAVLOVI], Zlatko 1963 PERAK, Mato 1961 PERKO, Aleksandar 1967 PERKOVI], Damir 1965 PERKOVI], Josip 1963 PETROVI], Stjepan 1949

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Annex III Vukovar 20 November 1991 (Ovčara farm and Grabovo) Paragraph 20.

PINTER, Nikola 1940 PLAV[I], Ivan 1939 POLJAK, Vjekoslav 1951 POLHERT, Damir 1962 POLOVINA, Branimir 1950 POSAVEC, Stanko 1952 POTHORSKI,Janja 1931/FEMALE PRAVDI], Tomo 1934 PRPI], Tomislav 1959 PUCAR, Dmitar 1949 RADA]I], Ivan 1955 RAGU@, Ivan 1955 RA[I], Milan 1954 RATKOVI], Kre{imir 1968 RIBI^I], Marko 1951 RIMAC, Salvador 1960 ROHA^EK, Karlo 1942 ROHA^EK, @eljko 1971 SAITI, ]eman 1960 SAMARD@I], Damjan 1946 SAVANOVI], Tihomir 1964 SEN^I], Ivan 1964 [IMENI], Damir 1965 [IMUNI], Pero 1943 SOTINAC, Stipan 1939 SPUDI], Pavao 1965 STANI], Marko 1958 STANI], @eljko 1968 STEFANKO, Petar 1942 STOJANOVI], Ivan 1949 STUBI^AR, Ljubomir 1954 [AJTOVI], Davor 1961 [AJTOVI], Martin 1914 [ARIK, Stjepan 1955 [A[KIN, Sead 1960 [INDILJ, Vjekoslav 1971 [RENK, \uro 1943 [TEFULJ, Dra`en 1963 TABA^EK, Antun 1958 TADI], Tadija 1959 TARLE, Dujo 1950 TEREK, Antun 1940 TI[LJARI], Darko 1971 TIVANOVAC, Ivica 1963

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Annex III Vukovar 20 November 1991 (Ovčara farm and Grabovo) Paragraph 20.

TOMA[I], Tihomir 1963 TORDINAC, @eljko 1961 TOT, Tomislav 1967 TRALJI], Tihomir 1967 TURK, Miroslav 1950 TURK, Petar 1947 TUSTONJI], Dane 1959 TU[KAN, Dra`en 1966 U[AK, Branko 1958 VAGENHOFER, Mirko 1937 VARENICA, Zvonko 1957 VARGA, Vladimir 1944 VEBER, Sini{a 1969 VIDO[, Goran 1960 VIRGES, Antun 1953 VLAHO, Mate 1959 VLAHO, Miroslav 1967 VOLODER, Zlatan 1960 VON BASINGGER, Harllan 1971 VUJEVI], Zlatko 1951 VUKOJEVI], Slaven 1970 VUKOVI], Rudolf 1961 VUKOVI], Vladimir 1957 VUKOVI], Zdravko 1967 VULI], Ivan 1946 VULI], Vid 1941 VULI], Zvonko 1971 ZERA, Mihajlo 1955 ZELJKO, Josip 1953 @ERAVICA, Dominik 1959 @IVKOVI], Damir 1970 @IVKOVI], Goran 1960 @UGEC, Borislav 1963

Case No. IT-03-67-T 13 7 December 2007 PURL: 25616




All victims listed in this Schedule were male.

NAME YEAR OF BIRTH CRK, Karlo 1942 GOLAC, Krunoslav 1959 MATOUŠEK, René 1958 MIHALJEVIĆ, Nikola 1950 SLUGANOVIĆ, Juro or Đuro 1938 VLADISAVLJEVIĆ, Zdravko 1971


VICTIMS FROM ČELOPEK DOM KULTURE, ZVORNIK PARAGRAPH 22 All victims listed in this Schedule were male. Crime site Name of victim Year of birth or and other identifying data Ekonomia Farm Bego BUKVIĆ 12 - 20 May 1992 Husein ČIRAK Remizija SOFTIĆ Abdulah BULJUBAŠIĆ

Ciglana Factory Ismet ČIRAK Village of Grobovći or June or July 1992 Grabavca

Case No. 03-67-T 14 Vojislav [e{elj PURL: 25615


DATE LOCATION VICTIMS YEAR OF BIRTH/SEX June 1992. LJE[EVO FAZLI], Suljo 1933/MALE FAZLI], Munira 1935/FEMALE FAZLI], Hasan 1945/MALE FAZLI], Arif 1958/MALE FAZLI], Safet 1953/MALE FAZLI], Ibrahim 1948/MALE FAZLI], Huso 1927/MALE FAZLI], Amir 1964/MALE MASNOPITA, Munir 1945/MALE MASNOPITA, Fadil 1933/MALE MASNOPITA, Mehmed 1940/MALE MASNOPITA, Husnija 1921/FEMALE MASNOPITA, Mujo 1951/MALE MASNOPITA, Jasmin 1955/MALE MASNOPITA, Mensud 1947/MALE SULJI], Zubejda 1930/FEMALE NUHI], Nijaz 1961/MALE AVDUKI], ]amil 1935/MALE AVDUKI], Izet 1963/MALE KARAVDI], Asim 1940/MALE OMANOVI], Arif 1949/MALE FAZLI], Meho 1923/MALE


Case No. 03-67-T 15 Vojislav [e{elj PURL: 25614


UBORAK YEAR OF BIRTH/SEX ]ORI], Hajro 1956/MALE BENCA, Ned`ad 1970/MALE SMAJI], Hajdo 1938/MALE OSMANOVI], Enver 1955/MALE DELAGI], Admir 1970/MALE KELECIJA, Salko 1953/MALE [AKRAK, Ferid 1954/MALE ALI], Meho 1962/MALE KO[PO, Asim 1934/MALE NUHI], Mujo 1931/MALE MEZET, Enes 1960/MALE ]ORI], Himzo 1958/MALE KANI@A, Jusuf 1928/MALE MRKONJI], [emsudin 1947/MALE SAL^IN, Ned`ad 1953/MALE ZADRO, Petar 1915/MALE RAHIMI], Meho 1936/MALE KORDI], Ljubo 1921/MALE MANJURA, Mehmed 1938/MALE JAZVIN, Salih 1943/MALE SINANOVI], Bego 1943/MALE SAL^IN, Osman 1933/MALE MIHALJ, Stjepan 1925/MALE MIHALJ, Marko 1929/MALE PEHILJ, Mujo 1945/MALE JURI], Jelka 1940/FEMALE HASI], Omer 1953/MALE SAL^IN, Enver 1947/MALE JUR^I], Kre{imir 1930/MALE ]ORI], Smajo 1930/MALE SIMID@IJA, Muhamed 1955/MALE JURI], Danica 1949/FEMALE POL^I], Be}ir 1941/MALE [KEGRO, Sofija 1940/FEMALE ^ULJAK, [tefa 1932/FEMALE OMANOVI], Alija 1928/MALE JAPALAK, Salko 1927/MALE DELALI], Fadil 1936/MALE BUBALO, Husein 1936/MALE ZUKI], Mehmed 1938/MALE HAD@IHAJRI], Hamdija 1937/MALE

Case No. 03-67-T 16 Vojislav [e{elj PURL: 25613


UBORAK YEAR OF BIRTH/SEX RAHIMI], Semir 1953/MALE TURKI], Salko 1934/MALE DU@EVI], Mile 1926/MALE BLA@EVI], Stjepan 1954/MALE HAJRIZAJ, Bajram 1940/MALE MIKULI], Dragica 1938/FEMALE KELECIJA, Ibro 1932/MALE PUCE, Mustafa 1961/MALE DUMPOR, Omer 1958/MALE MARI], Ramo 1966/MALE PRSKALO, Ivan 1936/MALE HASI], Tid`a 1957/FEMALE PUZI], Sead 1949/MALE KOKOTOVI], @eljko 1968/MALE KLEPO, Ferid 1949/MALE ^ARAPINA, Petar 1929/MALE KUKO, Ibro 1956/MALE BU[I], Stjepan 1948/MALE JAPALAK, Ibrahim 1939/MALE OMANOVI], Bajro 1945/MALE BREKALO, Hava 1914/FEMALE KUKO, Ramo 1930/MALE GUBELJI], Zaim 1933/MALE KORDI], Mara 1923/FEMALE KARABEG, Salih 1943/MALE ALIBEGOVI], D`afer 1941/MALE KASALO, Hasan 1929/MALE KASALO, Aid 1961/MALE KASALO, Adis 1963/MALE SLIPI^EVI], Esad 1950/MALE [ESTI], Miralem 1952/MALE JURI], Mario 1968/MALE JUKLO, Mirzo 1965/MALE JUKLO, Enes 1958/MALE JUKLO, Jasmin 1975/MALE ISI], Safet 1953/MALE KREMO, Husein 1925/MALE SEFI], Edin 1952/MALE SEFI], Sa{a 1976/MALE DELI], Fuad 1946/MALE

Case No. 03-67-T 17 Vojislav [e{elj PURL: 25612


SUTINA YEAR OF BIRTH/SEX BESLIMAJ, Beslim 1940/MALE BO[KOVI], Dane 1942/MALE ^ATI], Mirsad 1950/MALE JERKI], Vice 1937/MALE KOVA^EVI], Zurahid 45 years old/MALE KUKO, Senad 1956/MALE MANDURI], Ljubo 1936/MALE MILETI], Ilija 1945/MALE OMERIKA, Hajdar 1942/MALE RO@I], Ante 1935/MALE RO@I], Petar 1918/MALE RED@EP, Ivan 52 years old/MALE SELAK, Ekrem 1949/MALE SIMID@IJA, Murat 1952/MALE SUNJI], Ivan -/MALE ZADRO, Pero -/MALE

Case No. 03-67-T 18 Vojislav [e{elj PURL: 25611

Annex X Nevesinje June 1992. Paragraph 27.


Case No. IT-03-67-T 19 7 December 2007 PURL: 25610

Annex X Nevesinje June 1992. Paragraph 27.


ZIJEMLJE BARALIJA, Hamid 1953/MALE BRAJEVIĆ, Juso 1935/MALE CATIĆ, Mujo 1954/MALE CATIĆ, Ibro 1922/MALE CATIĆ, Đulsa 1928/FEMALE CATIĆ, Ema or Emina 1954/FEMALE

Case No. IT-03-67-T 20 7 December 2007 PURL: Annex XI Hrtkovci (known victims) Paragraph 33. (Annex A to the Expert Report of Ewa Tabeau (65ter Exhibit 2,859)) Number Surname FirstName Father's Name DoB Sex Departure Destination Source

Number Surname FirstName Father's Name DoB Sex Departure Destination Source 1 AKRAP ANTO IVAN 03.08.8932 Man 15.12.1992 CROATIA Refugees 2 AKRAP GORDANA TOMISLAV 30.04.1962 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 3 AKRAP IVAN ANTE 28.04.1960 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 4 AKRAP KATA ANTUN 22.09.1961 Woman 13.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 5 AKRAP MARIJA MARKO 02.01.1935 Woman 15.12.1992 CROATIA Refugees 6 AKRAP PETAR IVAN 29.06.1983 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 7 AKRAPOVIC ANKICA MARKO 15.05.1952 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 8 AKRAPOVIC FRANO MATO 04.10.1941 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 9 AKRAPOVIC IVAN FRANO 11.06.1974 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 10 AKRAPOVIC IVAN IVO 25.10.0945 Man 15.08.1992 CROATIA Refugees 11 AKRAPOVIC JULISA IVAN 21.11.1954 Woman 15.08.1992 CROATIA Refugees 12 AKRAPOVIC KRISTIJAN IVAN 29.03.3978 Man 15.08.1992 CROATIA Refugees 13 AKRAPOVIC KRUNOSLAV IVAN 08.09.9981 Man 15.08.1992 CROATIA Refugees 14 AKRAPOVIC MARINA IVAN 29.10.0973 Woman 15.08.1992 CROATIA Refugees 15 AKRAPOVIC MARIO IVAN 11.04.4976 Man 15.08.1992 CROATIA Refugees 16 AKRAPOVIC NADA BOGOSAV 05.11.1948 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers UL PURL: 17 AKRAPOVIC STIPO STIPO 28.10.1910 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 18 ANDRASEK ALISA FRANJO 02.04.1972 Woman 13.03.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 19 BALIND KAROLINA KARALJ 21.06.1984 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 20 BALIND TEREZIJA Woman 1992 YUGOSLAVI FamHeads 21 BALIND ZELJKO KARALJ 25.12.1977 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 22 BALOG DAVID LADISLAV 25.01.1989 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 23 BALOG KRISTINA JOSIP 15.03.1930 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads

Page_00021 24 BALOG LADISLAV ALEKSA 09.08.1957 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads Annex XI Page 1 of 28 25609 Annex XI Hrtkovci (known victims) Paragraph 33. (Annex A to the Expert Report of Ewa Tabeau (65ter Exhibit 2,859)) Number Surname FirstName Father's Name DoB Sex Departure Destination Source 25 BALOG LADISLAV LADISLAV 09.12.1982 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 26 BALOG VLADISLAV ALEKSA 09.08.1957 Man 15.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 27 BARANJ IVAN IVAN 13.09.1934 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 28 BARANJ MARCELA MIHALJ 27.02.1933 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 29 BARANJI BOJAN KARLO 03.09.1987 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 30 BARANJI IGOR KARLO 06.11.1982 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 31 BARANJI KARLO IVAN 26.11.1958 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 32 BARANJI MARIJA MARKO 17.08.1964 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 33 BARIC ALEKSANDR PETAR 05.10.1970 Woman 11.08.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 34 BARIC ANA NIKOLA 23.01.1961 Woman 06.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 35 BARIC ANA STJEPAN 04.06.1952 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 36 BARIC ANTUN NIKOLA 24.05.1957 Man 06.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 37 BARIC ANTUN PETAR 06.06.1945 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 38 BARIC DARIO IVAN 15.12.1976 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 39 BARIC DURO NIKOLA 11.08.1949 Man 06.06.1992 CROATIA Christenings 40 BARIC GORAN DURO 26.08.1972 Man 06.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 41 BARIC HRVOJE IVAN 05.01.1982 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 42 BARIC IVAN SLAVKO 10.12.1951 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads UL PURL: 43 BARIC IVANA KATICA 16.09.1982 Woman 12.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 44 BARIC IVANA RADE 16.09.1982 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 45 BARIC JULKA ANDRIJA 03.10.1943 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 46 BARIC KATA PAVLE 06.07.1959 Woman 10.05.1992 CROATIA Christenings 47 BARIC LJILJANA DURO 29.07.1984 Woman 06.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 48 BARIC LJUBICA VLADO 13.05.1945 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 49 BARIC MAJA ZELJKO 21.02.1983 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers

Page_00022 50 BARIC MARIJA IVAN 13.10.1955 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers Annex XI Page 2 of 28 25608 Annex XI Hrtkovci (known victims) Paragraph 33. (Annex A to the Expert Report of Ewa Tabeau (65ter Exhibit 2,859)) Number Surname FirstName Father's Name DoB Sex Departure Destination Source 51 BARIC MARIJA NIKOLA 12.05.1961 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 52 BARIC MARIJA PAVLE 16.07.1930 Woman 22.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 53 BARIC MARKO FRANJO 08.03.1955 Man 10.07.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 54 BARIC NIKOLA Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 55 BARIC PAVAO FRANJO 06.12.1915 Man 22.05.1992 CROATIA Marriages 56 BARIC PETAR ANTUN 13.10.1976 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 57 BARIC PETAR JOSIP 17.10.1943 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 58 BARIC PETAR STJEPAN 08.10.1920 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 59 BARIC PREDRAG ANTUN 15.08.1978 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 60 BARIC SANJA IVAN 11.12.1978 Woman 06.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 61 BARIC STIPAN MATA 08.08.1944 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 62 BARIC TOMO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 63 BARIC VINKO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 64 BARIC VLATKO IVAN 08.04.1961 Man 05.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 65 BARIC ZELIMIR PETAR 01.08.1975 Man 11.08.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 66 BARIC ZELJKA ZELJKO 02.10.1980 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 67 BARIC ZELJKO PAVLE 11.09.1957 Man 08.05.1992 CROATIA Christenings 68 BARIC ZVONKO NIKOLA 04.11.1937 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads UL PURL: 69 BARICEVIC FRANJO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 70 BARICEVIC KATICA IVAN 01.04.1956 Woman 16.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 71 BARISIC DARKO ZDENKO 19.01.1983 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 72 BARISIC JASNA PETAR 09.07.1960 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 73 BARISIC MATIJA PETAR 21.03.1930 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 74 BARISIC ROZA NIKOLA 31.03.1933 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 75 BARISIC ZDENKA ZDENKO 29.06.1980 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers

Page_00023 76 BARISIC ZDENKO MATIJA 25.05.1957 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads Annex XI Page 3 of 28 25607 Annex XI Hrtkovci (known victims) Paragraph 33. (Annex A to the Expert Report of Ewa Tabeau (65ter Exhibit 2,859)) Number Surname FirstName Father's Name DoB Sex Departure Destination Source 77 BARTOK GABOR SIMUN 14.12.1914 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 78 BARTOK GAVRA SIMUN 14.12.2914 Woman 21.10.1992 CROATIA Refugees 79 BARTOK JELENA MARTIN 29.06.1950 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 80 BARTOK PETAR GAVRO 04.04.1940 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 81 BATISTA ANTE STIPA 18.12.1950 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 82 BATISTA LUCIJA STJEPAN 00.07.1952 Woman 16.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 83 BATISTA MARIJA LAJOS 10.01.1931 Woman 24.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees 84 BATISTA MARJANA ANTUN 12.11.1987 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 85 BATISTA MIRJANA JOSIP 20.04.1977 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 86 BATISTA NADA DRAGO 25.06.1953 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 87 BATISTA NENAD ANTUN 06.02.1972 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 88 BATISTA STIPE Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 89 BATISTA STIPO ANDRIJA 03.06.6926 Man 24.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees 90 BEGIC DAMIR TOMISLAV 30.01.1981 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 91 BEGIC DARKO TOMISLAV 17.11.1984 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 92 BEGIC DUBRAVKO NIKOLA 23.05.1964 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 93 BEGIC MARTIN NIKOLA 27.09.1954 Man 28.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 94 BEGIC NIKOLA MARTIN 22.07.1935 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads UL PURL: 95 BEGIC RUZA STJEPAN 15.06.1935 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 96 BEGIC TOMISLAV JOSIP 29.04.1960 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 97 BEGIC VERICA ANTUN 30.11.1966 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 98 BERES IVAN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 99 BERES JULKA NIKOLA 10.10.1957 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 100 BERES MIROSLAV SIMUN 14.03.1976 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 101 BERES MONIKA SIMUN 15.02.1979 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers

Page_00024 102 BERES SIMUN NIKOLA 20.02.1953 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads Annex XI Page 4 of 28 25606 Annex XI Hrtkovci (known victims) Paragraph 33. (Annex A to the Expert Report of Ewa Tabeau (65ter Exhibit 2,859)) Number Surname FirstName Father's Name DoB Sex Departure Destination Source 103 BERISLAVIC FRANJO MARKO 10.05.1931 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 104 BERISLAVIC JOSIP FRANJO 07.03.1959 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 105 BERISLAVIC MARIJA PETAR 16.02.1936 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 106 BERISLAVIC MIROSLAV FRANJO 12.08.1963 Man 10.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 107 BERISLAVIC TINA JOSIP 11.06.1987 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 108 BERISLAVIC TOMISLAV FRANJO 11.03.1961 Man 10.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 109 BILIC MARKO STJEPAN 21.06.1958 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 110 BLAZIC ANA IVAN 07.07.1934 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 111 BLAZIC ANICA ANTUN 13.09.1955 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 112 BLAZIC ANTUN ILIJA 18.01.1950 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 113 BLAZIC BRANIMIR ANTUN 02.01.1978 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 114 BLAZIC ILIJA ALEKSA 19.07.1929 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 115 BLAZIC JELENA ILIJA 18.08.1953 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 116 BLAZIC VESNA ANTUN 15.12.1973 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 117 BOGOVIC ANKA JANKO 17.09.1918 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 118 BOGOVIC GEORG JOSO 18.03.1979 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 119 BOGOVIC IVAN JOSIP 10.03.1978 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 120 BOGOVIC IVAN NIKOLA 18.06.1930 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads UL PURL: 121 BOGOVIC JOSIP MILE 27.02.1957 Man 29.05.1992 CROATIA Christenings 122 BOGOVIC JOSIP NIKOLA 15.02.1936 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 123 BOGOVIC LUCIJA Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 124 BOGOVIC MILE IVAN 15.08.1958 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 125 BOGOVIC PAVLE ILIJA 28.05.5907 Man 07.10.1992 CROATIA Refugees 126 BOGOVIC PAVO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 127 BOGOVIC PERUSKA MIHAJLO 10.07.1968 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers

Page_00025 128 BOGOVIC RUZICA GRGA 10.06.1959 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers Annex XI Page 5 of 28 25605 Annex XI Hrtkovci (known victims) Paragraph 33. (Annex A to the Expert Report of Ewa Tabeau (65ter Exhibit 2,859)) Number Surname FirstName Father's Name DoB Sex Departure Destination Source 129 BOGOVIC TOMISLAV JOSIP 12.09.1965 Man 30.05.1992 CROATIA Christenings 130 BRIZELJ BARA NIKOLA 02.08.1925 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 131 BUTORAC ANKA STIPO 29.04.1919 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 132 BUTORAC IVICA Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 133 BUTORAC STIPA IVAN 15.08.1914 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 134 CABRAIC DORIJAN ZELIMIR 10.06.1985 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 135 CABRAIC EDUARD 23.08.1931 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 136 CABRAIC EMIL ANTUN 24.01.1954 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 137 CABRAIC HELENA STJEPAN 01.04.1935 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 138 CABRAIC NADA FRANJO 08.12.1948 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 139 CABRAIC PUBA Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 140 CABRAIC ZELIMIR EDUARD 06.05.1961 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 141 CABRAIC ZLATA PETAR 01.01.1964 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 142 CAKIC BRANA Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 143 CAKIC JOSIPA FERDO 22.01.1910 Woman 26.06.1993 CROATIA Refugees 144 CAKIC MIJAT ANTUN 08.10.1956 Man 20.02.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 145 CAKIC SASA MIROSLAV 25.04.4975 Man 26.06.1993 CROATIA Refugees 146 CAVARA DRAZANA MATO 31.07.7976 Woman 30.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees UL PURL: 147 CAVARA FABIJAN MIRKO 16.03.3922 Man 13.02.1992 CROATIA Refugees 148 CAVARA RUZA NIKOLA 25.04.4927 Woman 13.02.1992 CROATIA Refugees 149 CINDRIC ANKA JOSIP 08.05.1937 Woman MKL0706992 CROATIA Marriages 150 CINDRIC DAVOR JOSIP 11.02.1988 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 151 CINDRIC DRAGAN IVAN 18.10.1934 Man MKL0706992 CROATIA Marriages 152 CINDRIC IVAN DRAGAN 09.03.1963 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 153 CINDRIC JOSIP DRAGAN 07.03.1961 Man 10.06.1992 CROATIA Christenings

Page_00026 154 CINDRIC MILE Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads Annex XI Page 6 of 28 25604 Annex XI Hrtkovci (known victims) Paragraph 33. (Annex A to the Expert Report of Ewa Tabeau (65ter Exhibit 2,859)) Number Surname FirstName Father's Name DoB Sex Departure Destination Source 155 CIRIC DANIJEL DRAGAN 09.02.1986 Man 24.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 156 CORAK ANA NIKOLA 25.10.1928 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 157 CORAK ANTUN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 158 CORAK JOSIP IVAN 05.07.1948 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 159 CORAK KRUNOSLAV JOSIP 03.09.1977 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 160 CORAK MARIJA JOSIP 02.05.1956 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 161 CORAK MARKO STJEPAN 20.03.1950 Man 22.04.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 162 CORAK PETAR ANTUN 24.06.1950 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 163 CORAK VESNA JOSA 13.04.1972 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 164 COSIC IVAN ANTO 29.06.6914 Man 01.04.1992 CROATIA Refugees 165 COSIC IVO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 166 COSIC KATA ANDRIJA 12.03.3919 Woman 01.04.1992 CROATIA Refugees 167 COSIC MARKO IVAN 22.10.1956 Man 28.04.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 168 DAMJANOVI ADRIJAN ZDENKO 21.02.1984 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 169 DAMJANOVI MIRJANA MARKO 23.01.1947 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 170 DAMJANOVI ZDENKO MARKO 06.09.1958 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 171 DAMJANOVI ZLATA MARTIN 06.03.3924 Woman 01.03.1993 CROATIA Refugees 172 DAMJANOVI ZLATKO MARKO 05.05.1950 Man 00.00.1992 CROATIA Christenings UL PURL: 173 DERD ANDRIJA PAVLE 10.10.1934 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 174 DOBRIC JOSIPA PETAR 19.03.1947 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 175 DOBRIC NIKOLA GAVRA 04.03.1935 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 176 DOBRIC STJEPAN ILONA 13.09.1954 Man VL 0406992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 177 DOBROVAC NIKOLA JOSIP 04.05.1967 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 178 DOGAN LJILJANA DUSAN 06.02.1969 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 179 DOGAN MARIJA ANDRIJA 23.03.1938 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers

Page_00027 180 DOGAN MATO FRANCIKA 16.02.1931 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads Annex XI Page 7 of 28 25603 Annex XI Hrtkovci (known victims) Paragraph 33. (Annex A to the Expert Report of Ewa Tabeau (65ter Exhibit 2,859)) Number Surname FirstName Father's Name DoB Sex Departure Destination Source 181 DOGAN MIROSLAV NIKOLA 06.02.1966 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 182 DOGAN NIKOLA MIROSLAV 29.07.1990 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 183 DOGAN NIKOLA PETAR 28.01.1942 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 184 DOGAN PETAR PETAR 01.07.1935 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 185 DOGAN ROZALIJA DURA 02.03.1942 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 186 DRAGICEVIC MARKO KLEMENT 03.10.1948 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 187 DURDEVIC MARIJA ANA 02.11.1951 Woman 16.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 188 ENGERT ANKICA STIPO 19.08.1966 Woman 07.06.1992 CROATIA Marriages 189 ENGERT ANTUN ANTUN 25.06.1927 Man 1KL0706992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 190 ENGERT DANIJEL ANKICA 17.08.1985 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 191 ENGERT DANIJEL FRANJO 17.08.1985 Man 07.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 192 ENGERT FRANJO ANTUN 27.02.1962 Man 07.06.1992 CROATIA Marriages 193 ENGERT FRANJO JOSIP 15.05.1955 Man 10.07.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 194 * ENGERT JOSIP Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 195 ENGERT JOSIP ANTUN 02.04.1952 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 196 ENGERT MARICA JOSIP 10.02.1954 Woman 00.07.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 197 ENGERT NEVENKA VASILIJE 01.03.1962 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 198 ENGERT PAVICA ANTE 10.07.1923 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads UL PURL: 199 ENGERT ROZINA ANDRIJA 18.03.1931 Woman 1KL0706992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 200 FACKO MIRKO STJEPAN 14.02.1964 Man 30.07.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 201 FACKO STJEPAN STJEPAN 15.12.1961 Man 31.07.1992 CROATIA Christenings 202 FACKO TEREZA MARKO 15.09.1943 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 203 FACKO VERA FRANJO 25.01.1963 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 204 FRAJHAUT KLEMENT VIKTOR 26.10.1942 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 205 FUMIC DANIELA MILAN 03.06.1977 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers

Page_00028 206 FUMIC IGOR MARKO 03.07.1980 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers Annex XI Page 8 of 28 25602 Annex XI Hrtkovci (known victims) Paragraph 33. (Annex A to the Expert Report of Ewa Tabeau (65ter Exhibit 2,859)) Number Surname FirstName Father's Name DoB Sex Departure Destination Source 207 FUMIC MARIJA JOSIP 05.12.1951 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 208 FUMIC MARIJA MARKO 10.05.1991 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 209 FUMIC MARKO JERKO 13.11.1952 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 210 FUMIC MILAN JERKO 13.10.1947 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 211 GABOR VERONA ANTEL 22.12.1964 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 212 GALIJOT LJUBICA BOZO 25.11.1952 Woman 08.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 213 GALIOT IVAN JOSIP 24.06.1935 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 214 GALIOT JELICA STJEPAN 09.11.1960 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 215 GALIOT MARA IVAN 15.04.1940 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 216 GALIOT STJEPAN BOZO 15.01.1957 Man 04.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 217 GALIOT TOMISLAV ANTE 08.01.1955 Man 08.01.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 218 GALIOT TOMISLAV BOZO 07.04.1955 Man 04.06.1992 CROATIA Christenings 219 GALIOT VINKO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 220 GOLEK IVAN PETAR 01.01.1931 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 221 GOLEK KOSANA TIHOMIR 23.11.1933 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 222 GOLER VERA IVAN 10.05.1952 Woman 08.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 223 GRACAN JOSIP PETAR 19.01.1952 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 224 GRACAN MARA NIKOLA 19.05.1921 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads UL PURL: 225 GRAHOVAC ZLATA Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 226 GRDIC DRAGICA JOSO 14.12.2934 Woman 14.07.1992 CROATIA Refugees 227 GRDIC IVAN JOSO 13.11.1920 Man 14.07.1992 CROATIA Refugees 228 GRDIC JURE Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 229 GRDIC MARIJAN JURE 15.08.1958 Man 30.03.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 230 GRDIC ZVONKO JURE 27.01.1960 Man 30.03.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 231 GRGIC LJERKA MATO 04.04.1953 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings

Page_00029 232 GRGIC MATO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads Annex XI Page 9 of 28 25601 Annex XI Hrtkovci (known victims) Paragraph 33. (Annex A to the Expert Report of Ewa Tabeau (65ter Exhibit 2,859)) Number Surname FirstName Father's Name DoB Sex Departure Destination Source 233 * GRIZELJ ANTE Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 234 GRIZELJ ANTE STIPE 16.07.1949 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 235 GRIZELJ ANTUN IVAN 03.09.1981 Man 13.05.1992 CROATIA Christenings 236 GRIZELJ BARBARA PAVICA 19.02.1953 Woman 09.07.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 237 GRIZELJ CVEJO IVAN 09.09.1925 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 238 GRIZELJ ILIJA STJEPAN 04.07.1941 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 239 GRIZELJ IVAN ANTUN 03.07.1955 Man 13.05.1992 CROATIA Christenings 240 GRIZELJ JASMINKA RATOMIR 04.06.1971 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 241 GRIZELJ JELICA CVIJA 22.08.1954 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 242 GRIZELJ KATA ANTO 22.09.1961 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 243 GRIZELJ KRESIMIR ILIJA 31.01.1973 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 244 GRIZELJ KRUNOSLAV ILIJA 04.04.1978 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 245 * GRIZELJ MARIJA Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 246 GRIZELJ MARIJA IVAN 08.11.1984 Woman 13.05.1992 CROATIA Christenings 247 GRIZELJ MARIJA MARKO 24.03.1947 Woman 19.07.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 248 GRIZELJ MARIJA STJEPAN 10.04.1954 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 249 GRIZELJ MARIJANA ANTE 25.10.1982 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 250 GRIZELJ MILAN ANTUN 17.10.1957 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings UL PURL: 251 GRIZELJ MILICA MARKO 28.08.1954 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 252 GRIZELJ PAVICA CVEJA 24.11.1952 Woman 17.08.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 253 GRIZELJ RATOMIR FILIP 19.05.1944 Man 19.07.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 254 GRIZELJ RUZA CVETKO 01.12.1950 Woman 14.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 255 GRIZELJ STIPO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 256 GRZEN ANA Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 257 * HORVAT FRANJO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads

Page_00030 258 HORVAT FRANJO FRANJO 09.03.1965 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings Annex XI Page 10 of 28 25600 Annex XI Hrtkovci (known victims) Paragraph 33. (Annex A to the Expert Report of Ewa Tabeau (65ter Exhibit 2,859)) Number Surname FirstName Father's Name DoB Sex Departure Destination Source 259 HUNJADI JOSIP STJEPAN 01.01.1922 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 260 HUNJADI LUCIJA ANTE 02.04.1937 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 261 ILIC ANTUN JOSIPA 17.12.1925 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 262 ILIC JUSTINA STJEPAN 06.02.1924 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 263 ILIC KATA PAJA 01.11.1937 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 264 ILIC MILAN IVAN 07.01.1978 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 265 ILIC NIKOLA Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 266 ILIC PAVAO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 267 ILIC VERICA ANTUN 02.01.1952 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 268 IRINI JOSIPA KOJA 28.06.1981 Woman 14.07.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 269 IVANDIC STJEPAN ILIJA 15.10.1960 Man 20.05.1992 CROATIA Christenings 270 IVANDIC SVETLANA KOSANA 17.04.1961 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 271 IVANIC DANIJEL SLOBODAN 17.08.1983 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 272 IVANIC IRENA PAVLE 10.07.1973 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 273 * IVANIC MARTIN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 274 IVANIC MARTIN FRANJO 26.01.1936 Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 275 IVANIC MIROSLAV MARTIN 18.02.1967 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 276 IVANIC SLOBODAN MARTIN 12.08.1963 Man 1992 CROATIA FamMembers UL PURL: 277 IVANIC STIPO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 278 IVANIC TAMARA SLOBODAN 16.04.1987 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 279 IVANIC VERA ANTUN 22.12.1964 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 280 IVANIC VIKTORIJA IVAN 14.10.1943 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 281 JASAREVIC BRANKA JANKO 13.12.1941 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 282 JASAREVIC MUSA EMIN 10.04.4936 Man 03.08.1992 CROATIA Refugees 283 JOVANOVIC ANKA PAVLE 15.04.4935 Woman 01.06.1993 CROATIA Refugees

Page_00031 284 JUHAS ILOJKA LAJOS 05.02.1960 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings Annex XI Page 11 of 28 25599 Annex XI Hrtkovci (known victims) Paragraph 33. (Annex A to the Expert Report of Ewa Tabeau (65ter Exhibit 2,859)) Number Surname FirstName Father's Name DoB Sex Departure Destination Source 285 JUHAS IRINA ILONA 28.06.6981 Woman 18.07.1992 CROATIA Refugees 286 JUHAS JOSIP LAJOS 06.08.8954 Man 15.08.1992 CROATIA Refugees 287 JUKIC ANTONELA IVICA 12.06.1989 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamMembers 288 JUKIC IVICA MILE 13.11.1962 Man 16.06.1992 CROATIA Marriages 289 JUKIC KATA FRANJA 25.08.8939 Woman 30.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees 290 JUKIC LUCIJA RASO 27.03.1968 Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 291 JUKIC LUCIJA STJEPAN 27.03.1968 Woman 16.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 292 JUKIC MARIJA STEVA 05.09.9915 Woman 30.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees 293 JUKIC MILAN LUKA 18.10.0935 Man 30.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees 294 JUKIC MILE Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 295 JURCEVIC DRAGAN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 296 JURCEVIC FRANKA ANTO 15.05.1965 Woman 10.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 297 JURCEVIC IVAN PAVO 11.04.1961 Man 10.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 298 JURCEVIC IVICA Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 299 JURCEVIC LUKA Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 300 JURCEVIC NIKOLA Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 301 JURCEVIC STIPAN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 302 JURCEVIC ZLATA Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads UL PURL: 303 JURKOVIC NADA ANDRIJA 30.07.1956 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 304 JURKOVIC ZRINKO MATO 01.05.1962 Man 19.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 305 * KALAC ANTUN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 306 KALAC ANTUN MARKO 15.08.1936 Man 29.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 307 KALAC DURO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 308 KALAC IRENA PETAR 10.04.1978 Woman 12.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 309 KALAC JOSIP Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads

Page_00032 310 KALAC LIDIJA ANTUN 26.04.1969 Woman 04.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings Annex XI Page 12 of 28 25598 Annex XI Hrtkovci (known victims) Paragraph 33. (Annex A to the Expert Report of Ewa Tabeau (65ter Exhibit 2,859)) Number Surname FirstName Father's Name DoB Sex Departure Destination Source 311 KALAC MARKO ZELJKO 22.01.1984 Man 12.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 312 KALAC MIRKO Man 1992 CANADA FamHeads 313 * KALAC MIRKO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 314 KALAC PERICA Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 315 * KALAC PETAR Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 316 KALAC PETAR MARKO 15.01.1959 Man 11.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 317 KALAC TEREZIJA IVAN 10.12.1955 Woman 26.04.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 318 KALAC ZDENKA MILE 31.08.1942 Woman 29.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 319 KALAC ZELJKA PETAR 07.12.1981 Woman 12.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 320 KALIC ANA JOSIP 05.09.1974 Woman 04.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 321 KALIC IVAN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 322 KALIC MARIJA Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 323 KALIC MARTIN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 324 KALIC NIKOLA Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 325 KALIC STJEPAN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 326 KARLOVIC MIJAT DRAGO 01.05.1951 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 327 KARLOVIC ZORICA DRAGO 06.08.1960 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 328 KATIC ANICA MILE 01.07.1967 Woman 10.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages UL PURL: 329 KATIC IVAN NIKOLA 25.03.1963 Man 10.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 330 KATIC NIKOLA Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 331 KAZAC ARANKA NANDOR 14.06.6970 Woman 15.05.1992 CROATIA Refugees 332 KAZAC MARIO MATIJA 11.08.8988 Man 15.05.1992 CROATIA Refugees 333 KAZAC MATIJA DURA 19.02.2965 Man 15.05.1992 CROATIA Refugees 334 KLIGER LELA Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 335 KOJADIN MATO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads

Page_00033 336 KOMSIC LUCA Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads Annex XI Page 13 of 28 25597 Annex XI Hrtkovci (known victims) Paragraph 33. (Annex A to the Expert Report of Ewa Tabeau (65ter Exhibit 2,859)) Number Surname FirstName Father's Name DoB Sex Departure Destination Source 337 KONC ANTUN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 338 KONC DANIJELA ESTIKA 09.03.1978 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 339 KONC IRENA JOSIP 01.01.1965 Woman 10.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 340 KONC JOSIP ANTUN 06.02.1967 Man 28.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 341 KONC KATICA JOSIP 26.03.1971 Woman 10.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 342 KONC MIHAJLO ANDRIJA 25.09.1932 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 343 KONC ROZALIJA JOSIP 30.11.1933 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 344 KONC STJEPAN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 345 KOPAS MARIJA FRANJO 16.12.1966 Woman VL1606992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 346 KOVAC JOSIP Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 347 KOVAC KATICA MIJO 22.08.8954 Woman 24.12.1992 CROATIA Refugees 348 * KOVAC PETAR Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 349 KOVAC PETAR JOSIP 13.01.1948 Man 24.12.1992 CROATIA Refugees 350 KOVACEVIC ANA STJEPAN 05.01.1960 Woman 15.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 351 * KOVACEVIC IVAN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 352 KOVACEVIC IVAN PETAR 29.05.1933 Man MKL0806992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 353 KOVACEVIC JANJA LUKA 10.04.1941 Woman MKL0806992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 354 KOVACEVIC NIKOLA IVAN 14.12.1954 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings UL PURL: 355 KOVACEVIC PETAR IVAN 14.08.1962 Man 07.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 356 KOVACEVIC STEFICA NIKOLA 06.02.1965 Woman 07.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 357 KOVACEVIC STJEPAN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 358 KUCINIC ANTUN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 359 KUCINIC MARKO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 360 * KUCINIC PETAR Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 361 KUCINIC PETAR MARIJAN 22.05.1987 Man 10.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings

Page_00034 362 LAJTER KARLO PETAR 26.02.1960 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings Annex XI Page 14 of 28 25596 Annex XI Hrtkovci (known victims) Paragraph 33. (Annex A to the Expert Report of Ewa Tabeau (65ter Exhibit 2,859)) Number Surname FirstName Father's Name DoB Sex Departure Destination Source 363 LAJTER MIHAJLO PETAR 01.07.1957 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 364 LEDENKO ANTUN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 365 LOS NIKOLA Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 366 LOVRIC DRAGO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 367 LOVRIC JELENA MATO 18.03.1954 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 368 LULIC ANICA NIKOLA 14.07.1953 Woman 15.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 369 LULIC BRANIMIR NIKOLA 08.03.1958 Man 15.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 370 LULIC NIKOLA Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 371 LULIC STIPO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 372 MAGLIC MARIJA STJEPAN 09.09.1937 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 373 MAGLIC PAVLE PETAR 29.06.1931 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 374 MAGLIC ZDRAVKO PAULE 01.07.1956 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 375 MAGLIC ZLATKO PAVLE 16.04.1960 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 376 MAGOC ALEKSANDA FRANJO 17.08.8951 Man 17.03.1993 CROATIA Refugees 377 MAGOC ALEKSANDR ALEKSANDA04.10.0979 Woman 17.03.1993 CROATIA Refugees 378 MAGOC ANKICA Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 379 * MAGOC DURA Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 380 MAGOC DURA ANDRIJA 11.01.1927 Woman 20.02.1993 CROATIA Refugees UL PURL: 381 MAGOC ILONA ANTUN 14.02.1952 Woman 17.03.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 382 MAGOC ILONA JOSIP 05.05.5931 Woman 20.02.1993 CROATIA Refugees 383 MAGOC NIKOLA ALEKSANDA20.01.1985 Man 17.03.1993 CROATIA Refugees 384 MANCETA ALOJZ Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 385 MANCETA ANTUN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 386 MANCETA MARIJA FERENC 19.10.0952 Woman 15.10.1992 CROATIA Refugees 387 MANCETA NIKOLA ANTUN 08.10.0908 Man 20.08.1992 CROATIA Refugees

Page_00035 388 MANCETA TOMA Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads Annex XI Page 15 of 28 25595 Annex XI Hrtkovci (known victims) Paragraph 33. (Annex A to the Expert Report of Ewa Tabeau (65ter Exhibit 2,859)) Number Surname FirstName Father's Name DoB Sex Departure Destination Source 389 MANCETA VLADO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 390 MANCETA ZDENKO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 391 MANCETA ZLATKO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 392 * MANCETA ZLATKO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 393 MARAS KATA Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 394 MARAS NEVENKA Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 395 MARIC ANTUN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 396 MARKUS IVAN MATO 28.01.1966 Man 25.02.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 397 MARKUS MATO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 398 MEDED VLADIMIR MIRA 17.15.0985 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 399 MEHONJA MANDA PAVAO 27.08.1970 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 400 MIHALJ KATA GALIOT 01.04.1955 Woman 04.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 401 * MIHALJ ZOLTAN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 402 MIHALJ ZOLTAN FERENC 27.10.1953 Man 04.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 403 MOCILAC FRANJO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 404 MOCILAC JOSIP Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 405 MOCILAC MARKO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 406 MOCILAC MIJAT JOSIP 15.01.1949 Man KL0000992 UNAVAILAB Marriages UL PURL: 407 MOCILAC MILKA PERO 27.09.1949 Woman KL0000992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 408 MOCILAC PASKO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 409 MOLNAR FRANJO ANDRIJA 22.09.1944 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 410 MOLNAR MARIJA NIKOLA 23.11.1952 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 411 MRKONJA JURE Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 412 MRKONJA MILKA PAVE 06.01.1974 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 413 MRKONJA PAVLE Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads

Page_00036 414 MRKONJA PAVO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads Annex XI Page 16 of 28 25594 Annex XI Hrtkovci (known victims) Paragraph 33. (Annex A to the Expert Report of Ewa Tabeau (65ter Exhibit 2,859)) Number Surname FirstName Father's Name DoB Sex Departure Destination Source 415 MUZIK ANCIKA KARALJ 22.04.1972 Woman 30.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 416 MUZIK STJEPAN PETAR 04.08.1950 Man 19.07.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 417 NERALIC MANDA Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 418 NIKOLIC BRANKA ALEKSA 17.03.1967 Woman 15.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 419 NILIC FRANJA NIKOLA 02.09.9919 Woman 27.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees 420 NILIC FRANJO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 421 NILIC MARKO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 422 NILIC PETAR Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 423 NINIC ANTO IVAN 24.10.1958 Man 10.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 424 NINIC DRAGICA IVAN 08.03.1961 Woman 12.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 425 NINIC IRENA VINKO 01.11.1960 Woman 10.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 426 NINIC IVO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 427 OBAJDIN IVAN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 428 * OBAJDIN IVAN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 429 OBAJDIN IVICA FRANJO 11.03.1941 Man 09.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 430 OBAJDIN LJILJANA IVICA 01.11.1971 Woman 09.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 431 OBAJDIN MARIJA IVAN 13.07.1966 Woman 06.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 432 OBAJDIN MILE TOMO 17.12.1954 Man 16.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings UL PURL: 433 OBAJDIN MILKA NIKO 28.07.1949 Woman 09.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 434 OBAJDIN PETAR TOMO 27.09.1961 Man VL1606992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 435 OBAJDIN TOMO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 436 OBAJDIN ZELJKO IVICA 09.01.1970 Man 09.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 437 OBROVAC ANICA JANKO 15.05.1961 Woman 12.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 438 OBROVAC DARKO PAVLE 23.05.1976 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 439 OBROVAC JANKO JURAJ 28.04.1929 Man 12.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages

Page_00037 440 OBROVAC KATA NIKOLA 17.04.1924 Woman 12.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages Annex XI Page 17 of 28 25593 Annex XI Hrtkovci (known victims) Paragraph 33. (Annex A to the Expert Report of Ewa Tabeau (65ter Exhibit 2,859)) Number Surname FirstName Father's Name DoB Sex Departure Destination Source 441 OBROVAC MARKO MARKO 17.03.1930 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 442 OBROVAC MILAN JOSIP 25.07.1960 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 443 * OBROVAC MILE Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 444 OBROVAC MILE Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 445 OBROVAC MILKA MATE 09.06.1932 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 446 OBROVAC NIKOLA Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 447 OBROVAC PAVO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 448 * OBROVAC PAVO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 449 OBROVAC VESNA MIODRAG 12.02.1962 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 450 OBROVAC ZLATA JANKO 13.07.1955 Woman 31.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 451 OBROVAC ZORAN MILAN 29.05.1988 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 452 PAKIC DRAGAN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 453 PAKIC JOSIP Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 454 PAKIC PASKO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 455 PALKOVIC ROZIKA JOSIP 31.10.1951 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 456 PAP ANDRIJA KARLO 14.06.1964 Woman 28.04.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 457 PAPUGA DANKO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 458 * PAULIC FRANJO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads UL PURL: 459 PAULIC FRANJO TOMA 26.08.8929 Man 06.03.1992 CROATIA Refugees 460 PAULIC IVAN JURE 26.03.1965 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 461 PAULIC IVICA MILE 14.03.3978 Man 11.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees 462 PAULIC IVICA MILE 03.01.1974 Man 19.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 463 PAULIC JURE Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 464 PAULIC KATICA IVAN 01.04.4956 Woman 11.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees 465 PAULIC MARICA NIKOLA 17.10.0930 Woman 06.03.1992 CROATIA Refugees

Page_00038 466 * PAULIC MILE Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads Annex XI Page 18 of 28 25592 Annex XI Hrtkovci (known victims) Paragraph 33. (Annex A to the Expert Report of Ewa Tabeau (65ter Exhibit 2,859)) Number Surname FirstName Father's Name DoB Sex Departure Destination Source 467 PAULIC MILE JURE 07.09.9948 Man 11.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees 468 PAULIC ZVONIMIR MILE 03.01.1974 Man 11.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees 469 PAVISIC IVAN BRANIMIR 23.06.1983 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 470 PAVISIC RAKELA NIKOLA 04.08.1957 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 471 PAVISIC VLATKO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 472 PERDIC MIHAEL ZLATKO 25.08.1969 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 473 PERDIC NIKOLA ZLATKO 28.09.1970 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 474 * PETROVIC ANTUN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 475 PETROVIC ANTUN MATIJA 08.01.1962 Man 30.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 476 PETROVIC MATIJA Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 477 PETROVIC NIKOLA MATO 08.12.1955 Man 10.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 478 PETUNIC ANTUN ANTUN 27.04.1976 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 479 PLEIC IVAN IVAN 04.06.1971 Man 23.04.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 480 PLEIC IVANKA Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 481 PLEIC NIKOLINA STIPE 08.04.1973 Woman 05.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 482 PLEIC OLIVERA IVAN 12.06.1967 Woman 10.07.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 483 PLIVELIC ANTUN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 484 PORTNER JASMINKA MARTIN 18.04.1963 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings UL PURL: 485 PORTNER MARIJA NIKOLA 12.07.1939 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 486 * PORTNER MARTIN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 487 PORTNER MARTIN NIKOLA 18.04.1985 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 488 PORTNER MARTIN STJEPAN 22.07.1935 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 489 PORTNER NIKOLA MARTIN 01.12.1959 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 490 PORTNER PETAR Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 491 PORTNER ZLATA DOBRIVOJE 16.02.1964 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages

Page_00039 492 POVRZAN 1992 CROATIA FamHeads Annex XI Page 19 of 28 25591 Annex XI Hrtkovci (known victims) Paragraph 33. (Annex A to the Expert Report of Ewa Tabeau (65ter Exhibit 2,859)) Number Surname FirstName Father's Name DoB Sex Departure Destination Source 493 POVRZAN ANGELINA STEVO 15.04.4919 Woman 07.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees 494 POVRZAN IRENA ANDRIJA 12.05.1970 Woman 24.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 495 POZEGA ANITA TOMISLAV 19.10.1980 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 496 POZEGA ANTUN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 497 POZEGA BORKA JANKO 06.03.1958 Woman KL0000992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 498 POZEGA IVANKA JANKO 04.01.1965 Woman 30.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 499 POZEGA JANKO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 500 POZEGA JOSIP Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 501 POZEGA MARIJA TOMISLAV 25.06.1985 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 502 POZEGA MICA Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 503 POZEGA MILAN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 504 POZEGA PAVO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 505 POZEGA TOMISLAV JURE 09.07.1959 Man KL0000992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 506 PRAVDIC ANIKA STOJAN 02.09.9955 Woman 01.01.1992 CROATIA Refugees 507 PRAVDIC IVICA Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 508 PRAVDIC MIRELA PERO 16.07.7982 Woman 01.01.1992 CROATIA Refugees 509 PRAVDIC NIKOLA Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 510 * PRAVDIC PERO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads UL PURL: 511 PRAVDIC PERO JOZO 11.09.9948 Man 01.01.1992 CROATIA Refugees 512 RADOCAJ JOSIP NIKOLA 23.07.1947 Man 12.08.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 513 RADOCAJ MIRJANA MARKO 23.01.1947 Woman 12.08.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 514 RADOCAJ NIKOLA Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 515 RASO ARANKA PAVLE 26.01.1972 Woman 01.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees 516 RASO DARIO MLADEN 14.09.9991 Man 01.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees 517 RASO JASMINA STJEPAN 06.04.4972 Woman 01.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees

Page_00040 518 RASO KLARA Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads Annex XI Page 20 of 28 25590 Annex XI Hrtkovci (known victims) Paragraph 33. (Annex A to the Expert Report of Ewa Tabeau (65ter Exhibit 2,859)) Number Surname FirstName Father's Name DoB Sex Departure Destination Source 519 RASO MILKA IVO 31.05.5941 Woman 01.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees 520 RASO MLADEN STJEPAN 17.06.6965 Man 01.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees 521 RASO STIPO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 522 RASO STJEPAN IVAN 04.11.1938 Man 01.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees 523 RASO VINKO Man 1992 AUSTRIA FamHeads 524 RASO ZORAN Man 1992 AUSTRIA FamHeads 525 RAUZAN IVAN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 526 RAUZAN MARIJAN IVAN 22.08.1956 Man 09.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 527 * RAUZAN NIKOLA Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 528 RAUZAN NIKOLA Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 529 RELIC MARTA Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 530 * RELIC ZLATKO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 531 RELIC ZLATKO MARKO 08.07.1956 Man 10.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 532 RELJIC LUCIJA MARKO 29.11.1952 Woman 16.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 533 RELOTA ANKA LENKA 10.03.1938 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 534 RELOTA ANTE Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 535 * RELOTA ANTE Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 536 RELOTA ANTO GRGO 13.10.1914 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages UL PURL: 537 RELOTA CVITA ANTE 15.03.1920 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 538 RELOTA ILOJKA IVAN 01.12.1961 Woman 01.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 539 RELOTA KATA Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 540 RELOTA MARTIN MIRKO 12.10.1987 Man 02.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 541 RELOTA MARTINA MIRKO 18.01.1983 Woman 02.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 542 * RELOTA MIRKO Man 1992 AUSTRIA FamHeads 543 RELOTA MIRKO MARTIN 15.12.1959 Man 01.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages

Page_00041 544 RELOTA RAFAEL Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads Annex XI Page 21 of 28 25589 Annex XI Hrtkovci (known victims) Paragraph 33. (Annex A to the Expert Report of Ewa Tabeau (65ter Exhibit 2,859)) Number Surname FirstName Father's Name DoB Sex Departure Destination Source 545 RELOTA RUDOLF FRANJO 26.01.1937 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 546 RELOTA SUMBULA STIPE 25.10.0914 Woman 07.07.1992 CROATIA Refugees 547 RENDULIC IVAN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 548 RESO PERICA AUGUSTIN 12.03.1965 Man 14.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 549 REZUK JOSIP STJEPAN 25.05.1951 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 550 ROLAND ANITA STJEPAN 19.08.1972 Woman 12.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 551 ROLAND BRANIMIR NIKOLA 23.11.1973 Man 19.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 552 * ROLAND PETAR Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 553 ROLAND PETAR STJEPAN 15.04.1977 Man 12.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 554 ROLAND ROMAN NIKOLA 08.11.1967 Man 19.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 555 ROLAND STJEPAN PETAR 08.05.1950 Man 12.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 556 SAMARDZIJ BRANKA PETKO 09.02.1965 Woman 10.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 557 SAMARDZIJ EVA KATA 18.11.1941 Woman 04.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees 558 SAMARDZIJ GORAN NIKOLA 22.12.2976 Man 04.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees 559 SAMARDZIJ JOZO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 560 SAMARDZIJ MARKA Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 561 SAMARDZIJ MILAN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 562 SAMARDZIJ NEDELJKO JOZO 12.06.1960 Man 10.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages UL PURL: 563 * SAMARDZIJ NIKOLA Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 564 SAMARDZIJ NIKOLA ANTE 04.05.5938 Man 04.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees 565 SAMARDZIJ NIKOLA JURE 12.03.1958 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 566 SAMARDZIJ PREDRAG MILAN 25.08.1972 Man 10.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 567 SAMARDZIJ RENATA MILAN 12.11.1976 Woman 10.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 568 SAMARDZIJ RUZICA JURE 17.10.1965 Woman 05.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 569 SAMARDZIJ ZVONKO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads

Page_00042 570 SAMO IVAN SRJEPAN 15.08.8924 Man 28.05.1992 CROATIA Refugees Annex XI Page 22 of 28 25588 Annex XI Hrtkovci (known victims) Paragraph 33. (Annex A to the Expert Report of Ewa Tabeau (65ter Exhibit 2,859)) Number Surname FirstName Father's Name DoB Sex Departure Destination Source 571 SAMU IVAN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 572 * SAMU KARLO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 573 SAMU KARLO PAVLE 06.03.3957 Man 28.05.1992 CROATIA Refugees 574 * SAMU MATA Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 575 SAMU MATA IVAN 11.02.2957 Woman 27.05.1992 CROATIA Refugees 576 SANTA JOSIP JOSIP 18.03.1955 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 577 SANTA KATA JOSIP 27.08.1951 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 578 SANTA LUCIJA Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 579 SARA ILONKA NANDOR 14.11.1973 Woman 09.09.1992 CROATIA Refugees 580 SARKANJ FRANJO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 581 SARKANJ STJEPAN IMRE 07.12.1976 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 582 SARKANJ TERUSKA MIHAL 10.06.1968 Woman 31.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 583 * SEBALJ IVAN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 584 SEBALJ IVAN MILE 30.11.1960 Man 28.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees 585 SEBALJ IVANA IVAN 21.10.0988 Woman 28.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees 586 SEBALJ JELENA ANTE 26.01.1967 Woman 28.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees 587 SEBALJ MILE Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 588 SLJERAC MANDA Woman 1992 YUGOSLAVI FamHeads UL PURL: 589 SMOLCIC DANIJEL MARKO 28.07.7980 Man 12.02.1993 CROATIA Refugees 590 SMOLCIC ILUSKA PAVLE 02.01.1959 Woman 12.02.1993 CROATIA Refugees 591 * SMOLCIC MARKO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 592 SMOLCIC MARKO MATA 13.01.1955 Man 12.02.1993 CROATIA Refugees 593 SORADI IRENKA ANDRIJA 04.01.1968 Woman 01.06.1993 CROATIA Refugees 594 * SORADI JOSIP Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 595 SORADI JOSIP ANDRIJA 12.01.1961 Man 19.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages

Page_00043 596 SORADI LUCIJA MILE 23.11.1964 Woman 19.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages Annex XI Page 23 of 28 25587 Annex XI Hrtkovci (known victims) Paragraph 33. (Annex A to the Expert Report of Ewa Tabeau (65ter Exhibit 2,859)) Number Surname FirstName Father's Name DoB Sex Departure Destination Source 597 SOSTARIC KATA Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 598 SPRENGER DAMIR ZVONIMIR 08.09.1973 Man 31.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 599 SPRENGER ZVONKO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 600 STANISIC NIKOLA Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 601 STEFANAC BLAZ MIJAT 16.05.1973 Man 28.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 602 STEFANAC BORIS MILE 17.12.2990 Man 25.05.1992 CROATIA Refugees 603 STEFANAC BRANKA ALEKSA 17.03.3967 Woman 25.05.1992 CROATIA Refugees 604 STEFANAC MARIJA NIKOLA 12.05.1961 Woman 08.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 605 * STEFANAC MILE Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 606 STEFANAC MILE NIKOLA 20.02.2958 Man 25.05.1992 CROATIA Refugees 607 STEFANAC NIKOLA Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 608 * STEFANAC NIKOLA Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 609 STEFANAC NIKOLA MILE 11.01.1985 Man 25.05.1992 CROATIA Refugees 610 STEFANAC ROZALIJA NIKOLA 01.10.1953 Woman 16.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 611 STEFANAC TOMO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 612 * STEFANAC TOMO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 613 STEFANAC TOMO NIKOLA 30.10.1962 Man 16.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 614 STEFANAC ZLATKO MILE 14.06.6982 Man 25.05.1992 CROATIA Refugees UL PURL: 615 STIPETIC ANTUN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 616 STIPETIC BILJANA PETAR 06.06.6990 Woman 27.11.1992 CROATIA Refugees 617 STIPETIC DURA Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 618 STIPETIC JOSIP Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 619 STIPETIC JURE Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 620 STIPETIC MARIJANA MIHOVIL 09.01.1957 Woman 15.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 621 STIPETIC MARKO DURO 14.04.1979 Man 01.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings

Page_00044 622 STIPETIC MICA Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads Annex XI Page 24 of 28 25586 Annex XI Hrtkovci (known victims) Paragraph 33. (Annex A to the Expert Report of Ewa Tabeau (65ter Exhibit 2,859)) Number Surname FirstName Father's Name DoB Sex Departure Destination Source 623 STIPETIC MILE PAVE 20.04.4940 Man 27.11.1992 CROATIA Refugees 624 STIPETIC MIROSLAV PETAR 23.06.6985 Man 27.11.1992 CROATIA Refugees 625 * STIPETIC PETAR Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 626 STIPETIC PETAR MILE 10.09.9961 Man 27.11.1992 CROATIA Refugees 627 STIPETIC TERUSKA IGNJAC 07.10.0967 Woman 27.11.1992 CROATIA Refugees 628 STIPETIC TOMISLAV PETAR 08.09.9992 Man 27.11.1992 CROATIA Refugees 629 STIPETIC VERA MATA 26.04.4940 Woman 27.11.1992 CROATIA Refugees 630 * STIPETIC ZELJKO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 631 STIPETIC ZELJKO MIHAJLO 23.03.1960 Man 15.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 632 SUBASIC NIKOLA Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 633 * SUBASIC NIKOLA Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 634 SULOCKI IRENA VINKO 01.11.1960 Woman 10.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 635 SURJAN FRANJO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 636 SURJAN MATILDA FERIKA 08.05.1955 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 637 TACKOVIC JOSIP Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 638 TACKOVIC NIKOLA JOSIP 14.12.1950 Man 11.04.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 639 TAMAS BARA Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 640 TAMAS ILONKA PALIKA 06.01.1959 Woman 15.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings UL PURL: 641 TAMAS IVAN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 642 TAMAS SIMUN IVAN 05.02.1962 Man 06.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 643 TKALAC ANTUN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 644 TKALAC IVAN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 645 TKALAC JOSIP Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 646 TKALAC LUCIJA Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 647 TKALAC MARTIN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads

Page_00045 648 TOLDI MIHALJ ANTOL 29.09.1957 Man KL0000992 UNAVAILAB Marriages Annex XI Page 25 of 28 25585 Annex XI Hrtkovci (known victims) Paragraph 33. (Annex A to the Expert Report of Ewa Tabeau (65ter Exhibit 2,859)) Number Surname FirstName Father's Name DoB Sex Departure Destination Source 649 TOLDI MIHALJ MIHALJ 29.09.1986 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 650 TOLDI MIRA DURO 28.03.1963 Woman KL0000992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 651 TOMAS ANICA SLOBODAN 13.07.7972 Woman 24.12.1992 CROATIA Refugees 652 TOMAS ANKA MIJO 02.07.7925 Woman 22.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees 653 TOMAS NIKO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 654 * TOMAS PETAR Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 655 TOMAS PETAR SIMUN 04.03.3951 Man 22.01.1992 CROATIA Refugees 656 TOMAS SIMUN PERA 31.03.3920 Man 22.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees 657 TOMAS TONI PETAR 21.03.3972 Man 24.12.1992 CROATIA Refugees 658 TOMAS VERA PETAR 01.03.3953 Woman 22.01.1992 CROATIA Refugees 659 TORMA STJEPAN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 660 TRIFUNOVIC IVICA Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 661 TURKALJ ANITA FRANJO 13.08.8975 Woman 15.02.1992 CROATIA Refugees 662 * TURKALJ FRANJO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 663 TURKALJ FRANJO NIKOLA 16.04.4953 Man 15.02.1992 CROATIA Refugees 664 TURKALJ IVAN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 665 TURKALJ KATICA NIKOLA 24.01.1958 Woman 15.02.1992 CROATIA Refugees 666 TURKALJ MARICA STJEPAN 02.03.1931 Woman 09.07.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages UL PURL: 667 TURKALJ MARIJA NIKOLA 14.07.7962 Woman 04.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees 668 * TURKALJ MIRKO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 669 TURKALJ MIRKO MIKA 05.02.2955 Man 04.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees 670 TURKALJ NIKOLA NIKOLA 01.04.1933 Man 09.07.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 671 TURKALJ NIKOLINA NIKOLA 02.05.5981 Woman 04.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees 672 TURKALJ SNEZANA MIRKO 18.11.1979 Woman 04.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees 673 TURKALJ TOMO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads

Page_00046 674 TURKALJ ZELJKO FRANJO 25.02.2978 Man 15.02.1992 CROATIA Refugees Annex XI Page 26 of 28 25584 Annex XI Hrtkovci (known victims) Paragraph 33. (Annex A to the Expert Report of Ewa Tabeau (65ter Exhibit 2,859)) Number Surname FirstName Father's Name DoB Sex Departure Destination Source 675 VARGA SNEZANA TIBOR 10.12.1980 Woman 10.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 676 VARGA SVJETLANA MARKO 25.08.1961 Woman 10.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 677 VARGA TIBOR IVAN 09.12.1955 Man 10.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 678 VARJU ANA MATO 07.05.5938 Woman 20.10.1992 CROATIA Refugees 679 VARJU ANTUN MATO 05.11.1958 Man 20.10.1992 CROATIA Refugees 680 VARJU DAMIR ANTUN 22.02.2987 Man 20.10.1992 CROATIA Refugees 681 VARJU DAVOR ANTUN 13.03.3988 Man 20.10.1992 CROATIA Refugees 682 VARJU MATA JOSIP 11.11.1934 Woman 20.10.1992 CROATIA Refugees 683 VARJU MATO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 684 VARJU MILICA LUKA 02.12.2962 Woman 20.10.1992 CROATIA Refugees 685 VARJU PETAR Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 686 VARJU ROZA ANTUN 10.07.7964 Woman 20.10.1992 CROATIA Refugees 687 VARNJU IVAN JURE 06.11.1966 Man 30.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 688 VEKAS JOSIP BALINT 23.08.1929 Man 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 689 VEKAS KATICA JOSIP 02.08.1962 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 690 VEKAS MARIJA STJEPAN 08.12.1932 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 691 VELES RUZICA GRGA 10.06.1959 Woman 29.05.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 692 VICIK ANTUN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads UL PURL: 693 VIDA BRANISLAV STEVAN 06.05.1968 Man 03.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 694 VIDA STEVO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 695 VOLAR LUCIJA TOMO 17.12.1959 Woman 04.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 696 VOLAR STJEPAN IVAN 13.09.1954 Man 04.06.1992 UNAVAILAB Marriages 697 * VOLARIC ANTUN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 698 VOLARIC ANTUN IVAN 27.03.3957 Man 13.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees 699 VOLARIC BILJANA ANTUN 31.03.3979 Woman 13.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees

Page_00047 700 * VOLARIC IVAN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads Annex XI Page 27 of 28 25583 Annex XI Hrtkovci (known victims) Paragraph 33. (Annex A to the Expert Report of Ewa Tabeau (65ter Exhibit 2,859)) Number Surname FirstName Father's Name DoB Sex Departure Destination Source 701 VOLARIC IVAN ANTE 27.12.2945 Man 25.12.1992 CROATIA Refugees 702 VOLARIC IVANKA FRANJO 24.05.5945 Woman 25.08.1992 CROATIA Refugees 703 VOLARIC IVO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 704 VOLARIC JANJA Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 705 VOLARIC JOSIP Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 706 VOLARIC MARIJA IVAN 05.12.1959 Woman 00.00.1992 UNAVAILAB Christenings 707 VOLARIC MARIJA IVAN 09.09.9984 Woman 25.12.1992 CROATIA Refugees 708 VOLARIC MARIJA KATA 23.09.9958 Woman 13.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees 709 VOLARIC MARKO ANTUN 13.04.4983 Man 13.06.1992 CROATIA Refugees 710 VOLF MIJAT Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 711 VRANKOVIC ANDRIJA Woman 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 712 VRANKOVIC MARTIN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 713 VRANKOVIC PAVLE Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 714 VUKSANIC BRANKO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 715 VUKSANIC NIKOLA Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 716 ZEMBERI ANDRO Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 717 ZEMBERI ANTUN PAVLE 13.08.8965 Man 05.11.1992 CROATIA Refugees 718 ZEMBERI BARBARA MATA 02.11.1934 Woman 05.11.1992 CROATIA Refugees UL PURL: 719 ZEMBERI IVAN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 720 * ZEMBERI PAVLE Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads 721 ZEMBERI PAVLE JOSIP 18.06.6932 Man 05.11.1992 CROATIA Refugees 722 ZUKANOVIC IVAN Man 1992 CROATIA FamHeads Page_00048

Annex XI Page 28 of 28 25582