IT-02-54-T p.370i7 j)3)",j--1>'~,s-Jsf- 2~ ..)I.o(.l~ 7.,'( THE ,INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL TRIBUNAL· FOR THE FORMER YUGOSLAVIA CASE NO.]T·02·54·T THE PROSECUTOR OF.THE TRIBUNAL AGAINST SLOBODANMILOSEVIC SECOND AMENDED INDICTMENT . 'i,.-I";·",; " Tht?,prqs~~tl,tor,pf.'!J1~.: lnt~mational Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, pursuant to lIer authority under Article 18 of the Statute of the,.:Wte.w,!-~ipJ1,".gq¥¥nal,Tribunal for the Fonner. Yugoslavia ("the Statute ofthe Tribunal") charges: . f· SLOBODAN MILOSEVIC" with CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, GRAVE BREACHES OF THE GENEVA CONVENTIONS, anq"VIQLAJ'~QNSi'\OF THE LAWS OR CUSTOMS OF WAR as setforth b~Io~:' .,.....' ." . .'-,~ THE ACCUSED: ",,~,,',,;\:.'.~,::qf~';>i;,<·::·,:~,"(-<\''-::''';)~,f.";{~(,::;,':, '",,:._:',:,,_,~ .;, ,_.~\_,,:-::~,;;;, ~;'<,' 1. .....' SJ,o'bO~MItOSEVI<;",sqn. of~vetoz;fU" ,Milosey~c,.':Vasbom on 2,Q,'f\»g4sti.J94l.iIl" :£>gz~evaq,jQipresfmkda~"Serbia~ ,,'In j964~,h~ ""'",,,,,~. ;;,:":"",,,,::t:.n-"'_'>-:~'.-,_.;,:i!·.\'.·' __ ':"~)';~":""'.'.""'" .,. '.' .. j-....'.' ...••' '" "".,' _'. ' ..• -' .•',.' ." .. , ...... ,., ,,',\ ", "'."'" gI;~~atedfrdm th~~<:l;W F"sulty, of the University of. B,el~ade. and began a career in management and batiking. Until 1978,~eI1eld·the'p()stsOf deputy director and later;g,eqeral< $f~~tOJ;",fit:rehnogits; arrlitjor oil company in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ("SPRY"). 1'llereaft~~fHr p,~~e pr,~§idtWtof'1J.~l?8r,a(ls~kaplcq (B,~l!.~Clf1,ka,~"Q,pe,Of., thelarg~st\bap,lfsm th~. SF?}X, aIJ9~~~e ~~l? ~t~l,:,l?~3,·" . ',_ ,'-':: >: ,:: J:~<, < ,I.:,:" ~::'-:: ',)j~i".') '\,••i "~{'" ';;,/,~,~> :"~: "",~ <,.iJ (;,"<,'."'l,',., \ .. ,/,; 2~ Slobodan MILOSEVIC joined' the League of Communists of Yugoslavia in 1959. In 1984, he beCame Chairman of the City Colllpljttee.of.the.League\of'Commtlnists ·ofBelgiade.In 1986, he was electedthait.Inan of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the IT-02-54-T p.37016 League ofCommunists of Serbia and was re-electedin 1988.
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