Brunelleschi's Dome EDITORIAL STAFF St Editor-In-Chief Carol White

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Brunelleschi's Dome EDITORIAL STAFF St Editor-In-Chief Carol White 21st SCIENCE The Apolb Project of the Renaissance Brunelleschi's Dome EDITORIAL STAFF st Editor-in-Chief Carol White Managing Editor 21 CENTURY Marjorie Mazel Hecht Associate Editors David Cherry SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Marsha Freeman Robert Gallagher Vol.2, No. 4 July-August 198? John Grauerholz, MD Warren Hamerman Ramtanu Maitra Charles B. Stevens Features Books David Cherry 24 Brunelleschi's Dome: Art Director The Apollo Project of the Golden Renaissance Alan Yue Nora Hamerman and Claudio Rossi Advertising Manager The magnificent dome of the Florence Cathedral embodies the Marsha Freeman achievement of Renaissance science—man's increasing dominion over Circulation Manager nature—and of the individuals whose political battles made that Dana Arnest Renaissance possible. SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD Winston Bostick, PhD Brunelleschi and the Quantization of Space John D. Cox, PhD 40 Jean-Michel Dutuit, PhD Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Bertha Farian, MD Brunelleschi's crucial discoveries in the 15th century are relevant today James Frazer, PhD Robert J. Moon, PhD in helping us understand the role of negative curvature in representing Uwe Henke von Parpart the necessity of progress from a lower to a higher phase state. Frank Salisbury, PhD John Seale, MD B.A. Soldano, PhD 46 Was AIDS Deliberately Created? Jonathan Tennenbaum, PhD John Grauerholz, M.D. Col. Molloy Vaughn, USA (ret.) The shocking charge raised by a civil rights leader that AIDS was Daniel R. Wells, PhD developed as a race-specific population control measure is examined in detail by a medical expert. 21st Century Science & Technology (ISSN 0895-6820) is published 6 times a year, every other month, by 21st Century Science Associates, P.O. Box 65473, Washington, D.C. 20035. Tel. (703) News 777-7473. Dedicated to providing accurate and comprehensive information on advanced technol­ ogies and science policy, 21st Century is com­ FUSION REPORT mitted to restoring American scientific and 7 An Interview with Dr. Winston Bostick: technological leadership. 21st Century covers the frontiers of science, focusing on the self-devel­ 'The Jury Is Still Out' on Cold Fusion oping qualities of the physical universe in such 9 Who Fears Fusion? areas as plasma physics—the basis for fusion power—as well as biology and microphysics, and 10 Colliding Beam Fusion System Featured at Aneutronic Meeting including ground-breaking studies of the historical development of science and technology. SPECIAL REPORT Opinions expressed in articles are not neces­ 11 The Myth Behind the Ozone Hole Scare sarily those of 21 st Century Science Associates or the scientific advisory board. BIOLOGY & MEDICINE Subscriptions by mail are $20 for 6 issues or 15 AIDS As a Cross-Species Viral Transfer $38 for 12 issues in the USA and Canada. Airmail subscriptions to other countries are $40 for 6 is­ ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT sues. Payments must be in U.S. currency. 20 The Truth about Solar Energy: It Costs Too Much Address aH correspondence to 21st Century, P.O. Box 65473. Washington, D.C. 20035. ASTRONOMY POSTMASTER: Send address changes to 21st 56 A Way Out of the Quasar Redshift Shambles Century. P.O. Box 65473, Washington, D.C. 20035. FUTURE SCIENTISTS Copyright •© 1989 21st Century Science Associates 61 Do Embryos Need Gravity? Printed in the USA ISSN 0895-6820 Departments On the cover: Photograph of the dome of 2 EDITORIAL 6 VIEWPOINT the Florence Cathedral by Scala/Art Re­ 3 LETTERS 62 BOOKS source; cover design by Virginia Baier. 4 NEWS BRIEFS EDITORIAL The World Needs More People! Without a firm commitment to the core principle of West­ actually need an increasing rate of population growth. ern civilization—the sacredness of human life—any society Why? First, if we are to again become a society of cultural will eventually perish under the weight of its own moral optimism, it is desirable to have one parent at home while degeneracy. Already in the United States today we see num­ the children are young. Yet, today both mothers and fathers bers of people, especially young people, whose minds have are forced to work simply to make ends meet—even in been kidnapped by the degenerate counterculture—its situations of two-parent families. If parents are to spend rock music, drugs, licentiousness, cynicism, and encour­ more time at home supervising their children, then we will agement to suicide. At its worst, this atmosphere encour­ need replacements for them on the job front. ages a receptivity to the barbaric practices of Satanic cults. Second, it is entirely possible in the near future that we In the past quarter century, we have been turned from a can extend the human life span to 120 healthy and produc­ can-do nation, ready to develop and industrialize the tive years. This will take some modest advances in biology, world, to a nation of cultural pessimists. Although most coupled with the availability of adequate nutrition and med­ Americans do not yet endorse the environmentalist lie that ical care for all, from the point of conception on. Even so, holds technology to be an evil in itself, they have become the elderly cannot be expected to work at the same pace confused by the daily barrage of scare stories in the liberal as in their younger years; they should increasingly supply media: The "planet" is in danger, we are told, not just wisdom in place of labor. Thus, their physical needs must because man is a "polluter," but because there are too be met by those individuals still active in the productive many of us. For these Malthusians, there are too many workforce. Unless we increase the number of young peo­ babies being born as well as too many elderly, who have ple being born, the population pyramid will become up­ become an intolerable drain upon a limited resource base. ended, without the numbers of younger workers necessary Such thinking is just plain wrong. The proof that it is to maintain an expanding population of older people. wrong has been demonstrated over the span of human Third, we will need more people in order to fulfill our history, in which the human species has grown from a pop­ mission in space. We will need pioneers to build the first ulation of hundreds of thousands to approximately 5 bil­ colonies—as residents on the Moon or Mars—and we will lion, while life expectancy has jumped from about 20 years, need an expanded workforce here on Earth to back up the in primitive societies, to 74 in America today. Such growth efforts in space. has been possible because mankind has continuously sur­ Fourth, we need many more scientists and engineers. passed the apparent limits to growth at any existing level of This means a longer period of specialized training for our technology by developing new, more advanced technolo­ young people, as well as many more workers in the gies that can support more people who live longer—and tangible-goods-producing sector to back up the efforts of better—than their forebears. these specialists. As productivity increases, the ratio of sci­ Our generation is no exception. As the promise of fusion entists and engineers to the workers needed in the produc­ energy, laser technologies, and high temperature super­ tion sector will increase—a good rule-of-thumb ratio is conductivity shows, we do not lack the necessary techno­ probably 1 to 10. logical potential—only the will to develop it. That the ma­ The present trend, of course, is the opposite: away from jority of people in the world today do not live as well as we the kind of investment in industry and technology that en­ do is the consequence not of their numbers but of our hances productivity—and the diversion of the workforce failure to carry forward the political mission of this nation out of production and into the service sector. These are as our founding fathers meant it. With the level of science low-productivity jobs and they are certainly low paying. and technology available today, there is no question that It is a trend consistent with the postindustrial Malthusian we can support a population of at least 25 billion people society, in which there are fewer people, who live less long quite comfortably. And there is every reason to suppose and less well. that when needed, we will have the technological potential The world needs more people and it needs happy, pro­ on hand to support further increases in population. ductive people—the kind of people who look to the stars We offer an even more controversial proposition: Not for inspiration and who know that they can solve any new only can we support a vastly expanded population, but we problems that come their way. 2 July-August 1989 21st CENTURY EDITORIAL Papers embodying this work are the subscription for 21st Century probably in print by now. This quota­ means that much more in light of such tion is from two abstracts in the Bulle­ grim news. tin of the American Physical Society, Since the sciences and technologi­ Jan. 1988 (33:1, p. 72). cal fields are those that change most In interpreting their findings, the rapidly, having periodicals is a neces­ Heads draw upon their knowledge of sity to stay abreast and for research Letters how relativistic speeds affect the red- purposes. shift-blueshift phenomenon. Motion Shary A. Fukuhara Blueshifted Quasars? transverse to the line of sight produces North Monterey High School a non-Doppler redshift by virtue of Castroville, Calif. To the Editor: time dilation. A star approaching the David Cherry's article, "Redshifts observer may show a redshift unless The Editor Replies and the Spirit of Scientific Inquiry" in the transverse component of its mo We are happy to arrange gift sub­ the May-June 1989 issue was outstand­ tion is exactly zero.
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