Research Collection Working Paper Stability of Travel Behaviour: Thurgau 2003 Author(s): Löchl, Michael Publication Date: 2005 Permanent Link: Rights / License: In Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Permitted This page was generated automatically upon download from the ETH Zurich Research Collection. For more information please consult the Terms of use. ETH Library Stability of Travel Behaviour: Thurgau 2003 Michael Löchl Travel Survey Metadata Series 16 Travel Survey Metadata Series 16 Stability of Travel Behaviour: Thurgau 2003 Michael Löchl IVT ETH Zürich Zürich Phone: +41 44 633 62 58 Fax: +41 44 633 10 57
[email protected] Abstract Within the project, a six week travel survey has been conducted among 230 persons from 99 households in Frauenfeld and the surrounding areas in Canton Thurgau from August until December 2003. The design built on the questionnaire used in the German project Mobidrive, but developed the set of questions further. All trip destinations of the survey have been geocoded. Moreover, route alternatives for private motorised transport and public transport have been calculated. Moreover, the collected data has been compared with the National Travel Survey 2000 (Mikrozensus zum Verkehrsverhalten 2000), whereas differences in terms of sociodemographic characteristics of the respondents and particularly their travel behaviour couldn't be observed except for an higher proportion of GA and Halbtax ownership. For example, the average trip frequency per person and day is almost the same. In order to check for possible fatigue effects of the amount of reported trips, several GLM (Generalised Linear Model) and poisson regression models have been estimated besides descriptive analysis.