LINKING NATIONAL POLITICS TO EUROPE by Simon Hix This document is the first output from the ‘Next Generation Democracy: Legitimacy in Network Europe’ project, which aims to: • Reinvigorate discussion about democracy in an enlarging Europe, working from ‘first principles’ of democratic participation rather than established hierarchies and institutions. • Explore how citizens can interact with policymakers in developing a pow- erful analysis of the role Europe can play in solving problems of national democracy. • Analyse how democratic debates can operate effectively across cultural, social, political and national frontiers, and linking local-level government to European institutions. • Establish an on-line practice of communication across countries, and explore how new media of communication can help in harnessing shared democratic values. THIS PUBLICATION IS RELEASED AS SHAREWARE. IF YOU FIND THE IDEAS USEFUL OR INTERESTING, AND WOULD LIKE TO SEE YOUR RESPONSES PUBLISHED AS PART OF THE SERIES, PLEASE CONTACT
[email protected]. ALTERNATIVELY, LOG ON TO WWW.NETWORK-EUROPE.NET. Linking National Politics to Europe 1 ABOUT DR SIMON HIX CONTENTS Simon Hix is Reader in European Union Politics and Policy at the London School SECTION ONE: of Economics and Political Science and Senior Research Associate of the Foreign Policy Centre. He is author of The Political System of the European Union (Palgrave, 1999), Political Parties in the European Union (Palgrave, 1997, with The European Union’s Legitimacy Problem, and Four Criteria for Chris