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Tourism Review International, Vol. 17, pp. 161–177 provided1544-2721/14 by University of $60.00 Southern + Queensland.00 ePrints Printed in the USA. All rights reserved. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3727/154427213X13838418676961 Copyright © 2014 Cognizant Comm. Corp. E-ISSN 1943-4421 www.cognizantcommunication.com



Australian Centre for and Development, University of Southern Queensland, Springfield,

Tourism is susceptible to the impacts of on destinations and businesses, but also contributes to the causes of climate change via from . This article reports on carbon mitigation actions by environmentally certified tourism enterprises in Queensland, Australia. The survey results profile attitudes to climate change, emissions auditing, carbon mitiga- tion actions, and motives for emissions reduction. The study revealed that most operators believed climate change was an important issue for tourism and had implemented a range of carbon mitiga- tion actions in energy, water, and waste reduction. The most popular actions were energy efficiency and reducing energy use, while less popular measures were adopting and carbon offsetting. Tourism operators preferred lower cost actions that were easy to implement and would provide cost savings. The key motives for tourism operators implementing these carbon actions related to ecological responsibility and business competitiveness via cost savings and differentiating their business as “climate friendly.” These motivations align with general business principles driving the implementation of socially and environmentally responsible practices by companies. The find- ings suggest that environmentally certified tourism enterprises now consider emissions reduction ­measures to be an integral part of development.

Key words: Climate change; Carbon mitigation; Environmental certification; Ecoefficiency actions; Sustainable tourism

Introduction travel-related activities that contribute to climate The tourism industry is susceptible to the physical ­ change. In response, government departments and and socioeconomic impacts of climate change on tourism agencies have supported carbon mitigation destinations and businesses. Tourism also generates ­ strategies based on ecoefficiency actions to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from and GHG emissions and operational costs for the travel

Address correspondence to Heather Zeppel, Australian Centre for Sustainable Business and Development, University of Southern Queensland, Springfield 4300, Australia. Tel: +61 73470 4453; Fax: +61 7 3470 4199; E-mail: [email protected] 161 162 ZEPPEL AND BEAUMONT industry, along with adaptation strategies to man- could be adopted (WTO & UNEP, 2008). A report age the biophysical impacts of climate change on on Climate Change and Tourism Policy in OECD destinations (Becken & Hay, 2007, 2012; Gössling, Countries (Organisation for Economic Co-operation 2011; Hall & Higham, 2005; Schott, 2010; Scott, and Development [OECD] & UNEP, 2011) states Hall, & Gössling, 2012; Sustainable Tourism Coop- that the tourism industry and national governments erative Research Centre [STCRC], 2009; Zeppel, need to do more to reduce carbon emissions from 2012a, 2012b). However, tourism operators have travel. It found only one third of OECD countries been reluctant to allocate expenditure on implement- have identified policy options to reduce tourism ing adaptation strategies in the face of uncertainty emissions. The WTTC has outlined goals for the and skepticism surrounding climate change issues global tourism industry to reduce carbon emissions (Turton et al., 2010). In contrast, a growing number by 25% of its 2005 levels by 2020 and by 50% by of tourism operators are reducing their GHG emis- 2035 (WTTC, 2009). However, as noted by Scott sions by adopting a range of carbon mitigation mea- (2011), these are “aspirational” targets that, with- sures as both a cost saving and strategy out specific plans for achieving them, may be inter- (e.g., Vernon, Essex, Pinder, & Curry, 2003; Zeppel, preted largely as rhetoric. 2012a). According to Becken and Hay (2007), there In Australia, the national government responded are four mitigation strategies whereby the tourism to this issue by establishing a National Tourism and industry can reduce GHG emissions, namely: reduce Climate Change Taskforce, producing a national energy use, improve energy efficiency, increase the action plan for tourism and climate change, a climate use of renewable energy, and sequester or store car- change guide for tourism operators supplemented bon through sinks (i.e., offsetting). The key mitiga- by industry workshops, and a tourism strategy that tion strategies adopted by most tourism businesses included climate change issues (Department of are reducing energy use and improving energy effi- Resources, Energy and Tourism [DRET], 2008, ciency, along with and waste 2009, 2011). National, state, and territory government measures (Becken, 2012; ­Carmody & Zep- tourism agencies in Australia have also responded pel, 2009; Coles & Zschiegner, 2011; Vernon et al., by providing information on climate change and car- 2003; Zeppel, 2012a). An additional mitigation strat- bon mitigation for tourism operators, with Tourism egy is to modify or influence tourists’ Queensland being one of the more proactive agen- with regard to frequency, distance, type of travel, or cies (Zeppel & ­Beaumont, 2012b). Industry organi- mode of transport (Gössling, Scott, Hall, Ceron, & zations have produced reports on climate change and Dubois, 2012; Hall, 2011; Scott et al., 2012). The tourism and provided assistance for their members focus of this article, however, is on carbon mitigation on carbon mitigation strategies (Queensland Tour- strategies implemented by environmentally certified ism Industry Council [QTIC], 2008; Tourism and tourism enterprises in Queensland, Australia. In this Transport Forum [TTF], 2008, 2011). article, “Mitigation of climate change involves tak- Research has found that the traveling public ing actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and is aware of the issue of climate change but does to enhance carbon sinks” (STCRC, 2009, p. 5). not necessarily link it to tourism or their travel Several reports from global tourism organiza- behavior (Becken, 2004, 2007; Cohen & Higham, tions synthesize knowledge and strategies about the 2011; Eijgelaar, Thaper, & Peeters, 2010; Gössling climate change issue (World Tourism Organization & Schumacher, 2010; Higham & Cohen, 2011; [WTO] & Environment Programme ­McKercher, Prideaux, Cheung, & Law, 2010; Tiller [UNEP], 2008) and outline goals for the tourism & Schott, 2013). Recent studies of tourism opera- industry to reduce its carbon emissions (World tors suggest that, while some do not perceive a con- Travel and Tourism Council [WTTC], 2009). These nection between their operations and climate change reports highlight the impacts of climate change on (Byrnes & Warnken, 2006; Hall, 2006; Su, Hall, & tourism destinations worldwide, potential impli- Ozanne, 2013), others are becoming aware of the cations for tourist demand, the tourism industry’s link and the need for action on emissions reduction contribution to global carbon emissions, and adap- (Gössling & Schumacher, 2010; Zeppel, 2012a). tation and mitigation policies and measures that However, of the few studies undertaken to date, CLIMATE CHANGE AND SUSTAINABLE TOURISM 163 some have found low uptake of carbon mitigation can therefore be affected by climate change due to actions (e.g., Becken, 2012; Curtis, 2002; Dalton, impacts on water levels and quality, snow and reef Lockington, & Baldock, 2007; Su et al., 2013) while conditions, and wildlife and , as well others have found relatively high levels of ecoeffi- as increased climate risks from higher tempera- ciency actions adopted by tourism enterprises (e.g., tures, infectious diseases, wildfires, and extreme Coles & Zschiegner, 2011; Vernon et al., 2003; weather events (WTO & UNEP, 2008). In Austra- ­Zeppel, 2012a). lia, research has focused on developing adaptation This article presents the results of a survey of strategies for key tourism destinations (STCRC, environmentally certified Queensland tourism 2009; Turton, Hadwen, & Wilson, 2009; Turton enterprises across a number of industry sectors et al., 2010; Ruhanen & Shakeela, 2013), while (i.e., accommodation,­ tour operators, attractions, Jopp, DeLacy, and Mair (2010) developed a frame- and centers). The aims of the survey work for regional destination adaptation to climate were to identify the attitudes of the tourism enter- change. prises to climate change and reducing their carbon Tourism is also a major contributor to the causes emissions; to profile the carbon mitigation actions of climate change via GHG emissions from trans- that the tourism enterprises have implemented; and port and travel activities (Becken & Hay, 2007; to analyze the motivations of the tourism enter- Gössling, 2011; Scott et al., 2012). Although not prises for implementing these actions. as high as “heavy industry” (Dalton et al., 2007, The article first reviews the literature surround- p. 568), tourism’s overall contribution to green- ing climate change and tourism at both a global and house gas emissions has been estimated at between Australian level, including government and indus- 5.2% and 12.5% of the global total (Scott, Peeters, try responses. It then reviews academic literature & Gössling, 2010). Travel and transport represents and research in relation to attitudes towards climate the highest percentage of tourism’s carbon emis- change and tourism among the traveling public sions at 75%, but accommodation contributes 21% and tourism operators, carbon mitigation actions with activities contributing a further 4% (WTO & that have been implemented by both cross-sector UNEP, 2008). In Australia, research has estimated and tourism businesses, and motivations for imple- that tourism’s GHG emissions range from 3.9% to menting such actions. The methodology adopted in 5.3% of total industry emissions (Dwyer, Forsyth, the survey of tourism enterprises is then outlined, Spurr, & Hoque, 2010). According to Becken and followed by detailed results, and a discussion of the Hay (2007), it is necessary to adopt a policy frame- findings in terms of the motivation of tourism oper- work for tourism that addresses both the impacts ators for implementing ecoefficiency actions. This of climate change on tourism via adaptation strate- article compares the motivations for carbon mitiga- gies and the contribution to climate change by tour- tion measures by environmentally certified tourism ism via mitigation strategies. Mitigation strategies enterprises with the more general business motiva- are designed to reduce GHG emissions or enhance tions and drivers for adopting corporate social and carbon sinks, thus “reducing the extent of global environmental responsibility practices (Bansal & warming” (STCRC, 2009, p. 5). As this article is Roth, 2000). concerned with carbon mitigation practices by tour- ism enterprises, the focus will be on ecoefficiency actions in energy, water, and waste that reduce car- Literature Review bon emissions and operating costs. Climate Change and Tourism Climate Change and Australian Tourism It has been widely documented that tourism is susceptible to the adverse effects of climate change In Australia, the national government responded on destinations and businesses (e.g., Becken & Hay, to the issue of climate change impacts on tour- 2007; Hall & Higham, 2005; Scott & Becken, 2010; ism in a number of ways. In 2007, it established a Turton et al., 2010; WTO & UNEP, 2008). Tourism National Tourism and Climate Change Taskforce. is highly dependent on the natural environment and A subsequent national action plan for tourism and 164 ZEPPEL AND BEAUMONT climate change focused on a tourism industry pre- Industry organizations have also addressed pared for future constraints on carbon emissions the issue of climate change through a number of (DRET, 2008). The Climate change guide: Miti- reports and articles. A state-based organization, the gation and adaptation measures for Australian Queensland Tourism Industry Council (QTIC), pro- tourism operators provided a rationale for imple- duced a report for its members explaining the issue menting mitigation measures, as well as examples of climate change and its implications for tourism of specific emissions reduction practices that could businesses and outlining strategies for managing be initiated by tourism operators (DRET, 2009). risk and reducing GHG emissions (QTIC, 2008). This guide was supplemented by a series of indus- On an Australia-wide basis, the Tourism and Trans- try workshops conducted throughout Australia in port Forum (TTF) produced a position article that 2009. The 2011–2012 priorities for the National specifically focused on the aviation, transport, and long-term tourism strategy also focused on build- tourism sectors’ contribution to GHG emissions, the ing industry resilience to the economic impacts implications of inaction, and examples of industry of climate change while increasing small busi- action to address the risks of climate change (TTF, ness adoption of climate change mitigation initia- 2008). A more recent report highlighted the eco- tives (DRET, 2011). The National Greenhouse and nomic impact of the of $23tCO2 (effec- Energy Reporting Act 2007 and Clean Energy Act tive from July 1, 2012) on the Australian tourism 2011 also require large tourism enterprises such as industry, particularly domestic aviation and tourist airlines (e.g., Qantas, Jetstar, Virgin Australia), and accommodation, and the need to reduce emissions other transport providers, to report their emissions to protect natural assets and improve long-term over an annual threshold of 25,000tCO2-e. From competitiveness (TTF, 2011). July 1, 2012, liable entities such as airlines must also pay a carbon tax of AUD$23tCO -e, while all 2 Awareness of and Attitudes Towards tourism enterprises face higher charges for energy, Climate Change and Tourism water, products, and materials (Dwyer, Forsyth, Spurr, & Hoque, 2013). Although climate change is receiving widespread The National Tourism and Climate Change Task- scientific attention and media publicity, there is still force recommended that tourism agencies develop a degree of uncertainty and skepticism surround- emissions management tools and provide advice ing climate change issues. As noted by Turton et about carbon offsets for operators. A recent review al. (2010), this is one of the barriers inhibiting the of nine Australian national, state, and territory tour- adoption of adaptation strategies by tourism opera- ism agencies found that they were all promoting tors. A number of studies have specifically exam- carbon reduction initiatives and carbon offsetting ined this issue from the perspective of the tourist for tourism operators, with some more proactive or the tourism operator. McKercher et al.’s (2010) than others (Zeppel & Beaumont, 2012b). For study of Hong Kong residents found that the major- example, Tourism Queensland, as one of the more ity considered climate change to be a serious issue proactive agencies, had developed a range of tools but these concerns did not influence travel behav- and programs to support operators in reducing ior or consumer demand for ecofriendly practices their carbon emissions and costs. These resources at tourism destinations. Gössling and Schumacher included fact sheets on climate change and car- (2010) found that more than 90% of tourists sur- bon offsetting; website resources on sustainability veyed in the Seychelles agreed that “the world’s and climate change; a toolkit for coastal tourism climate is changing” (p. 386), but only two thirds operators to assess and address climate risks; and believed that aviation contributed to the problem. programs in which tourism operators adopted sus- Similarly, almost all Antarctic cruise passengers tainability initiatives to improve their environmen- surveyed by Eijgelaar et al. (2010) were aware of tal performance and emissions reductions (e.g., climate change, but only one fifth believed their Sustainable Regions, Low Carbon Diet, EcoBiz, travel had a large impact on the problem. Becken’s and ClimateSmart business clusters) (Zeppel & (2007) research involving five focus groups at a Beaumont, 2012a, c). youth revealed that participants CLIMATE CHANGE AND SUSTAINABLE TOURISM 165 regarded climate change to be a major global prob- potential impact on tourist demand. They were lem, but had low awareness of the impacts caused inclined to place more emphasis on policy formula- by air travel and were unwilling to reduce their level tion and increasing public awareness as a response of travel. Interviews with 15 Norwegian travelers to climate change than on implementing mitiga- also revealed a high level of concern about climate tion strategies in their businesses. Su et al.’s (2013) change, though none were prepared to forego long- survey of 45 Taiwanese operators found that, haul air travel as a result (Higham & Cohen, 2011). although the majority expected climate change to Cohen and Higham’s (2011) interviews with 15 UK cause negative impacts for tourism, they did not consumers found a range of attitudes, including consider their hotel contributed to the problem and some who were unaware of the impact of air travel were only mildly in agreement with taking action. on climate change, several who were aware but A survey of 82 marine tourism operators on the unwilling to change their travel behavior, and others Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia, found that less who were aware and starting to travel with a “car- than half (41%) saw climate change as the major bon conscience” (p. 331). Becken’s (2004) research environmental threat to the GBR, but taking action found that just over a half of tourists thought global to reduce climate change impacts was considered climate change was an issue for tourism, while a important by 78% of operators (Zeppel, 2012a). recent study of New Zealand residents found that However, only a third saw this as the responsibility just over a half believed that tourism contributed to of the operators themselves, while 43% attributed climate change (Tiller & Schott, 2013). However, this responsibility to government. Gössling and only a small minority changed their travel behavior Schumacher’s (2010) interviews with 13 accom- as a result. Bergin-Seers and Mair’s (2009) inter- modation managers in the Seychelles revealed views with 166 tourists in Australia identified just high levels of awareness of climate change, but over 60% as “green consumers” but this had little some managers placed emphasis on climate change effect on their travel choices. Therefore, it seems affecting tourism whereas others focused on tour- that, although the public is concerned about climate ism contributing to climate change. However, many change, many tend not to perceive a link with tour- recognized that measures were needed for their ism and are not changing their travel decisions or businesses to be more ecofriendly and reduce GHG demanding climate change action at their emissions. Although these studies are relatively few destinations. in number, the more recent results tend to indicate Looking more specifically at tourism operators, that tourism operators are becoming aware of the a study of tour boat operators in seven destinations link between climate change and tourism and are in Australia found that the majority were unaware realizing the need for action to reduce emissions that their operations could cause environmental and protect their businesses. impacts and “the idea that GHG emissions and cli- mate change could affect day to day operations was Carbon Mitigation Actions by the Tourism Industry nonexistent” (Byrnes & Warnken, 2006, p. 268). By contrast, most of the 43 rural New Zealand To date there has been relatively little research tourism entrepreneurs interviewed by Hall (2006) on mitigation actions that tourism operators are identified climate change as a potential impact on taking. However, a study of 220 small and medi- their tourism business, but specified a number of um-sized enterprises across a number of business other issues that were of more immediate concern sectors in the UK revealed that many were adopt- and took priority in their business decisions. Any ing ecoefficiency and carbon reduction measures environmental actions focused more on efficiency (Revell, Stokes, & Chen, 2010). The most popular and conserving scarce resources than respond- measures were recycling and minimizing waste, ing to climate change. The majority of 19 tourism and energy-reducing actions such as turning down managers surveyed by Belle and Bramwell (2005) heating, turning off appliances, and monitoring in were aware of the potential environ- energy and water use. Some were also attempting mental impacts of climate change on local tour- to reduce carbon emissions by avoiding unneces- ism resources, but not as many were aware of the sary travel, promoting alternative transport for staff, 166 ZEPPEL AND BEAUMONT and using low emission vehicles. The few tourism surveyed throughout Queensland. Coles and studies have produced disparate results. Vernon et Zschiegner (2011) also obtained similar results for al.’s (2003) study of 25 tourism microbusinesses uptake of green energy sources by accommodation in Cornwall, UK, found that, despite a lack of providers in the UK. Becken’s (2012) energy survey ­formal environmental management strategies, most of New Zealand accommodation businesses found businesses had adopted some informal measures that, despite high levels of awareness about energy mainly in traditional areas of waste reduction and efficiency, their levels of implementation were energy and water conservation. Similarly, despite quite low. Measures implemented ranged from the low numbers of GBR tourism operators believing most popular of energy-efficient lighting at 23% to it was their responsibility to take action on climate energy saving transport at just 2%. The 45 Taiwan- change, the majority had initiated a variety of car- ese surveyed by Su et al. (2013) also had low bon mitigation measures (Zeppel, 2012a). The main overall implementation rates of carbon mitigation climate actions adopted by over 80% of operators responses, with energy reduction, locally produced were: recycling, risk management, responsible and seasonal food, and waste reduction the only waste disposal, and reducing energy use. Half had actions adopted more widely. also measured their and more than Nelson (2010a) examined the websites of 50 a third had taken part in climate change workshops Eco-Certified accommodation providers in Aus- or sought web-based information. Another study, tralia, the aim being to identify whether they were based on interviews with 48 owners and manag- providing information about their energy efficiency ers of reef tourism enterprises, found 91% set tar- and carbon reduction measures to potential tourists. gets for and fuel efficiency on Findings revealed that less than half provided this boats, while 66% had office energy reduction tar- information on their website. Most of this group gets, but only 27% offset emissions (Biggs, Ban, & indicated that their goal was to reduce energy Hall, 2012). Only a third of reef operators provided , but only a quarter specified actions information to their guests on energy efficiency to achieve this. Energy efficiency measures were (34%) and offsetting travel emissions (29%). Coles specified by one third of businesses, while alterna- and Zschiegner (2011) found that accommoda- tive energy sources were cited by 18%. Only 6% tion providers in Southwest England had initiated of businesses specified they participated in carbon an average of 8.2 mitigation actions, with close to offset programs. As this was website information 95% adopting recycling behavior, over 80% install- only, it cannot be discounted that some operators ing insulation, and 67% adopting energy-efficient may have implemented measures but did not pro- appliances. However, membership of tourism net- mote them on their websites, particularly as the works did not increase the uptake of carbon actions, businesses were all Eco Certified. However, Nelson with managers using local knowledge, workshops, (2010a) notes that, although Australia’s and the . A survey of 217 lodging provid- standards for Eco Certification included maximiz- ers in the US found an environmental policy only ing energy efficiency and minimizing greenhouse led to higher adoption rates for half of green prac- gas emissions, they were only a minor part of the tices, with minimal use of keycards for power use certification process that focused more heavily (­Nicholls & Kang, 2012). on nature conservation and education. A review By contrast, a study of 52 tourist and of energy issues for accommodation in Dominica hotels in the Cairns region of Queensland, Austra- found that while operators were motivated by envi- lia, revealed that more than half of the businesses ronmental sustainability, some key barriers were the had made no attempt to adopt energy efficiency cost of energy and a lack of knowledge about alter- measures (Curtis, 2002). While the remainder had native energy options (Nelson, 2010b). A website made some attempt, only 4% overall had made a analysis of 150 large hotel companies worldwide significant effort and only 11.5% used renewable revealed that only 27 specified their commitment to energy sources. A study by Dalton et al. (2007) addressing climate change or reducing carbon emis- found similarly low levels of uptake of renewable sions, and just 22 provided details of carbon reduc- energy at just 9% of 108 accommodation providers tion initiatives they had implemented (De Grosbois CLIMATE CHANGE AND SUSTAINABLE TOURISM 167

& Fennell, 2011). The major focus was on energy heart of corporate decision making, and cost sav- reduction and efficiency measures, and using renew- ings, , and improved reputation are able energy resources. all components of this key motive. Ethical motives, Weaver (2011) is critical about the efforts of based on leadership values and social obligations, many operators, which focus on superficial actions also drive ecological initiatives. Bansal and Roth’s such as linen reuse and recycling; they provide a (2000) research of 53 large corporations in a num- veneer of corporate responsibility while deliver- ber of countries built on this research to develop a ing cost savings to operators, but place the onus model of corporate ecological responsiveness and on the tourist rather than the operator. He suggests identified three motivations for firms adopting eco- these responses are in line with public sentiments logically responsive initiatives: (1) competitive- inasmuch as there is little demand by consumers ness—improve profitability through cost savings, for climate change action. However, Scott (2011) reputation enhancement, or marketing, (2) legitima- notes that “dealing with climate change is increas- tion—comply with regulations and societal norms ingly considered a prerequisite to sustainable or stakeholder pressure, and (3) ecological respon- development” (p. 27). In fact, he cites the Carbon sibility—consider ethical aspects of action and “do Disclosure Project’s 2010 survey, which found that the right thing” rather than act out of self-interest. the majority of Global 500 and S&P 500 compa- Interestingly, these three motivations match the nies believed that addressing climate change and economic, social, and environmental dimensions sustainability issues will lead to new commercial of sustainability. Bansal and Roth (2000) also iden- opportunities and improved relations with custom- tified three “contextual dimensions” (p. 728) or ers and other stakeholders. It therefore seems that catalysts for these motivations: (1) issue salience— economic motives may drive adoption of climate certainty, transparency, and emotivity, (2) field change actions by larger companies. However, cohesion—network connections within an orga- other more altruistic motives such as environmen- nizational sector, and (3) individual concern—the tal concern may also play a role in climate mitiga- level of concern of organization members for the tion actions. natural environment and the discretion they have to act. Sheldon and Park (2011) found most US travel businesses engaged in CSR activities, mainly envi- Motivations for Carbon Mitigation Measures ronmental projects, to enhance their reputation and Little tourism research has been conducted spe- community profile. cifically with regard to climate change and opera- Revell et al.’s (2010) study of UK small and tor motivations for adopting carbon mitigation medium-sized enterprises across a number of practices. Research on business in general, and industry sectors identified motivations for mitiga- the tourism industry in particular, has focused on tion measures similar to those identified in Bansal motivations for adopting sustainable, green, or and Roth’s (2000) model. The biggest drivers for environmentally responsible practices. As carbon adopting ecofriendly practices were costs savings reduction actions comprise a large proportion of and attracting new customers (competitiveness), these practices, this research is used as a basis for government regulations and taxes (legitimation), our analysis. and owner–manager’s personal environmental con- According to Bansal and Roth (2000), four driv- cern (ecological responsibility). With regard spe- ers of corporate environmental responsiveness have cifically to tourism enterprises, Vernon et al. (2003) been identified in prior research, namely “legisla- found the most common motive was reducing tion, stakeholder pressures, economic opportuni- costs. Environmental concern was also a consid- ties, and ethical motives” (p. 718). Firms are keen eration but there was a limit to operators’ altru- to comply with environmental legislation to avoid ism if it could not be financially justified. Zeppel penalties, fines, and legal costs. Stakeholders, such (2012a) noted that boat modifications by one of the as customers, local communities, and environmental GBR marine tourism operators, which professes a groups, also influence corporate decisions on eco- zero carbon footprint, was motivated by the desire logical matters. Economic opportunities are at the to “(1) enhance passenger capacity and comfort, 168 ZEPPEL AND BEAUMONT

(2) reduce fuel costs, (3) reduce emissions, and review of Tourism Queensland and other govern- (4) improve climate action credentials” (p. 3), again ment tourism agencies in Australia was undertaken a mix of competitiveness, legitimation, and ecolog- to determine what advice and information they ical responsibility. Although Mair and Jago (2010) were providing for tourism industry stakeholders developed a more complex model of drivers and with regard to climate change, carbon abatement, barriers that influence “corporate greening” (p. 84), green business, and sustainability practices (Zeppel­ their interviews with business events stakeholders, & Beaumont, 2011). Secondly, the websites of such as convention centers and conference organiz- ­ecotourism-certified operators were also reviewed ers, revealed that the primary motives of this sec- for their carbon mitigation actions, along with the tor for implementing environmentally sustainable green business practices recommended in ecocer- measures also matched Bansal and Roth’s (2000) tification programs, and the ecoefficiency (i.e., categories. These motives were the environmental energy, water, waste) measures listed in Tourism commitment of individuals (ecological responsibil- Queensland’s environmental indicators bench- ity), gaining a commercial advantage by empha- mark survey in 2010 (Tourism Queensland, 2010a, sizing their green credentials (competitiveness), 2010b). This review provided the basis for our tour- complying with corporate social responsibility ism operator survey, including a list of 18 carbon policies, and preempting future green regulations mitigation actions, along with other questions about (legitimation). operator motives for emissions reduction actions. This article builds on these previous tourism There were 24 questions in the final survey in studies of operators’ motivations for adopting eco­ three main sections: your tourism business, climate friendly practices and analyzes the responses of envi- change (emission audits and mitigation actions), ronmentally certified tourism enterprises in terms and carbon offsetting. The survey was piloted with of Bansal and Roth’s (2000) model of corporate five nature-based Queensland tourism operators ecological responsiveness. It also considers behav- without environmental certification. This article ioral engagement by operators as “actions that are reports on climate change and carbon mitigation undertaken when an individual chooses to invest responses in the survey. personal resources (e.g., time, money, energy, etc.) The survey of environmentally certified Queens­ into efforts to address the climate change issue” land tourism operators was undertaken from (Sutton & Tobin, 2011, p. 895). January to October 2011. Tourism operators with environmental credentials or accreditations were the target group for this survey as environmental Methodology certification programs recommend a range of car- This article presents results from a survey of envi- bon mitigation actions for operators to implement. ronmentally certified Queensland tourism enter- This research focused on environmentally certified prises, identified from website listings of members tourism enterprises that were proactive in adopting of certification programs. These programs included ecoefficiency measures, to determine their level of Eco Certification and Climate Action Certification adoption of carbon reduction practices. This gener- (Ecotourism Australia); Earth Check; Green Globe; ated baseline data for future research to compare Eco Friendly Star accommodation (AAA Tourism); these responses with carbon mitigation actions ecoBiz accreditation; Planet Safe Partnership; and adopted by non-environmentally certified tourism Savannah Guides in North Queensland. The Eco businesses. Friendly Star and Earth Check certifications are Website databases listing certified members mainly used by accommodation properties, while provided details of the environmentally certified the other environmental certification programs are tourism operators in Queensland. The survey was adopted by a range of tourism sectors. These certi- sent to 380 tourism operators by e-mail or post, fication schemes promote a range of ecoefficiency followed up with phone calls and some personal actions in energy, water, and waste reduction. interviews. Operators primarily self-completed the The methodology to develop the survey used survey electronically or on a hard copy form, with in this study comprised two steps. First, a website a small number of surveys based on face-to-face or CLIMATE CHANGE AND SUSTAINABLE TOURISM 169 phone interviews. Out of 380 operators contacted, Queensland. The respondents also included 16 some 83 surveys were completed by environmen- marine tourism enterprises such as diving, kayaking, tally certified Queensland tourism enterprises, with sailing, whale watching, and a reef aquarium. The a response rate of 25%. This response rate and num- accommodation businesses and convention centers ber of respondents compare favorably with other in this study were located in Brisbane, Cairns, and research on this topic reviewed in this article (e.g., the Gold . Geographically, most tourism enter- Becken, 2012; Belle & Bramwell, 2005; Biggs et prises were located in coastal and hinterland areas al., 2012; Coles & Zschiegner, 2011; Curtis, 2002; of Northern (46%) or Southern (43%) Queensland Dalton et al., 2007; Eijgelaar et al., 2010; Gössling followed by Central Queensland (11%). The sur- & Schumacher, 2010; Hall, 2006; Nelson, 2010a; veyed tourism enterprises were: small businesses Su et al., 2013; Vernon et al., 2003; Zeppel, 2012a). Similar response rates were obtained by Becken (2012) of 27%, Eijgelaar et al. (2010) of 21%, and Table 1 Becken, Frampton, and Simmons (2001) of 19%. Profile of Environmentally Certified Queensland A study of green practices at Taiwanese hotels was Tourism Enterprises based on a survey of 45 hotels (Su et al., 2013), Type of business while Curtis (2002) surveyed the energy practices Accommodation (n = 40) 48% of 52 Queensland resorts and hotels, Vernon et al. (n = 31) 37% (2003) researched the environmental strategies of Attraction (n = 8) 10% (n = 3) 4% 25 tourism microbusinesses in the UK, and Driscoll, Tourism organization (n = 1) 1% Mansfield, and Strasdas (2007) surveyed the miti- Size of business gation and offsetting actions by 67 US operators. Small business: 1–4 staff (n = 33) 40% Medium business: 5–20 staff (n = 24) 29% The survey results were analyzed with descriptive Large business: over 21 staff (n = 26) 31% statistics and frequency distributions of responses, Role in tourism business supported by written comments by tourism opera- Owner/operator (n = 45) 54% Manager (n = 25) 30% tors about the relevance of various carbon mitigation Othera (n = 13) 16% measures. Comparisons have been made between the Age of business different types of tourism enterprises, but because Accommodation: 1–78 years, mean 17.4 Tour operator: 2–38 years, mean 15.4 of small numbers in some categories it was not Attraction: 3–75 years, mean 16.7b possible to conduct statistical tests on the data. Key Convention center: 7–16 years, mean 12.6 themes have been identified in the comments by tour- Tourism organization: 42 years c ism operators about the types of carbon mitigation Business certification Eco Certification (n = 58) 70% measures adopted. Eco Friendly Star (n = 14) 17% Earth Check (n = 13) 16% Climate Action Certification (n = 9) 11% Results Green Globe (n = 8) 10% Planet Safe Partnership (TTNQ) (n = 8) 10% AAA Tourism (n = 8) 10% The Environmentally Certified TAAL (n = 7) 8% Tourism Enterprises Savannah Guides (n = 5) 6% ISO14001 EMS (n = 3) 4% A profile of the 83 environmentally certified Otherd (n = 7) 8% Queensland tourism enterprises that responded to TTNQ, Tourism Tropical North Queensland; AAA, Austra- the carbon mitigation survey is shown in Table 1. lian Automobile Association; TAAL, Tourism Accreditation Respondents included: accommodation businesses Australia Limited; CRVA, Caravan RV & Accommodation (40), tour operators (31), attractions (8), convention Industry of Australia. centers (3), and one tourism organization. These aOther: environmental, business, operational, venue staff. tourism enterprises were mainly located in the bMean excludes one attraction operating for 120 years. c Percentages add to more than 100 because some operators key nature-based reef and rainforest destinations were certified in multiple programs. of Northern and Central Queensland, and around dOther certification: Marine Safe (2), CRVA/Gumnut (2), conservation reserves or rural areas in Southern ecoBiz (1), Respect our (1), Nature Refuge (1). 170 ZEPPEL AND BEAUMONT with one to four staff (40%); medium businesses measure was the installation of CFL bulbs at their with 5 to 20 staff (29%); and large businesses with property solely motivated by cost savings. over 21 staff (31%). Mainly owner/operators (54%) Just over 40% of tourism businesses had com- or managers (30%) completed the survey, followed pleted an audit of their carbon emissions/energy by operations staff (16%). usage, either with an online emissions calculator (23%) or by employing a consultant to audit their emissions (18%). One attraction had an energy Attitudes to Climate Change and company do an audit of their emissions. Another Reducing Carbon Emissions 34% of tourism operators planned to do an emis- The majority of the surveyed environmentally sions audit in the next 12 months, while 28% did certified tourism enterprises (88%) agreed that cli- not think an emissions audit was necessary for their mate change was an important issue for the tourism business. One stated they would “rather spend $ industry. A few operators (10%) thought climate on action rather than audits,” while another com- change may be an important tourism issue, while mented “not required—NGERS calculator reported one operator each stated “not sure” and “no” on that our emissions level was below the threshold.” this. The “no” respondent believed climate change The online calculators that were used by tour- was a natural process over millions of years, while ism businesses to assess their carbon emissions the “not sure” respondent commented there were included: ClimateSmart (n = 8), GBRMPA (n = 7), “two extremes to the argument. No apparent mid- ecoBiz (n = 4), NGERS (n = 3), Greenfleet (n = 2), dle ground.” Comments by those that responded and Greenhouse Challenge Plus (n = 2). Other “maybe” indicated they wanted more research, emissions calculators used were by Earth Check/ were unsure about causes, or the credibility of EC3 Global (n = 7), including a Gold Coast City climate information. They also referred to cus- Council pilot project that utilized Earth Check soft- tomer perceptions of climate change, preference ware, Tourism Queensland (n = 2), and the Sustain- for environmentally friendly practices, or buying able Regions Program (n = 1). tourism products on price as more important fac- Many of the tourism enterprises had undertaken tors for tourism. Operators that agreed with climate carbon reduction or green business training. The change being an important tourism issue referred to main types of training are listed in Table 2. Other impacts on the reef, weather, wildlife, and nature- types of green business learning were from forums based destinations; protecting the environment; and seminars, the Nature Refuge program, World customer and industry expectations of sustainable Heritage listing, EC3 Global, Gumnut awards for tourism practices; the impact of rising energy costs; caravan parks, involvement in university research on and the necessity for tourism businesses to adopt ecosystem services, responsible business training, ecoefficiency measures. A few respondents also commented on the carbon footprint of travel and the impact of a carbon tax. One reef tour opera- Table 2 tor stated, “Climate change will affect us all but Carbon or Green Business Training Undertaken by correct reporting is important to prevent hyste- Queensland Tourism Enterprises ria, its being over marketed and desensitizing pax TQ Climate Change Workshop (n = 22) 27% [passengers].” ecoBiz Workshop (n = 11) 13% Most tourism enterprises (87%) either strongly Climate Smart Business (n = 11) 13% TQ Sustainable Regions Program (n = 9) 11% agreed (53%) or agreed (34%) that it was impor- TQ Climate Futures Workshop (n = 9) 11% tant to reduce the carbon footprint and emissions of Qantas Sustainable Tourism Seminar (n = 8) 10% their tourism business. Nine operators (11%) were AMPTO Acclimatise Your Business Workshop (n = 5) 6% EPA Low Carbon Diet (n = 4) 5% neutral on this point, one noting that their Greenhouse Challenge Plus (n = 4) 5% development was based on being ecologically sus- A–Z of Going Green-MEA (n = 1) 1% tainable. One accommodation manager strongly TQ, Tourism Queensland; AMPTO, Association of Marine disagreed with this point, did not think climate Park Tourism Operators; EPA, Environmental Protection change was important, and their only ecoefficiency Agency; MEA, & Events Australia. CLIMATE CHANGE AND SUSTAINABLE TOURISM 171 and the Sustainable Scenic Rim’s low carbon pro- (46%), operate new fuel-efficient transport (39%), grams in southeast Queensland. One large rainforest choose green suppliers (46%), or market their green attraction provided environmental awareness train- actions (42%). About a quarter of tourism opera- ing for staff and contractors. Two operators indi- tors have installed , use solar/heat pump cated that they had no training in this area as they hot water heaters, implement other energy initia- were small and were unable to travel away. tives like conserving water, minimizing energy use, gas heating or renewable energy, or . Only a few tourism enterprises are using or Carbon Mitigation Practices ­driving electric/hybrid-electric vehicles. Environmentally certified Queensland tourism One caravan park operator used electric golf operators have adopted a range of carbon mitigation buggies to service sites within their premises. A practices (Table 3). These include lower cost energy few larger tourism businesses (12%) are purchasing efficiency measures such as CFL or LED lighting GreenPower from renewable energy. One accom- (94%) and low-energy appliances (83%), and reduc- modation owner stated, “Would invest in ‘Green ing energy use practices such as turning off standby Electricity’ but currently way too expensive; cost power (73%). Recycling and reducing solid waste should be at least on par with normal tariff rates.” (90%) was also a key measure. More than half of A few enterprises stated they lacked staff resources the tourism enterprises were training staff (58%) or or had difficulty in measuring/calculating their informing visitors about reducing carbon emissions carbon footprint. (53%). Less than half of all surveyed operators have Other energy initiatives by attractions included: installed roofing insulation (47%), use room fans we operate solely on renewable power—hydro and

Table 3 Carbon Mitigation Actions Implemented by Queensland Tourism Enterprises

Install energy-saving CFL bulbs or LED lights (n = 78) 94% Practice recycling and minimize amount of solid waste (n = 75) 90% Purchase energy-efficient appliances (n = 69) 83% Switch off appliances at the wall to reduce standby power (n = 61) 73% Train staff or volunteers on your emissions reduction actions (n = 48) 58% Provide information to visitors on reducing their emissions (n = 44) 53% Roofing insulation (n = 39) 47% Choose suppliers taking actions to reduce their emissions (n = 38) 46% Use room fans instead of air conditioners (n = 38) 46% Market the emissions reduction initiatives of your business (n = 35) 42% Operate new fuel-efficient vehicles or vessels (n = 32) 39% Other energy initiativesa (n = 22) 27% Carbon offsetting (n = 21) 25% Use solar or heat pump hot water waters (n = 21) 25% Install solar photovoltaic powerb (n = 20) 24% Use ethanol mix or biofuels in vehicles (n = 14) 17% Drive electric cars or hybrid–electric vehicles (n = 12) 14% Purchase Green Power electricity from renewable energy (n = 10) 12%

aOther initiatives implemented: Attractions—instant gas hot water service, reduce water consumption; we operate solely on renewable power (hydro and solar); bore water, rainwater, plant trees, conservation message delivered on tours; solar pumps, rainwater tanks for toilet, building design to allow max. natural light, system that regulates AC to optimum. Tour operators—driving practices reduce emissions; gas hot water heater and optimizing two generators; purchase all four-stroke outboard motors; 200,000 liters of rainwater for washing buses, installed oil/water separator. Accommodation—low emission gas heating hot water and cooking; TQAL grant for two solar-powered cabins; low-pressure water system; flow restric- tors, water harvesting, local product, movement sensors, drought-resistant plants; rainwater tanks. bAttraction—“we are about to install 150KW of PV power”; Tour operators—“having a look at solar sys- tems on boat to supplement generator”; “in the future planning to do so”; Accommodation—grant for two solar powered cabins. 172 ZEPPEL AND BEAUMONT solar; solar pumps, instant gas hot water service; Table 4 system that regulates AC (air conditioning) to opti- Motivations for Carbon Mitigation by Queensland mum; and building design to allow maximum Tourism Enterprises natural light. Energy initiatives by tour operators Unranked list of motivations for carbon mitigation actions included: driving practices to reduce emissions; gas Attract environmentally aware tourists to your hot water heater and optimizing two generators; and business (n = 68) Differentiate your business as a “climate friendly” purchase all four-stroke outboard motors. Energy ­tourism product (n = 67) practices at accommodation businesses included: Cost savings (n = 59) low emission gas heating—hot water and cooking; Certification or permit requirement (n = 52) Environmental regulations (n = 30) TQAL grant for two solar-powered cabins; move- Othera: Environmental ethic, CSR, Customer demand, ment sensors; and local products. The water ini- Role model, No mains power (n = 29) tiatives reported by tourism enterprises included: Business reporting legal requirement (n = 4) reduce water consumption; bore water; rainwater; Operator motives ranked from 1 (highest) to 4 (lowest): Top six factors and rainwater tanks for toilet (attractions); 200,000 Othera: Environmental ethic, CSR, Customer demand, liters of rainwater for washing buses, installed oil/ Role model, No mains power (1.74) water separator (tour operator); low-pressure water Cost savings (2.32) system; flow restrictors; water harvesting; rainwa- Attract environmentally aware tourists to your business (2.37) ter tanks; and drought-resistant plants (accommo- Differentiate your business as a “climate friendly” dation). These other ecoactions focused on water ­tourism product (2.39) and energy efficiency measures. Environmental regulations (2.70) Certification or permit requirement (2.77) Overall, the average number of actions adopted by the tourism enterprises was nine. Convention cen- aOther: /right thing to do/CSR/green/ ters were the most proactive, adopting 11 actions sustainable/reduce carbon footprint (n = 21); personal choice, management efficiency/edict, customer demand/ on average, followed by attractions (10), accom- role model, no mains power (n = 6). CSR, Corporate Social modations (8), and tour operators (7). Larger enter- Responsibility. prises, and fixed location businesses, were most likely to be implementing a range of carbon reduc- tion actions. other reasons stated by tourism operators related to their personal environmental ethic, corporate social responsibility, customer demand, being a role Motivations for Implementing model, and no mains power. Comments included: Carbon Mitigation Practices “want to be green; want to make a difference; pas- The survey results indicate the main reasons for sionate about the beautiful earth and nature we implementing carbon reduction initiatives at environ- live in; philosophical—it is the right thing to do; mentally certified tourism businesses (Table 4) were: to help our environment; do the right thing; man- agement company edict; guests today and in the • Attract environmentally aware tourists to your future will come to expect operators to be doing business (82%) the “right thing” by the environment; and acting as • Differentiate your business as a “climate friendly” a role model for other tourism operators and local tourism product (81%) residents.” One attraction was “reinstating heritage • Cost savings (71%) values by refurbishing original 1930s hydro” to • Certification or permit requirement (63%) reduce electricity charges. A few larger enterprises • Environmental regulations (36%), and (5%) mentioned a business reporting legal require- • Other reasons (335%) ment, such as carbon emission thresholds in the National Greenhouse Energy Reporting System Environmental and business motivations were (NGERS). Environmental ethics was a stronger most important, followed by cost savings and com- motive for ecoactions by smaller owner-operated plying with certification requirements, where ecoef- enterprises, such as boutique accommodation and ficiency actions were integral to these schemes. The nature tours. CLIMATE CHANGE AND SUSTAINABLE TOURISM 173

When responses for carbon reduction actions (2012b) may be responsible for these attitudes and were ranked by tourism operators from 1 (highest) increased uptake of carbon mitigation measures. Of to 4 (lowest), the first ranked response was: Other course, all participants in this study were environ- reasons, mainly related to environmental ethics of mentally certified and therefore have the necessary owner–managers, with cost savings from ecoeffi- support in requirements of their certifying ciency actions ranked second (Table 4). The third body for ecoefficiency, which may also be a key and fourth ranked reasons were attracting environ- factor. However, as noted by Nelson (2010a), the mentally aware tourists to the business, and being focus for Eco Certification tends to be more on recognized as a climate friendly tourism enterprise. nature conservation and education than on reducing Lower ranked reasons for carbon reduction actions greenhouse gas emissions. Many surveyed opera- were environmental regulations and permit or cer- tors had undertaken green business training but tification program requirements (e.g., Ecotourism, fewer had completed an emissions or energy audit, Climate Action). Hence, carbon reduction actions and this may be due to the relatively small size of were largely driven by environmental ethics and many of these businesses. Half of the respondents business goals. were owner-operated businesses. As noted by one operator, they would rather spend their money on mitigation actions than on external audits. Discussion On average, the tourism enterprises undertook Almost 90% of the environmentally certified nine actions to reduce their emissions, and conven- Queensland tourism operators believed that cli- tion centers were the most proactive with an aver- mate change was an important issue for tourism age of 11. Again, this may be a factor of size, with and this growing awareness aligns with the recent the three convention centers all being classified in results of Gössling and Schumacher (2010), Hall the “large business” category. They were also the (2006), Su et al. (2013), and Zeppel (2012a). How- newest of the businesses with an average age of ever, as found by this previous research, much of 12.6 years, and the fact that they were established the focus was on the effects of climate change on in a period when climate change and sustainability the environment and consequent impacts on tour- issues were becoming more prominent may also ism businesses such as rising costs and changes in be pertinent. Larger enterprises, and fixed location tourist demand, rather than on tourism’s contribu- businesses, were most likely to be implementing a tion to the issue. There was also some uncertainty range of carbon reduction actions. and skepticism about the climate change issue by The Queensland tourism enterprises adopted a surveyed operators as Turton et al. (2010) noted. range of carbon mitigation actions in the four cat- However, many saw the need for reducing the egories identified by Becken and Hay (2007) of industry’s contribution to climate change and this reducing energy use, improving energy efficiency, was borne out by the overwhelming majority (87%) increasing the use of renewable energy sources, agreeing that it was important to reduce the carbon and sequestering carbon through sinks. As found emissions of their tourism businesses. This was a in earlier research (Becken, 2012; Biggs et al., surprising contrast with Zeppel’s (2012a) review, 2012; Coles & Zschiegner, 2011; De Grosbois & which found only one third of tourism operators Fennell, 2011; Nelson, 2010a, 2010b; Revell et al., in the GBR saw it as their responsibility to take 2010; Su et al., 2013; Vernon et al., 2003; Zeppel, action, and Belle and Bramwell’s (2005) study, 2012a), the most popular were energy efficiency which found Barbados tourism managers empha- measures, such as installing energy-saving lighting sized policy formulation and increasing public and purchasing energy-efficient appliances, and awareness as a response rather than adopting miti- reducing energy use measures, such as recycling gation strategies. The widening publicity given to and minimizing waste, and adopting and encour- the climate change issue via Australian government aging energy-­conserving behavior. These were the and international publications, and the support easier measures to adopt and those that would pro- and information on the topic provided by Tourism vide immediate cost savings to operators for little or Queensland as identified by Zeppel and Beaumont no outlay, perhaps conforming to Weaver’s (2011) 174 ZEPPEL AND BEAUMONT perceptions regarding superficial actions on cli- environmental ethics in first place, along with dif- mate change mitigation adopted by many tourism ferentiating their business as “climate friendly” and operators. Less popular measures were increasing cost savings. This is particularly interesting inas- the use of renewable energy sources and seques- much as the other two motives were specified as a tering carbon through sinks (carbon offsetting), choice in the survey whereas the environmental eth- which are more expensive to initiate and imple- ics response came entirely from operators’ own free ment and would only deliver returns over a longer choice response without prompting. Environmental time frame. However, the finding that a quarter of ethics was also a stronger motive for ecoactions by respondents were using renewable energy sources smaller owner-operated enterprises, such as bou- was a substantial increase on the levels found by tique accommodation and nature tours. From the Curtis (2002), Coles and Zschiegner (2011), and rankings, it would seem that competitiveness and Dalton et al. (2007). It was also higher than Nelson’s ecological responsibility are the primary motives (2010a) results of similarly certified operators, and and that, despite being environmentally certified indicated a progression in the uptake of renewable tourism operators, complying with their certifica- energy sources by tourism enterprises during the tion requirements (legitimation) is not as important period 2002–2011. A similar result was obtained as other motives. In fact, the environmental con- for carbon offsetting under the “sequestering car- cern and ethics of these tourism operators may be bon” category, with an increase from 6% partici- what prompted them to become environmentally pating in a carbon offsetting program in Nelson’s certified in the first place. (2010a) results to 21% in this study. However, as The contextual dimensions of Bansal and Roth’s noted previously, Nelson’s figures may have under- (2000) model are also evident as catalysts for these estimated the actual uptake of these actions as they motives. The first dimension, issue salience, would were based on website information only. More than appear to be a factor in driving carbon reduction half of the surveyed operators in the present study actions. With regard to certainty and transparency, also provided information to visitors on reducing the scientific and business communities are now their emissions. largely in agreement on the science and causes of The motives for carbon mitigation measures climate change as evidenced by the growing body identified by the environmentally certified tour- of academic research and publications by govern- ism enterprises match the categories of Bansal ment and industry bodies. Emotivity is also rel- and Roth’s (2000) model of corporate ecological evant, as the increasing volume of media publicity responsiveness of competitiveness, legitimation, about climate change has elicited a strong emo- and ecological responsibility, and accord with the tional response in both the public and the business findings of Mair and Jago (2010), Revell et al. community about the issue. The second dimension, (2010), and Zeppel (2012a). The highest numbers field cohesion, is also a factor in that the network of surveyed tourism enterprises specified three connections of the industry as members of their “competitiveness” motives designed to improve certification bodies and the responses of govern- their economic opportunities and profitability, ment tourism agencies have led to dissemination namely differentiating their business as “climate of relevant climate change information among the friendly,” attracting environmentally aware tour- operators and portrayal of the industry response ists to their business, and cost savings. Slightly as sustainable. Individual concern is a key factor, fewer specified “legitimation” motives of comply- as the findings indicate high levels of concern for ing with certification or permit requirements and the environment, particularly among those who environmental regulations. A smaller number had are in a position of owner or manager and there- motives in the “ecological responsibility” category fore able to make decisions to implement carbon identified as environmental ethics from a range of mitigation actions. Hence, the behavioral engage- comments in “other” motives such as “do the right ment by tourism operators involves the investment thing,” “want to be green,” and “help our environ- of time, money, and resources into carbon actions ment.” However, when asked to rank their motives, that address the climate change issue (Sutton & the largest number of tourism operators placed Tobin, 2011). CLIMATE CHANGE AND SUSTAINABLE TOURISM 175

With regard to competitiveness, cost savings for requirements, and the focus of most environmental larger operators from ecoefficiency actions have certification programs is not necessarily on reduc- already been quite substantial. However, it is not ing carbon emissions (Nelson, 2010a). Future clear whether marketing their business as “climate research on mainstream or non-environmentally friendly” and attempting to attract environmentally certified tourism businesses would provide a use- concerned tourists to their businesses will pay fur- ful comparison with this group to determine the ther dividends. Although the public believes that level of uptake of carbon mitigation actions across climate change is a serious problem, prior research the whole industry. has found that these concerns do not influence their This research compared the findings on moti- travel behavior or demand for ecofriendly holiday vations for adopting carbon mitigation actions by destinations (Becken, 2007; Bergin-Seers & Mair, Queensland tourism enterprises with other similar 2009; Cohen & Higham, 2011; Eijgelaar et al., 2010; tourism studies using Bansal and Roth’s (2000) Gössling & Schumacher, 2010; Higham & Cohen, model of corporate ecological responsiveness. This 2011; McKercher et al., 2010; Tiller & Schott, analysis contributed to the literature by linking 2013). However, the recent research by Cohen and tourism findings to general research on corporate Higham (2011) suggests an increasing number of social and environmental responsibility. Future travelers with a “carbon conscience” may demand research on tourism industry responsiveness to cli- these actions by operators in the future. mate change could be based on this model and used to identify whether tourism businesses’ strengths in carbon mitigation actions fall in one or more of the Conclusion three categories (i.e., competitiveness, legitimation, This article applied Bansal and Roth’s (2000) and ecological responsibility). This research would model of corporate ecological responsiveness to further test the utility of Bansal and Roth’s (2000) assess carbon actions adopted by environmentally model and confirm the key motivations and drivers certified tourism enterprises in Queensland, Aus- for adopting carbon mitigation actions in achieving tralia. It found the main drivers for adopting ecof- sustainable tourism at the business level. Barriers riendly practices were: being “climate friendly,” for tourism businesses in adopting carbon mitiga- attracting customers, and cost savings (competi- tion actions also need to be identified (Carmody tiveness); government regulations or certification & Zeppel, 2009; Nelson, 2010b) and addressed by (legitimation); and owner–manager’s personal government and industry tourism bodies. The rela- environmental concern (ecological responsibility). tive influence of environmental policies, tourism In general, the environmentally certified tourism networks, and informal learning by tourism opera- enterprises’ responses seem to align with Scott’s tors about carbon reduction actions also requires (2011) contention that dealing with climate change further evaluation. is now an integral part of the sustainable develop- ment process. They may have been prompted to References act by environmental ethics and cost savings from Bansal, P., & Roth, K. (2000). Why companies go green: energy efficiency measures, but they also believe A model of ecological responsiveness. Academy of that acting responsibly will lead to new commer- ­Management Journal, 43(4), 717–736. cial opportunities and improved relations with Becken, S. (2004). How tourists and tourism experts per- customers. Environmental regulations and tourism ceive climate change and carbon-offsetting schemes. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 12(4), 332–345. certification requirements are other drivers for car- Becken, S. (2007). Tourists’ perception of international air bon actions. This study surveyed environmentally travel’s impact on the global climate and potential cli- certified tourism operators and one could expect mate change policies. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, this group of businesses to be more proactive in 15(4), 351–368. adopting ecofriendly and energy efficiency mea- Becken, S. (2012). Operators’ perceptions of energy use and actual saving opportunities for tourism accommoda- sures than other mainstream tourism businesses. tion. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 18(1–2). However, respondents in this survey were not pri- Published online June 4. DOI:10.1080/110941665.2012.​ marily motivated to act because of certification 688512. 176 ZEPPEL AND BEAUMONT

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