Directories Lists Necrology National Jewish Organizations1

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Directories Lists Necrology National Jewish Organizations1 Directories Lists Necrology National Jewish Organizations1 UNITED STATES Organizations are listed according to functions as follows: Religious, Educational 271 Cultural 265 Community Relations 261 Overseas Aid 269 Social Welfare 290 Social, Mutual Benefit 288 Zionist and Pro-Israel 293 Note also cross-references under these headings: Professional Associations 300 Women's Organizations 301 Youth and Student Organizations 302 COMMUNITY RELATIONS humanity to the Arab-Israel conflict in the Middle East; rejects nationality attach- AMERICAN COUNCIL FOR JUDAISM (1943). ment of Jews, particularly American Jews, 307 Fifth Ave., Suite 1006, N.Y.C., 10016. to the State of Israel as self-segregating, (212)889-1313. Pres. Clarence L. Cole- inconsistent with American constitutional man, Jr.; Sec. Alan V. Stone. Seeks to ad- concepts of individual citizenship and sep- vance the universal principles of a Judaism aration of church and state, and as being a free of nationalism, and the national, civic, principal obstacle to Middle East peace, cultural, and social integration into Ameri- Report. can institutions of Americans of Jewish . _, ,lm,. ¥ faith. Issues of the American Council for AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE (1906). In- luAnitm- Snorial inters Rvnnrt stitute of Human Relations, 165 E. 56 St., Judaism. Special Interest Report. N y c^ lQQ22 (212)751.4O0O. Pres. May- AMERICAN JEWISH ALTERNATIVES TO nard I. Wishner; Exec. V. Pres. Donald ZIONISM, INC. (1968). 133 E. 73 St., Feldstein. Seeks to prevent infraction of N.Y.C., 10021. (212)628-2727. Pres. civil and religious rights of Jews in any part Elmer Berger; V. Pres. Mrs. Arthur Gut- of the world; to advance the cause of man. Applies Jewish values of justice and human rights for people of all races, 'The information in this directory is based on replies to questionnaires circulated by the editors. Inclusion does not necessarily imply approval of the organizations by the publishers; nor can they assume responsibility for the accuracy of the data. 261 262 / AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 1984 creeds, and nationalities; to interpret the toward that end; conducts educational pro- position of Israel to the American public; grams and seminars; aims to encourage co- and to help American Jews maintain and operation between community relations enrich their Jewish identity and, at the workers and those working in other areas same time, achieve full integration in of Jewish communal service. Quarterly American life; includes Jacob and Hilda newsletter. Blaustein Center for Human Relations, William E. Wiener Oral History Library, CENTER FOR JEWISH COMMUNITY STUDIES Leonard and Rose Sperry International (1970). 555 Gladfelter Hall, Temple Uni- Center for the Resolution of Group Con- versity, Philadelphia, Pa., 19122. (215)787- flict. AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK 1459. Pres. Daniel J. Elazar. Worldwide (with Jewish Publication Society of Amer- consortium of scholars devoted to the ica); Commentary; Present Tense; What's study of Jewish community organization, Doing at the Committee. political thought and public affairs, past and present, in Israel and throughout the AMERICAN JEWISH CONGRESS (1918). Ste- world. Publishes original articles, essays, phen Wise Congress House, 15 E. 84 St., and monographs; maintains library, ar- N.Y.C., 10028. (212)879-4500. Pres. How- chives, and reprint series. Jerusalem Let- ard M. Squadron; Exec. Dir. Henry Sieg- ter/Viewpoints; Tefutsot Israel; Iggeret. man. Works to foster the creative cultural survival of the Jewish people; to help Israel COMMISSION ON SOCIAL ACTION OF RE- develop in peace, freedom, and security; to FORM JUDAISM (1953) (under the auspices eliminate all forms of racial and religious of the Union of American Hebrew Congre- bigotry; to advance civil rights, protect gations). 838 Fifth Ave., N.Y.C., 10021. civil liberties, defend religious freedom, (212)249-0100. Chmn. Harris Gilbert; Dir. and safeguard the separation of church and Albert Vorspan; Assoc. Dir. David Saper- state. Maintains the Martin Steinberg Cen- stein. Develops materials to assist Reform ter for Jewish arts and artists. Congress synagogues in setting up social-action pro- Monthly; Judaism; Boycott Report; Jewish grams relating the principles of Judaism to Arts Newsletter. contemporary social problems; assists con- gregations in studying the moral and reli- ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE OF B'NAI gious implications in social issues such as B'RITH (1913). 823 United Nations Plaza, civil rights, civil liberties, church-state re- N.Y.C., 10017. (212)490-2525. Nat. lations; guides congregational social-action Chmn. Kenneth J. Bialkin; Nat. Dir. Na- committees. Issues of Conscience; Newslet- than Perlmutter. Seeks to combat antise- ter. mitism and to secure justice and fair treat- ment for all citizens through law, COMMITTEE TO BRING NAZI WAR CRIMI- education, and community relations. ADL NALS TO JUSTICE IN U.S.A., INC. (1973). Bulletin; Face to Face; Fact Finding Report; 135 W. 106 St., N.Y.C., 10025. (212)942- International Report; Law Notes; Rights; 8071. Pres. Charles H. Kremer; Treas. Law; Research and Evaluation Report; Dis- criminations Report. Jacob Zonis. Compiles and publicizes rec- ords of Nazi atrocities and labors to bring ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH CENTER WORK- to justice the perpetrators of those crimes. ERS (1918). 15 E. 26 St., N.Y.C., 10010. Remains committed to preserving the (212)532-4949. Pres. David Eskenazi; memory of all victims of the Holocaust, Exec. Dir. Herman L. Zimmerman. Seeks and actively opposes antisemitism wher- to enhance and improve the standards, ever and however it is found. techniques, practices, scope, and public un- derstanding of Jewish community center CONFERENCE OF PRESIDENTS OF MAJOR and kindred work. The Kesher; Viewpoints. AMERICAN JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS (1955). 515 Park Ave., N.Y.C., 10022. ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH COMMUNITY RE- (212)752-1616. Chmn. Julius Berman; LATIONS WORKERS (1950). 155 Fifth Ave., Exec. V. Chmn. Yehuda Hellman. Coordi- N.Y.C., 10010. (212)533-7800. Pres. nates the activities of 37 major American Muriel Berman; Exec. Dir. Ann Plutzer. Jewish organizations as they relate to Aims to stimulate higher standards of pro- American-Israeli affairs and problems fessional practice in Jewish community re- affecting Jews in other lands. Annual Re- lations; encourages research and training port; Middle East Memo. NATIONAL JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS / 263 CONSULTATIVE COUNCIL OF JEWISH OR- to communicate with colleagues in order to GANIZATIONS-CCJO (1946). 135 William enrich quality of their work. Conducts St., N.Y.C., 10038. (212)349-0537. Co quadrennial international conferences in Chmn. Basil Bard, Jules Braunschvig, Jo- Jerusalem and periodic regional meetings. seph Nuss; V. Chmn. Arnold Franco; Sec.- Proceedings of International Conferences; Gen. Moses Moskowitz. A nongovernmen- Newsletter. tal organization in consultative status with the UN, UNESCO, International Labor JEWISH LABOR COMMITTEE (1934). Atran Organization, UNICEF, and the Council Center for Jewish Culture, 25 E. 78 St., of Europe; cooperates and consults with, N.Y.C., 10021. (212)535-3700. Pres. Don- advises and renders assistance to the Eco- ald Slaiman; Exec. Dir. Emanuel Murav- nomic, and Social Council of the United chik. Serves as a link between the Jewish Nations on all problems relating to human community and the trade union move- rights and economic, social, cultural, edu- ment; works with the AFL-CIO and others cational, and related matters pertaining to to combat all forms of racial and religious Jews. discrimination in the United States and abroad; furthers labor support for Israel's COORDINATING BOARD OF JEWISH ORGAN- security and Soviet Jewry, and Jewish com- IZATIONS (1947). 1640 Rhode Island Ave., munal support for labor's social and eco- N.W., Washington, D.C., 20036. (202)857- nomic programs; supports Yiddish cul- 6545. Pres. Jack J. Spitzer (B'nai B'rith), tural institutions. JLC News. Greville Janner (Board of Deputies of Brit- ish Jews), David K. Mann (South African , NATIONAL TRADE UNION COUNCIL Jewish Board of Deputies); Exec. V. Pres. FOR HUMAN RIGHTS (1956). Atran Center Daniel Thursz (U.S.). As an organization for Jewish Culture, 25 E. 78 St., N.Y.C., in consultative status with the Economic 10021. (212)535-3700. Chmn. Sol Hoff- and Social Council of the United Nations, man; Exec. Sec. Martin Lapan. Works represents the three constituents (B'nai with trade unions on programs and issues B'rith, the Board of Deputies of British affecting both labor and the Jewish com- Jews, and the South African Jewish Board munity. of Deputies) in the appropriate United Na- tions bodies for the purpose of promoting , WOMEN'S DIVISION OF (1947). human rights, with special attention to Atran Center for Jewish Culture, 25 E. 78 combatting persecution or discrimination St., N.Y.C., 10021. (212)535-3700. Nat. on grounds of race, religion, or origin. Chmn. Eleanor Schachner. Supports the general activities of the Jewish Labor Com- COUNCIL OF JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS IN mittee; provides secondary school and col- CIVIL SERVICE, INC. (1948). 45 E. 33 St., lege scholarships for needy Israeli stu- N.Y.C., 10016. (212)689-2015. Pres. Louis dents; participates in educational and Weiser. Supports merit system; combats cultural activities. discrimination; promotes all Jewish inter- est projects; sponsors scholarships; is mem- , WORKMEN'S CIRCLE DIVISION OF ber of Greater N. Y. Conference on Soviet (1939). Atran Center for Jewish Culture, Jewry, Jewish Labor Committee, America- 25 E. 78 St., N.Y.C., 10021. (212)535- Israel Friendship League, N.Y. Jewish 3700. Chmn. Bernard Rifkin; Co-Chmn. Community Relations Committee, N.Y. Abraham Finesilver. Promotes aims of, Metropolitan Coordinating Council on and raises funds for, the Jewish Labor Jewish Poverty. CJO Digest. Committee among the Workmen's Circle branches; conducts Yiddish educational INSTITUTE FOR JEWISH POLICY PLANNING and cultural activities. AND RESEARCH (see Synagogue Council of America, p. 281). JEWISH WAR VETERANS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (1896). 1712 New INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF JEWISH Hampshire Ave., N. W., Washington, COMMUNAL SERVICE (1966). 15 E. 26 St., D.C., 20009.
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    Gamliel (James) Shmalo 93 The Circle, Passaic, New Jersey, 07055 973 470 8166 ● 551 206 1198 (cell) EDUCATION The Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel M.A. in Jewish Philosophy, research track 2004 Thesis: “The Doctrine of the Observance of Torah and Commandments with Ulterior Motivations in the early Chassidic Movement” (Hebrew). Graduated with honors. Machon Harry Fischel, Jerusalem, Israel Rabbinic Ordination 2000 Laws of Kashrut, Sabbath, Family Purity, and Mourning. Yeshivat Heichal HaTorah B’Tzion, Jerusalem, Israel 1991 - 1993 Area of Concentration: Talmud. Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh, Ashdod, Israel 1990 - 1991 Areas of Concentration: Talmud, Jewish Philosophy. Machon Shlomo, Jerusalem, Israel 1988 - 1990 Areas of Concentration: Talmud, Jewish Philosophy, Jewish Law. The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania B.A. in Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Modernization 1988 Honors Thesis: “Antinomianism, Preparationism and Capitalism: some Effects of Predestination on Puritan Stability.” Graduated with honors and honors in major. AWARDS Rector Prize, The Hebrew Univerisity in Jerusalem. 2003 The Naomi Fund Award, Machon Harry Fischel. 1995 TEACHING EXPERIENCE Meor-NYU, New York, New York Founding Educational Director 2006 - Present Developed curriculum and taught seminar on Jewish belief and practice. Stern College, Yeshiva University, New York, New York Adjunct Instructor, Jewish Philosophy, Jewish Studies 2006 - Present Philosophy of R. Yehudah Halevi. Philosophy of R. Moshe Chaim Midrash and Aggadah Luzzato. Orthodox Theological Responses Philosophy of Nahmanides to the Holocaust Philosophy of R. Bachya Ibn Laws of Kashrut Pakuda Philosophy of R. Moshe Cordovero Makhor, Jerusalem, Israel Lecturer 2005 - 2006 Developed Syllabus and taught course on Midrash. Yeshivat Ohr Yerushalyim Teacher 1998 - 2006 Developed syllabus and taught courses: Topics in the Weekly Torah Reading.
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