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04.02.2018 wertyuiopgüasdfghjklsizxcvbnmöçq Ümüt Çınar wertyuiopgüasdfghjklsizxcvbnmöçqAnkara, wertyuiopgüasdfghjklsizxcvbnmöç q wertyuiopgüasdfghjklsizxcvbnmöçq wertyuiopgüasdfghjklsizxcvbnmöçq wertyuiopgüasdfghjklsizxcvbnmöçq wertyuiopgüasdfghjklsizxcvbnmöçq wertyuiopgüasdfghjklsizxcvbnmöçq wertyuiopgüasdfghjklsizxcvbnmöçq wertyuiopgüasdfghjklsizxcvbnmöçq wertyuiopgüasdfghjklsizxcvbnmöçq wertyuiopgüasdfghjklsizxcvbnmöçq wertyuiopgüasdfghjklsizxcvbnmöçq 2

Alaska tarihinin en önemli dönüm noktası olan Awa’uq Katliamı Vikipedi'de Kmoksy mahlasıyla açtığım sayfalar içinde beni en çok etkileyenidir. Bu çalışmayı o katliamın gerçekleştiği Awa’uq kayalığına ithaf ediyorum.

ʏᴜᴘ Angalkum Qaneryarai ᴇɴɢ Shaman's Words ᴛᴜʀ Şamanın Sözleri

ÖZET Bu (2017) yılın başlarında Türkçede bir sistem keşfettim ve bunu 13 Mart 2017 günü Türkçenin Şamanik Kökleri adıyla pdf dosyası olarak kendi sitemden duyurdum. Böm düzeni (böm sistemi) adını verdiğim bu sisteme göre, her dil inanç lideri tarafından bulunan ve böm (monophonemic morphemes) denen anlamlı tek seslerin birleşiminden oluşur. Bir dildeki kelimenin o dile mi ait yoksa yabancı bir dilden mi geçme olduğunu doğruya yakın doğrulukta gösteren bir sistemdir. Bu sistemi Türkçede keşfettikten dokuz ay sonra Yupikçe üzerinde sağlamasını yapıp doğrulattım. Yupikçe bömlerin çözümüne Aralık ayının ikinci yarısında 13 Aralık 2017 günü başladım ve iki hafta gibi kısa bir sürede çözdüm:

Türkçenin bömleri 22 tanedir: A ,genişleme-, E ,yatıklama-, I ,ırama-, İ ,ilişme-, O {oyuklama}, Ö ,özleme), U ,uçlama-, Ü ,üstleme-, Y {yayma}, Ğ ,eğme-, W/V ,sıvama-, P/B (çapma), M {yapamama}, N ,ayrılma-, L {kendileme = owning}, R {karma}, Z {bozma}, S {serme}, Ş ,dışlama-, Ç/C ,çıkma-, T/D {atma}, K/G {kalma}.

Eskimocanın bömleri 15 tanedir: I {gelme = coming}, E ,bölme = dividing-, A {kalma = staying}, U {gitme = leaving}, Q {karma = mixing}, K {katma = adding}, T ,ayrılma = separating}, M {uyma = cohesion}, N {uzama = lengthen}, L ,düzenli = regularity-, P (yükselme = rising), V ,taşınma = moving-, C ,içleme = inside-, Z {girme = entering}, Y ,üstleme = onto-.

ANAHTAR KELİMELER: böm, fonem, morfem, dilin kökeni, Yupikçe, İnyupikçe, Eskimo dilleri, Ana Eskimo dili.

KEY WORDS: böm, phoneme, morpheme, origin of language, Yup'ik, Iñupiaq, Eskimo languages, Proto-Eskimo.


Bütün insanlar yabani avcı ve toplayıcı evreden başlamış, çoğu sonraları evcil hayvancılık ve tarıma geçerken, epeyce bir kısmı da ilk evreyi bırakmayıp günümüzde hâlâ sürdürüyorlar. İnsan beslendiği doğaya baktığında durgunluk değil hep canlı bir hareket gördü. Bunlar tek seferlik değil, periyodik olarak tekrar eden eylemlerdir. O eski insanlara göre tekrar eden eylemler canlılık göstergesidir. Dilden önce din oluştu. İnsanlığın Afrika'da yarattığı ilk inanç animizm dediğimiz canlıcılıktır. Animizm inancına göre, biyolojik olarak canlı olsun olmasın her şeyin bir ruhu var. Her ruhun gücü aynı değil, görünür şekliyle doğru orantılıdır. Şamanizm bu animizmin geliştirilmiş tıngırdaklı (drummed) bir formudur.

Dilleri din adamları yarattı. Şekillerin olduğu görünür dünya ile ruhların olduğu görünmez dünya arasında irtibatı sağlayan din adamları trans hâlindeyken çıkardıkları farklı sesleri fonem olarak 3 ayırmaya başladılar. Bu yüzden din adamlarının gırtlak yapısı diğerlerinden daha hızlı gelişti ve sese odaklandı. Ses çıkaramayanları çıkardıkları sesle kendilerine bağlayan din adamları bu gücü kullandılar ve avcılığın odağında kaldılar. Av demek yiyecek demektir ve onun yerini avcılara gösterip avlandığında ruhunu etkisiz kılacak olan yalnızca din adamlarıdır.

Önce ünlüleri ayırt etmeye başlayan din adamları daha sonra ünsüzleri çıkarıp her ikisini birlikte bir düzen içinde sıraladılar. Ünlü ya da ünsüz fonem denen her farklı sese genel bir anlam yüklediler. İşte genel bir anlamı olan ve çoğunlukla tek harfle gösterilen o fonemik seslere böm diyorum.

Türkçe ve Eskimoca böm sistemiyle oluşturulmuştur.

Bömler dışında bir dil nasıl oluşabilir açıkçası bilmiyorum ve de bilenler olduğunu sanmıyorum. Herkes işi oldukça ilkel bir maymunluğa getiriyor, kimse akıllı tek bir kişinin dili kurgulayabileceğini akıl edemiyor. O kişi yalnızca bol vakti olan ve de diğerlerinden ayrı yaşayıp onları gözlemleyen avcılıktan emekli bir inanç lideri olabilir. Erkekler avla vakit geçirirken, kadınlar da toplayıcılık ve bakıcılıkla ilgiliniyor olmalı. İnanç liderleri ise ne ava katılır ne de toplamaya, onlar yalnızca yönlendiricidir, tıpkı günümüzdekiler gibi. Diller mağara devrinde oluşmadı, insanlık kültürel olarak geliştikten epey sonra oluştu. Ahrazların (dilsiz ve sağırların) anlaşması gibi oldukça uzun süren bir dilsizlik dönemi var. Bu dönem maymunluk dönemi değilken, dil oluşum teorisyenleri hep maymunsu hareketlerle açıklamaya çalışıyorlar. Evrimin ne olduğunu bilmeden evrimcilik oynuyorlar.

Tıpkı Türkçede olduğu gibi, bir dilin başlangıç hâlinin etimolojisini yapabilmek ve onu kavrayabilmek için şamanizm ya da animizmi bilmek gerekiyor. O dinin inançlarını bilmeden onun inanç liderinin dilini de çözemezsiniz. Eskimo şamanizmi üzerine bilinenler detayda oldukça yetersiz kalıyor. Bu bilgiler kaydedilmeden bilenlerin ölümüyle yok oluyor. Halbuki bunlar dillerin oluşumunu açıklayabilecek derecede önemli bilgilerdir; yok olup gitmesine izin vermemeli.

İnsanlar önce doğada dini gördüler uzunca bir dilsizlik döneminden sonra da dili oluşturdular. Bütün insanlar avcı-toplayıcı kökenlidir ve diller o dönemin ürünüdür. İnsanlığın ilk din inancı animizm dediğimiz inançtır. Şamanizm de onun uzatımıdır. İnanç liderleri avcılık ve toplayıcılık faaliyetlerine doğrudan katılmaz, katılanları yönlendirip korur ve ahaliyi gözlemler. İnsanlarla ruhlar arasındaki bağlantıyı kurdukları törenlerde trans hâlinin öncesi ve sonrası duydukları heyecanı hırıltılarla yansıtırlar. İşte bu hırıltılar, insanın ses siteminin o liderlerce farkına varılmasını sağlamıştır. Seslerin farklılığını keşfettikleri andan itibaren onların her birine bir anlam yükleyerek dilin ptototipini oluşturmuşlardır. O prototip daha sonra böm sistemiyle bir düzen içinde sıralanan seslerle günümüzdeki dilin ilk hâline dönüşmüştür. O ilk hâl bugün rahatça çözülebilmektedir. 2017 yılında bömleri ilk çözülen dil ailesi Türkiye Türkçesi (Turkish) temelinde Türkçedir (Turkic), ikincisi ise Yupikçe ve İnyupikçe temelinde Eskimocadır.

Dili oluşturan grup dilsiz grupları dillendirebilir. Aynı dil ailesinde antropolojik farkların bulunması bu yüzdendir.

İkircikli durumda bir sözün o dile ait olup olmadığı onun bömleriyle belirlenebilir. Bir dilde birden fazla "homonimik kök" bulunmaz; varsa ikincisi yansımadır ya da yabancıdır.


Anatomik yapıdan dolayı insanlar ses yolunda ilk önce herhangi bir engele çarpmadan çıkan ünlüleri sonra da boğumlanarak çıkan ünsüzleri geliştirmiştir. Uzatılmaya müsait olduğu için ünlüler ünsüzlere göre uzaklardan çok rahat duyulur. Dillerin ilk oluşumu din liderleri tarafından geliştirilen ve tamamen ünlülerden kurulan ünlüleme devresiyle başlar. Geçiş dönemi olan bu ünlüleme devresinde ünlülerin sayısını seslenme gereksinimi belirler. Bu gereksinime göre dilleri, dışarıda oluşan diller ya da geniş alan dilleri (örn. Türkçe: a, e, ı, i, o, ö, u, ü; Macarca: a, e, i, o, ö, u, ü; Fince: a, ä, e, i, o, ö, u, y) ve içeride oluşan diller ya da dar alan dilleri (Yupikçe: a, e, i, u; Arapça: a, i, u) biçiminde ikiye ayırabiliriz. Eskimo dillerinin tamamen (İnyupikçe) ya da qasgi (Yupikçe) denen kışlık köy odasında oluştuğunu ve iklim değiştirmediğini doğruya yakın doğrulukta söyleyebiliriz. Kapalı ortamda herkes birbirini görebilecek kadar yakın olduğu için gür seslere ve ünlü çeşitliliğine gerek duyulmaz, aksi takdirde kulaklar "sağır" olur. Eskimocadaki "hırıltılı gurultulu" ünsüzlerin yaygınlığı da işte bu kapalı ortam yüzündendir.

Yansımaların dillerin oluşumuna doğrudan aktif bir katkısı yoktur, ancak dillerin oluşumundan önceki ünlüleme evresinde seslerin oluşumuna bir katkısı olabilir. Çoğu, dil oluşup kalıplaştıktan epey sonra çıkmıştır. Çünkü köklerin ya da ayaklıkların doğrudan yansıma hatırlatan bir anlamı yoktur. Yılın epeyce bir kısmını karlar altında geçiren gepgeniş Eskimo coğrafyasında hem iklimin ıssızlığından hem de soğuktan korunmak için başlarına taktıkları başlıktan dolayı insanların duydukları ses çeşitliliği oldukça sınırlıdır. Bu yüzden Eskimo dillerinde ses yansımalı sözler yok denecek kadar azdır. İkileme (reduplication) ve yansımalar (imitative) Eskimocada çok az iken, Türkçede oldukça boldur. Jacobson'un Yupikçe sözlüğünde "imitative" olarak işaretlenen yalnızca 60 madde var. Proto-Eskimo dili

Proto-Eskimo dilini kuran o grubun din lideri yani şamanıdır. Şamanlar (İnyupikçe aŋatkuq, Yupikçe angalkuq < angala- "to flutter; to wobble; to move back and forth; to shake") dilsiz toplumlarda ruhlarla insanlar arasında bağlantıyı kuran kişilerdir ve bu bağlantı esnasında çıkardıkları anlamsız sesler dilin oluşumunu tetiklemiştir. Eskimo şamanı 4 tanesi ünlü (i, e, a, u) 11 tanesi de ünsüz (q, k, t, m, n, l, p, v, c, z, y) olmak üzere 15 böm oluşturabilmiştir. Kökleri iki heceli oluşturmuştur. Tek heceli imiş gibi görünen işaret zamirleri ise detaylı inceleme gerektirdiğinden bu yazıda ele almadım.

Şaman, ilk önce ünlüleri oluşturmuştur. Birbirinden ayırt edebildiği dört ünlüye anlam verirken, avcıların obada (köyde) bulunup bulunmamasına göre bir yol izliyor:

böm Türkçe adı İngilizce adı İlk anlamı I gelme coming Avdan dönüp obaya av getirme E bölme dividing Getirilen avı parçalayıp obadakilere dağıtma A kalma staying Yiyecek azalana kadar obada durma U gitme leaving Yeni av için obadan ayrılma

Şaman her kökü iki bömle (Q ya da K) bitirmiştir ve bu ikisi dışında üçüncü (T) bir bömün sistematik örneklerine rastlamadım; rastladıklarım ya Q ya da K sesinin düşmesiyle oluşmuş T sesiyle bitenlerdir. Kök bitiminde kullanılan Q ve K bömlerinin alofonları sırasıyla R (Türkçedeki ğ) ile G sesleridir. Alofonlar dil kurulduktan sonraki ilerleyen asırlarda kendiliğinden oluştuğu için böm değerini değiştirmez. 5

Şaman kök bitiren bu iki kökü anlamlandırırken cinsiyet farkına göre bir yol izlemiştir. Türkçede cinsel organlar için farklı (am ile sik) kökler kullanılırken, Eskimocada aynı (Yupikçe ucuk, İnyupikçe usuk) kök kullanılır. Cinsel organı dışarıda olup ona yakın duran (K = katma, katılma = adding) erkek ile içine gömülen (Q = karma, karılma = mixing) kadın kapantı bömlerinin anlam tetikleyicileridir:

Diğer bömlerin tetikleyicileri de muhakkak vardır. Burada değil, başka bir yazıda ele almak gerek bunları. Yazıyı daha fazla fazla uzatmadan iki heceli köklere geçelim.

Bömler *QANERYARALLAT+: I ,gelme = coming-, E ,bölme = dividing-, A ,kalma = staying-, U ,gitme = leaving}, Q/R {karma = mixing}, K/G {katma = adding-, T ,ayrılma = separating-, M ,uyma = cohesion-, N ,uzama = lengthen-, L ,düzenli = regularity-, P (yükselme = rising), V ,taşınma = moving-, C ,içleme = inside-, Z ,girme = entering-, Y ,üstleme = onto-.

Proto-Eskimo dilinin iki heceli (disyllabic) kökleri

Eskimo dilleri oluştuktan sonra binlerce yıl dış etkilere büyük ölçüde kapalı kaldığı için "evrimleşme sürecinde bozulumu en az olan" dil grubudur. Proto-Eskimo dilinde tek heceli (monosyllabic) kökler olup olmadığından emin değilim. Yalnızca "pi" köküne gelen ikinci hecenin "postbase" olması ilginçtir ve "tek heceli gibi görünen" işaret zamirleri (demonstratives) de burada ele alınmamıştır (bir iki örnek bulunabilir). Maalesef İngilizcem yeterli değildir. Kaynaklardaki veriler ufak tefek sıralama değişikliğiyle alınmış, çoğu Türkçeleştirilmemiştir. Proto-Eskimo kökler yıldız (*) işaretiyle belirtilip büyük harflerle koyu dizilmiş, bazılarında Türkçe (ᴛᴜʀ) ya da İngilizce (ᴇɴɢ) ilk anlamı verilmiştir. Burada Eskimo dillerinin ayrıldığı iki ana daldan Yupik kolunu Alaska Yupikçesi (ʏᴜᴘ), İnuit kolunu ise Alaska İnyupikçesi (ɪɴᴘ) temsil ediyor. Diğer dil ve lehçeleri yazıyı uzatıp sıkmamak için katmadım. Her kök kendi içinde anlamca bütünlük oluşturmalıdır, üstteki ya da alttaki diğer ilk hecesi aynı olan köklerle anlam yakınlığı bulunmamalıdır. Çoğu kökün isim (NOUN fORM) ya da fiil (VERB FORM) 6 biçimlerinde anlamca yakınlık seçilebilirken, bazılarında görünürde bağlantı kurmak zorlaşıyor. İşte bu bağlantı kurmakta zorlaşanları özel olarak belirtim.

Herhangi bir kişi ya da kurumdan en ufak bir yardım almadan tek başıma kendim çözdüğüm için yanlışlarım muhakkak vardır.

I ᴛᴜʀ gelme ᴇɴɢ coming, returning

*IQIQ gelirken (i) karılıp (q) gelerek (i) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ eğilme ᴇɴɢ slanting

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 irir- < PY iʀiʀ- /postural root: slanting; tilted/ irirte- to slant; to tilt; to lean to the side; iria- to waddle when walking; to rock from side to side; iringqa- to be slanting, leaning to the side

cf. ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iigaq- (i) to lean on something; (t) to set it on a slant, at an angle


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 iqsak fishhook; large halibut hook [NI] # and iqsag- to fish with a hook and line; to jig for fish [NUN, NI, CAN, BB, NR, EG, NI] < PE iqlaɣ or iqyaɣ

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iqłạ k(-)¹ hook used to fish or “snag” burbot through ice; (i) to catch a burbot

*IQIK gelirken (i) karılıp (q) gelerek (i) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ ıslaklık ᴇɴɢ moisture

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *iġi² /root: moisture/ iġivit- to become wrinkled, of skin which has been immersed in water; iġġuġvik sink, washbasin; iġġuq- (i) to be rinsed, washed; (t) to rinse, wash; iġimniq low, swampy land

*IQIK-NEQ [for ɪɴᴘ]

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 irniaq < irni-aq¹ offspring (human or animal); child; baby; irni- < ?-li²- < PE iʀnəʀ and postbase -il to give birth (child or animal)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iġñiq *iġñiQ+ son: iġñi- (i) to give birth to a child | ‘=I-1 nv


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 iqvaq picked berry # and iqvar- to pick berries [Y, NI, CAN, K, BB, NR, LI]

*IQEQ gelirken (i) karılıp (q) bölerek (e) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ köşe ᴇɴɢ corner


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 iqeq, iqek [NUN, HBC] < PE iqə(ʀ) corner of mouth

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iqiq or (Nu) iqi corner (of mouth, of door); iqsraq cheek

VERB FORM *iqer- < *iqeq

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 iqre- [NUN, NI] to sew a waterproof seam # as on a seal-gut rain parka cf. iqertaq


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 iqertaq, iqertak fish skin prepared for sewing; thing made of fish skin; boot made of sealskin with hair inward (?)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 iqmik something held in the mouth; chewing tobacco # and iqmig- to put or hold something in the mouth without intending to eat it; to chew tobacco < PY-S iqmiɣ-


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 iqlirpak < iqek-?-rpak < PE iqliʀ [ K, Y, NI, CAN, NUN, BB] molar (tooth)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 irseg- to pout Y; cf. iryagte-, iqeq; < PY-S iʀyaɣ¹

??? or *IZAQ

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 iq- < PE iqə- /dimensional root/ iqkite- to be narrow; iqtu- [< iqe-tu-] to be wide # applies to rivers, trails, building, boats, etc.; for doorways and other openings, nequ- may be used instead; for garments, (e)lur- is used.

cf. ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *iraq¹ /root: width/ irakit- (i) to be narrow; iraqtu- (i) to be wide, broad; *iraq² (root) small segment: iratqi(-) to cut meat or maktak into small pieces; to prepare meat to eat not by cooking, but by cutting it into bite-size cubes

*IQEK gelirken (i) karılıp (q) bölerek (e) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ cimrilik ~ cömertlik ᴇɴɢ generous ~ stingy

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 irel- < PE iʀ(ə)ləɣ- /root/ irelgite- < irel-ite¹ [HBC, NUN] to be generous; = irlaite-; irelpik < irel-pik stingy person # HBC; ireltar- ([HBC], ireltu- [NUN] to be stingy

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iġḷik- (i) to be selfish, stingy

*IQAQ gelirken (i) karılıp (q) kalarak (a) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ kir, pis ᴇɴɢ dirt

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 iqa, iqaq dirt # and iqa- to be dirty

cf. ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *ik² messy; disorderly; dirty; ikak-² (i) to be dirty; (i) to be messy, not orderly | perhaps ak-¹ vv, rv § *ik-²


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iqaġi- or (Ti) iqaqi- (i) to wash one’s hands and/or face; (t) to wash her/his hands and/or face; (t) to wash it =fabric, utensil; (t) to wash it/them =face, hands, etc..

*IQAQ-LUK § @–lluk bad N; one with bad N

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 iqalluk < PE iqałuɣ dog or chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) [UY, K]; any fish [NUN]

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iqaluk(-) or (Nu) qaluk(-) fish; (i) to catch a fish; aqaluk (Ti) fish


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 iqlu wrong one # and iqlu- to lie; to tell a falsehood; to deceive playfully or maliciously; to go astray; to be insincere or hypocritical; to speak in error < PY-S iqlu-

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iqłu colon, large intestine, rectum


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ircaquq < ?-quq [Y, NSK, HBC, NI, CAN, LK, BB] heart

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 irci, irciq legendary creature, one side of which is an animal and the other a man [NUN]; irciq blackhead (as on face) [EG]

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ircug-, ircunga- < PY iXcuɣ- to show one’s unwillingness to do something; to grimace # of a child who is about to cry when told to do something he does not want to do

*IQAK gelirken (i) karılıp (q) kalarak (a) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ şaşkınlık ᴇɴɢ amazing 8

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ira- < PY iʀa /emotional root/ irake- < ira-ke²- to be amazed at; cf, irr’i-, iirra-; iranarqe- to be amazing; to be hazardous [EG]; irayug- to be amazed, to be scared [EG]; irr’i- to marvel; to be amazed; to be fascinated; to be awed; to stare; to watch with awe < PY iʀ(a)ʀi- (under PE iʀa-)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 iraluq < PY iʀaluq moon; [Y, NS, HBC, K, CAN, BB, NR, LI, EG] month

*IQUQ gelirken (i) karılıp (q) giderek (u) karılan (q) =

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iquq(-) tar remaining in smoking pipe; (i) to wipe oneself after defecating; (t) to wipe her/him after she/he has defecated

*IQUK gelirken (i) karılıp (q) giderek (u) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ son ᴇɴɢ end

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 iquk < PE iqquʀ or iqquɣ end # of object, time period, story, etc.; other end; tip


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 iqu- < PE iqu- to fall over from an upright position

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 iqsuq, iqsuk < PY iqyuk left hand; left foot; left side


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iqu- (i) to become distorted on one side, askew

*IKIQ gelirken (i) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ açık ᴇɴɢ open

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ikir- < PE ikiʀ- / postural root: open/ ikirte- [< ikir-te²-] to open


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ikirni- to grimace; to snarl of dogs < ?-neq¹-i³- § Ü.Ç: snarl = (of an animal such as a dog) make an aggressive growl with bared teeth.

*IKIK gelirken (i) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ikig- < PY ikiɣ- /postural root: bent forward/ ikigte- to bend over forward sticking the buttocks up; ikignga- < ikigte-nga- to be bent over forward with the buttocks sticking up; ikigcaqaq < ikig-? yellow wagtail (Motacilla flava)


ikik it is to be hoped; perhaps

*IKEK gelirken (i) katılıp (k) bölerek (e) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ yutma ᴇɴɢ swallowing

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ige- to swallow < PE iɣə- § Ü.Ç: Eskimolara özgü olan yemek yeme yönteminde dişle koparılamayacak kadar sert (kuru, don ya da çiğ) olan büyük parça dudak önünde kesilir.

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ii¹ *iᵍi] (t) to swallow it; iggiaq throat, gullet, esophagus; (Nu) narrow entry (neck) of fish trap


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 iglaq, iglak < ige-?; < PY-S iɣlak or Iɣlaq (under PE iɣə-) esophagus; freeze-dried esophagus for eating


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ikgete- < PE ikəɣ(ə)t to be small in amount; to be few in number

*IKAQ gelirken (i) katılıp (k) kalarak (a) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ işaret ᴇɴɢ mark 9

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 igaq < PY-S iɣaq mark; symbol; letter (of alphabet, or correspondence) # and igar- to mark; to write # the meaning ‘to write’ is in K, NI, CAN, BB, HBC, NR, LI, EG; cf. eyaq, yaarui


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 yaarui- < igaq-uaq-li²- to use a story knife to draw pictures on mud or snow and tell a story to go along with it # a traditional and still common activity of young girls; yaaruin, saaruin [ Y] story knife

*IKAK gelirken (i) katılıp (k) kalarak (a) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ dirsek dayayıp dinlenme

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 iggag-, igag- [NUN form] < PE iɣəɣaʀ- or iɣjəɣaɣ- resting against something; supporting oneself on one’s elbow

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ikam- /root/ > ikamraq, ikamtag


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ikamtag-, ikamtar- to glide over the surface of snow, ice, or water # applies, for example, to a boat moving quickly on the surface of the water, or a person shuffling across snow or ice


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ikamraq < ikam-? < PE ikamʀaʀ [Y, HBC, NUN, NI, CAN, K, BB, NR, LI, EG] sled; dogsled

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ikamġaq (Ti) small sled for carrying seals, etc. / +mġaq or +mġaaq rn (limited) item of the N | perhaps -m nn (erg mkr) +*ġ+aq nn


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ikayuq helper # and ikayur-, ikasur- (NSK form) to help; to bless (NUN meaning) Y, NS, K, HBC, NI, CAN, BB, NR, LI, EG, NUN; > < PE ikayuʀ-

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ikayuq- to help, assist, support (her/him/it)


igur² *HBC, NUN, NS, EG+, eyur¹ ~ yur¹ *Y, K, CAN, NI, BB, NR, LI+ < PY-S iɣžuʀ- to defend another person verbally; to feel and act defensive on another’s behalf


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ikneq hand-me-down

*IKUQ gelirken (i) katılıp (k) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 igur-³ [HBC, NUN, NS], eyur-² < PE iɣðuʀ to jell; to congeal


ɪɴᴘ MacLean igruq- to stiffen with rigor mortis (of a corpse); to clot, congeal, coagulate


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 iguuk < PE iɣðuɣ testicle

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 igruk testicle; beaver scent gland

*IKUK gelirken (i) katılıp (k) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ikug-¹ < PE ikuɣ- to lift by lever action such as prying; to pry out; to gouge out

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ikuk- to scrape fat off (it) animal skin; ikuun scraper for animal skin (traditionally a chipped flint or a ground stone blade that was mounted in a handle of driftwood or ivory, nowadays a piece, usually four inches of shotgun barrel or shotgun shell casing, is used for the blade); wood plane 10


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ikusek (NSU, Y, NI, UK, LI, EG, NR form), ikuyek (HBC, NUN, NSU form) elbow # and ikuseg-, ikuyeg- to elbow < PE ikuyəɣ

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ikusik(-) [ikusIk] elbow; (t) to elbow her/him/i

*ITEQ gelirken (i) ayrılıp (t) bölerek (e) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ girme ᴇɴɢ entering

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 iter- < PE itəʀ- to enter; to come in; to go in # to buildings and habitations, not to conveyances or containers

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 isiq- (i) to enter; (i) to be placed inside; (t) to enter, go into it; (t) to bring it inside, to place it inside

*ITEK gelirken (i) ayrılıp (t) bölerek (e) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ ayakkabının uç parçası *sonradan eklenen ve ayrılabilir parça mı?+

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 itek < PE itəɣ piece of boot or shoe over the toes and the top of the foot; toe piece of boot

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 isik [pl. itkit] leg skin of caribou


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 itegaq [NSU] itgaq [ EG], it’gaq [Y, NSK, NI, CAN, K, BB, NR, LI, EG, LI] < PE itəɣaʀ foot (anatomical)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 isigak or isigait foot (appendage)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 itegmig-, itegmiar- < PE itəɣmiɣ- (under PE itəɣ) to kick; to push with the foot

*ITUQ gelirken (i) ayrılıp (t) giderek (u) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ yan yana ᴇɴɢ

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ituraq, iturak hollow (bird) bone; radius (small bone in forearm)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 iturte- to set down

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 itute- < ?-te²- < PY itutə- to put alongside; to bring (it) together with something else; itusvik < itute-vik dock

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ituke- to be side by side with (him or it)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 itume- to break into pieces

*ITUK gelirken (i) ayrılıp (t) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ituk serum # and itug- to be sweet / verb only for NSU; < PE ituɣ; itulek < ituk-lek [NSU] jellyfish

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ituk lump of congealed milk found in stomach of caribou calf

*IMEQ gelirken (i) uyup (m) bölerek (e) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ çökme, yıkılma ᴇɴɢ collapsing

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ime- < PE imə- and imə¹- to collapse # of tent, house, etc.

*IMEK gelirken (i) uyup (m) bölerek (e) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ dürme, , katlama ᴇɴɢ rolling, folding

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 imeg- to roll up; to fold up

*IMAQ gelirken (i) uyup (m) kalarak (a) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ içerik ᴇɴɢ content

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 imaq < PE ima(ʀ) contents; bullet; pus; ocean; water

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 imaq(-) [imaQ] liquid, fluid; non-potable water; lake; sea, ocean; lagoon; (t) to moisten it =animal hide to ready it for scraping 11

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 °ima /stem: content/ imalik something with content

*IMUQ gelirken (i) uyup (m) giderek (u) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ ıslak soğukluk ᴇɴɢ wet cold

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 imur- < PE imðuʀ- /root/ imuqite- to react vocally to a sudden chill, usually from contact with cold water; imurnarqe- to be uncomfortably wet and cold of clothing or weather; imurpag- < imur-rpak to start to cry # (?); imurtua- to react vocally to a sudden chill, usually from contact with cold water; to utter the characteristic cry of the common loon said to portend rain; imuryug- to be uncomfortable because of wet cold

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 imuniq young ice which has been crushed by moving ice

*INIQ gelirken (i) uzayıp (n) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iñiq- (i) to be completed; (i) to finish, be done; (t) to finish working on it; (t) to tell her/him to stop; (t) to rebuke him/her, making her/him stop

*INIK gelirken (i) uzayıp (n) gelerek (i) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ kurutmak için asma ᴇɴɢ hanging for drying

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ini- < PE ini- to hang out to dry; to hang in the air of a mirage; to be exposed for all to see (figuratively)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iñi- *iñI+ (t) to hang it up to dry


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ingkiq ˢᵍ ingkit ᵖˡ < PE iŋkiʀ gum (anatomical)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ikkik [ikkIk] gums of mouth


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ingte- to molt

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ingciq engraved design; scrimshaw # and ingcir- to engrave designs; to make scrimshaw # especially in ivory < PY iŋciq [NUN]; ingciun ivory-engraving knife or other such tool; graver

*INEQ gelirken (i) uzayıp (n) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 iner- < PE inəʀ- /root/ inerciigate- to be disobedient; to be mischievous; inerqur- to admonish; to tell or warn not to do something

*INAQ gelirken (i) uzayıp (n) kalarak (a) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ yatma ᴇɴɢ lying

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 inar- < PE iŋŋaʀ- /postural root/ lying down; inarte- to lie down; to go to bed; ingleq < PE iŋləʀ bed; bench in men’s community house; sleeping platform cf. ingu

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iññaq- (i) to go to bed, to lie down on one’s side


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ingu- /root/ inguqaq pad; mat; backing; grave-board; ingun² crosspiece on which one sits in a boat; cf. ingleq


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 inglu other one of a pair; enemy; rival; opponent; guest in a challenge festival # and inglu- to make a pair; to pair off < PE iŋlu

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 igḷu(-) the other, the mate, as in a pair of mittens or boots; (i) to be provided with a companion or a partner; (t) to provide her/him/it with a partner, companion, or a complement

*INAK gelirken (i) uzayıp (n) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 eyag- < PE iŋaɣ- to follow traditional practices associated with birth, death, first menstruation, illness, etc., consisting of abstaining from certain foods and activities 12

*INUK gelirken (i) uzayıp (n) giderek (u) katılan (k) → *EYUK

*ILAQ gelirken (i) düzenli (l) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ila part of; one of; some of; relative; family member; associate # and ila- to add to (it) < PE ila(-)¹

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iḷa(-) relative by blood, marriage, or name; companion, friend, partner; part of a whole; a member; (i) to get a co-participant, co-member; (i) to be enlarged, receive a new addition (e.g., of a house, a family, or an institution); (t) to add on to it; (t) to come and be a co-participant with her/him


ilik, iliq, iliraq [NUN] partner cf. ila; < PE iliɣ

*ILAK gelirken (i) düzenli (l) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ilag- < PE il(l)aɣ- to be tangled; to get tangled

! ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ilar-, ilarqute- to be tangled; to get tangled

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *iḷak (root) distraction, confusion; discord; not aligned, dissonance, disharmony

*ILUQ gelirken (i) düzenli (l) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ilu¹ to become frosted # of a window; = ilur-; < PE ilu- (under PE ilu)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ilur- [NUN] to have frost (inside an object or house)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iḷu(-)¹ frost (in/on house); (t) to form frost on it

*ILUK gelirken (i) düzenli (l) giderek (u) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ yayla; iç ᴇɴɢ interior

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ilu interior; area inside; upriver area; inner

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iḷu(-)² interior, inside; abdominal cavity; (t) to surround her/him/it


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ilquq, il’quq [HBC], illequq [NSU] < ?-quq brain; ilquigneq, ilquineq < ilquq-?-neq¹, ilquq-ite¹-neq¹ skull; empty skull

*IPIK gelirken (i) yükselip (p) gelerek (i) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ uzuv ᴇɴɢ limb

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ipik, ipi < PE ipi(ɣ) limb of quadruped or insect; limb of the body; finger or phalange (NUN meaning); ipiit limbs of the body

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ipiaq unit of twenty # used in counting from 40 on (for ²0 to ³9 yuinaq is used); used in the singular even though more than one unit of twenty is involved; malruk ipiaq ‘forty’

*IPEK gelirken (i) yükselip (p) bölerek (e) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ keskin ᴇɴɢ sharp

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ipeg- < PE ipəɣ- to be sharp; ipek diamond in playing cards # direct nominalization of ipeg

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ipik- (i) to be sharp (of an implement or of one’s mind); (i) to be sharptongued

*IPUK gelirken (i) yükselip (p) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ipug- to ladle; to scoop out of the pot; to move with bow high in air of boat; to cock a gun

*IVEQ gelirken (i) taşınıp (v) bölerek (e) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ suda yürüme ᴇɴɢ wading

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 iver- < PE ivəʀ- and ipəʀ- to step into water; to wade 13


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ivruciq < iver-ciq waterproof skin boot; by extension any wading boot


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ipiġaq² or ipaġaq- (i) to wade


ivsuk [NS, NI], ivyuk [HBC] drizzle; rain; ivsir- [NS, NI], ivyir- [HBC] to rain # impersonal subject

??? *IVAQ ¹ gelirken (i) taşınıp (v) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ivaq² (t) to stretch it =animal skin on frame to dry; ivaġutik [sg. ivaġun] hide stretcher for terrestrial animal skin; ivaqtaq skin stretched on a woodenframe


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ivaluq, ivalu [HBC, NUN, EG], yualuq < ?-luq < PE ivalu sinew; tendon; thread

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ivalu(-) thread; sinew; dental floss; (t) to thread it

DİKKAT ↓↑ her ikisi de aynı kökten gelemiyecek kadar farklıdır. Birincisi sanki başka bir kökten dönüşmüş gibi duruyor.

??? *IVAQ ² gelirken (i) taşınıp (v) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ivar- to look for; to miss; to long for [HBC, NUN, EG], yuar- < PE ivaʀ- to look for; to miss; to long for

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ivaq¹ (t) to search for her/him/it


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 igvar- ~ ivgar- < PY-S iɣvaʀ- to appear; to come into view or have something come into view from behind something; to catch sight of (it)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ivarun song [HBC, NUN, EG], yuarun [Y, NS, NI, CAN, K, BB, NR, LI] < ?-n < PY ivaʀun (under PE ivaʀ-) song; music ; cf. ivar-


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 yuraq Eskimo dance # and yurar¹ to dance in the traditional Eskimo style # NSU of women only [Y, K, HBC, NI, NUN, CAN, BB, NR, LI, EG] < PY-S yuʀžaʀ-

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aŋŋuaq- (Ti) (i) to dance white American style

*ICAK gelirken (i) içleyip (c) kalarak (a) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ soyunarak uyuma ᴇɴɢ undressed sleeping

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 iss’a- [HBC] to sleep

ɪɴᴘ•ɴsʟ isa(-) moulting duck (incapable of flight); (i) to moult


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 isser- /postural root: naked/ [HBC], isserte- [HBC] to undress; issengqa- [HBC] to be naked

*ICAK-LUQ § Kirpinin okları çabuk düşerek çıplak kalır 14

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 issaluq (HBC, UY, NI, K, CAN, NR, EG form). issaluuq (K, CAN, BB, LI, NR form) < PY isaluq porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum)

*ICAK-QUQ § Çıplak kalmadan uyurken baş dayama yeri. Uyurken ya da uyuklarken yastık olarak kullanılan kolda öncelik, hem iri ve sağlam hem de baş bölgesine yakın olmasından dolayı humerusun olduğu üst kolda gözüküyor.

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 issaquq humerus; upper arm bone # questioned; < ?-quq; cf. yaquq; < PE iyaquʀ

*IZEQ gelirken (i) girip (z) bölerek (e) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ saklama ᴇɴɢ hiding

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 iir- to hide < PE iðəʀ- SAKLAMAK

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iriq- (i) to hide oneself; (t) to hide her/him/it


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 iinraq, iiraq evil spirit; ghost # (?); < ?-nraq, ?; cf. iir-; < PE iðəʀaʀ (under PE iðəʀ-)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 iinru, iinruq amulet; charm; medicine; pill; aspirin # and iinru- to take medicine = inru; > < PE aɣanʀu(Caʀ)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iriġaq (Ti) “hiding person,” prowler

*IZUQ gelirken (i) girip (z) bölerek (e) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ saklama ᴇɴɢ iding

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *iruq /root: disapproval/ iruġi- (t) to express disapproval of her/him when she/he acts wrongly in public; (t) to be embarrassed by her/his obnoxious behavior; (t) to imitate her/him mockingly; iruġnaq- (i) to act so that others are embarrassed by or disapprove of or dislike one’s behavior; (i) to elicit disapproval from others

*IYAK gelirken (i) üstleyip (y) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 yagte-, cagte²- [HBC, NUN] < PE iyaɣ- to stretch out one’s arms; to raise one’s hand; to engage in hand-to- hand combat; to fight

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 sagte- to scatter; to spread out; to be in disarray = cagte-; > < PE ciðaɣ-; cf. yagte-

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cavte- to feel or touch intentionally with one’s hand < PE cavət-

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 savit- (t) to touch and feel her/him/it with the hands


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 yaquq, caquq [ HBC, NUN, EG] < ?-quq < PE iyaquʀ wing; yaqulek bird; duck; fowl; angel (NSU meaning) # literally: ‘one with wings’

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 isaġuq wing | isa(-) moulting duck (incapable of flight); (i) to moult ±ġuq nn

E ᴛᴜʀ bölme ᴇɴɢ dividing

*EQIQ bölerken (e) karılıp (q) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 eri- [Y] to feel relaxed and refreshed # as after taking a steambath

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iġi- (i) to have one’s hair fall out, to lose one’s hair; iġisaq- or iġitchaq- to pluck (it =a dead bird); to remove (it) fur from a spring skin; iġviaq tanned leather

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *iqIk (root) laziness; lack of initiative; lethargy; boring; uninspiring; lack of eagerness, unwillingness

? 15

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 eritar- < PE əʀitaʀ- (under PE əʀi-) [Y, NS, HBC, NUN, NI, CAN, K], erritar- ~ rriitar- [EG], neritar- [HBC] to pluck (feathers, fur, etc.)

*EQIK bölerken (e) karılıp (q) gelerek (i) katılan (k) =

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 erina, erinaq < PE əʀina(ʀ) voice

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *iġI¹ (root) uvular sound: iġiala- (i) to yell, shout, holler; iġñaq or iġiña or iġña voice

*EQEQ bölerken (e) karılıp (q) bölerek (e) karılan (q) =

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 eqe²- < PY əqə¹ to shrink; eqe¹- < PY əqə² to be infuriated; to suddenly become very angry; to be peeved

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iqi- (i) to contract, tighten up, e.g., of worm, fist, etc.: iqit(-) a fist; (i) to contract (e.g., of worm, fist);(i) to embrace each other; (t) to embrace

*EQEK bölerken (e) karılıp (q) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ere- < PE əʀə¹ to run # of colors


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 erme- [HBC], erve- < ere-? to dissolve; to dissipate; to run (of colors); to fade


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 < PY əʀnəq (under PY-S əʀə²) erneq day # either a twenty-four-hour period, or day as opposed to night

*EQAQ bölerken (e) karılıp (q) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iqaq- (i) to be rigid, not limber; (i) to be stiff (of person, tool, etc); (t) to become stiff (of body part)

*EKIQ bölerken (e) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ekiq < PE əki wound; cut

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iki [ikI] open wound; ikiġuraq (Nu) a small bullet hole

*EKIK bölerken (e) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

? ? ?

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 egilra life’s path # and egilra- < PE əɣləʀ- or əɣiləʀ- to move; to be in motion; egilraur- < egilra-ur-, elraur- [BB, LI, UK, UY] < PE əɣləʀ- or əɣiləʀ- to move around; to travel

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 eglerte-, gilerte- [K] < PE əɣləʀ- or əɣiləʀ- to move; to be in motion; to travel

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 igliq- or iglau- (i) to be travelling; (i) to be running, idling (of a machine/engine); (t) to travel it = distance

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 igḷiq- [igḷIq] (i) to move aside and avoid something coming at one; (i) to get out of the way; (t) to avoid being hit by it by moving aside


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 egmir- [NUN, HBC, NS, EG] < PE əɣmiʀ- to keep going toward one’s destination or goal; to proceed; to continue; to die suddenly before one’s time

*EKEQ bölerken (e) katılıp (k) bölerek (e) karılan (q) =

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 eke²- < PE əkə² to get in; to put in; ekvik, ekviaq PE < əkviɣ cliff; bluff; bank of river; ekviucilluk < eke²-vik-?- lluk container 16

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iki¹ or iku- (i) to position or place oneself into a container; (i) to board a conveyance; (t) to place or put her/him/it into a container or conveyance

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ikiq [ikiQ] sound, strait (topographical); passage of water between bodies of land; width

*EKEK bölerken (e) katılıp (k) bölerek (e) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ erimek

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ege- < PE əɣə- to become rendered of fat; to release liquid from within; to ooze

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 igit¹ to render its oil (of blubber); (i) to turn to grease by frying (of fat or blubber); (t) to render it =fat or blubber into oil; (t) to desalinate sea ice through a process of slow melting


*EKAK bölerken (e) katılıp (k) kalarak (a) katılan (k) =

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ega- < PE əɣa to cook by boiling; egan < PE əɣɣan cooking pot

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iga(-) kitchen; (t) to cook it =food


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 egaleq < PE əɣaləʀ window; formerly smokehole/skylight of traditional Yup’ik house

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 igaliq skylight, window; seal net placed horizontally under a seal’s breathing hole

DİKKAT ↓↑ her ikisi de aynı kökten geliyor, *EKEK kökü dolu olmasaydı oraya konabilirdi, fakat dolu ve de anlam yakınlığı tedirgin ediyor.

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ekaᵉ conflagration; large fire # and eke¹- to burn; to be on fire < PE əkə¹; keneq¹ [NS, Y, K, NI, NUN, BB, NR, LI], keoeq [NSU] fire; match (additional meaning especially in K and BB) < PE ək(ə)nəʀ (under əkə¹); kenir²- < PY kəniʀ- (under PE əkə¹- ) to cook [UY, NI, NUN, CAN, K, BB, NR, LI, EG]; to make a fire (under) [Y, HBC, NS] ; kenur- root : kenukcuk, kenurqutaq, kenurtarrsuun, kenurraq, kenurrar-, kenurte-; cf. keneq

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iki² (i) to burn; igniq fire; igniñ or iŋniñ flint, stone used to create a spark and ignite fire; fire starter; ikun match

*EKUQ bölerken (e) katılıp (k) giderek (u) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ çözülme

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *igu /root: looseness; an unraveling/ igumit- (i) to become unraveled, untangled, loosened; (i) to become frayed; (t) to untie, untangle, take it apart; iguvit- (i) to become uncoiled, unwound; (t) to uncoil, unwind it; iguvsiñ screwdriver; iguvit- (i) to become uncoiled, unwound; (t) to uncoil, unwind it

*EKUQ-LUQ ᴛᴜʀ eğirilerek ip haline getirilen sinir ᴇɴɢ thread prepared by twisting

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 eglu, egluq sinew; thread; underlayer of backbone muscle or ligament split to make sinew cf. keluk; < + PY əɣlu (cf. Naukan Yupik əɣlu ‘thread prepared by twisting’)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 egte- < PE əɣət- to throw # in a given context means ATMAK; egun < egte-n [K] spear-throwing device; atlatl; egtuk, egtuuk spruce grouse (Dendragopus canadensis) < PE əɣtuɣ(-)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 igit² (t) to discard it; (t) to abandon her/him/it; (t) to cast her/him out of the home


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 iksi-² (t) to throw away her/his things; to abandon, cast her/him/it out

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iksi¹ (i) to take things to the dump; to throw things away; (Ti) to toss, throw gifts to the crowd at the whaling festival while being tossed in the blanket toss, as the first captain to catch a whale; a woman tosses gifts at the blanket toss to celebrate having a baby boy that year 17

*EKUK bölerken (e) katılıp (k) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iguk- to suck (it); (i) to suck air or liquid inward with pursed lips

*ETEQ bölerken (e) ayrılıp (t) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

[e]teq, eteq [NUN], teq < PE ətəʀ anus; rectum; bottom; sea anemone; diamond in cards (additional meaning for LI); ter’aq < teq-aq² whale tail; terlak, terlaaq < teq-? swale; dry creek bed; pit; ditch; socket; etquq [NUN, EG], teq’uq < eteq-quq < PE ətəquʀ urine; ciikaq diarrhea; runny feces; soft stool # and ciikar to have a runny bowel movement; to have an attack of diarrhea < PE ətəɣ(taʀ)- or əciɣ(taʀ)-

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 itiq anus; southern, inland end of lake; sea anemone; itik- to suffer an attack of diarrhea

*ETEK bölerken (e) ayrılıp (t) bölerek (e) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ som balıklarının yıllık tatlısuya dönme zamanı suda görülüp görülmedikleri

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ete- < PE ət- to be; to exist

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 it- (i) to exist, to be; (i) to be present;(i) to stay

*ETEK-KITE § +kite² to have N to a small degree; to have only a small amount of N

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 etgate- < ?-ate- [ ?ate to lack the quality of being V] < PE ətɣat to be shallow

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ikkat- (i) to be shallow (e.g., a body of water)

*ETEK-TU § +tu- to be well endowed with N, to have N to a large extent # and –tu- to V customarily

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 et’u- < PE ətə- to be deep

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iti- (i) to be deep

§ Keşif: 1 Şubat 2018: Eskimo dilinin yaratıldığı dilyurdu Bristol Bay yöresidir ve o dönemde Eskimoların ana geçim kaynağı da Pasifik sombalıklarıdır. Bu balıkların yıllık yumurtlama dönemlerinde tatlısuya geçmeleri Eskimoların özlemle bekledikleri bir andır.

?*EMIK bölerken (e) uyup (m) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 imit- (t) to give her/him work to do, especially something a person specializes in, e.g., carving, sewing a pair of boots

*EMEQ bölerken (e) uyup (m) bölerek (e) karılan (q) = ᴛᴜʀ su; içme ᴇɴɢ water; drinking

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 [e]meq (non-NUN], emeq [NUN], meq [fresh] water # and [e]mer- [non-NUN], emer- [NUN], mer- to drink < PE əməʀ(-)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 imiq(-) [imiQ] drinking water; a beverage; an alcoholic drink; potable liquid, broth; amniotic fluid; to drink (it)

*EMEK bölerken (e) uyup (m) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 eme- < PE əməɣ- or əmiɣ- /root/ emair- < eme-ir²- to quiet down; to calm down; to soothe; emaite- < eme- ite¹- to be quiet; to be silent

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ema- < PY əma- /root/ emaassa < ema-? [ UK] grandmother; ema’urluq, emacuaraq, emacungaq, emarrlugaq grandmother; generally spelled: maurluq, maacuaraq, maacungaq, marrlugaq (q.v.) respectively

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mig- < PE əməɣ- or əmiɣ- /dimensional root/ migkite- to be quiet; migtu- to be loud; to be thudding; to be thumping

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 imik- (i) to resound, reverberate well; (i) be stereophonic; (i) to have a rich, hollow sound (of a drum)

*EMUQ bölerken (e) uyup (m) giderek (u) karılan (q) 18

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 imu- (i) to become stooped with age; (i) to crouch down; (t) to fold it; (t) to roll it up; (t) to wind it = string, yarn, etc. into a ball

*EMUK bölerken (e) uyup (m) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 emuk mother’s milk; breast (HBC, NUN additional meaning) # and emug- to suckle; to suck the breast or a bottle < PE əmmuɣ

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 immuk milk

*ENIK bölerken (e) uzayıp (n) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 enig- , engig- , niig- to put weight on (it); to press down; to hold down; to pin down # = niig-, enig-; < PE əŋiɣ- ; cf. negte-

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 enki- < PY əŋki [NUN] to prop

*ENEK bölerken (e) uzayıp (n) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 [e]naᵉ [NS, Y, K, NI, CAN, BB, NI, LI], enaᵉ [HBC, NUN, EG] < PE ənə house; place

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ini place; room; (by extension) one’s presence; init village, town


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 [e]nglu, enlu ~ enluaq beaver house [Y, HBC], nel’u < PE əŋlu beaver house

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iglu(-) house, dwelling, building; (t) to build a structure over; igluqpak frame house; large building

*ENUQ bölerken (e) uzayıp (n) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 enur- < PE ənuʀ- to be insufficient; to be unable to reach


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nurte- < enur-?- to fall short; to fail to reach

*ELIK bölerken (e) düzenli (l) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 elli¹- < PE əłi- to put; to place; to set down

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ellir- < PY əłlʀ- (underPE əłi-) to reach a certain point; to become or make a certain way cf. ete-, elliraq

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 elite- < PE əlit- to learn; to get used to; to recognize

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 elpeg- /root/ elpegir- to become insensitive; to get numb; elpeke- to sense; to feel; to discern < PE əlpəkə-

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ellug-, ellugturtur-, ellurtur- to shake or brush off snow or dirt; to brush off evils from the surface of one’s body (as after seeing a ghost); to brush evils off (and, sometimes, transfer them to a dog)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iḷi¹ *iḷI] (i) to be at a certain point (along a journey or a process); (i) to become apparent; (t) to place, set it; (t) to put it in a store for sale; iḷit- [iḷIt] (i) to learn; (t) to learn of her/his ways, habits; (t) to learn it

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iḷi² *iḷI] (i) to become, to come to resemble, look like; (t) to make her/him/it become, look like something else (this verb stem is used with a noun in the similar is case)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 elgar- < PY əlɣaʀ- / postural root: settled; lying down; in bed/ > elgangqa-, elgarte-; cf. elkarte-, elgaq, ilgar-; < PY əlɣaʀ- 19

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 elgarte- to settle; to lie down; to go to bed

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 elgaq sled brake [K] = leg’aq, esgaq; cf. elgar

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 esgaq sled brake; = elgaq, leg’aq; cf. saagaq


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 illu- (i) to find a hiding place; (i) to settle into an unreachable place

*ELEQ bölerken (e) düzenli (l) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ell- root for personal pronouns other than first person (which use wa-); elkek ‘they², them²’; ellait ‘theyplural, themplural’; ellii ‘he, she, him, her’; ellmek ‘themselves²’; ellmeng ‘themselvesplural’; ellmi ‘herself, himself’; elpeci youplural’; elpet ‘yousingular’; elpetek ‘you²’; cf. ete

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 °ili (stem) ³rd person self or ²nd person

§ Yupikçede BEN (wa) ve dışımdakiler *SEN ve O+ (ell) olmak üzere iki kökte toplanması şamanın "sese göre" ayrımcılığını yansıtır. Türk şamanından farklı olarak Yupik şamanı avdan dönen erkeklerin de katıldığı toplantıya göre zamirleri ayırmış: sesleri düzgün çıkarıp KONUŞABİLEN *ben ve benim yardımcım: biz+ ve düzgün ses çıkaramayıp henüz KONUŞAMAYANLAR *avı bölen (e) siz ve avdan dönen onlar+.

*ELEK bölerken (e) düzenli (l) bölerek (e) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ alazlama, ateşten geçirme

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 [e]leg- to get scorched; to get singed; to char; to burn # = lege-; see leg- for more information; < PE ələɣ-

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ilik- (t) to become scorched, singed (of food, hair, fabric, etc.)

*ELAK bölerken (e) düzenli (l) kalarak (a) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ kazma ᴇɴɢ digging

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 elag- < PE əlaɣ- to dig

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 Elriq indigenous Yup’ik holiday celebrated once every five or so years, called “Great Feast for the Dead” in English # and elri-, elrir- to celebrate the Great Feast for the Dead

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 elara- < PY əlaɣa- to be dissatisfied; to complain, wanting more; to gripe

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 elaute-, elagute- < elag-te5- to bury

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 elave- < PY əlavə- to crouch

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 elive- to be flattened down # of a normally standing object such as grass flattened by the wind

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ilak- (t) to shove her/him/it aside with a sweeping motion

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iḷak² or iḷakpak- (t) to shove her/him/it aside

*ELUQ bölerken (e) düzenli (l) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 elur- ~ lur /dimensional root/ elurkite- to be narrow # of garment; elurtu- to be wide

*EPIQ bölerken (e) yükselip (p) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ipiq [ipIq], ippit (Nu) small, thin root; chain or rope

*EPEQ bölerken (e) yükselip (p) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 epr- [NUN] /root/ eprir- < epr-ir²- [NUN] < PE əpʀiʀ- to wipe; eprite- < epr-ite¹- [NUN] to be clean

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 perr- /root/ perrir- to wipe; to clear up (of water) (EG meaning) 20

*EPEK bölerken (e) yükselip (p) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 epe- < PE əpə- to suffocate; to smother; to drown

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ipi- (i) to suffocate; (i) to drown; (i) to be hot and sweaty from lack of fresh, cool air

*EPEK-NAQ § @~+naq¹ one that causes V-ing

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 epnaq [UK, LI], penaq [NUN], peoaq [NS, NUN, NI, CAN, EG], peo’aq [NSU] < PE əpnaʀ cliff; bluff

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 imnaq¹ *imnaQ+, ipnaq (Nu) high, steep cliff


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 epnaiq [UK, LI], peoaiq < epnaq-iq; < PE əpnaʀiʀ (under PE əpnaʀ) Dall sheep (Ovis dalli)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 imnaiq, ipnaiq (Nu) mountain sheep, dall sheep (Ovis dalli)

*EPAQ bölerken (e) yükselip (p) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 epaar- [NUN] to scrape food from a vessel or utensil with one’s finger, licking the food off the finger; pair- < PE əppaʀiʀ- to lick

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ippaq- (i) to eat everything on one’s plate; to lick something clean; (t) to eat everything on it =plate; to lick it clean

*EPAK bölerken (e) yükselip (p) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pagaq < PE əpaɣ line of grain in wood

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ipak grain in wood; fiber in meat; ring in tree

*EPUK bölerken (e) yükselip (p) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 epu < PE əpu shaft; straight handle; cauyam epua drum handle

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ipu(-) a long handle; (t) to attach a handle to it

*EVEQ bölerken (e) taşınıp (v) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iviq- to fit (it)

*EVEK bölerken (e) taşınıp (v) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 evek [EG, HBC, NI], [e]vek grass # plural: evget or veg’et < PE əvəɣ

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ivik ˢᵍ ivgit ᵖˡ blade of grass; grass; sedge (Carex); ivik- (i) to wipe one’s hands and mouth; (t) to wipe her/his hands and; ivgun towel, napkin, rag

*EVAK bölerken (e) taşınıp (v) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 eva-, evama- [NUN] < PE əva- to set, to sit on eggs; to incubate

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iva- (i) to bear a litter, to whelp; (i) lay eggs and sit on them; (Ti) to feed and care for young (of animals and birds); (t) to care for them=young

*EVUK bölerken (e) taşınıp (v) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 evu-, ugu- [NUN] < PE iŋ(ə)yu to pile up (usually of ice, as when floes on the water slide up on top of one another)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ivu- to form pressure ridges (of ice) 21

*ECIQ bölerken (e) içlenip (c) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 eciq < PE əciʀ- taut membrane such as a drumskin; windowpane; lens; cornea of eye; thin ice # and ecir- to ice over; cauyam ecia the skin of the drum; ecirkaq < eciq-kaq dried walrus stomach used for making drumskins

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 isi [isI] drum skin; isik- or isiaq- (t) to stretch a skin over it =drum

*ECEQ bölerken (e) içlenip (c) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 isiq(-) smoke; haze, mist, or cloud which forms over open water; (i) to be smoky; (i) to form mist, to form a cloud over open water

*ECUQ bölerken (e) içlenip (c) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ecur-, cur- to be murky (of liquids, glass, ice); to be strong (of coffee, tea); ecuite- < ecur-ite¹- to be clear (of liquids, glass, ice); to be weak (of coffee, tea); curyiq dirt # and curyir- [NUN] to be dirty (of clothes, face)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 isuq- (i) to be turbid, murky, or muddy (of water)

*ECUK bölerken (e) içlenip (c) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 °isu (stem) end, e.g., of a word, book, long stick; isugluk end of a bone, loaf of bread, etc; (Ti) end of loaf of bread, etc.

*EZIQ bölerken (e) girip (z) gelerek (i) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ ter[leme] ᴇɴɢ sweat[ing]

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 [e]ceq, ceq, esseq [NUN], [e]sseq, seq [K, Y, NI, CAN, BB] sweat; perspiration # and [e]cer-, cer-, esser- [NUN], [e]sser-, ser- [K, Y, NI, CAN, BB] to sweat; to perspire < PE əðiʀ-

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 siiq- (i) to ooze, seep (like a sore); (i) to leak out (of air); (Ti) (i) to sweat, perspire; *siiq (root) sour, sweet or tart

*EZEK bölerken (e) girip (z) bölerek (e) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ göz ᴇɴɢ eye

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ii, iik [NUN] < PE əðə eye

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iri [dual irrak] eye

*EYAQ bölerken (e) üstlenip (y) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 eyaq tattoo # and eyar- to tattoo < igaq/igar

*EYIQ bölerken (e) üstlenip (y) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 esiq, es’aq [NUN] < PE əyyi(ʀ) egg yolk = eyiq [maddesi yok]

? *EYUK bölerken (e) üstlenip (y) giderek (u) katılan (k) ? *INUK gelirken (i) uzayıp (n) giderek (u) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ insan; kişi KARIŞIK, YENİDEN DÜZENLENMELİ

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 yuk *NI, CAN, K, BB, NR, LI+, suk *MY+, cuk *NUN+ < PE iŋuɣ person; human being # cuut or cuuget [NUN] ‘people’ the doubled u of cuuget is probably from an ancient initial e (ecuget); Chevak cuuguq ‘he is alive’.

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 sug- [K, BB, MY], cug- *NUN, HBC, NI+ < PE iŋuɣ /root/ sugkite- [K, BB, MY], cugkite- [NUN, HBC, NI] to be short in stature # of humans; sugtu- [K, BB, MY], cugtu- [NUN, HBC, NI] to be tall # of humans

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iñuk(-) iñua human, person; owner; core of boil; resident spirit; embryo of an egg; (t) to surprise her/him/it; Iñupiaq Inupiaq, north Alaskan Eskimo person; north Alaskan Eskimo language

? 22

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 eyir- to occupy a vacant building or site; to people; to move in with others # probably from yuk, person, and - lir-, ‘to provide with’ (thus eyiraa is literally: ‘he provided it with a person — in the person of himself’; cf. aipir-); the initial e on eyir- suggests that historically yuk had an initial e (as does evidence from other Eskimo languages; cf. PE iŋuɣ); cf. yuk, cuk; = yi(i)r


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 Yup’ik, Yupiaq Yup’ik Eskimo; ordinary or ordinary person (in contrast to shamans and the like) # literally: ‘real person’, ‘authentic person’, or ‘person of our sort’; originally the form Yup’ik was used in the northern area (NS, Y, some NI) while the form Yupiaq was used in the southern area (K, CAN, BB), while certain places (Chevak, Nunivak, Egegik) had other forms (Cup’ik, Cup’ig, Tarupiaq), but the form Yup’ik is now used as a common term (though not replacing Cup’ik and Cup’ig).


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 yuu¹- to live; to be alive; to be a Yup’ik Eskimo # literally: ‘to be a person’; < PE iŋuɣu- (under PE iŋuɣ); yuurte¹ to be born # literally: ‘to become a person’; yuun a voice that identified a dead person and could be summoned up by a shaman, according to traditional belief # < yuu¹-n


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 yugaq < yuk-aq², cugaq ~ cug’aq [HBC, EG], sugaq [BB, NR] small doll; figurine # and sugar- [BB, NR] to play with dolls; cugaruaq [HBC, EG] small doll; figurine

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 yug’aq < yuk-aq³ *CAN, Y+ shaman’s mask or representation of his familiar spirit

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 yuguaq ball (NUN meaning); human or humanlike figure; doll; figurine # literally: ‘imitation person’; note that in NUN ‘person’ is cuk, not yuk = suguaq, yunguaq; < yuk-uaq; inuguaq small doll; figurine # and inuguar- to play with dolls Y, NI, CAN, K, BB; from Inupiaq inuk ‘person’


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 yuaraq, yugaraq, cugaraq, cuaraq [HBC] finger; toe; digit = yuaraq; < cuk-ar(aq); < PE iŋuɣuʀ (under PE iŋuɣ)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 yuinaq, cuinaq [NUN; Chevak] twenty = cuinaq, suinaq; < yuk-nginaq; < PE iŋuɣinnaʀ (under PE iŋuɣ)

A ᴛᴜʀ kalma ᴇɴɢ staying

*AQIQ kalırken (a) karılıp (q) gelerek (i) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ ninni, sakinleştirici şarkı

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aqiq- [aqIq] (i) to sing in order to heal the sick, sing a healing song; (t) to sing it =healing song

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aqak- (i) to sing to a baby; aqaun lullaby

*AQIK kalırken (a) karılıp (q) gelerek (i) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ ıslak

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ari- < PE aʀi(t)- to become mashed to a granular consistency; arin < PY-S aʀin waterproof fish-skin mitten; any mitten (in NUN, NS, EG) # cf. ari-

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aqigte- [Y ] to start melting # of snow on the ground

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aqit- [aqIt] (i) to be soft, tender to the bite or touch; aqigi- (t) to be too soft for her/him/it; aqikłị - (i) to become soft, pliable; (t) to make it soft, pliable

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *aġI (root) dampness, moisture: aġit- [agIt] to become wet or damp (of fabric, ground, animal hide, child’s diaper)

? 23

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 arive- < PE aʀiva to call by offensive names; to rebuke; to insult verbally

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aryua- < PY-S aʀyuʀ- [NUN] to scold

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 arca < PE aʀcaʀ- don’t do what you’re doing so excessively!; hush!

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aren oops!; oh!; oh no!; unfortunately

*AQEQ kalırken (a) karılıp (q) bölerek (e) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ küpe, labret


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aqervik [ NUN] woman’s ivory labret

? § ?ilitaq device for protecting N; device for for dealing with N or with V-ing; device for counteracting V

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aqlin, aqlitaq earring # specifically the decoration that is attached to the as’un, ‘earring hook’, which goes through the ear < ?-n, ?-taq¹; cf. aqlautaq

*AQEQ-LUK § –rrluk N that has departed from its natural state (often, though not always, with an undesirable connotation)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 arrluk < PE a(C)aʀłuɣ killer whale (Orcinus orca)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aaġlu killer whale (Orcinus orca)

*AQEK kalırken (a) karılıp (q) bölerek (e) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ tekme [leme] ᴇɴɢ kick[ing]

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aqe- < PE aqə- to kick

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aqi- (i) to kick her/him/it


? ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 angqaq ball # and angqar- to play ball < PY-S aŋqaq

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aqsraq- to kick (her/him/it) repeatedly; aqsraaq(-) ball; (i) to play with a ball, especially kicking it; (i) to play soccer (t) to juggle a ball with the feet, play “hacky sack”, a football game; aġraq(-) (Ti) ball; (t) to kick it =ball repeatedly


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aqev- root; > aqevla-, aqevlerte-, aqevyak; cf. aqevyik

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aqeve- ~ aq’ve- < PE aqva to run hard; to run in a straight line; aqva- < PE aqva- to fetch; to go to get; aqevla- < PY aqəvləʀ- to dangle

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aqpat- (i) to run (of a human)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aqevyik [HBC] aqavsik [NSU] < PE aqəvðiɣ cloudberry (locally salmonberry) (Rubus chamaemorus); cf. aqev-


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aqesgiq, aqeygiq [HBC, EG] < PE aqəðɣiʀ willow ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aqargiq [aqargIq] willow ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aqelqaq [NS] < PY-S aqəlqaq stranger; visitor from outside the village

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aqelqur- to go from one point to another (particularly moving in an unusual or unnatural, often elevated, way); to hover; to hand over something


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aqsak, aqsaq < PE aq(ə)yaʀ- abdomen; belly 24

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aqiaq or (Ti) aqiak upper belly above waist and below the ribs (of human

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *aq (root) taking away: aqsak- (t) to grab an object away from her/him; (t) to cheat her/him; aqtaq- (t) to repeatedly take away objects from her/him


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aqeste- to sneeze < PY-S aqəstə- HAPŞIRMAK

*AQEK-NAQ karnındaki bebenin tekmelediği? § @~+naq¹ one that causes V-ing

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 arnaq < PE aʀnaʀ woman; female human; arenvak < arnaq-vak big woman

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aġnaq woman; an adult human female


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aqla woman’s emanation *according to traditional belief+; aqlate-, aqlagte- < PE aqla- to be in motion of air; to emanate odor especially body odor; more specifically: to affect with one’s adverse female presence


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aqła(-) draft (i) to be drafty

*AQAQ kalırken (a) karılıp (q) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 araq < PE aʀða ash; in many areas, specifically: ash made from birch-tree fungus (“punk”) (kumakaq) or other special plant products and then mixed with chewing tobacco (iqmik); ararkaq, arakaq² punk; birch bracket fungus; flecked-flesh polypore (Phelinus igniarius (formerly Fomes pinicola or Poria obliqua)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aġra or aġraq ash; gunpowder; fire pail (used by whaling crew for cooking prior to the modern campstove)

*AQAK kalırken (a) karılıp (q) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aqak [HBC], aqataq [NS] < PE aqayaɣ mold; fungus that sometimes forms on dried fish

*AQUQ kalırken (a) karılıp (q) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aru- < PE aʀu- to ripen to a soft, mushy state; to rot


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 arula, arulaq dance # and arula- to be in motion; to move back and forth; to be loosely attached; to dance < PE aʀula-

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 arulaq man’s Eskimo dance # see arula


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aruqe- < PY aʀuqə- to distribute gifts or shares of a catch


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 arvak [NUN, HBC] < PE aʀvaɣ palm of hand

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aġvak(-)¹ edge of hand; balls of fingers and thumb; fleshy part of palm; (t) to hit her/him/it with edge of hand

*AQUK kalırken (a) karılıp (q) giderek (u) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ kıç, popo (insanın oturak bölgesi)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aqu [NS] < PE aqu stern of a boat 25

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 °aqu (stem) behind, rear, back of an object; trunk of car, bed of truck, stern of boat; final chapter of story; some time after; downriver end of an island; umiam aqua stern of the boat; aquun rudder; anal fin of fish (single rear ventral fin under tail)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aqume- < PE aqumə- to sit down; for the sun to reach its lowest noon elevation at winter solstice; to be incapacitated by age or illness (and only stand or walk with difficulty if it all); aqumlleq < PY aqumłəq (under PE aqumə- and aquvət) chair; seat


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aquun¹ < ?-n form inserted into skins of squirrels, mink, otter, muskrat, etc. to stretch them

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aquun² < ?-n one of two strips of calfskin connecting the front and back of a traditional Yup’ik parka, “qaliq”, worn on Nelson Is. or in the tundra area

*AQUQ-? § popoyu yerden kaldırarak yapılan oyunlar (popoyu yere koyarak oyuncakla oynananların aksine)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aqui- to play actively # running, jumping, etc., usually outside, in contrast to sedentary playing with toys < PE aqu(C)i

*AKIQ kalırken (a) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 akir¹- [NUN] to help push up; to lift up; cf. aki-

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 akir²- [EG ] to shine light (on); cf. aki

*AKIK kalırken (a) katılıp (k) gelip (i) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ karşı ᴇɴɢ across

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aki other side; area across; response; equivalent; value; coin; money # and aki- to reciprocate; to answer back; to answer a letter; to return a favor; to take revenge; to return an evil < PE aki(-)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aki(-)¹ *akI+ corresponding value, equivalence; cost, price, value; wage; opposite side, other side; (Ti) north side of the point (Point Hope); (t) to respond, acknowledge, or answer her/him with gestures (of one who is far away but visible)

§ Aleutça akix ̂ "price" biçimi Supikçe akiq ˢᵍ akik ᵈˡ akit ᵖˡ "money" kelimesinden geçme bir alıntıdır.


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson akimiaq < PE akimiɣaʀ (under PE aki(-)) fifteen

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 akimiat the number fifteen


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aklu, akluq < PE aklu- clothing; bedding; merchandise; fitting(s); accouterment; possession(s)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ai² < PE aɣi spouse’s sibling of same sex as self (or his/her spouse); same-sex sibling’s spouse; cousin’s spouse; spouse’s cousin (or his/her spouse)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aipaq, aapaq [ NUN; some BB] < PE a(C)ippaʀ partner; companion; mate; spouse; other of two

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aippaq [aippaQ] one of a pair (persons, objects, seasons, years, or ages); co-wife (woman with whom one shares a husband)


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 agik- [agIk] or agiaq- to rub, smooth, or cut (it) away with a file 26


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 akin < PE akin (under PE aki(-))log placed at edge of sleeping area as a headrest or elsewhere as a divider; pillow

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 akiñ or akisi pillow; sleeping platform head beam (in traditional sodhouse) < akI(-)

*AKEQ kalırken (a) katılıp (k) bölünerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 akeq < PE akəʀ barb; stair; rung of ladder # used for stair because the notches on a ladder made from a log resemble the barbs of hooks or spears


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 akerta [Y, NSK, HBC, NI, CAN, K, BB, NR, LI] sun

*AKEK kalırken (a) katılıp (k) bölünerek (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 age- to go from one place to another without crossing something extended (river, road, etc.) in between; for snow to cover it

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ai² *aᵍi] (i) to go home; (i) to come home


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 agyuk gift exchange partner from the opposite village during the Messenger Feast (Kevgaq)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 agleq menstruation # and agler- to menstruate < PY aɣlə(ʀ)-; aglenraraq, aglenrar(aq), aglenraralria girl who has recently menstruated for the first time

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 agliq- (Ti) (i) to menstruate (menstruating women were seen as taboo and isolated; the word agliq- in turn is associated with other terms relating to taboo)

*AKAQ kalırken (a) katılıp (k) kalarak (a) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ asma ᴇɴɢ hanging

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aga- to hang; to be suspended

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 agaq [NUN] earring with hook-shaped piece to insert in pierced ear

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 agar- < PE aɣ(ɣ)a(ʀ)- /postural root: hanging/

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aggaq- (i) to come loose, come off, slip off; (t) to cause it to come loose, slip off


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 agagliiyaq < aga-? main horizontal elevated log of fish rack


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 agalrussaq < aga-? red currant (Ribes triste)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 agalkaq wanderer


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 agautaq < agar-taq¹ red currant (Ribes triste); clothes hanger; any hanging thing


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 agyaq, agsaq [NS] < ?-yaq < PY aɣyaq star 27


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 agamyak person who is unsettled or restless # and agamya- to be unsettled or restless because of loneliness; to want to go somewhere else


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 agluq ridgepole; center beam of a structure; agluryaq rainbow

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aglu(-) coating or filler applied on underside of sled runner (usually made of hard wood, whale jaws, or metal); whale jawbone; (t) to apply a coating or filler on bottom of sled runners; agluq¹ (t) to remove its jawbone


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 agluquq jaw; mandible

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 agliġuq half of the lower jaw; one side of the whale jawbones; agliqquk (dual) mandible


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 agqe¹ to stretch the skin over the frame of a kayak


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 akłaq brown bear, grizzly (Ursus arctos)

*AKAK kalırken (a) katılıp (k) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 akag- < PE akðaɣ- to roll; to be on skid row (NUN additional meaning)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 agak(-) a tease; a mischief-maker; (i) to be mischievous; (i) to be a tease; (i) to be belligerent, want to fight, be argumentative; (i) to fight; (t) to tease her/him; (t) to fight with her/him


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aka- (i) to protest, make a fuss, be disagreeable

*AKUQ kalırken (a) katılıp (k) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aku, akuq lower part of garment; akut trim at hem of parka, often made of pieces of black and white calfskin sewn together in a geometric design; skirting around crawl space under house

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 akuq(-) skirt, hem, lower part of garment; outer keel of an umiak frame, board placed on one side of the keel of an umiak frame; sheer line of kayaq; to put a skirt on (her/him/it); to place the two boards on either side of it =keel of an umiak frame

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 °aku (root) space in-between, physical or temporal


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 akulaᵉ < PE akulə- (under PE aku(ʀ)) midsection; area between; land between two topographical features such as the river and the ocean; tundra


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 akute- < PE akut- (under PE aku(ʀ)) to mix; to stir; to make “Eskimo ice cream”; akutaq < akute-aq¹ mixture; “Eskimo ice cream”

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 akut- to mix or stir it; akutaq bread dough; akutuq Eskimo “ice cream” (a mixture of melted caribou fat, finely ground caribou meat and chopped caribou meat)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 akwa- /root/ akwarpak < akwa-rpak forever; akwaugaq < akwa-? yesterday 28

*ATIK kalırken (a) ayrılıp (t) gelerek (i) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ aşağı, alt

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aci < PY-S aci¹ area below; area under (positional base used only with a possessed ending)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 °ati (stem) area below; bottom, underside; down


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ater- < PY atəʀ- (under PE at(ə)-) to get down from something; to go down

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 atiq- (i) to travel out on ice to whaling camp from the village; (i) to travel from inland towards the ocean after hunting | +q-5 rv


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 at- deep root: down; below; under # cf. atrar-, aci-, atliq, aterte-, atsaq, allungak, assingaq, assipaq, assigtaq, atungaq, alu, alliqaq, allngig-, allngik, ategtu

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ategtu- to be deep # of a net

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 atliq, acliq [Y] thing underneath; saucer; cellar; skin scraping board (additional HBC meaning) # = acliq; > atlirneq; cf. at-, alliq

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 acetu- to be high; to be tall = astu-; < ?-tu < PE atətu


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 acuniar- to rape; to have illicit sex with an unwilling or reluctant woman # acuniaraa ‘he had sex with her against her will’ / cf. qacuniar-; < PE acu-; < ?-niar-

*ATEQ kalırken (a) ayrılıp (t) bölerek (e) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ ad; adaş

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ateq < PE atəʀ name; the person after whom one (the possessor) is named

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 atiq [atiQ] name; namesake; someone who shares the same name with another


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ati¹ (i) to be the same, equal, identical, be in agreement; (i) to have a tie vote, to have the same number of votes; (t) to treat them equally

*ATEK kalırken (a) ayrılıp (t) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 at’e- < PE atə- to put on clothing; to don; atkuk, atekuk [NSU] parka # and atkug- to put on a parka < PE atəkə and atəkuɣ

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ati² (t) to put it =garment on; atigi(-) parka, pullover-style fur parka with traditional fur ruff for the hood; (i) to put on a parka; (t) to put a parka on her/him; atun fur sock; sock


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 atmag- to carry on one’s back # and atmak backpack; knapsack; costume (additional meaning in HBC) < PE natmaɣ-

*ATAQ kalırken (a) ayrılıp (t) kalarak (a) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ bağlanma

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ata- < PE ata- to be attached; to be dependent; to be connected

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ata- (i) to be attached, connected

*ATAQ-UCIQ § başparmak diğer parmaklardan ayrılmış durumda tek başına ele bağlıdır (=ataq) ve de avuç içine kıvrıldığında diğer parmakların içinde kalabilen (u = içleme) tek parmaktır 29

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 atauciq < PE ataʀuciʀ one

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 atausiq [atausIq] the number one | +un¹ vn ~iq nn § ata-


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 atarte- to copulate; to mate # of animals, especially dogs


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 atawa benefit; goodness # and atawa- to be beneficial


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ataku, atakuq (this) evening (noun (especially when with final q) and adverbial particle) # and ataku- to be evening < ?-ku


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 atanqe- [HBC, NI, NUN, CAN, K] to wait for; to await


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 atata later on

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ata², ata’a < PE ata² let me see; well then

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ataki, atak let me see; well then; come on

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 atam notice!; look!

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 atunem < PE atunəm matching; mutually; complementary; conforming to

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ataam again


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ata¹, aata < PE ata¹ father

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ataata granduncle; grandfather

? *ATAK kalırken (a) ayrılıp (t) kalarak (a) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ hala, babanın kız kardeşi

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 acak < PE accaɣ paternal aunt; father’s sister

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 atchak aunt; ayak (Ti) or ayaaluk or atchaaluk paternal aunt


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 acuraq < PE acuʀaʀ aunt by marriage; wife of one’s paternal or maternal uncle

*ATUQ kalırken (a) ayrılıp (t) giderek (u) karılan (q) = araç gereç; kılık kıyafet

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 atuq < PE atuʀ- useful thing # and atur- to use; to wear; to sing; to follow tracks, rules, but not people or animals

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 atuq¹ to sing (it); atuq² to use (it); to wear (it)

*AMIQ kalırken (a) uyup (m) gelerek (i) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ kayak kaplama derisi

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 NOUN FORM amiq < PE amiʀ pelt; skin; VERB FORM amir- to put the skin on a kayak or skin boat with waterproof stitches 30

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 amiq(-) [amIQ] animal skin; skin covering on umiak or kayak frame; to sew a hide covering on it=boat or kayak frame; amiġaq tree bark; velvet on caribou antlers


amiutekaq, amiutaq (NUN form) thread for sewing kayak skin


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 amite- < PE amit- to be thin in diameter

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 amit- [amIt] (i) to be narrow, slim, slender

*AMIQ-LUQ § bulutlar gökyüzünün derisidir

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 amirlu, amirluq cloud # and amirlu- to be cloudy < PY amiʀluq


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 amitatuk weasel (or ermine) (Mustela sp.) < PY-S amitatuk (under PE amit-)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 amikuq [EG] < PE amik(k)uʀ octopus; amikuk a certain type of legendary creature

? *AMIQ-?

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aminaq < PE amina³ leftover food; excess # cf. minaq

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 amirriaq food leftover from preparing meal; remainder

*AMIK kalırken (a) uyup (m) gelerek (i) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ kapı ᴇɴɢ door

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 amik ~ amiik < PY-S amik door; entranceway; avik [HBC] door


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 amigpite- < amik-rpak-li²-te5- to form into two lines as a passageway for (him) to walk through

*AMIK-LEK ᴛᴜʀ bacak arası (harfiyen: "kapılı")

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 amlek < PY-S amələ crotch of pants or body; area between legs # may be used in dual, amelgek for a single crotch; cf. avler-, amllir-

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 amel- < PY-S amələ /dimensional root/ > amelkite-, ameltu-, amelraq; cf. amlek


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 amelkite- to be narrow


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ameltu- to be wide


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 amelmig- to stand over (someone prone or something) straddling (him or it) with one’s legs


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 amelvag-, amelpag- to take a big step


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 amelraq < amel-? < PE amiləqaʀ and amitə(l)qaʀ- (under PE amit-) ulna, large bone of the forearm 31

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 amiḷġaq or amirġaq ulna, inner bone of two long bones in the human forearm; fibula, outer bone of two | amit- [amIt] (i) to be narrow, slim, slender +*ġ+aq vn

*AMEK kalırken (a) uyup (m) bölerek (e) katılan (k)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 amekaq [NSU] mixture of berries, sugar, seal oil, shortening, fish, etc.; Eskimo ice cream


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 amlleq much; lots; many; many a — # and amller- to be much; to be many; to be numerous; to be lots; to be enough < PE aməl(ə)ʀa(ʀ)-


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 amlliq¹ obstacle to be stepped over # and amllir- to step over < PE amłuʀ-

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 amlliq² legendary monster fish. They say that those monster fish in lakes are never seen without spots when they surface suddenly

*AMAQ kalırken (a) uyup (m) kalarak (a) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ sırt yükü

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 amaq load carried on the back; stone of a ring # and amar- to backpack; to carry on one’s back

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 amaq(-) dorsal fin; (t) to lift or place her/him/it on one’s back to carry her/him/it; amak- to carry an object for a period of time

*AMAQ-AQ § sırt yükünü bağlamak ya da taşıyıcı sepetin yapımından dolayı olmalı

► ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 amaaq [Y] < PE amaaʀ willow (or other tree) root used in making baskets, lashing fish traps or kayak frames, etc.

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 amaaq¹ rootlet of plant, e.g., spruce root with which baskets are made; amaaq² object or person carried on the back


► ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 amarcuun < amar-cuun backpack

*AMAQ-?-YAK § benzer bitimlilerle (hepsi de hayvan adıdır) karşılaştırın: cilraayak, paalraayak, tep’ngaayak *< tepa-?-yak]

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 amaqaayak < amaq-? [UY, NSK, CAN, K, BB, NR, LI, EG] pink salmon (locally humpback salmon or ) (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha)

? ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 amrayak < amraq-? backpack # Y A N L I Ş amraq sleeve # UK, LI, UY, NR, EG; > amrayak; from Aleut hamgâ - x ̂ (ham³a-X)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 amaqsuq ~ amaqsuk [NI, NUN] < amaq-? < PE amaʀtuʀ pink salmon (locally humpback salmon or humpy) (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 amaqtuuq humpback salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha)


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 amaġuq wolf, gray wolf (Canis lupus) § +quq nn

*AMAQ-QAQ § toplarken meyve yemek "yükünden yemek" demektir: –qar- to V briefly; to merely V; please V; to V immediately before an associated event

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 amqar- [NUN, NS]< PY-S amqaʀ- eat berries while picking them 32


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 amru- /emotional root/ amruke- to be overwhelmed by; amrunarqe- to be overwhelming; amruyug- to feel overwhelmed

*AMAK kalırken (a) uyup (m) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 amag- /postural root : curved/ amagte- to get curved; amangqa- to be curved


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 amauq < PE ama(C)uʀ great-grandparent


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 amngaq female breast; milk # and amngar- to suckle [Y, NS]

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 amnginaq type of Eskimo ice cream (akutaq) made with roe, (salmon)berries and seal oil whipped together

cf. ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aamaq female breast # and aamar- to suckle; to suck on breast or bottle < PE ama-

*AMUK kalırken (a) uyup (m) giderek (u) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ ayıklama; dışarı çekilme

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 amu-, amug- [NI, CAN] < PE amu- to pull out; to extract; to be diminished

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 amu- (i) to be pulled out; (i) to slide back into water after beginning to surface (of a seal); (t) to pull her/him/it out; (i) to withdraw money from a bank; (t) to pick up a C.O.D. from the post office


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 amyak, amsak [NS] < PY amyak small clam that is black on the ends (species ?)

*ANIQ kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) gelerek (i) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ canlanmış, dirilmiş

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aŋi² *aŋI+ (i) to revive, be resurrected, come back to life

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 anirte- [NS] to be alive

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 anirta < PE aniʀta thank goodness!; how fortunate!

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aniqlaa- to curse; to threaten with undesirable things

*ANIK kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) gelerek (i) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ yer karı


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aniu [NS], aniuk [EG] < PE aniɣu snow on the ground # and aniu- to snow [NS]

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aniguyaq temporary snow shelter, dug into the snow and provided with a door # and aniguyar- to make a snow shelter < PE aniɣutyaʀ (under PE aniɣu)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aniu packed snow


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 anipa, anipaq < PY-S anipa snowy owl (Nyctea scandiaca)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 angi- < PE aŋi- to become loose of laces, screws, knots, lids, etc. GEVŞEK OLMAK (BAĞCIK, VİDA, DÜĞÜM)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aŋivit- or aŋivraq- (i) to become loose, untied, unraveled, unwound, or disassembled; (t) to loosen, untie, unravel, unwind it; (t) to take apart, disassemble it 33

*ANEQ kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aner- < PE anəʀ- /root/ anerneq spirit; soul; breath; anerteqe- to live; to breathe; to be alive; aneryaar- to take a breath; to sigh

*ANEK kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) bölerek (e) katılan (k) = ᴛᴜʀ dışarı çıkmak

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ane- < PE anə- to go out; to be born; ante- < PE anət- (under PE anə-) to put out(side)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ani- [anI] (i) to go out, exit; (i) to be born; (i) to emerge from the den in spring (of hibernating animal)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 anssiir-, anssiur- < ane-?- to hunt seal downriver


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 anelgun peer; one of the same age group; one who emerged into the world at the same time; any sibling; anvik exit; squirrel den


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 an’gir- to go outside for fresh air; play outside


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 anguur- < PE aŋuðuʀ- to urinate accidentally; to release amniotic fluid cf. angu-

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aŋuuq- (i) to urinate accidentally; (i) to give birth before reaching the hospital;(i) to experience accidental or premature release of bodily functions, esp. urinating


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 anlleq < PY anłəq edible tuber of the tall cottongrass (iitaq) # locally: “mouse food” or “mouse


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 anyur- /emotional root/ anyurnarqe- to repel; anyuqe- to be repeled by


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 angla- /emotional root/ anglake- to enjoy (it); anglanaite- to not be enjoyable; to be unpleasant; anglanarqe- to be enjoyable; to be pleasant; to be amusing; anglani- to have fun; to enjoy; to watch; angniq happiness; joy # and angnir- to be happy


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 angeq < PE aŋəq chewing gum; tree pitch (hard); angiinaq homemade chewing gum made from the boiled blubber of rutting male seals # cf. angeq; angiyaq < angeqli²-yar tree pitch used for chewing # and angiyar- to gather hardened pitch from a tree to use it forchewing; angula- < PE aŋula- to chew on a skin to soften it (as for sewing)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 angvar- [NUN], angpar- < PE aŋva /postural root: open/ angparte-, angvarte- [NUN] to open

*ANAQ kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) kalarak (a) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ bok ᴇɴɢ feces

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 anaq feces; excrement; dropping # and anar- to defecate; to move the bowels < PE anaʀ(-)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 anaq(-) excrement, feces; dung, manure; to defecate (it); (t) to defecate on it; (i) to fall into the atmosphere and burn (of a “shooting star”)

*ANAQ-UTAQ § @:(u)taq¹ device for V-ing 34

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 anrutaq stomach of a human or other mammal; gallbladder (EG additional meaning)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aġġutaq¹ membrane surrounding the heart; dried stomach or bladder used as a container; food storage poke (bag) made of dried beluga or bearded seal stomach; aġġutaq² distant relative

*ANAK kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) kalarak (a) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ kaçma, kurtulma; aşma

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 anag- < PE annaɣ- to escape; to get away; to “make it”; to prevail; to survive; to endure; anagte- < PE an(n)aɣ- to surpass

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 annak- (i) to escape from danger; anak- (t) to surpass or best her/him in competition


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ange- < PE aŋə- to be big, large; angli- to grow; to become big # applies to humans, animals, and inanimate objects

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aŋi- ¹ (i) to be big, large


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 angun male human; man cf. angu- (although this word would seem to be from angu- ‘to chase and catch (game)’, and the instrumental postbase, evidence from Inuit/ Inupiaq Eskimo languages argues against this (see Fortescue et al. Comparative Eskimo Dictionary. 1996:35)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aŋun adult male human, man


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 anlu < PE anlu seal’s breathing hole in ice; muskrat’s feeding hole in the ice made by blowing bubbles under freshly frozen ice late popping them and lining it with mud; anluaq < PE anlu(C)aʀ- (under PE anlu) fishing or water hole cut through the ice

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 allu seal’s breathing hole in sea ice


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 °anaqa (stem) evening: anaqagu this evening still to come; (Nu) tonight


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 anau- [Y, NUN, NS] < PE anaɣu- to hit or bat with a stick; anaur- [HBC] to hit or bat with a stick

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 anau- (t) to hit her/him/it with one’s arm or an object held in one’s hand


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 angala- < PE aŋala- to flutter; to wobble; to move back and forth; to shake

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *aŋa (root) manipulation, power; aŋala- (Nu) (i) to move about


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 angalkuq, angalkuk < PE aŋalkuʀ shaman; medicine man; angarvak < angalkuq-vak powerful shaman

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aŋatkuq shaman


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 angay- /root/ angasaar- [NS] to sway ; angayaaq swamp; bog; mire; angayegte- to slant; to tip # said of something that is supposed to be upright; angayiite- to suffer motion sickness; to be seasick; angayite- to stagger; to get stuck in soft mud; to feel dizzy 35


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 angassaq ladle


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 angayu- /root/ angayuk [BB] partner; angayukliq [NS] bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus); angayuqaq < PE aŋayuq(q)aʀ (under PE aŋayuɣ) boss; chief; parent ; angayuvik [NSU] < angayu-vik church

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aŋayu- (i) to dance Iñupiaq style


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 agayu [NUN] traditional mask; agayu- to pray; to worship; to participate in a religious ceremony; to cross oneself

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aŋaayyu- or aŋaiyyu- or (Nu) agaiyu- (i) to pray; (t) to say it = prayer

*ANUQ kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *anu (root) emotional security, fortitude: anuqsru- (i) to be able to bear great pain or sorrow with fortitude; (i) to be stoic


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 anuqaᵉ < PE anuqe wind

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 anuġi wind; anuqqak- to become windy

*ANUK kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 anu, anuk < PE anu dog harness

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 anu(-) harness; mitten string; yoke; (t) to harness it


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 anuti- (i) to confess


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 angu- < PE aŋu- to catch after chasing; to catch something for food; to overtake; to have witnessed (it) during one’s lifetime

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aŋu- (i) to catch a game animal; (t) to catch up with her/him/it; (t) to have seen her/him/it when young; (t) to reach her/his height; aŋŋun game animal; aŋuq- (t) to tag, touch her/him in a game of tag


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 anguar- < PE aŋuðaʀ- to paddle an open boat, kayak, or canoe

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *aŋu (root) propel: aŋuaq- (i) to paddle or row

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 anguarun < PE aŋuðaʀun (under PE aŋuðaʀ-) single-bladed paddle; propeller


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 angyaq boat # and angyar- to go by boat < PY aŋyaq

*ALIQ kalırken (a) düzenli (l) gelerek (i) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ giysi ya da yatak iç dolgusu ya da döşemesi

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 allir- /root/ > alliraq < allir-aq³ insole; bedding skin; mattress; allirtet [NSU] < allir-ta¹ PE < ałiʀtə pants with attached socks made of fur # used in plural for one pair of pants 36


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 alliq [ NUN] homemade curved tanning board; hearth; cf. atliq

*ALIK kalırken (a) düzenli (l) gelerek (i) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ korku

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ali- /root/ alike- to fear; to be afraid of; alinge- to be afraid; to be scared

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 alia- < PE aliɣa /emotional root/ > alianake-, alianarqe-, alianiur-, aliayug-; note use of alianake- rather than *aliake- with this emotional root; = alai-; alianake- to find (it) lonely

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aliurtuq ghost; apparition; supernatural presence # and aliurtur- to see a ghost; to experience a supernatural presence

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *alia (root) lonliness; dullness; humorlessness

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aliuq- (i) to be amazed, astonished, astounded, to marvel, to wonder; aliugaq ghost


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 algacak salvaged thing # and algacag-, algassar- to salvage

*ALEQ kalırken (a) düzenli (l) bölerek (e) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ eğe, törpü

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aleq file (metal tool) # allret ‘files’; allra ‘his file’ (note irregularly devoicing in forms like these) [NUN]

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aliq [aliQ] (Ti) harpoon line


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 alerqua- to give serious advice concerning proper conduct

*ALEK kalırken (a) düzenli (l) bölerek (e) katılan (k) =

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 allek, alek [Y] strip of willow bark; alleg- to tear

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 alik- to tear or rip (it); allaq¹ a perforation, hole, a rip


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 allneq dried fish stripped of its skin


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aluvik < PY aluvik teardrop


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aleg- /emotional root/ alegyug- to be confident; to feel something is feasible

*ALAQ kalırken (a) düzenli (l) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 alar- < PE alaʀ- /postural root: being in error/ alarcaquq < alarte-?-quq appendix (anatomical), alarcauk < alarte-? [K, NI, CAN, BB], alarcuaq < alarte-? [K] appendix (anatomical); alarneq < alar-neq¹ error; mistake; wrong decision; alarte- to err; to make a mistake

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 alaq- to look away, turn away (from her/him/it); (t) to stop or cease, i.e. to give up on trying to catch it=animal one is pursuing

*ALUQ kalırken (a) düzenli (l) giderek (u) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ ayakkabı tabanı ᴇɴɢ sole 37

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 alu, aluq < PE alu(ʀ) sole of foot; sole of boot or shoe

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 alu sole of foot or of footwear


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 allngik round patch on the sole of a skin boot # and allngig- to patch the sole of a skin boot < PE ałŋiɣ

*ALUQ-PAK § kayalıklarda ayakları üstünde dik durduğunda göğüsten aşağı karnı bembeyaz, boğazı ve sırtı siyah ya da kahverengi olup sanki iki renk yapıştırma parça gibidir.

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 alpa, alpak < PE alpa(ɣ) murre (Uria sp.)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 atpa common murre, thick-billed murre; auk; akpa or atpa or (Ti) akpaaluuraq common murre (Uria aalge)

§ Common murres (Uria aalge inornata: North Pacific, Japan, Eastern Russia, Alaska) breed in colonies at high densities on cliffs. This is largest subspecies and largest auk, slightly larger than thick-billed murre. Murres have the highest flight cost, for their body size, of any animal. The thick-billed murre (Uria lomvia arra : Pacific coast of North America) produces a variety of harsh cackling calls at the breeding colonies, but is silent at sea. Thick-billed murres form vast breeding colonies, sometimes composed of over a million breeding birds, on narrow ledges and steep cliffs which face the water. They do not build nests, but lay the egg directly on bare rock. Thick-billed murres are closely associated with sea-ice throughout the year.


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aluuyaq [K, NUN], al’uruyak [BB] oval, originally wooden oval bowl


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aluqan, aluqaq, aluqun, aluqutkaq < PY aluqaq beaver scent-gland; castor § erkek ve dişi kunduzların salgı bezleri tarafından salgılanan keskin ve kötü kokulu yağımsı reçineli bir madde olan "kunduz yağı" (castoreum) kahverengi, kızıl veya sarımsı renkli tadı acı ve keskin kokuludur. Avlanınca bunlar kunduzlardan düzenli olarak sökülüp kullanmak üzere bir kapta toplanır.

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aluaq [aluraq] coal


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 alr(ar)- [NUN] to go toward the exit, i.e., toward the door or downriver

*ALUK kalırken (a) düzenli (l) giderek (u) katılan (k) § köpeğin durduğu (kaldığı) yerde diliyle yediği lapa ve düzenli olarak tekrar edilen eylem; dil her seferinde lapadan parça alarak ayrılır ve o parça midesine katılır.


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 alungaᵉ < PE aluɣ- homemade dog food (a boiled mixture of fish and meat products) # and alunge- to lap with the tongue

§ Jacobson [alussiq spoon # Y; cf. alunge-+, Yukon Yupikçesinde "kaşık" anlamındaki "alussiq" sözünü "diliyle yemek" fiiliyle karşılaştırıyor; ki bu karşılaştırma doğru değildir, zira Rusça ло́жка (lóžka) sözünden geçen bir alıntıdır.

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 aluk(-) dog mush (food); (i) to lap up food or water into the mouth with the tongue; (t) to lick her/him/it once


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 alme- [Y, HBC] lick; taste; almigaq < PE almiɣžaq young bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 alqar- < ?-qar- to gobble up food


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 alvik wooden bowl; large food container; washing vessel for women’s clothes (NUN meaning) 38

*APEQ kalırken (a) yükselip (p) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aper- to say; to pronounce

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *apiq (root) inquiry : apiġi- or apiqsruq- (t) to ask her/him; apiqqun or apiqsruun a question


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 apte- < PY-S apət(ə)- to inquire; to ask in the sense of asking a question

*APEK kalırken (a) yükselip (p) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 api- (t) to become snow-covered (of landscape, ground); (t) for it to become snow-covered; apun snow cover, snow lying on a surface; fallen snow


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 apun [NSU] < PE apun (under PE apə-) snow on the ground


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 apsuq < PE apyuʀ smoke; haze; dust in air

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 apyuq(-) or apyuula- (Nu) steam, dust; (i) to steam, to make steam < avyuq(-)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 avyuq(-) cloud of dust, smoke, mist, steam; hot humid weather (after a rain storm) (i) to smoke, steam; (i) be dusty (of air)

*APAQ kalırken (a) yükselip (p) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 apa, ap’a, apaq < PE ap(p)a grandfather


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 apamaq < PE apummaʀ gunwale of kayak

*APUQ kalırken (a) yükselip (p) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 apur- to reach; to get as far as; to arrive at; to run against; to bump into; to encounter; to land

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 apuq- to bump or crash (into her/him/it); (i) to reach shore

*AVIQ kalırken (a) taşınıp (v) gelerek (i) karılan (q)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aviu-, aviulrar- (in NS) to scream; to yell; to holler < PE aviʀu

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *avI (root) resonance: aviu- (i) to utter a long, loud cry, to shout, to raise a cheer (as when sighting a ship, airplane); (i) to ring (of ears); (t) to cheer her/him for scoring a goal during a football or soccer game; (t) to holler to her/him (for example, to annouce dangerous ice conditions to hunters on ice)


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *ava (root) yelling: avaala- (i) to scream

*AVEK kalırken (a) taşınıp (v) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aveg- to divide in two; to halve # and avek half; half-dollar; person who is half Native < PE avəɣ- 39

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 avik- (i) to divide in half or split in two; (t) to divide it in half, in two pieces; avit- (i) to split one’s pants; to get a divorce; (t) to separate themd, who are fighting; to divorce her/him


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 avte- < PE avət- to divide; to separate usually into two parts

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *av² (root) interval or distance between one’s feet: avluq- (i) to take a step; (t) to step over her/him/it; avlaak distance between one’s feet when spread out

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 avler- < PE avləʀ- /postural root: with legs spread/


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 avneq < ?-neq¹ a felt presence of something immaterial; a ghostly humming noise coming from a corner of the house; shaman’s spirit helper (identified with a voice of the dead); shaman’s “other half”

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 avangcaq [NS, Y] mask


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 avnguq [Y] < PY avŋuq burl

*AVAQ kalırken (a) taşınıp (v) kalarak (a) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ yenidoğan çocuk

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 avaq < PE avðaʀ¹ cyst

*AVAQ-KUTAQ § –kutaq, –kun thing to be used as N would be used; small N

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 avaqutaq < PY avaqutaq [NUN, HBC, UK, EG], avankuq [HBC] son


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 avaliq < PE avaliʀ- thing that one has with him, or on hand; foster child


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 avalissaq, avalissaun reason; cause; justification; excuse < avaliq-?, avalissaq-n

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 avayaq < PY-S avayaq branch; limb of tree; knot in wood (in NUN)

*AVUQ kalırken (a) taşınıp (v) giderek (u) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ meyve toplama

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 avur- ~ aur- < PY-S avuʀ- to gather; to collect bit by bit

*AVUK kalırken (a) taşınıp (v) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 avu- ~ au- < PE avu to supplement; to have bread with tea or coffee

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 avu(-) sugar; an ingredient (i) to add sugar to something one is eating or drinking (t) to add sugar to it; to add an ingredient to it


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aukaq crackers or bread eaten when one is drinking tea or coffee

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aviukaq offering of food or water # and aviukar-, aviukarte-, aviukarqe- to make an offering of food or water (to the dead, to animals that one would catch, etc.)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 avir- to brace a log against a door to keep it shut 40

*AZIQ kalırken (a) girip (z) gelerek (i) karılan (q) = yen, giysi kolu

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aliq < PE aðiʀ sleeve

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 asiq(-) [asIq] sleeve; (i) to put one’s arms into the sleeves of a garment; (t) to help her/him put her/his arm into the sleeves of a garment

*AZAK kalırken (a) girip (z) kalarak (a) katılan (k) =

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 arak- (t) to comfort, soothe, placate her/him; (t) to encourage her/him


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aiggaq, aaggaq [NUN, some BB] < PE aðɣa and aðɣaʀ hand; aiggaᵉ [NS] hand; seal flipper

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 argak(-) or (Ti) algak finger; hand; to dig (in it) with hands; to use an ice scratcher (a tool made of seal claws mounted on a wooden handle used to simulate the scratching of a seal to lure it to its breathing hole)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 argaq- (t) to dig a hole in snow or earth


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aigsaaq, aigyaaq, agyaaq [HBC] < PE aðɣa(C)aʀ (under PE aðɣa(ʀ)) glove

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 argaaq glove

*AZUQ kalırken (a) girip (z) giderek (u) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ emekleme

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 aurre-, aurrur- to crawl < PE aðuʀ-

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 auq- (i) to stalk an animal on ice by crawling

*AZUK kalırken (a) girip (z) giderek (u) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ kan

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 auk < PE aðuɣ blood

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 auk(-)¹ *aruk+ blood; (i) to bleed; (Ti) to have a nosebleed; arri- (i) to collect blood (donations); (i) to collect animal blood for dog food broth; (i) to make broth from blood

*AYIK kalırken (a) üstlenip (y) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ayi- to be satiated; to get whatever one wants

*AYEK kalırken (a) üstlenip (y) bölerek (e) katılan (k)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ayme-, asme- < PY-S ayəmə- to break in two # of relatively long, slender objects; ayemte-, asemte- < ayme- te²- to break # of relatively long, slender objects

*AYAK kalırken (a) üstlenip (y) kalarak (a) katılan (k)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ayag²- < PE ayaɣ- deep root carrying the concept of ‘leaning on a support’; > ayagaq, ayagta, ayaktar-, ayakutar(aq), ayakut’e-, ayaper-, ayaun¹, ayaun², ayaur-; cf. ayalur-, ayaruq

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ayak(-)¹ a pole used to prop up an object; wall post; pole; the shaft of a spear or harpoon; old-style, long- handled spear; “big whalingharpoon” (Nelson: 65); vertical support post (of sleeping platform);(i) to be propped up with a pole (refers only to the moment of completion); (t) to prop it =a leaning object up to keep it from falling down 41


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ayag¹- < PE ayaɣ- to leave; to go away; to depart

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ayak² (i) to begin moving ahead, proceed ahead, start toward destination, depart; (i) to push off in a boat; (t) to push, launch it = boat to sea


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *ayaaq (root) crisscrossing


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ayagaq first neck vertebra of caribou; toy made with first neck vertebra of caribou


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ayaun¹ < ayag²-n < PE ayaɣun (under PE ayaɣ-) thumb (LK, BB meaning); oar (HBC meaning), asaun¹ thumb (NSU meaning); oar (NSK meaning) # literally: device for supporting; = asaun;

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ayaun², asaun² fore or aft cockpit deck beam of a kayak

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 asau- root; = ayau-; > asaupiaq < asau-piaq < PE ayaʀuʀ and aya(ʀu)viʀaʀ (under PE ayaɣ-) walking-stick; cane; asaur- to pole a boat (usually); asaaquq spear used to kill seals sleeping on the ice; toggling harpoon = asauquq, ayaaquq, ayauquq

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 asaaqin three-pronged bird spear used with a spear-thrower

*AYUQ kalırken (a) üstlenip (y) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ayu, ayuq Labrador or Hudson’s Bay tea (Ledum sp.)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ayuq- to be in desperate need of (it); (t) to be unable to obtain it by reaching for it; (t) to be unable to reach, keep up with her/him/it; (t) to be unable to buy it for lack of money

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *ayuq (root) behavioral pattern, habit

*AYUK kalırken (a) üstlenip (y) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ayu- to progress; to spread; to enlarge; to go farther and farther away

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ayu- (i) to go on ahead, get a head start; (i) to die

U ᴛᴜʀ gitme ᴇɴɢ leaving, going

*UQIK giderken (u) karılıp (q) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 uqit- [uqIt] (i) to be light (in weight)

*UQEQ giderken (u) karılıp (q) bölerek (e) karılan (q)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 uqeq < PE uqəq leeward side; sheltered side

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 uq- shelter # deep root; cf. uqeq, uqite¹, uqivigaq, uqvik, uqurrsuk, uqumigte²-

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 uqraq < uqeq-aq¹ shelter; windbreak 42

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 uqite¹ < PE uqqit- (under PE uqəʀ) to take shelter


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 uqer- < PY uqəʀ- to wipe the anal area after defecating


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 uqsuq < PY uqsuq head [UY, LI, UK, EG]; aged fish head [HBC, NS]

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 uqsuqaq northern pintail (Anas acuta) [NI, CAN, K, BB] ; fat of fatty bird [NUN]


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 uqsiq [uqsIQ] or uqsi loop or bone ring on lasso through which rope is passed; loop of snare

*UQEK giderken (u) karılıp (q) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ure¹ < PY-S uʀə- to melt; to dissolve; to run of colors; to run down (soil from a slope); to have a dirty face

*UQAQ giderken (u) karılıp (q) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 uqaq(-) tongue; tongue-shaped part of leg-hold trap which when stepped on trips the trap; (i) to talk, speak; (t) to continue to talk to her/him for the purpose of advising her/him on the proper way to live

*UQUQ giderken (u) karılıp (q) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 uquq- (i) to have warm winter clothes; to be well insulated and therefore warm (of clothing, house); uqut (Nu) warm winter clothing


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 uquq oil; < PE uqðuʀ especially seal oil; blubber; by extension any edible oil; in context also fuel oil; lubricating oil; gasoline

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 uqumyak < uquq-yak quartz # so called because of its light color, resembling seal fat

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 uqsruq or (Nu) uqruq or (Ti) uġruq² blubber; seal oil; oil, gasoline, petroleum


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 uruq < PE uʀðuʀ- sphagnum moss (Sphagnum sp.); menstrual pad

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 uġru spongy moss (Sphagnum spp.) dried and used for a diaper liner in traditional times (Kisautaq: 65²)

*UQUK giderken (u) karılıp (q) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 uquk(-) mold, mildew; to become moldy


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 uquggluk < ?-rrluk < PE uquɣ mold (fungus); “leprous” disease of garments and structures (in the Bible) # and uqugglug- to be moldy

*UKIQ giderken (u) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 uki- < PE uki² to get a hole (in it); to get pierced

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ukit- [ukIt] (t) to cut an oblong hole in it 43


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ukayiruaq, ukasiruaq cottongrass (Eriophorum sp.) # from unattested ukayiq, ukasiq cognate to Siberian Yupik ukaziq ‘snowshoe hare’ (with cognates also in Inupiaq and some Sugpiaq, cf. PE ukaðiʀ), and postbase -uaq imitation, thing like

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ukalliq [ukallIq] snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus); ukalliaġaq- (Ti) (i) to do the high kick, jumping with two feet, then kicking high towards a suspended skin ball with one foot and landing on the same

§ The majority of Lepus species live on the surface, but some do dig burrows or use tunnels and holes made by other animals. Lepus americanus at night it uses a complex network of runways which cut through grass and undergrowth in order to move about. During the summer months, this species clips down the vegetation along the runways in order to make travelling through the networks easier. In the winter, for the same reason, they pack down the snow


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 uksuq winter; last winter; year # and uksur- to become winter < PE ukyuʀ

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *ukI (root) winter: ukiuq(-) [ukiuQ] winter; last year; year; (t) to come (of winter); ukiaq autumn, fall season; last fall; (Ti) last year; ukialliq autumn animal skin; game animal caught in autumn


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ukpik sSnowy owl (Nyctea scandiaca)

*UKIK giderken (u) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ koca

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ui < PE uɣi husband; uilgaq < ui-?; < PE uɣilɣaʀ- (under PE uɣi) unmarried woman (including widow); uilgun < ui-lgun woman’s husband’s brother; uinge- < ui-nge- to acquire a husband; to marry # of a woman

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ui husband; uiḷgaq- (i) to lose one’s husband, become widowed

*UKEK giderken (u) düzenli (l) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 uge- /root/ ugi’irte- to beach accidentally and fast # of a boat; ugte¹ to climb or get on top of something; to put on top; to “haul out” (of seal or walrus); ugte² [NUN+ to remove one’s footwear

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ui- [uᵍi] (i) to panic, overreact; (i) to be too eager


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ugruk(-) bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus); (i) to catch a bearded seal

*UKAK giderken (u) katılıp (k) kalarak (a) katılan (k) yeniden düzenlenecek

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ua(ni) < PE dem uɣ- downriver; by the exit; on the right facing the ocean # restricted demonstrative adverb

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 uataᵉ area downriver or toward the exit from possessor < PE uɣan

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ugna the one downriver or by the exit # restricted demonstrative pronoun

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 uaqliq* part of house near the door; area downriver < ua(ni)-qliq

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 °ua¹ (stem) westerly 44

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 uassiaq west; west wind (NSU meaning); north; north wind (NUN meaning) # < PY u(ɣ)atsaq or u(ɣ)atyaq (under PE uɣan)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 uan body from the waist down; skirt; haunch < PE uɣan

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 uan or uati (Ti) area of torso below waist, i.e. hips and pelvis; hind part of any animal; ventral flank of bowhead whale

*UKUK giderken (u) karılıp (q) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 uu- < PE uɣu to be cooked

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *uu (root) heat, warmth: uut- (t) to be cooked (of meat);(t) to cook it =meat; (i) to become sunburned; uuk- (t) to sample, try, taste it =food; uuma- (i) to be alive (of an animal)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ugkaᵉ < + PE uɣkə- cooked food (cf. Siberian Yupik uxka ‘cooked food’)

*UTEQ giderken (u) ayrılıp (t) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ute- /root/ > uterte- to return; to go back; utelmun, utetmun < ute-tmun homeward, toward one’s point of origin

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 utiq- to return, go back (for her/him/it); (t) to return to her/him =spouse after a separation

*UTEK giderken (u) ayrılıp (t) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 uti- (i) to fall out (of hair); to grow bald, become hairless; utuvik scalp, skin under hair

*UTAQ giderken (u) ayrılıp (t) kalarak (a) karılan (q)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 utaqa- < PE utaqə- to wait (for)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 utaqqi- [utaqqI] to wait for (her/him/it)

*UMEK giderken (u) uyup (m) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 umek door; hatchway; cover # and umeg- to close; to turn off; to close off; to cover over

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 umik(-)¹ cover, lid (Nu) (i) to collapse (of a house); (i) to close the store (of owner); (i) to now be closed (of store); (t) to close it; (Nu) (t) to trap it =bear in its den by blocking the entrance so it can be killed; umigaq (Nu) covering of hard snow for concealing the pit trap


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 umiaq(-) *umiġaq+ a boat; (i) to go hunting in an umiak for sea mammals; (Ti) (i) to be out at whaling camp or in a whaling umiak


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 um- /root/ umci-, umcigi- [HBC], umcigci- [HBC] to be plugged; to be stuffed; to have nasal congestion; umcig- to be airtight; umgi- < um-i²- [HBC] to have a stuffed nose; to have nasal congestion

? 45

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ume- [NS] to panic; to be in a dither

*UMIQ giderken (u) uyup (m) gelerek (i) karılan (q) = temren

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 umi, umik, umiq hard stone used to make tools and weapons; stone arrowhead or harpoon point; spade in cards (additional BB, NI meaning)

*UMIK giderken (u) uyup (m) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 umi- to fade away and be gone (for a long time)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 umta fog # and umte- to be foggy [Y]

*UMEQ giderken (u) uyup (m) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 umiq- (t) to scrutinize at her/him/it


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 umyuaq < PY-S umyuɣžaq mind; idea; thought; mental activity; frame of mind

*UNIQ giderken (u) uzayıp (n) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ungi- < PE uŋi to become soggy; to get sodden; to get waterlogged; to dissolve; to disintegrate; to be reduced to powder cf. uni-;

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 uŋi- *uŋI+ (Nu) (i) to develop a rash


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ungilak louse (LK meaning); spruce cone # and ungilag- to itch < PE uŋilaɣ-


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *uŋi (root) gathering into small folds

*UNIK giderken (u) uzayıp (n) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 uni- to dissolve; to disappear

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *unI (root) behind, time prior; unik- (i) to stay behind | +k¹ nv, rv; unit- [unIt] (t) to leave her/him/it behind; (t) to abandon her/him/it | +t² nv

*UNEQ giderken (u) uzayıp (n) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 uneq < PE unəʀ armpit; foreleg or flipper pit

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 uniq [uniQ] axilla, armpit, underar


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 uniaq- [unigaq] to tow, drag, pull (it, esp., sled or seal) by means of a rope around one’s chest or over one’s shoulder

*UNAQ giderken (u) uzayıp (n) kalarak (a) karılan (q) = bıyık, sakal

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ungak < PY-S uŋak whisker; beard hair; mustache hair

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 umik² whiskers, beard; umiŋmak musk ox (Ovibus moschatus) 46

*UNAK giderken (u) uzayıp (n) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 una¹


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 una² [NSU] to play (of puppies) cf. unga

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 una- to be playful (with her/him/it) (of animals)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 unga- < PE uŋa to show affectionate attachment by clinging to another (usually of a child who clings to an adult) # cf. una²-

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 uŋa- (i) to act as if one wants to be loved and cuddled (esp., of a child)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 una³ /root/ unair- to lose coordination; to be spastic; to become numb; to become unfit; to go limp; unairute- to become soft; unaite- to be soft

*UNUQ giderken (u) uzayıp (n) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ungu- < PE uŋu- to drive rabbits, geese, or other game into an area where they can easily be killed

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 uŋu- or uŋuraq- (t) to drive it =animal into entrapment, usually a corral or a waiting hunter; reindeer herder or reindeer dog driving a lone reindeer back to the herd

*UNUK giderken (u) uzayıp (n) giderek (u) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ gece ᴇɴɢ night

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 unuk night; last night # and unug- to become night < PE unnuɣ-

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 unnuk(-) evening; (i) to become dark; (t) it is becoming dark


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 un’u clothing; garment


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 unguva life # and unguva- to be alive

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 unguvan < unguva-n [UY, NSU, NUN, UK, BB, NR, LI, EG] heart; fish heart (in areas where ircaquq is a general term for heart)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 unglu < PE uŋlu nest

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 uglu or ugluutit bird’s nest; perch on mast, “crow’s nest”

*ULIQ giderken (u) düzenli (l) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 uliq² *ulIq+ (i) to crack, chip; (t) to crack, chip it

*ULIK giderken (u) düzenli (l) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ulik blanket; quilt # and ulig- to use a blanket < PE uliɣ(-)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ulik(-) [ulIk] blanket; cataract (of eye); (i) to cover oneself with a blanket; (t) to cover her/him/it with a blanket 47

*ULEQ giderken (u) düzenli (l) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ule- to rise (of liquid or semiliquid, e.g., dough); to be high tide (coast and along tidal rivers); to flood (inland); ulaᵉ high tide; flood

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 uli or ulinniq high tide, flood


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ulerpak flood # and ulerpag- to flood < ule-rpak


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ulute- < ule-te5- < PE ulutə (under PE ulə(-))to flood; to inundate


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 uliq¹ (t) to hear it =faraway noise; (t) to glimpse it =something lurking in the distance

*ULUQ giderken (u) düzenli (l) giderek (u) karılan (q)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ulu, uluq < PY-S ulu(q) [Y, NS, HBC, NI, NUN, CAN, UK, LI, EG] tongue

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ulu or uluuraq crescent-shaped knife (traditionally made of ground slate in the shape of a quarter circle with a handle usually made of bone or ivory placed over the sharp inner point; modern ulus are made of stainless steel); ulima- (i) to use an adze; (t) to cut it with an adze


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ulur- to turn one’s head and eyes away; to ignore

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 uluq- (i) to turn sideways in order to pass through a narrow passage; (i) to turn one’s shoulder forward; (i) to turn aside; (i) to bend to the side, move aside; (i) to lie down on one’s side; (t) to pass through it =passageway sideways; (t) to turn or move it asid

*ULUK giderken (u) düzenli (l) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ulug¹- < PE uluɣ- to flex a skin or the like to make it pliant by working it with both hands in a circular motion; to crumple

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 uluk- to rub and twist (it =usually clothing when handwashing, or animal hide to soften when tanning)

*UPAK giderken (u) yükselip (p) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 upag- < PE upaɣ- to change one’s place of residence; to move; to run toward someone (NSU meaning)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 upak- or upaktuq- to rush directly (to her/him/it); to charge (her/him/it) (of an animal)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 upete-, upte- < PE upət- to get ready to go

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 upit- (i) to rush eagerly to do something; (i) to get excited; (i) to pay heed suddenly, as to a noise or what one sees

*UVIQ giderken (u) taşınıp (v) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *ui (root) uncooked: uiḷaq- raw, uncooked meat; (i) to eat raw, uncooked meat; (t) to eat it raw and uncooked; uipayaaq (Ti) rare meat

*UVIK giderken (u) taşınıp (v) gelerek (i) katılan (k) = ᴛᴜʀ uyanma, uykudan kalkma 48


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 uite- < PE uvi(t)- [Y, NS, K, HBC, NUN, NI, CAN, BB, NR, LI, EG] to open one’s eyes; to wake up; to bloom (of flowers); uita- < PE uvita- (under PE uvi(t)-) to stay; to remain; to be situated; to live

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 uit- to break away from shore ice forming an open lead (of pack ice); (i) to open one’s eyes


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *uv¹ (root) now, today: uvluq(-) day; daylight; to begin to grow light (of day) | +lu(q) rn; uvlaaq(-) morning, this past morning; to become morning | -laaq rn

*UVIK-LUQ § Kabuklarının göz kapakları gibi açılır kapanır olmasından dolayı

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 uviluq [HBC] < PE uviluʀ- thin-necked clam; uiluq < PE uvilu³ clam; clamshell; spoon (additional meaning in LY, CAN, BB, NR, LI)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 iviḷuq or uviḷuq seashell, mollusk

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ivḷuq- (i) to bow one’s legs

*UVEQ giderken (u) taşınıp (v) bölerek (e) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ eğik, eğme

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 uver-, ever- [NS] < PE uvəʀ- or əvəʀ- /postural root: slanting; tilted/ = ever-; > uvengqa-, uvenqegg-, uverte-, uvaa-, uvqercug

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 uviq- (i) to tilt, list, dip one side lower than the other; (t) to tilt, list it

*UVAQ giderken (u) taşınıp (v) kalarak (a) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ durulama

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 uaq- (t) to cleanse, rinse it; (t) to be washed away by the waves

*UVAK giderken (u) taşınıp (v) kalarak (a) katılan (k) = şaman

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 wii, wiinga I; me < wa-nga (¹st person sing. ending) # on personal pronouns; wiinga neryarturciqua ‘I shall go eat’; wangnun ‘to me’; wangnek ‘from or about me’; wangni ‘on me’, ‘with me (at my house)’, ‘than me’; wangkun ‘with me (by means of me’; wang(ce)tun ‘like me’

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 °uva (stem) for first person personal pronouns: uvaŋa [dual uvaguk, pl. uvagut] I, me; my

*UCIQ giderken (u) içlenip (c) gelerek (i) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ kızak yükü

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 uci < PE uci¹ load; cargo; burden

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 usiq¹ *usIq+ [pl. utchit] (Nu) load, something/someone carried in sled, boat, or vehicle

*UCIQ-PEQ ᴛᴜʀ omuz yükü ?

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 uspeq weight; pound # and usper- to weigh < PE uspəʀ- (under PE uðəɣ-)

*UCAQ giderken (u) içlenip (c) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ussar- [NUN] to check; to look around

*UCUQ giderken (u) içlenip (c) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ucur- < PE ucuʀ- /emotional root/ ucuqe- < ucur-ke²- to praise; to be in awe of (him); to express one’s respect toward (him); to revere

*UCUK giderken (u) içlenip (c) giderek (u) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ sik, çük 49

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ucuk < PE ucuɣ genitalia; penis; vagina # may be used in the dual for one ‘vagina’ cf. uyug-, ussug-;

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 usuk penis; usuuraq clitoris; utchuk vulva


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ussug- /root/ ussukcaq nail; peg # and ussukar- to hammer a nail or peg; to mortise; ussungiq shaft of bow- drill # and ussungir- to start fire by friction with a bow-drill [NUN]

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ussugcin digging tool; ground or ice spud


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 uste-, uyte- [HBC] < PE uytə- to erode; to chip; to cave in

*UZIQ giderken (u) girip (z) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *urrIq (root) guidance, instruction

*UZAQ giderken (u) girip (z) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 urraq [urraQ] fermented meat and blubber (usually walrus or seal flippers, or walrus skin with blubber)(a delicacy)

*UYAK giderken (u) üstlenip (y) kalarak (a) katılan (k) = boyun


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 uya < PE uya(quʀ) neck (often non-anatomical or non-human); figurine of human used as amulet


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 uyak- (Nu) (i) to hover near the surface of water (of seal with head coming in and out of water)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 uyaquq neck (anatomical)


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 uyaġak stone; rock; fishnet sinker

*UYUK giderken (u) üstlenip (y) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 uyug- < PY uyuɣ- to have sexual intercourse (of humans)


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 uyuk- to dance Iñupiaq style (of woman)

Q ᴛᴜʀ karma ᴇɴɢ mixing

*QIQIK karılmış (q) gelirken (i) karılıp (q) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qiri- [NUN] to want something from someone

*QIQUK karılmış (q) gelirken (i) karılıp (q) giderek (u) katılan (k) 50


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qirussiq decorative appendage # ornament on hat, mask or dance baton

*QIKIK karılmış (q) gelirken (i) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qiki [qikI] cross brace (supports the rope of the “mapkuq” used to toss people into the air during Nalukataq); ¤ rope tied to corner of blanket-toss hide and staked to ground (no longer used)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *qikI¹ (root) distortion: qikiŋa- (i) to be warped; qikisit- (t) to warp it


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qigiquq [NUN] ivory spear head


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qimmiq [qimmIq], qipmiq [qipmIq] (Nu) dog dog (Canis lupus forma familiaris); qimmiuraq, qipmiuraq (Nu) green bud of a willow stem; dog trained to help in reindeer herding; qimmiurat *lit. “little dogs”+ tundra cotton (Eriophorum spp.)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qikmiruaq < *qikmiq-uaq pussy willow catkin; calyx; cuplike part of a flower, cone, etc. # originally literally: thing like a dog; cf. Siberian Yupik and Sugpiaq qikmiq ‘dog’ ( < PE qikmiʀ)

*QIKEQ karılmış (q) gelirken (i) katılıp (k) kalıp (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qikiq¹ tripod for holding a pot over a fire; qikiq² [NUN] woven beach grass rope used to hoist kayak onto kayak rack


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qikerte- to go up to a height to scan the surrounding area; qikertaq < PE qikəʀtaʀ island

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qikiqtaq island


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *qiki² (root) creakiness: qikiġġaq creaking noise made by walking, running, crawling on frozen snow

*QIKEK karılmış (q) gelirken (i) katılıp (k) kalıp (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qigcig² < PE qikə¹ /emotional root/ qigcignarqe- to cause one to feel respect; to be esteemed; qigcigyug- to feel respect; qigcike- to respect; to esteem

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qiki- (i) to feel insecure; (i) to be unable; (i) to be reserved; (i) to be unassertive, to lack confidence

*QIKAQ karılmış (q) gelirken (i) katılıp (k) kalıp (a) karılan (q)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qigaq [NUN] seal flesh with blubber


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qikar- < PE qikaʀ- to ponder, standing still and worrying about the future

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qikaq- (i) to be standing around

*QIKUQ karılmış (q) gelirken (i) katılıp (k) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qikuq, qiku, qikuyaq clay; oil lamp made of clay; qikuliurta potter; qikuyaq < qiku-? infertile soil on which nothing grows and which oozes water when stepped on 51

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qiku clay


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qikutaq bin used for temporary storage of fish before they are prepared for drying

*QIKUQ-IQ § yaşadığı ağaç oyuğu kil çömleği andırdığından dolayı

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qiguiq, qiguir(aq) < ?-iq, ?-iq; < PY qiɣuiq red (tree) squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus)

*QITEQ karılmış (q) gelirken (i) ayrılıp (t) kalıp (a) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ pencere çerçevesi

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qiteq, qiitek [NUN] window frame; skylight frame


qitngir- < PE qitŋiʀ- /emotional root/ qitngiqe- to be dazzled by (it — bright light); qitngirnarqe- to be dazzlingly bright; qitngiryug- to be dazzled by bright light

*QITEK karılmış (q) gelirken (i) ayrılıp (t) kalıp (a) katılan (k)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qitevte- < PE qitəvə(t)- to fidget, squirm, and babble (of children); to jabber; to be speaking any language other than Yup’ik; to speak English

*QIMAQ karılmış (q) gelirken (i) uyup (m) kalarak (a) karılan (q)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qimaruaq [EG] rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax); eulachon (Thaleichthys pacificus)

*QIMAK karılmış (q) gelirken (i) uyup (m) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qimag- < PE qimaɣ- to flee; to run away; qimaguyuq, qimaguuyaq gosling; duckling; domesticated animal

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qimak- (i) to escape, flee; (t) to leave her/him/it behind

*QIMUK karılmış (q) gelirken (i) uyup (m) giderek (u) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ kızak köpeği, çekim köpeği

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qimug- to pull vigorously # of dogs; qimugta dog

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qimuk- to tow, pull (her/him/it)(usu. of dogs); qimukti reindeer trained to pull sled; beast of burden (e.g., oxen)

*QINEQ karılmış (q) gelirken (i) uzayıp (n) bölüp (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qinerte- < PE qinəʀ- to sight with the aid of binoculars, or from an elevated point; to look outside through a window, hole, etc.

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qiñiq- to look at, watch, see (her/him/it)

*QINAQ karılmış (q) gelirken (i) uzayıp (n) kalıp (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qingaq fetus # and qingar¹ to be pregnant < PE qiŋŋaʀ-

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qingar² [NUN, HBC, NSU] < PE qiŋŋaʀ- to reject something # especially a food

*QINUK karılmış (q) gelirken (i) uzayıp (n) giderek (u) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ yas

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qinu-¹ < PE qinu- to be upset and fussing; to cry (EG meaning) 52

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qiñu- (i) to mourn (for her/him/it); (i) to search and cry for its young (of animal); (i) to cry fitfully (of baby)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qinu- ² to send a son- or daughter-in-law back to his/her parents because he or she is not a being a good spouse for one’s child; to expel (him) from the village

*QILIQ karılmış (q) gelirken (i) düzenli (l) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qiḷiq- (t) to tie it into a knot; to bind, tie her/him/it up; qiḷġit basket sled; qiḷḷaaq- (t) to tie them in a bundle

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qilag- < PE qilaɣə- to make a fishnet by a knot tying–like process; to mend a fishnet; to knit; qilagaq¹ < qilag- aq¹ knitted thing; net that been made by a knot tying-like process; qilangaq < PE qilaŋŋaʀ tufted puffin (Fratercula cirrhata); horned puffin (Fratercula corniculata) (NUN meaning)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qillerte- < PE qiłəʀ- to tie


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qilqar- to suddenly tie; to die from an asthma attack

*QILAK karılmış (q) gelirken (i) düzenli (l) kalıp (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qilak < PE qilaɣ sky; heaven; ceiling; qilaggluk < qilak-rrluk [NUN] < PE qilaɣłuɣ (under PE qilaɣ) cloud

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qiḷak(-)¹ sky, firmament; heaven; roof; (i) to be in the process of having a roof put on (of house); (t) to roof it; qiḷagluk- (i) to be cloudy and windy; qiḷagaq roof of mouth, hard palate


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qilagaq² < qilakaq³ < PE qilaɣaʀ (under PE qilaɣ) roof of the mouth; hard palate

*QILUK karılmış (q) gelirken (i) düzenli (l) giderek (u) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ havlama

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qilug- < PE qiluɣ- to bark

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qiḷuk- to bark at (her/him/it) (of dog)

*QIVIQ karılmış (q) gelirken (i) taşınıp (v) gelerek (i) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ eklenti

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qivir- < PY qiviʀ- to add to; to supplement

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qivi- (i) to lie on one’s back; qiviq- (i) to lean back, bend backward; (i) arch one’s back; (i) to stiffen from a muscle spasm; (t) to make her/him/it bend backward, lean back; qiviaq- to turn one’s head to look (at her/him/it)


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qiviqi- (i) to have one’s pants down; (i) to pull down one’s pants; (t) to pull down her/his pants § kiviqi


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qivyuq, qivsuq (NS form) < PE qivyu(ʀ) underhair; down

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qiviu down (of waterfowl); wool (of muskox); qiviusuk- (i) to be fuzzy (of cloth)

*QIVIK karılmış (q) gelirken (i) taşınıp (v) gelerek (i) katılan (k)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qivigpak in great numbers # adverbial particle

*QIVEQ karılmış (q) gelirken (i) taşınıp (v) bölüp (e) karılan (q) = titreme, çırpınma 53

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qiive- < PE qivə(ʀ)- to tremble; to shake; to quiver; to curl (hair)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *qii (root) convulsion: qiiqsruq- (i) to have an epileptic convulsion

*QIVAQ karılmış (q) gelirken (i) taşınıp (v) kalıp (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qivayaq < ?-yaq [NUN, NSU] branch ; cf. avayaq

*QIVUQ karılmış (q) gelirken (i) taşınıp (v) giderek (u) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ , kırpma


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qiuq < PE qiɣɣu boulder; large rock


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qiur- < PE qiɣuʀ- to shear; to clip off growth; to cut closely (as when cutting hair close to the scalp or cutting grass off at the ground); qiuqlak < qiur-? [NUN] hair

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qiuq- (t) to thin fur by cutting some off

*QIVUQ-QUQ § yas tutarken saç kesme geleneğiyle ilgili olmalı

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qivru- < PE qivʀu to be heartbroken; to mourn

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qivġu- (Ti) or qivuġu- (Nu) to greive, mourn for her/him/it < -vġu- vv (limited) to experience N

*QICIQ karılmış (q) gelirken (i) içlenip (c) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qissiq [NUN] < PY qisiq lip

*QICEK karılmış (q) gelirken (i) içlenip (c) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qiste- < PE qi(C)ət- and qit- to have a convulsion or seizure; to go berserk; to become rabid

*QIZEQ karılmış (q) gelirken (i) girip (z) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qiiq < PE qiðəʀ gray hair

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qirġiq *qirġIq+, qilġiq *qilġIq+ (Ti) gray hair

*QIZAQ karılmış (q) gelirken (i) girip (z) kalarak (a) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ çıtırdak, çıtırdamalı ses çıkaran yiyecek


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qiaq edible lining of seal intestine

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qiaq [qiraq] Iñupiaq delicacy made out of the outer intestinal membrane of a bearded seal (the membrance is scraped off by hand from the intestine and chopped on a slab of bearded seal blubber)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qiar- [LI] to make a crackling or crunching noise to have a grinding feeling in joints


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qiaryigte-, qiaryegte-, qiarsegte- to make a crackling or crunching noise to have a grinding feeling in joints < qiaq-?-

QIZAQ-? 54

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qiaryaq [NUN] < qiaq-yaq or < PE qa(C)aʀyaʀ herring eggs # so called because they crackle when eaten, qaarsaq [Y, NS] < ?-yaq < PE qa(C)aʀyaʀ herring eggs; qaryaq [EG, NUN] < PE qa(C)aʀyaʀ fish egg; herring egg on kelp; qaaryak < PE qa(C)aʀyaʀ skin sore; acne pimple


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qasaġuaq or qisaġuaq caribou gut filled with caribou fat that can be cooked in water and set overnight to harden and eaten as a cracker

*QIZAK karılmış (q) gelirken (i) girip (z) kalarak (a) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ ağlama

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qeya- [HBC, LI, NS, UK, NR] to cry # qeyauq (or qesauq for NS and some Y)‘he is crying’; qia- [NS, LY, NI, NUN, CAN, LK, BB, NR], qiaguk " s/he is crying" < PE qiða

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qia- [qira] to cry, weep, shed tears (for her/him/it)

*QETEQ karılmış (q) bölerken (e) ayrılıp (t) bölerek (e) karılan (q)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qeteq < PE qətəʀ middle; human back or backbone [NS]; round sewn bottom or top of cylindrical bag [CAN]

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qitiq [qitiQ] waist; midpoint; center; middle seat in umiak


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qeter- < PE qətəʀ- lying back; leaning back against something # postural root

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qitik- (i) to play competition games; to be involved in recreation

*QETEK karılmış (q) bölerken (e) ayrılıp (t) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qetek < PY qətək underground tuber of horsetail plant “water berry” (Equisetum arvense); coal

*QETUK karılmış (q) bölerken (e) ayrılıp (t) giderek (u) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ yumuşaklık

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qetu- /root/ > qetunraq, qetupseq, qetupserte-, qeturi-, qetute

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qetute- < PE qətut- to be soft; to be pudding-like

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qitut- (i) to be soft, tender, pliable; (i) to be thin (of fabric)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qetunraq, qetunr(aq) [NUN] son; child [NUN]

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qitunġaq offspring, child; (Nu) individual dog trace which is attached to the main line


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qetupseq [Y] weakling


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qitusuk- (i) to chuckle over something

*QEMIQ karılmış (q) bölerken (e) uyup (m) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qemiq hill, especially part of a ridge of hills; lead line or float line of a net; back or backbone (anatomical) # and qemir- to string the lead line or float line of a net < PE qəmiʀ

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qimiq¹ *qimIq+ [dual qimmik] net sinker line, net line; qimiq² *qimIq+ a hill 55

*QEMIK karılmış (q) bölerken (e) uyup (m) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qemite- < PE qəmit- to strangle

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qimit- [qimIt] (i) to strangle oneself; (t) to strangle her/him/it


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qemrar- to mash by squeezing with the hand to remove liquid

*QEMAK karılmış (q) bölerken (e) uyup (m) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qemag¹ to not want to leave # usually of a child; qemak thing one puts away; qemagte- to put away for safekeeping; to place (body) in coffin

*QENEQ karılmış (q) bölerken (e) uzayıp (n) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qener- < eqe¹-?- < PE qənəʀ- /root/ > qenerte- to be angry; qennguar- to sulk

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qiniq- (i) to be angry

*QENAQ karılmış (q) bölerken (e) uzayıp (n) kalarak (a) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ burun

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qengaq < PE qəŋaʀ nose

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qiŋaq nose; house vent; blowhole of whale


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qengallek < qengaq-?-lek < PE qəŋaləɣ (under PE qəŋaʀ) king eider (Somateria spectabilis)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qiŋalik or (Ti) qiŋaligaaluk king eider (Somateria spectabilis) |-lik nn

*QENAK karılmış (q) bölerken (e) uzayıp (n) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qena- [UK, BB, NR, LI, EG] < PY qəna- to be sick; to be ill

*QENUK karılmış (q) bölerken (e) uzayıp (n) giderek (u) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ tabakalaşmakta olan buz tanecikleri

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qenu broken or slush ice # and qenu- to freeze # in some areas, especially of BB and CAN, this is the general word for all ice and freezing < PE qənu

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qinu(-) layer of slush ice which forms on ocean at freeze up and clings to shore; to form a thin layer of slush ice (of ocean at freeze-up)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qengneq [NUN] < PE qəŋnəʀ excavated water-filled storage hole in the ground, used as a cool storage place for pokes of seal oil

*QELEQ karılmış (q) bölerken (e) düzenli (l) bölerek (e) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ zahmet, yılgı

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qelerte- [NUN] to bother; to frustrate

*QELEK karılmış (q) bölerken (e) düzenli (l) bölerek (e) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ kapak, kapama

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qelke- (K form), qel’ke- (Y, HBC, NI form ) to save; to keep; to conserve; to take care of

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qelme- to close one’s eyes; to die (euphemistic); qelemyaq [UY, MK], qelemsaq [NSU], qemeryaq [LY, K, HBC, NI, NUN, CAN, BB, NR, LI, EG], qemersaq [NS] eyelash; qelemte- to blink 56

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qelperte- < PE qəłpaʀ- to open (can etc.)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qelengte- to pleat; to tuck; to wrinkle

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qelta < PY-S qaltə [Y, HBC, NI, NUN, CAN, K, BB, NR, LI, EG] fish scale; bark of tree; eggshell; peel

*QELAK karılmış (q) bölerken (e) düzenli (l) kalıp (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qela spirit # and qela¹ to practice divination # perhaps particularly through determining a person’s ailment by tying a string around his forehead and testing it by pulling in different directions [Y, NUN] < PE qəla²; qelalek [Y] diviner; qelatu- [Y] to have powers of divination; qelqun [Y+ shaman’s paraphernalia; qela-4 root: qelali- [NUN] to be pitch black; qelarvag- [NI] to be pitch black

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qiḷa(-) or qila shaman’s power; shaman’s spirit; conjuring spirit; (i) to invoke spirits (of shaman); qillan shaman’s conjuring rod; qiḷaun drum used in Iñupiaq dancing

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *qila (root) speed

*QELUK karılmış (q) bölerken (e) düzenli (l) giderek (u) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ çadır gergi halatı

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qelu- < PE qəlu to pull up; to tighten; to be cramped of a muscle; qela² *EG] to have cramped muscles

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qilu(-) rope attached to side of tent (used in securing tent to stake); (i) to have a muscle cramp; (t) to attach tent ropes to it =stake in ground or to tent side frame (wooden stakes secured into the permafrost standing upright about four feet above the ground and joined together horizontally by a long two-by-four piece of lumber); (t) to draw it =bow; (t) to pull it up, to stretch it taut


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qiluk- (i) to warp, wrinkle from heat; (Ti) (t) to become scorched (e.g., of parka fur, plastic) when exposed to high heat

*QECIQ karılmış (q) bölerken (e) içlenip (c) gelerek (i) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ tükürük, tükürme

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qeciq spittle # and qecir- to spit

*QECIK karılmış (q) bölerken (e) içlenip (c) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qecik < PE qəciɣ skin; hide; rind; scab (additional meaning for K, BB, CAN); rope, cord or string (additional meaning for NSU)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qisik [qisIk] animal skin with hair removed; leather; rawhide (may be eaten when starving; qisivak cooked rawhide

*QECEK karılmış (q) bölerken (e) içlenip (c) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qeceg- [Y, HBC, K, NUN, NI, LI, EG] < PE qətəɣ- and qətɣəʀ- to jump; to perform a certain component of the Bladder Feast; cf. meceg-


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qetgun [NI] < qeceg-n song used in the “Qecek” celebration or performance, a certain part of the Bladder Festival

*QECAK karılmış (q) bölerken (e) içlenip (c) kalarak (a) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ eringenlik

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qessa- < PE əq(ə)ya to be unwilling to act; to refuse to do something; to feel lazy

*QECUK karılmış (q) bölerken (e) içlenip (c) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qecug¹ < PE qəc(c)uɣ- to pull out with the roots intact; qecug² for ocean ice to break off from the main ice 57

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qisuk- or qitchuk- (i) to scratch oneself; to grab something with the talons (of bird); (t) to scratch her/him/it maliciously with fingernails or claws; to grab her/him/it with the talons; (Ti) (t) to grab, take hold of her/him/it roughly


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qisuk(-) dark overcast over open water; (i) to form and be visible over open water (of dark clouds, overcast)

*QEZIQ karılmış (q) bölerken (e) girip (z) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 keyir-, kesir- [Y], kiir-, kii¹ < PE kəði only; alone

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 °kisI (stem) aloneness

*QEZUQ karılmış (q) bölerken (e) girip (z) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qesur- /root/ qesuir-, qeyuir- to lose color

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qesurliq blue color; blue thing; purple color; purple thing; qeyurliq [HBC] < qesur-li¹ blue color; blue thing

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qesuuq [NUN] blue-gray thing (or the color itself)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qesuuraq blue vivianite # mineral used for making dye

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qiu blueberry (Vaccinium uliginosum); water sky (reflection of open water in the middle of an ice field seen as a dark blue area in the sky) # and qiu- to be or become bluish < PE qiyu(ɣ)(-)

*QEZUK karılmış (q) bölerken (e) girip (z) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 quuk thing carried on the shoulder; firewood (EG meaning) # and quug- to carry on one’s shoulder # quuget ‘firewood’, ‘shoulder loads’ *HBC; EG+, equk < PE qəðuɣ thing carried on one’s shoulder; wood (LY, NS, NUN, EG meaning), equg- < PE əqðuɣ- to carry on one’s shoulder or high on the back; to carry under one’s arm (NUN meaning)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qiruk wood

*QAQIQ karılmış (q) kalırken (a) karılıp (q) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qaqi- /root/ qaqima- to be complete; to be completely equipped; to have everything needed; qaqite- to finish; to complete; to go through all; to not omit or pass over any; to spend (period of time)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qara- [NSU] < PE qaʀa to have all that one wants or needs

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qai- *qaġI+ to come (toward her/him/it)

*QAQAQ karılmış (q) kalırken (a) karılıp (q) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qaqaq, qaqataq, qaq’acuk (NSK form) < PE qaqəaʀ and qaqða(C)uʀ red-throated loon (Gavia stellata) # imitative

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qaqigḷuk loon headdress (worn during a dance); qaqsrauq red-throated loon (Gavia stellata)


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qaqaq- (i) to bend backward

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qaġa¹ (i) to live a carefree, easy existence provided by someone else; (i) to take it easy; (i) to not do any work, be idle, lazy

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qaqłu one lip; lower lip of whale

*QAQUQ karılmış (q) kalırken (a) karılıp (q) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qaquq [K, NI, CAN, HBC, NUN, BB] < PE qaqu(ʀ) (?) middle finger 58

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qaqu- (t) to insert one’s finger or another object in her/him/it


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qaquq(-) (Ti) frost on ground; (t) to get frosted over (of land)


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *qaġlik (root) one leg of a pair of pants, qaġliik man’s knee pants; fur breeches with fur inside; men’s fur breeches, ankle-length and tapered at bottom with a drawstring; sweatpants; (Ti) women’s underpants


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qaqłiik or iqaqłiik waterproof knee-high boots with hairless sealskin uppers and bearded sealskin soles


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qaġruq arrow, bullet, cartridge, any projectile


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qaqquq- to crunch (it) with the teeth

*QAKIQ karılmış (q) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qaki-, qakircite- (HBC form) to be pale; to be dry; to be bleached

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qakir- [NSU]

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qakiq¹ (t) to become rancid (of seal oil)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qakiq² (t) to hit her/him/it on chin with fist

*QAKIK karılmış (q) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qaki- (i) to climb out of water; (i) to come up on shore (of boat); (i) to win in a game; (i) to accumulate enough wealth so that one’s chances of survival are no longer precarious; (i) to become uppity, stuck-up; (i) to adopt a condescending attitude toward “former” peers (after acquiring money, new status, etc.)

*QAKEQ karılmış (q) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) bölünerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qageq blackfish that has been boiled and allowed to set in its cooled, jelled broth # qagret plural ‘day-old cooked blackfish’; cf. qager

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qager- to explode; to pop; to burst

? *QAKAQ karılmış (q) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qaiq, qaaq [NUN] < PE qaɣə(ʀ) wave; cf. qai-

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qai (Nu) wave (of ocean); qaggaq(-) wave which breaks on shore, a breaker; (i) to break on shore (of wave); qagraluk- (Ti) (i) to be rough, choppy (of body of water)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qaalu- /root/ qaaluciaq [HBC], qaaluraq spoon; qaalurar- ~ qaalura- [NUN] to splash water repeatedly or continuously; qaalute- [NUN] to splash out (as with the hand or a dipper); to pour out

*QAKAK karılmış (q) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) kalarak (a) katılan (k) yeniden düzenlenecek

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qagaa(ni) < PE dem. qaɣ- outside; in the north # extended demonstrative adverb; qagna the one outside; the one to the north; qagkumiu, qagkurmiu < qagna-miu northerner; Inupiaq Eskimo (Y, NS meaning); Yukon Yup’ik Eskimo (K meaning); Yukon or Kuskokwim Yup’ik Eskimo (BB meaning) 59

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 °qag (dem. stem) out there (extended and visible): qaani located out there (extended and visible), qagna or qaŋna [dual qakkuak, pl. qakkua] that one out there; the outside environment (extended and visible)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qagan < ?-n < PY qaɣan lake from which a river flows; headwaters lake; fountainhead

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qaglak < PY qaɣla(k) upper part of bowl or bucket (with a groove for the bottom piece); outer rim around cockpit coaming in a kayak (and groove for tying the kayaker’s raincoat to to keep the water out)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qaglu or qaglugruaq deep water hole under ice in the river, good for setting nets; deepest part of river

*QAKUQ karılmış (q) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qakurnaq < PE qakuʀ- frost on trees etc., as in the fall # and qakurnar- to frost as in the fall

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qakuq- to turn white, be bleached by weather; qakuak frost on ground


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qauq³ < PE qaʀu dawn

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qau- [qagu] (i) to break, of day

*QATEQ karılmış (q) kalırken (a) ayrılıp (t) bölerek (e) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ tek meme


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qatek < PE qatəɣ chest (anatomical) # cf. qa-; qat’gaq, qategaq [NSU] < qatek-aq³ chest (anatomical)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qatik breast of bird; qatigak front part of animal including rib cage


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qater- < PE qatəʀ to be white

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qatiq- (i) to be white

§ tekil (qateq) değil ikil (qatek) biçimi var, zira göğüs (meme) iki tanedir. Göğsün tekil (qateq) biçiminin olduğunu "qater" fiilinden anlıyoruz. Çocuk iki göğsü aynı anda emmez, tek göğüsten emer ve o emdiği memeden taşırdığı sütün rengi "beyaz" olur. Karlar ülkesinde beyaz rengi karda değil sütte gören bir mantık.

*QATEK karılmış (q) kalırken (a) ayrılıp (t) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qatekcugte- < qatek-?- [HBC] to speak harshly; qategpagate- < qatek-rpaga-?- to yell; to shout

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *qati (root) bass quality of one’s voice : qatikit- (i) to have a high-pitched voice; qatitu- (i) to have a low- pitched voice


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qavcik [LY, NI, HBC, NS PE] < PE qatviɣ or qavciɣ wolverine (Gulo gulo)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qavvik(-) [qavvIk] wolverine (Gulo gulo); (i) to kill a wolverine

*QATAQ karılmış (q) kalırken (a) ayrılıp (t) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qattaq water barrel; (Ti) wooden barrel (used to store food for whaling)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qattaq- (i) to be bare, be without clutter

*QATAK karılmış (q) kalırken (a) ayrılıp (t) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qatak child fathered by someone other than one’s own spouse through the formalized spouse exchange 60

*QATUK karılmış (q) kalırken (a) taşınıp (v) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qatugaq hot pack; hot compress # and qatugar- to apply a hot pack


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qatviaq < PY qatviaq moose hide tanned on both sides; leather prepared like suede; tarpaulin

*QAMEK karılmış (q) kalırken (a) uyup (m) bölerek (e) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ sönme, sönük (ateş)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qame- < PE qamə- to die down (of a fire); to extinguish (additional NS, and NUN meaning); to taper off (in size, volume, etc.); to retreat from sight; to become dispirited

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qami- (i) to become extinguished; (i) to go off or out (of light or fire); (i) to die (of engine)

*QAMEK-LEQ ᴛᴜʀ kül

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qamlleq < qame-lleq¹ ash

*QAMAK karılmış (q) kalırken (a) uyup (m) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qama- < PE qama to be calm of water or wind; to be still; to lack current of water; to be windless of a place


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qamaneq < PE qamanəʀ place lacking water current or wind; eddy; aftermath; calm time after an activity

*QAMUQ karılmış (q) kalırken (a) uyup (m) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qamuq sled or other pulled thing # and qamur- to pull; to drag behind; qamauk [Y, NUN, NS] sled; dogsled, qamisvak < ?-vak [Y] large freight sled # also dual for one sled; qamigaun small sled (especially one carried on a kayak, used to transport the kayak when one reaches stretches of ice on the water); child’s store-bought sled; qamigar- to go seal hunting with a small sled and kayak during the spring; qamite- < PY qamitə- to give something to take along on a journey

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qamuk- to pull or tow (it); qamugaurat small hand sled; qamutik low sled; qamutit sled for transporting umiak over ice; flat freight sled fashioned from boards; qamun car, truck


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qamiquq < ?-quq [LK, BB, CAN, NI, NUN, NR] head; flywheel of motor


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qamangaq < PE qaməŋaʀ anklebone; wristbone; medial aspect of distal end of tibia or fibula

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qamŋaq ankle bone, talus (which sticks out near heel)

*QANIQ karılmış (q) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qani- [NUN] to start on a journey

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qanniq- [qannIq] to order (it) (as from a catalog or store in another city); (t) to send for her/him to come


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qante- [Y, NUN, NS] < PE qanət- to be near; to be close

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qani(-) [qanI] or (Nu) qaniuq- area close by, nearby; (t) to accompany, take her/him/it partway to destination

? 61

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qaniqe- to perform shamanistic incantation wherein helping spirits were invoked cf. qa; qaniqun, qaniqussuaq shaman’s incantation to protect one from illness

*QANEQ karılmış (q) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) bölerek (e) karılan (q) = ağız

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qaneq < PE qanəʀ- mouth (anatomical) # and qaner- to speak; to utter; to converse (additional NS, HBC, Y meaning); qalarte- [UY, K, BB, NR, LI] to talk; to speak; qalamciq < qalarte-ciq story; tale; account of something that happened # and qalamci- to tell about something that happened; qanemci, qanemciq < qaner-mcugte-li²- story; factual account

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qaniq [qaniQ] mouth, oral cavity

*QANAK karılmış (q) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qanak < PE qanaɣ ceiling board (of old traditional-style dwelling, sloping between rafters); caved-in area of a bluff along a river

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qanak(-) tent pole; roof or ceiling plank; (t) to put roof planks (on the roof of a structure)

*QANUQ karılmış (q) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qanuk ˢᵍ qanuuk ᵈˡ qanuut ᵖˡ snowflake # and qanug- to snow; qanir¹- to < qanuk-ir²- snow

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qannik(-) [qannIk] snowflake; falling snow; (i) to snow; qanik- [qanIk] (Nu) (i) to snow

*QALIQ karılmış (q) kalırken (a) düzenli (l) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qaliq top layer; type of traditional Yup’ik parka worn by Nelson Is. and tundra-area Yup’iks that has large front and back plates of white calfskin or of mink skin; also the plates of calfskin; sealgut rain parka used with a kayak (additional meaning in HBC) # and qalir- to put on such a parka < PE qaliʀ (under PE qaðə-)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qalliq one on top; outer layer; skin scraper (additional HBC meaning) cf. qaliq, qai-; > qalliqe-; < PE qaðliʀ (under PE qaðə-)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qalliq(-) outermost part, top part, topmost one; (i) to be now covered; (t) to cover, top her/him/it with something < qaa(-)¹


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qaliqaq roof


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qalluviik traditional garment covering the legs and torso; coveralls; overalls; snow-go suit; chest waders; union suit (one-piece long underwear) # the singular is qalluvak; Tamaani mikelnguaraat qalluvagnek caqungqetullruut aturangqessuitellermeggni. ‘Back then little children had body garments of the overall type when people didn’t have (modern- style) clothes.’ (MAR² ²00¹:47); < ?-vak-dual; < PE qałəvak

*QALIK karılmış (q) kalırken (a) düzenli (l) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qalli- [qallI] to get near, close (to her/him/it); (Nu) (t) to be approaching her/him/it


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qallin < PE qatlin stomach fat of ground squirrel # qallitek ‘the two fat sacs in a squirrel’s abdomen’

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qalliñ one of two side pouches of abdominal fat of ground squirrel

*QALEQ karılmış (q) kalırken (a) düzenli (l) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qalleq rust # and qaller- to rust; to be rusty < PE qałəʀ

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qaliq(-) top covering; rust; (i) to rust < qaa(-)¹ 62

*QALAQ karılmış (q) kalırken (a) düzenli (l) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qala wake of boat, churning water behind paddle or propeller

*QALAK karılmış (q) kalırken (a) düzenli (l) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qalla- < PE qała¹ to be boiling; to churn (of liquid)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qalak(-) bubble; burp; (i) to burp; to clear one’s throat; (t) to burp it=gas bubble out


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qallaciq < ?-ciq < PE qałaciʀ navel; belly button


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qalriq < PE qaləʀ seal’s cry; large, male bearded seal giving its mating call # and qalrir- to cry out; to shriek; to make an inarticulate vocal sound # the seal is said to go around the ocean and collect ring-like markings on its flippers; the subject of legends, such as that it is in the shape of a man in burial position cf. qa-;

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qalġuq- (i) to make its characteristic vocal sound (of animal)

*QALUQ karılmış (q) kalırken (a) düzenli (l) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qalu dipnet # and qalu- to dip with a dipnet; to bail a boat < PE qalu(-)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qalu(-) dipnet; (i) to get something using a dipnet; (t) to bail water out of it=boat


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qaltaq [NS, Y, NI, CAN, K, BB, NR, LI] < PE qaltaʀ bucket; pail

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qantaq < PY qantaq plate; bowl; dish cf. qaltaq

*QALUK karılmış (q) kalırken (a) düzenli (l) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qałuk- (Nu) (i) to ram horns (of sheep); (t) to ram it =sheep (of another sheep)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qalugte- [NUN] to move with bow (of boat) high above the water; qalugya- [Y] < qalu-? to capsize


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qalugneq woman’s emanation # said to be capable of depriving men of their hunting ability or success

*QAPEQ karılmış (q) kalırken (a) yükselip (p) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qapiq- ² (i) to become discouraged and quit, to give up; (i) to turn back, proceed no higher, no farther

*QAPAQ karılmış (q) kalırken (a) yükselip (p) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qappaq [qappaQ] groove in wood

*QAPAK karılmış (q) kalırken (a) yükselip (p) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qapak physically weak person

*QAPUK karılmış (q) kalırken (a) yükselip (p) giderek (u) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ köpük ᴇɴɢ foam

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qapuk < PE qapuɣ foam; froth; carbonated beverage (additional LI meaning) 63

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qapuk foam; bubbles; (Ti) pumice stone used as cleaner; qapiq¹ (Nu) to scoop off the fat rising from boiled meat

*QAVIQ karılmış (q) kalırken (a) taşınıp (v) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qaviqsuaq longnose sucker (Catastomus catastromus)

*QAVEK karılmış (q) kalırken (a) taşınıp (v) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qaug͡ yaq < ?-yaq < PE qavəyaʀ sand

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qavia sand, fine sand; qaviaraaq very fine sand

*QAVAQ karılmış (q) kalırken (a) taşınıp (v) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qavaq sleep # and qavar- to sleep < PE qavaʀ-

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qavaq- (i) to be on its back in the water (of seal); qavaġaq- or qavaġauraq- (i) to lie on its back intermittently (of seal, walrus); qavausiq (Ti) epidermis of whale (black outer skin of maktak)

*QAVUQ karılmış (q) kalırken (a) taşınıp (v) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qauq¹ sore on one’s scalp # and qaur- to have sores on one’s scalp; qauq² [NSU] forehead; brow

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qauq [qauQ] forehead, frontal bone


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qaug͡ eq, qaug͡ iiq < PE qavəɣaq spectacled eider (Somateria fischeri)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qau qau (call of duck), qaugak(-) duck; (i) to kill a duck


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qavluq ˢᵍ qavluk ᵈˡ < ?-luq < PE qavlu(ʀ) eyebrow; eyebrow hair; qavlunguaq [NUN] a certain constellation (?) that resembles an eyebrow § Ü.Ç: muhtemelen Cassiopeia

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qavlu eyebrow


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qavlunaq < ?-naq² streak or wake made on the surface of water by a fish or animal swimming at or just below the surface; silver salmon; coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) (additional HBC meaning)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qavlunaaq¹ or qavlunaq brow ridge; brow of hill; Qavlunaaq² White Person


qavyur- < PE qavyuʀtə /root/ qavyungqa- to be frowning; qavyurte- to glower; to frown

*QACIK karılmış (q) kalırken (a) içlenip (c) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qacig- (root) easily done: qacigikanir- to become easier; qacigli- to find something becoming easier (as with practice or the passage of time); qacigte- to be unoccupied; to have (leisure) time; qacignaite- to be difficult; qacignarqe- to be easy; to require little effort

*QACAQ karılmış (q) kalırken (a) içlenip (c) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qacar- [NUN] to be windy from the ocean

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qasaq- to splash against (it, e.g., boat) (of waves, sea)

? 64

qacarte-, qassarte- [NSU] < PE ac(c)aɣ- to hit; to slap with the hand; to blow against (of wind)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qacarneq wall; side

*QACAK karılmış (q) kalırken (a) içlenip (c) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qac’ag- < PE qac(c)aɣ to make dancing motions with one’s body following the beat of music; qacagte- [K] to be loosely attached

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qasak- or qasala- or qatchala-(i) to burst out yelling “uu’! uu’! ugu’! ugu’!” followed by cheering (when dancing or herding or coming home from a successful hunt; usually when returning in a boat with walrus or having struck and retrieved a whale); qatchak- (i) to make noise expressing pleasure while dancing (of male); qatchaq- (i) to shout with pleasure (e.g., of whalers, dancers)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qaci- to have a deep voice; to be deep of the voice. cf. qa

*QACUQ karılmış (q) kalırken (a) içlenip (c) giderek (u) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ gevşeme

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qacu¹ < PE qacu to be loose; to not be taut; to be wrinkled; to sag

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qacu² /root/ qacuir- to despair; to get discouraged; qacungake- to doubt (his) ability or accomplishments; to mock; to ridicule; qacurqe- to ridicule through song

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qasu- (i) to become slack, become unwound

*QAZIK karılmış (q) kalırken (a) girip (z) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qas- < PE qatə- /dimensional root/ qasiaq noise of impact; qaskelli- to become quieter; to decrease in volume (of sound); qaskite- to be quiet; to be low in volumne; qastu- to be loud

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qaskiq color; intensity of color

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qarraq(-) or qarraatit- (Nu) the sound of an echo; (i) to echo, resonate, make a distant noise which resounds once

*QAZEK karılmış (q) kalırken (a) girip (z) bölerek (e) katılan (k) = yüzey

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qai- [NS, Y, HBC, NI, CAN, K, BB, NR, LI, EG], qaa² *NUN+ < PE qaðə surface; top

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qaa(-) or qaaq (Nu) *qaʳa+ topside; roof; surface; outer side of fabric; cover; dorsal area of fish; (t) to construct a top surface on it


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qasgi, qasgiq, qasgimREL [NS, Y, NI, CAN, K, BB, NR, LI], qaygiq [HBC; EG] < PE qaðɣi men’s community house, kashim; steambath house # and qasgi- to go to the kashim; qasegpallr(aq), qasegpakayallr(aq) big kashim

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qalgi(-) (Ti) or qargi [qargI] men’s community house; whaling crew association; (i) to hold activities or assemble at the men’s community house


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qaspeq < qai-peq (compare ilupeq and ilu) < PY qaspəq thin hooded pullover garment, of length varying from below the hips to below the knees, usually of cloth nowadays (formerly of thin skin), often brightly colored and well decorated (especially those made for women), worn as a parka cover, as a jacket or dress; anorak; snowshirt; rain parka or other uninsulated parka; “kuspuk” # and qasper- to put on or wear a cloth parka cover

*QAZAQ karılmış (q) kalırken (a) girip (z) kalarak (a) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ çiğ et ya da balık 65

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qassaq, qassaulria raw flesh or meat # and qassar to eat raw flesh or meat

*QAYAQ karılmış (q) kalırken (a) üstlenip (y) kalarak (a) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ kayak

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qayaq kayak # and qayar- to kayak / qayaa (or qasaa for NS and NUN (where it is pronounced “qass’a”)) ‘his kayak’; cf. qai

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qayaq one person skin kayak

*QAYAK karılmış (q) kalırken (a) üstlenip (y) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qayag- /root/ qayaga- to call repeatedly; qayagaur- to call over a distance; qayagpag- to call loudly; to yell; to shout

*QAYUQ karılmış (q) kalırken (a) üstlenip (y) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qayuq ; broth; blood

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qayuq boiled blood broth; tea

*QAYUK karılmış (q) kalırken (a) üstlenip (y) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qayuk- (Ti) (t) to shape it

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qayuit- (Ti) (i) to slip on ice or slippery surface

*QUQEK karılmış (q) giderken (u) karılıp (q) bölerek (e) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ sidik[leme] ᴇɴɢ urin[at]e

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qurre- < PE quʀə- to urinate; to spawn (of fish)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qui- *quġi+ to urinate (on her/him/it); quġġivik penis; urethra; quġvik chamber pot, “honey’ bucket”; quq urine

*QUQAK karılmış (q) giderken (u) karılıp (q) kalarak (a) katılan (k) = vedi (idrardan sonra çıkan beyaz, bulanık, koyu, yapışkan bir sıvı) ya da mezi (spermden önce gelen yapışkan prostat salgısı) § yukarıdaki *QUQEK köküne anlamca yakın durması kuşkulu

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qurak prostate # cf. qugar

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qura- [HBC, Y] /root/ qurayarnarqe- < qura-yar-narqe to be slippery [HBC], qurasqite- [Y, HBC] < qura-?- to slip


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qugar- to swell (of prostate) # cf. qurak

*QUQUQ karılmış (q) giderken (u) karılıp (q) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ququq- (i) to entreat, or summon the forces of the supernatural in order to fulfill a wish; (t) to call to her/him

*QUQUK karılmış (q) giderken (u) karılıp (q) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 quu- *quġu+ (i) to incline inward; (i) to turn one’s feet inward

*QUKIQ karılmış (q) giderken (u) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qukir- [NUN, NS] < PE qukiʀ- to hurt or be hurt in the ears, or annoyed, by loud noise

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qukiq- [qukIq] to hurt (her/his) ears by making a loud noise 66

*QUKIK karılmış (q) giderken (u) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 quinag- [Y, HBC, NS, NI] < PE quɣinaɣ- /emotional root/ quinagnarqe- to be repulsive; to be ugly; to be disgusting; to be earthy; quinagyug- to be disgusted; to be repulsed; quinake- to find (it) disgusting

*QUKEK karılmış (q) giderken (u) katılıp (k) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 quke- [HBC] to refrain from going from house to house during one particular day of the “Qaariitaaq” (“Asking Festival”) # on the other days of which the people did go from house to house; cf. qukaq

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *quki (root) cleanliness, tidiness

*QUKAQ karılmış (q) giderken (u) katılıp (k) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qukaq middle; center; waist; lumbar vertebrae; lower back # and qukar- to reach the midpoint


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 quarta² anal itch # and quarta- to have an anal itch [Y, NUN] < PE quɣaʀta(ʀ)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 quaqta(-) pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis); (i) to have pinworms; rectal itch; (i) to have colic (of a baby)

*QUTEK karılmış (q) giderken (u) ayrılıp (t) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 quta¹ < PE qutə solid ground

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *quta (root) slope: qutaiḷaq deep water by the shore; qutait- (i) to be steep; to drop off (of ocean floor); qutaŋŋiaġik- (i) to have a gentle slope


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qutegte- to gloat; to boast; to act as if one is better than others

*QUTAK karılmış (q) giderken (u) ayrılıp (t) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qutak rotten meat; odorous thing; body odor; especially crotch rot # and qutag- to be rotten (of meat); to be odiferous

*QUTUK karılmış (q) giderken (u) ayrılıp (t) giderek (u) katılan (k)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qutuk < PE qutu(ɣ) collarbone, clavicle; stupid person (idiomatic; though this may be from qutug-) # cf. qutug-

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qutuk clavicle, collarbone


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qutug- < PY-S qutuɣ to snore

*QUMIK karılmış (q) giderken (u) uyup (m) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qumig-, qumiar- to hold inside (clothing) # and qumik, qumiaq enclosed thing; thing inside; fetus (additional meaning for HBC, NUN, NS, Y); qumilek < qumik-lek pregnant woman; prune (BB meaning); # literally: ‘one with a thing inside’

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qumik- [qumIk] (i) to put one’s arms inside the body of one’s parka; (t) to put her/him/it inside one’s parka; qumiu- (t) to bring her/him food; qummiaq- [qummiraq] (Nu) (i) to chew tobacco; qummatit (Nu) skins used as bedding or sleeping mats

*QUMEK karılmış (q) giderken (u) uyup (m) bölerek (e) katılan (k) 67

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qume- [HBC, NUN, NI] to freeze


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qumli- /emotional root/ qumlike- to be annoyed at (him); to feel contempt for (him); to scoff at (him); qumlinarqe- to be annoying; qumliyug- to be annoyed.

*QUMAQ karılmış (q) giderken (u) uyup (m) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qumaq < quma(ʀ) tapeworm often found in fish or seal

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qumak (Ti) worm found in bearded seal intestine; tapeworm (Cestoda); qumaq- (i) to bend forward, crouch

*QUNIK karılmış (q) giderken (u) uzayıp (n) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qunik [NUN, EG] < PE quniɣ and qulvi dried mucus in eye; “sleep” in eye


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 quniqłụ k hazy horizon

? ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qunigu thin strips of caribou hide used as webbing on snowshoes

*QUNEK karılmış (q) giderken (u) uzayıp (n) bölerek (e) katılan (k)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qungcuq back of the knee # and qungcur- with knees flexed and legs folded toward the body # < PE quŋcuʀ- /postural root/ qungte- to fold one’s legs


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qunglullag- < ?-llag [K, Y, NI, BB] to twitch; to shudder

*QUNAQ karılmış (q) giderken (u) uzayıp (n) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qunarliq [NSK, UK] sourdock (Rumex arcticus)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qunackegg- to be very tart; to be very sour

*QUNAK karılmış (q) giderken (u) uzayıp (n) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qungag- to withdraw or retreat to a smaller area; to pull back to a smaller area; to bunch up (of stitches being sewn)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qungate- < PY quŋatə- to put away; to stow


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qunavte- to split sinew or bark; qunavun sinew splitter; bark splitter

*QUNUK karılmış (q) giderken (u) uzayıp (n) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qunu- < PE qunu- to be reluctant to part with one’s possessions

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qunu- (t) to talk cooingly to her/him, usu a baby; (Nu) (i) to sing a dirge in mourning (often of Indians); (t) to feel grief for, lament, mourn for her/him =the deceased

? 68

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qunguq grave; coffin

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 quŋuq (Nu) corpse

*QULIQ karılmış (q) giderken (u) düzenli (l) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 quliq < PE quliʀ side rail of sled; quliik [HBC] back (anatomical); qulliq < PE qulliʀ top one; upper one; attic

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 Qulliq² or Qułłiq Siberia; person from Siberia


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 quliraq¹, qulir(aq) < PE quliʀaʀ- legend; traditional story; subject of a traditional story # handed down by word of mouth and involving fictional, mythical, legendary, or historical characters, or animals taking on human characteristics, told for entertainment and edification

*QULIK karılmış (q) giderken (u) düzenli (l) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qulig- < PY quliɣ- to crack (as from dryness); to suffer great thirst (even to the point of death)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qulite- < PE qulit- to wash hair

*QULEQ karılmış (q) giderken (u) düzenli (l) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qulaᵉ < PE qulə- area above; ten; ten in cards; quleqsig- < qule-qsig to be located high; quletmun < qule-tmun upward

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 quli top area; gunwale, gunnel, the top edge of a boat’s sides; qulit the number ten

*QULAQ karılmış (q) giderken (u) düzenli (l) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qular- to intentionally omit something while speaking


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qul’ar- to refrain from talking about something; to refrain from saying the name of someone recently deceased by calling a similarly named object by a different word

*QULAK karılmış (q) giderken (u) düzenli (l) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qulaq, qula fore or aft deck-stringer of a kayak

*QULUQ karılmış (q) giderken (u) düzenli (l) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 quluq (Ti) the day for taking out the quluguguluq; quluguguluq (Ti) a sacred object (masks, small boat models, animal figurines, or human figurines); qulugukłut sacred charms

*QULUK karılmış (q) giderken (u) düzenli (l) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qulugte- to be hunchbacked or stooped

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qulugneq hump on the back

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qulusuk or qulutchuk hind part of bird

*QUPAK karılmış (q) giderken (u) yükselip (p) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qupak(-) decorative fancy trim; to trim or decorate (it); qupałuk Lapland longspur (Calcarius lapponicus)

*QUPEQ karılmış (q) giderken (u) yükselip (p) bölerek (e) karılan (q) 69

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qupaᵉ half # and qupe- to split; to crack < PE qupə-

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qupi(-) (i) to split lengthwise; (t) to split or crack it lengthwise, with the grain; half-dollar coin


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qup’lu, qup’luq maggot; grub; larva # and qup’lu- to become maggoty [Y, HBC, NI] < PE qupəlʀuʀ; quvlu ~ quvluq [NUN] maggot; larva; grub

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qup’luruaq < qup’lu-uaq ~ qup’lunguaq < qup’lu-nguaq [Y, HBC] grain of rice; macaroni noodle # literally: ‘imitation maggot’; quvluruaq [NUN] grain of rice


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qupilġuq(-) parasite;worm; insect; (i) to be infested with parasites | +ġuq-2 nv (limited) to V involving the N or R or V

*QUVIK karılmış (q) giderken (u) taşınıp (v) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 quviq- (t) to catch her/him/it off guard; (t) to surprise, startle her/him/it; (t) to do something without her/his knowledge; (t) to surprise her/him/it


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 quverta [HBC, NUN], quarta¹ cataract in the eye # and quarta- to have a cataract [K, Y, NI, CAN, NUN, BB] < PE quvəʀtə-

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 quviqti white film over eye, cataract; (Nu) white bead

*QUVEK karılmış (q) giderken (u) taşınıp (v) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 quve- < PE quvə- to decrease in size; to shrink

*QUCAK karılmış (q) giderken (u) içlenip (c) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 qucak messy person # and qucag- to be messy; qucavvluk, qucanglluk < qucak-rrluk unkempt person; messy person; qucavvlag- to be messy; to be unkempt


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 quc’urte- to be sad

*QUZEK karılmış (q) giderken (u) girip (z) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kusgu- ~ kusgur-, kuygu- ~ kuygur- *HBC+ < PE kuðə(ɣ)- to be protective (of one’s young); to provide compassionate assistance; to take pity (on); to help

*QUZAQ karılmış (q) giderken (u) girip (z) kalarak (a) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ çiğ olarak yenmek üzere dondurulmuş et ya da balık

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 quaq < PE qu(C)aʀ meat or fish to be eaten raw and frozen

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 quaq(-) [quraq] (dual qurrak) raw, frozen meat or fish; (i) to eat raw, frozen meat or fish; (t) to eat it =meat raw and frozen

*QUZUK karılmış (q) giderken (u) girip (z) giderek (u) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ kendiliğinden kapanan delik

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 quu¹- < PE quðu- to close in # for example, a hole in the ice freezing in; the hole in a pierced ear healing shut


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 quuneq < ?-neq¹ < PE quɣ(ə)nəq calm weather; cf. quunuk 70


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 quunuk period of clear calm weather lasting until one reaches destination

*QUYIQ karılmış (q) giderken (u) üstlenip (y) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 quyig- ~ qussig- to be located high; to be high in status, spirits, etc.


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 qurvaq highlands < quli¹

§ cf. Kusilvak Mountain: Ingrill’er, Manialnguq

*QUYEQ karılmış (q) giderken (u) üstlenip (y) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 quyeq ~ quseq cough; cold # and quyer- ~ quser- to cough; to have a cold [< PE quyəʀ-]; quserpak < quseq- rpak the flu epidemic of 1918

*QUYAK karılmış (q) giderken (u) üstlenip (y) kalarak (a) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ şükran, teşekkür

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 quya- < PE quya- to be thankful; to be grateful; to be glad; to be appreciative

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 quya- (i) to be thankful; (i) to celebrate Thanksgiving (of many persons)

*QUYUQ karılmış (q) giderken (u) üstlenip (y) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 quyur- gathered together # postural root

K ᴛᴜʀ katma ᴇɴɢ adding

*KIKAK katılmış (k) gelirken (i) katılıp (k) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 keggan < PE kiɣan upper part of torso (between chest and shoulders); shirt; blouse; section of fish behind the head

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kian or kiati torso, upper front part of body; blouse


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 keggasek [NI, NUN, CAN, BB], keggayek [NUN, HBC, NS] < PE kiɣyəɣ shoulder blade

*KIKUQ katılmış (k) gelirken (i) katılıp (k) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kiuryaq ~ kiuryak [Y], kiursaq [NS] < ?-yaq aurora; northern lights

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kiuġuya or kiguġuya northern lights, aurora borealis

*KIKUK katılmış (k) gelirken (i) katılıp (k) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kiu- < PE ki(C)u- to answer; to reply

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kiu- [kigu] to answer (her/him/it); kiggun an answer, a reply

*KITEK katılmış (k) gelirken (i) ayrılıp (t) bölerek (e) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ suya batma

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kit’e- < PE kit- to fall into water; to sink; to drown 71

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kit- [kIt] (Ti) (i) to settle (of water)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kicaq anchor # and kicar- to anchor < kit’e-yaq; kit’aq < kit’e-aq¹ *NUN+ anchor

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kisaq(-) [pl. kitchat] anchor; boat anchor; net anchor (usually a gunny sack full of sand); (i) to anchor, to cast or drop anchor; (t) to cast or drop its anchor, to anchor it


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kitngik¹ < PE kitmiɣ heel

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kimmik(-) [kimmIk] heel; (i) to kick, push with the heel; (t) to hit it with one’s heel; (t) to tap one’s heel to it or on it; (t) to hold it with one’s heel; (i) to hit, push, tap, hold it with the heel

*KITUK katılmış (k) gelirken (i) ayrılıp (t) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kitug- /root/ kitugi- to function better; kitugte- to repair; to mend; to fix; to arrange; to straighten out a person’s behavior

*KINIK katılmış (k) gelirken (i) uzayıp (n) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kene- [NUN] < PE (now PI kini-) to hold a child (especially a male) out so that he can urinate (both parties crouch down and the child faces away from the helper)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kiñi- *kiñI+ (i) to squat down, sit down on honey bucket or toilet; (t) to sit her/him down on honey bucket or toilet; (t) to hold her/him=child on a toilet or pot to urinate or defecate

*KINEQ katılmış (k) gelirken (i) uzayıp (n) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kiner- < PE kinəʀ- to dry

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kiñiq(-) moist eczema; lochia; discharge of water from skin (a disease of dogs); (i) to become dehydrated (of dog due to disease); to filter through fabric or paper (of a liquid)

*KINUK katılmış (k) gelirken (i) uzayıp (n) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kingu < PE kiŋu rear; back part; area behind; stern; time after # opposite of ciu;

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kiŋu(-) rear part of any item; rear sealskin poke in a boat (Kisautaq: 650); (Ti) three-quarter inch manila rope used with whaling harpoon; large float fastened at end of harpoon line; (i) to be late; (i) to be over (of an activity); (i) to be gone, have moved on (of animals); (t) to be late for her/him/it

*KILIQ katılmış (k) gelirken (i) düzenli (l) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kilir- < PE kiliʀ- to wound; to cut one’s flesh

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kiḷiq- [kiḷIq] (i) to cut oneself accidentally; (t) to cut her/him/it accidentally


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kiḷit- to split (it =skin) lengthwise with an ulu or a knife cf. kilit *KELIK

*KIPUK katılmış (k) gelirken (i) yükselip (p) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kipu- /root/ kipukengaq purchase (purchased thing); kipulkar- to beat object to something they subject and object both want, using information gained from object; kipute- to buy; to purchase; to exchange places (NSU meaning); kipusvik, kipuyvik [HBC] < kipute-vik store

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kiput- (t) to cause them to exchange places; to get someone to initiate you 72

*KIVEK katılmış (k) gelirken (i) taşınıp (v) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kive- to let down one’s pants; to slip down of pants; to have one’s pants slip down; to sink partway due to overloading of a boat (NUN meaning); also to be incapacitated by emotional depression (additional HBC meaning); kiveg- to slip down; to slide down to the floor or ground # generally of garment < kive-?

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kivi- [kivI] (i) to sink; kivit- [kivIt] (t) to sink it

*KIZAK katılmış (k) gelirken (i) girip (z) kalarak (a) katılan (k) = yaz, yayla

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kiak summer; last summer # and kiag- to become summer < PE kiðaɣ(-)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kii4- to stay in the village rather than going to fish camp in summer

*KIYAQ katılmış (k) gelirken (i) üstlenip (y) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kiar- < PY-S kiyaʀ- /root/ kiara- to repeatedly look around; kiyarte- ~ kiarte- < PE kiyaʀ- to look around; to scan

*KEKIK katılmış (k) bölerken (e) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kegginaq < PE kəɣinaʀ face; cutting edge of knife; kegginaquq mask # and kegginaqur- to put on or wear a mask < PE kəɣinaquʀ

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *kii (root) facial part: kiiñaq or (Ti) kigiñaq face; blade of axe; anauttam kiiñaŋa axe’s cutting edge; kiiñaġuq(-) mask; (i) to put a mask on; (i) to hurt oneself on the face; (t) to put a mask on her/him/it; (t) to hurt her/him on the face

*KEKEK katılmış (k) bölerken (e) katılıp (k) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kegge- < PE kəɣə- to bite # including the bite of a mosquito, but not the sting of a bee (see puukar- for that); keggun tooth

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kii- [kIgI] (i) to clench one’s teeth; (i) to bite oneself; (t) to bite her/him/it; kigak- or kigaluk- (i) to nibble on food; kiggiq something which has been gnawed; kigun tooth


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kegluneq < kegge-? < PY kəɣlunəʀ wolf (Canis lupus)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kegturyaq < kegge-?-yaq [NUN, NSU, EG], egturyaq < ?-yaq [LY, HBC, NI, CAN, LK, BB, NR] < PE kəɣtuʀyaʀ mosquito


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kegglaq saw; violin (additional HBC meaning) # and kegglar- to saw


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 keggag¹ to be a fast eater; keggag² to be rough

*KEMIK katılmış (k) bölerken (e) uyup (m) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kemyu- /emotional root/ kemyuke- < kemyu-ke²- to rely on; to have confidence in; kemyunarqe- to inspire confidence; to be reliable; to be trustworthy

*KEMEK katılmış (k) bölerken (e) uyup (m) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kemek < PE kəməɣ meat; flesh; kemgir- < kemek-ir²- to lose weight; to remove flesh

*KENIQ katılmış (k) bölerken (e) uzayıp (n) gelerek (i) karılan (q) 73

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 keniq < PE kəniʀ front flounce of a cover parka used as a means of carrying things

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kiniq- (i) to be viscous (of a liquid); (i) to not slide easily (as a sled with sticky runner base

*KENIK katılmış (k) bölerken (e) uzayıp (n) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 keni- < PE kəni- to be softened by soak

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kiñit- (i) to immerse oneself in water; (t) to dip, soak or immerse her/him/it

*KENEQ katılmış (k) bölerken (e) uzayıp (n) bölerek (e) karılan (q)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kenerte- < PE kənəʀ- to slow down forward progress; to brake

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kinatak- or kiŋatak- (i) to resist going somewhere when someone wants you to; to go unwillingly; (i) to apply brakes, slow down; (t) to slow it, apply brake to it


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kenlu wrong one # and kenlu- to do something other than what one is supposed to do; kengluq [NUN] wrong one; sin < PE kənluʀ

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 killuq [killuQ] wrong one

*KENEK katılmış (k) bölerken (e) uzayıp (n) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 keneg- /root/ kenegnar- to be lovely; to be pretty; to look good; kenegnarqe- to be lovable; keneke- [NSU] to love in any sense; to like; kenka love # and kenke- to love in any sense < keneg-ke4; ken’gun¹, ken’gussaq loved one; best friend; kenaa- to moan and groan


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kenglaᵉ [HBC, NUN], [e]nglaᵉ, ngel’aᵉ, nel’aᵉ, menglaᵉ < PE kənlə border; edge

*KELIK katılmış (k) bölerken (e) düzenli (l) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kelig- < PE kəliɣ- to scrape; to scrape and eat the cambium layer of tree bark

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kiḷik- (t) to scrape it off of something; (t) to scrape it =fat from something, e.g., intestine; (t) to scrape it=inner layer off of skin; kiḷigvak mammoth, mastodon


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 keligvak [Y] < ?-vak < PE kəliɣvaɣ (under PE kəliɣ-) fossil mammoth ivory; mammoth (Mammuthus primegenius)

*KELEK katılmış (k) bölerken (e) düzenli (l) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 keleg- < PE kələɣ- to invite to one’s house # usually to eat; Kelek [CAN] indigenous Yup’ik holiday, called “Inviting-In Feast” in English; direct nominalization of keleg


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kelgur- to tell someone what someone else has said about him behind his back

? *KELAQ katılmış (k) bölerken (e) düzenli (l) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kellar- to put away in a storage container; kellarvik < PE əkləʀviɣ (under PE əkə²) pouch; grass basket; sewing box; storage bag made of skin; kellarvilek < kellarvik-lek [BB] spider that appears to have a pouch (species ?) # Ü.Ç: "The female wolf spider (Lycosidae) carries her babies on her back for a few days after they leave the egg-pouch". 74

*KELUK katılmış (k) bölerken (e) düzenli (l) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 keluk < PE kəluɣ stitch; weft strand in twining grass

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kilu² seam, stitch; killuk double seam


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kelve- < PE kələ(t)- to cut into strips

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kilit- (i) to cut animal skins into strips; (t) to cut it into strips

*KEPIQ katılmış (k) bölerken (e) yükselip (p) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kepirtaq grip or stop; wooden device used in wringing wet sealskins during processing # put at tail end of harpoon line to keep it from running through the hands and to serve as a handle, and also used in drying and stretching sealskin

*KEPEK katılmış (k) bölerken (e) yükselip (p) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kepe- < PE kəpə- to sever or be severed; to cut off or be cut off; to take a short cut; kepun adze

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kipi- (i) to be severed, cut; (i) to stop flowing (of stream); (i) to stop coming (of people or animals); (t) to sever, cut it; (t) to disconnect her/his telephone, electricity, television; (t) to crosscut, cut against its grain; kivluq- (t) to cut it into lengths, e.g., rope, log; kivluun cross-cut saw


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kepqe- < PE kəpət² and kəpəqə- to be in need of something and seek it


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kepte- < PE kəpət-¹ to dye

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kipit- (i) to become stained, dyed; (i) to be brewed (of tea); (t) to stain, to dye it; (t) to influence her/him/it so that her/his/its behavior resembles one’s own

*KEVIQ katılmış (k) bölerken (e) taşınıp (v) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 keviq < PE kəviʀ- plug; cork; stopper; caulking material # and kevir- to plug; to stuff; to caulk; to block (the way); kuir- [NUN] to stuff; to plug

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kiviq- (Ti) (t) to stuff it

*KEVEK katılmış (k) bölerken (e) taşınıp (v) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kevek lifted load # and keveg- to lift; kevegtur- < keveg-tur¹- to carry; kevgaq < PE kəvɣaʀ messenger; unpaid helper; Messenger Feast (traditional celebration); Kevgiq Messenger Feast (traditional celebration) # and kevgi- to celebrate the Messsenger Feast < kevgaq²-i³- < + PE kəvɣiʀ- (under PE kəvɣaʀ); kevgaluk < kevgaq-? [NSU, EG] < PE kəvɣaluɣ (under PE kəvɣaʀ) muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kivik- (i) to lift oneself; (t) to lift her/him/it; kivgaq servant, messenger; Kivgiq(-) Messenger Feast; (i) to have a Messenger Feast; kivgaluk person who runs errands; to serve and wait on (her/him); muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus)


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kimi(-) [kimI] (Ti) (i) to request, desire one’s personal song or ancestor’s song to dance to by lifting one leg; kimik people who send messengers to the Messenger Feast, Kivgiq

*KECIK katılmış (k) bölerken (e) içlenip (c) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kisit- [kisIt] (t) to count them 75

*KAKIK katılmış (k) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) katılan (k) = iğne

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kaki- < PE kaki- to take a stitch; to push a needle in; to put a needle into and back out the same side; kakivik needlecase; sewing box or case; traditional “housewife” bag; kakite- [NUN] < kaki-? to be poised; to be set; to be ready to spear or shoot

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kaki- [kakI] (i) to prick oneself; (t) to tattoo her/him/it; (t) to prick her/him/it

DİKKAT ! Aleutça kagil dump; sweep >

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kagi- [Y, NSK, HBC, NI, CAN, K, BB, NR, LI, EG] to sweep; from Aleut kagi- (kaɣi-); kagin, kagissuun < kagi-n, kagi-cuun broom ; kagista < kagi-ta¹ janitor; custodian; kagiksuar < kagin-ksuar(aq) duster; whisk-broom

*KAKEK katılmış (k) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kakek < PE kakkiɣ nasal mucus; snot # largely superseded by kakeggluk; kakeggluk < kakek-lluk nasal mucus; snot; kakegte- < kakek-? < PY kakəɣnə- (under PE kakkiɣ) to have a nosebleed; kakave- < PY-S kakavə- to clatter; to tremble making noise; to shake as from fright

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kakkik(-) [kakkIk] nasal mucus; (i) to blow, wipe one’s nose; (t) to wipe her/his nose; kakkiviaq ~ kakkivik philtrum, midline groove in the upper lip that runs from the top of the lip to the nose; entire area under nose

*KAKEK-VIK § Burnumuzun dibindeki philtrum denen dere yatağına İnyupikler «sümüklük» anlamına kakkiviaq ~ kakkivik derken, Yupikler de «sümüklük yolu» anlamına kakeggliliyaraq ~ kakeggliyaraq < kakek-keggliq-yaraq diyorlar. Zira, Eskimolarda öpüşme "dudak değdirme ya da dudak güreşi" olarak değil, uçlarından "burun tokuşturma" yoluyla yapılır.

*KAKAK katılmış (k) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kakgaq crown of head; top of head; kakgar- to carry (a person) on one’s shoulders

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kakak- to carry (it) on one’s shoulders or back of neck

*KAKUK katılmış (k) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kau- < PE kaɣu- to reach into a container or hollow place

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kau- (i) to reach into a container or hollow place; (t) to put one’s hand into it

*KATIQ katılmış (k) kalırken (a) ayrılıp (t) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kasiq [kasIq] [dual katchIk] (Nu) wall

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 katchi wall § kasiq

*KATEK katılmış (k) kalırken (a) ayrılıp (t) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 katete- ~ kacete- < PE katət- (under PE katə-) to arrive or return from a stay in the wilderness; to go to the main, winter village from fall camp

*KATAK katılmış (k) kalırken (a) ayrılıp (t) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 katag- < PE kataɣ- to fall out; to fall off; to drop (literally or figuratively)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 katak(-) entrance hole in floor of (leading to subterranean tunnel or passageway); (i) to fall off


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kat’ag- to skip, skim or fly over the surface

*KATUQ katılmış (k) kalırken (a) ayrılıp (t) giderek (u) karılan (q) 76

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 katur- [Y, NUN, NS], kallur- EG < PE katŋuʀ- and katuʀ- /postural root: to gather/ katurte- to gather; to come together

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 katit- (i) to gather, congregate, assemble; (i) to marry, wed; (i) to merge; (t) to gather them together; (t) to harvest it = crop


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kayyaak or (Nu) katyaak place where a river branches into two, two branches of river, fork in a road < katit

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kayyaaq or (Nu) katyaaq intersection, fork, crossroads, junction of two rivers; branch of a river < katit-


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kaluq- (t)to take her/him/it along


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kassug- < PE katyuɣ- to encirle; to encompass; to pass all around something

*KATUK katılmış (k) kalırken (a) ayrılıp (t) giderek (u) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ tos

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kasuk- (i) to ram, crash into each other with their horns (of mountain sheep) § tuluq-, kałuk < **ka²

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kałuk- (i) to ram heads (of sheep)

*KAMEK katılmış (k) kalırken (a) uyup (m) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kameg- < PE kaməɣ /root/ kamegciqaq hunting boot; kameksak ankle-high skin boot; house slipper; mukluk # and kameksag- to put on boots [UY, K, NI, BB, NR, LI, EG]; kamguk knee-high or higher skin boot; mukluk # and kamgug- to put on boots [LY, NS] < kameg-?

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kamik(-) [dual kammak, pl. kamŋit+ boot, mukluk; Iñupiaq-made fur boot; dog booty; shoe; (i) to put one’s boots on; (t) to put boots on her/him/it

*KAMEK-LAQ- § ~+lar- [Y, UK, NI], @~+lar- [NS], –lar- [NI, CAN, K, BB, NR, LI, EG] to V customarily; to V regularly

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kamil- /root/ kamilar- barefoot

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kamiḷḷaq- (i) to become barefoot; (i) to take one’s pants and boots off, to undress below the waist; (t) to make her/him barefoot; (t) to

*KAMAK katılmış (k) kalırken (a) uyup (m) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kama- < PE kama- /emotional root/ kamake- to suspect; to be suspicious of (him); to be squeamish about (it) (additional NUN meaning); to be awed by (NSU meaning)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *kama (root) awe, respect; kamagi- (t) to obey, honor her/him/it; (t) to be overwhelmed, awed by her/him/it; (t) to be amazed, impressed by her/him, especially by an action she/he has performed

*KANIQ katılmış (k) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kangiq < PE kaŋiʀ meaning; principle; source; headwaters of river; beginning

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kaŋiq *kaŋIq+ root, source, origin; headwater, source of a river; (Nu) head of a bay; foot of mountain; place where peninsula joins mainland; (Nu) tributary river; bone or ivory barb on toggle harpoon line

*KANEQ katılmış (k) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kaneq frost # and kaner- to be frosted PE kanəʀ

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kaniq(-) [kaniQ] frost; (i) to be covered with light frost; (t) to have light frost cover it =ground, house or any object 77


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kanve- to sprinkle out; to scatter a granular or particulate substance; kanevvluk < kanve-rrluk light snow or rain


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kangciq < PE kaŋciʀ side wall of sod house; kangciraq < kangciq-aq³ tarpaulin; sled sheet; mat paneling in sod house

*KANEK katılmış (k) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kangeq < PE kaŋəʀ top of mountain, tree, house, skin boot, etc.; summit; top part; crown (top) of the head (additional NUN meaning)

*KANAQ katılmış (k) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kanar¹ to come down to or toward water; to emerge from the brush to the water


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kanaqlak muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kanar² < PE kana³- /postural root: bent forward/ kanarte¹ to bend forward; kanar(ar)- < PY kanaʀaʀ- (under PE kanaʀ-) to sleep; to be falling asleep


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kanaraq any one of the five days after a death during which time a soul descends to the afterworld and the bereaved abstain from certain activities


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kangar- to walk around

*KANAK katılmış (k) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) kalarak (a) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ pantolon bacağı

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kanagaq < kanag-aq¹ leg; kanagkite- to have short leg; kanagtu- to have long legs

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kanak length of human leg from crotch to heel, inner leg; inseam; kanagaq or (Nu) kanagaaq tibia, shinbone, shankbone, lower leg; kanakit- (i) to have short legs (of people); kanaktu- (i) to have long legs (of people); to be too long (of pants)

*KANUQ katılmış (k) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kanguq < PE kaŋuʀ snow goose; white goose (Chen caerulescens)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kaŋuq snow goose (Chen hyperborea)

*KANUK katılmış (k) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kanuk- (Ti) (i) to have an angry or mean countenance, face

*KALEK katılmış (k) kalırken (a) düzenli (l) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kaleg- < PE kaləɣ² to brush against; to brush aside; kateg- [NUN] to bump into; to brush against

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kali something being dragged, towed; kalikłuk piece of driftwood; kalikłuk² or kaliukłuk- or kalikhaaq- or kaliukhaaq- to drag (it) carelessly, roughly, accidentally; to rub against (it) and cause (it) to fall while going past carelessly

? 78

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kalve- < PE kaləvə(t)- to go down # usually into the ground; kalvun < kalve-n device to push things down or bring them up, such as a hook for lowering things into and bringing them up from an underground cache


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kalngak bag made of reeds and used for carrying fish; more generally, any knapsack # and kalngag- to carry something in a knapsack < PY kalŋak or kalŋaq

*KALAK katılmış (k) kalırken (a) düzenli (l) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kallag- [EG] to drizzle; kallagte- < PY-S kałaɣ- to rattle; to clang; to ring

*KALUK katılmış (k) kalırken (a) düzenli (l) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kalluk < PE katluɣ thunder and lightning; electricity

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kalluk(-) thunder, thunderstorm, thunderclap; (i) to thunder (of weather)

krş. *KATUK (tos vurma)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kalukaq¹ feast; party; person who distributes clothing or food in honor of his or her child’s first catching game or picking berries # and kalukar- to feast; to have a party # formerly a certain pre-Christian religious holiday or more generally, any such holiday; kalukaq² *NUN; Y] large wooden storage bowl from Aleut kalukax ̂ (kalukaX); cf. kalug; kalupak [NS] large wooden platter or container

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kalukaq(-) or kałukaq(-) four-sided hanging box drum; (i) to beat on a box drum during an Eskimo dance; to perform the dance in which a box drum is used

*KAPEQ katılmış (k) kalırken (a) yükselip (p) bölerek (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kape- < PE kapə- to stab: to poke in; to inoculate with a hypodermic needle; kapsuli < kape-yuli insect similar to a mayfly (species ?); kapun spear point; hypodermic needle; inoculation; multipronged fish spear (NUN meaning)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kapi- (i) to stab oneself once, to give oneself a shot; (t) to stab, pierce her/him/it once; (t) to give a shot, an injection to her/him/it; kavluq- or (Nu) kapluq- (t) to inoculate, give her/him/it injections regularly; to spear, stab, pierce her/him/it repeatedly

*KAPEK katılmış (k) kalırken (a) yükselip (p) bölerek (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kapeg- /root/ kapegcug- < PY kapəɣcuɣ- to be short of something (food, breath), and feel dread for that reason; kapgite-, kapgete- < kapeg-ite¹- to be narrow; kapegliqe- to have asthma; kapia- < kapeg-a- to be in great need; to be in desperate straits; to feel apprehensive; to panic; to be very persistent or insistent due to desperation; to complain loudly

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kapit- (i) to be tight-fitting; (t) to fit an outer piece over an inner piece, e.g., snowshirt over parka

*KAVIQ katılmış (k) kalırken (a) taşınıp (v) gelerek (i) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ avlanan hayvanın karın boşluğunda biriken kan

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kavir- < PE kaviʀ- to be red (in EG; elsewhere a root only); kaviaq < PE kav(v)i(C)aʀ red fox (Vulpes vulpes); kavlak¹ < PE kavlaɣ bearberry (Arctostaphylos sp.)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kaviq- [kavIq] (i) to be red; kavviaq red fox (Vulpes fulva); kavlaq [kavlaQ] black bearberry (Arctostaphylos alpinus)

*KAVIK katılmış (k) kalırken (a) taşınıp (v) gelerek (i) katılan (k)


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kavlu(-) (Nu) concave, rounded cover or cap; percussion cap of gun; (t) to cover, cap it with a rounded cover 79


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kavluun [LY, NUN] one hundred # talliman kavluutet ‘five hundred’; this word of unknown etymology is said to have been used for percussion caps, which came in packages of one hundred; the Comparative Eskimo Dictionary (Fortescue et al. 1994) suggests that this word may be from PE kamlu ‘(rounded) cap or mounting’


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kavcak, kavtak, kavtuk, kavlak² < PY-S kavcak or kavtak hailstone; kavcir- < kavtak (or kavtuk)-ir¹- to hail; kavtak packed snow on sea ice; used for getting fresh water


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kavisiq [kavisIq] fish scale; kavisiḷik one with scales, eg. fish


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kavlaq- (i) to be wide-eyed, to have large eyes


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kavraq² crown of head, top of skull


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kaviuq- (i) to covet, desire, long for someone or something strongly; (t) to covet, desire it

*KACIK katılmış (k) kalırken (a) içlenip (c) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kassig- to divide; to fork # of a river < PE katyaɣ (under PE katə-); kassigluq < kassig-? confluence of rivers

*KACEK katılmış (k) kalırken (a) içlenip (c) bölerek (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kaig-, kaag- [NUN] < PE ka(C)əɣ- to be hungry; to suffer famine

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kaak- (i) to be hungry

*KACAK katılmış (k) kalırken (a) içlenip (c) kalarak (a) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ davul çalma

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kasak- (i) to make a noise by striking something; (i) to beat a drum; (t) to beat it (e.g., a drum)

*KACUQ katılmış (k) kalırken (a) içlenip (c) giderek (u) karılan (q) = birleşme, toplanma

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kasuq- (i) to become joined (of objects); (i) to close (of gap, e.g., of ice); (i) to meet on the way somewhere, of more than one person; (t) to meet her/him, make her/his acquaintance; (t) to “run” into her/him

*KACUK katılmış (k) kalırken (a) içlenip (c) giderek (u) katılan (k) =

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kauk [NS] < PE ka(C)uɣ thick edible layer of walrus skin; kaugpak < kaug-rpak < PE ka(C)uɣ walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) [HBC, NI, NUN]; thick edible layer of walrus skin [(K]; in general this word is used only on the coast, but up the Kuskokwim River it is known from Nunivak people who took walrus skin upriver to sell; kaugpangcar- < kaugpak-ngcar [NUN] to journey into the ocean from a men’s community house to hunt for walrus (referring to shamans taking a trip on the ocean)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kauk walrus skin often with blubber and a little bit of meat remaining, a delicacy

*KAZUK katılmış (k) kalırken (a) girip (z) giderek (u) katılan (k) = çakma, bir şeyle vurma

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kaug- < PE kaðuɣ- to strike with an object

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 karuk- (i) to hammer; (t) to hit her/him/it on the head

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kauk- to hammer (it = nail) | perhaps -uk- vv § karuk- < **ka² 80

*KAYEK katılmış (k) kalırken (a) üstlenip (y) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kasme- < PE kayəmə(t)- to poke; to push

*KAYAK katılmış (k) kalırken (a) üstlenip (y) kalarak (a) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ utanma

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kayngu-, kasngu- < PE kayŋu- /emotional root/ kaynguke-, kaynguyuke- to be ashamed of (it); kayngunarqe-, kasngunarqe- to be embarrassing; to cause shame; kaynguyug-, kasnguyug- to be ashamed; kasnguite- to be shameless

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *kanŋu (root) feeling of shame, embarrassment; feeling of shyness


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kayanguq bird’s egg

*KAYUQ katılmış (k) kalırken (a) üstlenip (y) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kayuq (Nu) outside of upper arm above the point of the elbow

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kayugaq [NS] < kayu-? humerus; bone of the upper arm

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kayuqtuq red fox (Vulpes vulpes)

*KAYUK katılmış (k) kalırken (a) üstlenip (y) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kayu strength; power # and kayu- to be strong < PY kayu-

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *kayu (root) enthusiasm: kayumik- (i) to be fast, swift, speedy; (i) to be appetizing, palatable (of food)

*KUKIK katılmış (k) giderken (u) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kukik¹ *kukIk+ hoof; fingernail; stone head of scraper; (Ti) tip of an arrow


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kukikcaq [K] < PE kukiɣ translucent stone that gives off sparks when struck; kukimssaq < PE kukiɣ sharp bone point put on kayak paddle

*KUKEK katılmış (k) giderken (u) katılıp (k) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kukeg- to ignite readily; to get singed cf. eke¹ < PE kukəɣ- and kukuɣ

*KUKUK katılmış (k) giderken (u) katılıp (k) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kukupak spot; dot; freckle; man’s labret with green and white stones (NUN meaning) < PE kukuɣ

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kukugte- [NUN] to be pointing toward here

*KUTIQ katılmış (k) giderken (u) ayrılıp (t) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kuta < PE kutə drop of liquid

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kutit- to drip (on her/him/it): kutchuq resin, spruce gum; chewing gum

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kusiq- [kusIq] to drip (on her/him/it)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kusulugaq or (Nu) kutulugaq icicle: Barrow people call “kusulugaq” kukługaq, the Kobuk people call it “kusugaq”

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kuc’uq < PE kuccuʀ chewing gum

*KUTAK katılmış (k) giderken (u) ayrılıp (t) kalarak (a) katılan (k) 81

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kutak- (i) to speak with a foreign accent; (i) to speak a different dialect; (t) to speak in a different dialect to her/him

*KUMEK katılmış (k) giderken (u) uyup (m) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kumeg²- to scratch # to relieve an itch; kumget < kumeg²-plural scabies [HBC]; kumeggluut [K, Y, NI, BB, CAN] scabies

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kumik- (i) to scratch an itch; (t) to scratch her/him/it to relieve an itch


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kumeg¹- /emotional root/ kumegnarqe- to be cute # of babies, animals, etc.


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kumkaq < PE kumkaɣ- foreign object stuck between the teeth # and kumkar- to have a foreign object, e.g., a particle of food, stuck in one’s teeth

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kupkaq- (Ti) (i) to be not fully baked (of breadstuffs); kupki(-) piece of something stuck between teeth; (i) to get something stuck between teeth; (i) to pick teeth

*KUMAQ katılmış (k) giderken (u) uyup (m) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kuma- < eke¹-ma to be lit; to be on; to be burning; kuman < kuma-n [NUN, EG, UK] lamp; light; kumakaq punk; birch bracket fungus punk; birch bracket fungus; flecked-flesh polypore (Phelinus igniarius); kumarte- to light a fire; to ignite; to turn on an electric appliance; kumarun, kumarulluk wick; type of moss used for making lamp wicks


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kumla < PY-S kumla- coldness; cold thing, especially water

*KUMAK katılmış (k) giderken (u) uyup (m) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kumak ˢᵍ kumiit ᵖˡ [NSU, EG] < PE kumaɣ louse

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kumak louse (Pediculus humanus capitis); maggot, larva of caribou botfly; (Nu) smooth, white bug found in tree trunks (eaten by woodpeckers)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kumlu, kumluq [NS, Y, UK, HBC, NI, CAN, NR, LI, EG, BB] < PE kumlu thumb; kul’u thumb # from a finger- naming jingle; cf. kumlu

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kuvlu thumb

*KUNIK katılmış (k) giderken (u) uzayıp (n) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kunik- [kunIk] to kiss (her/him/it); (i) to smack into each other (of juggling stones); (t) to bring it near to the nose to sniff; kuniun tip of nose

*KULUK katılmış (k) giderken (u) düzenli (l) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kulluk [NUN] waterfall; kullugte- < kulluk-?- [NUN] to seep (of water from a cliff, bluff, etc); for there to be a waterfall

*KUVEK katılmış (k) giderken (u) taşınıp (v) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kuve- < PE kuvə- to spill; to pour out of a container

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kuvi- [kuvI] to spill (on her/him/it); (t) to spill, pour it out; kuviq- [kuvIq] (Ti) (t) to spill or pour it out

? 82

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kuvyaq, kuvya, kuvsaq [NS] < PE kuvðaʀ fishnet; seal-net # and kuvya- to fish by drift-netting or purseseining

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kuvraq(-) net, fishnet; spiderweb; (i) to catch something with a net; (t) to catch it in a net

*KUZEK katılmış (k) giderken (u) girip (z) bölerek (e) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ ırmak *kendisi denizi bölerek girer+

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kuik < PE kuðəɣ river

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kuuk¹ [kurik] river; tributary; kurgit or kuugit rivers; kurrak two rivers; Kuuvak Kobuk River; kurri- to make a river, a rivulet of running water, as dripping water creates a streamlet of water

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ku- flowing liquid deep root; cf. kucuknaq, kuc’uq, kuik, kuime-, Kusquqvak, kuta, kuve

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 **ku (root) downward movement or orientation § kurraq-, kurruk-, kusiq-, kutaaq-, kutit-, kuuk, kuvi-, kusulugaq, kutchuq, *kukłuk


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kuime- < PY ku(C)imə- to swim, especially in a direct line from one point to another

*KUZEK-QUQ-VAK ᴛᴜʀ harfiyen: «büyük ırmağımsı» ᴇɴɢ literally: «big river-like»

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 Kusquqvak Kuskokwim River # this word may come from a root ku- (q, v.) dealing with flowing of liquid; a postbase -squq small (productive in Siberian Yupik but not in Central Yup’ik); and a postbase -vak big; thus Kusquqvak may literally be a big thing (river) with a small flow; the English word Kuskokwim comes from the relative case form Kusquqviim as in Kusquqviim painga ‘the mouth of the Kuskokwim’

*KUYAK katılmış (k) giderken (u) üstlenip (y) kalarak (a) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ oturak, popo


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kuya, kuyak < PE kuyaɣ hip; keelson of kayak

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kusaq keel of kayak, main structural piece of kayak attached lengthwise along the centerline of its bottom; umiam kusaŋa keel of boat

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 kuyak(-) one of lumbar vertebrae; sides of lower back where there are no ribs; (Ti) lower back just above buttocks; to have intercourse (with her/him)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kuyag- [Y] to have sexual intercourse; kuyug- to have sexual intercourse # HBC; cf. kuya(k)- and uyug-, of which this word is evidently a blend T ᴛᴜʀ ayrılma ᴇɴɢ separating

*TEKIQ ayrılmış (t) bölerken (e) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tekiq < PE təkðə(ʀ) earwax; cerumen

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tiġri (Ti) white scales found in human ear; dry ear wax § siġri(-)

*TEKIK ayrılmış (t) bölerken (e) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tekite- < PE təkit- to arrive; to reach; to come upon

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tikit- [tikIt] (i) to arrive at, reach one’s destination or goal; (t) to reach her/him/it

*TEKEQ ayrılmış (t) bölerken (e) katılıp (k) bölerek (e) karılan (q) 83

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tekeq < PE təkəʀ index finger; thimble (additional meaning in Y, UK, HBC, NR, LI, EG)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tikiq [tikiQ] index finger; thimble

*TEQEK ayrılmış (t) bölerken (e) karılıp (q) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *tiġik (root) silence: tiġii- (i) to try not to make noise while doing something, e.g., a hunter stalking game

*TEQUK ayrılmış (t) bölerken (e) karılıp (q) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 teru area at foot of person, animal, bed, etc.; bed partner who sleeps with his body heading in the opposite or the perpendicular direction at the end of the bed; notch for bowstring in end of arrow shaft or at end of bow

*TEKAQ ayrılmış (t) bölerken (e) katılıp (k) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tek’ar- to have an erection of the penis; to have something projecting out; to spew forth

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tiggaq- (i) to be stiff


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tegge- to be hard; to be tough


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 teggarvak < tegge-vak large rock or stone


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tegganeq < tegge-a-neq¹ elder

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 teggneq < tegge-neq¹ [Y, HBC, NUN] elder


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tigliq- (i) to beat, pulsate once


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tigri- [tigrI] (t) to frighten it =bird into flight

? *TEKAK ayrılmış (t) bölerken (e) katılıp (k) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tegak [Y, NUN] < PE təɣɣaɣ male seal in rut cf. tek’ar-

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tiggak or tiggagniq male seal in rut; tiggak- (i) to catch a breeding male seal

*TEKUQ ayrılmış (t) bölerken (e) katılıp (k) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tegu- < PE təɣu- to take; to take in hand; to pick up

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tigu- (i) to take hold and hang on; (t) to take, capture, grab, or arrest her/him/it


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tengluk fist # and tenglug- to punch with one’s fist PE təŋluɣ(-)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tigluk- (t) to strike her/him/it with side of fist


tegleg- < PE təɣləɣ- to steal; teglek white mark on fingernail (“theft mark”) [NUN]; direct nominalization of tegleg

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tiglik- to steal (her/him/it) 84

*TEMEK ayrılmış (t) bölerken (e) uyup (m) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 temaᵉ < PE təmə body; main part to which something is attached

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 timi human or animal body; the hull of a boat; part of boot above the sole; tivli- (i) to sew the body of the boot to the sole


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 temci- < PE təmci- /emotional root/ temcike- to find (it) funny; to laugh at

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *tivsI (root) mirth, humorous: tivsigi- or (Nu) tipsigi- (t) to find her/him/it so humorous that one has to laugh just looking at her/him/it; to laugh at, mock her/him/it; tivsiñaq- (i) to be humorous (of a person); tivsitchai- (t) to make her/him burst out laughing; tivsitchak- (i) to burst into uncontrollable laughter

*TENIQ ayrılmış (t) bölerken (e) uzayıp (n) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 kenir¹- [HBC, NUN], enir-, niir- # the original form is enir-, but niir- is also acceptable to many speakers, especially in NS < PE tənniʀ- to point

*TENEK ayrılmış (t) bölerken (e) uzayıp (n) bölerek (e) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ uçma, yerden havalanma

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tenge- < PE təŋə- to fly; to take off in flight

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tiŋi- (i) to take flight, to fly away; (i) to become airborne (of airplane, helicopter, rocket); tiŋmiaq medium- sized bird (e.g., dove, robin); fowl; bird of prey, e.g., gull, hawk, jaeger

*TENAK ayrılmış (t) bölerken (e) uzayıp (n) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tengak ˢᵍ tengiit ᵖˡ < PE təŋaɣ or təŋə pubic hair

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tiŋak pubic hair

*TENUK ayrılmış (t) bölerken (e) uzayıp (n) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tenguk liver; solar plexus

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tiŋuk liver; egg yolk

*TELIK ayrılmış (t) bölerken (e) düzenli (l) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tili- [tilI] (t) to send her/him on an errand; (t) to tell her/him to do something

*TELAK ayrılmış (t) bölerken (e) düzenli (l) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tilak- to mop or scrub (it =large surface area)

*TELUK ayrılmış (t) bölerken (e) düzenli (l) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tiluk- or tiluktuq- (t) to clean it =e.g., rug or bedding by beating; tiluun or tiluktuun beater, stick used to beat rugs or fox skins for removing dirt

*TEPEK ayrılmış (t) bölerken (e) yükselip (p) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

NOUN FORM = ᴛᴜʀ karaya vuran ölü hayvan leşi

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tepaᵉ < PE təpə smell; aroma; odor; scent; emanation; aged fish head

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 ¹ odor, smell 85

VERB FORM = ᴛᴜʀ karaya sürüklenmek

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tepe- < PE təpə- to drift ashore

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tipi² (t) to be washed ashore

*TEVEK ayrılmış (t) bölerken (e) taşınıp (v) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 teve- < PE ətəvə- to go over or through a portage; to set (sun, moon, etc.)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tevir¹ < PE təviʀ- to disappear; to dematerialize; to vanish; to set (sun, moon, etc.)

*TEVAK ayrılmış (t) bölerken (e) taşınıp (v) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tevak groove

*TEVUQ ayrılmış (t) bölerken (e) taşınıp (v) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tevuq solid ingredient; bread or other accompaniment to tea or coffee (NS meaning)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tevir² to add as an ingredient in (it)

*TAQIQ ayrılmış (t) kalırken (a) karılıp (q) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tari spirit

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *taġi (root) reflection of image: taġġaq shadow


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tarneq, tarnaq² < PE taʀ(ə)nəʀ soul; spirit; soul of person

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 taġniq *taġniQ+ (Nu) soul, life force


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 taru, taruq human being; person # this word is sometimes known but rarely used instead of yuk, the usual word for person, but it (taru) is the standard word for ‘person’ in EG, is used sometimes in NUN (and elsewhere perhaps), and is historically identifiable as an “Aglurmiut” word; it may have been a shaman’s word elsewhere;

cf. ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 Tayaruq¹ *EG+ Aleutian Aleut; from Aleut tayaĝ-x⁄̂ (tayaʀu-X) ‘person’


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 taryuq, tarsuq (NS form) < PE ta(ð)yuʀ salt; brine; ocean; sea

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 taġiuq(-) *taġiruq+ salt; ocean; sea; (i) to use salt; (t) to salt it; (Ti) (i) to be blue

*TAQIK ayrılmış (t) kalırken (a) karılıp (q) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 taqik (Chevak (only?)) genitalia # and taqig- to have sexual intercourse (of humans) # taqik ‘penis’; taqiik dual ‘vagina’ < PE taqiɣ-


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 taqilek < taqik-lek [HBC] clam

*TAQIK-KAQ § +kaq raw material for N; future N; unrealized N

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 taqikaq [NUN] blackfish; cf. taqik § Ü.Ç: Alaska karabalığının (Dallia pectoralis) sırt yüzgeci ile anal yüzgeci taşağın iki yumrusu gibi aynı hizada aynı boyutta ve kuyruk yüzgeci de soykanın sallantısı.

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 taqikartuliq < taqik-?-tuli slough with lake at end 86

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 taqikataq [BB] whitetailed ptarmigan (Lagopus leucurus); cf. taqik


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 taqingssak [EG] trout (sp. ?); cf. taqik


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 taqmak dress # and taqmag- to put on a dress < PY taqmak

*TAQEQ ayrılmış (t) kalırken (a) karılıp (q) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 taqe- < PE taqə- to quit; to finish; taqte- < taqe-?- to be fully grown

*TAQAQ ayrılmış (t) kalırken (a) karılıp (q) kalarak (a) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ damar

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 taqaq [HBC], taqeq vein < PE taqaʀ and taqəʀ

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 taqak blood vessel, vein


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tartuq ˢᵍ tartuk ᵈˡ < PE taʀtu kidney

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 taqtu kidney

*TAQUQ ayrılmış (t) kalırken (a) karılıp (q) giderek (u) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ örgü, örme

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 taquq¹ braid # and taqur- to braid < PY-S taquq

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 taquq² wall; area right alongside; side area

*TAKIQ ayrılmış (t) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tai-, taa- [NUN]to come to the area of the speaker

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tagiq- [tagIq] (i) to go or move from place to place; (i) to go calling at or visiting many houses; tagraq- (i) to travel upriver; (t) to travel upriver on it =river; tagrua- (i) to go out to the whaling camp and help in the cutting of the whale, thereby earning a share of the meat and maktak (whale skin with blubber)

*TAKIK ayrılmış (t) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ hapşırma

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tagik- [tagIk] or tagiuqtuq- (i) to sneeze several times in succession

? ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tai- [tagI] (t) to pronounce, say or utter it=word

*TAKEQ ayrılmış (t) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 take- < PE takə- to be long

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 taki- (i) to be long


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 taiq inner layer of sealgut removed before further processing # < + PE taiɣ- ‘remove a layer’ (cf. Siberian Yupik tiiɣ-, Naukan Yupik tiaɣ-, Inupiaq/Inuit taak-)

*TAKEK ayrılmış (t) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) bölerek (e) katılan (k) § sudan çıkan fokun avlanma korkusuyla tedirgin olması

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tage- < PE taɣə- to go up from a body of water; to go up any gradual incline; to move back from the center of attention # for to go up (not following the lay of the land) see mayur-; taituk < PE taɣətuɣ fog; mist 87

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *tagi (root) feeling of not being welcomed: tagiala- (i) to feel unwelcomed, uncomfortable, out of place; (i) to not feel at home, relaxed; tagiaqtuq- (i) to go away from home; taksruq- (Nu) (i) to enter the village, after arriving onshore; (i) to travel inland, after arriving onshore; to return from whaling; taktuk(-) fog; (i) to be foggy

*TAKAQ ayrılmış (t) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 takar- < PY takaʀ² /emotional root/ takaite- to lack self-restraint; to be overly forward; to have no feelings of proper respect for others; takaqe- to feel shy, respectful, or intimidated toward (him); to be deferential to (him); to be awed by (it); to dread (it); takarnaite- to not be intimidating; to not cause one to feel shy; takarnarqe- to be intimidating; to be such as to cause one to feel shy or respectful

*TAKUQ ayrılmış (t) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 takuq- (i) to grind one’s teeth; (t) to chew it

*TAKUK ayrılmış (t) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) giderek (u) katılan (k) = kontrol etmek, bakmak

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 taku¹ < PE taku- to check a fish trap or fishnet; cf. taku²

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 taku- presence; (life)time # used with possessed localis case endings

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 taku-² [EG] to try; to taste; cf. taku¹

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 taku- (t) to go and see how she/he is faring; (t) to visit her/him in the hospital; (t) to check on it

*TATEK ayrılmış (t) kalırken (a) ayrılıp (t) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tatek < PY-S tatək area at back of fish skull; forehead (UK, UY, HBC, EB meaning); tautek [LI] forehead

*TAMAQ ayrılmış (t) kalırken (a) uyup (m) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tamar¹ < PE tammaʀ- to lose; to misplace

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tammaq- (i) to be lost; (i) to disappear; (t) to lose it, not be able to find it; tammaġvik *lit. “place of being lost”+ hell

*TAMUQ ayrılmış (t) kalırken (a) uyup (m) giderek (u) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ çiğneme

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tamu- < PE tamuʀ to chew once

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tamuq- to chew (it)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tamlu, tamluq < ?-luq < PE tamlu chin

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tavlu chin

*TANIQ ayrılmış (t) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tangiq [NUN] bowpiece on keel of kayak (or open boat)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 taŋiq- *taŋIq] (i) to eat the best part of the food; (t) to eat it = best part of the food; (Ti) bread, biscuit eaten with tea or coffee


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tangluq snowshoe # and tanglur- to snowshoe < PE taŋluʀ

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 taglu snowshoe


tangpeq [NS] < + PY-S taŋpəq old kayak skin

*TANEQ ayrılmış (t) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tangerr- to see

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tang- < PE taŋəʀ- /root/ > tang, tangemcuke-, tangke-, tangniite-, tangnirqe-, tangquussiig-, tangrriiqe-, tangrru-, tangssiite-, tangssug-, tangvag-; tang look!

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tanem ever; why; how on earth! # adverbial participle; used with exclamations and questions, expressing perplexity or exasperation


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tanqik brightness; moon (NUN meaning); month (NUN meaning); holy thing # and tanqig- to be bright < PE tanqiʀ

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tatqiq moon; month; tatqik- (t) to adjust, trim its=lamp wick


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tan’geq < PE taʀəʀnəʀ (under PE taʀəʀ) darkness


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 taŋiq *pl taŋiġIt+ proof, concrete evidence of a claim; residue, substance leftover from a process (especially fat remaining after blubber is rendered)


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 taŋmik- *taŋmIk+ (i) to swerve, turn aside; (i) to ricochet, be deflected SAPTIRMAK

*TANEK ayrılmış (t) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 taneg- < PY-S tanɣuʀaʀ /root/ tanaaluk < taneg-? boy # said to be an old term; tanekcitagaq < taneg-? [NI], taneknaarallr(aq) < taneg-?-llr(aq) [NI], tanektallr(aq) < taneg-?-llr(aq) [NSK], taneksagglugaq < taneg-?-rrlugaq [HBC] young boy; tan’gaurluq < taneg-?-r(ur)luq boy; lad

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 Tanik Caucasian person; white person


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tane- [NUN, NS], tanegte- [HBC] to scrub; to wash one’s hands

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tanir¹ [Y, HBC+ to wash one’s face; to scrub; tanir- ² [NUN] to remove meat from (it — a bone)

*TALIQ ayrılmış (t) kalırken (a) düzenli (l) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 talliq arm (anatomical)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 taliq(-) [talIq] arm, a limb attached to the shoulder of the human body; hand of clock; foreleg (one of two front legs of four-legged animal); (i) to dance in sitting position doing an arm dance; an Iñupiaq arm dance


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 talliman < PE tałłimat (under PE tałiʀ) five

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tallimat the number five; the numeral five; tallimaq (Nu) a fifth one

*TALIK ayrılmış (t) kalırken (a) düzenli (l) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tali- /root/ talin < tali-n screen; shade; talineq < PY talinəq (under PE talu(-))shadow; shade; talite- < PE talit- (under PE talu(-))to shelter from wind, sun, rain, snow, etc.; to shade 89

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 talit- [talIt] (i) to disappear from view; (t) to conceal it

*TALAK ayrılmış (t) kalırken (a) düzenli (l) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tala-[EG] < PE tala(t)- to be confused; to be mixed up

*TALUQ ayrılmış (t) kalırken (a) düzenli (l) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tallur- /emotional < PE tałuʀ / root/ talluqe- to be shy, respectful or intimidated with respect to (him); tallurnarqe- to cause one to be shy, respectful, deferential, or intimidated; tallurtar- to be habitually shy, respectful, or intimidated; talluryug- to feel shy, respectful, deferential or intimidated

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *taluq (root) sternness, intimidating: taluġi- (t) to feel that she/he is unapproachable; (t) to feel submissive toward her/him; (t) to fear her/his wrath; (t) to be unable to assert oneself against her/him; (t) to revere her/him/it

*TALUK ayrılmış (t) kalırken (a) düzenli (l) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 talu < PE talu(-)partition between the areas of two families in a shared house

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 talu(-) (Nu) door covering (originally a bear skin or caribou hide hung over a tent opening); a cover to hide something; ice shield or hunting blind, e.g., a white camouflage screen placed on the edge of the ice used to conceal whalers as they wait; (t) to cover her/him/it from view; (Nu) (t) to close it =door


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 taluyaq fish trap


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 talu split sinew # and talu- (NI, NUN form), talur- (K form) to split sinew


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 talmag- [NUN] < PY-S tamlaɣ- to spawn (of fish)

*TAPEQ ayrılmış (t) kalırken (a) yükselip (p) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tapeq < PE tapəʀ(-) something given, taken or brought along with something else; tapte- < PE tapət¹ (under PE tapəʀ(-)) to fold; to double

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tapiq(-) [tapiQ] an additional piece; (t) to add to it to enlarge or complete; (i) to lie alongside, be parallel to each other; (t) to widen by adding a piece to it; tapit- (i) to be folded over; (i) to walk abreast of each other, side by side; (t) to shoot them =two animals or things with one arrow or bullet; (Ti) (t) for wet clothing to soak her/his skin; tapsi(-) [tapsI] (Nu, Ti) belt; to put a belt on (her/him), tavsi(-) [tavsI] belt; strip of maktak and meat from the ventral waist area of whale saved for the captain to do what he wants to do with, usually served at village feast; to put one’s belt on (her/him/it)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 taper- /root/ tapengyak < taper-yak binding material (dried grass, skin); taperrnaq coarse seashore grass used when dried for making baskets and other things (Elymus arenarius or Elymus mollis); tapraq thong or rope used for binding things made of tree roots or animal hide; isthmus; spit of land; tapruaq skin rope made from skin of spotted seal pups; taprualuk babiche; rounded line made from the skin of a young bearded seal

*TAPAK ayrılmış (t) kalırken (a) yükselip (p) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tapa- (Ti) (i) to want to do more of an activity, like dancing, eating, singing

*TACIQ ayrılmış (t) kalırken (a) içleyip (c) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 taciq < PE taciʀ sandspit and bay formed by it; lagoon

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tasiq [tasIq] or tatchiq lagoon, inlet, bay 90

*TACIK ayrılmış (t) kalırken (a) içleyip (c) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tasi- [tasI] (i) to stretch, to extend

*TAYAQ ayrılmış (t) kalırken (a) üstlenip (y) kalarak (a) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ bilek

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tayaq or tayaġun wrist; bracelet; tayyat (Ti) bracelet


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tayarneq < PE tayaʀnəʀ wrist

*TUKIK ayrılmış (t) giderken (u) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tuig- /postural root: turned around/ tuignga- to be turned around 180 degrees; tuigte- to turn around 180 degrees

*TUKEQ ayrılmış (t) giderken (u) katılıp (k) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tugeq , tuuq < PE tuɣəʀ(-) ice chisel for making holes in river, lake, or sea ice # and tuger- to strike with the point of a stick, ice chisel, etc.; to hit the cut-bank (of water in a river); tuutaᵉ frozen-over place; ice bridge between floes; tuutaq < PE tu(C)utaʀ labret

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tuuq(-) [tuguq] ice chisel, ice pick; to work or pierce (it) with a chisel or ice pick; (Ti) to chop ice with an ice chisel or ice pick; tuutaq lip plug, labret; mole on face |-taq vn


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tuk- /deep root/ tuker- < PE tukəʀ- to push or brace with one’s feet; to hatch (of an egg); tukar- < PE tukkaʀ- to kick with both feet (from a lying position, as a baby does)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tukiq- (i) to hatch (of a bird); to extend one’s legs; (t) to push, kick her/him/it with bottom of one’s foot; (i) to kick out backwards propelling oneself forward (of swimmer or sea mammal)

*TUKUQ ayrılmış (t) giderken (u) katılıp (k) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tukuq host; wealthy person; in-law acquired by marriage of child, sibling, or self # and tukur- to have possessions; to be wealthy < PE tukuʀ

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tukku- (i) to stay as a guest


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tuunraq, tuunr(aq) (NUN form) < ?-nraq < PE tuɣənʀaʀ shaman’s helping spirit; familiar spirit; nowadays often devil; tuunralek shaman; person with a familiar spirit

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tuunġaq(-) shaman’s helping spirit; power spirit; invisible spirits; by extension and influence of Christianity:satan, devil, or demon; (t) to frighten her/him by pretending to be a devil » “Invisible spirits (sing. turn’-gak; plural, turn’-gain) people *,+ the earth, the air, and the sea; and to them they *Iñupiat+ apply similar notions of equality, attributing to none superior power, nor have they even a special name for any that we could learn. These turn’- gain are very numerous, some good, some bad; they are sometimes seen, and then usually resemble the upper half of a man, but are likewise of every concieveable form.” (Simpson: 273)

*TUMEK ayrılmış (t) giderken (u) uyup (m) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tumaᵉ < PE tumə footprint; track; trail cf. tu-

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tumi track, trail, footprint; tuvli- (i) to make tracks; (i) to break trail

*TUMAQ ayrılmış (t) giderken (u) uyup (m) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tumar- < PE tumaʀ- /postural root: assembled/ tumarte- to assemble; to fix; to put “in shape” (of a person) 91

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tumaq- (i) to heal (of broken bone); (t) to repair it

*TUMAK ayrılmış (t) giderken (u) uyup (m) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tumak [K, Y, NI, CAN, HBC, BB], tum’i [NUN] palm of hand; tumig- [NUN] to cup something in hand; to cup the hands

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tummak (Nu) palm of hand § utummak


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tumag- [NUN] < PE tumaɣ- to be bitter-tasting and dry # said of seaweed

*TUNEQ ayrılmış (t) giderken (u) uzayıp (n) bölerek (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tuner- /dimensional root/ tunerkite- to not have a strong impact; tunertu- to have a strong impact

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *tuniq (root) endurance, fortitude; hardness of surface

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tuniq (Nu) thick webbing joined to snowshoe frame


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tungeq [Y] < PE tuŋəʀ menstrual pad; tungimaq [NUN] < PE tuŋəʀ insulating mat

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tuŋiun bed sheet


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tuntu < PE tuntu caribou (Rangifer tarandus); reindeer (additional meaning especially in K, BB)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tuttu caribou (Rangifer tarandus)

*TUNEK ayrılmış (t) giderken (u) uzayıp (n) bölerek (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tune- to exchange; to give; to trade; to sell

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tuni¹ *tunI+ (i) to be now sold; (t) to sell it

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tuni² *tunI+ (i) to give oneself up; (i) to give up

*TUNUQ ayrılmış (t) giderken (u) uzayıp (n) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tungu- < PE tuŋu to be black

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tuŋuq- (i) to be blue (from overwork or being cold); (i) to be blue (of a bruise)

*TUNUK ayrılmış (t) giderken (u) uzayıp (n) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tunu back of; area in back of # applies to human bodies, buildings and similar immovable objects, etc.; opposite of manu

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tunuq tallow; back fat; back of body (K, Y, NI, CAN additional meaning) # < tunu

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tunu back (of human body); back area; back exterior wall; tunnuq back fat of caribou or moose

*TULAK ayrılmış (t) giderken (u) düzenli (l) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tulag- < PE tulaɣ- to arrive (especially at land from the sea)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tulak- (i) to reach shore, come ashore 92

*TULUQ ayrılmış (t) giderken (u) düzenli (l) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tuluq < PE tuluʀ ivory # Nuusaarpiit taqumaut tulurnek pingayunek cingilegluteng. ‘Pronged spears are made with three ivory prongs.’ (YUU 1995:66); tuluryaq, tuluryaaq < tuluq-yaq, tuluqya(g)aq < PE tuluʀyaʀ (under PE tuluʀ) canine tooth; eyetooth

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tuluq- (t) to butt, hit her/him/it with head or tusk; (t) to attack her/him/it (of a bird); (t) to reach it =shore (of ice, boat, etc.)


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tulimaaq [tulimaraq] rib; vertical, traverse wood support of a traditional umiak frame; rainbow


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tulur- < PE tuluʀ- /postural root: leaning against something, supported by something/ tulungqa- to be leaning against something, to be supported by being put on something (e.g., the surface of the ice); tulurte- to lean against something; to support it by putting it on something (e.g., the surface of the ice)

*TULUK ayrılmış (t) giderken (u) düzenli (l) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tulukaruk, tulukaruq (Y form) < PE tulukaʀ raven (Corvus corax)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tulugaq raven (Corvus corax); Crow (Corvus sp.)

*TUPIQ ayrılmış (t) giderken (u) yükselip (p) gelerek (i) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ bağ

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tupiq lashing # and tupir- to lash # perhaps only the type of lashing used to hold the ribs and stringers of a kayak together < PY tupiʀ-; tupig- < PY tupiʀ- to weave

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tupi(-) small tattoo, facial tattoo line; (t) to tattoo her/him

*TUPEQ ayrılmış (t) giderken (u) yükselip (p) bölerek (a) karılan (q) = çadır

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tupiq(-) [tupiQ] [dual tuppak, pl. tupqit] tent; to raise, set up a tent (for her/him/it)

*TUPEK ayrılmış (t) giderken (u) yükselip (p) bölerek (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tupeg- to be excited to see someone (NSU meaning); to be responsive (NUN meaning)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *tupit (root) apprehension, uneasiness, spookiness: tupinŋa- (i) to be tense, apprehensive, jumpy; tupinŋasi- or tupinŋatchak- (i) to become apprehensive or jumpy

*TUPAK ayrılmış (t) giderken (u) yükselip (p) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tupag- < PE tupaɣ- to wake up

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tupak- (i) to be surprised, startled; (i) to wake from sleep to full wakefulness

*TUQUK ayrılmış (t) giderken (u) karılıp (q) giderek (u) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ ölü

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tuqu death # and tuqu- to die (animals or humans) < PE tuqu(-)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tuqu- (i) to die, perish, expire, pass away, pass on


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tuqluq throat; trachea; windpipe # and tuqlur- to call out; to summon; to call be name; to telephone < PE tuqlu(ɣ) and tuqluʀ 93

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tuqluk [NSU] tunnel entrance to traditional semisubterranean house; from Inupiaq tuqšuk ‘tunnel entrance’

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tuqłuk windpipe, trachea

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tuqsruk or tuqługauraq entryway, cold porch; tunnel (to a sodhouse)


tuqmik [K, NR, LI, EG] < PY tuqmik bucket; pail

*TUTEK ayrılmış (t) giderken (u) ayrılıp (t) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tutek bedmate # and tuteg- to sleep next to (another); to sleep with (her) cf. tusek; < PE tutəɣ(-)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tutik or tutaaluk grandchild, grandnephew, or grandniece

*TUVEK ayrılmış (t) giderken (u) taşınıp (v) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tuve- to cake up; to become lumpy

*TUVAQ ayrılmış (t) giderken (u) taşınıp (v) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tuvaq, tuaq < PE tuvaʀ shore-fast ice on the ocean

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tuvaq(-) [tuvaQ] or (Ti) tugaq shore-fast ice; to come in to shore (of ice); (Ti) shore ice

*TUZIK ayrılmış (t) giderken (u) girip (z) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tuyik [NUN], tuuyiik, tuusiik < PE tuðiɣ lesser golden plover (Pluvialis dominica); black-bellied plover (Pluvialis squatarola)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tullik (Nu) American golden plover (Pluvialis dominica)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tuullik or (Nu) tuutlik yellow-billed loon (Gavia adamsi); golden plover (Pluvialis dominica)

*TUYEK ayrılmış (t) giderken (u) üstlenip (y) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tuyek [HBC, NUN], tusek [K, Y, NI, CAN, BB] < PE tuyə shoulder; the present Central Yup’ik form was probably a dual originally; the obsolete singular *tusa shows up in tusailitaq and tusneq

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tuiġaq or tuiqqaq or tui [dual tuiqqak] shoulder

*TUYUQ ayrılmış (t) giderken (u) üstlenip (y) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 tuyuq² < PE tuyuʀ- thing that one sends; mail-order item # and tuyur- to send; to send for; to order (e.g., by mail)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 tuyuq- (i) to write a letter; (t) to send her/him/it something; (t) to write a letter to her/him/it

M ᴛᴜʀ uyma ᴇɴɢ cohesion

*MAQEQ uymuş (m) kalırken (a) karılıp (q) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 maqe- < PE maqə- to ooze; to flow out; to issue forth liquid; maq’i- < maqe-i¹- to ejaculate semen

INYUPİK maqi- (i) to flow out, leak out, drain; (i) to sweat; (i) to run (of nose) 94

*MIQIK uymuş (m) gelirken (i) karılıp (q) gelerek (i) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ kusmuk

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 miryaq vomit # and miryar- to vomit < PE miʀyaʀ(-)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 miġiaq(-) or muġiaq(-) or miġġiq vomit; to vomit (it); (t) to vomit on her/him/it

*MIKEK uymuş (m) gelirken (i) katılıp (k) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mike- [NS, Y, NI, CAN, K, BB, NR, LI], mikte- [HBC, NUN, NI, CAN, EG] to be little; to be small in size; to be young

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 miki- (i) to be small

*MIKUQ uymuş (m) gelirken (i) katılıp (k) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mikur- to be abundant at a given place and time mainly of fish and insects; to gather; to swarm

*MITEK uymuş (m) gelirken (i) ayrılıp (t) bölerek (e) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ uçarken yere konan kuş

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mit’e- < PE mit- to land from the air; to alight

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 mit- [mIt] (i) to land from flight (of bird, airplane)


mingqe- < PE miŋqə- to sew; mingqun < PE miŋqun needle

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 miquq- to sew (it); miqsruun needle; mitqun [mItqun] needle; (Nu) narrow bone in hind leg of caribou


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 minġuq- (i) to be very tired, weary; (i) to tire

*MIMEQ uymuş (m) gelirken (i) uyup (m) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mimeq < PE miməʀ thigh of bird or mammal

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 mimiq [mimiQ]or mumiq [dual mimmak] hindquarter, haunch

*MINEK uymuş (m) gelirken (i) uzayıp (n) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 minek wake of a fish or a boat; mineg- [< PE minəɣ] to become moldy (of a drying fish when a bitter-tasting substance, probably a mold, forms on its surface in damp, rainy weather; also of salmon at spawning time)

*MINAQ uymuş (m) gelirken (i) uzayıp (n) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 minaq food set aside for someone # and minar- to leave, keep, or save food for someone else; to take food to (EG meaning)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 miñaq- (t) to save, set it =something which belongs to oneself aside for someone else

*MINUK uymuş (m) gelirken (i) uzayıp (n) giderek (u) katılan (k) = çiseleme

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 minuk < PE minəɣ² drizzle

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 miñik(-) mist, moisture, drizzle; splash made by fish or thrown object; (i) to be misty; to drizzle, rain lightly; to be damp with mist (of ground, snow)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 minguk < PE miŋuɣ- paint; color; ointment; butter # and mingug to spread; to smear; to paint 95

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 miŋuk- (t) to color, mark, or smear something on her/him/it using one’s hands

*MILIQ uymuş (m) gelirken (i) düzenli (l) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 miḷiq¹ *miḷiQ] [pl. miḷġit] (Nu) willow ceiling on temporary shelter which is then covered with sod

*MILIK uymuş (m) gelirken (i) düzenli (l) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 miḷik very soft snow

*MILUQ uymuş (m) gelirken (i) düzenli (l) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mil- < PE miluʀ /root/ milpag-, mileqpag- to throw hard (at); milqar- to throw (at); milqun, milqaun something to throw; miluqu- to throw things # with the implication of maliciousness; miluute- to stand out (be very noticeable)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 miḷuq- (t) to hit her/him/it with a thrown object; (t) to shout hurtful words at her/him

*MEQIQ uymuş (m) bölerken (e) karılıp (q) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 meqiq fly egg # and meqir- to lay eggs # of flies

*MEQIK uymuş (m) bölerken (e) karılıp (q) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 merig- < PY-S məʀiɣ- /postural root/ caved in; folded over; hemmed : merigte-, meringqa-

*MEQEK uymuş (m) bölerken (e) karılıp (q) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 meqe- < PY-S məqə- to shed or lose hair # of animals or humans

*MEQUQ uymuş (m) bölerken (e) karılıp (q) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mequq [ Y] < ?-quq human excrement

INYUPİK maqu², (Ti) miqu- (i) to defecate or urinate; maqquq bodily waste

*MEQUK uymuş (m) bölerken (e) karılıp (q) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 merug- to go under or in (e.g., the water, the ground)

*MEKEQ uymuş (m) bölerken (e) katılıp (k) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mege- < PY məɣə- to not want to go back to one’s undesirable former living situation

*METEQ uymuş (m) bölerken (e) ayrılıp (t) bölerek (e) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ pufla (Somateria)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 meter- < PE mətəʀ /root/ metervik bald eagle (Haliaetus leucocephalus); metraq, metr(aq) (NUN form) common eider (Somateria mollissima)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 mitiq [mitiQ] [pl. mitqIt] eider duck; (Nu) female eider duck (Somateria spectabilis); mitiġvik *Tikiġaq+ = a large black bird (said to have a 10-foot wingspan, in stories) § Ü.Ç: muhtemelen Haliaeetus pelagicus.

*METEK uymuş (m) bölerken (e) ayrılıp (t) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *mitik (root) bounce: mitiglak(-) (Ti) (i) to flick one’s thumb against another finger; to bounce away; (t) to flick, fillip it; Carrom Board; (i) to play Carrom Board

*METUK uymuş (m) bölerken (e) ayrılıp (t) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 mitu(-) (Nu) first chunks of sea ice which form in the fall (clings to nets); (t) to cling to it =usu. a net (of new sea ice which forms in the fall) 96

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 mitik (Nu) slush ice (in a fishing hole)

*MENEK uymuş (m) bölerken (e) uzayıp (n) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mente- < PE mənət to leave none

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 minit- (i) to be excluded, to be left out; (t) to omit, to exclude her/him/it when distributing something; nimit- (t) to exclude, pass over someone when distributing something


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 menge- to sing a song with soft drumming preliminary to the start of Eskimo-dancing

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mengkuk [NI] labret

*MELEK uymuş (m) bölerken (e) düzenli (l) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 melek door # and meleg- to close

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 milik (Nu) or miligaq diaphragm (anatomical)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mellaq plug; stopper # and mellar- to plug

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 milik(-) stopper, plug; (i) to be plugged; (t) to plug it


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 melu- < PY-S məlu- to cover one’s eyes while the other players hide in a game of hide-and-seek


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 melquq < PE məlquʀ feather; human body hair; animal fur cf. meqe-

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 mitquq feather; fur; body hair

*MELUK uymuş (m) bölerken (e) düzenli (l) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 melug¹ < PE məluɣ- to suck; to snort snuff; to smoke tobacco (additional Y, NS meaning)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 miluk(-) nipple of breast; breast; (Ti) milk (commercial or human); (i) to nurse (of child); (t) to suck it =breast, thumb, etc.; (t) to take a puff on it =cigarette, cigar, or pipe § mulu


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 melug² /postural root: dented/ melugte- to dent; melungqa- to be dented


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 meluk fish eggs; roe; fish eggs prepared by allowing them to age and become a sticky mass # and melug³ to eat roe [HBC, NI, CAN, K, UY, BB, NR, LI, EG]

*MECIQ uymuş (m) bölerken (e) içlenip (c) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mecir(ar)- < PE məciʀaʀ- to deny doing something that one has done

*MECIK uymuş (m) bölerken (e) içlenip (c) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mecig- < PE məciɣ- to be clearly visible; to be able to see well 97

*MECEK uymuş (m) bölerken (e) içlenip (c) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 meceg- [NS] < PE məcəɣ- to jump; cf. qeceg-

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 misik- (i) to leap straight up; (i) to jump down from a low height; (t) to jump across her/him/it

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *misik (root) expectation of a happening

*MECAQ uymuş (m) bölerken (e) içlenip (c) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 misaq- (i) to lick the lips moistly and loudly

*MECAK uymuş (m) bölerken (e) içlenip (c) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mecak < PE məcaɣ puddle cf. meq

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 misak(-) or masak(-) or matchak(-) wet ground; slush; swamp; waterlogged snow; (i) to be slushy (of snow); (i) to be wet (of ground)

*MECUQ uymuş (m) bölerken (e) içlenip (c) giderek (u) karılan (q)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mecuq < PE məcu(ɣ) or məcuʀ liquid part of something; sap; juice; green or waterlogged wood cf. meq;

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 misuq [pl. mitchut] sap; juice from whale meat being cured; shoot of plant


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mecur- to get blood poisoning

*MECUK uymuş (m) bölerken (e) içlenip (c) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 misuk- (i) to be dipped (into a liquid); (t) to dip it (into a liquid)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *misu (root) healthy look: misuiq- (i) to become pale in the face; misuit- (i) to be pale in the face

*MAQEK uymuş (m) kalırken (a) karılıp (q) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 maqik- (i) to carry something on one’s shoulders over a portage; (t) to carry it =kayak on one’s shoulders over a portage

*MAQUQ uymuş (m) kalırken (a) karılıp (q) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mar- /dimensional root/ markite- to be short; martu- to be long


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 maruara- < PE maʀu² or maɣu to howl # of animals; cf. eme-;

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 magu- (i) to howl, to bay (of dog or wolf)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *maġ (root) canine vocal sound; howl


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 maryarta person going ahead of a dogteam, leading it; leader (of any sort) # and maryarte-, marsarte- (NS form), marte- to lead # often of a person or a dog leading a team but not attached to the team, unless used figuratively < PY-S maʀyaʀ-

*MAQUK uymuş (m) kalırken (a) karılıp (q) giderek (u) katılan (k) 98

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 maqu¹ (i) to become spoiled, marred, corrupted; (i) to be destroyed; (i) to deteriorate (of a human relationship)

*MAQAQ uymuş (m) kalırken (a) karılıp (q) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 maqaq warmth; heat # and maqar- to be warm # of clothes, bedding, etc. < PY-S maqaq; maqi- < maqaq-i³- to take a steambath; to take a sweatbath; to take a sauna bath to take a shower (additional Y meaning) # refers to taking a dry- heat sweatbath as in the old-time kashim (qasgiq) as well as to taking a wet-heat sweatbath (steambath) with the steam usually produced by pouring water over very hot rocks


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 mau- *maġu+ (i) to sink into soft ground, mud, or snow as one takes a step; (t) to sink into it = soft ground, mud, or snow as one takes a step


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 maraq < PE maʀʀaʀ marshy, muddy lowland

*MAKIQ uymuş (m) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 makiraq < PY-S makiʀ- gathering of food; one who is gathering food # and makira¹ to gather greens, tubers, berries, eggs, etc. to eat

*MAKIK uymuş (m) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mai, maik pore on skin; maa [NUN] goose bump; pore

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 maak butt end of a feather or tusk, feather stub on molting duck

*MAKEQ uymuş (m) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 makete- [NSU], makte- to rise; to get up; to set upright # active; makta- < PE makəta- (under PE makət-) to be up; to be upright # stative

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 makit- (i) to stand up; (i) to get out of bed; (i) to arise; (t) to set it upright

*MAKEQ-LAK ᴛᴜʀ buzdaki delikten yukarı çıkan fok?

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 maklak [S, K, Y, HBC, NUN, CAN , BB, NR, LI, EG] bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus)

*MAKEK uymuş (m) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 maki- (i) to come loose (of a patch)

*MAKAQ uymuş (m) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 makaq [Y, NI, NUN, NS] < PE makkaʀ diaper; Tengmianek-gguq tengmilqunek makangqerrlartut irniarit. ‘Their children had diapers of bird down

INYUPİK makkaq(-) diaper; sanitary pad; (i) to put on a diaper; (t) to put a diaper on her/him/it


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 maŋaq- (i) to be dark, be black

*MAKAK uymuş (m) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mangag- < PE maŋaɣ- to bevel the edge of a skin for sewing (K, BB meaning); to split a hide (CAN meaning); to cut with scissors (Y meaning) 99


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mangtak [Y, HBC, NS], mangengtak [BB] < PE maŋtaɣ beluga skin with fat attached; muktuk

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 maktak whale skin with blubber attached

*MAKUQ uymuş (m) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 makuaq ice crystal suspended in water; dust particle suspended in air

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 mau (root) sea ice: mauq- (i) to be seal hunting on the ice; maut- (i) to walk out in the direction of open water; (i) to go hunting out on the sea ice

*MATAQ uymuş (m) kalırken (a) ayrılıp (t) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 matar- < PE mattaʀ- undressed; without a coat # postural root

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 mattaq- (i) to get out of harness (of dog); (i) to remove one’s parka; (t) to remove dog’s harness; (t) to remove her/his parka; (t) to take it =clothing off of oneself

*MATUK yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) ayrılıp (t) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 patu- to cover; to close; to shut # and patu cover; lid < PE matu(-) ; palqerte- < patu-qerte- to fall over on top something, entrapping it

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 matu(-) lid, cover; sod house skylight shutter; (i) to be now covered; (t) to cover it

*MAMEQ uymuş (m) kalırken (a) uyup (m) bölerek (e) karılan (q)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mameq [NUN] patch

INYUPİK mamiq membrane scraped from dried animal skin used in olden days as a bandage


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mame- to close in; to flatten; to heal; in general, to cease having any disruption of a smooth surface


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mamcaq < PE mamca(ʀ) spleen; maksaq < PY maksaq spleen; upper part of abdomen

INYUPİK mavsa or mapsa overhanging snowdrift, ready to fall; snow cornice; overhang; spleen, membrane attached to an animal’s stomach


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mam- /dimensional root/ mamkite- to be thin; mamtu- to be thick

INYUPİK maptu- (i) to be thick, e.g., fabric, skin, book | +tu- rv


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mamlek [Y, NUN] < PE mamələɣ (under PE mamə) thigh-high skin boots with fur above the knee and waterproof material below the knee; cf. amlek

*MAMAQ uymuş (m) kalırken (a) uyup (m) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 mamaq- (i) to taste good, to smell good (of food)

*MANIQ uymuş (m) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) gelerek (i) karılan (q) 100

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mani- < PE mani- to display; to show; to put out in view; to put on the stove to cook

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 mani- [manI] (i) to present oneself; (t) to show, present, introduce, display her/him/it

*MANIK uymuş (m) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) gelerek (i) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ toplanan yumurta ᴇɴɢ gathered egg


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 manik [Y, NS] < PE manniɣ bird’s egg

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 mannik [mannIk] egg

VERB FORM ᴛᴜʀ *yumurta gibi+ pürüzsüz olma

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 manig- < PE maniɣ to be smooth [

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 manik¹ *manIk+ (i) to be smooth (e.g., of ice)

§ İnyupikçede "yumurta" için yalnızca "mannik" kullanılırken, Yupikçede "manik" *Y, NS+, "peksuq" [Y, LI, UK, MK], "kayanguq" HBC, NI, NUN, CAN, LK, BB, NR, EG+ olmak üzere üç farklı ad kullanılır. Yupikçedeki farklılığın sebebini dilyurdundan ayrılmaya bağlamak gerek, deniz kıyısındaki kuşlar ile iç bölgedekiler farklıdır ve yumurta toplama da ona göre değişkendir. Eskimo dilinin kurulum yerini (dilyurdunu) bir başka deyişle "kuluçka yerini" tespit etmede kullanılabilecek anahtar sözlerden biridir.

*MANEQ uymuş (m) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 maneq [NS] < PE manəʀ clump of grass on the tundra; tussock

INYUPİK maniq(-) [maniQ] tussock; moss (Dicranum rugosum), used as wick with stove lamps; clump of grass; (t) to bury, enclose it with tussocks, clumps of grass

*MANAQ uymuş (m) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 manaq fishing lure with hook # and manar- to fish with hook, line, and lure; to hook for fish [NS, Y, HBC, K, NI, CAN, LI] < PE manaʀ

INYUPİK manaq(-) a wooden, pear-shaped float with four hooks and line (for retrieving seals); jigging tackle (for tomcod); (t) to retrieve it = usu. a wounded seal in sea with the hook and line

*MANAK uymuş (m) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mangak [HBC, NS] fortitude

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 manglleg- to sob involuntarily at intervals after crying a long time; to gasp spasmodically after crying

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mangyuarir-, mangyuar(ar)- < mang-? [HBC] to sob from sadness

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mang- /root/ > manglleg-, mangyuarir-

*MANUQ yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 manu front side of something PE manu

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 manu breast of shirt or parka

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 manu upper front of shirt or parka; manuġmik- to carry (it) under one’s chin

*MANUK yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 maŋuk- (i) to become nailed, pegged or staked in; (t) to drive it in, e.g., a nail, peg or stake

*MALIK uymuş (m) kalırken (a) düzenli (l) gelerek (i) katılan (k) 101

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 malik companion; thing taken along; malig- to take or bring along something; maligte- to go along; to accompany; to follow with the permission of the one followed

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 malik- (i) to follow; (t)to follow him/it


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 maliġi- (t) to follow her/him/it; to follow her/his/its directions


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 malruk two; malri twin # and malri- to give birth to twins < malruk-li- < PE malʀi (under PE malʀuɣ)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 malġuk number two; a pair; malġI arctic loon (Gavia artica); a twin; malġI- (i)to give birth to twins

*MALEK uymuş (m) kalırken (a) düzenli (l) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 malleg- < PY-S małəɣ- to be close to; to be near to

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 maligiik- (i)to be close in age, of siblings

*MALAK uymuş (m) kalırken (a) düzenli (l) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 malak (Ti) chest (anatomical)

*MALUK yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) düzenli (l) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mallu, malluk < PY-S mału(k) beached carcass or other thing found while one is beachcombing # and mallu- to find a beached carcass

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 maluk (root) strangeness, oddity: maluŋnaq- (i) to be shameful; (i) to have a fault recognized by others; (i) to be odd, not look right, appear wrong

*MAPUQ uymuş (m) kalırken (a) yükselip (p) giderek (u) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ havaya fırlatma battaniyesi ᴇɴɢ tossing blanket

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 map (root) popping noise: mapkuq bearded sealskins sewn together and used for blanket toss at Nalukataq | +kuq rn

*MACIK uymuş (m) kalırken (a) içlenip (c) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pacik ˢᵍ paciik ᵈˡ < PE maciɣ gills

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 masik [masIk] gill of fish; front cross beam on deck of kayak

*MACEQ uymuş (m) kalırken (a) içlenip (c) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 masseq old salmon near spawning

*MACAQ uymuş (m) kalırken (a) içlenip (c) kalarak (a) karılan (q) = güneş

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 macaq sun # and macar- for the sun to be shining < PE macaʀ

*MACUK uymuş (m) kalırken (a) içlenip (c) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 masu edible taproot of Alpine Sweetvetch (Hedysarum alpinum); “Eskimo potato”

*MAYUQ uymuş (m) kalırken (a) üstlenip (y) giderek (u) karılan (q) = tırmanan, tırmanma

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mayur- to go up; to climb; to ascend; to go to the mountains to camp and hunt there in spring or fall 102

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 mayuq- (i) to climb, ascend; (i) to move to a higher position (of person), e.g., to a better job; (t) to climb, ascend it; (t) to set her/him/it on or in a higher place

*MUQAK uymuş (m) giderken (u) karılıp (q) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 murak [Y, K, NI, CAN, BB, NR, LI] wood; log; stick

*MUQUK uymuş (m) giderken (u) karılıp (q) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 muru- < PE maʀu¹ to sink into snow, mud, etc.; to put on boots without using liners in them

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 murug- < PE muʀðuɣ- /postural root: pulled down/ murugte- to sink or dive down; to pull inward or downward; to gather cloth as in sewing; murungqa- to be submerged


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *muġ (root) saturation: muġałłiq or (Ti) miġaliq or muġaliq slush ice, waterlogged snow (floating on ocean) (foam-like in appearance), snow and thin ice on water when freeze-up begins, slushy ice which forms on shore at the first freeze


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *muq (root) curve: muqpaaq(-) ball made from cartilage of whale flipper; (i) to play ball; muqpak- (i) to arch the body high out of the water prior to diving (of sea mammal)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 murte- [HBC] to make into a batter; murtaq < murte-aq¹ [HBC] batter; dough


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 murqe- to rinse clothes cf. meq

*MUKIQ uymuş (m) giderken (u) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) karılan (q) = dolunay

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 muir- to fill or become full to capacity; to become full (of the moon)

*MUMIK uymuş (m) giderken (u) uyup (m) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mumig- turned over; translated # generally of something with similar or equivalent sides; postural root < PE mumiɣ-; mumigte- to turn over; to translate; to transliterate

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 mumik- [mumIk] or [mumik] (i) to turn over; (i) undergo a character reversal; (t) to turn her/him/it over; (t) to translate, interpret it

*MUMEQ uymuş (m) giderken (u) uyup (m) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mumeq < PE muməʀ(-) drumstick; a tassel, representing a drumstick, hanging from one of the calfskin pieces on the traditional Yup’ik “qulitaq” parka as worn in the coastal area # and mumer- to beat a drum

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 mumiq(-) [mumiQ] drumstick (of a bird); hindquarter; upper back part of thigh (of human); (Nu) (i) to dance in the Canadian Inuit style; (Ti) (i) to dance alone with a drum (of man); mumiġnaq tree root; stump

*MUNAQ uymuş (m) giderken (u) uzayıp (n) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 munar- < PE munaʀ- to be dexterous; to be skillful

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *munaq (root) caretaking: munaġi- (t) to take care of, watch over, guard her/him/it

*MULEK uymuş (m) giderken (u) düzenli (l) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mula [NUN], emulek < PE mulə(ɣ) nipple; tip of paddle blade 103

*MULAK uymuş (m) giderken (u) düzenli (l) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mulngag- < PY mulŋa /root/ mulngaite- to habitually act carelessly or recklessly, without thinking of the possible consequences; mulngake- to act gently and carefully

*MULUK uymuş (m) giderken (u) düzenli (l) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 mulu- < PE mulu- to tarry; to stay away a long time

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 mulu¹ (i) to stay away longer than expected, a long time

N ᴛᴜʀ uzama ᴇɴɢ lengthen

*NIQAQ uzamış (n) gelirken (i) karılıp (q) kalarak (a) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ köprü

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nirar- [LI, NR, UK] < PY niʀaʀ- to go across a creek, gully, etc., by a bridge or using something as a bridge; to cross by airplane

*NIQUQ uzamış (n) gelirken (i) karılıp (q) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 iru, iruq < PE niʀu leg (human, animal, (or table)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 niu leg

*NIKUK uzamış (n) gelirken (i) katılıp (k) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 yuu²- < PE niɣu to disembark; to take off (clothing); to remove a net or snare; to take out from a vessel or container

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 niu- [nigu] (i) to get out of a conveyance or a container; (t) to take her/him/it out of a conveyance or a container

*NILAQ uzamış (n) gelirken (i) düzenli (l) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nillaq, nillaun, nillaraun, nillarcuun, nillarissuun skin-stretching frame or form # and nillar- to stretch a skin to dry < PY-S ni(i)łaʀ- ; ngillar- [NSK] to stretch a skin to dry

*NIPEK uzamış (n) gelirken (i) yükselip (p) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nipe- < PE nəpə- to go out; to be extinguished

*NEQEQ uzamış (n) bölerken (e) karılıp (q) bölerek (e) karılan (q)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 neqaᵉ < PE nəqə food; fish


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nere- < PE nəʀə- to eat; nerqe- < nere-rqe²- < PY-S nəʀqə- to feed # usually dogs or babies

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 niġi- *niġI+ to eat (it); niqi food, meat; niqipiaq meat (of marine and terrestrial animals that Iñupiat eat); niġrun large animal

? 104

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 niġukkaq rumen *the largest of the 4 chambers of caribou stomach (Rausch ²009)+; food delicacy *rumen, the first stomach of caribou which is normally filled with greens and often a delicacy for the Iñupiaq, especially with the liver and meat from the legs stuffed into the rumen, which is called “caribou spinach”+


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 neqleq white-fronted goose (Anser albifrons); Canada goose (Branta canadensis) (meaning in UY, UK, BB, LI, EG); in some areas, a general term for goose; leqleq white-fronted goose (Anser albifrons) (NS meaning); Canada goose (Branta canadensis) (NSU meaning) < PE nəʀləʀ and nəqləʀ

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 niġliq *niġliQ+ general term for goose (female) or gander (male) / -liQ or +liQ or = liQ or ~liQ nn, vn, rn (limited) one that has a N or has the quality or association with the N or V

*NEQEK uzamış (n) bölerken (e) karılıp (q) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 neri- /root/ nerilegte- to anticipate eagerly especially, concerning one who is away or from whom one is separated; to await anxiously; to worry about; nerinike- to be anxious for (one’s arrival, return, etc.); to be impatient for (him) to come; nerinite- to be anxious; to be impatient

*NEQUK uzamış (n) bölerken (e) karılıp (q) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nequ- < PE nəqu /dimensional root/ nequkite- to be narrow; nequtu- to be wide

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *niġu² (root) wideness: niġukit- (i) to be narrow in width; niġutu- (i) to be wide (clothing size


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 niġumik- *niġumIk+ or niġummaak- (i) to be lukewarm; (i) to be smooth and soft (as fur)

*NEKEQ uzamış (n) bölerken (e) katılıp (k) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 negeq, negeqnaq, negeqvaq < PE nəɣəʀ north; north wind

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *nig (root) cold: nigiq east wind; (Ti) north wind; north; (Nu) northeast wind, northeast; niglit- to (add snow, ice, or cold water to) cool (it)

*NEKEK uzamış (n) bölerken (e) katılıp (k) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *niki (root) unevenness: nikit- (i) to have been made uneven


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nekav- [Y] /root/ nekavli- to have disheveled or tangled hair; nekavte- to dishevel (hair)

*NEKAQ uzamış (n) bölerken (e) katılıp (k) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 negaq snare; single mesh of a net; spider web # and negar- to catch of snare or noose; to be caught in a snare or noose

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nigaq(-) snare for large animals; mesh of a net; (t) to snare, lasso her/him/it


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 negcik gaff; pew tool for handling fish; jack in cards (BB additional meaning) # and negcig- to hook with a gaff = legcik; < PE nəɣciɣ

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 niksik(-) [niksIk] fishhook or lure; a device to hook something with; to hook (it)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 negiliq parka ruff; edge of hood where ruff is attached rather than the ruff itself (NUN meaning) Y, NS, HBC, NI, CAN, K; = legiliq; < PE nəɣiliʀ, nəɣilaʀ 105

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nigraq strip of fur or material hanging on clothing as decoration

*NEKAK uzamış (n) bölerken (e) katılıp (k) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 neka < PE nəka- emotional pain; hurt feelings

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nika- (i) to avoid eye contact; (i) to be still, silent; (i) to be a non-participant due to one’s embarrassment, lack of confidence, or fear of authority

*NEKUQ uzamış (n) bölerken (e) katılıp (k) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 negur- < PE nəɣuʀ- to go around an obstacle in one’s path

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 niguq- to leave (it =job, work) because ofdissatisfaction

*NEKUK uzamış (n) bölerken (e) katılıp (k) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *niku (root) squatting


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nek’ve- < PE nəkəvə(t)- to stand up (NUN, EG meaning); to play out (of a harpoon line)(CAN meaning)

*NEMEQ uzamış (n) bölerken (e) uyup (m) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nemeq binding; lashing; wrapping; bandage # and nemer- to bind; to lash; to wrap; to bandage < PE nəməʀ(-)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nimiq- or nimiqsruq- (t) to wrap it with something; (t) to wind something around it

*NENEQ uzamış (n) bölerken (e) uzayıp (n) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 neneq [HBC, NUN] bone; one of twelve or thirteen ribs in center part of kayak that have thin cross-sections at areas of bends (turn of the bilge) (additional meaning in HBC); naneq [NS, EG] bone; eneq bone; frame (of tent, kayak etc.) [K, Y, NI, CAN, BB, NR, LI] < PY-S nənəq


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 niŋiqpak long spear with bone or flint head, used for bear (base can be planted in ground so that charging bear is impaled)

*NENEK uzamış (n) bölerken (e) uzayıp (n) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nenge- < PE nəŋə- to stretch; to extend; to stand on tiptoe

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 niŋi- (i) to descend gradually, as lowering by a rope; (i) to slide down (of socks, eyeglasses, etc.)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nengiq < PE nəŋiʀ portion of a catch; share # and nengir- to divide a catch for distribution

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 niŋiq(-) *niŋIq+ a share (from any game animal); (i) to get a share (of the catch in a hunt); (Ti) division of a whale into shares

*NELEQ uzamış (n) bölerken (e) düzenli (l) bölerek (e) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ osuruk, osurma

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 neleq [HBC, NUN], naleq [NS], [e]leq, leq flatus; gas expelled rectally; vulgar fart # and neler- [HBC, NUN], naler- [NS], [e]ler-, ler- to break wind; to expel flatus; vulgar to fart < PE nələʀ(-)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 niliq(-) flatus; gas = escaping air from poke or float; (i) to fart; nilit- (i) to deflate (e.g., of balloon); (t) to cause (it=water level) to lower; (t) to cause it =swelling or swollen part to reduce in size

? 106

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nelte- [HBC, NUN], elte- < PE nələt- (under PE nələʀ(-)to deflate; to let air out; to leak air

*NEPEK uzamış (n) bölerken (e) yükselip (p) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nepaᵉ noise, sound

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nipi² voice, sound

*NEPUQ uzamış (n) bölerken (e) yükselip (p) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nipuq- (i) to disregard caution

*NEVEQ uzamış (n) bölerken (e) taşınıp (v) bölerek (e) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ yüzüstü yatarken dönüp sırtüstü uzanma

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 never- < PE nəvəʀ- lying on one’s back # postural root

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 niviq- (i) to shift position so as to lie on one’s back; (t) to turn it upside down; (i) expose its underside

*NEVEK uzamış (n) bölerken (e) taşınıp (v) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 neve¹-, leve- [HBC] < PE nəvə- to have things clinging to it (such as herring roe on seaweed, snow on clothing, bugs on food, water weeds on a propeller); to cling

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nivi(-) [nivI] place where animals and insects gather; to be attracted (to it =bait or food) (of game animal); to flock around, hover over (her/him/it) (of birds, mosquitoes bees, etc.); (t) to cling, adhere to her/him/it


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nepte- to stick; to cling; to adhere

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nipit- (i) to adhere to a sticky substance


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nevuq < PE nəvðuʀ or əvðuʀ dirt; soil; mud


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nevkuq < PE nəvku dried small fish; dried meat

*NEVAK uzamış (n) bölerken (e) taşınıp (v) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nivak- to dig (it)

*NAQEQ uzamış (n) kalırken (a) karılıp (q) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 naqaᵉ [NS] < PE naqðaʀ valley wall; slope

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 naqit- (i) to be low, positioned close to the ground; (t) to press her/him/it down


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 naqsraq(-) a ridge which divides watersheds of rivers; a pass, a valley or passage in the mountains; low point of a hill; (i) to travel via the lowest point; (t) to travel via its lowest point | ~qsraq vn § naqit-

*NAQEK uzamış (n) kalırken (a) karılıp (q) bölerek (e) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ koku alma

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nare- < PE naʀə- to smell # in the sense of detecting, not of having, an odor

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 naġI (root) smell, odor; nai- [nagI] to smell (her/him/it): naggiñ smell, odor 107

*NAQUQ uzamış (n) kalırken (a) karılıp (q) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 narurte- to act against accepted standards of behavior; to transgress; to disobey

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 naġġu- (i) to dislike, not want, reject, refuse something

*NAQUK uzamış (n) kalırken (a) karılıp (q) giderek (u) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ yolunu kesme, engelleme

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 narug- < PE naʀðuɣ- to intercept; to encounter; to meet


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 naruyaq¹ < ?-yaq < PE naʀuyaʀ seagull; gull; mew gull (Larus canus); glaucous-winged gull (Larus glaucescens); northern fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nauyaq seagull


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 narulkaq spear # and narulkar- to spear < PE naʀułəkaʀ (under PE naʀułəɣ-)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *nau (root) forward, upward process: nauligaq(-) whaling harpoon; (Ti) harpoon (for bearded seal and walrus); (i) to use the harpoon; (t) to harpoon it = seal, ugruk


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 naqte- [HBC] < PE naqət- to weave; to braid

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 naqir- to lash; to bind

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 naqugte- to put on a belt; to gird


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 narrlu² /dimensional root/ narrlukite- to be shallow (of a net); narrlutu- to be deep (of a net)

*NAKEQ uzamış (n) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) bölerek (e) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ düz

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 naker-, nakercete- < PE nakaʀ- to be straight; to be accurate; to be accurate when shooting; naki²- [EG, NUN] to go in a straight line; to agree; naki¹- to be good at catching game [BB]

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nakiq- (i) to go direct, straight; (i) to shoot far (of an arrow); nakataq foresight on gun


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nakerneq < naker-neq¹, nakirneq < ?-neq¹ straight stretch of a river


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nakerqatak < ?-qatak, nakirqatak < ?-qatak side wall a semi-subterranean house


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nagte-, lagte- [EG] < PE naɣət, to get snagged; to get caught on something # on a branch, nail, etc.

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *nak (root) attachment : naktit- (i) to become snagged, stuck; (t) to hang it up on a hook or peg; naksatit- (i) to suddenly, abruptly become snagged, caught (of a person or object in motion)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nakacuk < PE nakacuɣ bladder

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nakasuk bladder / -suk nn, vn (limited) one associated with N or being N 108

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 naki- [nakI] (i) to be unable to urinate because of a urinary tract disorder

*NAKAQ uzamış (n) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nakaaq [LY, CAN, BB, EG] < PE nakaʀ wild rhubarb (Polygonum alaskanum)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nakaar- [NSU] < PE nakkaʀ- to dip one’s head into water

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nakaq or nakaaq or nakaun or nakautaq stem of an edible plant, stem, stalk of plant; (Nu) tall marsh grass with white top

*NAKAK uzamış (n) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 niite- < PE naɣa(t)- to hear # often with the implication of understanding or obeying

*NAKUQ uzamış (n) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) giderek (u) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ şaşı

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 naku- < PE naku(ʀ)- to be cross-eyed

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 naku- (i) to cross one’s eyes; to cross (of eyes)


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nagruk(-) antler; horn; (i) for two caribou to fight with their antlers; (t) to strike her/him/it with the antlers

*NAKUK uzamış (n) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nau¹ < PE naɣu- to grow # of plants or abnormal body conditions, not of animals (in general); naucir- to plant; nauciq¹ [NSU, LI] < nau¹-? wild rhubarb (Polygonum alaskanum); nauciq² [NUN(A)] hair at nape of neck

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nau- [nagu] (i) to grow (of a plant or wart); (i) to wax (of moon); (i) to increase

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *nau (root) forward, upward process

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *naku (root) goodness, pleasure: nakuaq cherished item; nakuraq fat (of caribou or moose); anything delicious

*NATEQ uzamış (n) kalırken (a) ayrılıp (t) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nateq < PE natəʀ floor; flooring

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 natiq(-)¹ *natiQ+ floor; to construct a floor (on it); natqik- [natqIk] (i) to recover from an illness or injury so that one’s condition is stable; (t) to correct, rectify, set things right with her/him/it

*NANIQ uzamış (n) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) gelerek (i) karılan (q)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 naniq < PE naniʀ lamp; light any kind (LY, NS meaning); flashlight (HBC meaning)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 naniq light, lamp


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 naniq- (i) to be caught in a trap; (t) to pin her/him/it down with weight; (t) to travel directly over her/him/it (of moving conveyance); (t) to catch it in one’s trap

§ Maclean, "lamba" anlamındaki NANIQ ile "tuzağa yakalanmak" anlamındaki NANIQ- maddelerini ayrı ayrı veriyor. Şamanik bakınca kökteşlik çıkıyor ortaya: bizdeki eski kandilleri ya da idare lambalarını hatırlatan ve soba olarak da hizmet gören Eskimo lambasında alevler tuzağa yakalanmış gibidir, kaçmak istese de lambadan fazla uzaklaşamıyor; mantık bu.

*NANIK uzamış (n) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) gelerek (i) katılan (k) 109

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nani- /root/ nanikua- < nani-? < PY nani² to feel desperate; to feel helpless; to feel abandoned; to be unable to cope with a situation; nanilliur- to be lonesome

*NANEQ uzamış (n) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 naner- < PE nanəʀ- to set weight on (it); to weigh down; to press; to catch in a trap (additional meaning in NSU)

*NANEK uzamış (n) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nange- < PE naŋə- to be consumed; to be used up; for there to be no more

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 naŋiq *naŋIq+ waterproof pad placed under baby or invalid


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nangte- to abuse physically or psychologically, to torment; to be sick, ill (meaning in NUN and NSU)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 naŋit¹ (i) to be sick

*NANUQ uzamış (n) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) giderek (u) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ kutup ayısı

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nanuaq [NS, Y, HBC] < PE nanuʀ polar bear (Ursus maritimus)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nanuq [dual nannuk, pl. nannut] polar bear (Ursus maritimus); nanuġaq piece of polar bear skin

*NANUK uzamış (n) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) giderek (u) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ ov[ala]ma

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nanuk- to rub something on (her/him/it)

*NALIK uzamış (n) kalırken (a) düzenli (l) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nalik cover hanging over something; tent; shelter # and nalig- to be covering (it)

*NALAQ uzamış (n) kalırken (a) düzenli (l) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nalaq found thing; discovery; nalaqe- < nalaq-ke²-, nataqe- < ?-ke²- < PY nataqə- to find; to discover; nalke- < nalle-ke²- < PY-S nalkə- to find; to discover; nalle- that which corresponds in time and space; that which is even with

*NALAK uzamış (n) kalırken (a) düzenli (l) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nala- < PE nala- to die (of plants, animals, people); to wither, to be eclipsed; to become numb, have parasthesia (pins and needles feeling); nalate- to kill (plants, animals, people)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nala- (i) to lie in a horizontal position on one’s side or back

*NALUK uzamış (n) kalırken (a) düzenli (l) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nalug-¹ < PE nalluɣ- to hoist; to raise; to lift; to throw into the air; to make an offering

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 naluk¹ (t) to throw it underhand; (t) to toss it up; (i) to swim (of walrus); Nalukataq(-) whaling festival held usually in June, after spring whaling season ends (a communal feast held outdoors in which blanket tossing is the main entertainment with an Eskimo dance providing the grand finale); (i) to celebrate


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 naluaq [naluraq] sun-bleached seal or bearded sealskin


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nalug² < PE naluɣ- to swim from one shore to another (mainly of animals); to “send” the bladders under the ice during the Bladder Feast (Nakaciuryaraq) # there may actually be two separate bases here 110

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 naluk² (i) to swim (of sea mammal);(i) to glide in chest-deep water


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nalug³, naluguar- [CAN; NI] to ceremonially bring bowls of “Eskimo ice cream” (akutaq) into the men’s communial house during the “Aaniq” holiday

*NAPEQ uzamış (n) kalırken (a) yükselip (p) bölerek (e) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ takılma

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 napte- < PE napəʀ- and napət to be stuck; to be caught in water, as in a net

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 napit- (i) to become snared, trapped; (i) to become fastened; (t) to trap, snare it

*NAPAQ uzamış (n) kalırken (a) yükselip (p) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

NOUN FORM ᴛᴜʀ ağaç

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 napa tree; spruce tree (Y meaning) # and napa- to stand upright < PE napa; napapiaq [K] < napa-pik¹ willow (Salix sp.) # literally: ‘authentic tree’

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 napa- (i) to be standing upright, e.g., a house, pole, tree; napaaqtuq tree, white spruce (Picea glauca)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 napi- (i) to break in half; (t) to cut, break it in half

VERB FORM ᴛᴜʀ ağaç gibi dik olma

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 napar- < PE nappaʀ- (under PE napa-) /postural root: being erect / naparte- to set (it) upright; to establish

*NAPUK uzamış (n) kalırken (a) yükselip (p) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 napu [NSU] < PE napu arch supporting bed of sled

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 napu cross-brace of sled

*NAVEQ uzamış (n) kalırken (a) taşınıp (v) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 naver- < PY-S navəʀ(aʀ)- /root/ naverte- to trade; to sell; to exchange; navrite- to lend to (him); navraq borrowed thing # and navrar-, navr(ar)- (NUN form) to borrow

*NAVEK uzamış (n) kalırken (a) taşınıp (v) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 naveg-, laveg- [EG] < PE navəɣ- to break # to break physically into two or more piece, to break so that it ceases to function, or figuratively, to break the rules, break one’s heart, etc.

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 navik- to break (it), navvaq broken thing or piece; a break, fracture


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *nav (root) joint: navlu or navluq joint, wrist, elbow, shoulder, or knee joint


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 navcaq [NSU, NUN] snow hanging over a cliff and ready to fall; navcite- [NSU] < navcaq-ite¹- to get caught in an avalanche

*NACIK uzamış (n) kalırken (a) içlenip (c) gelerek (i) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ ayrılık acısı

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nacig-, naciga- [NSU] < PE nacciɣ- to cry or feel sad because of someone’s leaving

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 natchik- [natchIk] (i) to want to go with someone; (i) to cry wanting to go with someone (of child); (t) to not want to be separated from her/him/it; to cry wanting to go with her/him/it 111

*NACAQ uzamış (n) kalırken (a) içlenip (c) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nacaq hat; parka hood; cap # and nacar- to put on a hat; pull on one’s hood < PE nacaʀ

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nasaq(-) hood; (i) to put one’s hood up; (t) to put her/his hood up


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nasquq [LY, NS, NI, HBC] < ?-quq < PE nay(ə)quʀ head; the person who starts the Kevgiq (“Messenger Feast”)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 niaquq head, skull, cranium, parietal


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nacete-, naste- [HBC, NUN, EG] to look around or survey one’s surroundings from a high vantage point

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nasit- [nasIt] (i) to climb to a high vantage point in order to have a panoramic view; (i) to look for game from a high vantage point


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nasvag- to show; to display

*NAZAQ uzamış (n) kalırken (a) girip (z) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 naaq(-) [naraq] (Ti) abdomen; (i) to have a full stomach, be full from eating

*NAZAK uzamış (n) kalırken (a) girip (z) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 naa- < PE naða- to become complete in number

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 naa (root) dimension when stretched out

*NAYIQ uzamış (n) kalırken (a) üstlenip (y) gelerek (i) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ Pusa hispida

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nayiq ringed seal (Pusa hispida)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 natchiq(-)¹ *natchIQ+ ringed seal (Pusa hispida); (i) to catch a seal

*NAYAK uzamış (n) kalırken (a) üstlenip (y) kalarak (a) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ sallama, sarsma

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nayangaq greeting # and nayangar- to nod agreement; to Eskimo-dance of women (Y, NS meaning)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *nayak (root) nodding: nayaksaq- to move (her/him/it) in rhythm; (i) to be jolted strongly; (t) to give her/him/it a strong jolt; nayaksatit- (i) to be jerked, jolted (as by an explosion); nayaŋaq- (i) to nod drowsily; nayaŋŋatit- (i) to bounce, be jolted (as when riding in a sled)

*NAYUQ uzamış (n) kalırken (a) üstlenip (y) giderek (u) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ (ayaklar uzanık vaziyette) çocuğu kucağa alıp göz kulak olma

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nayur- to stay with; to look after; to lie in wait for (him); to guard

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nayuq- (t) to stay with and care for, watch over her/him/it


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nay’ak, nayaar < PE nayaɣ girl; nas’ak < PE nayaɣ unmarried girl; virgin; nasaaluk < nas’ak-? girl # said to be an old term

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nayak younger sister (of man) 112

*NAYUK uzamış (n) kalırken (a) üstlenip (y) giderek (u) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ tulum olarak tek parça yüzülen deri

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nayug- < PE nayuɣ- to hollow out e.g., a log, soil, snow; to skin a seal or other animal so that the skin is not split lengthwise, starting at the head and rolling the skin back over the body while cutting the skin from the flesh; in the case of a seal, the fat is cut away with the flesh, while in the case of a bird the fat stays on the skin

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nayuk- to remove (it =skin of sea mammal) without cutting the fur (usually the incision is made around the lips, then the skin is pulled back turning the skin inside out)

*NUQAQ uzamış (n) giderken (u) karılıp (q) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nuqaq < PE nuqðaʀ device used for throwing spears; atlatl; nuqaruaq [K] < nuqaq-uaq humerus; upper arm bone

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nuqaq- (i) to be taut, tightly drawn; (t) to attach a bowstring to a bow and make it taut


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nuġlu buckle; knot; rope loop; noose; neck opening of dog harness; bowline; (Ti) heavy rope (used for anchoring a pulley on ice)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nuqte- < PE nuqət- to pull

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nuqit- (t) to pull her/him/it


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nuraq < PE nuʀʀaʀ yearling caribou or reindeer; calf; colt

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nurr’aq < PE nuʀaʀ(aʀ) female’s sister’s child nephew or niece # nowadays also female’s brother’s child (more properly an’garaq)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nuġġaq fawn, calf, or colt

*NUKIQ uzamış (n) giderken (u) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nuiq dart for hunting birds or rabbits < PE nuɣiʀ

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *nuiq (root) perhaps barb or prong: nuiqsaq- (i) to throw a bird dart; nuiyaaqpak(-)² fish spear; leister; bird dart; (t) to hit it with a bird dart

*NUKIK uzamış (n) giderken (u) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nuk- /root/ nuki- < nuk-? [NUN, EG] < PE nukəɣ- to be physically strong # of persons; nukgiarte- < nuk-?-(ar)te [NUN] to be fatigued; nukgiate- [NUN] < nuk-?-ate to be physically weak

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nukik [nukIk] muscle; ligament; strength

*NUKEK uzamış (n) giderken (u) katılıp (k) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nuge- PE nuɣə- to get up on; to climb out from below; to emerge # especially from water cf. puge-, nuve-

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nui- [nugi] (i) to come into view, appear; to rise (of sun, moon); (t) to be able to see, observe her/him/it; (Ti) (i) to look outside, e.g., to see if someone/something is coming


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nuk (root) movement from point to point: nuktaq- (i) to move from place to place; (t) to move her/him/it from place to place; nuut- to move, transfer (her/him/it) 113

*NUKAQ uzamış (n) giderken (u) katılıp (k) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nukaq, nukar(aq) < PE nukaʀ beaver in its second year; younger sibling (NSU meaning) # the general term for beaver is paluqtaq; nukar- /root/ > nukalpiaq, nukaq, nukaruaq, nuka’urluq, nukaraq; cf. nuki

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nuka or nukaq or nukatchiaq or nukaaluk younger sibling


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nukalpiaq man in his prime; successful hunter and good provider; rich man (in NUN) # used more in stories than in everyday discourse

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nukatpiaq young man of marriageable age; gander | nuka or nukaq younger sibling -piaq(-)2 nn, nv (limited) the ultimate N


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nukaraq < PE nukaʀaʀ (under PE nukaʀ) second wife in a polygamous marriage; concubine

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nukaġaq (Nu) second wife (concurrent); concubine | nuka or nukaq younger sibling +*ġ+aq3 nn


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nukaruaq < nukar-uaq ulna, large bone of the forearm

*NUTEK uzamış (n) giderken (u) ayrılıp (t) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nuteg- < PE nutəɣ- to shoot a firearm; to leap from fire of a spark; nutek gun, rifle, firearm # direct nominalization of nuteg-

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nutik- to leap (over it); nuttagaala- (i) to crackle (esp., of a fire); nuttagaq- (i) to continue to hop, to leap, to jump; nuttagayuk grasshopper


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nutem < PE nutəm from the beginning; originally # adverbial particle

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nutim originally, from the first, from the beginning; naturally


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nutqaq- (i) to stop; (i) to die

*NUTAQ uzamış (n) giderken (u) ayrılıp (t) kalarak (a) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ yenileme, onarma

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nutar- < PE nutaʀ- /root/ nutaraq < PE nutaʀaʀ (under PE nutaʀ-) new thing; fresh thing; fresh fish (especially in LI, UK)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nutaq- (t) to repair, renew it; nutaġaq young person, juvenile; fresh powder snow

*NUNAK uzamış (n) giderken (u) uzayıp (n) kalarak (a) katılan (k) = üstüne uzanılan tek yer olduğu için (deniz üstünde uzanılmaz)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nuna < PE nuna land; place; soil; earth; ground; village; country; vicinity (in space or time); nunanguaq map; nunate- < nuna-te¹- < PY nunatə- (under PE nuna) to visit from one village or city to another; nuni- < nuna-li²- < PE nunni- (under PE nuna) to settle

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nuna land, ground, tundra, earth; inland; country, territory, a citizen’s nation-state


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nunaki- [NUN], nunakili- [HBC] < PY nunaki- to have fun 114

*NUNUQ uzamış (n) giderken (u) uzayıp (n) giderek (u) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ çimdik*leme+

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nunur-² [NUN, NI] to pinch; to squeeze; to cut with scissors; nunur-¹ to scold; to swear at (additional NUN meaning)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nunuq- (t) to pinch, tighten it


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nunu- (i) to repress a desire to do something

*NUNUK uzamış (n) giderken (u) uzayıp (n) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nungu fog # and nungu- to be foggy [NUN]

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nuŋu- (i) to be depleted, used up; (i) to get a worn spot; (i) to be an old moon, i.e. no moon

*NULIQ uzamış (n) giderken (u) düzenli (l) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nulirr- wife # this base, an alternate to nuliar- (see nuliaq above) does not undergo intervocalic velar dropping or the final rr (hence nulirra ‘his wife’; nulirrit ‘their wives’; nulirren ‘your wife’; nulirrituq ‘he does not have a wife’); is not used with consonant-deleting suffixes (hence only nulialek for ‘one with a wife’ and not *nulilek), unless the suffix starts with a velar (thus nuliqsagutaa ‘he obtained her as his wife’), and if such suffixes follow that velar with a vowel, then the final rr of the base is retained (hence nulirqa ‘my wife’; nulirqaa ‘she is his wife’); nulirte- < nulirr-? to mate; to copulate # of animals; nulirtur- < nulirr-? < PY-S nuliʀ(aʀ)tuʀ- (under PE nuliʀ(aʀ)) to marry # of men

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nulik- [nulIk] to copulate, have sexual intercourse with (her/him); (i) to mate (usu. of animals)

*NULEK uzamış (n) giderken (u) düzenli (l) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nuleg- [HBC, NUN, NS] < PY nuləɣ- to crack; to split

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nulgair- < nulgar-ir²- < PY nulɣaʀiʀ- to become facially expressionless, unsmiling


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nuki- (i) to crack, fracture, split

*NULAK uzamış (n) giderken (u) düzenli (l) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nula- < PE nula to grow; to expand


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nulte- [NUN] to tarry; to be gone for a long time

*NULAK-UQAQ § @+’(g/t)ur(ar)- to keep on V-ing; to continue to V; to V though no one else does; to be a little V (with adjectival verbs); to V leisurely (addition NSU meaning)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nulur(ar)- [HBC, NUN, K], nulurar- [NSU] nuluur- [K], nulur¹- [Y] < PE nuluʀ(aʀ)- to beckon by a hand gesture

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nuluq- to wave one’s hand (at her/him/it)

*NULUQ uzamış (n) giderken (u) düzenli (l) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nuluq webbing on snowshoes or bottom of ice strainer # and nulur²- to fill in the webbing of a snowshoe < PE nuluʀ- (presently PI nuluq)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nuluq(-) fine webbing (usu. baleen strips) for snowshoes or ice scoop; (i) to put (usu. baleen) strips in frame of ice scoop, snowshoes, etc.

*NULUK uzamış (n) giderken (u) düzenli (l) giderek (u) katılan (k) 115

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nulluk < PE nułu(ʀ) buttock

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nuluq buttock; back of the thigh under the buttocks

*NUVAK uzamış (n) giderken (u) taşınıp (v) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nuvak, nuak, luvak [EG] saliva # and nuvag- to catch a cold [NUN, HBC] = luvak, nuak < PE nuvaɣ

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nuvak(-) a cold; mucus; (i) to have a cold


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nuviya or nuvuya cloud

*NUVEK uzamış (n) giderken (u) taşınıp (v) bölerek (e) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ dizme

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nuve- < PE nuvə- to string; to thread cf. nuge-

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nuvi- [nuvI] (t) to thread it =needle; (t) to string them =beads

*NUVUK uzamış (n) giderken (u) taşınıp (v) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nuvuk, nuuk < PE nuvuɣ projection; tip; point

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nuvu pointed tip of anything; nuvuk point, tip; promontory (of land); pointed mountain peak

*NUCUK uzamış (n) giderken (u) içleyip (c) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nucug- < PE nuccuɣ- to pull; to pull out; to use a fire-drill

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nusuk- or nutchuk- (t) to pluck, snatch, pull it out

*NUYAQ uzamış (n) giderken (u) üstlenip (y) kalarak (a) karılan (q) = saç

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nuyaq < PE nuyaʀ [NS, Y, HBC, NI, CAN, K, BB, NR, LI, EG] hair

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nusaq or nuyaq strand of head hair

*NUYUK uzamış (n) giderken (u) üstlenip (y) giderek (u) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ uysal kızak köpeği

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nuyur- < PE nuyuɣ- /root/ nuyurrite-, nuyuite- to be tame; to be approachable; to be unwary # usually of animals

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *nuyu (root) timidity, fearfulness, wariness: nuyuiq- (i) to become tame (of animal); nuyuit- (i) to be unafraid, tame (of animal)

P ᴛᴜʀ yükselme ᴇɴɢ rising

*PITEK yükselmiş (p) gelirken (i) ayrılıp (t) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pitek arrow # and piteg- to shoot with an arrow < PE pitəɣ-

*PILAK yükselmiş (p) gelirken (i) düzenli (l) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pilag- to slit; to cut into; to butcher

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 piḷak- (i) to butcher a carcass; (t) to butcher it = a carcass 116

*PIZAQ yükselmiş (p) gelerek (i) girip (z) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 piirag-, piirig- [HBC, NSU] < PE piðaɣ- or piðaʀaɣ- to be slick; to be frictionless

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 nepirag- [NUN] to be slick; to be frictionless (the base nepirag- may be a blend of piirag- (q.v) and nepte- ‘to stick’)

*PIYAK yükselmiş (p) gelirken (i) üstlenip (y) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *piya¹ (root) waning in strength: piyagniuq- (i) to be barely alive, be dying; piyaġittuq- (i) to wane and rise later than usual, to fall lower, come around more slowly (of moon)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *piya² (root) mistreatment: piyaaġi- (t) to treat her/him/it roughly, badly; piyaaqun fetish used to threaten somebody

*PIYUK yükselmiş (p) gelirken (i) üstlenip (y) giderek (u) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ dövme

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 piyuk- (t) to beat her/him/it up, manhandle her/him/it; (t) to abuse her/him/it verbally; (t) try to kill her/him/it

DİKKAT *pi-yug-] piyug- ~ piug¹ to want

*PEQEK yükselmiş (p) bölerken (e) karılıp (q) bölerek (e) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ bükme

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pere- to bend cf. pequq; perte- to bend (it)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *piq (root) bend, curve: piġit- to bend (it)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 peqlirte- < PY pəqliʀ- to be wrinkled from soaking in water # of skin

*PEQUQ yükselmiş (p) bölerken (e) karılıp (q) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pequq¹ scruff of the neck; upper back; back

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 peruq [NS] area behind


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pequaq < pequq-? upper back part of parka

*PEQUK yükselmiş (p) bölerken (e) karılıp (q) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 piqu- (Nu) (i) to be pushed up and cracked by pressure from below (of ice)

*PEKEK yükselmiş (p) bölerken (e) katılıp (k) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 peke- < PE pəkə- to make a movement that attracts notice; to stir

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pekete- to walk; to move [NSU]; pekte- < peke-?- to move; to walk; to work (additional meaning in BB, NR, LI, EG); pegte- < PY pəɣtə- to drop; to let go; to release; to relinquish; to give up; to break up with; pegla- to engage in an unusual activity during sleep # such as talking in one’s sleep, sleepwalking, having a nightmare; pel’i- [NSU] to have a nightmare; to walk in one’s sleep

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *pik¹ (root) upward movement: pigla- (i) to be able to jump high; to be bouncy, peppy; pikak- (Nu) (i) to break through thin ice to breathe (of whale, seal); (t) to break it =thin ice to breathe (of whale, seal); piksak- (i) to fly off, bounce off (when broken); jump upwards (when surprised); piksik- (i) to fly off; (i) to bounce off when snapped or broken; (i) to bounce off target; (i) to jump, hop; (i) to leave suddenly without preparation

? 117

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 peksu, peksuq PE pəkyu bird’s egg *Y, LI, UK, MK+; cf. peke-

*PEKUK yükselmiş (p) bölerken (e) katılıp (k) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 pikuk three or four vertebrae near the neck, in the cervical curve of human; width across the back between the shoulders; choice piece of wolf ruff for woman, usually taken from below wolf’s shoulders

*PETEK yükselmiş (p) bölerken (e) ayrılıp (t) bölerek (e) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ sıçrama

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pet- /root/ petar- EG to move; pet’nge-, petenge- (NSU form) to spring off; to snap out of a tensed position; to relax from being tense or being tensed; petgar- < PY-S pətɣaʀ- to spring up; petgeq flake of dandruff

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 petmik pit trap; pit that one can’t get out of

*PETAK yükselmiş (p) bölerken (e) ayrılıp (t) kalarak (a) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ delik, delme

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 pitak- (i) to have a hole; (t) to make a hole in it

*PETUQ yükselmiş (p) bölerken (e) ayrılıp (t) giderek (u) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ ıslak giysi, su çeken giysi

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 peturte- [NUN] < PE pətə- and pətuʀ- to soak; to penetrate # mainly of clothing

*PETUK yükselmiş (p) bölerken (e) ayrılıp (t) giderek (u) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ hayvan bağlama ipi

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 petuk < PE pətuɣ- tether; line that ties boat to shore, dog to stake or the like # and petug- to fasten, to tether; to tie to a post

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 pituk(-) chain; tether; (t) to tether, chain her/him/it to a stake, pole; (t) to connect it =house to electricity or sewer system


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 petukaq [HBC, NI] sternum; breastbone

*PENEK yükselmiş (p) bölerken (e) uzayıp (n) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pengeg- < PE pəŋəɣ- emotional root; especially concerning worrying about someone who has not returned as expected; > pengegnarqe-, pengenair-, pengegnaite-, pengegtar-, pengegtur-, pengegtar-, pengegtur-, peng’garte-, pengke-

*PENUQ yükselmiş (p) bölerken (e) uzayıp (n) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 penguq < PE pəŋuʀ hill; mound # sizes of hills from large to small (according to a Nelson Islander): pengurpall’er, pengurpak, penguq, pengucuar, pengurraq, penguyaaq, penguruaq, penguguayaaq, penguquiner ‘a great big hill’, ‘a big hill’, ‘a hill’, ‘a small hill’, ‘a little hill’, ‘a tiny hill’, ‘a baby hill’, ‘an imitation hill’, ‘a baby little hill’, ‘a little bit of a hill’; the English word ‘pingo’ “frost heave hill”, comes from this Eskimo word (or probably the Inupiaq cognate)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 piŋu(-) isolated ice mound, knoll; dome, isolated hill; pimple, swelling on skin; swell (crestless wave or succession of waves); (i) to develop a pimple; to form swells (of ocean)

*PELUQ yükselmiş (p) bölerken (e) düzenli (l) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 peluq < pəlu(ʀ) ash of birch fungus (punk) or willow or cottonwood bark; volcanic ash # the ash of birch fungus is mixed with cuyaq ‘tobacco leaf’, to make iqmik ‘chewing tobacco’

*PEYUK yükselmiş (p) bölerken (e) üstlenip (y) giderek (u) katılan (k) = yürüme

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 peyug- [HBC], piug- *NUN+ ² to walk

*PAQAK yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) karılıp (q) kalarak (a) katılan (k) 118

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 paq- /root/ paqte- to check; to go to check; to visit in the hospital, etc.; paqrite- < paq-? < PY-S paqʀitə- to go missing; to discover (it) missing; paquussiig- [Y], paquussaag- [K] < paq- to try to see

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 paqna- < PE paqna- /emotional root/ paqnake- to be curious about (it); to suspect (it); to check on (it) ; paqnanarqe- < paqna-narqe- to be interesting; to be curiousity provoking; paqnatar- < paqna-tar to be inquisitive by nature; paqnayagute- to become curious about (it)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 paqumi- /emotional root/ paqumike- to be curious about (it)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 paqit- to find (her/him/it)

*PAQUQ yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) karılıp (q) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 paruq < PY paʀuq small bug # variously identified as a wood louse, moth larva (which eats fur), or a tiny white bug on moldy fish or other moldy things

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *paquq (root) contamination, taboo: paquġi- (t) to shun her/him =sick person, fearing to be contaminated; (t) to regard her/him/it with fear or caution; paquġnaq- (i) to be sick so as to be feared or quarantined; paquqsraq- (i) to avoid contact with a sick person or corpse; paquqtau- (Nu) (i) to be observant of taboo


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 paraluq maggot # and paralur- to be maggoty [NS, Y, NI, CAN, K, BB, NR, LI, EG]


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 paraluruaq < paraluq-uaq, paralunguaq < paraluq-nguaq grain of rice # paraluruat ‘rice’, literally: ‘imitation maggots’

*PAKIK yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pakig- < PE pakiɣ- to uncover something by pulling the top layers back with the hands; to go into the ocean swimming # from the similar motion of the hands in both acts; pakissaag- < pakig-ssaag¹- to go in search of food stored in mouse (vole) caches

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 pakik- [pakIk] to dig (it =hole) with hands or claws; (t) to fire it =gun by pulling the trigger; pakkiq hole, place that has been dug out

*PAKEK yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pakeg- < PE pakəɣ- to start the upturn of the sides of a basket; pakugte- [NUN] to turn up the sides (especially of a grass basket as one makes it)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pakte- [HBC] to be full; to fill up

*PAKAK yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 pakak(-) (i) to rummage through things looking for something, often surreptitiously; (i) to get into mischief; mischief-maker

*PAKUQ yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) giderek (u) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ kıvılcım

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 paulaq spark from a fire < PE paɣu(la)

*PAKUK yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pakuk hook of a gaff # negciim pakwa ‘the hook of the gaff’ 119

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 pauk(-) stake; wall cribbing retaining stake (of sod house); ice that serves as an anchor to shore-fast ice (Harcharek: ¹4); (t) to sting her/him/it; (t) to stretch and stake it =skin to the ground; to stake it=tent to the ground; to drive it=stake in


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 paug- to put a post in the ground # and pauk, post; support

*PATEQ yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) ayrılıp (t) bölerek (e) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ beyin; ilik

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pateq marrow; brain # and pater- to eat marrow or brains by sucking or otherwise; to soak up; to absorb < PE patəʀ-

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 patiq(-) [patiQ] bone marrow; candle; (i) to eat bone marrow; (t) to eat its bone marrow

*PATEK yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) ayrılıp (t) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pateg- < PE patəɣ- to slap; to hit with the flat of the hand; patemcug- [NUN] to lick; to lick fingers; patkar- to play a traditional ball game involving hitting the ball with the flat of the hand

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *pati (root) process involving the palm of the hand: patik- (t) to slap her/him/it; (Ti) (t) to lay one’s hand on her/him/it; pattak- (t) to spank, slap her/him

*PATAQ yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) ayrılıp (t) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pataq drill (for making holes) # and patar- to drill [NUN]

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 pattaq (Nu) a drill chuck, a clamping device to hold the bit

*PATAK yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) ayrılıp (t) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 patag-, patagtur- to act in a hurry

*PATUQ yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) ayrılıp (t) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 pattuq- (i) to fight (of married couple); (t) to beat or fight with her/his spouse

*PATUK yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) ayrılıp (t) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 patuk(-) frost from breath on ruff; to be wet or foggy; to form on the parka ruff (of frost)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 patuggluk < PE patuɣ ice fog; overcast weather condition; freezing rain # cf. paturrluk *MADDESİ YOK+


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 patit- to be frozen solid (of shallow water)

*PAMEQ yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) uyup (m) bölerek (e) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ köpek kuyruğu

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pamyuq, pamsuq [NS] < pamy-? < PE pamyuʀ tail of animal or kayak; chorus of song; upper stern-piece of kayak; in general any tail-like thing or event; pamyurtaq, pamsurtaq [NS] < pamy-taq4 decorative tail on a parka or belt

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 pamiuq tail (of mammal), qimmim pamiuŋa “the dog’s tail”


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pamy- /root/ pamesqatak < pamy-qatak [Y] dried fish tail; pamesquq < pamy-quq [Y] coccyx

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 papsal- /root/ papsalqitaq < papsal-? dried fish tail for eating; papsalquq < papsal-quq tail or caudal fin of fish 120


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 papanglug- [NS] to swim with the tail flapping; papangluaq bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus) that swims on its back

*PAMAQ yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) uyup (m) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *pamaq (root) nurturance: pamaġi- (t) to nurture her/him/it; pamat- (t) to pamper, cater to, indulge her/him/it (especially with food); be solicitious toward her/him; pamataq a person cared for, pampered, indulged, catered to

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 pamiq- or pamiqsaq- (t) to rear it =young animal


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pama- < PY pama- to respond; to be cooperative; to curve as it burns of a candle wick; pamaite- to be stubborn; to be slow to follow instructions; pamrig- to be adroit; to be well coordinated; pamru- [NUN] to be trapped by ice with nowhere to go (of walrus)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 papsi- [NSU] < PE papði /emotional root/ papsike- < papsi-ke4- to find (it) a nuisance; papsinarqe- < papsi- narqe to be a nuisance; papsitaar- < papsi-?- to tease

*PANIK yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 panik [Y, NS, HBC, NI, NUN, CAN, K, BB, NR, LI, EG] < PE panik daughter

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 panik [panIk] daughter

*PANEQ yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 paniq- to become dry; (i) to lose weight, become skinny; (i) to starve

*PANAQ yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 panaq large spear; lance # and panar- to spear < PE pana

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 pana(-) spear; double-edged blade; porcupine quill; (Nu) long spear used to hold bait; (t) to spear her/him/it


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 paanger-, paunger- [NI] < PE paŋəʀ to paddle with a double-bladed paddle

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 paŋak- (i) to paddle kayak swiftly with double-bladed paddle; (t) to paddle it =kayak swiftly with double- bladed paddle


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pangaleg- < PE paŋaləɣ- to run on four legs; to run at an extended gallop, both front legs striking, then both back legs; to crawl (EG meaning)

*PALIQ yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) düzenli (l) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 palir- < PE paliʀ- /root/ palirte- to get suntanned; palircima- < palirte-ma to be burned by the sun # of dried fish; paliryi- to get burned on the stove; to get singed; to be suntanned

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 paliq- to become dry; palliq (Nu) dried plant; wood; arctic cotton; palliksraq dried plants, wood, cottonwood leaves; cottony bud of willow (uqpik); cottony tufts of arctic cotton grass (Eriphorum spp.) used for tinder to start fires; pussy willows

? 121

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 paliaraq dryas (Dryas sp.); cotton grass (Eliophorum sp.) # exact identity uncertain to compiler; NUN; note voiced but geminated (or fortis) l, contrary to usual NUN pattern; < PE palliq (under PE palliʀ-)

*PALIK yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) düzenli (l) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 pallik- (i) to be by the edge of something; (t) to be by the edge of her/him/it


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pall’itaq < + PY pałitaq (cf. Naukan Yupik pałitaq) handrail at entranceway to old-time dwelling

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 pallisat or pallitchat entrance mound (of semi-subterranean passageway of traditional sod house); semi- circular wooden shield (located above stairs to tunnel in doorway of sod house); shield (which catches the wind and directs airflow into the sod house); wooden rack with slats (where ice and snow are placed to melt and drip into a water container drinking)

*PALAQ yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) düzenli (l) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 palaq it serves you right!; you got what was coming to you! # exclamation; < palarte

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 palarte- < PE palaʀ to not get or give enough; to get or give insufficiently; to be insufficient

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 palaq- (i) to get less than one deserves; (i) to have or get too much (more than one’s share); (Nu) (i) to wrestle somewhat, not strenuously; (t) to conclusively defeat her/him with minimal effort, taking either verbal or physical revenge; (t) to blame, reprimand her/him and succeed in one’s accusation, get the best of her/him who is trying to deny something; (t) to give her/him less than what he is expecting; (Nu) (t) to wrestle her/him somewhat, not strenuously


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 palan [NUN] supporting post of bench in men’s community house

*PALUQ yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) düzenli (l) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 paluq¹ (Nu) (i) to have no more possessions; (i) to have nothing more to eat; paluq² (Nu) to be covered with hard snow (of trap which is thus useless)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 palu- (i) to be depressed, be in bad condition mentally or physically; ¤(Ti) to become skinny, lose weight: palut- (t) to turn it over, face down or with its opening facing downward (as a cup); palluq- (i) to lie prone; (i) to crouch down (of animals); (Ti) to lower the head, bow

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 palur- < PE palluʀ- (under PE palu-) / postural root: face down/ palurte- to lie face-down or belly-down

*PALUQ-TAQ § kunduzu özel kılan yüzünü yere eğmiş gibi duran kuyruğudur: paluqtaam pamyuni merpallarcetaa "the beaver splashed water with its tail"

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 paluqtaq beaver (Castor canadensis) cf. palur-

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 pałuqtaq beaver (Castor canadensis)

*PAPEK yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) yükselip (p) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 papik bird’s tail; top, back flap (of traditional skin pants); the length of the backside of parka or snowshirt; papiġuq fish tail


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 paplu, paklu, pakluk [NSU] < PE pavlu drum handle

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 pavlu, paplu (Nu) drum handle

*PAVIK yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) taşınıp (v) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pavig- [Y, NUN] < PY paviɣ- to be lively; to be vigorous; to be fast 122

*PACIK yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) içlenip (c) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 paci-, pacike- to blame; to accuse; to suspect [Y, NS, NUN] < PE paci-

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 pasi- [pasI] (t) to blame, accuse, suspect her/him/it


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 pasik- [pasIk] (t) to get scorched


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 passi- < PY-S pasi- to be flattened; to be squashed; to be crushed; to be mashed; to flatten, squash, crush, or mash

*PACUK yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) içlenip (c) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 paume- [Y, NSU, UK, EG], paame- [ NUN, NSK, LI, Y, UK] < PE pa(C)umə(t)- to scratch # to relieve an itch

? *PAZEQ yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) girip (z) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *paa *paġa+ (root) movement toward another: paaq- (t) to go to meet her/him/it as she/he/it arrives; (t) to travel, progress into it =wind, water current

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pairte-, parte² * NUN+ < PE paðəʀ- to encounter; to meet

*PAZEK yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) girip (z) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pai², paa³ NUN < PE paðə mouth of river; outlet; opening of den, bottle, etc., cockpit of kayak

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 paa [paᵍa] entry, door; mouth of river; hole of kayak (where person sits); entryway to pallitchat, the outer entrance into a sod house passageway


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pasvik [NUN] < PE paðviɣ metacarpel in walrus flipper

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 pagvik [pagvIk] knee bone of seal; pagviit knee bones of seal which were used as weights in bolas to catch birds


paa¹ [UY] to prostrate oneself; paarvag- < paa¹-pag²- to fall forward hard; paallag- < PE paŋałłaɣ- to fall forward # of persons; paallaguaq < paallag-uaq fur hat # LI, EG; specific kind ?

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 paa- *paʳa+ (Ti) (i) to fall down flat on something; (t) to pin her/him/it down, to pounce upon her/him/it; (t) to fall on top of it; (i) to have a convulsion; (i) to close tightly due to muscle spasm (of jaws, fists, etc.); (t) to prevent her/him/it going past by blocking her/his/its way with oneself

*PAYIQ yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) üstlenip (y) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 payiq red-breasted merganser (Mergus serrator); payirpak common merganser (Mergus merganser)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 paisugruk red-breasted merganser (Mergus serrator)

*PAYAQ yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) üstlenip (y) kalarak (a) karılan (q) = davetsiz misavir

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 payaqcaar(ar)- to come uninvited to eat

*PAYAK yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) üstlenip (y) kalarak (a) katılan (k) = güçsüzlük

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 paya- (t) to be unable to manage or defeat her/him/it; (t) to be not strong enough to lift or move it 123

*PAYUK yükselmiş (p) kalırken (a) üstlenip (y) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 payugte- to take food over to a friend, relative, or neighbor

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 payigte- [NUN] to take supplies on ahead

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 payuk- (i) to bring food; (t) to bring food to her/him/it

*PUQIK yükselmiş (p) giderken (u) karılıp (q) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 puqig- < PE puqiɣ- to be intelligent; to be smart; to be articulate

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 puqik- [puqIk] (i) to be smart, quick to learn

*PUQEK yükselmiş (p) giderken (u) karılıp (q) bölerek (e) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ yatak ısısı (üstü örtük yatarken vücuttan çıkarak yatağı ısıtan sıcaklık)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 puqla < PE puqla warmth; heat; hot water; the living spirit or life’s force of an individual person; puqelvag- < puqla-pag- to have burning pain; to have a high fever; puqlaneq < puqla-neq¹ [NUN, EG, UK] sun

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 puqłaq- (t) to boil it =dead bird to loosen feathers for plucking


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 puġrak (Ti) slush ice

*PUKIQ yükselmiş (p) giderken (u) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pukiq < PE pukiʀ trim on a parka; light-colored, soft belly skin of caribou or reindeer used in fancy parka designs (now largely replaced by calfskin)

*PUKIK yükselmiş (p) giderken (u) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 pukik [pukIk] white belly fur of caribou

*PUKEK yükselmiş (p) giderken (u) katılıp (k) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pugaᵉ surfaced seal; blackfish coming to the surface (HBC meaning), puget ‘surfaced seals’

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 puge- < PE puɣə- to surface; to come to the surface, emerging halfway; to come out into the open; to start coming in from the entryway or storm porch (referring to when entryways were underground)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 pui- [pugi] (i) to emerge, surface; (t) to surface “in front of” her/him/it


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *puk (root) depth: pukta- (i) to float; puktaq- (i) to float to the surface

*PUKAK yükselmiş (p) giderken (u) katılıp (k) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pukak [NUN] < PE (now PI pukak) snow that is soft but granular, found under the top layer, good for making “Eskimo ice cream”

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 pukak snow crystals found under hard packed snow (good for melting into water), depth hoar

*PUKUQ yükselmiş (p) giderken (u) katılıp (k) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 puuq(-) [puguq] sealskin poke; a container; a sac, covering (e.g., young grass leaf covering stem); top edge of boot where drawstring is inserted; caske, coffint; (t) to wrap it; (t) (Ti) to bandage her/him/it 124

*PUKUK yükselmiş (p) giderken (u) katılıp (k) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pukug- < PE pukuɣ- to eat bits of meat clinging to a bone after most of the meat has been removed; to pick berries carefully from scattered sites because they are few in number (NSU meaning); to pick up small object or pick berries (NUN meaning); pugug- [NS] to peck at thoroughly

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *pu (root) moisture: pulauq- (i) to soak (it =leather); putchiq- (t) to moisten it =skin and leave it overnight before tanning

*PUTEK yükselmiş (p) giderken (u) ayrılıp (t) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 put’e- < PE put- to bend forward

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 put- (i) to bow, kneel, bend over, crouch, stoop

*PUTUK yükselmiş (p) giderken (u) ayrılıp (t) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 putu² to make a hole through; to pierce # and putu² leather piece on a skin boot with a hole for the bootlace; hole in skin boat covering for lashing it to the frame < PE putu-

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 putu(-) hole, puncture, perforation; (t) to perforate, pierce it, make a hole through it; (Ti) (i) to get a hole in one’s sole


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 putu¹ women’s welcome dance # and putu¹ to dance the women’s welcome dance


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 putukuq [K, Y, NI, CAN, BB, NR, LI] < PE putuku³ big toe

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 putuguq big toe, the hallux

*PUNEQ yükselmiş (p) giderken (u) uzayıp (n) bölerek (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 punerte- < PY punəʀtə- to skim; to remove oil, foam, etc., from the surface of a liquid


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 punerneq copper; bronze; brass


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 punniq [punniQ] bread (made with yeast) | perhaps +niQ¹ vn

*PULAK yükselmiş (p) giderken (u) düzenli (l) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pula- < PE pula- to go forward through a thicket, clouds, darkness, etc.

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 pula- (i) to eclipse (of sun or moon)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pulqig- root: pulqigte- to assemble items into a whole; pulqima- to be in clusters.

*PUPIK yükselmiş (p) giderken (u) yükselip (p) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pupik < PE pupiɣ infected sore; impetigo # and pupig- to get impetigo cf. pu-

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 pupik(-) [pupIk] itchy rash; itchy spots; scabies; (i) to have an itch, rash

? 125

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 pupsuk pincer; pincher; scissors (additional meaning in CAN, NI, HBC; when dual: pupsuuk) # and pupsug- to pinch; to cut with scissors (additional meaning in CAN, NI, HBC) < PE pumyuɣ-

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 puyyuk- (t) to pinch her/him/it

*PUVEK yükselmiş (p) giderken (u) taşınıp (v) bölerek (e) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ şişme, kabarma

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 puve- < PE puvə- to swell

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *puv (root) air cavity/space; swelling; expansion of air (like filling one’s lungs with air): puvak lung; (Nu) interior cavity of sheep horn; puvit- (i) to become swollen; puvla³ or puvlaq air bubble; gas or air in something inflated

*PUVUK yükselmiş (p) giderken (u) taşınıp (v) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 puug- /root/ puugtur- to dive through the air once with the apparent intention of bumping or ramming something; puugtuyuli < puugtur-yuli woodpecker any species; flicker (Colaptes auratus); puukar- to bump; to sting (of a bee)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 puugtua- to dive through the air repeatedly with the apparent intention of ramming something # e.g., a bird trying to drive away intruders

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 puuk- (i) to become bent with age; (Ti) (i) to fall over from a stroke, or when fainting, etc

*PUYAK yükselmiş (p) giderken (u) üstlenip (y) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 puya type of whipped “Eskimo ice cream” (akutaq) made from moss soaked in aged seal oil # and puya- to be rancid of grease or oil; to be dirty (meaning in NSU) < PE puya

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 puya seal oil residue; grime; sticky oil; blubber rubbed on seams of the umiak to make them waterproof

*PUYUQ yükselmiş (p) giderken (u) üstlenip (y) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 puyuq < PE puyuʀ smoke; steam; water vapor

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 puyuq(-) smoke from chimney; insect repellent powder; (i) to smoke, make smoke (of fire)

C ᴛᴜʀ içleme ᴇɴɢ inside

*CIQIK içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) karılıp (q) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ciri- < PE ciʀi- to have an abundance of things


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ciqineq < PE ciqinəʀ ray # of the sun

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 siqiñiq sun

*CIQEQ içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) karılıp (q) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ciqeq ˢᵍ ciqret ᵖˡ offal from cleaning fish

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ciq- deep root; deals with flashing of light and splashing of water; ciqer- < PE ciqəʀ- and ciq(q)i to splash water; to throw water; ciqi- < PE ciqəʀ- and ciq(q)i to bail a boat; ciqite- < PE ciq(q)it- (under PE ciqəʀ- and ciq(q)i-) to pour out; to dump

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 siqi- [siqI] or siqiłł̣ ạ k- or siqiłḥ aq- (i) to splash (of liquid); (t) to splash on her/him/it once

? 126

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cirla impure subtance with the power to harm; sickness; cirlak weakling; invalid; one who has been sick

*CIQUQ içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) karılıp (q) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ciquq , ciruq NSU < PY ciquq cottonwood (Populus balsamifera) drift log

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ciqume- < PE ciqumə(t)- to crumble to pieces; to break

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *siqu (root) reduction to smaller elements: siqumit- (i) to be destroyed, crushed to pieces, shattered, broken to pieces; (t) to destroy, break, crush it to pieces; (t) to cut it =animal skin into several pieces

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 siqquq- (i) to be hard, tough (of a person or object); (i) to be opinionated; (i) to be stubborn

*CIQUK içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) karılıp (q) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ciru < PY ciʀu- something used as a cover # and ciru- to cover with snow, dirt, grass, etc.

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 siqu- (i) to fall asleep; (Ti) (i) to close one’s eyes

*CIKIQ içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cikir- to give; to give one something to have or consume; to give one an illness; to give a gift to

*CIKIK içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cii¹- to get chapped; cii²- < PE ciɣi- and ciɣɣi(t) to get smashed; to crack


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cigvik < PY ciɣvik nose bead # worn in former times, a bead on a short string placed through a hole in the septum of the nose


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cigyak split strip of spruce used to make a fish trap or other device; strip of sinew used for making thread (NUN meaning)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ciikvak < ?-vak large grass basket for holding fish


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ciilaq, ciilaviq three-cornered needle [NI]; ciilavik < PY ciilavik edible fiddlehead of spreading wood fern (Dryopteris dilitata)

*CIKEK içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) katılıp (k) bölerek (e) katılan (k)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cikmir- , cikme- < PY cikmiʀ- to close one’s eyes; to become blind


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cikte- to close in of weather, hole, etc.; to bend over or bow closing in on oneself < PE cikət-


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cikna- < PE cikna- to be jealous; to be envious; to be covetous; to be jealously possessive of what one has

*CIKUQ içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) katılıp (k) giderek (u) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ buz 127

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ciku, cikuq¹ ice; iceberg; ice floe # and ciku- to freeze < PE ciku

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 siku(-)¹ ice; to freeze over; to become icy; sikuġaq [pl sikuqqat] (Nu) small chunk of floating ice


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cigur(aq), ciguq, ciguraq pigeon guillemot (Cepphus columba); or Kittlitz’s murrelet (Brachyrampus brevirostris) < PY ciɣuq or ciɣuʀaq


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cikuq² [NUN] < PE cikuʀ needle

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 siku² drill bit; stone spearhead or arrowhead; scraping edge

*CIKUK içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) katılıp (k) giderek (u) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ kulak


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ciun < PE ciɣun ear; cun [EG] ear # iu has been changed to uu under the influence of Sugpiaq and the vowel is short due to “compression”; cuutet ‘ears’; ciutaite- < ciun-ite¹ to not hear; ciutemquq, ciutequluk < PE ciɣutəquʀ (under PE ciɣun) snail shell

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 siun or siuti [dual siuttak] ear

*CITEQ içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) ayrılıp (t) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 citeq mark; line # and citer- to mark; to engrave [HBC, EG], ceteq mark; line # and ceter- to mark; to engrave < PE tətəʀ-

*CITEK içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) ayrılıp (t) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 citeg- [HBC] to scoop entrails out with one’s finger when cleaning small fish

*CITUQ içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) ayrılıp (t) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 citu- [HBC, EG], cetu- < PE citu- to go with the river current; to go downriver, to go downstream; to go along the shore; to slide down (in NUN)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 sisu- (i) to slide or glide down once


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cituaq [HBC], cetuaq [< PE citu(C)aʀ] beluga, white whale (Delphinapterus leucas); citukvagaq [HBC] young beluga; ceturpak [NS] large beluga (Delphinapterus leucas); cetuqupak gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 sisuaq [sisuraq] [pl. sisurrat] white whale, beluga (Delphinapterus leucas)

*CITUK içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) ayrılıp (t) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cituk [HBC, EG], cetuk < PY-S cituk fingernail; toenail; claw

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 sisuk- (t) to dive, swoop down and catch it


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cetur- < PE cittuʀ- stretching one’s legs cf. cetuk


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 citaman [HBC], cetaman four # this is a plural (using the special plural ending, n, for numbers); the base is cetama- 128

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 sisamat the number four; sisamaq [sisamaQ] a fourth one


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 citaaq, sitaaq old-style coffin in which a person was interred with his knees folded and drawn up near his chin, formerly elevated on four short posts

*CIMIQ içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) uyup (m) gelip (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cimiq substituted item # and cimir- to change; to substitute; to exchange one state or item for another, to replace; to pay back a loan

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 simmiq- [simmIq] (i) to exchange or swap items;(t) to exchange it for something else


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cimigliq, cimerliq, cimerliaq, cimirliq [LY, Scammon Bay, HBC, NI, CAN, LI], cemerliq < ?-li¹ rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax); eulachon (Thaleichthys pacificus)

*CIMIK içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) uyup (m) gelip (i) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 simik [simIk](Nu) clavicle of caribou (first rib)

*CIMEK içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) uyup (m) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 simik- (t) to stop it up with a plug of any kind; (i) to be now plugged (of a container)

*CIMAK içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) uyup (m) kalıp (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cima- [NUN] to hesitate to do a chore thinking that someone else will do it

*CINIQ içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) uzayıp (n) gelerek (i) karılan (q) = ayakkabı bağı

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cingiq < ciŋiʀ shoelace; bootstring # and cingir- to tie ones shoelace

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 siŋiq(-) *siŋIq+ shoestring, bootlace; (i) to tie one’s own shoelaces or bootlaces

*CINIK içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) uzayıp (n) gelerek (i) katılan (k) = keskin*leştirme+

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cingik point; tip; cingig- [NUN] to be sharp; to sharpen

*CINEQ içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) uzayıp (n) bölerek (e) karılan (q) =

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cinge- to push; to encourage # cf. cingar


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 siŋik- (t) to remove the contents of an animal’s intestines; (i) to clean an animal’s intestines of their contents preparing them for food


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cingar- < PE ciŋaʀ- to kiss; to make a gesture of affection consisting of a slight pressure of the nose against another’s face, accompanied by a quick upward motion; to make actual contact with (it) or between (them)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cin’gar- [NUN] to beach the bow of boat or kayak

*CINEK içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) uzayıp (n) bölerek (e) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ bere, ezik, çürük

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cineg- [HBC, EG], ceneg- to bruise # and cinek [HBC, EG], cenek bruise < PY-S cinək 129


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cin’aq cheese-like fish aged in a pit (in Y, HBC, LI, and NUN); aged fish eggs (in NUN and EG)

*CINAQ içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) uzayıp (n) kalarak (a) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ kıyı

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cina [ HBC, EG], cena (NUN), ceoa, ceoaq < PE cinə shore; coast; rim; edge

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 siñi shore; border; edge; fur trim on bottom edge or cuffs of parka


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cinkaq [HBC], cenkaq [LY, NSK, NI, NUN], senkaq [Y] land otter (Lontra canadensis)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ceoiq’aq beaver (Castor canadensis) or land otter (Lontra canadensis) # equal numbers of generally reliable old word lists give each identification [NSU] < PY cəniq

*CINUQ içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) uzayıp (n) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ceng’uq [NS] spring (water) # and ceng’ur- [NS], seng’ur- [Y], essngur-[NI, NUN], [e]ssngur- [Y] to overflow < PY ciŋuʀ-


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cingqe-, cengqe- [HBC] < PE ciŋquʀ- to crackle

*CINUK içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) uzayıp (n) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 siŋuk- (i) to strain while defecating; (i) to strain during labor contractions (of woman giving birth)

*CILIK içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) düzenli (l) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cilig- (postural root) tilting; at an angle: ciligte- to tilt; to put at an angle; cilingqa- to be tilting; to be at an angle

*CILEQ içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) düzenli (l) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *siḷiq (root) sense, cognizance: siḷġatu- (i) to be wise, to be in one’s prime; siḷaiq- (i) to pay no attention to whether it is night or day; siḷivit- or silvit- (i) to become full (of any container); (t) to fill it completely

*CILEK içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) düzenli (l) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cilleg- [HBC], celleg- [Y], elleg- [K, NI, BB] < PE ciləɣ¹ to be thick in diameter

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 siḷik- (i) to be wide


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cilkia- to train physically, mentally, and spiritually in order to become a better person # following a particular ascetic program

*CILAK içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) düzenli (l) kalıp (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cilla [HBC; EG], cella [NS, Y, UK, LI, EG], ella [LK, BB, NI, NR, NUN, CAN, EG] world; outdoors; weather; sky; universe; awareness; sense # and cilla- [HBC; EG] to become weathered (faded, dried, and cracked) < PE cila

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 siḷa weather; atmosphere, air

*CILUQ içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) düzenli (l) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cilur-, cillur- [HBC], cellur- [Y], ellur- [K] < PY ciluʀ- to glide in air; to skip on water; to descend from the sky 130


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cilurnaq < cilur-naq¹ small flat stone


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cilli- [HBC], celli- [Y], elli²- [NUN, K, BB, NI, NR] < PE cili- or ciłI- to whet; to sharpen; cellin, ellin [K, NI], selin [EG] < PE cillin or ciłin (under PE cili- or ciłi-) whetstone

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 siḷi- [siḷI] (t) to sharpen it with a whetstone; siḷḷiñ whetstone, knife sharpener


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cilluvak [HBC] < ?-vak < PE ciłuvaɣ salmon egg, especially aged salmon egg


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cilte- [Y] to have an irritated throat

*CIPEK içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) yükselip (p) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cipegte- < PE cipə(ɣ)- to circle with one’s fingers and run one’s hands down while squeezing slightly to remove liquid, slime, clinging particles, etc.

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cipte- to have something left over; to have an excess of; to overflow (additional meaning in NUN)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *sipik (root) emergence; disconnection: sipiksaq- (i) to come undone, slip off; to grow suddenly or quickly; sipigri- (t) for it to slip off his hands; sipiksaaġaq- or sipiksaaq- (i) to not engage and fall off (of arrow on bow)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 sipi- (i) to change from male to female in the womb or during birth (of a fetus); sipiniq a female who has changed from being male

*CIVEK içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) taşınıp (v) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cive- to chase a seal or other sea mammal # (?)

*CIVUQ içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) taşınıp (v) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 civur- [HBC], ciur- < PE civvuʀ- to wring liquid out

*CIVUK içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) taşınıp (v) giderek (u) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ ön, ileri, başın eğilebildiği taraf


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 civu, ciu < PE civu area in front; time preceding, bow of a boat; forepart; ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ciuliaq < ciu-liaq < PE civuliʀaʀ (under PE civu) ancestor; ciuliqagte- to lead; ciuliqagta < ciu-li²-?-ta¹ leader; director; ciulirneq < ciu-lirneq elder; old-timer; ciumek first < ciu-abl.-mod.; ciuneq what lies ahead; foreground; ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ciuqliq < ciu-qliq < PE civuqliʀ first one; predecessor; ancestor; elder; older sibling; ciuqelvak < ciu-?-vak age difference

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 °sivu (stem) front part of anything; frontage, area in front of building; bow of boat; front exterior wall of house; time prior; sivuġak (Ti) toe of shoe; sivuġaq promontory at end of ridge; space or area in front; front of the leg


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 civug- [HBC], ciug- < PE civ(v)uɣ- / postural root: with one’s head tilted up/ civugte- [HBC], ciugte- to tilt one’s head up

*CIZEK içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) girip (z) bölerek (e) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ kesilip temizlenen balık

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ceg- [NS, LY, HBC, NI, UK, LI], [e]ceg-, esseg- [NUN], [e]sseg-, seg- [Y, CAN, K, BB, NR, LI, EG] < PE ciðəɣ to cut fish in preparation for drying; in places where ulligte- means to cut fish in preparation for drying, seg- means to cut open the abdominal cavity of a fish or mammal 131

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 siik- (t) to cut it lengthwise with an ulu “Iñupiaq woman’s knife”, as in skinning a seal

*CIZAK içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) girip (z) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ciame- < PE ciðamə(t)- to crush; to break; to crumble

*CIYAK içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) üstlenip (y) kalarak (a) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ vücuttaki kaşıma yarası

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ciyaktar- [HBC+ to have scratches on one’s body; ciyaneq [HBC] sore; wound

*CIYUQ içlenmiş (c) gelirken (i) üstleyip (y) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ciyuq, siyuq small thrush-like bird (species ?)

*CEVIK içlenmiş (c) bölerken (e) taşınıp (v) gelerek (i) katılan (k) = süre uzunluğu

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *sivI (root) duration: sivikit- (i) to be of short duration; (i) to take little time; sivisu- (i) to be of long duration; (i) to be lengthy

*CEVEK içlenmiş (c) bölerken (e) taşınıp (v) bölerek (e) katılan (k) = oyuk, oyma

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ceve- < PY civə- to get cut through # often (but not exclusively) of land

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *siv (root) hipbone area: sivviaq(-) hipbone; (i) to injure one’s hip; sivyaaq or (Nu) sipyaaq rounded upper end of femur at hip joint; hip joint


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 civte- PY-S civtə- to set (a fish trap, snare, net, trap, etc.); to set up (a tent); civtu- < civte-? to stretch out on the ground (or ice)

*CEVAK içlenmiş (c) bölerken (e) taşınıp (v) kalarak (a) katılan (k) = ? → *CEVEK

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 ceva, cevak low altitude; area near ground or other surface # and cevag- to flutter near the ground to distract intruders from its young # of a bird

*CAQUK içlenmiş (c) kalırken (a) karılıp (q) giderek (u) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ sarma

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 caqu wrapping; shell # and caqu- to wrap < PE caqu²


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 caqte- < PY caqə² to chip; to get torn or ripped (NUN meaning)

*CAKIQ içlenmiş (c) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ kayın

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cakiq < PE caki parent-in-law; cakiraq sister-in-law or brother-in-law in the sense of sibling of one’s spouse, not the spouse of one’s sibling

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *sakiq¹ (root) sibling-in-law: sakialuk husband’s sister; sakiġaq or sakiġauraq spouse’s sibling, sister-in-law or brother-in-law; older sister’s husband; (Ti) in-law, member of spouse’s family; (Ti) son-in-law


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cakiaq, cakiak < PE caki(C)aɣ sternum; breastbone

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 sakiak sternum, front middle part of an animal or human; sakiat or sakiagit breastbone, sternum; chest bones (excluding ribs)

*CAKIK içlenmiş (c) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ kaybı az olma

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cagi- [NUN] to lose (something small); to get lost (of something small) 132

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 caki- < PY-S caki(tə)- to cut out a piece of something; to plane (wood)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cakivte- < PE cakəvət- and caku [HBC, NUN, NS] to tan skin by scraping it

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *saki (root) a shaving: sakivit- (t) to scrape excess fat off it =dried animal skin, hide, usu., seal (held with both hands, the scraper is pushed up and down the animal hide which is spread over a scraping platform); (Ti) (t) to scrape it =skin after hair is removed


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 caginraq < ?-nraq < PE caɣɣaʀ (presently PI) pelt of caribou taken just after the long winter hair has been shed in spring

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 saggaq [saggaQ] or (Nu) saggaatchauraq caribou with new summer hair; summer animal (sheep or caribou) skin with short hair


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cagmar- < PE ciðaɣma(ʀ)- (under PE ciðaɣ-) to lose; to misplace; to be lost; to foolishly expend; to squander; to waste

*CAKIK-MAK ᴛᴜʀ balgam

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cagmak mucus; phlegm from mouth


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cakneq very much

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cakner- to struggle to function # said of machinery, or of a person who is ill, or carrying a heavy load, or struggling not to laugh, etc.;

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cagner- < PE caɣnəʀ- to have sore muscles; to be fatigued; cagni- to be taut; to be tight

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 sakniuq- (Nu) (i) to be sick

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 sagniuq- (i) to suffer from an injury

*CAKAK içlenmiş (c) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 saat² *sagat+ (i) to be soft, thin, pliable, e.g., fabric or animal skin; (i) to have thin hair

*CAKUK içlenmiş (c) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 sau- [sagu] to cover (her/him/it) with snow, sand, or earth, layer by layer; (t) to skirt it =traditional house with snow; saggutyaq (Nu) snow house made of soft, new snow


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 sauniq bone; pit, seed in fruit


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cauyaq drum # and cauyar- to drum; to beat on a drum < PY-S caɣuyaq

*CANIQ içlenmiş (c) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 caniq < PE cani- area beside; space next to

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 °sanI (root) broadside, side


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 canir²- < PE caniʀ- to sweep 133

*CANEK içlenmiş (c) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 canek [Y, K, CAN, NUN, NI, BB, NR, LI] < PE canəɣ grass


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 can’giiq < ?-iq [HBC, NI, NUN, CAN, LK, UK, BB, NR, LI] blackfish (Dallia pectoralis)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cange- to catch fish or game


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 saŋik- (t) to delouse her/him/it


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 sanik(-) speck of dust, lint; caribou hair on clothing or floor; to have dust, lint, dirt on it

*CANAQ içlenmiş (c) kalırken (a) uzayıp (n) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cana-, canar- to carve wood; to whittle

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 sana- to whittle, carve (it =wood, soapstone, etc.)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 can’u- < PY cannu- to be thick

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 saŋŋi- *saŋŋI+ (i) to be strong, tight, or taut

*CAPEK içlenmiş (c) kalırken (a) yükselip (p) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 capaᵉ barrier; curtain; partition; veil # and cape- to close passage; to block from view; to cover up < PE capə-

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 capu cover; enclosure # and capu- to cover; to enclose; to hide from view

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 sapi- (t) to block, obstruct her/him/it; (t) make passage unsuitable or impossible for her/him/it; (i) to dam it =river

*CAVIK içlenmiş (c) kalırken (a) taşınıp (v) gelerek (i) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ bıçak

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cavik metal; iron; steel; cutting knife (not semilunar) (NS meaning); curved wood-carving knife (NUN meaning) # and cavig- to cut smooth with a knife < PE caviɣ

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 savik [savIk] or savik knife; metal


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cavek toggling harpoon point # and caveg²- to harpoon < PE cavəɣ-

*CAVEK içlenmiş (c) kalırken (a) taşınıp (v) bölerek (e) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ kürek

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cave-, save- [LI], yave- [NSU] < PE yavə- to row; cavun ˢᵍ cavutek ᵈˡ [Y, HBC, NI, NUN, CAN, K, BB, NR, LI, EG], savun [LI, UK], yavun [NSU] < PY yavun (under PY yavə-) oar

*CAVAK içlenmiş (c) kalırken (a) taşınıp (v) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 caveg¹- [NS] < PE cavaɣ- to work

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 savak- to work (on it); (t) to repair it; (t) to shape it; (t) to execute, administer it; (i) to be working, operating properly (of a machine); (t) to prepare it =corpse for burial 134

*CAVUQ içlenmiş (c) kalırken (a) katılıp (k) giderek (u) karılan (q) = boşanma

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cavur- to divorce

*CAZEK içlenmiş (c) kalırken (a) girip (z) bölerek (e) katılan (k) = ev/elbise önü

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 caa [NUN] < PE caðə- front area of hill, mountain, etc.

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 saa [sara] (stem) front of body or garment; area immediately in front of something; lap, the front part of the lower trunk and thighs of a seated person; seaward

*CAYAQ içlenmiş (c) kalırken (a) üstlenip (y) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cayaq < PE caya(ɣ) pleura; more generally, the upper part of the body; lungpower

*CAYAK içlenmiş (c) kalırken (a) üstlenip (y) kalarak (a) katılan (k) = Oncorhynchus nerka

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cayak, sayak, sayalleq < PY cayak red or sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 sayak health, strength

*CAYUQ içlenmiş (c) kalırken (a) üstlenip (y) giderek (u) karılan (q) = (ortak ev içinde yapılan) dans

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cayurte- [NS, Y] < PE cayuʀ- to Eskimo-dance

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 sayuq- (i) to do a dance with fixed Iñupiaq dance motions

*CAYUK içlenmiş (c) kalırken (a) üstlenip (y) giderek (u) katılan (k) ᴛᴜʀ seğirme

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cayug¹ < PE cayuɣ- to twitch; to jerk (of body or body part); cayug² < PE cayuɣ- to pull or draw (toward oneself)

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 sayuk- (i) to twitch (of bodypart)

DİKKAT: (ca-yug-) cayug³ to want something; to want what?

*CUQIQ içlenmiş (c) giderken (u) karılıp (q) gelerek (i) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cuqir- /postural root: having bends/ cuqia- to turn back and forth; to meander; cuqingqa- to be crooked; to have bends in it; cuqirte- < cuqir-te² to get crooked

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cuqlur- < PY-S cuqluʀ- /postural root: being bent out of shape/ cuqlungqa- < cuqlur-ngqa to be bent out of shape; to be distorted; cuqlurte- to get bent, or bend, out of shape; to distort or become distorted

*CUQEQ içlenmiş (c) giderken (u) karılıp (q) bölerek (e) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cuqeq¹ < cuqa-? [NUN] gunsight; ruler; pattern; cuqeq² [Y] large open sore on body

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cuqaᵉ measurement; set or predictable time for something; set period of time or amount of something; cord of wood

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cuqte- to measure; to judge

*CUQAQ içlenmiş (c) giderken (u) karılıp (q) kalarak (a) karılan (q)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 curaq¹, suraq < PY cuʀaq blueberry (Vaccinium uliginosum); curaq² *EG] thimble


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 curar-, curaqerte- [NUN, HBC] to check outside; to go outside for fresh air; yurar², yura’arte- to check outside; to poke one’s head out as to take a look; to emerge; to pop us into view


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 curlu, curluq < ?-luq, ?-luq < PE cuʀlu nostril; nasal passage; sinus; head of pike fish # dual form used more often to describe nostrils or nasal passages


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cuqaq < PE cuqqaʀ baleen; whalebone

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 suqqaq [suqqaQ] baleen, whalebone

*CUQUQ içlenmiş (c) giderken (u) karılıp (q) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 curuq bedding skin; sleeping mat; mattress; curuluk < curuq-? grass, etc., used for bed padding for humans or animals

*CUQUK içlenmiş (c) giderken (u) karılıp (q) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 curuk attacker; confronter # and curug- to go over to attack or confront # physically or verbally < PE cuʀðuɣ

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 *suġ (root) aggression: suġuk- (i) to wrestle with each other; (t) to fight, wrestle with her/him/it; (t) tease her/him/it | +uk rv; suġruk- (i) to go over to berate, quarrel with, or attack someone; (t) to go over to berate, quarrel with or attack her/him | +rruk- rv; suġġiaq- (i) to go to wrestle |‘=iaq- vv

*CUKIQ içlenmiş (c) giderken (u) katılıp (k) gelerek (i) karılan (q)


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cukiq < PE cuki(ʀ) quill, thorn; cugirte- to be sharply peaked # of a mountain; cugite, cuite- [NUN] to get a sudden sharp pain # of body parts; cukite- < PE cukkit- to get something sharp in one’s foot, to step on something sharp; cukilek < cukiq-lek stickleback (Pungitius pungitius) (HBC, NUN, NI, CAN, K, NR meaning); porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum) (Y meaning); small sea bird (species ?) (NUN meaning); literally: ‘one with quills’


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cugir- [NUN] to remove the facial area of a seal before reaching into it

*CUKAQ içlenmiş (c) giderken (u) katılıp (k) kalarak (a) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cukaᵉ, cukaq [NUN] < PE cukaʀ post; pole; stake


ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 sukaq a river flowing underground at the base of a mountain

*CUKAK içlenmiş (c) giderken (u) katılıp (k) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cuagte- < PE cuɣaɣ- to pout

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 suak- (t) to scold, rebuke, reprimand, reproach her/him/it


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cuka- < PE cuk(k)a- to be fast; cukaite- to be slow

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 suka- (i) to be fast, be quick; sukait- (i) to be slow

*CUMEQ içlenmiş (c) giderken (u) uyup (m) bölerek (e) karılan (q) 136

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cumerte- < PY-S cuməʀ(tə)- to be concerned about one’s supply of food or other necessities, and to work on it; to gather or prepare food or other items for the future

*CUMIK içlenmiş (c) giderken (u) uyup (m) gelerek (i) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cumigte- < PE cumiɣ- to hurry; to be anxious; to be relentless; to be persistent; to be preoccupied; to inquisitively look around (NUN meaning)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cumike- to take care of; to be attentive; to pay attention (to)

*CUNAK içlenmiş (c) giderken (u) uzayıp (n) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cungak, cungaq < PE cuŋa(ɣ) gallbladder

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 suŋaq gallbladder

*CULUQ içlenmiş (ç) giderken (u) düzenli (l) giderek (u) karılan (q)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 culurte- < PY culuʀtə- to dock; to land (a boat); to beach (a boat) # applies to either the boat or the people in the boat

*CULUK içlenmiş (ç) giderken (u) düzenli (l) giderek (u) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 culuk < PE culuɣ wing feather; fin of fish; dorsal fin of a fish or whale; spine; backbone

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 suluk(-) wing feather; (t) to shake off, remove, e.g., snow, dust from her/him/it

*CUPEQ içlenmiş (ç) giderken (u) yükselip (p) bölerek (e) karılan (q) ᴛᴜʀ üfleme

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cupe²- < PE cupə- to blow on


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cupun, cup’un [NSU] < cupe²-n straw; ember; coal; charcoal; rifle # literally: ‘device for blowing’


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cupluq < cupe²-? pipe; hose; gun barrel

*CUPEK içlenmiş (ç) giderken (u) yükselip (p) bölerek (e) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cupaᵉ ice floe # and cupe¹- to break up; for ice to go out in spring # of ice in river, lake, ocean; impersonal subject

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 supi- (i) to break up and flow (of frozen river); (t) to blow it =candle flame out; suvlu or (Nu) suplu pore; tiny hole; barrel of gun


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cupegte- to be homesick; to be unhappy or ill at ease in a situation and wish to be elsewhere

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cupigte- < PE cupiɣ- to reverse; to turn around; to put (boots) on the wrong feet; to put (clothes) on backward

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 supik- (t) to turn it sideways

*CUVAK içlenmiş (ç) giderken (u) katılıp (k) kalarak (a) katılan (k)

ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cuak [NSU] < PE ciłuvaɣ- (?)aged roe; aged fish eggs; cf. cilluvak

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 suvak fish eggs 137


ʏᴜᴘ Jacobson 2012 cuvgeq [NUN], yuvgeq, cuvayaaq [HBC] < PE nəvɣuʀ fish slime

ɪɴᴘ MacLean 2012 nivguq, yuvġuq(-) (Ti) fish slime; (i) to be slimy (of fish)


Jacobson 2012 Steven A. Jacobson, Yup'ik Eskimo Dictionary, revised ²nd ed. 2012. Alaska Native Language Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks.

MacLean 2012 Edna Ahgeak MacLean, Iñupiatun Uqaluit Taniktun Sivunniuġutiŋit / North Slope Iñupiaq to English Dictionary. Alaska Native Languages Archives, University of Alaska Fairbanks.


Alaska kıyılarında Eskimoların dağılımı

Eskimoloji üzerine diğer çalışmalarım:

► Ocak 2010 Öküzün Altında Aranan Buzağı : Bir Eskimo Dilinde Türkçenin İzleri

► Nisan 2012: Yupikçe Bitki ve Hayvan Adları = Yup’ik Plant and Animal Names

► Mayıs 2012: Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları = Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names

► Mayıs 2012: Sibirya Yupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları = Siberian Yupik Plant and Animal Names

► Nisan 2017 İnyupikçe Bitki ve Hayvan Adları I (Memeliler & Kuşlar) = Iñupiaq Plant and Animal Names I (Mammals & Birds)

Dil araştırmalarında dönüm noktası olan ana çalışma:

► 13 Mart 2017 Türkçenin Şamanik Kökleri