AVALON HILL SUBSCRIPTION $4.98 Published First Day of Every Qther Month
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,. f t *: *: *: *: *: Full...: Year The AVALON HILL SUBSCRIPTION $4.98 Published First Day Of Every Qther Month VOLUME 2, NO. 1 Publication Office: 210 West 28th Street Baltimore, Marvland 21211 MAY 1965 SQUANDER- THE GAME FOR BORN LOSERS Behind the Publishin~ Scene - Part 2 A Critique: In the last issue we discussed the 5• Stalingrad Re-Played step cycle of designing a new game. The March issue featured a replay But designing is only half the "battle. " of Stal ingrad wherein the German player Of equal importance is getting a new attacked at 1-2 odds in most cases. game onto the retail shelves and ulti• Since"then, many subscribers have sub• mately into the consumer's hands. mitted "better" starting defensive line• streamers and decals also help lure ups for the Russian player designed to Promotion is the Key the customer to the Avalon Hill section preclude the swift breakthrough made by the German player in the early of the game counters. Today it takes a wildly exciting ad• stages of the game that was replayed. vert is ing campaign to get your product Direct Mail Most of the plans submitted were noticed. predicated upon keeping a skeleton Case in point is $quander, our brand Russian force in Finalnd in order to Not the least important is the direct bolster the defense in the Polish• new mass-market game. (Battle game mail campaign. Every person that fanatics should skip this article, this s ends in a Registration Card is placed Hungarian line. game's not for you.) Even though tbe On our consumer mailing list so that Our design staff picked out a few of concept of play is a departure from our they can be informed of the latest in these and set them up. In one case, the usual format our consumer panel felt German player had occupied Leningrad AH products. This type of promotion on the third turn because Finland had that it was up to the Avalon Hill standard also is a merchandising aid to the re• of enjoyment. It features a completely tailer since our "hard- sell" sheet actu• been left too weak. In other cases, the different philosophy ... the winner is German-Finnish troops so harrassed ally creates more store traffic for him. the weak Russian force left in Finland the loser. It's Monopoly in reverse • Most people on our mailing list much $quander is the game for born losers. prefer running down to their Avalon that the Russian player was constantly running troops back and forth from the So here is a "can't miss" game as Hill dealer to pick up the new game in Polish border. Such vascillation ulti• far as design is concerned. But how person rather than ordering through the mails. mately created a hole and the German will the public find out about it. As player was able to capitalize. with our battle titles, prime necessity There were, however, some ex• is the insertion of printed advertise• Trade Advertising cellent compromises and the German ments in magazines that are distributed player was hard put to make any head• to the age groups we seek. Sports Illu• All of the above advertising and promotional support is of no value un• way. strated, Boys Life, Venture are typical We are re-printing several- set them magazines we select. less we can convince the middle rnen that we have a winner. Therefore, as up and see how they stand the" 1- 2" test. The first is from Art Schneider, 6720 Free Publicity is the custom in the industry, we em• 23rd Avenue, Kenosha, Wisconsin. ploy factory representatives all over Supporting this "paid-in" magazine the country who call on the wholesalers IIStalingrad replayed in the January advertising are press releases which and retailers in person. They are the (Continued on Page 2) are maile9 out to thousands of news• hub of the entire promotional wheel. papers and magazines who are happy To give them ammunition, we run that starts you off with a million $quan• to receive this type of filler material. trade-advertisements that appear in derbucks. The object is to be the first As a matter of fact, there are quite a publications such as Toys & Novelties, to throw your money away - even faster few well-known editors who are Avalon Playthings, Toy & Hobby World; etc., than the government does it. The beauty Hill afficionados themselves and are which are distributed strictly to toy and of it all is the fact that it still requires more than willing to "push" our pro• game buyers. These ads make them a great deal of thought to win the game. ducts at no char-ge. aware of the existence of our ~roducts As in that all-time great, Monopoly, and the availability of new games. the brighter players will invariably win Point of Sale Advertising most of the time. That's why the toy Instant Success buyers are going crazy over $quander. Counter display material containing They especially like the fact that its Product Folders are sent to retailers $quander has become an instant suc• priced at $3.98, just like Monopoly. free of charge which helps attract the cess with the toy buyers who have be'en Now, we don't have anything against attention of the casual shopper to our asking us for years to develop a game Monopoly - after all, it took 30 years products On the shelves. Window for the mass-market. Here is a game to come up with something better. L -~ THE GENERAL PAGE 2 12 Yl6Zl6CCl5Z16NNl4KKl4NNl5KK14BBl5LL1435376564422928 (36?) BBl5 after Jon Perica's west coast Game 242216271314 17 Analysis Club. ;he 1VAtON 'kILt @~~~1]!~il:. The son of an Air Force careerman, . " a bi-monthly magazine mailed pretty Stan Wolcott, is the west editor. His close to the first day of January, March, May, straight "A" scholastic standing has July, September and November. obtained for him two nominations to the Air Force academy and a four- year The Avalon Hill General is edited and pub• Regent's Scholarship to the University lished by the Avalon Hill Company, Baltimore, of Nebraska, Wolcott's ultimate aim is .Maryland. to enter international politic s. Copyright 1964 T.A. H. C. Rounding out the staff is Tom A. I?altimore. Maryland. New Editors Bosseler in the sC:;uthwest. Bosseler's Printed in U. S.A. ultimate aim is just to get out of high Appointed to Staff school so he may devote more time to (Continued from Page 1. winning Avalon Hill games. He will As The General begins its second feature articles in his column on how GENERAL seemed to offer a challenge• year of publication, a new group of to "attack, defend, plan campaigns, and f for a foolproof Russian Order of Battle, area editors takes over for the next six win every game." and I think I have one that will limit issues. Of course, we will continue to the German 1-2 Blitz as much as include articles from the previous Quite an inter sting lineup of editors, Terrain will allow. Of course, the editors whose contributions in the first what? We urge you to write them ... subsequent moves, and the willingness year of publication helped make this anything of interest you have to say may of the German to take risks will still magazine a rousing success. very well wind up in sections of their determine the game, but this order of respective columns. battle would surely be an as set because Why Editors at All? no major river lines could be breached The establishment of area editor• in the first move. (I think) ships promotes a closer kinship with GRID UNITS BY readers, especially those far distant East COORDINATE COMBAT FACTORS from the east coast offices of Avalon S-18 Hill. It allows the reader to air his 7-10, 6-9 Laurence Plumb U-18 4-6 views with editors of his own geographic X-15 and literary climate. The editors 126 Washington Highway 2-3 themselves are selected on the basis of Amherst, New York 14226 X-16 4-6,4-6,4-6 Z-16 5-7, 5-7 diversification of gaming interests. AA-15 7-10, 5-7, 5-7 Thus you can count on an excellent EDITOR - covering Maine, New Hamp• cross-section of views each and every BB-15 5-7, 5-7, 5-7 shire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode CC-14 5-7, 5-7, 4-6 issue from the newly appointed editors. Island, Connecticut, New York, New Editorships have been re-aligned into EE -12 4-6, 4-6 Jersey, Pennsylvania, Europe. JJ-12 4-6 five territories. Heading the east is Laurence Plumb who has had several KK-14 5-7, 5-7, 5-7 NN-13 4-6 articles published in the Triad, Amherst's literary magazine. A first Probability for 00-13 2-3 board Chess player at Amherst Central The rest are reserve or in Finland." High, Plumb claims that Avalon Hill Tactics & Strategy The second, from, Richard A. games "are more engrossing than Chess by Laurence Plumb Shagrin, room 356 Haggett Hall, U. of since the possible combinations and the Washington in Seattle, felt that the chance to show one's originality is much One of the most important abilities Nemunas River bend needed defensive greater. "Plumb is a direct descendant of every strategist and tactician is the from General Slocum, listed as com• bolstering. Here, then, is his com• ability to arrive at a decision under a I plete setup: mander of the Union XII Corps in the given set of combat conditions.