The Vegetative Communities Associated with Mammals of the South
The Vegetative Communities Associated with Mammals of the South Beverly Collins, Philip E. Hyatt, and Margaret K. Trani Introduction This chapter describes the ecoregions and vegetation ( Mammal species known to occur types associated with mammals of the South. The (or those with a high likelihood of occurrence) in each distribution of mammals in the South reflects historic terrestrial community are listed in Table 2.2. The veg- biogeographicalprocessesaswellasphysiography etation categories are superimposed on the National and vegetation. For example, there are clear differences Hierarchical Framework of Ecological Units (Avers in the mammal fauna of the Blue Ridge Mountains as et al. 1994, Keys et al. 1995) and the ecoregions of the compared to that of the Coastal Plain physiographic United States (Bailey 1995). From interior to coastal area. Within the Coastal Plain there are differences in areas, these ecoregions are the Interior Low Plateau the mammal faunas among mesic pine flatwoods, and Highlands, Cumberland Plateau and Mountains, mixed hardwood forests, and floodplain forests. Blue Ridge and Ridge and Valley, and Coastal Plain Mammalian distributions are often best predicted at and Coastal Fringe. the scale of physiographic province (considering geo- morphology, soils, topography, and micro-climatic The Interior Low Plateau and Highlands differences) and broadly defined vegetation types. Within the broad vegetation categories, adherence to The western mesophytic/oak-hickory forest is broadly specific cover types may be of value in predicting the distributed over the Interior Low Plateau, Coastal presence or absence of a particular mammal; thus, the Plain, and Interior Highlands regions of western basic types of Hamel (1992) and Wilson (1995) are Kentucky, Tennessee, northern Mississippi, Alabama, incorporated within the vegetation descriptions in northern Arkansas, and portions of eastern Oklahoma this book.
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