Iranian Illustrator Wins Canadian Prize 21St International Storytelling
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Iranian Library and Information Science Association’s Broadcast Incorporate with National Library and Archive of I.R.Iran Bimonthly October- November 2018 Volume 1 Issue 4 Saleh Zamani | IFLA’s 84th World Library on 15 August 2018, was also attended by Ira- other participants, also shared their personal iBulletin off-site and Information Congress (WLIC 2018) con- nian information science specialists. Fariborz experiences of participation in IFLA meetings cluded its week-long annual meeting in Kuala Khosravi, ILISA President, presented a re- and events in previous years. In the course of Lumpur, Malaysia, 24th -30th August 2018. port on Iran’s participation in previous IFLA the meeting, Mahboobeh Ghorbani, expert at iBulletin off-site was held on Septem- The Congress this year witnessed the par- meetings, and emphasized the importance of the NLAI Research Department, briefed the ber 12, in Tehran Book Garden. At this ticipation of over 3100 delegates and 387 the annual Congress as a very useful and edu- audience about the efforts made for the selec- meeting iBulletin board and collabora- volunteers from the 122 member states tion of NLAI by IFLA as a green library. tors became more familiar with each and 70 exhibition stalls. The actual work Following the return of the delegation other, made friendship stronger, and also of the Congress involved more than 500 from Malaysia, a meeting was held on Sep- were brain storming for offer novel ideas speeches and 247 plenary and specialized tember 2nd at the National Library, where to go forward. sessions. The annual meeting draws the at- the members of the delegation spoke about All this while we were experiencing tention of libraries and interested librarians their respective activities – and achieve- the moments of joy together and helped across the world. The Iranian delegation, ments - at the Congress, including through us to keep continuing with much more energy! mostly composed of librarians, participated the presentation of papers and posters, en- actively in the Congress and its general gagement in technical deliberations, and ex- discussions and technical deliberations. change of views on issues of mutual interest This year’s participation in the IFLA an- with IFLA officers in various departments nual Congress was preceded by a good pre- and other delegations. In the collective paratory process. In addition to preparatory judgment of the delegation, this year’s par- meetings within National Library and Ar- ticipation in the IFLA Congress was quite chives of Iran, a special coordinating meet- cational forum for learning and experience- successful and represented a better collec- ing for the Congress was organized jointly by sharing, and encouraged the members of the tive performance as compared with previous the International Relations Committee of the delegation to ensure making the best use of the years, and a more solid base for future work. Can you find our colleagues in the Iranian Library and Information Science As- event, especially through active participation in The following section attempts to capture the photo? Samira, Maryam, Sakineh, Fat- taneh, Elahe, Faramarz, Saleh, Mostafa, sociation (ILISA) and the International Affairs the specialized-technical meetings. A number most salient aspects of ... [continued to Page 2] Soode, Parisa, Mohammadreza and .... Department of the (NLAI). The meeting, held of the members of the delegation, as well as Iranian Illustrator 21st International Iranian Nomination for Wins Canadian Prize Storytelling Festival Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award Nahid Kazemi, an Iranian illustrator resid- The 21st International Storytelling Fes- Farhad Hassanzadeh, the well-known promotion of reading, for the Swedish ing in Canada, won Joanne Fitzgerald Award tival will be held in Tehran in end of No- Iranian writer of over 80 children’s books, Award. The Plan was initiated in 2011 by of one-month residence at the Toronto Public vember 2018 with the motto “Living Well including “The Backyard” and “Water- the Institute for Research on the History of Library. The Program - and the annual award Requires Practice.” Interested storytellers melon with Love”, has been selected by Children’s Literature with the objective of – was launched in 2013 to honor Joanne are expected to narrate their stories, with the Children’s Book Council of Iran as making quality books accessible to disad- Fitzgerald, a renowned Canadian illustra- a moral and educational approach, on and a nominee for the 2019 Astrid Lindgren vantaged children in the marginal areas of tor of children’s literature (1956-2011). The around the themes of ‘the story of my Memorial Award (ALMA). The Award, big cities as well as to the children living in Program provides children’s books illustra- life”, and “better life, sorrow and happi- established in 2002 by the Swedish Na- remote and deprived areas of the country. tors with the opportunity of a one-month resi- ness” and reflect on lessons, teachings, tional Council for Cultural Affairs to Iran’s nominations for the Astrid dency at a public library in Canada, during efforts, friendships, and all that make ‘the commemorate the Swedish writer As- Lindgren Memorial Award are selected which they can perform programs for both story of my life’. As indicated in the Festi- trid Lindgren, is presented on an annual every year by the Institute for Intel- children and adults. val’s official call, foreign storytellers can basis by the Swedish government and is lectual Development of Children and The Program – and the award – are a joint also participate in the Festival and narrate project of the Canadian Chapter of the Inter- their stories in two modes: “traditional” - national Board on Books for Young People classic - direct narration of stories and the (IBBY Canada), the Canadian Urban Librar- modern - “creative storytelling” – assisted ies Council and participating libraries which by audio/visual means. The Introduction have included the Toronto Public Library and to official call for the Festival reads: the Edmonton Public Library. “Every human being has a story of joys The Program awards a jury-selected, pub- and sorrows, hardship and comfort, mem- lished Canadian children’s book illustrator ories, enduring moments of childhood, with a residency at a Canadian urban library bitter and sweet moments; stories, each each October. The winning Illustrator in Res- of which, is a lesson for life. All of us, idence leads a program which explains and during our life, and on a daily basis, nar- promotes children’s book illustration. Past rate stories from this story-packed book; winners join experts from the participating sometimes seeking sympathy through library and IBBY Canada as jurists for the expression of our sufferings and some following year. other times seeking compassion through dedicated to the promotion of children’s Young Adults, the Iranian Association Kazemi, holding BA and MA Degrees in expression of love and happiness.” and youth literature in the world, with- of Writers for Children and Youth, and visual arts from Iranian universities, has thus out regard for nationality or language. the Children’s Book Council of Iran. far illustrated 60 books for children, which In addition to writers and illustrators, the In addition to Hassanzadeh and the have been published in Iran, Canada, US, and Swedish Prize is also awarded to story- “Read with Me” Plan, Jamshid Khanian Europe. tellers, and others active in the promotion and Hushang Moradi Kermani (writ- During her stay at the North Branch of of children’s books and book reading. ers), Ali-Asghar Seyyedabadi, expert Toronto Public Library during the month of ALMA is given to nominees who dem- in children’s literature, and a mobile li- October, she plans to hold art courses for stu- onstrate high artistic quality and human brary program that promotes reading in dents and evening workshops for adolescents values cherished by Astrid Lindgren. remote regions and villages in the coun- and adults as well as presenting lectures in art The Iranian Council has also nominated try, have also been nominated for the departments and colleges. “Read with Me”, a nationwide plan for award by the concerned organizations. Page 2 October- November 2018 Volume 1 Issue 4 Iran’s Participation in IFLA 2018: An Overall Report Book Courier for [continued from Page 1] ... this participation. ence and participation of Iranian women as with IFLA President, Glòria Pérez-Salmerón, 1. IFLA 2018 provided the Iranian delegation librarians, their managerial role happens to gave the Iranian delegation the opportunity to Child Laborers with the opportunity to gain a fuller and better be limited and insignificant. It appears that follow-up bilateral discussions – and agree- understanding of the Global Vision strategy, IFLA 2018 came to have a positive impact ments – during her visit to Iran earlier in the The Allameh Tabatabaei Library, in co- including its emphasis on the social respon- on the way Iranian women librarians per- year. On the sidelines of the IFLA meeting, operation with the Cultural Center of Kaar sibilities of librarians and the new technical ceive and view their field and profession. NLAI officials also concluded two MoUs and Ta’avon (Work and Cooperation), has opportunities in the field of librarianship and This new awareness and sensitivity can – and of cooperation, respectively with the Na- launched a special program under the title of information science. It opens a new – in fact, should - strengthen their resolve