PRICE LIST by SAARTE LIINID Ltd. for 2012 I Port Service Fees And

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PRICE LIST by SAARTE LIINID Ltd. for 2012 I Port Service Fees And APPROVED by Ain Tatter Chairman of the Supervisory Board Saarte Liinid Ltd 11.11.2011 PRICE LIST by SAARTE LIINID Ltd. for 2012 (Prices are exclusive of VAT 20%) I Port service fees and their application 1. PORT FEE 1.1 Port fee GT 1,15 € 1.1.1 For cargo ships, cruise boats and passenger boats, on Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays an additional dockage/undockage fee shall be charged: operation 29,00 € 1.1.2 Rehauling fee operation 30,00 € Remark: For cargo vessels, cruise boats and passenger boats the port fee includes fees for dockage, quay during loading/unloading vessels and navigation marks. For other vessels the port fee includes fees for dockage and navigation marks. In case of extraordinary cargo, port fees will be determined according to special calculations based on the dimensions and load of the cargo to port facilities, risks and additional costs for the port. In Virtsu port, fishing baots shall be chraged the port fee of 35€ per entrance for loading/unloading fish with the required time up to 2 hours. In Roomassaare, Kihnu and Sõru ports, the port fee for fishing baots shall be applied according to Annex 1. 1.2 Port fee for small craft (length up to 13m) making commercial trips trip 10,00 € 1.3 The craft owned by permanent residents of small-size islands shall not be charged in the ports of respective small-size islands, provided that the vessels are not used for commercial purposes. 2. QUAY FEE 2.1 Quay Fee for other vessels meter/hour 0,10 € Remark: In Roomassaare, Sõru and Kihnu ports, the port fee (including fees for tonnage, dockage, quay and navigation marks) for fishing boats shall be applied according to Annex 1. 2.2 Additional quay fee for cargo vessels and passenger boats After two hours (time for out-registering a vessel) since the completion of a loading or unloading operation, an additional fee shall be charged for a vessel staying at the quay for a reason depending on the vessel: meter/hour 0,20 € Remark: The time between 1-30 min shall be deemed 0,5 hour and 31-60 min shall be deemed 1 hour. Saarte Liinid Ltd. Price List 2012 2/7 2.3 Quay fee for yachts and launches (inclusive of VAT 20%) Standing time up to 1 hour free of charge Standing time 1 to 8 hours 7 € Boats up to 13,0 m long 20 € / 24 h Boats over 13,0 m up to 20,0 m long 30 € / 24 h Boats over 20,0 m long 3,50 € / m / 24 h Remarks : Port fee for yachts and launches includes: berth, fresh water, power supply, usage of WC and shower and delivery of waste. Staying in the port over 8 hours shall be deemed another day started and shall be charged according to the length of the boat. In Sviby port, a 50 % discount shall be applied. 2.4 Quay fee for yachts and other small craft of permanent base (boats, the home port of which is the port of their basic location), (inclusive of VAT 20%) In all Saarte Liinid LOA In home port yachtharbours 130 € / season Boats up to 6 m 224 € / season 32 € / month 192 € / season Boats 6,1 -13 m 320 € / season 48 € / month 450 € / season Boats 13,1-20 m 640 € / season 160 € / month 960 € / season Boats 20,1 m and longer 1280 € / season 256 € / month 3. TUG FEE Working hour/sailing hour 110 € / h Standing hour (outside home port) 50 € / h Remarks: The above towboat fees shall be increased as follows: working days 22:00-07:30 for 50% weekends and national holidays for 50%. The captain of the vessel or his agent shall be obliged to order a towboat 3 (three) hours prior to the start of the work and provide details 1 (one) hour in advance. The permanent location of the towboat is Roomassaare port. Vessels of 100m and longer and vessels with no bow thruster shall be obliged to use a towboat in Roomassaare port. 4. PASSENGER FEE (inclusive of VAT 20%) passenger 0,60 € Remarks: Passenger fee shall be charged per passenger for both departing and boarding a boat separately. For ferry lines the passenger fee has been provided in the contracts for rendering port services. 5. USING A QUAY FOR LOADING/UNLOADING CARGO (with equipment belonging to the vessel, consignor/shippr or other equipment ) bulk 1,30 € / ton timber 1,30 € / stere fresh and frozen fish 2,30 € / ton furcellaria 2,00 € / ton using a crane in port 10,00 € / lift Remark: Customers may use a crane in port only after a prior respective agreement. Saarte Liinid Ltd. Price List 2012 3/7 6. LOADING CARGO USING EQUIPMENT BELONGING TO THE PORT timber 2,60 € / stere peat 0,80 € /m3 other materials 2,50 € / ton 7. CARGO STORAGE TARIFFS m2 / 24 h 0,15 € Remark: The price shall be valid if not stipulated otherwise. 8. POWER SALE (fee added to the purchase price) Ferry ports 0,014 € / kWh Ports not providing ferry services 0,029 € / kWh Remarks: The basis of power resale price is its purchase price, that is added by a fee according to the daytime tariff and nighttime tariff. The added fee covers the costs of the maintenance and operation of electrical equipment, connecting and disconnecting the power system. 9. SALE OF WATER TO VESSELS Ferry ports (excl. Virtsu) 2,95 € / ton Roomassaare port 5,00 € / ton Virtsu port 3,85 € / ton Remark: The price shall be valid if not stipulated otherwise. 10. SALE OF WATER TO POPULATION 10.1 Basic fee for individual consumers connected to the water supply system of ports is month 1,30 € 10.2 The price for 1m3 of water sold shall be in compliance with the prices established by a respective local government. 11. WASTE FEE 11.1 Waste fee for ferry boats € / month includes Kuivastu – Virtsu line 224 machine oil, oily waste Heltermaa – Rohuküla line 262 and hazardous waste Triigi – Sõru line 32 Sviby – Rohuküla line 32 machine oil, oily waste Kihnu-Munalaid, Kihnu-Pärnu and hazardous waste 76 and Manilaid-Munalaid lines and household waste Remark: Receiving household waste and sewage from the ferry on Piirissaare – Laaksaare line is included in 2012 basic port fee. (Upon agreement with the line operator, the operator shall manage the delivery of machine oil, oily and hazardous waste to the handler). Saarte Liinid Ltd. Price List 2012 4/7 11.2 Waste fee (for cargo vessels, tankers and other vessels) 1 dockage 64 € Remark: (includes delivery of up to 1 ton bilge water, household waste, night soil and oils). 11.3 Delivery of bilge water delivery to be processed in Rohuküla 100 € / ton delivery from vessels at the harbours of Saarte Liinid Ltd 64 € / ton Remark: If bilge water, delivered from the vessels includes more than 25 % of oil, then the price of the delivery will be determined accordingly to prices, given by the waste handler +6,40 €/ton 11.4 Delivery of utilised machine oil litre 0,70 € 11.5 Delivery of night soil ton 15 € Remark: Delivery and processing night soil from population 7,70 € / ton Delivery of night soil from population in Heltermaa port only. 11.6 Delivery of household waste m3 13,00 € Remark: Price for hazardous waste according to the handler’s price to which the costs of the port shall be added. In case, the waste deliverer has no contract on renting containers and transportation. 11.7 In case, the port operator’s costs on delivery of a boat waste products exceed the above stated fees, the port operator shall be entitled to cover the uncovered part of costs on the basis of the actual delivery of a boat waste products as per type and amount, whereas the unit prices shall be charged according to articles 12.3, 12.4, 12.5 and 12.6. 12. HOURLY TARIFFS FOR USING EQUIPMENT The price of a bilge water truck passing a 1 km distance according to a jobbing contract (includes the standing time for pumping up to 1 hour) 1,10 € / km The price of a bilge water truck for 1 standing hour according to a jobbing contract (shall be applied in case of truck pumping since 2 hrs) 37,00 € / hour Using the cleaning machine BRODDWAY hooked to a tractor or the 42,20 € / hour cleaning-washing truck MAZ The price of a night soil truck for the passed distance according to a 1,00 € / km jobbing contract 100,00 € / hour or Using a portal crane 23,00 € / lift Using a tractor and truck with a driver 32,00 € / hour Using a loader 22,40 € / hour Truck transportation service 0,80 € / km Using a motor pump 23,00 € / hour Using lifting strops 4,50 € / hour Using a pressure washer 4,50 € / hour Using a passenger car trailer 16,00 € / 24 hrs Using other equipment 4,50 € / hour Saarte Liinid Ltd. Price List 2012 5/7 13. USING WORKFORCE hour / person 32 € 14. WEIGHING BY A TRUCKSCALE 1 weighing 15,00 € Remark: Weighing service is available in Heltermaa port 15. PAID PARKING (inclusive of VAT 20%) CAR up to 24 hours 2,00 € TRUCK or BUS up to 24 hours 4,00 € CAR one month 20,00 € TRUCK or BUS one month 40,00 € CAR one season 50,00 € Remarks: Parking of vehicles is prohibited on quays in ferry ports. Parking of vehicles in the parking areas of big ferry boat ports (Kuivastu, Virtsu, Heltermaa, Rohuküla) shall be established separately. The permanent residents of small islands are entitled to free parking in the ports of respective small islands and paid parking areas of other ports according to lists (list of registry plates) as follows: Roomassaare Port: permanent residents of Abruka, Vahase and Ruhnu islands Munalaiu Port: permanent residents of Ruhnu, Kihnu and Munalaiu islands Rohuküla Port: permanent residents of Vormsi island Laaksaare Port: permanent residents of Piirissaare island 16.
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