
République centrafricaine (RCA) Revue de Presse Quotidienne 19 Février 2014 (ANGLAIS & FRANCAIS)

French troops move west in - French soldiers deployed in Operation Sangaris in the Central African Republic have started leaving and moving into the provinces. Several units have already deployed outside the capital, but now half of the 1,600 troops that arrived in early December are on the road again. Unfortunately they will almost certainly be too late to save a once peaceful state of co-existence between Christians and Muslims, and stop the latter leaving this devastated land. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/feb/18/central-african-republic-french- troops

Chad says U.N. force needed to stabilize Central African Republic - 's President Idriss Deby has called for the creation of a U.N. peacekeeping mission to contain violence in Central African Republic, the first time the region's military heavyweight has publicly sought U.N. intervention. Deby also warned that the country, his neighbor, risked partition if there were no talks with the mainly Muslim Seleka force that seized power last year but stepped aside under intense international pressure in January, retreating to their northern rear bases. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/02/18/us-centralafrican- chad-un-idUSBREA1H0WK20140218

Thousands Flee Violence in Central African Republic and Seek Shelter in Southern Chad - As the humanitarian situation deteriorates in Central African Republic, thousands of traumatized and confused people have been fleeing to towns and villages across neighbouring southern Chad. At the border crossing of Bekoninga, a crowd of mostly women and children was gathered under mango trees, the latest of some 6,000 people who have arrived in southern Chad at various crossing points, including Sido in the east and Bitoye near the border with . http://allafrica.com/stories/201402180898.html

MSf déplore une internationale insuffisante en Centrafrique - L'aide internationale est dramatiquement insuffisante en République centrafricaine (RCA), a déploré mardi à Genève Médecins sans frontières (MSF). La présidente de l'ONG médicale a dénoncé "un manque choquant d'engagement" de la communauté internationale. "Notre plus grande préoccupation est la protection. Nous nous sentons impuissants face à une violence extrême qui pousse des centaines de milliers de personnes à fuir pour éviter d'être tuées", a déclaré à la presse la présidente de MSF Joanne Liu, de retour de RCA. http://www.romandie.com/news/n/MSf_deplore_une_internationale_insuffisante_en_Centrafrique331 80220141600.asp

The hellish descent of the Central African Republic - The death records of the Bangui morgue in the Central African Republic read like a chapter out of Dante’s Inferno: page after page of people killed by machetes, torture, lynchings, shootings, explosions and burning. The overwhelming stench makes it impossible to stay there for long. On really bad days only the number of dead is recorded – not their names nor the causes of death – before the bodies are buried in mass graves. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/centralafricanrepublic/10638550/ The-hellish-descent-of-the-Central-African-Republic.html

Central African Republic: AU Mission to Begin Assessing CAR Situation - A delegation from the (AU) will on Wednesday begin assessing the political and security situation in the Central African Republic (CAR) as part of the continental bloc's effort to return that country to constitutional rule after a one-year transitional period, says AU spokesman Eloi Yao. Yao also says the AU team will be joined by a group from the to assess the humanitarian conditions there following the violence that displaced hundreds of thousands from their homes. http://allafrica.com/stories/201402190044.html

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