american chamber of commerce in hungary VOICEVol III. Issue 11, march 2013 BuDa pest vS. thE cOuNtRyside And thE demogRaphIc time bomb MORE INSIDE: Education that serves society Innovation – you can’t do it alone 3 contents 4 introduction 15-19 COVEr STORY 30 AmchAm nEwS Dear Members and Friends… capital vs. countryside New board, new president 5 PEoPLE 31 AmchAm nEwS the glass half full 20-21 COVEr STORY hungarian tax system: 6 PEoPLE the demographic time bomb Swedish taxes with traveling at the speed Ethiopian wages of google 22-23 Lifestyle AmchAm nEwS 7 PEople andrás török’s Budapest 32 adding value, boosting Innovation – you can’t confidence do it alone 24-25 focuS 8 AnALYSiS Education that serves society 33 chAmbEr cornEr Will the largest grow larger? providing a reasoned voice 26 AmchAm nEwS 91-11 AnALYSiS Business news roundup hungary ‘not an island’ 36-37 AmchAm nEwS New members on board 12-13 AnALisys AMCHAm NewS hungary moves deeper 27 38-41 AmchAm nEwS into recession Shifting toward growth photo coverage 14 AnALYSiS 28-29 AmchAm NewS BSE saw a drastic drop in 42 AmchAm nEwS turnover in 2012 a cooperative approach to tax cEO’s note Voice is published on behalf of the American Chamber of Commerce by Absolut Media Zrt., Madách Trade Center, 1075 Budapest, Madách Imre út 13-14., Building A, 8th floor Editor-in-chief: ROBIN MARSHALL (
[email protected]) • Contributors: GABRIELLA LOVAS, ROBIN MARSHALL, ANDRÁS TÖRÖK Photography: András HAJnal, LÁZár TodoroFF • Design: ABSOLUT DESIGN STÚDIÓ (
[email protected]) • Art director: Tamás TárCZY • CEO: TAMÁS BOTKA Advertising: ABSOLUT MEDIA Zrt.