The by Serenity How did they get How did they into the school get involved

The Civil Rights movement is a The Little Rock Nine went to a high school community of black people that were called Central High school they can go to the trying to be equal to the whites but they high school because they have passed the had to change the Jim Crow laws and Brown vs the Topeka Board of education. Martin Luther King Jr. helped them. The The people that got involved are Elizabeth Little rock Nine was helpful to the Eckford, Melba Patillo Beals, Ernest Green, movement because they were the Gloria Ray Karlmark, Carlotta Walls,Lanier, people who tested Brown vs The Topeka Terrance Roberts, Jefferson Thomas, Board of Education. Minnijean Brown, and Thelma Mothershed Wair.They had worked long and hard to get pass the board of education several of the little rock nine went on a distinguished careers green served as assistant secretary of the federal department of labor under president jimmy carter worked as a deputy assistant secretary. How did they get How did they into the school get involved

The Civil Rights movement is a The Little Rock Nine went to a high school community of black people that were called Central High school they can go to the trying to be equal to the whites but they high school because they have passed the had to change the Jim Crow laws and Brown vs the Topeka Board of education. Martin Luther King Jr. helped them. The The people that got involved are Elizabeth Little rock Nine was helpful to the Eckford, Melba Patillo Beals, Ernest Green, movement because they were the Gloria Ray Karlmark, Carlotta Walls,Lanier, people who tested Brown vs The Topeka Terrance Roberts, Jefferson Thomas, Board of Education. Minnijean Brown, and Thelma Mothershed Wair.They had worked long and hard to get pass the board of education several of the little rock nine went on a distinguished careers green served as assistant secretary of the federal department of labor under president jimmy carter worked as a deputy assistant secretary. What happened Governor Orval

at school The Nine group of When governor Orval Faubus went to a high School and what happened mobilized the national guard in was they were trying to make whites and an effort to prevent nine African blacks equal by going to the same school American students from integrating the and trying to get along with each other high school after several fail attempts to but instead there calling the nine group of negotiate with Faubus president Dwight African Americans names. but they all D.eisenhower took action. Against the ready passed the Brown vs the Topeka defiant . Earnest green was the first one Board of education and there able to go to graduate central high school.king to a white school. attended his graduation ceremony in honor of their momentous contributions to history and the integration of the Arkansas public School system. The problem was the whites were better than blacks because they were Rich and the laws would not believe them because they were poor they didn't have money like the whites did back in the 1990s.and the high school got shut down for a year because the high school was integrated it was shut down by Orval Faubus.

What happened Governor Orval

at school The Nine group of African Americans When governor Orval Faubus went to a high School and what happened mobilized the Arkansas national guard in was they were trying to make whites and an effort to prevent nine African blacks equal by going to the same school American students from integrating the and trying to get along with each other high school after several fail attempts to but instead there calling the nine group of negotiate with Faubus president Dwight African Americans names. but they all D.eisenhower took action. Against the ready passed the Brown vs the Topeka defiant . Earnest green was the first one Board of education and there able to go to graduate central high school.king to a white school. attended his graduation ceremony in honor of their momentous contributions to history and the integration of the Arkansas public School system. The problem was the whites were better than blacks because they were Rich and the laws would not believe them because they were poor they didn't have money like the whites did back in the 1990s.and the high school got shut down for a year because the high school was integrated it was shut down by Orval Faubus.

What they accomplished Big moment The big moment was when Eckford The Little rock Nine accomplished whites joins the army and later earned her and blacks to be equal if it wasn't for Martin general education equivalency diploma Luther King they wouldn't become a group to Little rock Nine schools reopened. in stop hateful whites they were here for equal August 1959 the rest of the little rock nine rights.if it wasn't for the Little rock Nine completed their high school careers. Via Martin was here for us so was the little rock correspondence at other high schools all nine they helped us go to schools together around the world.but President opened and go to the same stores together and the the doors the school doors for Carlotta same fairs. and we need to get along with walls Lanier and the rest of the little rock each other. Because we're lucky they were nine in 1997 fighting for us to have every right to be able to be free from the commotion back in the 1990s.and most of all they died for us to be free. What they accomplished Big moment The big moment was when Eckford The Little rock Nine accomplished whites joins the army and later earned her and blacks to be equal if it wasn't for Martin general education equivalency diploma Luther King they wouldn't become a group to Little rock Nine schools reopened. in stop hateful whites they were here for equal August 1959 the rest of the little rock nine rights.if it wasn't for the Little rock Nine completed their high school careers. Via Martin was here for us so was the little rock correspondence at other high schools all nine they helped us go to schools together around the world.but President opened and go to the same stores together and the the doors the school doors for Carlotta same fairs. and we need to get along with walls Lanier and the rest of the little rock each other. Because we're lucky they were nine in 1997 fighting for us to have every right to be able to be free from the commotion back in the 1990s.and most of all they died for us to be free. Elizabeth Eckford I was going inside the building but I had to pass the guards and then I felt hot breath going down my spine I turned around this women spit on me I was really angry so I took my science book and reading book and my note books and went inside. but I Knew I was doing the right thing. My nerves my palms were sweaty, but the second day I went in school people were staring at me. I was frightened that people would call me names but this school was my only hope. I had to go to this school or not go to school so I made my choice I wanted to stay with my friends Thelma Mothershed Wair, Minnijean Brown, Carlotta walls Lanier 'Robert , and everyone else. They had meant the world to me they are my best friends and I would never let them down they came in this school with me and they are like my dragons that breath out fire. Elizabeth Eckford I was going inside the building but I had to pass the guards and then I felt hot breath going down my spine I turned around this women spit on me I was really angry so I took my science book and reading book and my note books and went inside. but I Knew I was doing the right thing. My nerves my palms were sweaty, but the second day I went in school people were staring at me. I was frightened that people would call me names but this school was my only hope. I had to go to this school or not go to school so I made my choice I wanted to stay with my friends Thelma Mothershed Wair, Minnijean Brown, Carlotta walls Lanier 'Robert , and everyone else. They had meant the world to me they are my best friends and I would never let them down they came in this school with me and they are like my dragons that breath out fire. Bibliography

Wisconsin Historical Society. N.p., 2014. Web. 29 Jan. 2014. . This website from the Wisconsin Historical Society had many images of and the Little Rock Nine that are featured on our website.

"Touring a Time: 1957." Touring a Time: Central High. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2014. . This web site helped us learn about the personalities of the nine and had primary source documents regarding hate mail and editorials written by white Central students Bibliography

Wisconsin Historical Society. N.p., 2014. Web. 29 Jan. 2014. . This website from the Wisconsin Historical Society had many images of Daisy Bates and the Little Rock Nine that are featured on our website.

"Touring a Time: 1957." Touring a Time: Central High. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Jan. 2014. . This web site helped us learn about the personalities of the nine and had primary source documents regarding hate mail and editorials written by white Central students