Presidential Documents
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Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Monday, November 15, 1999 Volume 35ÐNumber 45 Pages 2267±2372 1 Contents Addresses and Remarks Addresses and RemarksÐContinued See also Bill Signings; Meetings With Foreign Pennsylvania Leaders Departure for YorkÐ2319 Arkansas, teleconference with rural radio Harley-Davidson Motor Co. employees in stations on agricultural issues in York HermitageÐ2267 RemarksÐ2323 RoundtableÐ2321 Budget negotiationsÐ2283, 2306, 2356 Radio addressÐ2280 Congressional Gold Medals, presentations to Ronald H. Brown Corporate Bridge Builder Award dinnerÐ2348 the Little Rock NineÐ2307 Virginia Democratic National Committee Return from Arlington National Hispanic Leadership Forum dinnerÐ2312 CemeteryÐ2356 Veterans Day ceremony in ArlingtonÐ2353 Women's Leadership Forum receptionÐ Y2K readinessÐ2319 2310 Bill Signings Georgetown UniversityÐ2286 Financial system, legislation to reform Illinois, Englewood community in ChicagoÐ RemarksÐ2361 2271 StatementÐ2363 National Coalition of Minority Business award Legislation to locate and secure the return of Zachary Baumel, a United States citizen, dinnerÐ2341 and other Israeli soldiers missing in action, On-line townhall meetingÐ2293 statementÐ2305 (Continued on the inside of the back cover.) Editor's Note: The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is also available on the Inter- net on the GPO Access service at WEEKLY COMPILATION OF regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607; 1 CFR Part 10). PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Docu- ments, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg- The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be ister, National Archives and Records Administration, Washing- furnished by mail to domestic subscribers for $80.00 per year ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for ments contains statements, messages, and other Presidential $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents, materials released by the White House during the preceding Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The week. charge for a single copy is $3.00 ($3.75 for foreign mailing). The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub- There are no restrictions on the republication of material lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg- appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under ments. 2 ContentsÐContinued Communications to Congress Proclamations Cyprus, letter transmitting reportÐ2340 Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Drug producing and transit countries, letter Nonimmigrants of Persons Responsible for reportingÐ2338 Repression of the Civilian Population in Iran, message on continuation of the national Kosovo or for Policies That Obstruct emergencyÐ2282 Democracy in the Federal Republic of Sudan, message transmitting report on Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) continuation of the national emergencyÐ (``FRY'') or Otherwise Lend Support to the 2283 Current Governments of the FRY and of Ukraine-U.S. treaty mutual legal assistance the Republic of SerbiaÐ2366 with documentation, message Veterans DayÐ2292 transmittingÐ2341 Resignations and Retirements Weapons of mass destruction, message reportingÐ2331 International Monetary Fund, Managing Director, statementÐ2310 Communications to Federal Agencies Statements by the President Assistance to refugees and victims of the See also Bill Signings; Resignations and Timor and North Caucasus crises, Retirements memorandumÐ2353 Colombia, funding to assist in fighting drug Protecting Consumers from Fraud, production and traffickingÐ2329 memorandumÐ2281 Death of Joseph Serna, Jr.Ð2282 ``Ending Discrimination Against Parents Act of 1999,'' proposedÐ2359 Interviews With the News Media Minimum wage legislationÐ2310 Exchanges with reporters Senate Cabinet RoomÐ2306 Confirmation of Carol Moseley-Braun to be Oval OfficeÐ2356, 2359 Ambassador to New ZealandÐ2329 South GroundsÐ2283, 2319 Ratification of the Convention on the Interview with Maria Elvira Salazar of Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Telemundo NoticieroÐ2275 LaborÐ2275 Serbia, Proclamation to expand sanctions against the Milosevic regimeÐ2366 Meetings With Foreign Leaders Supplementary Materials Indonesia, President WahidÐ2359 Acts approved by the PresidentÐ2371 Checklist of White House press releasesÐ Notices 2371 Continuation of Emergency Regarding Digest of other White House Weapons of Mass DestructionÐ2330 announcementsÐ2367 Continuation of Iran EmergencyÐ2282 Nominations submitted to the SenateÐ2368 3 Week Ending Friday, November 12, 1999 Remarks in a Teleconference With less concerned if we have more of a corporate Rural Radio Stations on Agricultural structure. I think that's a mistake. I think, Issues in Hermitage, Arkansas on the concentration issues, I think they all ought to be looked at. And if they're not November 5, 1999 legal, I think they ought to be moved against. The President. How are you doing? But under our system, I have to be very care- Stewart Doan. Fine, sir. Welcome back ful as President, legally, not to comment on down to Arkansas. specific potential violations of the antitrust The President. Nice to hear your voice, laws. Stewart. And the reason we had a decline in mar- kets is because the American economy was [Mr. Doan of the Arkansas Radio Network booming and the Asian economy collapsed, began the conference listing American farm- and the Russian economy collapsed. I believe ers' problems, including low commodity the markets will pick up now, as Asia's econ- prices, high production costs, reduction in ex- omy picks up and as Europe's picks up. But ports juxtaposed with a rise in imports, and we're going to have this World Trade Organi- the growing number of farmers exiting the zation meeting in Seattle, Washington, next business. He asked what incentives existed for month. And I think it's very important that crop growers to stay in farming for the next we start a new trade round, and that agri- century.] culture be at the center of it, because we've The President. Well, let me say first of always known if we got a fair shot to sell all, I think we've got to change the '95 farm our products around the world, we could bill. When the Republican Congress passed outcompete anybody. it at the end of the session, they did it in And I think in the short run, we've got such a way that I had to sign it, because oth- to fix the farm bill to deal with emergencies. erwise we would have been left with the 1948 In the longer run, we've got to have more law, which was even worse. But the problem markets. And that's what I'm going to be is, it has no safety net that's adjustable to working on. the conditions. And I think that's very impor- Mr. Doan. Thank you sir. tant to change. Mike Adams, president, National Associa- And while it is true that we have put a [ tion of Farm Broadcasters, noted many farm- ton of money into emergency payments to ers would like to see markets in Cuba opened. farmers the last 2 years, it's basically given He asked the President if he was in favor out under the distribution system of the exist- of lifting the embargo on Cuba and, if not, ing law, which means some really big farmers why. get it even if they don't plant and don't need ] the money, and they get a windfall; and then The President. Well, I'm not in favor of some of the family farmers that are actually a total lift of the embargo, because I think out there really killing themselves every year, that we should continue to try to put pressure in spite of all the money we're spending, are on the Castro regime to move more toward not adequately compensated. democracy and respect for human rights. So I thinkÐyou know, I think it's a mis- And it's the only nondemocracy in our whole take. And I think that it's becauseÐI frankly hemisphere. believe that the majority in Congress is not And let me say, I have bent over back- as sensitive as they should be to the existence wards to try to reach out to them, and to of family farmers and individual farmers, and try to provide more opportunities for person- 2267 2268 Nov. 5 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1999 to-person contacts, to get better transfer of The President Well, first of all, the last medicine into Cuba, and all kinds of other increase, pursuant to the settlement that the things. And every time we do something, tobacco companies made with the States, Castro shoots planes down and kills people didn't have any protections for tobacco farm- illegally, or puts people in jail because they ers at all. And I thought it was wrong. And say something he doesn't like. And I almost that's because we couldn't get Congress to think he doesn't want us to lift the embargo, ratify and participate in the settlement. because it provides him an excuse for the Let me remind you, when I became Presi- failures, the economic failures of his adminis- dent, I said I would keep the tobacco support tration. program. I saidÐI did what I could to in- Now, on the other hand, there is consider- crease the domestic content, to protect ation being given in the Congress to broad American tobacco sales in the American mar- legislation which would permit us to, in ef- ket. And I always said that the tobacco farm- fect, not apply sanctions and embargoes to ers had to be taken care of in any tobacco food or medicine. And under the right cir- settlement. cumstances, I could support that. NowÐand So we had, in our proposalÐyou said you it had broad bipartisan support. My under- had losses of $300 million. We had, I think, standing is that it has been held up in the $5 billion in support to tobacco farmers and Congress because Senator Helms and others tobacco communities, to help to deal with don't want us to sell any food to Cuba.