Imagining Individual and Collective Action in Nineteenth-Century Romania

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Imagining Individual and Collective Action in Nineteenth-Century Romania Visions of Agency: Imagining Individual and Collective Action in Nineteenth-Century Romania Andrei Dan Sorescu UCL PhD History 1 2 I, Andrei Dan Sorescu, confirm that the work presented in this thesis is my own. Where information has been derived from other sources, I confirm that this has been indicated in the thesis. Date: 19/03/2019 Signature: 3 Abstract The present dissertation explores the contexts in which political agency was negotiated in nineteenth-century Romania (1830-1907), the concepts through which it was articulated, and the ways in which it was perceived as being distributed across time, class and state borders. Whatever may be understood by ‘agency’ is necessarily projected onto others as a way of making sense of their actions and justifying our power relationships with them, and situated in time, insofar as we tend to assume that projects in the present and the future are informed by past intentions and conditions. Guided by these assumptions, our research focuses on two key questions: how did historical actors ascribe agency to other actors and to themselves, and per which criteria? And, secondly, how did specific ways of thinking about agency in turn influence historical actors’ own perceptions of history and temporality? In order to make sense of this, we use “agency” – a socio-culturally mediated capacity to act,1 inherently temporally-situated – in order to historicise perspectives on human action, taking Romania as a case-study, covering a period from the preliminaries of establishing a nation-state and the abolition of serfdom, to the last great European peasant uprising. The project exhaustively examines more than a half-century of parliamentary debates, periodicals, literary texts and pamphlets in Romania and beyond. Surveying socio-political discourse in an age of rapid modernization, it highlights how often-surprising concepts articulated preconditions for – or loci of – agency, recovering the historically-situated meanings of terms as diverse as “feudalism”, “colonisation” and “proletariat”, how their supposed (in)applicability to Romania as a European periphery was negotiated, and how they became key concepts for thinking about both individual and collective action, its preconditions, and its limitations. 1 Laura M. Ahearn, “Language and Agency”, Annual Review of Anthropology, (XXX) 2001, pp. 109- 137 4 Impact Statement On the most general level, this dissertation makes a contribution to the fields of conceptual history, and cultural history. Thematically, it aims to raise the issue of how “agency” as a category of inquiry must be reflexively situated with reference to historical actors’ own concepts and categories, thereby engaging with debates relevant not only to historians, but also to scholars working in disciplines such as anthropology. In terms of its empirical content, the dissertation sheds new light on the history of nineteenth- century Romania, bridging a gap between cultural and political history. It reinterprets canonical sources, de-centres canonical figures, and provides a necessary analysis of of key concepts in public discourse. What is more, it places Romania within both a regional, and a European context, adding to a growing literature on transnationalising national histories. Owing to the diversity of its source-base, the dissertation accordingly engages with an array of literatures and methodologies, critically contributing to each of them on a chapter-by-chapter basis. Thus, in light of recent work on intra-European colonialism, Chapter One argues for the necessity of reassessing the centrality of “colonisation” as a key concept both for imagining national histories, and for considering the impact of colonial anxieties on projects of nation-state-building in the European (semi-)periphery. Chapter Two engages with current developments in the intellectual history of international relations as an emerging field of inquiry, and calls for a more sustained engagement with the role of international law in nation-state-builders’ intellectual repertoires. Chapter Three contributes to literature on nineteenth-century anti-Semitism, highlighting the hitherto-underestimated importance of how common topoi of Jewish vagrancy were linked with understandings of class dynamics, and notes the relevance of actors’ specific imagining of Jews as transnational “proletarians”. Chapter Four, in turn, joins the ongoing conversation on “historical distance” as a category of inquiry, and argues for its broadening. Chapter Five contributes to the study of the relationship between nationalism and the state, showing how nation-state-builders related to kin-folk beyond irredentist expansionism. Finally, Chapter Six fills a research gap by studying the political language of the first agrarian movement in late-nineteenth- century Romania, adding to the historiography of grass-roots political mobilisation in Eastern Europe. In terms of its broader impact, the thesis adds to our understanding of how imagining the agency of oneself and others is both historically-specific, and inherently political. This is to say that cultural perceptions of political/social inclusion and exclusion, as well as policies informed by them, hinge upon how agency is ascribed. 5 Contents Acknowledgements ……………………………………………………………......... 9 A Note on Primary Sources .................................................................................... 13 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 15 Situating Agency: A Research Agenda .............................................................. 17 Historicising Agency via Anthropology ............................................................. 21 Begriffsgeschichte as a Theory of Agency .............................................................. 23 “Regimes of Historicity” and Agency ............................................................... 29 Absence, Agency, Periodisation ......................................................................... 36 The Watershed of the Nation-State and Historical Distance ........................... 41 “Questions” and Agency ................................................................................... 44 Ventriloquism, Truth-Speaking, and Agency .................................................... 48 Basic Historical Context .................................................................................... 50 Why Romania? ................................................................................................. 52 An Outline and Chapter Plan .......................................................................... 52 Part One: Absent Feudalism and the Promise of the Future Chapter One: The Social Question and the History of the Nation as a History of Contracts ................................................................................................ 56 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 58 Conquest and Colonisation ............................................................................... 60 Waves of Colonisation: Bălcescu’s First Volley .................................................. 65 “The Question of Property Rose with a Defiant Roar”: 1848 .......................... 68 “Above and Beyond Any Servitude”: 1848-1857 ............................................... 75 Colonial Anxieties: An Interlude ....................................................................... 79 “Wide Flows the Danube, and it Flows with Our Toil and our Sweat”: 1857 .. 88 Kogălniceanu vs. Catargiu: 1857-1862 ............................................................. 93 The Răzeș and the Ambiguities of Agency ...................................................... 102 Conclusion ....................................................................................................... 107 6 Chapter Two: The National Question and the History of the Nation as the History of Treaties ................................................................................................. 110 “For This Was the Roman Custom”: A Prologue ............................................ 111 An Enlightenment Polemic .............................................................................. 114 An Imperfect Sovereignty ................................................................................ 117 A Matter of Intelligibility ................................................................................ 121 Jus Gentium for All Seasons ............................................................................... 124 A Greek Interlude ............................................................................................ 131 Lateral Orientalisms and Revolution ............................................................... 137 Absent Feudalism Revisited ............................................................................. 143 “A Polemic Mania” .......................................................................................... 149 Conclusion ....................................................................................................... 153 Part Two: Unintended Consequences and the Inescapable Past Chapter Three: The Absent Bourgeoisie .......................................................... 156 Introduction: Unpacking the Historical Logic of an Absence ....................... 157 The Origins of funcționarism: A Pre-History .....................................................161
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