Ngn 80 Dec 1972
Hon. Editor IVAN STEPHENSON 27 Hll,.LHEAD DRIVE BIRSTALL ' BATLEY YORKS. WF17 OPA © Copyright THE NARROW GAUGE RAILWAY SOCIETY N Ulllber Eighty -mber '1972 FROM YOUR EDITOR ,Iith Christmas so near, I trust readers 'tlill enjoy the season and will accept th,ase seasonable greetinss from the ''NGN'' production team - A VERY MEH,fl CHRISTMAS TO YOU J..LL Please note - Press date for HG!l 81 is Jatlllary 'lst. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR OVE:RSEAS lll'JlBJ:.'RS. Renewal of subscriptions for 1973-4 is due in IJ. K, on 1 st Apr i.L 1973, the annual subscription rate remains at C1 .50 sterling, yes, in sp i t e of upward spiralling costs ,;e are still holding the subscription at the same rate as last year, giving the best value available tcday, Our big problem is that wtenever the 'gnomes of Zurich' cough, we are the ones to catch a cold, the~efore please check current exchange rates vnan arranging paynent , ,ihere p:o.y;nent is by personal cheque in U,5. Dollars, add equivalent of 25p ( total at current rate is ~4 ,20) to cover the Banks charges which are extremely high, .Our Aust rat ian members can use the facilities offered for payment, via L.R.R.s •.;,, and a speciaI r~newal form is enclosed for this purpose. SOCIETY NF;\;IS - Coming Events, etc • .•. NOHTH STAFFS ARf.A ',lednesday Dece,,,ber 13th The programme "Steam Cylinders" has been postponed until the new year when we hope Vir,David Bradbury will be in better health and able to present his usual feast in colour, In its place a programme of narrow and miniature gauge lines will be shown, with a large pictorial content, \"iednesday Januar-y 'lOth, Programme still to be finalised.
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