A. Manzoni & C. S.p.A.

Specifications for owned by GEDI Gruppo Editoriale

Newspapers: Repubblica Nazionale, Repubblica Settimanali, Affari e Finanza, edizioni locali di Repubblica (Bari, Bologna, Firenze, Genova, Milano, Napoli, Palermo, Roma e Torino), , Il Secolo XIX, Avvisatore Marittimo, di Padova, , La Nuova di Venezia e Mestre, Corriere della Alpi, Messaggero Veneto, , , , La Sentinella del Canavese

Printing Specifications: Offset and flexographic printing Screen: 37 lines Screen Angles: Cyan 7.5 – Magenta 67.5 – Yellow 82.5 – K 37.5 o 45° if monochrome

Tonal Values: Printable minimum of at least 8%, not exceeding all'92%, other forces do not give a guarantee of tonal rendering in print. To be taken into account during the processing of images: the "dot gain" rotary press is an average of 25%.

Color Profile: ISO26Newspaper v4 (http://www.ifra.com/WebSite/ifra.nsf/html/CONT_ISO_DOWNLOADS)

Color Density: 240% (CMYK)

Specifications for the creation of PDF: ISO PDF/X-1a:2001 in high resolution, 200 dpi, compatible with Adobe Acrobat 4.0 (PDF version 1.3). Materials with transparency are not accepted; to handle this is to create a PDF compatible with Acrobat 4 passing in Acrobat Distiller, EPS (created with InDesign, Illustrator, XPress, etc ...) using the profile PDF/X-1a : 2001, with output intent ISO26Newspaper v4.

Font: Included in the PDF document- No TrueType - No CID Font Avoid the placement of text on a colored background in negative and / or colored text with a body less than 10 points for the materials in color; avoid the lower bodies with characters pardoned, as well as the wires and multi-colored frames are likely to be compromised any slightest oscillation of the register during printing.

Color Space: CMYK no RGB and/or LAB Resolution grayscale: > 150 dpi Resolution color: > 200 dpi Resolution 1 bit: > 600 dpi

Mode of delivery: Through the portal https://portalemateriali.manzoni.it

Dimensions: PDF extent of the selected format when sending - no marks. List of selected measures when sending.

Delivery time of the material: No later than 48 hours before the date of publication date for the newspapers. Repubblica Settimanali: Robinson -> by Wednesday of the exit week. For Albums, magazines and editorial attachments: 20 days before the date of publication. Any changes to business closures, holidays and strikes will be promptly notified by A.Manzoni & C. S.p.A.

Aggiornato al 01.03.2021 Pag. 1 di 2 A.Manzoni & C S.p.A. - GEDI Gruppo Editoriale S.p.A. - Tutti i diritti riservati A. Manzoni & C. S.p.A.

Technical specifications for the delivery of the PDF for the Editori Terzi Manzoni newspapers

Newspapers: , , , La Città di Salerno, Metropolis, , , Corriere di Romagna, Gruppo Corriere, di Vicenza, , L’Adige, L'Arena, La Prealpina, La Provincia (di Cremona), La Voce di Rovigo, Libertà, Metro, Quotidiano del Sud, La Gazzetta d’Alba, , , , La Nuova Ferrara

Printing Specifications: Offset printing

Color Profile: ISO26Newspaper v4 (http://www.ifra.com/WebSite/ifra.nsf/html/CONT_ISO_DOWNLOADS)

Specifications for the creation of PDF: ISO PDF/X-1a:2001 in high resolution, 200 dpi, compatible with Adobe Acrobat 4.0 (PDF version 1.3). Materials with transparency are not accepted.

Font: Included in the PDF document- No TrueType - No CID Font Avoid the placement of text on a colored background in negative and / or colored text with a body less than 10 points for the materials in color; avoid the lower bodies with characters pardoned, as well as the wires and multi-colored frames are likely to be compromised any slightest oscillation of the register during printing.

Color Space: CMYK no RGB and/or LAB Resolution grayscale: > 150 dpi Resolution color: > 200 dpi Resolution 1 bit: > 600 dpi

Mode of delivery: Through the portal https://portalemateriali.manzoni.it

Dimensions: PDF extent of the selected format when sending - no marks. List of selected measures when sending.

Delivery time of the material: No later than 48 hours before the date of publication (any changes to business closures, holidays and strikes will be promptly notified by A.Manzoni & C. S.p.A.).

Aggiornato al 01.03.2021 Pag. 2 di 2 A.Manzoni & C S.p.A. - GEDI Gruppo Editoriale S.p.A. - Tutti i diritti riservati