E781 Public Disclosure Authorized Volume 3

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E781 Public Disclosure Authorized Volume 3 HYDROMETEOROLOGY INSTITUTE OF THE REPUBLIC OF MONTENEGRO E781 Public Disclosure Authorized Volume 3 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY FOR Public Disclosure Authorized MONTENEGRO ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE TOURIST AREAS PROJECT MESTAP Public Disclosure Authorized Budva, Montenegro Public Disclosure Authorized May 2003 FILE GPr Environrmental Impact Assessment Study for the regional sanitary landfill on locations Lovanja and Goran of the Coastal Region of the Republic of Montenegro CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 3 1I.1 Scope of the EIAS ........................... ............................. 4 1.2 Public Consultation ................................. ....................... 4 1.3 Data Collection ........................................................ 7 2.INSTITUTIONAL AND LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK NATIONAL INSTITUTIONS AND LEGISLATION FOR 2.1 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ................................................................................... 8 WORLD BANK GUIDELINES FOR 2.2 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT. ................................................. ..................................... 11 2.3 NATIONAL SOLID WASTE REGULATION ........................................ 12 2.4 EU-DIRECTIVE 1999/3 1/EC ............................................................ 12 EIAS for the regional sanitary landfill on location Lovanja for the three Municipalities Kotor, Tivat and Budva of the Coastal region of the Republic of Montenegro .................................... 16 EIAS for the regional sanitary landfill on location Goran for the two Municipalities Bar and Ulcinj Coastal region of the Republic of Montenegro ............................. 105 ANNEX ONE: References, wvritten material published and unpublished ANNEX TWO Records of interagency and consultation meetings -2- Environmental Impact Assessment Study for the regional sanitary landfill on locations Lovanja and Goran of the Coastal Region of the Republic of Montenegro 1 INTRODUCTION This Environmental Impact Assessment Study (EIAS) has been prepared by Hydrometeorology Institute of the Republic of Montenegro for the regional sanitary landfills for the coastal region of the Republic of Montenegro (for the five Municipalities in coastal region Kotor, Tivat, Budva, Bar and Ulcinj. Volume 1 represent EIA study for the Location of the sanitary Landfill "LOVANJA" with concisely discusses of the significant findings and recommendations actions for the improvement conditions and developments of the solid waste disposal site for the three Municipalities Kotor, Tivat and Budva. Volume 2, represent EIA study for the Location of the sanitary Landfill "GORAN", sanitary landfill 'Goran' is prepared on conceptual design level and study will present and discuss of the significant findings and recommendation actions for the improvement conditions and development of the solid waste disposal site for the Municipalities Bar and Ulcinj. -3- Environmental Impact Assessment Study for the regional sanitary landfill on locations Lovanja and Goran of the Coastal Region of the Republic of Montenegro 1.1 Scope of the EIAS The study is based on demands of Design for the sanitary landfill Lovanja and at the conceptual design level for the location Goran. As a consequence, it is feasible to undertake EIAS for these facilities. The EIAS presented will: > Identify and evaluate the range of potential impacts from the sanitary landfill. > Identify the measures required to mitigate, manage and monitor these impacts; and > Identify key issues, which require further evaluation and consideration within a detailed EA, to be prepared during the detailed planning stage of the project. In accordance with the guidelines contained in the World Bank Operational Policies OP 4.01 and best international practice in EIAS, the institutional and legislative framework and the potential development alternatives to the infrastructure proposals (including alternative sites) are discussed. 1.2 Public Consultation This is the first time that public consultations during the Project planning process have been undertaken in Montenegro, and the public are not experienced in responding to this situation. The main problem is a general lack of understanding about the distinction between a dump and a sanitary landfill. Public Consultation before the start of the preparation of the TOR for the EIAS Authorised representative of the client (Public Enterprise for the water supplying waste water treatment and solid waste disposal for the Coastal area of the Republic of Montenegro, PEW) participate together with other Authorities from the Mentioned Region and from the Republic of Montenegro in presentation and explanation of the project concept and solving of arising problem in the Solid Waste Management on the mentioned region as well as in entire Republic of Montenegro. 4- Environmental Impact Assessment Study for the regional sanitary landfill on locations Lovanja and Goran of the Coastal Region of the Republic of Montenegro Public consultations (IHE-SEMINAR 28-30 OCTOBER 2002, Annex 2a) were held in the Municipality of Budva in association of the International Institute for Infrastructure Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Delft, Netherlands, IHE- SEMINAR 28-30 OCTOBER 2002. Written records from this seminar and site visiting should be presented in the Annex 2(Records of interagency and consultation meetings) of this study, but written Records from this seminar are not prepared yet and consultant (and employer) still waiting on this part of the official statement from the organizer of this seminar. Advertising for this seminar was published in Daily Newspapers: 'Vijesti' and 'Dan' which are covering area of the Republic of Montenegro. Number of participants with a company and personal data are given in the above- mentioned Annex too. Public Consultations during preparation of the EIAS (changes on TOR) Consultations were held with Authorities of the Municipalities from the Ecological Sector from mentioned area. In this particular case Consultant have seriously problem due the an form secretary for Ecology in municipalities Governments, only one (Municipality of Kotor) out of five municipalities has secretary for Ecology in the local Government. In this particular case Consultant decide to take an action and start consultations with the different structures of the municipalities Governments (e.g. communal inspections, Commercial Secretary of the Municipality etc.). Annex 2b contains the Minutes of Meeting with ecological NGO from the coastal area of the Republic of Montenegro. This meting was held because of the detail description of the sites and particular conditions, in case that some data are not presented in the interim report (Annex la) submitted by the Consultant to the Client. To all of the representatives of the NGO, was send a copy of the mentioned report, 7 days before of the starting date of the meeting, so that they had enough time to make overview, and quality participation in to the discussion. After this meeting Client decide to ask from the Consultant some additional services, which are going to be included in final version of the EIAS. These changes to TOR are described in Annex 2c. In Annex 2d (Minutes of meeting, Bulletin and Power point Presentation) there is Public Discussion, for the Citizens of the Municipality of Tivat, Cultural Centar 'Gracija Petkovic', 29. 04. 2003. Annex 2e is containing the minutes of the public consultation about the EIAS as a official part of the Yearly Ecological Fair - Budva 20-24 May 2003, where PEW and Consultant presented the overview of the Project and of the Study. Annex 2f contains minutes of the public consultation with the Representatives of the village Kavac in the conference room of the Municipality of Kotor, 215' May 2003. Annex 2g - minutes of meeting about the consultation with the NGO for animal protection, gth May 2003. 5- Environmental Impact Assessment Study for the regional sanitary landfill on locations Lovanja and Goran of the Coastal Region of the Republic of Montenegro Ongoing Public Consultations, which will be published, and announced in daily newspapers in Republic of Montenegro and in other public medias such us local radio stations, local TV stations, bulletins etc. are as follows: o Public Discussion, for the Citizens of the Municipalitie of Kotor, Village Kavac near by location Lovanja. o Public Discussion, for the Citizens of the Municipality of Bar. o Public Discussion, for the Citizens of the Municipality of Ulcinj. -6 - Environmental Impact Assessment Study for the regional sanitary landfill on locations Lovanja and Goran of the Coastal Region of the Republic of Montenegro 1.3 Data Collection Within the scope of this project survey work has been carried out to identify the characteristics of the baseline environment at the chosen sites. Data collection has been achieved from available maps and surveys, site visits, field survey, and discussions with Republic, regional and local officials. These data collection activities have been carried out with active support and co- ordination of the following institutions: > Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Montenegro, > Institute of Health of the Republic of Montenegro, > Institute for Technical Research of the Republic of Montenegro, > Biological Institute of the Republic of Montenegro > University of the Republic of Montenegro, Mechanical and Civil Engineering Units, > Investigation field works on the particular sites on location Lovanja (landfill for the three municipalities Kotor, Tivat and Budva)
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