Participatory Process

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Participatory Process ICZM Strategy for Montenegro PARTICIPATORY PROCESS CEED Consulting Podgorica, April 2015 This report was prepared within the framework of the Strategic Partnership for the Mediterranean Sea Large Marine Ecosystem (MedPartnership) Table of Contents Summary ............................................................................................................................................. 1 1. Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 2 2. Methodology ................................................................................................................................ 3 3. Key findings .................................................................................................................................. 5 3.1 In‐Depth Interviews ..................................................................................................................................... 8 3.2 Workshops ................................................................................................................................................. 12 3.3 Field survey ................................................................................................................................................ 17 3.4 Inter‐ministerial Steering Committee ........................................................................................................ 18 4. Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 21 5. Bibliography ............................................................................................................................... 22 6. Annexes ...................................................................................................................................... 23 Summary Within this report, all activities are presented which have been carried out within participatory process for the development of the National Strategy for Integrated Coastal Zone Management of Montenegro (NSICZM MNE), made as part of the Strategic Partnership for the Mediterranean ‐ large marine ecosystems (project MedPartnership). The participatory process lasted from March 2013 until December 2014. Within this participatory process, in addition to desk research, 48 in‐depth interviews were carried out with representatives of institutions at national and local level, 6 workshops with representatives of key institutions, NGOs, the business sector, 2 field research with the local population, and the meetings of the Board of Directors were accompanied, which represented the coordinating body for the supervision, guidance and support in the implementation of the CAMP project and drafting of the National Strategy for ICZM. This report is developed in a way that the methodology has been described firstly that was used within the participatory process, then a detailed overview of techniques that were implemented and finally the conclusion of the successfulness of a participatory process. The aim of the implemented participatory process was to identify the real problems the population were facing with and to give the appropriate recommendations and measures for their resolution. 1 1. Introduction Preparation of the National Strategy for Integrated Coastal Zone Management of Montenegro (NSICZM MNE), with the Action Plan, it is the main activity of the CAMP project and a way for implementation in practice of integrated approaches and new institutional/coordination mechanisms. The development of NSICZM MNE is part of the project MedPartnership: Strategic Partnership for the Mediterranean ‐ a large marine ecosystems. MedPartnership project is a collective effort of leading environmental institutions and organizations together with countries sharing the Adriatic Sea, to address environmental challenges that Mediterranean marine and coastal ecosystems face. The development of NSICZM Montenegro is one of 78 demonstration projects to promote good practices that will maximize the positive effects for the protection of the Mediterranean coast and the sea and to ensure the sustainability of project results and at the conclusion of its activities. In Madrid (Spain), on January 21, 2008, Montenegro has adopted Protocol on integrated coastal zone management for Mediterranean (ICZM Protocol), which was also ratified in 2011, by the adoption of the Law on Ratification of the ICZM Protocol, after which the present Protocol has become a legally binding document. According to Article 18 of the ICZM Protocol the development of the national ICZM strategies, plans and programs was prescribed. NSICZM MNE aims to improve the system of spatial planning and encouraging the strengthening of coordination mechanisms, as well as the establishment of management practices oriented to the results and introduction of systematic monitoring of the coastal processes. Thus strengthened system will contribute to preserving the integrity of environmentally valuable habitats and ecosystems in coastal areas, landscapes and cultural heritage, the protection of the narrow coastal area of linear urbanization and development of rural areas which meet the essential priority objectives of the ICZM Protocol. The National Strategy for Integrated Coastal Zone Management of Montenegro (NSICZM MNE) refers to the entire coastal area. The participative process (in accordance with article 14 of the Protocol on ICZM) is one of the key components of the Strategy, enabling the participation of all relevant stakeholders and the public in the process of integrated coastal zone management in Montenegro. 2 2. Methodology Conducting the participatory process, in the period from March 2013 to December 2014, CEED Consulting had the aim to involve the public in the preparation of the National Strategy for Integrated Coastal Zone Management of Montenegro (NSICZM MNE) using appropriate techniques. In order to obtain the adequate results, several different techniques have been used, as follows: desk research, in‐ depth interviews, quantitative research, qualitative research and workshops (workshops). Each of these techniques provides opportunity for better insight into the current state, while the interaction with selected interlocutors was aimed to identification of the real problems faced by population and provide appropriate recommendations and measures for their resolution. Desk research is a research technique that is mainly related to data collection from existing sources. It is often considered as a cheap technique of collecting the data in relation to the field of research, because the main cost includes the time spent and telephone expenses. Desk research involves gathering data that already exist either within the client's internal resources, publications issued by competent state institutions and/or NGOs, on the Internet, in professional journals, annual reports of the companies and commercial databases. Desk research is carried out on the basis of: . Internal desk research that can be considered as an initial step in any research. Lots of information about national and local institutions, the business sector and non‐governmental organizations were found in the documents held by the organizations and it is a normal course of the gathering the information. External desk research includes studies conducted out of the organizational framework and collection of relevant information related primarily to the institutional framework and the representatives of the institutions that are key to the project, and filtering of the information was at any time (due to the large amount of information available). In‐depth interviews were performed in the form of free discussion on predetermined topics, which were included in the questionnaire, and whose content was approved by the Contracting Authority. In‐depth interview is of open type to enable participant to express personal opinion and view, and is primarily used when we want to obtain expert opinion on specific topics, trends in this area or if we want to explore the particular topic in details. The advantage of in‐depth interviews is that the clearer picture of the institutional framework could be obtained, or to consider the social and economic problems. In‐depth interview is a method of research that is usually provided in studies and require the opinion of stakeholders, decision makers and experts on complex and very sensitive issues, and one of the objectives for the implementation of this technique is to obtain information that would help in considering the functioning of these institutions and possible internal conflicts. During the participatory process, 33 in‐depth interviews were with representatives of key institutions at local and national level, aimed to identify the key development opportunities, barriers and projects that affected the development of coastal areas. Around 12 in‐depth interviews were held with representatives of key institutions at the national level aimed to identify external and internal problems in their functioning. Workshop is characterized by active participation of all participants. The coordinator of the workshop had the task on the basis of established guidelines, agreed with the Project Client, to encourage 3 participants to discuss, exchange views and give suggestions for possible identification of key issues. The workshops encourage interaction and exchange of information of a small group of participants. The
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