Distribution Weather Today Fair today, tonight *od to- BEDBANK morrow. High today la 7N. 18,425 Low tonight la Sta. High to- morrow, M. 8M weather page 1 Independent Daily I HomArmmxiaiinnMY-tfr.w Dial SH I-0010

Iiiutd duly, Ifouli* mnmh ITldur. leeocd CMu Pwnjn /VOL. 84, NO. 80 Pill u Red Buk uai U AdUUoul IttlUng OMeM. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1961 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Oppose Bomb Test Khrush ILS.toReds: Don't Do It Blows Big Hughes Made Silly WASHINGTON (AP)—The White House has asked the to Red Horn reconsider its decision to explode a 50-megaton nuclear bomb, charging that tl)e test would be unnecessary and could "only serve some unconfessed political (AP) — Niki purpose." ta Khrushchev told the it said the had the materials and know-how to produce bombs 22nd Soviet Communis' Charges, Says Ike in the 50-100 megaton Party Congress today thai range — and higher — but the downfall of imperialism that such weapons are not and the triumph of social essential to U.S. military ism on a world scale are Hits At needs, and that full-scale inevitable. tests are not necessary to de- The Soviet premier look the rostrum at the second session of velop them. the Congress to discuss the Demo A 130-word statement was massive new party program — handed to newsmen last night by its first since 1919 — which the Press Secretary Pierre Salinger Kremlin claims will make com who said it should be attributed munism supreme and irresisti to the White House and not to bly attractive to the rest of the 'Bossism' President Kennedy personally. world by 1980. JERSEY CITY (AP) — Only Comment Khrushchev told the more than The statement was the only of- 4,000 delegates in the new Krem- Farmer President Eisen- ficial U. S. comment so far on lin Palace of Congresses that the hower last night accused Soviet Premier Khrushchev's an- experience of a large group of the Democratic candidate nouncement yesterday that Rus- countries had confirmed that the sia would explode a 50-megaton Socialist system inevitably re- for governor, Richard J. weapon at the end of this month. places the capitalist system, Hughes, of making silly A 50-megaton blast isjEO-Uivalent Imperialism — the standard charges against him and i to the force of 50 million tons Communist term for Western his administration colleagues. of T.N.T. and about 2,500 times capitalism — has irretrievably more powerful than the U. S. lost its hold on the bulk of the Eisenhower made the remark at the end of a day of cam- atomic bomb dropped on Hiro- world's peoples, he declared, as paigning for one of those col- shima. serting that socialism is the main leagues James P. Mitchell, his avenue along which mankind ad- U. S. strategists hoped the former labor secretary. vances. White House statement, citing the He ad libbed the remarks dur- lack of military purpose for such In the Soviet Union, he con- ing his speech to a crowd esti- a test, would rally world opinion tinued, socialism has been trans- mated variously at 4,000 to 15,000 against the Kremlin. lated into reality and this 22nd in Journal Square in the heart From a diplomatic standpoint, Party Congress will go down in IKE GREETED WITH AN ISSUE — Former President Dwighf Eisenhower holds liter*. of Hudson County's Democratic Khrushchev's Moscow speech history as the congress of the iur» distributed by costumed Larry Finkelstein of AFL-CIO as ho arrived in Newark, stronghold. builders of communism. was seen as combining the carrot PREMIER OPENS CONGRESS — Soviet Premier Nikita to campaign for GOP gubernatorial candidate, James P. Mitchell, background- Fin- Mitchell, buoyed by the ap- on a stick technique with the The premier said the Soviet pearance of .his former boss, took flick of a whip—mixing the lure Khrushchev addresses the 22d Congress of the Commu- people's living conditions have kalstein was one of three men who rushed to Eisenhower with Mitchell campaign lit- his campaign into Republican of negotiations over Berlin while nist Party in Moscow at its opening. Behind him are Mik- been radically altered as a re- erature. The men said they ware protesting use of prison labor at state mantal in- territory today, touring Bergen County, usually the top vote-pro- brandishing a mammoth nuclear hail Sudov, left background, member of Soviet Presidium, sult of these "colossal trans- stitutions, one of tha issues Mitchell hat raised in his campaign. (AP Wirephoto) threat. formations" — that unemploy- ducer for the GOP. Study Text and Deputy Premier Anastas Mikoyan. (AP Wirephoto) ment has been wiped out long Eisenhower's appearances yes- ago, workers' real wages have terday included speeches in Meanwhile, a task force of risen 480 per cent and the real State Department experts—includ- Newark and Jersey City, plus a incomes of the peasants have Ike's Popularity Won'tRubOff news conference In Newark. ing (J. S. Ambassador to Moscow risen more than 500 per cent. Llewellyn Thompson — gathered Council Establishes 'Handpicked' to scrutinize all available textual In both speeches he hit at what natter to weigh the significance Warm Weather On Mitchell, Hughes Declares he called Democratic bossism, of what Khrushchev said, and Student WalkRoutes the main theme of Mitchell's campaign. Mitchell has charged what he didn't say. SHREWSBURY -"Student The routes are: Back Again NEWARK (AP) - Richard J. "Because ol this stand," Hugh- "With this record of failure in Hughes, Democratic candidate hat Hughes in the handpicked The State Department said walk routes," consisting of side- LONG BRANCH — A touch es declared, "New Jersey jobs Washington, why should the work- White St., on the south side for governor, last night called candidate of Democratic bosses there would be no official as walks to be cleared by the bor of summer will return to the were lost and some of our state's ing people ol New Jersey expec between Broad St. and Robinson former President Eisenhower's in Essex and Hudson Counties. tesiment of die speech until Sec- ough in the event of a snow- Shore area lor the next 24 industry moved to the low-wage him to take any action on a min- PI. visit to New Jersey a "good char- At Journal Square, Eisenhow- retary of State holds storm, were designated last night houra, William D. Martin, U.S. South. A southern state like Mis- imum wage in New Jersey." Obre PI., for its full length on acter reference" for James P er said he had been informed his press conference late thi by Borough Council. weather observer, predicted sissippi, for example, has an Hughes said "with the over- the south side. Mitchell. that Hughes had referred to him afternoon. School and borough officials this morning- average hourly wage which is I whelming support of the Demo- Broad St., on the east side, "But this does not mean thai and his former associates as U. S, officials, however, re- last winter expressed concern Temperatures today will cents below New Jersey's. Our cratic Party, I take my stand on from Silverbrook Rd. to White the former President's popularity "discredited carcasses and tat- served any enthusiasm for the that children on their way to reach into the 70s, and are ex- state cannot safeguard its stand- a bill which calls for a $1.25 Rd. will be transferred to my Repub- tered remains." Russian leader's conditioned of- school often were required to pected to hit 8t tomorrow, he ard without effective action—ac- minimum wage." Sycamore Ave. on the north lican opponent," Hughes de fer to lift his Dec. 31 deadline foi walk in the street because side- said. tion which Mr. Mitchell refused Prior to his address, the union, Eisenhower admitted that aft- side, from Broad St. to Silver- dared. "The issues in this gu- er many battles he had felt bat- signing a separate treaty with walks were clogged with snow. Winds from the west and to take on the federal level. (See HUGHES, Page 2) brook Rd. bernatorial election go deeper tered and he was no longer East Germany until they are cer- The "student walk routes' southwest are expected to push Dr., on the east side, than that." youthful. The "discredited" part tain what he meant. They indi- were declared as a partial an- from Obre PI. to Spruce Dr. temperatures to {our to five Hughes said he was happy with of the charge, he said, he would cated that his speech seemed to swer to the problem. Spruce Dr., on the east side, degrees above normal for the the reception Eisenhower re- leave the voters. contain no basic change in his from Samara Dr. to the brook. season, he added. Yesterday's Township Considers views on Germany. average temperature of 57 was ceived during his visit. But when It comes to re- Council authorized Borough At- "It's only fitting that we honor mains and carcasses, I object," Salinger, Kennedy's press sec- five degrees above normal. May Spend torney Milton Mausner to pre- a former President of the United he said. retary, said earlier that the pare contracts for the purchase States," he told a newsman, "It His former colleagues In gov- President would "have absolutely RegionalHealthPlan of equipment to clear sidewalks I had not been busy campaign- ernment, he said, "are vital, liv- no comment" yesterday on $25,000 On of snow. Consider ing myself, I think I would have RARITAN TOWNSHIP — The ing warriors." Khrushchev's 6-hour and 20-min- He reported finding 11 possible Councilman Kenneth L. Walker, Board of Health will investigate utes oration before the Comrau- been here (Newark) to greet violations flowing into the brook, Party Girds Jr., said the Board of Education the possibility of a regional health The nist Party Congress. WaterWorks Increase In him too." which he said could be a viola- Republican Party had told the governing body "this plan for the township. tion of the homeowner or the de- responsible for "a feeling of KEYPORT — The governing is something that they want us Ocean County ' Reaction Varies President William R. Greene veloper. Mr. Quail said he will self-confidence" among the body, at its meeting Monday, will to look into and take care of." Hughes carries his campaign LONDON (AP) - Nikita Khru- Beach Fees last night instructed the sanitary continue his investigation. American people during his term, ask borough engineer Henry F. He said that "almost every into Ocean County today. . shchev's speech to the Soviet inspector, Joseph Quail, to make In other action, the board: Dis he said, "and far from becoming Labrecque to study and evaluate school child ends up on these KEANSBURG - Within the He began yesterday in normal- Communist Party Congres arrangements for representa- cussed compulsary fluoridation of moribund, is girding itself to go recommendations that the mu- routes sooner or later." next two months, Borough Coun- ly Republican Morris County and a aroused conflicting feelings c tive of the state Department of the water supply, but took no into battle this fall and in 1962 nicipality spend an estimated Mr. Walker pointed out that ad- cil will study proposals to in- closed in Newark with an attack hope and dismay in th ecapitak Health to explain to board mem action on the matter at the rec- it will make a mockery of such {25,000 to renovate the water ditional sidewalks can be includ- crease beach fees and other on Mitchell's record as secretary at Western Europe today. bers the purpose and benefits ommendation of Dr. Marc Krohn, silly charges." works. ed in the "student walk routes' measures to tighten up controls of labor during the Eisenhowe of such a plan. health officer. "So look out for those car- The fearful Europeans clutchec if experience proves they are at the beaches, Mayor Louis T. administration. Deficiencies h water content Reported corrective measures casses and those,remains, they'll at the stiaw he held out on Ber necessary. He said that to include Collichio informed the Register "On the basis of the Republican In general, it means that health and the filtering system have have been taken by Herman fool you," he said. lin, the announcement he ha all routes used by school chil- yesterday. candidate's record on minimum boards from surrounding munici- been reported as a result of a re- Stein proprietor of Brookdale lifted his deadline for signing dren would be "humanly impos- wages," Hughes told a union au- palities form a commission to Eisenhower told the news con- cent survey by Layne-New York The study will be based on Nursing Home, Rt. 35, Hazlet, to peace treaty with East Germany. sible." dience, ' "he should be running furnish the participating districts ference a victory for Mitchell But some noted that was the Co., specialists in water systems. these recommendations made in correct a stagnant water condi- (See MITCHELL, Page 2) He said the sw streets Included for the governorship of Mississip- with public health services at re- only change in his Berlin stand. The firm found a need for the recent annual report by beach tion on his property. in last night's resolution were pi." duced costs. proper aeration, new filter con director John LeHotay. Announced that the rodent con- Dismay was widespread at hi: agreed upon after a "thorough He said Mitchell had worked Mr. Quail said surrounding mu- announcement that in less thar trols and an under-drain system. From $3 to $5 for season pass trol program is in progress. study of the heavily trav- land in hand with the antilaboi nicipalities have expressed an in- Crackdown two weeks the Russians will ex Forced aeration, according to s. eled roads." coalition led by southern congress- terest in the program, and would plode a 50-megaton hydroge the survey, will help remove From $2 to 13 , for monthly Council's action, Mr. Walker men in the fight against a $1.25 be invited to attend the confer- Eisenhower Has Own bomb, the biggest man-made ban some of the iron content in the passes. emphasized, will not release resi- minimum wage. ence. On Clamming the world has ever known. water which is building up in An increase in the daily indi- dents from the obligation of shov- A-marked decrease in septic Feelings on Shelters British newspapers exhibited side pipes, causing filters to op- vidual fee rate. eling their walks after a snow- tank complaints was announced more concern at the prospect of erate improperly. A charge of 10 cents (week NEWARK (AP) - Former Outlaws Set fall. A borough ordinance requires by Mr. Quail. He attributed this the massive Russian nuclear blast days) for children under 12 (at President Elsenhower, a 71- that property owners clear their to the new restrictions regulating TRENTON (AP) - An armed, than relief over the possible de- present there is no charge). year-old grandfather, says he walks after a snowfall. Index installations. radio equipped, round-the-clock Since 1SS7 would "just walk out" of a fall- lay in a Berlin showdown. PAGE An undetermined source of pol- patrol of Raritan Bay and ad- To Receive The current rales have been out shelter If the rest of his "There is no supreme militarj Amusements IS lution entering the brook running jacent tidal waters is to begin CD Headquarters in effect since 1957. family was exposed during a advantage to be gained in touch- Births _ 2 behind the Chestnut Hill develop- ioon to stop illegal clamming. nuclear attack. Ing off so large a bomb," said Sewer Bids Go Underground Mayor Collichio said the beach Hal Boyle S ment and up to Rt. 35 continues The 24-hour alert was announced the Times of London. "The pur- MATAWAN - Borough Coun gates are "too large," making Bridge 24 to plague him, Mr. Quail said. "I wouldn't want to be left today after a meeting of Attorney pose behind the announcement is cil last night authorized advertis- SHREWSBURY - A 24x24- it difficult to control admission Classified 25 In that kind of a world," he General David F. Furman, largely political. It is meant to ing for bids for the new 800,000- foot "root cellar" will be the on peak days. Comics 24 added. Health Commissioner Roscoe P. fill the Western peoples with fear. gallon-per-day capacity sewer new headquarters for the Civil This problem maybe resolved Crossword Puzzle 24 Red Bank Man, Eisenhower said it had been Kandle, and acting Conservation of what may happen unless theii plant. Defense and Disaster Control by installing turnstiles or some Editorials t suggested that he build a fall- Commissioner H. Mat Adams. governments concsde points to The bids will be opened at a Organization. similar devices, he indicated. Herblock 8 18, Dies in Fall out shelter on his Gettysburg, State police, in cars along the the Russians over Berlin." special meeting Nov. 8 at 8 p.m. Raymond II. Slillman, Broad Council will also consider elimi Kitty Kelly n RED BANK—Roiand Read, 88, Pa., farm as an example for shore and on Conservation De- in borough hall. St. realtor, last night said he nating one or two gates. Movie Timetable It of 171 Hudson Ave., died this others, but he reared such a partment boats, will maintain Councilman Edward E. Hyrne would lease a vacant 150x175- Net receipts from the six Obituaries 2 morning in his home after he fell step might alarm people. lose radio contact as they fer- Flu Shots Urged estimated the cost of the plant foot tract on the southwest cor- borough-operated beaches this Sylvia Porter ( down a flight of stairs. Police et out clam bootleggers from But Elsenhower said he he restricted waters, Adams said. at $300,000. The plant will be ner of Meadow Dr. and Maple year showed a drop of more than Radio-Television 18 said he suffered a broken neck. hoped Americans could shed ATLANTA (AP) - The sur The waters were closed to hooked into the planned new Rd. to the CDDC group for $1,000 from last year, with 1961 Social 12, 13 Dr. Edward E. Banta reported to the uneasiness and worry he geon general of the United States lamming last spring, after hep. sewer main system, to cost J6S0,- three years at $1 a year. gross receipts at $26,171 as co- George Sokolsky C Sgt. Alonzo Curchin that death said he had sensed in them. urges immediate anti-influenza ititis outbreaks were traced to 000. Jack J. Connors, CDDC di- pared to $29,822 (in 1960) an net Sports 22, » was accidental. "We are a free nation, we're shots for persons over 65, expec :he area, but clammers continue The aewcr plant bids will in- rector, sold the new headquar- receipts at $9,526, compared to Stock Market J Mr. Read's body was removed never going to be anything tant mothers and persons suffer- :o work the area, Adams said. clude five pumping stations. ters Is completely underground. (10,653. Succeisful Investing i to the Worden Funeral Home. else," he said. . fng from heart disease and other Fines for clamming in polluted chronic ailments. vater begin at $100 for a first The official, Luther L. Terry, iffense and Increase to a 30-day repeated yesterday a prediction ail sentence and fine on a sec- that an outbreak of influenza wil >nd offense. occur in the United States this Lawyer Says Slillman Was Unduly Criticized Recently- -for the first time in fall and winter. He said the na- :lmost a ccntury-the state was SHREWSBURY - Raymond H. tion is due for an outbreak of ments which ... are un- responsibility for maintenance mouth" in criticizing Mr. Still- statement of Councilman Kenneth equipment taxes paid by New iwarded a clamming boat confis- Asian Type A flu and is overdue itillman, a longtime resident and founded," Mr. Zagcr told the Bor- of the road. man. L. Walker, Jr., about the "letfal Jersey Bell Telephone Co. ($10,- ated during illegal opetations. tor an Asian Type B outbreak. this year an Independent candi- ough Council. At the Oct. 4 meeting, a resi- Mr. Mausner said the govern- right" of Mr. Stillman to run for 432.74) and the real estate taxes Both types occur in cycles, he date for Borough Council, last Mr. Zager said Mr. Stillman is dent of Shadowbrook Rd. implied ing body was not obligated at any borough office. Mr. Walker had: pnid by Shore Investment Co. explained in an interview. night was called an "honest . . "anxious" lo deed Shadowbrook that Mr, Stillman delayed in sign- meeting "to come to anyone's said the Mr. Stillman lives in ($9,209.50) on land used by the Tires Punctured sincere . . . and outstanding in- Rd. to the borough as soon as ing the deed to turn the road defense." Ocean County a majority of the telephone company are higher dividual" by his attorney. certain casement provisions for over to the borough because of MEETING CHANGE Mr. Stillman told the council, year. than those paid by Mr. Stillman, On 15 Cars Abraham .1. Zngcr, Red Bank drainage pipes are included in political considerations. and several residents of Shadow- Mr. Zager said Mr. StiWman SHREWSBURY - Because Mr„ . , said, . . , , 1IAZ1.L-T - Keyport State Po- ttorney and local resident, ob- the deed. Mr. Zager lost night told coun- brook Rd., "I'll be happy to lias been voting in Shrewsbury Election Day Is Nov. 7, Borough lle also claimed (hat laxes miilice reported (his morning that jected lo charges made two Mr. Zager and Milton Maus- cil Mr. Stillman "was Ihc first sign" the deed when the drain M it r* >-1 • *«.. M ,1 .^l.__^__l ...1 llit.i d » "for 18 years." properties "developed and sold" lirrs have been puncluml on at Council announced Insl night its weeks ago by residents of Shad- ner, borough attorney, agreed to contribute" toward the im- easements are written into the ncxl meeting will be Nov. 8, in- $7,741 In Taxes Ihy Mr. Stillman total $30,1)52.63. least 15 cars parked in the Flect- nwbrook Rd. that Mr Sllllmnn lust night to meet today to work provement of Shadowbrook Rd. contract. He said Mr, Stillman is the1. Because of his contributions to stead of Nov. 7, ns scheduled. had fnilcd—for political purposes out the details of the deed. Mr. Stillman's share of the proj- wood Park development during 'Much Ado About Nothing' third largest taxpayer in lliejlhe borough, Mr. Zager said, the List two nights. Home Made Sausage —to sign a deed which would turn ect was $567, Mr. Zager said. 1 Earlier this year, residents of Of the entire matter, Mr. Still- borough. Mr. Slillman's local tax-!"this gentlemen . . . should not! Police said it appears that tha Country fresh sausage, links or the street over to the borough. Shadowbrook Rd. paid for drain- He said the "Mayor and Coun- man said: "It's much ado about es currently total $7,741.07, Mr.:be subject to having his chnrac-|tlres have been punctured with hulk. Nelson's, 603 Rlv«r Road, "I can not stand by . . and age and surfacing of the street cil should not have allowed nothing." ZaKcr sal(I- ter maligned as it was at the lastla pointed instrument, perhaps an Fair Haven—Adv. ermit people to make state- so the borough would assume 1 Mr. Stoddard to run loose at the Mr. Zager also challenged a Only the personal properly and council meeting." |ice pick, f ,1961 RED BANK WBRISTER Weather New Jersey—Mostly sunny and warm today, bjgh in the 7Dt ex- OBITUARIES Require Sewer Unit cept near 80 in the southeast. Fair tonight, low in the 50s. Thursday fair with temperatures MRS. ANNA C. CHADWICK much the same NEW IURY — A mo- RED BANK-Mrs. Anna Cox W.W. Ulman, as today. Chadwick, 71, of 85 Locust Ave., Far School Addition torist was fined $250, and a wit MARINE died in Riverview Hospital Mon ness in his behalf was fined $50 UNION BEACH — The Board] Under new state regulations, Cape May to day night. Magistrate, Dies M Education will submit plans, explained, the state Departmen Block Island—| for contempt of court Monday. She was born in Irvington, to the stale for a "package" sew- of Health must approve ssw Winds south- Thomas Dorsey, Union St. lughter pf the late Austin and OCEANPORT — William West er plant to be installed in con- disposal plans for schools i west through Keansburg, was found guilty of Caroline MacMurtrie Cox, and Ulman, magistrate of the Munic- junction with the planned 12-room school additions. Thursdays with drunk driving on Clinton PI. ad lived here and in Little Silvei ipal Court here for 20 years, died addition to Memorial School. Water Table . speeds 15 to 20 Sept. 9. Magistrate Marvin E. 36 years. Her husband, Franklin yesterday hi his home, 54 Mon- knots during At a joint meeting of the schoo For a septic tank system, tl Schaefer fined Dorsey $250 and Chadwick, died in November, mouth Blvd. afternoon hours board. Borough Council Plannin department requires a wate revoked his license for two years. 1935. He was bora in New York and 10 to 15 Board and Board of Health las table level of six feet. The lev Police Chief James Herring City, son of the late N. Alex- knots at othi Mrs. Chadwick was a member eight, James J. McKittrick in Union Beach, borough engi said Thomas Moore, East Keans- ander and Anne Ulman, and had times. Fair weather with visi if the Presbyterian Church. school board president, revealec neer Gerard F. Barba reportei burg, who appeared as a wit- lived here 40 years. He was a is 2^4 feet. bility five miles or more. ness in Dorsey's defense, mad' Surviving are her daughter, member of St. Luke's Methodist that the state has rejected plan Mrs. Alfred P. Ilch of this place; The disposal plant proposed li Extended Forecast a "derogatory remark" from the Church, Long Branch, and was for a school addition septic tan' son, Richard C. Chadwick o! the school addition will have eastern Pennsylvania, south audience after he had testified. a graduate of Lawrenceville system. [liver Plaza; a sister, Mrs. Ed- capacity of 8,000 gallons per da; eastern New York, New Jerse; Chief Herring said the remark School, New York University and and Connecticut temperatures ward Fleury of Morristown; two ani would be tied in, by a larg was heard by Magistrate Schae- |New York Law School. during the five-day period Thun irothers, Herbert Cox of Ormond sewer main, to Flat Creek, abo fer who then ordered the $50 fine Mr. Ulman practiced law in day through Monday are expec Beach, Fla., and Archibald Cox 600 feet from the school site. for contempt of court. New York from 1909 to 1959. He Mitchell ed to average two to seven di if Glendale, L. I., and four grand- Mr. Barba estimated that tl was a member of Zeta Phi Fra- (Continued) grees above normal. Warm :hildren. plant could be purchased and i ternity. would b« a good omen for lh the beginning of the period, turn GIFT FOR MOLLY — C. Donald English, left, presents stalled for (14,000. The funeral will be tomorrow GOP in the 1962 congressiona ing a bit cooler about mid-perto painting of the Molly Pitcher Hotel to Rigaud B. Paine, it 10 a.m. in the Presbyterian Surviving is, his wife, Mn. Higher Estimate election! and for "the philoso and then warming up at the em' Church. Rev. Dr. Charles S. Web-Hazel Seaman Ulman. The school board's architeel general manager. The painting, by Clara Gea Kastner, phy of government which I holi Precipitation may total a fev ter, pastor, wil] officiate. Burial The funeral will be tomorrow so earnestly." Pohlman and Chapelsky, est tenths of an Inch, occurring aboul appeared in the Ford Times, which carries articles on at 8 p.m. in the Robert A. Braun mated $15,000 to (20,000. ill be in Evergreen Cemetery, And in his speech to a stand- mid-period. Home for Funerals, Eatontown. Mr. Barba said it would co trips to places of interest for tourists. Mr. English is Rtverview Hospital 3asking Ridge, under the riirec- ing-room-only crowd of 1,300 GOT TIDES Rev. J. Courtney Hayward, pas- $1,000 to $2,000 per year for o] president and secretary of Mount English Sales Co., Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Luy, 545 ion of the Worden Funeral Home. women at the Essex House i: (Sandy Hook) tor of St. Luke's Church, will of- eration and maintenance of t Broadway, Long Branch, son Newark, he credited Mitche! Today — High 3:35 p.m., lov Ford dealer, and president of English Motors. ficiate. Private burial will be plant. yesterday, ALBERT R. POHLIG with writing • note in longham 10:15 p.m. Friday. Borough Council ruled out th Mr. and Mrs. John S. Walzer, LONG BRANCH - Albert R. suggesting a dramatic, federal Thursday — High 4:11 a.m. am possibility of planning for a mi Cury Co., Inc., was found guil. Lakeside Ave., Tinton Falls, son, ?ohlig, 65, of 284 Chelsea Ave. •tale highway program. The for- 4:44 p.m., low 10:38 a.m. ani MATTHEW POSCAI nicipal sewer system at this timi yesterday of three counts of fals yesterday, lied Monday night at home. He mer President said that note, ear- 11:11 p.m. New Jersey The board hopes to "absorb swearing in a bankruptcy pro Mr. ami Mrs. Dennis Novak, ras pronounced dead on arrival MATAWAN - Matthew Poscal, ly In his first terra, was the seeti (for Red Bank and Rumsoi the cost of the plant out of cor ceeding. The company operate: 79 Lowet Main St., Matawan, it Monmouth Medical Center. '8, of 47 Beechwood Ter, died that grew into the present mult Bridge add two hours; Se tingency funds and other News Briefs a chain of general merchandi daughter, yesterday. He was born at Newark, son Monday in Marlboro State Hos- billion dollar Interstate highway Bright, deduct 10 minutes; Lon counts, but if this proves to b ( stores in New Jersey, New Yorl Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boeh- the late August and Lena Pohlig, pital. program. Branch, deduct 15 minutes: Higr, By The Associated Press impossible, a referendum ma) Connecticut and Pennsylvanii Ier, Rt. 135, Keyport, daughter, and had lived here eight years. Mr. Poscal Is survived by his lands Bridge add 40 minutes.) From the time he arrived have to be conducted to obtai ATLANTIC CITY — A 55-yeai The stores were declared bank- yesterday, He wag a retired employee of wife, Mrs. Mary Hudak Poscai; Newark Airport in a privati emergency funds, it was Indi CHICAGO (AP) — Cold al: old man has been charged wil rupt in other proceedings. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Reilly, JcCrory'a Department Store, Iwo sons, Michael Poscai of plane at 10:30 a.m., Eisenhowei cated. spread across sections of th murder and robbery in the deal, 96 Ocean Ave., East Keansburg, fewark. Newburgh, N. Y., and John Pos- drew crowds of widely varyin; north central part of the natio: The proposed sewer unit wil of an 18-year-old girl who wai daughter, yesterday. Mr. Pohlig was a veteran of at of this place; two daughters, •lie wherever he went. today, but fairly pleasant weatl take care of the school additioi robbed of 35 cents. The chargi Mr. and Mrs. Frank Presti, 9 World War I and of the Mexican Mrs. Stephen Sussko of Mountain- Nearly a hundred top Republl r prevailed In most other parti only. The addition is designed fo was brought yesterday again Party Plan Birch Ave., Hazlet, son, this War. His wife was the late Ethel side and Mrs. Philip Delano of can dignitaries greeted him as hi of the country. an enrollment capacity of 45 Alec Gibson, 55, an unemployc morning. 'olilig. He is survived by twp stepped down from the plane Outside the cold belt, tempera Millburn, and 14 grandchildren. to 500 students. hotel cook. Police said Glbso Monrmigth Medical Center daughters, Mrs. Lillian Mitchell The funeral will be Friday at smiling and pink-cheeked. ures were in the 50s and 60s confessed that he slashed th Is Reported if West Orange and Mrs. Janet U,«M In Newark most areas. The 40s were report Mr. and Mrs. James R. Snyder, 8:30 a.m. from the Day Funeral throat of Joyce Watson Oct. WEST LONG BRANCH - Frai Hook Harbor Rd., Atlantic askill of Long Branch, with Home, Keyport, followed at 9 later, thousands lined Broad d in the Pacific Northwest an and then robbed her of 35 cent', cis Dietrich, chairman, said al rhora he made his home; three reas in the Northeast, wit Highlands, son, yesterday. o'clock by a high requiem mass St. in Newark during the lunch Bazar Set all the. money her pocketboo children in the borough will b Mr. and Mrs. Robert Franson, sons, Albert R. Pohlig, Jr., of, in St. Joseph's Catholic Church hour to watch Elsenhower and freezing marks in a few spots, contained. The girl's body wa welcomed at the Halloween cos 12 Bay Ave., Highlands, son, yes-"outh River, Edward C. Pohlig of by Rev. William Bausch, assist- Mitchell wave from atop th< The 70s prevailed in the south- found Monday in a clump tume party to be presented 1 terday. 'renton and Robert Pohlig of Car- ant pastor. Burial will be In St. back of an open car. The hlghesl west desert region, interior bushes. By Auxiliary the Lions Club in the Communii Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson, teret, and a sister, Mrs. Flor ! Joseph's Cemetery. crowd estimate there was 15,000 ions of California and southern NAVESINK -Mrs. Richan Center Tuesday, Oct. 31, startin; 30 Brook Ave., Keyport, son, yes- :nce Muntrick, of St. Petersburg, The Journal Square crowd wa Florida. Heidel, president of the auxiliarj NEWARK—Fire burned over at 7:30 p. m. terday. la. estimated at 4,000 by the city MRS. BERTHA JOZSY of the Navesink Hook and Lad' Some early morning reports seven acres of meadowland Sets of prizes will be awarde< He was a Mason and a mem police. But some Mitchell aides er of the First Presbyterian NEW YORK — Mr*., Bertha der, announced plans for a Chrii New York 56, clear; Chicago 6.' near Newark Airport yesterday. for the prettiest, funniest an went as high as 15,000 and Mitch-, hurch, Long Branch. Arrange- Jozsy, 74, died yesterday in her mas bazar at a meeting las! clear; Boston 55, clear; Washin; The blaze sent up clouds of most original costumes to ch; ell used that figure in his perora- Winter Rules ents for the funeral were made home, 838 Amsterdam Ave. [Thursday in the fire house, ion 52, clear; Atlanta 56, clear: smoke visible for miles and dren in each of three age div tion, when he said: Miami 78, rain; Louisville i y the Flock Funeral Home, Mrs. Jozsy was born in Hun- A committee wag appointed fo blocked traffic on Rt. 22. West- sions, up through 5 years, "In Hudson County, you know Detroit 60, clear; St. Louis 63 bound traffic was cut off at through 10, and 11 and over, xing Branch. Services will be gary, daughter of the late Joseph about bosslsm. Do something he bazar, which will be hell For Kiwanis :lear; Minneapolis 46, clear; Kan McCarter Hwy. and eastbound grand prize will be selected from leld in Newark under the direc- and Anna Weismann Kuracska. •bout It Nov. 7. Will you tell Dec. 2 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. ai KEYPORT — Winter rules on of the Cole Funeral Home sas City 60, clear; Denver 44, at Frelinghuysen Ave. the nine first prize winners, Surviving are two sons, Dr. Ed- Mr. Kenny there are 13,000 peo- the fire house. Booths will be ar went,,Into effect at the dinner lere. :lear; Dallas 61, clear; Phoenix There will be no parade this ward P. Jozsy of Matawan and ple right here In this squarej 'anged for the sale of toys meeting of the Kiwanis Club last 13, clear; Seattle 46, clear; Sai year. Rudolph Kuracska of Trumball, who are going to do something Christmas cards, gift Items WASHINGTON - The Com. week in Ye Cottage Inn. Electedj Francisco 53, clear; Los Angele; munications Commission has an- RUMMAGE SALE Conn, and seven grandchildren. about it?" aked goods and novelties. were Rev. Norman Riley, presi- 64, cloudy; Anchorage 26, clear, nounced tentative approval of ai NAVESINK - Mrs. Eugene He referred to John V. Kenny, Serving on the committee wi: dent; Edwin O'Hanlon, vice pres- The funeral will be Friday at and Honolulu 76, clear. application by WBUD, Inc., fo: abourdin and Mrs. Thomas the Hudson Democratic leader be Mrs. John Sodon, Mrs. Robe Charge Soldier dent; Merrill Wallace, second p.m. in the Bedle Funeral an FM station on 101.5 megacy ihera are chairman of a rum- and a chief target of Mitchell's Sodon, Mrs. Frank Pape, Mrs ice president; Edward Florian, lage sale to be held by the Epis- Home, Keyport, with Rev. Nor- bossism charegs. essie Parker, Mrs. Joseph Steel cles in Trenton. The action re- man R. Riley, pastor of St. John's versed a Feb. 24 examiner's de In Accident reasurer, and Frank Applegate, ipal Church Women Oct. 28 from Was Warned man, Mrs. Mary Sodon, Mrs Thomas Ferrante, James Neid- a.m. to 5 p.m. at the parish Methodist Church, officiating. Hughes cision which would have grantei RUMSON — Stanley Popielar- Elsenhower referred to the tlary Hallam, Mrs. Russel inger and James Cahill, directors. house of All Saints Church, Lo- Burial will be in Shoreland Me- similar facilities to Concert Nel :ki, 595th Signal Co., Fort Mon bossism charge In both of his ilount, Mrs. John Daihkavich (Continued) J. Leon Schanck, Sr., chairman cust. morial Gardens, Hazlet. work, Inc., and denied the ap mouth, was charged with care- speeches. In Newark, he said and Mrs. Heidel. Local 108 Retail, Wholesale am if tickets for the pancake sale plication of WBUD. less driving this morning aftei aides warned him in 1952 and! Plans also were made for Department Store, voted to «n Tuesday, Nov. 14, In the Central his car allegedly ran into a guard 1956 to avoid some parts of New .heater party In the spring. dorse Hughes. school, Broad St., announced that TRENTON — Unemployment rail on Rumscm Rd: Jersey In his campaigning be- Part of the Morris County visll tickets are on sale. 1 GRAMAN'S cause "the electorate there was In New Jersey dropped by 17,- Patrolman James Halligan re- was in quest of the worklrgman' The Boys and Girls Committee VACUUM AND APPLIANCE PARTS CO. becoming, by and large, a cap- vote. 600 in September, to an 11' ported he answered an acciden Norma Eberhardt month low of 155,200, the De- reported tjiat many members are tive of political bosses." Hughes shook hands with em call at 12:20 a.m., but found onl; 54 MONMOUTH STREET, RED BANK, N. J. partment of Labor has an- assisting in the Boy Scout fund- But he said he came anyway In Hospital iloyees of E. F. Drew Co. parts of a car lying near a guard nounced. Increased employ' raising drive, Milton Gale, presi PHONE SH 7-5623 and carried the state both times. Boonton, then boarded the 5:3: rail on the south side of Rum LONG BRANCH-Actrew Noi ment centered In manutnetur dent, said another gum ball ma- Picking candidates and dominat- ma Eberhardt was reported ir i.m. commuter train from Mor- ion Rd. near Buena Vista Ave. ing voting blocks can control ex-' ing, with largest upturn re- :hine has been placed. The club AUTHORIZED ;erious condition today In Mon rls Plains to Dover. During a 14- ported in electrical machinery A county alarm was issued for las one more to be located. ecutive appointments, pass or de-]month Medical Center, where she minute ride he chatted with pa by makers of radio and tele- the car, and the vehicle was HOOVER—SALES AND SERVICE feat legislation, select prosecu- Tickets for the Ladies' Night >as been a patient since Saturday. engerj returning home from vision sets, Frank T. Judge, Found 90 minutes later in Se, tors, influence Indictments, and Saturday are available. NEW AND REBUILT CLEANERS The 33-year-old wife of Claudi work. director of the division of em- Bright. The auto parts found ai obstruct justice." Dauphin, the French actor, was the scene of the accident fit oi ployment security, said. FINED $15 • REPAIRS ON • "They can channel tax dollars taken ill In her home on Part the car, police said. Patrolma to favored contractors and Ave., Oakhurst, Ocean Township Halligan reported Popielarskl wai RED BANK—Richardo Veracque GE - HOOVER - ELECTROLUX, etc. JERSEY CITY — Leroy I friends," the former President! Police reported she had taken Highlands lone at the time of the accident. of 115 Chestnut St. was fountf •aid. an overdose of medicine. Gist, 39, of Summit St., Passaic, guilty yesterday of being drunk IRONS VACUUMS TOASTERS Mrs. William Pels was elected died yesterday in the Medical He added, "I am very certain Police said Miss Eberhardt'i SEVEN PRODUCTION MARKS and disorderly early Monday PERCOLATORS MIXERS, etc. •here will be no room for boss personal physician called for an iresident of th* Waterwitch So- Center from burns suffered li morning. Magistrate John V. NEW BRUNSWICK-Seven reg- PARTS FOR Ism to flourish In your state with imbulance and directed that his ial club at a recent meeting highway crash. He was burned rowell fined him $25. istered Guernsey cows from MOn- Jim Mitchell as your governor." Patient be taken to the hospital icld at Charlie and Eddies, 265 Wednesday when his tractor- VACUUMS WASHERS DRYERS IRONS mouth County recently completed The former President was Bay Ave; Other officers are Mrs. railer collided with a statioi It pays to advertise in The Peter Diamond, vice president jfficial production records, ac- RANGES TOASTERS MIXERS LAMPS, etc. Joined by Mrs. Eisenhower dur- ROLLER SKATING PARTY wagon driven by Robert J. Bur- ppistpr —. AHvArtifiPinpnt Mrs, Wade Davis, treasurer, and :ording to the American Guern- ing the luncheon in Newark. She BELFORD — A roller skatini ett, 30, of Newark. Burnett died Mrs. Joseph Grzelka, secretary. sey Cattle Club. •nd the former President got party, for the benefit of the Seoul hortly after the accident. The group planned a theatei They are Castle Brook Leaden •motional, standing ovations. 3uilding Association fund, will be jarty at Asbury Park Oct. 25. :ose, Castle Brook Leaders Dei "We miss Ike," signs were on ld tonight from 8 to II o'clock ELIZABETH - Mrs. Esther Allowing the meeting, refresh- and Castle Brook Leaders Debby, almost every table. Belvedere Arena, Keansburg, Feder received a birthday ments were served by Mrs. Pels all owned by Frank Gumina, After hli appearance In Jersey .Irs. Mildred Kaiser, assoclatioi greeting from President Ken- and Miss Mary Rlssett, hostesses, 'reehold, and Hominy Hill Cham- ility, Eisenhower went to New lecretary, announced. Th» pub nedy along with an autographed The next meeting will be tonight. pion Wnimsey, Hominy Hill Cham- Vork City to spend the night. , 'c has been Invited. photograph yesterday. "He Aluminum Combination should live so long . . . as pion Maiden, Hominy Hill R. K. The ladies auxiliary of the first long as I have," Mrs. Feder Paulette and Hominy Hill Sun Id will hold Its card party, to- said. She celebrated her 105th best, all owned by Hominy Hil morrow at 8 p.m. in the first aid birthday two weeks ago, ''arms, Colts Neck. STORM and SCREEN DOORS WIN A CASE OF FRISKIES wilding. Mrs. Charles Kinney IN FRISKIES DOG FOOD LUCKY LICENSE halrman, will be assisted by ELIZABETH — Superior Court COURT OF HONOR >Irs. Orris D. Steelman and Miss OtVEAWAY! CHECK YOUR DOG'S LICENSE NUMBER udge Milton A. Feller has ruled RIVER PLAZA - Charles Wil- Florence Kohlenbush. hat the 21-year-old Roselle Park ier, chairman of Scout Troop 32, FULL ONE INCH THICK local assistance board was nev- md Patrick Di Vernieri, scout- Today's winner Is |^o> $3 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Wa- legally constituted. He master, conducted a court of hon- Piano Hinge Door rs, Sr., 125 Highland Ave., re- tiled that three former mem- ceremony recently at the ently marked their 16th wedding jers of the board were not en chool. Michael Di Vernieri and by having dinner at Bahrs Land- Itled to reinstatement. The sui! Charles Wilber, Jr., were elevat- ing Restaurant. ras brought by the three former d to Star Scouts; William Hen lembers: Guy Savino, Thomas Iricks and Alan Di Eciullo, to Mr. and Mrs. Orris D. Steel- A. Angelo and Mrs. Rita ccond class, and Guy Safino and tan, Highland Ave., recently en- chlenger. Roselle Park Mayor 'ay Rebscher, first class. Mother rtajned members of the River rthur M. Derfner and the Bor- ins were awarded t o Mrs. Installatio23n optional :iub at their home. This group ugh Council removed the three Charles Wilber, Mrs. Patrick Di as met regularly for the past n Jan. 2 during a borough re- "'ernieri and Mrs. Christian Reb- Complete, ready to hang 15 years. rganization meeting. Judge Fel- cher. Complete, ready to install. Price includes r said the board was not legal piano hinge door with two glass and one Mrs. John P. Adalr, Portland lecause it had been created by CLEANUP screen Insert, storm chain, weather d.. a member of the local Board resolution and not by an ordi HOLLYWOOD, Fla. (AP) -j stripped, air closure, knob and hardware. Education, Is attending the ance. Tiieves ransacked a newly built ate Board of Education conven- ome in suburban Miramar and oii at Atlantic City. This marks HACKENSACK - Luther F. nade off with everything but the >s. Adair's sixth consecutive Alston, Jr., will be sentenced itchen sink. They did, however, New . . . New . . . ear attending the convention. Nov. 17 for second degree mur- :et the bathroom sink. der In the death of his four- They also took the oven and JALOUSIE ANODIZED GUARDIAN ear-old stepdaughter. Alston inge, hot water heater, water K Septic Tank pleaded guilty yesterday before ump and filter system for the or Laundromat I Bergen County Judge Benja- dimming pool, a toilet unit and DOOR DOOR DOOR min P. Galantl. He faces up to built-in dressing table. FAIR HAVEN - Approval of a years In jail. He said he sewerage disposal system at 606 1.95 1.95 teat the child Aug. 7 when she CARD PARTY 4Q95 River Rd. has been given by the would not finish her cereal. LINCROFT — The Lincroft- Board of Health. 59 verctt PTA will hold a card 39 The owner of the properly and NEWARK — Bcddy G. Cury, irty Oct. 20 at 8:15 p.m. in Installation optional Installation optional Installation optional applicant, Jesse Bennett, told former president of the B. G. incroft School. FuWon't corrodon , pit or oxldlia. Full 1" thick with rain cap board members he intends to rent nauar tmmn » " Bl" » hlnna. pllo woathor and fully wtalhir.tlrlppid lor W naver isan a , , , |,t, iort. 4 spring- the property for use as a Inundro have never ssen ,mrpmaMppml)r, nlroxir a ttnngttron g ctnttc«nte r compcompl.t . c<)rncomfort. « Unftnr ttrnnn«r nr tinr<4 *>"'•"— "tor" m cbal-"••'n" and air clot- back hlngat, a (!••«••• and 1 mat. bottai, srrongar or rigni- , , , ,„»„„,...... , . \FRIE «1.(1 Brt |att and tcro5 n |n lcr#fn Ktt The board's approval, given •err aluminum ifllou.!jalousie- dondoor ;•{}£,_••_'«••- , "'*"" »»•»" " O<«>ooo»» OOODOOB CHILLI Monday night, is contingent on at any pricel WELDED the installation of a 1,000—gallon CORNERS and 4 deep- > BUDGET TERMS O FREE DELIVERY IF YOU ARE THE WINNER masonry septic tank. STORE HOURS: 8 A.M. TO I P.M. tat hingai insure that this WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY TO B bring this ad, along with name and address ANOTHER EAGLE of your grocer tothe head office of this paper fine door will novar sag. "Between Yanko's & Reunlllet" OAKHORST — Gary Bennett, Elolte Leverlch, Red Dank Register Fully weather • stripped 9 Troop 50, Shrewsbury, is amonRj D 40-42 Droad Street, Red Bank about 5Q Kagle Monmoulh County and comes complete with fnpitatlon dlto Dectrrt^tr 31. 1961 couts who will be honored at all hardware and FREE Jl U WIlo naa weM/ttumg miSKIEB-riir WtATY-GOOD. .MIGHTV Recognition Day ceremonies In $4.95 Door Grill! 32 Broad St. SHadysld* 1-7S00 Rtd Bonk Noum»Hiwa coo FOOD rnoMgrnatiofl Tied ISank'g Molly Pitcher Motel omorrow, ilia name wan omitted 'rom a list published Monday. | *••<>••••••••••••••••••••••••• RED BANK REGISTER , Oct. 13,1961-3 Successful Investing Nason on Education: Breadth of the Market Index Is Just One Tool Among Many Keep Work Up to Date By LESLIE J. NASON for something you've bought on material and the practice of put- Q.—"I have been hearing a lo selling pressure. However, the Professor of Education the installment plan. If, when ting the basics away daily in lately about the breadth-of-th outlook here remains bright, and you are purchasing something on memory and notebooks will pre- 1 Let us assume that you v market index. Just what is this I regard the stock as a gooc worked especially hard on the re credit, you will have the good pare you for that day of reckon- What is its significance?" P.P. growth holding. sense to put away a portion of ing when the teacher gives you A.—This subject has certainly view for a test in some schoo Varian has also sold off, In course which has been giving yoi your weekly earnings, there will a final examination. leaped into prominence in recent large part due to the weakness be no problem meeting the month- (Write Dr. Nason in care Df this weeks, and the well-known bad time. which has been prevalent through- You have achieved a; gooi ly payment on the item. paper. He will cover questions of have had out the entire electronics group. Daily organization of course general interest in his articles.) number Nevertheless, I regard this cor- grade. You'v questions sim- rection as only temporary and met the cris ilar to yours look for Varian eventually to But wha The bfeadtl stage a strong comeback. I now? Jaycees Setting l/p Space of • the-marki would hold the shares in anticipa- You have th index is ju; tion of better price levels. course up one of man; (Mr. Spear can not answer all date now wil Display at Asbury Park technical ind mail personally, but will answer your good n cators used all questions possible in his view. Don't I ASBURY PARK — A Redston: foot Scout are but two of an as- stock marki column.) it slip awa; missile topped by a "man-into sortment of America's latest rock- SPEAR analysis. Brie again. If yo space" Project Mercury capsul ets which will-be featured at the Dr. Nason are not carefi ry, it represents the relationshi. and one of the new and mightj Journey Into Space exposition between the number of stocks ad- you will hav scout missiles are due to go oi being sponsored by the Asbury vancing and those declining dui Big Three's to put in another rough week-em public exhibit in front of Con Park Junior Chamber of Com- tog any given period. This re- of review before the next tes vention Hall here today. merce. The program starts next You will have lost the advantagi lationship is figured as a ratii The 98-foot Redstone and "!'•Wednesday and continues through and it usually transferred t< Recovery with which you are armed today Sunday, Oct. 29. And don't forget that your fina charts or graphs for interpreta- PEACE MESSAGE — Rev. Dr. Robert W. Scott of Elizabeth, governor of district grade will be based partially o; To be shown is the largest dis- tion. Aids Market play of rockets, missiles and 751 of Rotary International, confen with Albert Quakenbush, vice president of the work you do from day to day Mrs. Fehlhaber When the Index shows a com NEW YORK (AP) - A recov- So keep the course up to dati space vehicles ever set up in sistently upward trend, the stod ery by Big Three motors and Middletown Rotary, left, and Louit Van Zant, president, before addressing club for the rest of the semester. It'i New Jersey. market m general appears to besome wide gains by selected is- Monday. Dr. Scott told members that Rotary International has awarded more than the easy way. The proper or- Is Hostess Co-operating with the Jaycees headed for further gains. Con- sues featured an irregular stock $3 million in grants to students in an effort to promote understanding and peace. ganization of material which yoi are the National Aeronautics and versely, when the index begin; market yesterday. Trading was now have is a must for effective At Meeting Space Administration, the Air to falter, it Is a time for caution, moderate. reading and listening which wi •ince a broad decline may be Jusl Force, the Army, and the Navy. The Dow Jones Industrial av- Asks No Posters help you hold these new height HIGHLANDS - Mrs. Henry M. The public will be able to sea around the corner. erage fell 1.17 to 701.98. Legal Team Pick Howard you've just captured. ''ehlhaber was hostess at a meet- Does this short explanatloi On Utility Poles models of the Advent, Tiros, Of 1,272 Issues traded, how- Four Steps to Take ing of Women's Society of Chris Score, Courier, Vanguard and seem to make stock-market pre- FREEHOLD — County Re- ian Service of the Methodist dicting a fairly easy task? ever, gainers outnumbered losers As Head Of Here are some steps forward I; other satellites prepared by the by 549 to 515. New highs for theOpen! s Office publican Chairman J. Russell your new plan of action: Church when the group met re- assure you that it is not. Inter- Woolley today called for the Army engineers at Fort Mon- year totaled 30 and new lows 15. l.Be in class; be there prompt- cently in the church recreation mouth. From Wright-Patterson pretation is the key to breadth co-operation of all political par- room. Mrs. William B. Kendrick of-the-market analysis, find it I Volume was 3.11 million shares At Lincroft Yacht Club ly, come prepared. Air Force Base. Ohio, the Air compared with 2.84 million Mon- ties lo not posting political lit- presided at the meeting. seldom that everyone comes u| LINCROFT - Mr. and Mrs, 2. Listen to the teacher. Taki Force is sending in the first cap- day. Losses by key stocks In- erature on utility poles. KEYPORT - The Yacht CIul advantage of what he has to of- Mrs. Lester Whitfield reported With the same conclusion. Leon M. Rosen have opened "Aside from the fact that Friday elected Charles Howard, m the fall seminar meeting sh sule recovered from a Discoverer Properly used, the index can becluded: Commonwealth Edison fer. He gets the same pa; 14th flight and displays related dropped V/,, American Smelting law office near their home 01 such practice Is a violation of commodore; Bernard J. Delaney, attended Oct. 5 at Manasquan Of great help to the common stoc) Newman Springs Rd. whether you listen to him or not. to Projects Soar and Snap. 1% Allied Chemical lft and the state law, the most Impor- vice commodore; William Mor- 3. Prepare all assignment; Methodist church. Others who at- Investor. However, it isn't thi Both are lawyers who als tant consideration Is the danger decal, rear commodore; Carl A film, "Nike In the Attack," Union Carbide V/t. with special care. Get assign- :ended were Mrs. Kendrick, presi- whole story. No single technical practice at 39 Journal Square, to the linemen who mast climb Holmes, fleet captain; Harvey dent; Mrs. Ralph Newman, Mrs will be presented by the 52d tool is. A careful study of thi: Nine of the 15 most active ments in on time. Artillery Brigade at Highlands. stocks advanced, three declined Jersey City, under partner- these poles night or day In all Smith, measurer; Robert Len rank Thomas, and Mrs. Joseph one combined with a number ol ship of Rosen and Kanov. non, recording secretary; Forres 4. Try aiming for A's—not C's, The Navy will put up a display and three were unchanged. kinds of weather. Posters with You'll never hit anything unles; Patterson. others—plus a close watch on thi The two, who have been mar- their metal tacks may cause a Garrison, financial secretary; A letter received from Rev, demonstrating the Polaris sub- fundamentals—will give you thi For the second straight day; you aim at it. If you aim for an Studebaker-Packard was the ried 20 years and are the parent! fall Just when the lineman Is Garrett Post, treasurer, and William Lutz, former pastor, wasmarine missile and the so-called best results. of two children, Edward, 16, and Charles B. Silcox, LeRoy Huyiar, A and get only a C you will havi 'Transit IB" space instruments. most active issue as It rose A trying to maintain Important lost nothing. You figured on th read. It announced the birth ol Q.—"I hold Tennessee Corp. Rita, 13, met while they were electric service," Mr. Woolley Sidney Lambertson, John Beck- a son Sept. 27. and Varian Associates, each at a to 12ft on 148,309 shares. Second C anyway. Now is the time t was Fairchild Stratos, up % atstudying law at John Marshall said. with, Robert Bottger and Carl- It was announced the trustees •mall loss. What is your opinion College, Jersey City. They be- ton Poling, governors. raise your lights. You mighl 12>4 on 42,800 shares. Third was He said he was notifying all have A's in range after alL of the church are planning a tur- of them?" J.C. came law partners in 1946. Republican units to abide by The Ladies' Auxiliary elected Atlas Corp., up y, at V/a on 42,200 Too often we think of "listen- key dinner Election Day with Clarkes Give A.-i like both. this regulation. Mrs. Delaney, president; Mrs, Fred Koch as chairman. Tennessee Corp.'s earning: shares. ing" and "studying" as two sep- Next came San Diego Imperial, Irvins Morse, vice president; arate and distinct things and mosi Mrs. Thomas, spiritual life sec- have temporarily slowed down, Mrs. Earl Huber, treasurer, and Talk Before and the (hares have been undei up % at 17, and WestingMmse certainly as things that you couli retary, was in charge of the de- Electric, off 1 at 42. A-Sub Officer Mrs. William Ormerod, treas- not do at one and the same time. rotional program. The theme was Ford, up 2%, was outstanding urer. This is where you are wrong. 'He Opened the Book." Garden Club in Its group. Chrysler rose % Mr. Mordecai announced that Your past work in the course i: Mrs. G. L. Whitfield as leaderj Hebrew Women and, General Motors added % Slates Talk the large float and gangway had now organized and you no Iongei gave the service for week of RARITAN TOWNSHIP — The Scott Paper rose 6J4. been stored at Ellings, Perth Am- need to worn' about it. Because prayer and self-denial and Mrs,iris and gladiolus were discussed Yesterday's Closing Stocks: boy. )f this you will find that, while Richard N. Ryley, the pastor's by Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Clarke of Work on Braille membership committee meeting of the I-T-E Ckt Brit 1M! To Eagles The you are listening to the teacher, wife, led the prayer. Matawan at a KEYPORT-The Hebrew Worn John" • « Ma" n 6SS welcomed Miss Barbara Esser, Others participating were Mn, Women's Club garden depart- Jonei 4 L 67 Vi RED BANK - Navy Cmdr, foa can be spending more time en's League, meeting in thi YOT Mf(C S9« James Stark, chief medical offi Otto Doucha and William Kinball studying what he is saying. .mold Pedersen and Mrs ment in the home of Mrs. John Kaiier Al 32 as members. synagogue Friday, heard Mrs, Kennecott 81U cer of Submarine Squadron 10 And you will now find that you leorge Schmidt. Mahan, 70 Cornell Dr., Hazlet. Adele Pressman, Women's1 Koppen 4IS A Halloween dance was Color slides of Mr. and Mrs. Kreage, S3 31 Groton, Conn., made up of nu- can organize course material al Mrs. Ralph Newman, society ranged by the auxiliary for Sat- 1 League Braille chairman. Sh Krogeg r clear subs, will deliver the princi most simultaneously with hearing reasurer, took up the offering Clarke's garden were shown. described the work of her com LeMth C*N urday, Oct. 28. Mrs. Harry Ross, Loh Port C 25 pal address at the Eagle Scou for the program. Mrs. George Mrs. Nelson Miller, department mittee, and the aid it gives the Lett VaV l loIdd « Mrs. Mordecai and Mrs. Post Cann, Mrs. Thomas, and Mrschairman, said an organization Leh Val RR IV, Recognition Banquet in the Moll; Now Is Time To Start blind by transcribing books into LOT Olajl 62% Pitcher Hotel here tomorrow hostesses, announced that fines You can improve on this or- John Adalr will be hostesses al and workshop meeting will be Braille. She announced that any- Lib MoN*L 12~"H will be imposed on those withoul Lin * My 104 night. ganization of material by follow the November meeting. held to prepare for the December one Interested may take a course LuVeM SU ei« Cmdr. Stark, who recently re- costumes. Prizes will be awarded ing a couple of suggestions; general membership program. Mac* Pf <«* and the music for dancing will be and learn how to transcribe. Martin II •zt<& turned from a round-the-world 1. Read ahead In the text before The garden department will dis- Mrs. Stanley Cohen, adult ed Mn Too a oo Harck SO furnished by the Yacht Chi Mn Vlicoia MOM 60 voyage aboard the nuclear sub- coming to class. Listen carefully, Atco Shifts play decorations for the home. ncation chairman, announced tanp Inc UK Minn W*M 75 marine Triton, will speak on "Nu boys. to what the teacher Is saying an A plant exchange was conduct- naconda Mo Pac A that books will be sold as wel ..rmco Btl —. Mont Ward clear Submarines and Nucleai try to guess what it is he'll say ed with Mrs. Miller and Mrs. as rented from her library. tomour 4b Co 44H Nat BUc 8" ,mut Clc 73% Nat Dalrr Leon M. Rosen Men to Go With Them." next. Gty Offices Charles Wakefield supplying the A membership tea will be ihi on a Nat Dlitlll T3«i Fifty Boy Scouts from Mon- 2. Write short sentences from plants. Mrs. Jose Vias, Jr., and held for all paid-up member; .tcblion 28M Nat Gypi Found Guilty Refill M Hat Steel 8711 Mr. Rosen, who saw action In mouth County— 17 of them from time to time—just little reminders Mrs. James Barr were accepted Nov. 16 In Ye Cottage Inn. .vco Corp 23% NY Central ITS To Keyport iibcock A W Wrum Rd., Osbomeville, burdensome. Demand alow yes- >ent 8up Scan Ro«b LITTLE SILVER - A special »inl Aim shin on ilty. and struck a utility pole. Office Here terday. " r Chem Stti public meeting on Civil Defense Sinclair J7S Mr. Mulligan was alone in the New York spot quotations fol- Pont flmlth, AO RED BANK - Dr. Donald H. Boconr 27H will be sponsored by the Junior low: -. " 43S car when the accident occurred Ushansky, 30, has opened offices a*t Kod Sou Pas Radioactivity Women's Club Monday at 8:30 Mixed Colon Ind John Bou Ry 673' it 2:40 a.m., state police at ,t 71 East Front St. tie Lack Sparry RS HVi iurelton reported. He was pro- p.m. in the group's clubhouse at Extras (47 lbs. min.) 40-4% reitona Std Brand 744; Dr. Olshansky's practice is Rumson Rd. and Church St. FMC Cp Std Oil Cal Discussion Set ounced dead on arrival at Point imited to diseases of the skin. extras medium (40 lbs. averageg)) "\>rd Mot Std Oil NJ Mrs. Herbert A. Swanson, proj- larrett Stud Pack leasant Hospital. 30330-311 ; smalllls (35 llbsb . average)) 5i Texaco WASHINGTON (AP) - The A native of Detroit, Mich., he en Accept 22 *i Police said Mr. Mulligan had ects chairman, said Jay Berger, 22-23; standards 36-38; checks en Cigar Tei a Prol Public Health Service is planning eceived his bachelor's and medi- en Dynara Textron datives in the northern Ocean director of Civil Defense and Dis- en Vyn 28U Tldevat Oil !4H :onsultatlons on radioactivity al degrees from the University en Kle, Tranaamer 19". bunty area, though not in the aster Control, will be the speak- Whites en Fda Un Cattlda 43% (Write to George, the only ad- with health officers of the states! ' Michigan, Ann Arbor. er. Mr. Berger will detail what Extras (47 lbs. min.) ^^ en Motor* tin Pac 124124^4 and major cities soon. icinity in which he was headed Following internship at the ftn Pub Ut Unit Alrc rice columnist In the racket ,'hen his car crashed. residents can do to safeguard extras medium (40 lbs. average) TelAEl United Cp No decision has been made lurley Hospital, Flint, Dr. Ol- pn Tire U8 Llnei whose advice is guranteed to be hemselves in the event of a nu- 30-31}4; top quality (47 lbs. min.) llletlo 13314 US Plywd as* fallible). whether to call a general con- ihansky took residency training tear attack. 42-46; mediums (41 lbs. average) len AM 13 >i US Rub 48 S it the Graduate Hospital, Univer- owl rich 73 « US Smelt 6711 ference In Washington or to hold iO Guests Attend 31-33; smalls (36 lbs. average) oodyear «>4 US Steel 3r., Harlet, Saturday night. it Paper Mil, tions in 1940. She is a member Peewees 19-20. 5214 of the Hudson County and state wise to blab about your tax ipeclfic health problems—epi Among those present were Mn bar associations. She has been troubles to the manicurist, either, lemics, water pollution and the lathryn McHugh, townshii legal counsel for the Family even if she did bail you out of like—as they arise, In addition lerk; Edward Cullen, forme LOCAL SECURITIES Service of Jersey City and served the traffic violation. Incidental- general conferences ones lemocratic leader, and his wife A praiontatlon of the new line of business machines on the Youth Activities Commit- ly, did you check to see if your ommitteeman and Mrs. Harr The following bid and asked quotations, from the National Asso-tee at the Community Center, insurance policy covered hitting Seaman, and Mr. and Mrs of ciation of Securities Dealers, Inc., do not represent actual transac- there. the goat? TOLL EVADER FINED ames J. Crowley, Republicai tions. They are a guide to the range within which these securities ader, and his wife. could have been sold (indicated by the "bid") or bought (indicated In Monmouth County they plan By all means write no more LAKEWOOD — Donal Ponitz, to practice general law, and notchecks. As for your mother-in-law 17, of 2 Adam PI., Hazlet, re- Also present were the three Re by the "asked") at the time of completion. ublican candidates for Townshii UNDERWOOD CORPORATION BANKS specialize. coming in the night club, tell her ently was fined $10 for failing the reason you were under the o pay a 10-ccnt toll at the Lake- ommittee, Michael J. Gormley Div. Bid Asked obert E. Lennon and Jamei 50 table is that you lost a cuff link. rarst toll area on the Garden will be held at the Asbury Park-Manasqiian Nat'l 1.30 17 Say the five blondes were the itatc Parkway. icKay, Jr. Asbury Park Ocean Grove (adj.) Truck Firm team you are coaching Belmar-Wall Nat'l 65 Molly Pitcher Hotel Central Jersey Bank ' .60" 22 in the youth movement. Farmers & Merchants 1.00 48 Fined $60 Tell your boss you solemnly First Nafl, Freehold (xx) 30 vow not to put any more waste- Grand Ballroom Keansburg-Mlddletown 10.00 250 SHREWSBURY - The A. E. A.baskets on his head at office par- Long Branch Trust 20.00 545 Trucking Co., Wayside Rd., Newlies, and that his wife doesn't Matawan Bank .30 14 Shrewsbury, was fined $30 on really resemble a fat poodle. Nev- Red Bank, N. J. 42 45 NEED MORE CAPITAL Merchants Trust .70 each of two counts in Municipal er mind trying to explain the Monmouth County Nat'l .12 MM Court yesterday. The charges mald-pantry episode, you'll just New Jersey Trust 1.00 were: Operating an unregistered make matters worse. on Oct. 18, 1961 from 1:30 to 8:30 p.m. Peoples Nat'l, Keyport 3.00 70 SO vehicle and operating a vehicle As for the black eye, say you Sea Bright Nat'l 1.00 with plates from another vehicle. INDUSTRIAL walked into a door. And I would IN YOUR BUSINESS? buiineiimtn of this community are invited Alkon Industries 10 Magistrate Whitney Crowell al return the swimming-pool plug Brockway Glass .80 27 so Imposed three fines of $15 each as soon as possible. The only Bzura Chemicals 14 for specdipg on John F. Famu- hing you can do about your Offering up to $7,500.00 working capital to Refreshment! will be terved Electronics Associates (xxx) lary, Princeton Rd., Fair Haven; wife's sister seeing you swinging Hanson VW-M uriall companies. Phone SH 1-5060 and aik Haydu Industries Ralph Z. Cosentino, Belshaw in the trees Is own up to it and Laird & Company Avc,, Shrewsbury Township, nnd simply— ELLIS OFFICE SUPPLY CO. Monmouth Park , .45 10% Clifford H. Duffy, Sprlngdale Look. Look, "Concerned" — for small business department or writ* Box 44, N. J. Natural Gas (x) 1.00 44 Avc, Long Branch. don't write to me any more. N. J. Natural Gas Pld. 1.20 21 William D. Layton, Farming- O. K.? Red Bank. Authorized Undorwood Agent trad Electronics ' .01W dale, who was represented by Shccshl V, S. Homes and Development Corp, 2% attorney Harry Sagotsky of Free- kx) Plus 2% stock dividend (xx) .25 Cash 3% stock hold, was found not guilty of It pays to advertise In The Knzl I per cent itock dlv. 1961 passing a red light. Register.—Advertisement. 4-WedMid.y. Oct 18,1WI RED BANK REGISTER I Ellen tri Allen Cunte, rAAl GINGER By COUXCT1ON SCHEDULE ,.ttose ea Broad St. atul west of Beltord Idrea of Mr. tad Mrs. Stanley SHREWSBURY - Twice*- \BtosA SL wWhw* timit «*rb*«« jCaraic, Green Ave., celebrated week garbage collection here will collected Tuesday and Saturday. Underwood Corp., through its! Underwood Products Newly elected .officers of the their eighth birthday with mem- start Nov. 1.. Residents east of authorized agent here, Ellis Of' ben of their family Saturday. Broad St. will have their refuse It pays to advertise iaThe On Display Today fice Supply. Monmouth St., will collected Monday and Friday, and ReglstCT.-Advertiseinert. RED BANK — Businessmen have a special showing of thejF^Vorship hour'in "the Method-1 St. Agnes Guild of St. Clem- throughout the county will h*ve new line of machines from I: JO to ist Church. They are Eugene ent's Episcopal Church „ pur- kn opportunity to view the new 8:30 p.m. in th? Molly Pitcher Embler, president; Lynn Patter- chased and had a stove Installed line ol Underwood products today. Hotel. son, vice president; Delores in the kitchen of the church. Mrs. Moon, secretary, and Christine Thomas Schmidt was welcomed Trettenbach, treasurer. For the as a new member at the Oct. THERANNEY PRIVATE SCHOOL .... 11 meeting. Mrs. Howard McGin- Junior High group the president (GRADES K-9) ° TOYS • GREETING CARDS • GIFTS is Nancy Maxson; Charles Ma- ley was hostess. Mrs. Joseph son, vice president; Lynn Seeley, Moidierz will be hostess at the offer* to capable, ambitious students unusual academic secretary, and Kathy Malone, next meeting. A group of women PARTY GOODS • FUGS • HOME SAFES training: French at all levels, Latin from 7th grade, treasurer. will attend the Trinity Cathedral, Trenton, Thursday. algebra from 8th grade, plus all tht tpecial equipment, STATOERY X OFFICE SUPPLIES materials, and skill in teaching tht three R's toed by The 14th birthday of John The third birthday of Daniel tht Rumson Reading Institute (our associated school) Bleibdrey, son of Mr. and Mrs.Applegate, son 0/ Mr. and Mrs. ART S DRAFTING MATERIALS 1 in after-school classes. We have had long and success- Phillip Bleibdrey, was celebrated Brutus Applegate, Orchard PI., Friday by members of his fam- ful experience in preparing children for college prep SH 1-0001 was celebrated at a family party ily. Phillip Bleibdrey who attends Friday. Present were Mr. and programs and for entrance exams. Montclair State College recently Mrs. Albert Fauteck and chil- MED BANK celebrated his 19th birthday there dren, Mary and Robin, Leonardo, The first year of operation of the Ranney School has with his parents. and Mrs. Frank Pacylowsky and "Phew! Perfume and cigarette imoke! This place son Thomas, this place. thown what can be accomplished when these technique! needs airingl" are used on a fullrtime basis. 22A MAIN ST. EATONTOWN Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Nelson, 1 Mile North of Eatontown Circle More than 400 Zionist leaders Admission through examination. In Center of Eatontown Main St., aad Mr. and Mrs. Zionist Dinner Harry Harvey Fair Haven, spent f s , n and key workers in the state of ael eCt LI 2-9747 Sunday in Atlantic City with Mrs. " " New Jersey are expected to at- Janet Reynolds and family. NEWARK — Mac R. Tarnoff, B&RGAINLAND Thurs.-Frl. 10 cm. to 9 p.m. tend the dinner, proceeds of RUSSELL 6. RANNEY, Headmaster |Plainfield, president of the New which will go toward the support COMPLETE STORE BUYERS Sat. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. A family dinner was held Jersey Region of the Zionist Or KICHARD O. WARD, Principal of the New Jersey Zionist Youth Thursday, to mark the eighth ganization of America and Hirsh 111 Avenue of Two Riven, Rumson, Nl J. birthday of Phillip Maxson, son Schpoont, Jersey City, past presi- Commission, the youth educa- RVmton 1-1650 of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Maxson. dent. New Jersey ZOA, and na- tion agency supported by Hadts- ENTIRE Attending were Mrs. George Lu- tional vi<

Simon's Men's and Boys' Shop, New York City. A colossal Nancy Maxson, who celebrated stock of men's and boys' branded work and dress shoes her 14th birthday Wednesday will attend a dinner given by the In- brought to you at prices only Bargainland can offer. dustrial Square Club of Mon- ROUTE 36 mouth County, Masonic Society Club, with her parents in the SEE THESE FAMOUS MAKES: "RANGER," NUNN-BUSH," Old Georgian House Friday. EAST "ENDICOTT-JOHNSON," "SPORTSMAN." "ALPINE" . .. .Mr. and Mrs. George Steifbold KEANSBUR6 and daughters of Verona spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. OF AMERICA'S GREAT MENS T. Rawlinson Compton, Main St. OTHER STORES: Iff. 18, EAST BRUNSWICK - 240 L ST. GEORGES AVE., LINDEN Mrs. Pearl White, Main St., celebrated her birthday st the MONDAY thru THURSDAY 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. WORK & LEISURE home of Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Hof- man, Thursday. Attending were FRI. 9 to 10 — SAT. 9 to 9 SUN. — 9 to 6 Mr. and Mrs. Warren McChes- OPEN 7 DAYS: ney, Hightstown; Mr. and Mrs. AND Ralph Runyon, Mrs. O. P. Cot- trell, Mf. and Mrs. Arthur L. UP Lee, Mr, and Mrs. A. Irving SHOES Doremus, Red Bank; Mr. and • HI TOPS • STEEL TOES • LT. WEIGHTS Mrs. George Yarnall, Mr. and Mrs. Albert White and family, FANTASTIC BONELESS • FUR LINED • ALL SIZES • VALS. TO 14.95 Mr. and .Mrs. Jay White and family, Belford; Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Hofman Jr. and daughter, BOYS' DRESS MEN'S HUNTING AND Laura, Trenton. FOUL-WEATHER Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kondrup ROAST SALE! celebrated their 12th wedding an- niversary with a group of friends, ALL SOLID MEAT...NO BONES SHOES BOOTS Saturday at home. All Siies and Vals. to $20 Gary Suhr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Suhr, Turner, Dr., cele- COMPARE OUR PRICES! WHY PAY MORE! S brate his third birthday Sunday. As Much Attending were Susan Payne, off Brian, Terry and Evan Bedell, as and Nancy Baksa. At night a din- and up ner was held. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kaney, Misses Jean and Ann Kaney, Edward Kaney, Mrs. Evelyn Bennett, FREE PARKING: REAR OF STORE Middletown, and Maryann, Alan,

A • -,

LEAN BONELESS SWIFTS PREMIUM BRISKET LEAN JERSEY, ROLLED BONELESS CORNED BEEF BONELESS SIRLOIN PORK THICK C ROAST CUTS elate* kf Ib ROAST eeoat apptlaaee cempaales, to- cMau some faatastiedaims fcy 39 Depanutat stores, to here II Is: PROCLAMATION EXTRA LEAN CHUCK OUR SENSATIONAL FRESH JERSEY Atlantic Appliance, the largest In- dMdBaDf owned appliance chain la Ntw Jersey and Pennsylvania, DELI-APPETIZER DEPT. makes this claim: That regard- STEW lest of theprlce yon have re- BUSIEST IN THE EAST! ceived elsewhere • • • PIGS FEET Ib Compare! Why Pay More SNOWHITE LEG Wt Will Sell It For LMS Star of David Strictly Kosher . With bwMr iitrlo.. BEEF e Pnoft diUTirr trap Mr «m nif 55 hniM — tocinr inuM. tat M SNOWHITE LOIN or RIB wilttal. FRANKS VEAL C rtfuofe mutt « m •*•- • SPECIALS Ib • SALAMI Ib CUTLET • Uft, M »X IMM, U» (rut.il u- VEAL • BOLOGNA 67 69 MM t2y«))«r*, tnrtlmti tnrpltet. URGE SELECTED 5,000 lbs. Sold Last Week! Atleatle Appliance Co., lac Ib CHOPS 39 UCIICIQUSDelicious, Creamwreamy A ., $1 JERSEY c A ntw concept In price and quality CHEESE CAKE 3 * EGGS 53 Ib Ground BEEF 37*, Large Lake Erie SMOKED SCHICKHAUS DAISY Pure Ground CHUCK 4%White Fish COTTAGE Ground Round STEAK 6%1 Ib. avq. Ib HAMS 79 1 lb. to 2 Ib. avg. 58 WITH THIS COUPON OUR FAMOUS .eAN j WITH THIS COUPON j 25' Off SLICED 1 • • Delicious, Creamy • 2 lbs. of BOILED CUBED STEAKS HAM ! ICE mrc\ Oflrr' loud Ihra Hun., Oct. It RBR i CREAM 45 j I Offer 100J thru San., Oct. M R8K • Ettontowo n.4 Robert Jtmtt John Duncan, fire chief. the group will bold meeting* tbt fire d*f*rtastat in prepare , Oct. 18, 1961—S New Auxiliary to on the fourth Thursday of each by-laws. 9 Children Heyer, 14(1 Mechanic St., Red Temporary officers selected Bank. Clothesline serve until regular omen "re month starting on Oct. 26 at S Auxiliary membership is open Are Baptized erine Saager, New York City; Names Leaders elected at the December meet- p.m. to wives of local firemen, both Sharon Faith Ghiloni, 117 Jump- active and inactive. ing Brook Rd., Lincroft; Jeffrey TAX EXEMPTION DEADLINE HIGHLANDS - Members or theing include Mrs. Charles Kinney, The meetings will be held in RED BANK —Nine children Alan Duncan, 2V/, Branch Ave., SHREWSBURY—Bernard Marx, Art Show local fire department and their president; Mrs. Charles Quasi, the fire house until the borough were baptized Sunday in Red Red Bank; Tracey Eleanor Pa- tax assessor, last night reminded wives recently met at the fire vice president; Mrs. Wade Davis, hall is completed. Meetings then An Australian going camping Bank Methodist Church. lumbo, 24 Forrest Ave., Fair Ha- residents that Nov. 1 is the dead- PLUM NELLY, Ga. (AP)-house, Bay Ave. It was decided treasurer; Mrj. Howard Brey, will meet in the firemen's meet- might say he will sleep in » They Include Marilyn Poyner, ven; Kyle Raymond Boetel, 21 line for perrons over 15 yean This backwoods art colony on to organize a ladies auxiliary of Jr., secretary, and Mrs. Robert ing room. wurley, gunyah, goondie or hum-39 Queen Anne Dr., Shrewsbury; Eisele Ave., Wanamassa; Jeffery old to file for the $800 senior Lookout Mountain has made its the fire department. Mazzacco, Mrs. Jack Card, and The auxiliary officers will meet py. All are slang terms for cas-Valerie Jean Leonard, 90 Shrews- Mrs. John Duncan, trustees. bury Ave., Red Bank; Sibyl Cath- Lynn Shelton, 635 Pinebrook Rd., citizens tax exemption. bid as the south'* leading art The meeting was conducted by this week with the officers of ual shelter. mecca. More than* 11,550 came here over the week-end for the 15th annual Plum Nelly Clothes lines Art Show. The colony is in extreme northwest Georgia, about • 15 miles south of Chattanooga. It long ago was dubbed Plum Nelly: "Plum out ot Tennessee and nelly out of Georgia." Miss Fannie Minnen, retired Chattanooga artist who holds the show at her studio, said that in addition to the record ANNIVERSARY SALE attendance, a record 202 orlg inal paintings were sold this year. The paintings are hung with A TREMENDOUS STOREWIDE EVENT FOR PEOPLE clothespins from lines stretched EITONTOWN between trees. CIRCLE WHO REALLY THINK ABOUT VALUE WHEN THEY SHOP

Auxiliary Holds NtW MMi OREATESf SIORE, ONE OF AMERICA'S HNESI Birthday Dinner RED BANK - The Ladie Auxiliary of the Lincoln Hose Company, Keyport, marked its 20th anniversary with a dinner meeting In the Molly Pitcher Ho- tel recently. The auxiliary was organized September, 1941, when a group ol firemen's wives met in the old fire house on Waverly St., now headquarters (or the (ire patrol. They were Mrs. Vincent Apple- gate, president; Mrs. Allyn Lee, vice president; Mrs. Richard Pol ing, secretary, and Mrs. Arnol Poling, treasurer. More than 15 years ago whei the fire company, moved to nev headquarters on Second St., thi auxiliary furnished the kitchen for the men. They have since held their meetings and social af- fairs in the building. Present officers are Mrs. Le- Roy Huylar, president; Mn Stanley Ferry, vice president; Mrs. Charles Applegate, seen tary, Mrs. Clifford Martin, re- cording secretary; and Mrs. Ray: mond Price, treasurer. Student Group Attends Play ATLANTIC fflGHLANDS-For- ty-seven juniors and seniors from Atlantic Highlands High School Eclipse sofa beds—foam cushioned attended a performance of "Light Up the Sky' at the Wagon Wheel Playhouse last week, accom- panied by faculty members ol the English Department. wherever your body touches The students attended lectures and an open forum on phases of theatrical production conduct- ;*, Don't miss this chance to own a superb Eclipse sofa bed at a saving of ed by William Corio, Wagor $80. Each tofa opens to a spacious, full size bed with a 54" innerspring Wheel manager, and cast mem- bers Byron Mabe and Allen mattress that two people can ileep on comfortably. There are 5 elegant Leathenoan. Spanish class students from the itylei: Regency, Modern, Colonial, Lawson and T-cushion Contem- high school visited New York porary. And we'll custom cover in four choice from a range of fabrics City Thursday, and earlier this worth up to $7 a yard—damasks, tweeds, textures and prints. Skirted Sale '189 month members of the yearboo! committee were guests of thi Lawson and Regency styles at no extra cost And Eclipse's patented COMPARABLI VAlUlf *26f thi Prudential Life Insurance Co. in Newark. •tep-toe mechanism opens the lofa at a Up of the toe, eliminates tagging. Scouts Honor Mrs. Dzurinko HIGHLANDS —Members ol Sorry, no Ttltservict or mall orders., Beds and Bedding (Deof. 414), Lower Ltvol. Bambtrgtr't Monmourh, and at Pcn-amus, Mmlo Park, Ntwark, Morrtsrown, and Prlnettoa Girl Scout Troop 124 gave a sur- prise stork shower for Mrs. Ed- ward M. Dzurinko at a meeting y* i recently in American Legion Hall. Mrs. Dzurinko is a former co- leader. The girls presented an origins! play, "The Expectant Mother," "?{!-•, ,£;}£ written by a troop member, Car- olyn Amaro. In the cast were Virginia Rahm, Arlene Schmed- es, Eileen O'Neil, Sandra Kornek, j\S Johnlfer Saucyn and Diane Bod- nar. '»<", Mn. F. P. Schmedes Is the ttoop's new co-leader. The girl 41 meet every Monday in the Amer- ican Legion Hall. •*» •?•.%% Wagon Wheel \*z r** Benefit Slated MIDDLETOWN - The Home for Chronic 111 of Long Branch will benefit from tonight's per- formance of "Light Up the Sky' In the Wagon Wheel Playhouse, &>v. Rt. 35 and Chestnut St. Reversible-oval rugs in Early American A light comedy by Moss Hart, the play features Byron Mabe o Hazlet and Miss Victoria Camp o Rumson. Mn. Barry Grabelle, 350 Broad design—in your choice of 3 king sizes St., Eatontown, is in charge or ticket reservations. New" GOP Unit 99 •xl $', 10x14' OR 11x15' We imported these handsome rugs just for this tale. In MiddletowYi 3'- 2* All are extra heavy, double Hitched and completely reversible. MIDDLETOWN - An organiza- tional meeting of the Woman's Each one of these full siie rugs is tightly constructed Republican Club of Election Dis- trict 17 will be held Tuesday at to lie flat and assure long wearing beauty. 7:30 p.m. In Hesse's Gun Club, • Colonial mufti • Autumn • Green Harmony Rd. The Monmouth County Federa- •Red • Blue • Brown tion of Republican Women will OM- -A.O9 be represented by Mrs. George ORIGINALLY 79.9S TO 109.95 Conway, federation president; Mri. Ann Morford, vice chairman 9 of the County Executive Commit- - 69.95--' tee, and Mrs. Ann Robinson, club organization chairman. The meeting Is open to all wom- en residing In the 17th district! Announce Birth M. COLUMBUS, Ohio — Rev. and Mrs. James B. Foster of Colum- bus, announce the birth of n NO DOWN PAYMENT, TAKE UP TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY. WITH A BAMBERGER HOMEMAKER'S CREDIT ACCOUNT daughter, Susan Lynn, in Mt. Curmel Hospital here Sept. 26. CALL OSborne 1-2500, KEIIogg 1-2400 or Write on 3.01 or mort—Fret delivery wlrhln our delivery area. (Except C.O.D.'i add 50c). Rugi (Dept. 82), Lower Level. Bamberqcr's Mrs. Foster is the former Miss Shirley Clarke, daughter of Mr. MonmouHi, and at Paramui, Menlo Park, Newark, Morrlstown, Plalnfleld, Princeton. and Mrs. Myron Clarke, Second St., Keyport, N. J. Rev. Mr. Foster Is pastor of the Eaitvlew Methodist Church, Columbus. The Fosters have two older children, BAHBERGER'S MONMOUTH OPEN 4 NIGHTS-MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, THURSDAYS AND FRIDAYS TILL 9:30 a son Randall and another SHOP TUISDAYS AND SATURDAYS FROM 10 A.M. TILL • P.M. • AT THI IATONTOWN TRAFFIC CIRCLI AND ROUTI 35 daughter, Sheryl. t Ked Wank Ktgister THE OLD ONE-TWO! Theae Bayen tint, K*f Btak, N. i. Suta Mgtoij tS, MDddtotm Better Deal Than Red Ettabtohrf 1B» fayJOI M R Cw* and Hairy CUj By GEORGE E. SOKOLSKY THOMAS IRVING BROWN, PnblUher 1BS-1S5I "The Evening News" of Newburgh, N. Y., pub- IAMES J. HOGAN. Editor M. HAROLD KELLY, GeaeraJ Maiiaftr lished the following comment by Rev. Ernest L How- W. HARRY PENNINGTON, Production Manager ard, a Unitarian minister: Member ol th» Associated Press t%» Aaioaitt** PT*M U •ntiutd «xcJuilv«iy to th» si* (or npubuctuea ol IU tiu t^cu otwi primod "There are some highly dangerous trends of tbU mw«ymp«> ix wtU si si] AP mi dltpuc&tt. thought behind certain slogans being bandied about, in Member Audit Bureau ol Circulation our country today. As an example, take R*KM«K r IMUBMUBH BO flaaneiww r«iponBtblltUer«ip i (or typographicaypgp l IB advartlMmtnU the motto, 'Better Dead than Red,' now wiu rtfrim wiUwiUioui i cbwpabp. . that part of tn larcrusement tnk which tho typogratypographicap l trror oeonra, ll wiin mmta » noututr «£• mttwasunntt immtdlatoidltouu ol ul erroror which may occuoccurr. beginning to crop up on bumper stick- Thli MwnMjwr UIMI n« rwpmflblllilu lor niunnli ol In lelttn from tu rudiri. ers. What kind of motivation could poi- •uburiDUori Mm to idniMi OB* y«tr 115.00 til mourn, *8.M ttlfll OOPT U MM[, T MOU BUM cow t» mail, t tuu sibly lead to such a superficial and dan- gerous generalization? A martyr com- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1961 plex, irrational fear and hostility, ig- norance regarding alternatives, emo- Candidates and Debates tionalistic nationalism: these are some SOKOLSKY of the possibilities that must be con* Can you blame well-known The classic example, of course, sidered ..." politicians for shying away from is right here in New Jersey where Mr. Howard might think of other slogans: "W« better-known Republican James P. can not be half slave and half free." Or, "Give me lib* debates? Mitchell refuses to share the plat- erty or give me death." Or, "I have but one life to give At this time last year, the debate for my country." form with Richard J. Hughes, his was the thing to do before election. Dangerous Generalizations? Democratic rival for the governor- From Kennedy and Nixon down to Were these superficial and dangerous generaliza- ship. tions? Perhaps it would have been smarter for Nathan, the municipal level, many politicians Mr. Mitchell, in addition to re- Hale to go to Canada with other Tories or for Patrick aspiring to office engaged in ora- ferring to debates as carnivals, says henry to play it safe by saying nothing at all. We sure- torical conflict. The idea, it was frankly they would be of greater aid iy might assume that John Hancock and the other signers of the Declaration of Independence took a claimed, was to help the voters to to Mr. Hughes. The Democrat con- make an intelligent choice on Elec- frightening risk when they prepared that document, tends that a major campaign must for which they declared: tion Day. ,lA have a debate to bring the issues be- "And for the support of this Declaration with • The famous Kennedy-Nixon tele fore the public. firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, vision debates were extremely in- Mr. Mitchell, no doubt, Is taking Your Money's Worth; we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our for- formative and served a good pur- his advice from President Eisenhow- tunes and our sacred honor." HAL Was this rhetoric? Shall we attribute to Thomas pose. But they gave Mr. Kennedy, er and Sen. Case of New Jersey. The The Stock Rise: How long? Jefferson, who wrote those words, "a martyr complex, a decided underdog when the cam- former President says if he were in BOYLE irrational fear and hostility"? paign started, enough of a boost to office he would not debate a political By SYLVIA PORTER NEW YORK (AP)-I can see A Fascinating Phrase make him President, many observers rival on television. Sen. Case, in his my high school English teachers Mr. Howard has raised many questions in his ser- believe. last primary race, didn't even listen Since October, 1960, the stock market, as meas getting the news' now. mon, preached in a Unitarian church. He spoke of ured by the familiar averages of stock prices, has beet "You mean to tell me," says when Robert Morris asked to get "ignorance regarding alternatives." Tha phrase fasci- This year, many candidates — in a major upswing—a period of 10 months. the first one, "that Harold Boyle, especially the incumbents and those together on the same platform. that big-eared nated me. Do not men have ideals for which they are In these 10 months, despite the fact that man; little boy who willing to fight, even to die, or are we craven clods to whose names are known — have Perhaps you cannot blame Mr. always came stocks have cracked and some of the most widel; to class in his whom life itself is so valuable that to remain alive we : taken a second look at debates. Some Mitchell for refusing to debate Mr. publicized of the glamor stocks havi tennis shoes, are willing to accept every indecency and horror in 'i are being held still. But they are now Hughes. He feels he is getting his taken an awesome beating, the marke is quoted twice Iife? what is ^ alternative to love, for instance? in the new una- I considered risky and many candi- message across to New Jersey's chalked up a fat 26 per cent rise or bridged diction- Would Mr. Howard say that men who, in many • dates prefer to take the platform voters in other ways. And advice the Standard & Poor's index of 50C ary?" countries, have stood on the barricades and fought for 1 alone or confine their campaign from two old pros—President Eisen- stocks. "I know It human liberty, for the rights of man, had alternatives? Even when the stock market was sounds impos- What were they? Of course, they might have stayed hower and Sen. Case—is hard to sible, but it's • blasts to the newspaper columns or displaying most impressive strength at home to eat rabbit stew and drink a bottle of wine. turn down. BOYLE true," says the television commercials. sober-minded professionals were open- second. "This is the blackest day Mr. Howard spoke of "emotionalistic national- ly worried about the rapidity of th< for literature since William ism," by which we must assume that he means patrio- Shakespeare died." PORTER rise in so short a period of time. I: tism. It is possible for a man to have no emotions re- "Oh, I don't know," says the LETTERS FROM OUR READERS recent weeks, as so many leaders in the market have third. "I always suspected little garding his native land. To such, one country is as stumbled and plunged, the concern has understandabJy Harold had something in him." good as another, as meaningful as another. Such a •BUSED,' "MISLEADING1 bers of the Planning Board used of our residents da not concur their best efforts to maintain with such sweeping statements. intensified. Dictionary Arrived man does not thrill at the sight pf his national flag Holmdel, N. J. high standard of quality, and ir This is only your opinion. As an How, then, does the stock market's 1960-61 climb "So did I," says the fourth, when he sees it after a sojourn in distant places nor To the Editor. this they hid a great deal of co ancient philosopher once said, "But I never suspected it was to date compare with previous stock market advance does the National Anthem mean more than a jingle Your editorial of Friday, Oc operation from th» Lily Tulip Cu[ "The biggest room In the world anything anyone would ever want that is usually badly sung and loudly played. Such a 6, entitled "The Propheti," was officials. It seems to me thai is the room for Improvement," going back to World War I? Is a 10-month upswing to quote in a dictionary!" one of the most biased and mis-the opposition of the officials and certainly, our present situ- long or short, a 26 per cent rise in prices in the perioi Then all four sit down together man does not understand the emotionalism Of Walter ng thai Xhaxa seen in your such an important member of out ation needs a lot of Improving. and gallantly commit hari-kari Scott's poem: , usually excellent newspaper. industrial community to the pro- Anyone who even briefly looks steep or small in comparison with the previous up- en masse with the nearest black- I call It biased, because it pre- posed plan for the Industrial into the picture here in New turns? How far and how much longer might this up- board pointer. "Breathes there the man, with soul so dead, sents the case for some real es- Park, should be given the mosl Shrewsbury will find all too ward cycle continue—judged strictly and only by thi Many of my editorial coworkers Who never to himself hath said, tate and commercial interests careful consideration. many instances of nepotism, fa- degree and length of past upward cycles? couldn't believe It either when This is my own, my native land! who have planned projects for thi You will recall, I am sure, tha voritism, and attempts to per- the massive, 2.720-page Merriam- Township of Holmdel from whict some years ago certain resident! petuate the vested personal in- Webster's third new international Whose heart hath ne'er within him burn'd, they hope to profit. It does no' of Holmdel Village took legal ac- terests of a certain few within Relatively Short dictionary arrived in our office. As home his footsteps'he hath turn'd, adequately present the other side tion to force Holmdel Township ti our school "empire." But there in bright clear print —the case of those who merel; downgrade the zoning require- Incidentally. 1 don't disagree To put it briefly and plainly at the start: From wandering on a foreign strand! —both on page 224 under "black- live in Holmdel and are not tn- ments in Holmdel Village. Th with your editorial entirely. We If such there breathe, go, mark him well; (1) The 10-month rise in stock prices since Octo- and-white" and on page 295 under «aged in real estate development. Township Committee did not com- must all agree with your state- ber, 1960, shapes up as relatively short in relation to "bum"'—was the defining quote For him no minstrel raptures swell; I call your editorial misleading, promise this issue. Under th ment, "The best way to get good ' '• black-and-white world where because it purports to represent forthright leadership of Mayoi schools' at the lowest possible the duration of eight preceding upswings dating back High though his titles, proud his name, i guy Is either your pal or prob- the attitude of moat residents of Ackerson, Holmdel defended anc cost, is to elect the best possible Boundless his wealth as wish can claim: to August, 1921. ibly a bum.'-Hal Boyle:" the township. In my opinion, it won the case at a cost of sboul school board." This will be done Despite those titles, power, and pelf, gives only the viewpoint ol a $10,000. At least one of the par in February when we hold the The shortest of the preceding upswings was 18 "How did this disaster happen small but admittedly vocal min- tlcipanti in the suit against th next school board election. months; the longest was 55 months; the average length ;o our beloved language?" asked The wretch, concentered all in self, ority, township has since sold his prop- When a school program is de- has been 32 months. jealous confrere. Living, shall forfeit fair renown, , For the last «ix or seven years erty for substantially more than feated once and only passes with "Oh," I replied, "the editors And, doubly dying, shall go down he would have obtained for it at a margin of 723 to 568 it does (2) A 26 per cent price climb within 10 months leclded to modernize the diction- there has been a controversy in To the vile dust, from whence he sprung, Holmdel between two divergent the time he brought suit to have not appear that the people have is comparatively moderate against earlier price iry. So they threw out some of he zoning downgraded. It wouli a lot of confidence in those in the explanatory phrases of a Unwept, unhonor'd and unsung." froupt. One group consists most increases. ly of those who think we have appear that, In this instance, the power. Especially when the bunch of old mossback writers Alternative to Patriotism "prophets of gloom" protected ike J. Milton and Alex Pope, and beautiful township and have an votes in favor Included 99 votes Of eight preceding market upturns, five showed The time has come to ask what is the alternative spportunity, by careful planning him against himself. of individuals who don't carry replaced them with new quotes and control, to make it one of the Might It not be possible that their share of the school cost. 24 to 29 per cent gains within the first 10 months; two torn 14,000 contemporary no- to nationalism, to patriotism, Howard's church is an outstanding communities in thl those who are fighting so hard to I would like to see the caliber were smaller, two were considerably larger. :ables." American institution, founded as an expression of the part of the United States. The keep the zoning standards high In of school boards such that citi- What's a contemporary no- Dther group seems to favor rapid Holmdel are deserving of more zens do not have to dig to ob- (3) Not one of the past stock market upturns has able?" he inquired. right of the individual to worship God as he chooses, development, and Is constantly understanding than they are get- tain facts. This will come about topped out at a moderate 26 per cent The smallest rise "Well, according to the die- according to his own philosophy and precepts without urging that our zoning standards ting from your newspaper? only when boards have the cour- was recorded in the 18-month advance between April ionary itself, you're looking at interference by authority. It is a church which has be lowered to accelerate develop- Very truly yours, age to freely present all facts me of them, buster," I told him ment Those In the latter group Wm. Barclay Harding. to the taxpayers. 1938 and October 1939—and it was 31.6 per cent The :oldly. played a great role in American history. biggest rise was recorded in the 55-month upspiral be- Classy Crowd generally have a direct or indi- Very truly yours, The Unitarians descend from the Socinians, named rect interest in selling land, and SAYS EDITORIAL IS Edward A. Carroll tween June 1932 and February 1937—and it was 280.8 He looked the other way as ILLOGICAL, CONTRADICTORY after Faustus Socinus (1539-1604), an Italian theolo- they think they can get more for per cent. [uick as he could, and walked it by splitting it up into little (See Other LETTERS Pg. 7) way breathing hard and chew- gian, who believed in total freedom of conscience, al- pieces. 29 Meredith Dr., New Shrewsbury, N. J No Special Boom Time lg on his blue pencil. though he recognized that the state was to have some The second group is also con Actually, I'm in a pretty classy "o the Editor: (4) There is no special time during the year when authority over the organized activities of churches. itantly agitating for more indus Your editorial or Oct. 10 en rowd. Among the other "con- try, and talking about the need itled "Getting School Facts" is stock booms end. Of the eight stock booms between emporary notables" are such re- The Catechism of Rakau is an amazing document for tor "ratables." But they don't of the most illogical, contra- 1921 and 1960, two ended in the winter, two ended in owned literary figures as Willie its time or for any time because of its total recognition seem to appreciate what would lays, Ethel Merman, Ted Wil- lictory articles I have read in the summer, two in the fall, two in the spring. of freedom of conscience. Toleration was a fundamental become of the community If the long time. In it you have im- iams, and Dinah Shore. township authorities acceded to ilied that the recent efforts of In a recent issue of the "Statistical Indicator As- They also managed to find room principle with the Socinians. And in the United States, their wishes. Perhaps many of quotes by Mickey SpiUane, certain group to gel the facts sociates," Dr. Leonard H. Lampert submitted another where they have always been called Unitarians, they them don't care. After Holmdel in the school situation was in >ouglas MacArthur, Winston has become Just another example Churchill, W. Somerset Maugham, practiced what they preached. ;eality "school board baiting.baiting." of his provocative analysis of tie behavior of the key of "suburban sprawl," they will and Ernest Hemingway. Also a The Intent was not trj bait any- Unfortunately Mr. Howard goes beyond tolerance be busy developing some other business barometers in this economic cycle compared fellow with the initials "J.F.K." one, but merely to get all the community or, perhaps, will have - with the behavior of the same barometers in past cy (Who he?) of virtuous alternatives; he proposes that evil (Marx- ecessary facts. Who should bet- retired to Florida. Meanwhile the :er be able to and expect to cles. This time under his microscope are stock prices, The quote from Willie Mays Is ism) be accepted as an alternative. revenues from those "ratables" mswer any and all questions the one of my favorites. Defining one they keep talking about will have and if you own stocks at profits or losses or are sim- lublic may have about its meaning of puff, it says, "hit too "Remember, It Would Be Unfriendly Iteen gobbled up by galloping mil- ply an interested observer, I'll wager the following chools than the school board and many homers and people start liclpal expenses. puffing you up." To Strike Back" ts members? table will fascinate you. The measure is Standard & Ihave nothing persona! against You yourself said that "People Poor's index of 500 stocks during eight major upswings The new unabridged dictionary Jiese people. Some of them have hould inform themselves about is the first new edition in 27 years been my friends for many years. the hard facts of running the in prices: cost $3,500,000 to prepare and has K man has a ripht to try tn earn schools, so that when they speak 450,000 entries, including 100,000 I living as he sees fit, within the on the matter they have some- Bottom Hit Rise in 10 Mo. Peak Rise Lenpth new terms. law. But at the same• I time, 1 be- thing relevant to say." That is Aug. 1921 31. % 46.2% 10 mo. How Ho Feels lieve that a citizen has an obli- precisely what we hava been gation to defend his community Oct 1923 16.4% 57.6% 28 mo. "How does it feel to be quoted trying to do. However, In our in the dictionary?" asked one of from destructive influences. 16.1% questioning to get the facts, to Apr, 1926 142.4% 41 mo.my co-workers. In your editorial you say, with evaluate our school situation, we June 1932 39.8% 280.8% 55 mo. "It doesn't really leave you >ome sarcasm, that Holmdel has have encountered a great deal Apr. 1938 24.3% 31.6% much to live for, does It?" jeered lurvived the location of the Ben-of evasive answers, much re- 18 mo. a second. : Six plant on the outskirts of ticence, circumlocution, and in June 1949 45 mo. Holmdel Village without loss of "Oh, I don't know," said a general, numerous efforts on the Sept. 1953 29.0% 35 mo. , 1.00 Robert!, Pillsbury A Carton, • Jonathan tap Attcrneyi 93-07 First Avenue, Atlantic Highland!. New Jersey Sunshine Hydrox Cookies 31c Oct. 11, 18, 25, Nor. 1 $22-05 and 10-M7 SHERIFF'S MLB SUPERIOR COURT OP NEW JEBSEY NBC Premium 25c CHANCERY DIVISION Cider Ml» MOUTH COUNTY Pocket No. r Sni-W for Arrow Savings and Loan Association, Keebler Pecan Sandies 39c a New Jersey Corporation, Plaintiff a: Joseph P. Callendo and Patricia Callendo. his wife, Defendants Halloween By virtue of a writ of execution In FROM OUR OWN CIDER MILL lie nhnvf stated action to me dl- Burry's Scooter Pies 39c

!c VPIKIUP, nt thr Court Hmiao In ttie Parties Borough of Freehold, County of Mon- mouth, N*w Jernty, on Monday thl and iih ii«y of November, lwi. at 2 o'clock, •*. M, Prevailing Time, Apple Cider All that tract or parcel of land and OPEN DAILY 'TIL 10—SUNDAY TIL 6 tremliicB, hereinafter particularly da- Choice blend of orchard fresh apples Treats Bcrlbeil, situate In the Borough of Fair pressed at our own mill at the orchard. Unven In (he Counly ot Monmouth and State of New Jerfley: Pure—no preservatives added. I1EO1NN1NO at & point In the West- erly linn of Fnlr Haven Road, distant notitherly ftlong the same, 333,38 feet rom His Interjection thereof, with the loutherly line of. River Road; thence :1) South 63*80' West 436.10 fstt to i point; thenco (2) South 38° East 102,75 feet to a point; thence (3) North 67°f)"50' Briat lftt. feet to a point; thence North 63*30' Ka>t 122,25 feet o a point; thence (0) North 2ft' Weat FOOD CITY >0 foci to a. point; thence (6) North ">3"3O' Eiint 130.10 fert to n point In hp wcBtprty lino of Fair Haven Hoart; DELICIOUS ORCHARDS honrf (7i North 2H° WPHI nlnnr the AT ATLANTIC S vpfiltTly lino ot Fair Hnven ftostl, I.FJII feM to the point or place o SCOBEYVILLE, NEW JERSEY :K(I1NNINO. 'Dm fitrf(;nln| dfrirrlptlnn If in ac Colts Meck-TTnton Falls County Road 537 Tdntici' with n. mirvry mnde by Hen • F. LatirecMiin mirvrynr, datM Jun( ', \Pf\(i. Itelni known and

NOTICE TO BIDDEIW Tht Red Bank Board of Education will acctpt tealed bide for the replace- Bent of thrw icctiona of roof at the Haebanle Street School with SIS Bar- »tt SpcctflcaUona, 30 rear guarantied roofing; at * meeting to be. held at the High School library. Harding Road, Red Bank, New Jertey on Tueaday, Horembor 14, 1W1 tt 8:00 p.m. Spfclflcatlom may be obtained at the •fflc* of the Secretary of the Board •f Education, M Branch Avenue, Red Bank, New Jrrtey. All bldi mtiil bf accompanied by a •eill fled check or bid bond In the •mount of 10 per cent of the total con- tract price. • The Board of Education reiervea th* • Our Entire Inventory • Every Roll in Stock right to reject any and at] blda if deemed to the id vantage o£ the Board ts A« *o. Dated: October 18. 1961 WILUAM E. FIRTH, - Secretary of the Eoird of Education . • Every Piece iri The Place Slashed in Price II 93.32 N'OIICK OF 8AUB Ort Honday. October 30. 1M1 at 0:30 &.U. I will fell at public auction on •ebaJf of the* Haiurout Slna.nct Co, at • All American Made • Latest Decorator Colors *Lush Textures and Weaves U Broad St.. Xtd Bank, N. J. one 1MB Metro. 3 dr. §ott top Serial No. it's the chance of a lifetime to snare fop savings on top-quality carpets and rugs from one of America's old- •W» for default la a Conditional Salfi Contract made by Hazel Stratum. Said •ar may ba seta at Keyport Rambler, est and finest mills. It's a 3-day-only event so big that for the first time in our 32-year history, we're staying Bwr, U, Xerport, N. J. FRANK LOVEKW, open 'til 9 Saturday night—to give you every moment possible to save-save-save on superb rugs, lush carpets, Auctioneer. Oat U «1BJ special pieces. Monday morning, regular prices go back in effect—so take advantage of the terrific values NOTICE listed below and make a beeline for Sterling during this sensational 3-day bonanza of bargains! AN ORDINANCE AMENDINO AND •UPPLKMENTINO CHAPTER 31 OF THE ORDINANCE KNOWN BY ITS SHORT rORM TTTLE At "REVISED ORDINANCES Of ltd," ADOPTED Twiiti, Velvets and Ttx- Twists and plaint, all-wool All-wool high-pil* loomed JUNK I, 1M1. All Wool Over 200 325 Sample Sin BE IT ORDAINED, by the Mayor Large Selection §nd Council of tb« Borough of Red fures, all-wool loomtd. loomed. Huge selection of carpet. Bank, that Chapter 31 or the above Decorator Colors 27"x54" Rugs Carpers 18"x27" •ntltted ordinance, b« amended and Widths up to 15 ft. color* and widths. Decorator colors. • •vpplemenied •• followa: Of Pieces, Rolls, SECTION 1. Chapter 21, "Zoning," Article 3, "Uie, Regulations Contrul- ••9. NOW •tg. NOW Re* NOW Value* NOW Values NOW Rtg. NOW Ung Residence Zonea," Section t, la •Odds and Ends fcirtbr amended and aupplemented by 14.75 12.75 up to MS19& 19.75 adrtmi Paragraph (c> ai followi: .75 «« A AS tri Notwlihttandlng anytlng bere- iq.yd. 8 «,.yd. 22.95 tadi each $20 sq. yd. 95* each sq. yd. 11iq.yd* . Inabove to the contrary, a new building may ba erected, built or H.yd. t uied and ex I Ml rig build In gi may be altered In a "B" Residence Zone ' lor three or four famtllti, provided tht dwelling conelita nt a itnglt , ainicturi ID which the aeparatc • tfwellinr unlta Into which aucft atructura It divided, art i«parated SALE SALE SALE fcy a fir* wail running from thi •9b *! KJS: ground to tht roof. In any new alteration construe- I5'xl6'3" Wool Textured 243. is'xirr Plush Pile Velvet, 228. ODD SIZES lion or eracUon for thr**, or four IS'xB'IO" Tight Wool Twist, 1»5. Umtly dwelling* btreby permitted, Tweed Dresden Blue th»r« ihall b* proYided a parking 161 133, Putty arra at the Ude, or In the rear 119. of the dwelling for 1>4 vrhlclei per dwelling unit I2'x24'6" ROLLS & Wool Looped Pile, 331. 15'x9'3" Plush Pile Velvet, 185. SECTION 2. Chapttr 32. "Zoning," I5'XI4T' Tight Wool Twisty 312. Article 14. "Schedule Limiting Height Gold White Wine and BulK of Buildlngi." Section 1 |i 198. 99. Martini 191. hereby amended to read ai foHowi, and la hrreby amended ami ititiplemented PART ROLLS fey adding Section I aj followp; I2'x7'6" Plusb Pile Velvet 123. I5'x9' Plush Pile Velvet, 180. SECTION 1. So building hereaft- I5'xl2'8" Tight Wool Twiit, 273. er prrctrd or Mltered thitU be 69. White Wine Martini erected or tltfred to t>ycepd the 9& 168. height or to iccommodate or houie ' Reg. SALE a greater number of firotllei or • I2'xl4' Plush Pile Velvet, 228. 1 U occupy a greater percentage or I5'xl2' Plush Pile Velvet, 240. I5V!O'9" Tight Wool Twist, 247. I2 x35'9" Thick Plush 958. #«)i Qit lot area or to have narrower Linden Green •r •m«11e,r front j»rd«, rear yard*, 133. White Wine 140. Martini Velvet, Linden Green OaVtt $i/\w yarda. Inner or outer courta, 149. or be altuatrd on a iraaller or Birrower lot than li laid down In .5V,2'9» Plush Pile Velvet, 252. the "Schedule Limiting Height and. 15'x 18' Plush Pile Velvet, 360. IS'xIO'o" Tight Wool Twist, 243. I2'x44' Thick Plush 1180. 7/7 Bulk of Bulldingi." for the lone Linden Green la which auch building may be lo- 147. White Wine 199. Bronie Green Velvet, Persian Melon , cated, eicrpt aa othrrwlir act forth 147. /Of. herein, Thii schedule accompanlea " their regulation! and Ir hereby de- I8'x9'«" Plush Pile Velvet, 192. clared to be i part hereof and an- irxiw Plush Pile Velvet, 384. IB'x?*" Tight Wool Twist, 204. 6'x33' Woven Wool 242. Beied hereto. Linden Green White Wine SECTION 2. In a "B" Reildence Ill 224. Bronxe Green 127. Twist, Gold 142. lone for any alterttiun, comtruc- tion or eredlon of three or four I5'XI4T' Plush Pile Velvet, 280. family dwelllnga permitted by Arti- IS'xll'2" Plush Pile Velvet, 228. U'xW Tight Wool Twist, 312. I5'x25'9" Plush Twist, Moth-860. cle 3. Section 6, Paragraph (e> ©( Lilac tnii Chipter, in* Schedule Limiting 161. White Wine 133. Bronze Green proofed, Antique Ivory i«w. Height and Bulk of Rulldlngi li I fetreby amended and aupplemented 1&, to provide ai followi: j I2'XI8'I0" Plush Pile Velvet, 304. I2'xl.3'o" 1 Minimum flour arra of dwelling— ! Plush Pile Velvet, 216. is'xuv. Tight Wool Twiit, 273. 6'x9'6" Plush Twist, 139. #Q per dvrrlllnc unit *<» iq ft j Dresden .Blue , t Minimum height • 2'» itorffi-35 ft.! 183. White Wine. 126. Sand Beige Mothproofed, Honey Gold 07. 1 Minimum s\tr of plot- 168. • Area - 3 riwuiingi T.SltO aq. ft 4 dwrlltnBt-IO.fKW eq. ft. Wldlh-7J I2'x9'2" Plush Pile Velvet,. 1 S'x 14' feet. MS. Tight Wool Twist, 312. I5'x9'9" Tight Wool Twist, 208. 6'x53'l I" Woven Cut Pile 612. 1 Maximum number of famllin per Dresden Blue 84. Martini Gold building 3-3 family dwellingi 4-4 191. * 128. Wool, Linden Green family dwtiling* 9, /"roni yard—Minimum depth—Same I5'xl2* Plush Pile Velvet, 240. I2'x9' > ai "B" Reildence Zone. Maximum Tight Wool Twist, 156. I5'x9'4" Tight Wool Twist, 204. 15 x95'3" All Wool Pile 1908. |1AQ 4«ptb—fami u "B" Reiidcnt-e 7.one Dresden Blue f. Maximum build In I area^Oo per cent 140. Putty Gold 1 Mandatory open apacei—Same AI 99. 127. Velvet, Linden Green I IU0« "B" Realdence Zon» ft 8i9 10- Inner and Outer Courte—limi ai "A" Reafdance Zona BtfTTJOS 3. Thi* ordinance shall fake aiftrt upon it* pat*a(« amd pubitritinn a*Toriing to law "Creators of Fashion for the Home" IC NOTICE I Tin- for* go Ing ordinnnce waa Intro I durM and paii ii flml reidlnjc it a! refiiinr mri'ttiiR nf thf M«y.,r ami Council held on Mnnrliiy. OctoWr 16, Open Thursday, Friday, Saturday 1W1. an'l will m* ti|j for fln«l run- •Irirratlon and Mppllng of a»l heM on Monday, Novrml^r 6 1H1 it 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. t:M P.M. at the Council ("hnmheri In the Municipal Building, MonmnuOi T40 BROAD ST. RED BANK, N. J. Btreil, Ked Rank New Jenty, at which FREE PARKING - BUDGET TERMS lime and Flare at| peraona dealrlng ti few heard thereon will h« giren /ull •vportuBlir. SHadyside 7-4000 Oatetf: October leX IMI /OalK BRYAN, FURNITURE Borougtj Clerif. Frank Falcwsetti, Ctoper Hi. daily living of the natives—plus of Minnesota doctor, reporting on COLLEGE FRESHMAN 'OKbolic High School. He [*' MD BANK REGISTER Fairview were their son-in-law and daugh- a possible genetic predisposition i 35-year study of 404 women PROVIDENCE R. I. - Stephen studying business administration,! Wednesday ()cr. 18 1961—9' Recent guest of Mr. «nd Mnter. . Mr. and Mrs. Louis Houie Focus -'-may account for the relatively with TB and their children, said John Konish, son of Mr. and Mrs.! here. , H J of Georgia, and their children. high rates. Hirry Carlin Monmouth Ave., there .was no evidence "to indi- John Konish,_ 500 Washington; No problem finding tesanti «« Mti. Edw«rd O'Brieo of Clarification of a number of cate that pregnancy has either Ave., Union Beach, N. J. is aj Sicily is 150'miles from Bizerte; M*yo»rd, Mus. Mrs. Robert Park, Cooper Rd.. features common to both trial- a beneficial or a deleterious ef- when you advertise The Register recently had as a house guest On Health adies might help toward unveil fect on tuberculosis." He way.—Advertisement Aljiert P*riy, wn of Mr. andMrs. Winston Kock of Ann Ar- ing the causes of these^ ailments M«,i Pttey Perry, Walnut St., bor, Mich. By the Aisoclatet Preu not only among the Guam na has received hit discharge [ram An odd finding on "Lou Gehtives but in other populations o the Amy. , Mrs. Mary Corcoran, Harvard rig's disease;" a precaution the world, the scientists say. St., spent the week-end visiting about filling teeth of certain heart _ Recent gueiH of Mr. and Mra,relatives in New York City. oatients; and prospects for keeo- Dental Warning ing GIs dry ire subjects (or fo- All doctors and dentists have cus on health: long known that dental extrac- tions offer a prime means of ad- Tip on "ALS?" mitting germs that can cause From the faraway island of a heart disease, called bacteria Guam has come a potential lead endocarditis in people alread; towards better understanding of suffering from rheumatic or con mm NIW TOW DIVISION STOOH SPECIAL NOW OWNID AND OWUTID IV amyotronhic lateral sclerosis, the genital heart ailments. But thi' usually fatal muscle-wasting dis- complication can be prevented by ease that killed Lou Gehrig, the administering penicillin to such great first baseman of the Newpeople before any teeth are first York Yankees." pulled. National Among the natives of Guam Now comes a team of George- Sav* Twit* Stores IX S. Public Health Service sci town University heart specialists Savi Cath ... entists have found an unusually reporting that not only extrac Smt Stanpt! high incidence of both "Gehrig's" lions, but even the cleaning and disease and a newly described filling of teeth by dentists may FREE OFFER! neurological ailment called Par- open a portal for the "B.E." bug CODFISH CAKES iMRiilty-i 10«.eanl»e kinsonism-dementia complex. open a portal for the "B.E." bug TOMATO JUICE Satrenonto 46-oi. can 33a Further, there's evidence of a So they strongly urge dentists I NEW MAWSYHUP Cory 109% Pur. »«.b«t. 39. close relationship between the give the penicillin prophylaxis to CHUN KINO l»f Ckop Su.y 1 Nwdl*> «mbinoll»n S9c two disorders. This suggests that vulnerable heart patients. They DOG FOOD P°'d 14-01, ton 3 tar49 c some biological factor present in also urge doctors and patients to MARGARINE Kraft Daluat Mb. pkg. 41c make sure the dentist knows the patient already has a heart con- GOLD BOND woociuor SOAP (Spnhl . In/ 4 G*f 1 fin) t for «t Feedbag Fashion dition. PAPK TOWELS Hudwn 2 roll pack 43t MNNER NAPKINS Hudion Damoik 40 to pkg. 39c Waterproof Soldiers VIENNA PINCERS Sunihint 8Vi-oi. pkg. 29c Researchers have come up GIFT BOOK ROMPEItOOM Printed Pattern lurry Cooki.i u^, pyg. 39t with a new water-repellent and OUNGE JUICE Snow Chop Praitn cVot. con 2 cam 49c oil-repellent treatment for GI CHICKEN CROQUETTES Howord Johnien frottn U-ei. We clothing, and the Army says it NNIAPP1E JUICE D»fa tnun 6*1. 1 cam 37t "promises to keep soldiers dryer Plus 50 EXTRA DOLt JUKE Pin«oppl«-Grop«lnjil *•««. 2 cam 41c longer and maintain its moisture- BOU JUICE frown

r IONMOUT^^ ^» ^^ ^^ ^» ^» ^^ H^^ ^ ^ MEAT^m ^r ^^ ^^ ^mS ^m BUTTONHOLE MAKER 110 MONMOUTH ST. SH 1-5292 RED BANK OPEN FRIDAYS TILL 9 P. M.

Fully trimmed—cu—cut to order—seasoned ^^_ ^^. NO MONEY DOWN

• Automatic bobbin winder lb • Complete set of accessories STEAKS 79 • Built-in sewing light GENUINE SPRING 5- 6 1b. SIZE •• ^RW This amazing machine pays for itself with the money you save making your lb own outfits—and with the pride that LEGS of LAMB 5 9 comes with it. Sews on buttons, mends, darns, embroiders, even makes hun- SWIFTS PREMIUM BEEF dreds of fancy stitches, all without 1 attachments. Beautiful styling, chrome- plated ports. Carrying case included. Chuck Chop 59fb Chuck Steak or Roast 49*lb SO»D IXCIUSMIY ti MONIGOWtlir WAJD u y Pan Ready 00 Porterhouse Steakrrrm m ed89rb FOWL 54 lb. alte Delmonico Steak 89 Beef Kidneys Cross Rib Roast Bonclc" 79 CLEANER PLUS SPARE RIBS „ POWER BRUSH Doneless MACHINE-DESK Eye Round Roast 89 Italian Sausage COMBINATION Donclc MOMIY Top Round Roast " 89 LOIN HALF PORK 88 DOWN 199 brwtti •!•«• Mill l*« W.M Bonclcsi NO MOHir DOWN Flank Steak LOIN HALF PORK Revolving power brush 20-cam zig-zag lowing ma- gets deep down dirt— Boneless QQ chine head in a genuine hard- makes rugs look deeper Cubed Steaks FRANKS 1 .-flf wood desk with hand-rubbed and newer. Cleaner rolli Top . lop. Finished in rich mahog- effortlessly. 7 attach- Round London Broil SAUSAGE MEAT cny, walnut or oak. A beauti- ments, convenient Ihrow- All Cuts ful piece of furniture! away dust bogs. Ribs of Beef 07| LAMB STEW » lb. BACON Roasting Chicken Mb no money down-no monthly payments till February 10-Wedm*ky)0ct.l8,196l RED BANK REGISTER


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YOUR SAFEWAY STORE IS NOW Del Monte Peaches SLICID or HALVIS SAVI M 29-OZ OWNED AND OPERATED BY Rich Golden Rip*, Sweet Peaches 24c •• CANS FIRST NATIONAL STORES... A FAMOUS CHAIN OF FOOD Campbell Soups MIAT STOCK SAVI JL 10'AOzQUf STORES AND SUPERMARKETS Have Campbell's Soup (or Lunch 6c ^M CANS Jgj/f^ BEGUN IN NEW ENGLAND OVER Hellmann's Mayonnaise Real Mayonnaise SAVI QT 60 YEARS AGO. America's Favorite 14c JAR 6* • FIRST NATIONAL STORES ARE Carnation Evap. Milk The Milk from Contented Cows SAVI JL 14-OZ ^M TRADITIONALLY GOOD STORES Best for Cooking - Best for Babies, Too 7c ^J CANS TO SHOP...CLEAN, COMPLETE, Sunsweet Prune Juice CONVENIENT.'.. CHARACTERIZED Refreshing Flavor ' SAVI QT 4fc A BY SERVICE, COURTESY, Start the Day With a Glass of Prune Juice 7c BTL elf f DEPENDABILITY. Dole Pineapple Juice A Refreshing Drink SAVI • FIRST NATIONAL STORES ARE From Sunny Hawaii 9c 2A CANssS 49c THRIFTY STORES, FEATURING Libby Tomato Juice LOW PRICES AND HIGH Twice Rich - SAVI M 46-01 Rich in Flavor - Rich in Vitamins 13c 2 ^ 49c QUALITY*,.THE UTMOST FOR YOUR FOOD DOLLAR WITH BIG MibletsCorn GRIEN GIANT - WHOLI KIINIL SAVI 9 12-OZ SAVINGS ON EVERYDAY LOW Vacuum Packed to Stay Crisp 43c M CANS PRICES PLUS VALUABLE Skippy Peanut Butter CRIAMY 4 CHUNKY SAVI 12-OZ TRADING STAMPS! If You Like Peanuts, You'll Like Skippy 8c JAR

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CELLO Rich in Vitamin A PKGS 50 FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS 2 irt your Sofewoy-Flrtl Natlonel Mere Native Carrots Bring this coupon NAME to your Saftway MclNTOSH or CORTLAND Pack a Juicy Apple in the Lunch Box 4 - 35 First National Store Apples ...git 50 0010 IOND ONI COUTQN Ml AOUIT CUIIOMU - VALID 1HIU I*T , OCT. 11, l>il STAMPS FREE 1 And you Get cia*«ni!i, IOIACCO noDixtt ANO HUH MILK lx!^A^! HOM STAMP OIM« ASK FOR FME GOLD IOND GIFT I00K. T00I GOLD BOND Stamps9 too! CIGARETTES, TOBACCO PRODUCTS and FRESH MILK EXEMPT FROM STAMP OFFER PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, 0CT01ER 21, 1961 IN All NEW .YORK AND NEW JERSEY STATE STORES RED BANK REGISTER Commemorative Program 12-WedM*da7, Oct 18,1961 Re-creates 1882 Sidewkeeler Anita D'Amico Chosen Trade-In Jeweler Fashions Memorial to the Albertina Wss United Nations9 By ELEANOR MARKO LITTLE SILVER - Miss Anita L. D'Amico, daughter of Mr. and and passengers. This became FAIR HAVEN — A boyhood Mrs. John D'Amico, 32 Woodbine known as Bthrs lauding In 1916, Your Old memory and » battered photo- Ave., has been chosen as Miss graph sparked the talents of a TodJy, the second generation of United Nations by the Little Sil- 74-year-oM retired jeweler to the Bahr family continues to op- ver United Nations Committee create a model of the ol•d• steam•— - erate a restaurant at the site of She will take part in a com- boat, Albertina. the old landing. Other former memorative program slated for Furniture To Harry Roede of Grange docks were at Locust (the piles Oct. 24 at S p.m. in Markham can still be seen), Fair Haven Ave., Fair Haven, the nine Place School. months of more than 500 work (borough dock), and the present site at Marine Park, Red Bank. A senior at Red Bank High hours focuied on creating the School, she is a varsity cheer- An OWCar model can only be matched by "The building now occupied by the Boatsman's Shop," Mr. Foede leader and a member of the chc- the happy hours be and his family ralettes. Holder of four other titles, | spent aboard the Albertina and a stated, "was the farmers' market office where local farmers Miss D'Amico was Junior Miss limllar ship, the Sea Bird, on the Driftwood of 1958, Homecoming | run from New York to Red Bank. brought their produce to be shipped to New York." Queen of I960, Miss Sweetheart A summer treat in the early of Washington Chapter, Order of Mr. Roede gleaned some of his |l890'i for the Roede family of DeMolay, 1960 and Miss Drift ALAN'S information from an old book I West Hoboken was a sail on the wood 1961. 11 Albertina, a picnic ashore, and published some years ago by the Bureau of Navigation, and "from The UN program, open to the la swim at Sandlass Beach, Hlgh- public, will include a musical pre- I lands. a few of our old citizens who either were employed on the sentation by the childrens chorus The Sunday outing was always ( of the Point Road School under I launched by his father's decisi boats or had close relatives who did." (One such contributor was the direction of Miss Sarah Pas- Miss Anita h. D'Amloa on favorable weather conditions. ternak, the 70-piece Red Bank Hit okay was met with a family Mrs. Esther Little English of Fair Haven). High School band with majorettes Furniture I flurry of packing lunches, whicl and flag twirlers under the di- 25th Anniversary Mr. Roede's model is a thirty- I Mr. Roede commented, "We ca: rector of John L. Luckenbill, di I rled in shoe boxes." one inch long by ten inch wide LITTLE SILVER - Mr. and Iine-for-line copy of the boat built rector of instrumental music, the Mrs. Lambert B. Beeuwkes, 29 Fort Monmouth Color Guard, Boy Since 1924 On Their Way in 1882 by James Throckmorton Nottingham Way, celebrated their "Then Dad would signal, Scout Troop 19 guard of honor and sons, Charles E., John S., 25th wedding anniversary Satur- can't recall how. .to our friends AT THI HELM — Harry Roede of Fair Haven with the model he created of the Al- from St. John's Episcopal Chapel CA 9-0350 and J. Dunbar, who owned the day. who lived across the Hudson Riv- bertina, a steamboat which sailed from |he Battery in New York to Red Bank be- under command of Col. William Merchants^ Steamboat Company The couple, former residents of er at 21st St. in New York." Thi until 1925 when the company sold McTernan, scout master. tween 1882 and 1925. Baltimore, moved to his area six contrived signal meant that th out to the Midland (Beach) and Mayor P. Paul Campi will ad- years ago. They have a son Fos- Roedes were "on their way." Th New York Steamboat Company. dress the assemblage. Alvin Kear- Discover/ o* hove thou- two families then met at the Bat a bias and painted white to repre- Red Bank in 1925 end the Al- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Cope- ney of Red Bank will be vocal ter, a freshman at Bradley Uni- sands of New Jersey fam- tery. All heads counted, the part; Built Earlier sent the woven rope railing. bertina in 1929. The boats moved land, and his two granddaughters, soloist. versity in Peroia, 111. Accounts differ concerning the The one deviation is that this to winter quarters In the Bronx Kim Beryl and Jan Durell Cope- ilies, how you con save numbered about 15, he said. "We took a trolley to 14th S age of the Sea Bird. Though the is not a "floating" model. and in 1932, burned. land. Mr. Roede also has a money by troding-in your grabbed a ferry in Hobokei boats were similar, the Sea Bird The Albertina and Sea Bird "Thus ended the career of two daughter, Miss Vera Pauline old f u r n i t u r c os you crossed to New York, took a bel was four to six feet shorter and were propelled by paddle wheels lovable craft," Mr. Roede sighed. Roede, serving to the Women's Floral Designer Speaks was built earlier. which were driven by cranks con- "Many old timers will recal Army Corps in Washington, O. C. would an old cor. Deduct line horse car on West St. to th battery where we boarded th Both ships were used for car- nected to a walking beam steam the many pleasant trips Harry Roede also signs his this allowance from the boat." rying passengers, freight and engine. Steam was generated for made on these boats," Harry name to oil paintings. He took to At Jr. League Session price togs on the new This was rugged pleasure bu produce from the Battery in New the engines in one or more boilers reminisced. "I got a lot of fun this art media when he left his York. Wharf Ave., Red Bank, was fed by wood and coal. out of building this model... .If New York trade and moved to furniture you want . . . to the boy Harry it W8S wort RUMSON — Floral designer volunteers are needed to help then the new main road to the Roede's model of the paddle people get pleasure put of it, then this area. He is a well-known it. The families made the trij Mrs. Marlon Rice Fisher of War- with this project. prices that already carry farmers market and dock. It was wheel and cover were cut out of I'm repaid." figure at the annual Red Bank three or four times each summer dell Ave., was guest speaker lasl Mrs. F. Don Chapln, chairman the preferred hill route to and brass with a jeweler's saw. He The word "retirement" used In Festival of Arts, Monmouth Arts discount savings up to for six or seven years, he recalls. week at a meeting of the Junior for the Marlboro fall fashion from the river because it had a used tiny rivets on each of the connection with the current activ- Foundation open exhibits, and 40%! There were two boats a day and Service League of Red Bank in show, stated that the event will "We always got the last boat lesser grade than the continuous 12 wooden buckets on each wheel. ities of this "old-timer" is a mis- outdoor shows at the Shopping route to the river down Broad A master of detail, Roede re- nomer. He is the Old Guard's ed- Center In Eatontown. the club .house on Center St. take place tomorrow to avoid home," he said. The only woman president of conflict with other Marlboro ac- • kmtt ••ak-WHi •Lme Since no blueprints were avail St. (Records show that deviation called that the ship had two life- itor of the Bulletin, is a member "After this hobby show Friday the Florists Telegraph Delivery tivities. able of the original steamboat of traffic to the less hazardous boats and two skiffs, and of its musical combo, a volunteer and Saturday, I'm going back to Association in its 52-year history, The Farmlngdale Preventorium Roede made the model to icali Wharf Ave. was one of the con- equipped his model with replicas in the Esquire Shop at Marlboro painting," he said. tRumnr •Sinmom »St«ly Mrs. Fisher recently returned schedule was listed by Mrs. Rob- from an old photograph suppliec tributing factors to the abandon' of these, complete with hand State Hospital and is currently His canvases can be summed e Krwkl.r ert Yeager. by the family of the captain ment of the carriage lanfe which made miniature pulley blocks and serving as co-chairman of the up in a thumbnail critique: col- from conducting design sessions the boat, Edward M. Little, am is still evident today at the foot davits. Benches on the middle Monmouth County Organization orful, charming and precise. But n Philadelphia, Dallas and Port New Program his father Harvey Little, Sr. Thi of Broad and Front St.). deck surround the cabin fore and of Social Service hobby show this that's the nature of Harry Dover, Ontario. Mrs. Fisher New league programs sched- senior member was known for hi; Mr. Roede recalled "In the aft, there is an awning frame week-end at the Monmouth Shop- Roede: "I can't paint any other who conducts a florist business uled included a radio workshop ALAN'S ariy days, the fare was 50 cents with rolled up canvas, the hog' ping Center. way," he explains. in Syracuse and is affiliated with with Dr. Robert Counts, medical prowess as a captain for th i round trip." frame which braced the boat the Woodland Manufacturing Co., director of the Children's Psy- Furniture Showroomi Merchants Steamboat Company This is where Harry will offi- Will you perhaps build a sister and for "knowing every pebbl He remembers that the lower was copied as were its gray cially display his boat for the ship, he was asked, knowing that Bayville, displayed some of her chiatric Center, and "Media of fir Upholitary Shops in the Shrewsbury." Boats hai deck of the Albertina sometimes decks and white superstructure. first time. After that, he says, a collector of model ships had al- original designs. the Artist." a new traveling art To complete the picture, Roede Miss Viola Holly of Red Bank show at the Monmouth Arts Gal- Ck«b» »td 7* An. to time their arrivals and depar- carried horses and carriages. he will let it be exhibited in vari- ready approached the indefatiga- tures by the condition of tide be- "There were three stalls for race put the name Albertina in the ous places. Its final home, he ble Roede. was introduced as a transfer lery through Oct. 27. Mrs. Key LONG BRANCH cause of shifting sand bars at horses on the side of the boat." same old-fashioned lettering seen says, will be S museum. He replied: "Why? I've built from the Oranges. is directing the radio workshop the mouth of the river. Monmouth County, even then, In old photographs of the boat. Mr. Roede makes his home one. Another would be no chal- Mrs. John Bell, Thrift Shop and ; Mrs. Douglas Yorke, com- . . . Budget Terms Last Stop was famous for racing. The Sea Bird ended its run to with his son-in-law and daughter, enge." chairman, announced that the munity arts. merchandise was "moving well," Credit was given to Mrs. Don- Op«Wt«.*FH.NItM'tfll When boats left Red Bank, thi Well Suited nd that Mrs. Esther Irwin and ald Lawes of the house com- last stop before crossing the 1! Harry's profession as a maker Mrs. Poul Doherty are the con mittee for the new fire esoipe miles of water to New York wai of hand made platinum jewelry Public Health Auxiliary tfnuing represenatives on the installed recently at the club in Highlands for a check of boal suited him for the exacting task Thrift Shop board. house. of fashioning the solid brass min- iature fittings, ventilators, flag- Christmas Sale The group met for a picnic poles and smokestack which he A sale of'Chrlstmas wrappings lunch at Mrs. Warren Zimmer's Lunch to Benefit Baby Clinic Is being conducted by Mrs. Rob- home In Locust and toured the hand-riveted In three sections as ert Bauchsbaum, ways and Twin Lights at Highlands. per the original. A solid gold LONG BRANCH — The" Baby p.m. In the Deal Golf and Coun. Modelling the fall and wintei means chairman. Mrs. William C. Rue and. Mrs. FAST RELIEF necklace is used as chain stays try Club. clothes will be Mrs. Raymon Clinic here will benefit from a Mrs. J. Miller Creamer was Owen Gibson, Fair Haven, chair- FROM IDLE HOURS ... tor the stack. "This is to keep it Fashions will be by Lysbeth Tierney, Monmouth Beach; In scale," Roede explained. luncheon and fashion show to be d chairman of the Christ man of tickets for the 1961 Fol- Geran of Fair Haven with Mrs. Philip Shaheen and Mrs. John lies, distributed tickets to the Suffering tram too much time on your bands, He hand filed an eagle out of given by the auxiliary to the mas Charity Ball which will be Peggy Curtis commentating. Mu- Flock, Long Branch; Mrs. Carol members. The Follies will be solid brass for the masthead and Long Branch Public Health Nurs- held Dec. 8 in the Rumson Coun- er want something to relax you when yon do sic will be by Johnny Johnson Mellick and Mrs. Francis Han- held Nov..24 - 25 in the Carlton with repeated meticulous care, try Club. Dancing will be to Ben have a chance to sit a moment? We prescribe ing Association Oct. 26 at 12:30 and his trio. dy, Fair Haven; Mrs. Earle Sny- Theater, Red Bank. "Meet the the steering wheel and steam Ludlow's Orchestra. an Immediate visit to KNITTERS WORLD, Mon- der. Locust; Miss Mary Stevens, Director" night and talent party whistle. The hand crafted walk- Mrs. Gordon Smith, welfare, moott Shopping Center. Many Undt and colors Allenhurst; Mrs. Doris Angc will be held Nov. 6 In the Old Ing beam and buck Is driven by Golden Anniversary Project announced that the milk fund ef yams aod all types of pattern boob are beck, Eatontown; Mrs. Alfrec Union House. a small electric motor. There are Conhagen, West Long Branch; received a gift from Mrs. John available for yew related knttttog. three wooden life rafts (hand Mrs. George Williamson Jr., Mount. She also announced that Mrs. Hall Ellis, president, en- carved), running lights, 19 port- Scouts Plant Crocuses Rumson, and Mrs. Rosalie Wil- the Cerebral Palsy Nursery tertained present and past board holes, 40 miniature plastic win- liams, Mlddletown. School in Long Branch has five members at luncheon In her dows, doorknobs no larger than COLTS NECK — Golden crocus Us, Jill Niehauj, Beverly Padgett, highly trainable children attend- home on Rumson Rd., preceding lfd rttlnE cut on bulbs have been planted in the Paraela See, Barbara Tabor, Di Reservation committee mem' ing the school. She said league the meeting. ' lawns of the churches of Colts ana Welle and Barbara Wood- bers are Mrs. Park C. Mason Neck by the Girl Scouts. ruff. Leaders are Mrs. Edward Shrewsbury; Mrs. Ralph Klein, Hear Talk on Africa The project is in preparation P. Bacsik and Mrs. E. Miles West Long Branch; Mrs, John for the marking of the organiza- Smith. Boland, Portaupeck, and Mrs. tion's approaching golden anni- Harry A. Burns, Allenhurst. Mrs. versary. Girl Scouts of the U. S. James Guire is luncheon chair- Tri-Deltas Install Slate A., was founded March 12, 1912 Return Home man. Chandler's works wonders in casual fashion by Juliette Gordon Low of Savan TTNTON FALLS - Mr. and LONG BRANCH - New offi- are, instead, eager to build up nah, Ga. Gardening has always Long Branch public health their own culture. Mrs. Henry Salt, 689 Tinton Ave., cers of the Jersey Shore Alumnae been an Important activity of the nurses give nursing care at home of Delta Delta Delta Sorority have returned from a week's mo- under the direction of the pa- Mrs. Burdge also discussed the organiration. were Installed here recently at tor trip to Tangeen Island. The tient's physician, give advice on experiences of her daughter. the first fall meeting. The group Sharon, a Skidmore College sen- The local project also fulfilled health problems, and teach pa- couple also marked their 47th met in the home of Mrs. O. Wol- two second class requirements: tients and families to help care ior, who worked in Africa last wedding anniversary last week. cott Morris, Ocean Ave. gardening and hiking. for themselves. The association summer as a member of the Op- They have three daughters, Mrs. Installed by Mrs. Harry Wood, Participating were Martha Ash, supplies equipment such as eration Crossroads Africa student Charles Bell, Tinton Falls; Mrs. Red Bank, founder of the chap- Deen Bacsik, Barbara Craddox, crutches, hospital beds, wheel- corps. Robert Lewis, South Carolina, ter, they are Mrs. Walter J. Barbara Crawford, Catherine chairs and other sickroom sup- Two new members, Mrs. J. R. Kerr, Rumson, president; Mrs. Handxo, Barbara Jo Katz, Sally and Mrs. George Clark, Middle- plies. Shand, Fair Haven, and Mrs. Kaul, Beth LaPenta, Peggy Nel- town. John Weseloh, Neptune City, vice Holland McTyeire, Red Bank, president; Mrs. Harry J. Jack- were welcomed. Mrs. Mary Rose son, Asbury Park, treasurer, and Spooner of Chatham, was a Mrs. Robert S. Newman, Elber- guest. on, secretary. The1 sorority will meet again New chairmen are Mrs. J. W. fov. 9 in Mrs. McDonnell's A m e r m a n, recommendations; home, 89 Kingfisher Dr., Middle- Mrs. Weseloh, program; Mrs. town. Mrs. Darrell Robertson will Robert E. McDonnell, member- be in charge of the program. Luxury Suits ship, and Mrs. Morris, publicity. Mrs. Lawrence Burdge, retiring president, spoke on Africa and When You Rent! reported on a talk by Mrs. Annie Magnificently designed • Master'tailored in Jaigge of the African republic if Ghana at the National Con- Make It A luxurious Imported and Domestic Woolens vention of Presbyterian Women it Purdue University, which Mrs. Qualify Formal Burdge attended as a delegate. You're always sure of top Made to tell for 79.95, 89.95 and 100.00 y The Ghanian woman lawyer quality, perfect fit and a said Africans have little interest choice from one of the largest These are the season's trend-setting suits Frederick's price is just in communism as such but do stocks on the East coast. and only our very special purchase not want to pattern themselves There's always something new 1799 could bring them to you at such a ifter the western world either, at Love Lane. according to Mrs. Burdge. They French Room Originals pres the modest $48. Every suit in this col- LOVE LANE look to the buckled moc... slimmer, softer,' lection has all the important silhou- SQUARE DANCE TUXEDO SHOP •oooped at the heel. In black leather and another ettes! The expensive detailing . .. tie WAYSIDE — A square dance good example of Chandler's fine shoemaking modestly priced. couturier-look suitings. You can 4save froma 31.95 to 52.00 will be sponsored by the Ladies 23 WEST FRONT ST. Auxiliary of the Wayside Fire RED BANK Fall's newest colors in misses' and custom sizes to fit 8 to 18. Company Saturday at 8 p.m. in rhe Oaks, Rt. 35, Middletown. Open Daily 9:30 to 5:30 Monotone and Surface-interest tweeds if Imported novelties Caller will be Dick Charlins. The dance is open to the public and Wed. and Fri. till 9 P. M. Worsted cponge i( Three dimensional worsteds ickels will be sold at the door. it Popcorn tweed it Allspice tweed RUG CLEANING f Fashion Futures Since 1919 AT ITS FINEST AND FASTEST MONMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER. EATONTOWN. N. J. 1113 3RD AVENUE SPRING LAKE. N. J In Your Home • Or In Our Modern Plant •95 FIFTH AVENUC • CROSS COUNTY CENTER • WHITE PLAINS • MANHASSET GREEN ACRES. VALLEY STREAM - ROOSEVELT FIELD . MID-ISLAND, HICKSVILLE GARDEN STATE PLAZA ft BERGEN MALL. PARAMUS. N. J , UOM'S MAIL ORDERS. ADO 33rf POSTAGE. (C. O. D. POSTAL CHARGES ARE EXTRA) CHARGE ACCOUNTS INVITED SINCE 1SU MONMOUTH COUNTY'S LEADING RUG CLEANERS WHITE ST. SH 7-2800 RED IANK Dinner Honors Couple Fashions at Breakfast On 50th Anniversary Twins Mothers to Sponsor Show HIGHLANDS - Mr. and Mrs. dren, Misses Raenelle and Margo George Harris, Morgan; Mrs. Jo- netti, publicity; Mrs. Findelj, Edward Gorse, 4S Judith Rd., Lit- HAZLET — The Twins' Moth- Haring, who attended the party. seph Findeis, and Mrs. William Mrs. Hubert and Mrs. Vincent, tle Silver, were honored at a buf- ers' Club of the Raritan Bay Guests included Rev. John. Sul- Kirgan, Hazlet, «nd Mrs. Bru- program. ^ fet dinner party Friday given by Area will sponsor a continental livan-, pastor of Holy Rosary breakfast and twins fashion show their daughters, Mrs. Charles Catholic Church, Copperton, Utah, Haring and Miss Mary Gorse, of Oct. 28 from 8:30 ».m. at Arnold ihrewsbury Meeting 1 nephew of Mr. Gorse. Father Sul- Constable in New Brunswick. Little Silver, In Bahrs Restau- livan was celebrant at a mass rant, The show, which is scheduled Oct. 9 in St. James Catholic to start at 9:30 a.m., will pre- The party marked the 50th wed Church, Red Bank, when Mr. and sent fashions for boy and girl PTA Schedules Film ding anniversary of the-couple Mrs. Gorse renewed their mar- twins "From Toddlers to Teens" They have lived in Little Silver riage vows. and holiday fashions for mothers 11 years. Natives of Massachu- Best Man Present Proceeds will be used for food setts, Mr. and Mrs. Gorse ar On Child Intelligence Mrs. Gorse's brother, Harry and clothing gifts for needy fam- formerly of Belleville. Mr. Gorse Lord of Fall River, Mass., who ilies with twins in the Raritan SHREWSBURY - A film en- and means, announced that ths is retired and formerly workei was best man at the wedding, and Bay area. for the Essex County Park Com itled "Your Childs' Intelligence" pre-holiday dance will be held Mr. Gorse's sister, Mrs. Timothy Organized in March, I960, the mission.' Mrs. Haring, 'theii rill be presented at a meeting Dec. 2 in the Molly Pitcher Ho- Sullivan of Tooele, Utah, mother Twin* Mothers Club has 54 mem daughter, is owner of the Clothe; if the Shrewsbury Parent-Teach- tel, Rfed Bank. of Father Sullivan, also attended bers with 56 sets of twins, and is Tree, Shrewsbury. the anniversary party. the third largest dub of its type »r Association tomorrow at 8:15 The following were announced The couple have two grandchll Other guests were Roland Chou- in the state. Members sponsor a j.m. in the school. M.L. Theo-as' grade mothers for the year: inard, and sons Peter ana Donald used twin clothing exchange at lore Jay, remedial reading in- kindergarten: Mrs. John Collins, of North Dartmouth, Mass.; Mr. their monthly meetings over the structor, will conduct the discuss- Mrs. Louis DeMaio, Mrs. Doug- and Mrs. Ernest Conte and Mrs. Hill Lane Bowling Alley on Rt. on and answer questions on the las McCrum, and Mrs. Edwin 713 Visits Mary Knight, Middletown; Miss 9, Madison Township. Their iopic. A member ol the local po- Sutphin; first grade, Mrs. Sidney Margaret Beggans, Jersey City; monthly newsletter also includes ice department will speak on Kodoma, Mrs. Robert Klmble, By Nurses Miss Hannah Humphreys, East a classified section for twin safety. Mrs. Philip Genovese; second Orange; Mrs. Thomas Crowe and equipment such as outsized car- grade, Mrs. Patrick D'Aloia, Mrs. At a recent executive board daughter Alice, Mr. and Mrs. riages and strollers. Gordon Morrison, Mrs. Kenneth Last Month Winston Brayne and daughter meeting it was announced that Walker, Jr.; third grade, Mrs. FULL COMMITTEE takes part in a planning session for a twin fashion show to be The group also serves the med-Mrs. LeRoy Morris, vice presi- William Slater, Mrs. Edward Pat- MIDDLETOWN — A total ol Virginia and Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ical profession and various re- dent and program chairman, terson; fourth grade, Mrs. Albert 713 visits was made during the ert Sommerkamp, Bloomfield; sponsored Oct. 28 by the Twins' Mothers' Club of ths Raritan Bay Area. With co- search institutions interested in and Mrs. John Van Brunt, record- Feddler, Mrs. Jack Skakandy, month of September by the Mon-Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Royce, Mr. chairmen Mrs. Roland H. Vincent, left, and Mrs. Francis X. O'Connor, both of HaiUt, twin information and statistics. and Mrs. Charles Blair, Mr. and ing secretary, will accompany Mrs. Philip Genovese; fifth mouth County Organization for Speakers at their meetings every grade, Mrs. George Carson, Mrs. Social Service Public Health Mrs. Richard Branson, Mr. and are auxiliary committee members, left to right, Brenda and Lisa Vincent and M«ri- third Monday include educators, Mrs. Edwin Otis, president, to Mrs. Walter Pressman, Miss Ihe PTA state convention in At- Kenneth Scher, and Mrs. Joseph Nurses assigned to the township. anna and Margaret O'Connor. doctors, guidance experts and Sergervich. Miss Kathryn E. Cooper, su- Joan Hagen, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- others. lantic City, Oct. 5 through 27. pervisor, stated that 403 wen liam Paden, Jr., and Mr. and Co-chairmen of the breakfast Mrs. Charles Morailer, Jr., was Sixth grade, Mrs. William Rus- nursing visits and the remainder, Mrs. William Paden, Sr., all of and fashion show are Mrs. Ro lamed UNICEF chairman for sell, Mrs. Joseph Siderman, Mrs. health guidance visits. There al Little Silver. Sisterhood Council Authority Speaks land Vincent and Mrs. Frances [961-62 Mrs. Otis and Mrs. MorSo- l Rodack; seventh grade, Mrs. so were five not-at-home visit Other Guests O'Connor, both of Hazlet. Com- is will serve on the committee. William Pries, Mrs. Leo Sadkow- made. Also, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ry- mittee members are Mrs. Rob-Mrs. Kenneth Scher, dance com- ski; eighth grade, Mrs. Melvin an, Troy. K. Y.; Mr. and Mrs.Plans Party, Zeiiel, Mrs. George Blair, and Visits included 79 maternity, 47 ert Durkee, club president. Old mittee chairman, and Harry Edward" Zaun Mr. and Mrs. Rob- Mrs. David Marx. new born, 18 infant, 21 pre-school r On Problems of Aging Bridge; Mrs. Dan Bruneti, West Jackson, co-chairman of ways ert OLaughlin-and Miss Kay age, 7 school age, 2!) adults, 7 S+yle Show RUMSON - Miss Helen Herr- Mrs. Edith Stiles was in charge Keansburg; and Mrs. L"ouis~tar- Murren, Nutley; Mrs. Mary Lap- rea, Hazlet, tickets; Mrs. Wilson tuberculosis, 20 orthopedic, 1 RED BANK - A card party mann of Freehold was guest of the program. sley and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Oanner, Parlin, Mrs. John Sulli- mental health, 10 state hospital and fashion show will be spon- speaker at a dinner meeting last New members welcomed to the Whelan, Upper Montclair; Mr. van, Hazlet, and Mrs. Dominick 34 cancer, 43 cardiac, 11 diabete sored by the Sisterhood of Con-week of the Red Bank Business club by the membership chair and Mrs. John Fitzgibbons, Bel- Melicia, Keansburg, prizes; Mrs. and 313 other diseases, such a gregation Beth Shalom tomorrow man, Mrs. Genevieve Schwedfeg- mar; Mr. and Mrs. George Ar- and Professional Women's Club Vincent, Mrs. O'Connor and Mrs. arthritis, asthma and others. at g p.m. in the synagogue. Mrs.here in the River House Inn. er, were Mrs. Eunice Patterson, nold, Long Island, N. Y.; Mr. Morris Hyman is chairman and Fred Hubert, Hazlet; Mri. Health center clinic attendance and Mrs. Walter Janick, Fall Riv- Miss Herrmann, chairman of Rumson; Mrs. Clara Kaplan, Mum's the Word! Included 49 to prenatal clinic Mrs. Arnold Hartman, assistant the Division of Aging of the Mpn New Shrewsbury, and Mrs. Mar- er, Mass; Miss Elisabeth Lord, chairman. md 28 to Infant and pre-school Hartford, Conn. mouth County Welfare Council, garet Krug, Red Bank. Shhh . . . Don't tell • soul I told you, bat ften'i Fashions by The Clothes Tree, Troop Names conferences. Also, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Van- was appointed by Gov. Robert B. Mrs. Betty Baldwin, president, Shrewsbury, will be modelled by a brand new travel agency coming to Red Bank The nurses traveled 3,001 mile Guilder, Little Falls; Mr. and Meyner to the board of directors and Mrs. Anne Redden will at- Mrs. Mat Chaskowitz, Miss Lin- New Leaders soon. And the owner, Allen Petentn, Is trying to In carrying out this'program. Mrs. Joseph Ranegan, Cedar of the New Jersey Citizens Coun- tend a state board meeting Nov. da Hartman, Mrs. Robert Lefker, FAIR HAVEN — New assist- keep it a secret Grove, and Miss Mary Gorse, cil for Aging. Miss Herrmann's 18 in the Friar Tuck Inn, Mont- Mrs. Harold Keitelman and Mrs. ants for Girl Scout Troop 228 Somerville, Mass., Mr. Gorse's topic was "The Problems of the clair. Charles Newman, Refreshments were named recently at a meet- He claims that he and Us Gal-Friday, Mary Loo, Church Women cousin. Donations were made by the will be served. Aging in the County." ing in Willow Street School. won't b« able to take care of all the people who organization to the Community Mrs. R. Dean Coddington and like to travel If too many find out about it. How- To Hold Sale Appeal Fund and to the Red Bank Mrs. Charles Kunkle are co-Iead- ever, if you like sendee and a smile when you pita MIDDLETOWN — The Worn First Aid Squad. A theater par- rs. en's Association of the Westmin- ty for the Philadelphia stage show a trip, then you owe it to yourself to find out more Others appointed are Mrs. Rol- ster Presbyterian Church will "Kean" starring Alfred Drake is about this new agency real quick, don't you think? lin Keyes, transportation chair- sponsor a rummage and white being planned. man; Mrs. Wilson Rich, refresh- To leam when and where it will open for business, elephant sale at 68 Church St., Birthday corsages were re- ments; Mrs. William Blair, Jr., Keansburg, tomorrow, Friday and ceived by Mrs. Margaret Cleven- simply call SHadyslde 1-5550 at any time of the day Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. cookie sale; and Mrs. Evan Bak- berg, Mrs. Regina Dicker'On, OR NIGHT. each day. The proceeds will be er, troop committee. Miss Jean Packard, Miss Flor- donated to the church building Troop 228 has been combined And, for gosh sake's, don't tell your friends about ence Worthley and Miss Mary fund. with Troop 60 which was former- Hufnagel. it whatever you do ... or ycu may have to wait In Mrs. Neil Brown is chairman ly led by Mrs, A. Harrison Bren- line when you go to plan that next trip. Al I said of the event, assisted by com Netherlands New Guinea is nan and Mrs. James Green. The before, Mum's the Word! mittee members Mrs. Fred Val- about the size of California. Its combined troop will meet every entin, Mrs. Robert Skinner, and population ig estimated at around Wednesday at 3:15 p.m. in Wil- Mrs. Donald Hendrickson. 700,000. low Street School. 3M«Kffl«^^ Club Chooses Member's Play Opm 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. Monday through Friday • A.M. to o P.M. Saturdays RED BANK - An original play written by Mrs. Robert S. Lock wood has been chosen by the drama department of the Red Bank Woman's Club to be pre- sented in the clubhouse March 16. The department met Friday for the first time, this season. Mrs Richard H. Moyle, chairman, out lined the program for the year. AUTHENTIC MUSEUM REPRODUCTIONS from the SHERMAN'S SISTERHOOD of Congregation Beth Shalom, Red Bant, will sponsor a card party and fashion ihow tomorrow at 8 p.m. in ths synagogue. Mri. Arnold Hartman, left, is assistant chairman; Mrs, Eugene Landy, center, in charge of publicity, and Mri. Morris Hyman, chairman.

• Draperies ard High School, New York City. HENRY FORD Joan Poole He is assistant manager of Cam 16th Birthday • Slipcovers I bridge Corp., Brooklyn, N.Y. MUSEUM LONG BRANCH — Miss Betty • Upholstering The wedding Is planned for Feb.Wright, daughter of Mr. and To Marry 24. COLLECTION • Bedspreads Mrs. Frederick Wright, 151 Pinck- • Curtains In February ney Rd., Little Silver, celebrated Shop-at-Home Service Hear Talk her 16th birthday Friday with a Phone SH 1-2SM LEONARDO-James W. Poole, dinner party here in Hi-Henry 1 Chamone Ave., announces the Inn. Sherman's engagement of his granddaughter, On Spain Decorators Miss Joan Ann Poole, to Harold Guests were Burke Mawby, The beauty, the strength, the pioneer spirit of America so carefully 168 Broad St, Shrewsbury "ohri Bane, son of Mr. and Mrs. MATAWAN - The Keyport Lit- Lynn Nilson, Reginald Thompson, FREE PARKING erary Club opened its 67th club Janet and William Armstrong, captured and preserved in the Henry Ford Museum Collection is nqw Andrew A. Bane of New York reproduced piece-by-piece for your home ... the homes of America. City. year with a luncheon recently in Judy Wymbs, Judy and Philip Buttonwood Manor. Arrange- Salmeri, Patty Barrett, William Special displays for your enjoyment are now ready in our itore. Miss Poole, daughter of Walter ments were made by Mrs. Walter Henderson, Sandi Young, William See them soon ... you may want to make several visits to help M. Poole, also of 11 Chamone B. Cherry and Mrs. Clarence E. Reisen, Stanley Johnson and Mr. Ave., and the late Mrs. Lucille you decide on selected pieces. Bahrenburg of the hospitality and Mrs. William Reid. 'oole, attended Middletown Town- committee. hip High School. She is employed y Bendix Corp., Holmdel. Mrs. Millicent J. Guler gave an Mr. Bane is a graduate of Sew- illustrated talk on Spain. Harold Weber, a member of the Mon- PUBLIC mouth Chapter, American Guild of Organists, and a graduate of AUCTION SALE New York Conservatory of Mu- TREAT YOURSELF sic, played several piano solos. TO Mrs. Frederick R. Dcmarest will be the hostess at a meeting THE BLADES HOME MADE BOLOGNA Friday in the Reformed Church BROAD STREET house. Guest speaker will be Rev. and QUALITY MEATS SHREWSBURY, N. J. Adolph H. Behrenberg, Ph. D., ( Vi -Mile North of YOUNG LEAN who will give a travelogue and book review. Ff, Monmoufh Main Safe) TRIMMED Spare Ribs 49'Ib on Route 35 EXTRA LEAN BY onnErt.oF CENTER CUT Pork Chops Christ Church Mri. Howard G. Strauss 79 OWNER KNTtRK CONTENTS WII.I, BE SOLD OF CI'STOM FURNITURE FRESH KILLED Baptismals ORIENTAL nUQS, (ROOM SIZE lb A nOATTKRSl. PAINTING8, AN. I Grade AA J-J'/j lb. ave. Roasting Chicken 29* SHREWSBURY — Three chil- TIQUK CHIPPENDALE CITBSTl O.V CURST, ANTIQUE ClttPPENw GENUINE SPRING dren were baptized in Christ Episcopal Church Sunday. i>,\r,E mnii noy. PATIO PIIRNI. lb. ave. Leg of Lamb 59 TI!RE, CHINA, DECORATIVE AC-1 OHKKORIES. FITtKPIJkCE E3QUIP.I They are Patricia Purvis Case, MKNT. MUBIC HOX WITH ImHMS, V.S. CHOICE 0RSraw daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Spen- A nELLI, CARI'K'nNO, SILVER I'PIMnllT STAINLESS BTEEL1 LEAN ChucP Mb cer Truman Case, New Shrews- PIIEEZKR. TWIN WASI1EB * UI1YEU, ETC, HOME bury; Stephen William Eslclle .Id, ALSO son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W.i ANTigi'E CIIINESK COP.OMAN- MADE Polish Kielbdsy I>KL HrHF.EN, ft KKCTION 7 I-T Estelle, Red Bank, and Potriciar X la FT,. lllflHLY HErolLATBrX HOMEMADE Ann Granalo, daughter of Mr. and WITH r'AHVKi) vidimus FIXJW- LEAN V.Ua & 111111)3 ON BLACK LJ1C- Breakfast Sausage 69*lb Mrs. James Richard Granato, I) I!AC1C(IROI'NI>. Red Bank. j Sleinway & Sons Homemade Knockwurst 79 Baby Grand Piano • Mrs. Charles Matches, Jr., Miss' (Like New) CALL IN YOUH ORDElfFOR FREE DELIVERY Janis Ann Calelli, and Robert j .Scdgwick Electric Burnside were godparents for the Slairchair Elevator, 18-ft. rannlo haby. I lixhihitinn Thursday SABATOS Miss Charlotte Quackcnbush- Oclobnr mill 10 A. M. In 4 P. M. PORK STORE and Charles John Iv Idle were godparents for the Estelle Infant.! SALE DATE FURNIJURE CALL 7 8 7-9119 SAT.. OCT. 21, 11 A.M. Mrs. Mdlx-1 Curves-, Miss Sallyi '•Creator) of Fashion 740 IROAD STREET, RED BANK, N. J. SHadysidt 7-4000 j Purves, and Mrs. Robert Purves Wm, Frl-.l'iiaii, Ailctlnnrrr 506 Main St. HAMI'WU .S ,MM TH Bolford I'K l:ni:i were godparents for the Case ba- 1 jor the Home" Fro Parking Budget Terms . } Open H A,M, In li I'.M. Diulv - l-iiiliiv olipHlimwnti rurHiiK*' ! 1'y Uifl by. OIIKKIIRI Chilrrli nt Eslontown a..k....vt»4«i;..i-.u..i*i • I 14~We

ffM-EHOTrOlIEl Hundreds of your NUMBERS tO PLAY \ PRIZES WORTH MORE THAN IT'S K< 4 6 12 EASY TO ' CM HAY 1 14 16 18 171,000 MARKETS CARDS 24 26 28 1 ARE Ask for your Free Card ... it can happen to YOU! FREE 30 36 38 ACME MARKETS CONGRATULATE. Free! 750 - Stamps IT'S TNIS IS NOT A 140 42 44 FUN f With This New Exciting Offcrl Wi«mri of • Mink Scarf Wfnmr af K4 CaJw IV TO i- NATIONAL CONTEST! _W"YOM get 30 Extra Bonus Stamp* PlAY > You hov* an cxctlUnt HAS. CUFHKD APMIttl. HRS. L MERUNTINI With Each Volume. [_46 56 58 Long (ranch, N. J. chanct of winning! Collingtwoa., N. J. Now Acme brings you famous Funk ft W(Bk CUT- MRS. MAE (DANE nail's Standard Reference Eneycfoperfta At 66 68 f easy book-at-a-time plan. ! OUT 64 Union, N. J. Winmri af Mink Sfefa l\ AND HRS. OTTO 5IHBER6 SAVE 70 76 78 (. MH.UKUMSM- Quinlon, N. J. Blockwood, N. J. MRS. V. (. 1UTLER Fork Rivar, N. J. 184 86 88 START ' HAS. CHARLES J. FLOOD Woodbury, N. J. PLAY " 90 96 98 TODAY L •Sat lift ef Thla Waak't Local Winner. Patlad in Yeur Neighborhood Acma Market! Cat '•iWWrji tow* Fraa Cat. Naw at Any Acma far #5 gamel Full Rules on Every Cardl No purchaies nacauaryt Lancaster Brand

Cocktail Corn Juice Hash Alcoa Wrap OVEN-READY ft. 59e Lancaster Brand Spam 1-inOn. Combination Breast of Chicken Chuck of Lamb 29 Tuna Chunk Light Umh Chops ». 79c Loin Lamb Cfc*ps *. 99c Planter's MH lamb Chops v ate •roast e' Lamb *. 19c Peanuts Salted Lancaster Brandy Beef C CALO (Bon* or Cat Food afeh Dog Food M Chuck Roast In) . 35 c h An •••! Bamf ». S9c Stowing Beef e r „ *9c MAZOLA . 39c Margarine Stinthiiw Krltpy Cr«*tn, ll-oi. MJ Mo Crtekira, 10-M. ft. 49c Uv«rwwst S9c Gkw. Chip CMklM, TV,—. Ooldtn Fruit, «ks. Lmiiiir Irwi S«rappl« X. 29c %!{: SSc Cookies

Frozen Meal __ Seafood October's Dairy Month Lancaster Brand RID DELICIOUS IDEAL Sliced Natural Swiss THW Chalet $ Veal Steaks 139 Cheese 3 1$100 IDEAL Muenster Pork Steaks iMb.pk ( Tacteo'Sea CheeseSlites 29 Fish Calces 2 49* Velveeta % - 89C GREEN STAMPS Get 30 Extra Stamps with purchase of Volume 1 Froaen food* Funk & Wagnall's Encyclopedia and Coupon above. Jnow C wp Oonge Set 100 Extra Stamps with $10 purchase-—OR 200 C Bakery Extra Stamps with purchase of $15 or more! Juice 4 99 Virginia Lee Cinnamon, Plain'or Sugared If you purchase $10 or more, get Morton's Apple, Cotoonut or Peoeh 100 S&H STAMPS FREE with this Coupon California Brussel Sprouts El 9c NUTS Pies ""• 29* Your Seobrook Chopped Face Pumpkins *°*39c Choice l| Free! 100 S&H Green Stamps In addition to your regular iiompi. Excluding Fluid Milk 1 Victor Enriched White and Cigarettes. Roasted Peanuts ;? 39c "Dated With M0 Purchase or More Spinach 2 2 7 for Heath Sunkist Lemons 6 «* 19c Bread Freshness" Name. ICE CREAM BARS 4 29c Chocolate Address. Dccorette Special!,39 m ArinpDImer ?^"]!i.«9t c i ru- o in Bar Cake. I! Expirei Sat., Oct. 21 Fl«h Cake DJiiner"" V^"' 35t Virginia Lee Limit One Coupon Per Special! Each Shopping Family. NortM 2211. " fukc {lull """"" "'" Escarole, Chicory 2 -19c ; » • p. 55' All AdvtrlliM PricM IffKtiva Thru iit.. Oct. 11.

»tumm -in. Illltl •""'»" '•""> ? '•••• 11, White Rose i I... rti. *» Gold Medal nmia j,|M flU x „„ 43c BOSCO iHr 9-n. ^|. •IITLE miK AD If You Purchase $15 Or More Yon An ( i. «• Vlllw Mil Ml " Flour fkirklc Cr«mli >r IVi-ii. in. CHOCOLAfi HAVOKED WISE m Tuna Fish (akc Mi "Mm vmnnii Aimm u> *« Hi. '«" [.H,, (kill 1 El.Mn Ik. IK. MILK AMFH.FIH Entitled To 200 Free S&H Stamp 3 With Coupon »«lo UH>I. r 37c *£ 39c Piliikwy Flewr « 53c •*bag• 55c iiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IIIIIIIII lnilMt CoHet ,**; >; 75c 37c V 59c Potato imiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiinii IMUVCMUM •*"• ^'-Ste NHONtl (PONCES 1:201 40 1 MEFT FVtRY DUSTING NtEO l u IY 27c1 I , 45c '39c OtHg«ii$oip ' " ull11c Golden Ml 2 Chips •rtiDSLIr Mazola |( Free! 200 S&H Green Stamps j| VnHM (odlljh ^ 23c Fluffo KIIAFT CHI (II DE LUXE Corn Oil Special! =5 In addition la your regular .tamps, Excluding Fluid Milk SS Margarine 40c 4c Off! _;_• and Cigarettei. _•_: IMHdi Criui 19e c 35c (ream ol r,",, 40c bettlt 4 IC bolll« / jC Cello Pkg.! 33c -_itL79c nil.nl •) «'/, With '15 Purchase or More 9 lint (al Fes. 2 '„" 27c Ql Frullni * M 3_- (it Feo..Iff.1:1 2.'..',' 29( Fasteeth lurry (oohiei "To".,. 39c Name . Diaper Pure Mazola Kaiser M Foor*;,:;" 2 .*„•• 29c MI Address 2 Dental Powder Bonnie Hull 39c Carolina Rke ;kV 19f ,fc',' 37c Com Oil Aluminum Expires Sat., Oct. 21 with nit. River trow* Rke "„',' 17( loi «m 27( Limit One Coupon Per Tomatoes Gallon Shopping Family. Inptillri torn Alton DUST...nmsHAM River While Rio 2 »•„"• 25c In Stofii Sailing Tollitriu Tomatoes „„„,. 43c Foil r 33c iMilimimilliiiiiili MIHIIIIIIIIIIIIII5S liiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiii IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITE; IED BANK—170 Broad St. FAIR HAVEN—576 River Rd. LINCROFT—Newman Springs Rd. at Hurley Lane WEST LONG BRANCH—Rr. 36 and Broadway Use Our Want Ads BEDBANK Home Delivery For Quick Results Aft* Ptr SH LOO 10 DAY Dial I MONDAY THKVOHniDAY-iST W% tW Week SH MHO NIGHT

Section Two RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1961 7c PER COW Keanslmrg 9 Patrolman Refuses No 'Jones Beach To Undergo Exams Planned for Hook KEANSBURG— A prosecution Under questioning by his at- move to have Patrolman Patrick torney. Patrolman Keelen said he Keelen examined by three phy- also works as a merchandising ticians has been thwarted by the and advertising representative for Today in Gradual Development Set patrolman's refusal to undergo Swift IceXream Co- the exams. He also said he has "a financial Washington The refusal was disclosed yes- interest" in a used car lot on Rt. Senate antitrust and monopoly On Island Beach Pattern 36, Port Monmouth. He said the terday at a continuation of a hear- subcommittee continues hearing TRENTON — Proponents of a state park at Sandy ing into charges lodged against lot was opened for business on proposed drug legislation. the patrolman for his refusal to Aug. 1. President Kennedy meets with Hook, on the Monmouth County coastline, for years report back to duty after a leave The patrolman said his duties newly appointed panel on men- have said the peninsula was a "natural" for a big, of absence in August. at both Jobs do not require man- tal retardation. multi-purpose playland like Jones Beach, N. Y. C. Bernard Blum, borough man ual work or taking of orders. Secretary of State Rusk holds ager, said yesterday that the pa- He said he advises stores on news conference. But no such thing will happen when New Jersey trolman, in a letter from his at latest merchandising techniques acquires the right to start torney, Clarkson S. Fisher, re- for ice cream sales, and merely fused to be examined further. checks the books in connection developing the Hook, prob- In a letter to Mr. Blum, Mr. with the car sales agency. ably in a week or so. Mr. Keelen said he has a man OK Moonlighting Fisher said he had proven the patrolman's contention that he ager and a salesman to handle H. Mat Adams, acting was not fit to return to duty. the car business. "It's a family Commissioner of Conser- Mr, Fisher told the manager at affair," he said. Ban in Keansburg vation and Economic Develop- the hearing that further examin- The patrolman also testifed tha CANDIDATES' NIGHT—Democratic candidates for mayor, Borough Council and tax ment, told The Register last night Mr. Fisher had advised Police ation "would serve no useful pur- assessor were guests of honor at a campaign dance sponsored by tha Atlantic High- KEANSBURG — Over protests,men from holding outside jobs':he expects papers will be signed pose and would only complicate Chief Alphonsus McGrath by let of several police officers, Bor-jof engaging in any form of em- "any day now" to allow state use ter that Mr. Keelen would not re lands Democratic Club at Conner's Hotel Water Witch, Seated, left to tight, are the case." ough Council last night adopted j Ployment other than police work. of the southern third of the long port back to duty because of his Dalton L. Carhart, council candidate; Mrs. Cecelia Keilt, assessor candidate, and spit jutting north of Sea Bright. "Presumptuous" injuries. . . — [Earlier in the year, council wee banning "moon-[ g, a resolution banning Mr. Blum, in a letter of reply - Heiaid he did not fnfem Charles W. Lescher, council candidate, and standing, the incumbent candidate for a Depending on requirements of lighting." moonlighting, but decided to to Mr. Fisher, termed the attor- mayor, Or, Robert S. Me Tague, and Mrs. Gustavo J. Freret, Fair Haven, county national defense, he added, the insubordinate by refusing to re- "firm up" the regulation through ney's statement—that Mr. Kee- turn to work. Mayor Louis T. Collichio remainder of the long-time mili- election board member. an ordinance. ten's case had been proved "pre- Under cross examination, Mr. termed it a "necessity" if the tary reservation also will be gumptuous." Ostrov noted that Mr. Keelen, police department is to be im- Councilman Martin t. lohsen turned over to New Jersey. The manager also noted that while on leave of absence from Sewer, Water Utilities proved and brought up to top ef- voted against the measure. The transfers will some In refusal to undergo further exam- his police duties, did work at his Says Demo ficiency. The four policemen who pro- deeds with reverter clauses to inations would "impair the mo- other jobs. The new code prohibits police- tested the ordinance last night allow federal recovery in the tives of both the attorney and his Mr, Keelen contended that he were Patrolmen George Preston, event of military urgency, he defendant." spent little time at the car lot Campaigning Propose 45 Parcels r ., n Patrick Keelen (representing the said. Mr. Fisher said he did not in- and had to get a transfer from Patrolmen's Benevolent Associa- "We could receive title to the tion), Frank Peters and Eugene tend to be presumptuous. a salesman post to his current whole peninsula in 30 days; or Bennett. Mr. Blum insisted he has the post at the ic* cream firm. For GOP • * . ' ' Council Drops maybe not for 30 years, depend- right to have Mr. Keelen exam- Mr. Ostrov also asked the pa- Less Severe ing on national developments." RARITAN TOWNSHIP - May- ined by other doctors. trolman why he did not see a Though the first public use of or Philip J. Blanda, Jr., and the ForHOLMDE L —Industrial A tentative pro- from thre e to 1Park5 acres, and 3 Bar Complaint Several residents also ex- In his letter, Mr. Blum indi- doctor from March 24 until May Die hook will be offered about Democratic Township Committee- posal for subdivision layout of the in Holmdel, varying from three pressed objections. Charles Law, cated that Patrolman Keelen's re- 15, when he went to Dr. Siegel. 90 days after the grounds are proposed 250 to 300-acre Raritan to 35 acres. At Hearing former chairman of the Planning fusal could be the basis for fur- The attorney said Mr. Keelen men, Marvin Olinsky, James G. taken over, Mr. Adams laid Holmdel Industrial Park was an- There are five of the minimum Board, asked that the ordinance ther disciplinary action. saw Dr. Dagostino March 24. Brady and Donald J. Malloy, said SEA BRIGHT—Because a po- be "tempered" and its restric- there wilt be limited admittance nounced yesterday by developer three-acre parcels in Raritan, and Mr. Blum noted, however, that Mr. Keelen answered that he in a statement yesterday that the liceman said he saw no one ac- tions made less severe. geared to Hie capacity of the he would take into consideration James M. Rice, Maywood, four in Holmdel. The three-acre te had gone to see the doctor sev- township clerk, Mrs. Kathryn Me- tually drinking when he entered The policemen termed the * *- the fact that the patrolman re- Mr. Rice said the proposal parcels may be combined into eral times aftsr March 24. Hugh, has broken with the party measure "discriminatory" since "By the end of 1962, I expect fused to be examined on the ad- along with commitments he has larger plots, it was noted. (he Swedish Hop Tavern after He said he could not remember because the administration, ear- other ]orou h that route 36 will be dualized all vice of his attorney. received from utility companies The map shows four interior Ihe local 3 a.m. closing hour| ! S employees are per- the exact dates. Her in the year, refused to make " mitted to hold outside jobs. the way from the Keyport exit He did not elaborate. will answer the objections made streets, and five entrances (and here last June 13, Borough Coun- Under cross examination. Mr. her position full-time with a full- "The police occupation is of the Garden State Parkway to Yesterday's hearing was a con- time salary, as she reportedly de- recently by Lily-Tulip Cup Corp exits) to the j.ark — one each cil last night dismissed its com- Keelen said he had seen Dr. Sie- unique," Mr. Collichio replied. Sandy Hook. In the meantime tinuation of a hearing held last manded. and some members of the loca from Rt. 35, Laurel Ave. and plaint against the licensees, gel once since Aug. IS. He said "The safety and well-being of the we will allow as many visitors month. That was adjourned for Planning Board. Union Ave., and two from Middle Floyd Bottiglieri and Henry he could not afford to see Dr. Mrs. McHugh was elected last entire town depends on the fit- as we can handle but the build the specific purpose of having The matter will be presented Rd. Freeman, Dengrove again. November, running on the Demo- ness and alertness of every po- up will be slow and gradual. the patrolman examined by mare to the board by Mr. Rice at a The patrolman said the doctors cratic ticket with Committeeman The main.Rt. 35 entrance is sit Patrolman John Carmody, wh lice officer." "In any event, w« kave no in- doctors. * special meeting tomorrow at 8 had advised him to return for fur- Marvin Olinsky. uated across from the Esso sta made the June investigation, sai Council received an inquiry tention of developing thf Jones ther treatments after they had p.m. in town hall. tion, adjacent to the Lily-Tulip Prosecution Move The Democratic officials claim when he entered the tavern hi from Nicholas DeTuro, Palmer Beach type plan of 1950. We want examined him the first time. George E. Ostrov, borough at- that Mrs. McHugh is "actively The park would be bounded by tract. noted that glasses containing Ave., regarding the leasing of to preserve as much of the nat Fit For Duty Rt. 35, Union Ave., Middle Rd. beer and other beverages "still torney, sought the additional campaigning with the Republi- Water and Sewer one or more of the borough ural landscape as possible. This Dr. Villapiano was called to the (in Raritan) and Laurel Ave. were on the bar." But, in sworn physicals in order to counter- cans" and has Joined the Seamen Water and sewer will be run in beaches. will be no Coney Island, or even stand and testified that he exam- Some 75 acres of the tract in Rar- testimony, he said he could no balance the:testimony given by (Committeeman Harry P. Sea- from Middle Rd., and gas line (8- The inquiry was referred to Jones Beach. It will be more ined Patrolman Keelen in connec- itan, with the balance in Holm- remember seeing anyone take three other doctors on Mr. lf.ee- rnen)-eamp. inch) from Rt. 35. the borough manager and audi- like Island Beach, New Jersey's tion with a Workmen's Compen- del. drink. len's behalf: Dr. Victor Siegel, Water will be supplied by Wesi tor for study. Council indicated first oceanfront park." sation claim filed by the patrol- The Democrats also charged Red Bank; Dr. Edward Dengrove, 45 Parcels — Keansburg WaterGnrsnd sewei that a meeting will be arranged m n that Mrs. McHugh will not speak Island Beach was opened to Interfaken, a neurolgist, andTJrT ? - to any Democratic member of the The tentative subdivision lay- facilities by an affiliate company, closing ordinance is worded, with Mr. DeTuro to discuss pos- the public several years ago and Alexander E. Maron, Asbury Mr. Keelen also has applied for is unlawful to "serve or sell oi a disability pension from the governing body and that because out prepared by Mr. Rice and the Bayshore Sewer Co. slble terms for a lease and beach visitors are admitted on a first- Park. 'communication has broken Harry S. Willey, realty agent for Mr. Rice said both firms hav permit the sales, service, delivery improvement pact. come, first-served basis until All three testified that at the state's police and firemen's pen- or consumption of alcoholic bev- sion fund. down," performance of her job the project, shows 14 parcels of stated that utility provisions will An ordinance providing $25,000 parking and limited bathing time they examined the patrol- has been impaired. land in Raritan, varying in size be adequate for the park and thai erages" after the closing hour, for improvements to the water areas are filled. Fishermen, man, he was suffering from Dr. Villapiano said he found it was brought out by William "no organic involvement of the water and sewer facilities can be system was introduced, with birdwatchers and other natural- "post concussional syndrome." Burns of the Keyport law firm public hearing scheduled for Nov.1 central nervous system," and that expanded in the future as the ists have virtually no admittance According to Dr. Joseph Vil- need arises. He said a represents of Karkus, Kantor and Burns. 8. restrictions, however. lapiano, Ajbury Park, anothe in his opinion the patrolman had He said the wording is not tha a two per cent disability based Aivait Davis' Word tive of the companies is expected the doors shall he closed with physician who testified in the to be on hand at the meeting to- on orthopedic and neurological everyone other than employee case, these symptoms do not al- morrow to discuss the matter ways imply that the brain ha findings. out of the taverns. He said he felt that the pa- with the Planning Board. Art or Obscenity been damaged. On Plumbing Post The park site is three miles A Henry Giordano, the borough The three doctors who testi- trolman could go back to his nor- mal duties and needed no further from the Garden State Parkway attorney, agreed this is so. fied for the defense said that in KEANSBURG - Mayor Louis He said the Board of Health Official Opinions on Shock-Style treatment. and two miles from rail facili- their opinion the patrolman wa. Collichio reported yesterday that will call a special meeting soon Wants Rule Clarified The date of Dr. Villapiano's ex- ties of the New York and Long not fit for duty. Two of the ex- Edward J, Davis, plumbing in- to determine if the inspector has Councilwoman Cecile Frankel Novel Clash; It's Banned Here amination was July 22. Branch line. ' aminations took place in May and spector, has been advised in complied with the terms of the Norton who, Sept. 26, asked tha The hearing was adjourned the other In September, writing that he must give up his ordinance. Color Slide* a hearing be conducted against TRENTON — New Jersey's work "of smut for smut's sake" List Complaints again because Mr. Blum wants private plumbing contracting At the session tomorrow, Mr. the Bottiglieri-Freeman license attorney general and the presi- and that prosecutors would ba Dr. Dagostino to testify as to the If found to be in violation, Mr. Rice will have color slides or in this case, said last night: "I dent of the County Prosecutors The doctors also testified thai business if he wants to keep his Davis will receive a formal hear- within their rights if they "in- exact dates he examined the pa- movies of the Fair Lawn Indus do not want to cry 'wolf " in Association were in disagreement stiluted no action" against "Trop- Patrolman Keelen complained of official post. ing before the Board of Health. trolman. trial Park, Bergen County, which esterday on the controversial dizziness, headaches, inability to Under terms of the new plumb- The agency has appointive con- ases such as this. But she ic" vendors. he developed. sked, and council agreed, that novel "Tropic of Cancer." sleep, fear of being hit, heat ing code, which went into effect trol over the post. Urges Supervision flashes, weak spells, crankiness last Monday, Mr. Davis has a He will also offer transporta he rules be amended at once to Attorney General David D. Fur- Speaking to- the Monmouth Faces Hearing Mr. Davis, if found guilty, can and butterflies in his stomach. choice. ion facilities for 50 persons to spell out council's intent that at man said Henry Miller's work, Beach Parent-Teacher Associa- appeal the verdict to the state :he moment of the closing hour At the first hearing, the sole If he wants to keep the $1,500 isit the Fair Lawn center on vivid with sex and four-letter tion at Monmouth Beach Bor- On Liquor Sale Civil Service Commission. sveryone except employees shall witness for the prosecution was year plumbing inspector job, Saturday, it was reported. vulgarisms, was "predominantly ough Hall, Mr. Keuper urged KEANSBURG - Arthur Taylor, ave left the tavern properties, Dr. Frank Miele, police surgeon. he can not practice his private The local Township Committee a sincere artistic effort." It does strict parental supervision in a bartender at the Hi Hat Tavern ! . ..-,.,. ntroduced an ordinance rezon- and doors shall be closed and not violate any New Jersey laws He testified that he examined bu s ess ln the bo rou h ADO WORK HAZARDS reading matter allowed adoles- Patrolman Keelen while he was on Main St.. will receive a hear- , t"! , B - ing the tract, but the Planning ocked. igainst pornographic literature, cents. ing in Magistrate's Court Tues- If he wants to ply his trade in LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - on the leave of absence and found Board has not decided whether Councilman Sam L, Diggle, Jr., ie declared. "But," he aaid, "law enforce- day night on a charge of selling the borough he must drop the hhn mentally and physically fi The Arkansas Supreme Court has to back it. aid he believed tavern owners Monmouth County Prosecutor cent officials must take a strong alcoholic beverages to minors, official post. for duty. ruled that Mrs, Deiena Hanna, a The Raritan Township Commit- ihould stand fully, responsible for Vincent P. Keuper, commenting hand where the material in ques- police_reported today. Mayor Collichio said he has not It was on the basis of his re- tee has also introduced an or- he actions of their employees. in Asbury Park, said he consid- tion is clearly obscene." According ti police, Mr. Taylor heard from Mr. Davis on the canning factory employee is en- port that Borough Council or- dinance for rezoning. The Rari- The Swedish Hop owners al- rs the book "obscene and inde- Mr. Keuper said the great vol- was observed selling the bever- subject. titled to workmen's compensation dered Keelen back to duty. tan Planning Board has gone on :ent" and will arrest anyone of- ages to four 19-year-old youths Mr. Davis was unavailable for benefits because she pulled a eady paid a fine in Municipal ume of objectionable magazines The first witness to appear yes ering it for sale. Mr. Keuper another 20 years old last night comment. shoulder muscle while putting on; •ecord, unanimously, in support here on the late hour published has been kept to a terday was Patrolman Keelen. leads the state organization of 'n the tavern by three policemen. George E. Ostrov, borough at- a sweater at the plant. )f the project. :harge. minimum on county newsstands He related haw on March 12 he he 21 prosecutors. through the success of a "Pledge Police said Capt. Robert Kron- torney, says he already has Civil was assaulted in his home by six Elsewhere, Mr, Furman's view to the Public" program he initi- Elizabeth men and suffered in- enburger and Patrolman William Service forms needed to initiate rompted other comment. Gov. Kryscinski and Michael Noce disciplinary proceedings ated several years ago. juries to his head and neck. Robert B. Meyner said: Under Ihe plan, dealers agree He was hospitalized two days went to the tavern and observed against the inspector if he should "I've always felt that the more the sale. refuse to comply with the code, to remove any publication cited The patrolman said he stayed you try to suppress a book, the to them as questionable by either home from work for severa1 more chance you have for wider 1 customers or police. weeks and then returned to duty onsumption." Mr. Keuper said the issue of Not Well Fallout Shelter? Mrs. Mildred Barry Hughes, obscene literature always creates He said he kept getting head- )emocratic assemblywoman from disagreements among people and aches, couldn't turn his neck and nion County, said: that this accounts for the few had to constantly carry aspirin on Collichio Says Keansburg Theater "It gives the distributors rather arrests and convictions in the his person. n open end and sets the attor- field. He said Grand Juries are The patrolman said that these Building Could Be Converted general up as the arbitrator cautious about indictment, and conditions forced him to ask for a if literary merit." trial juries about verdicts'. leave of absence. KEANSBURG - Borough Coun- The asking price for the build- 'Not Binding' "To overcome this obstacle of "I just felt I could not do my cil is considering the purchase ing was not revealed. Sen. Thomas F. Connery, Jr. genuine conscientious disagree- Job," he said. of the Fowler Theater building, Mayor Collichio said the Plan- D-Gloucester), said: ment on objectionable printed ma- He went on to testify how he it was revealed last night. ning Board will inspect the struc- "(The opinion) is not com- terial," he said, "we have re- went to Dr. Frank Dagostino sev- The structure could be con- ture Saturday and report its find- letely binding and might sorted to a campaign of persua- eral times to get relief for the erted into a public fallout and ings to the governing body. erve as a guide line to prose- sion and it has been most suc- headaches, and finally wound up bomb shelter, a recreation center In other business last night, utors." cessful." seeing Dr. Sicgcl. a municipal building, accord- council set Tuesday night as the Mr. Keuper said he respected Sen. Connery and Assembly- The patrolman also related how np to Mnyor Louis T. Collichio. date for public hearing on an he attorney general's view of woman Hughes commented on he suffered a concussion while The main section of the build application by (lie Ancient Order he $7.50-per-copy book but that Mr. Furman's opinion at the con- breaking up a tavern brawl In ng, which has been vacant for of Hibernians for a club liquor prosecutors arc responsible for clusion of a legislative hearing 1950. he past four months, is 100x64 license. GrnntitiK of the license law enforcement in their own on possible amendments to the He said he was hit hy a table eel. The structure, which is was protested in a letter received :ounties and must bo guided by slate laws on control of printed and a bottle in Sheehnn's Tavern, iwncd by Horace Fowler, is 19 last night from James McGovcrn, heir own interpretations. smut. Beachway. feet high and thus could be con- attorney for the Bayshorc Tav- He said all Monmouth police The committee, of which they He also said he Injured his certed into a two-story building, ern Owners Association. lepartments had been notified to nre members, sat for six hours back while trying to get a woman Mr. Collichio said, If it were used The governing body introduced idvise booksellers to bar sales of anil heard a variety of sugges- driver out of a wrecked car, and for municipal offices. an ordinnncc increasing the num- the book and afler a reasonable tions from 30 witnesses. again while trying to break up a Many Uses ber of members on the Planning lime to arrest any dealer found scuffle. He said lie could not re- "Witli alteration," the mayor Board from seven to nine. offering it for sale. member the dates these injuries WITHOUT MOSS said, "it would make an excel- Another ordinnnce was intro- RARITAN HOSPITAL SITE — Raritan Township officials yesterday met witli repre- The attorney general, in a let- TlISfAI.ons, Ala. (AP) - Rev. occurred. lent fallout shelter, or it could duced—this one authorizing use sentatives of Lambnd Construction Co. to discuss plans for erection of a 206-bod, ter to the 21 pros icutnr.s, said: Max Ityril of Newton, Ala., Mr. Kcctcn said lie still lias the e converted into a recreation of the municipal dump, fool of "A book is not H'nvs.'inrily oh- liaf returned to the Universityy of headaches ami feels lie docs not :cnter. Tliere nre many possible $4,500,000 hospital. Above, Lamond architect Loo T. Kabis, left, points out spot St. John's PI., by locnl residents, scene hecjiu.se it •ontiiins frank Alulnunu I.thnirIh y hook which liavc the "strength to resume, po- ises for the building." as part of the current clean-up n for entrance to the building, to be situated on 17-acro Bodlo tract, Holmdol Rd. discussion of sex ir alioumls in sister bmiijht at an auction. lice duties." The property includes a park- program. near Rt. 35, to Samuel Formon, center, Lamond executive, and Mayor Philip J. Anglu-Snxon word: of lour let- !u> hook. :i(i years overdue, i» "I fear everything now," he ing lot which will accommodate Public hearing on both meas- ters." He added the view that entitled "Rymes of a Blanda, Jr. 1 Rolling added. id cars. ures was scheduled for Nov, 8. Miller'* novel was not merely a Stone," \ , Oct 18,1%1 RED BANK REGISTER .WCBS-TV TELEVISION WNBC-TV 'Bus Stop' Episode Hollywood: TV Key WNEW-TV WNTA-TV WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON WEDNESDAY EVENING 1:M- (4) News U-.M~ (I) Lovt of Lift 1:00- (I) News and Weather 1:4»_ (4) sermonette Stirs Up Controversy Mailbag (4) Truth or (7) News 1:00— (I) News Gloria Summon Consequence!. (H) Popeye 1:05- (J) Give Us This Day (IS) I Led Three Lives THURSDAY MORNING By HARVEY PACK decision to temporarily shelve the By STEVEN H. SCHEUER (7) Camouflage episode. By BOB THOMAS I wearing a brocaded lounging suit. 1:15- (7) Local News 5:45- (2) Previews A lot of publicity has been given (I) Man The Maker Personally I,do not care wheth- HOLLYWOOD News seen . . . will not be seen NBC's highly rated family-style derful actress, Amanda Blake, 0:45- (4) News 1 must use telephone." vodka on the rocks from the hut- Friends (4) Today will be converted into a featurewestern "Bonanza" and CBS who has been playing Kitty since 7:00- (2) News Was I unexpected? No, I had Icr. We went to the den, which 12:55— (4) News (5) Call to Prayer long running, harmless anthology the program began. I'm depend- film will be seen on TV made a date with the great lady, i was dominated by a full length 1:00— (2) Burns and Allen (4) Death Valley Days 7:15- (5) News series, GE Theatre. ing on your column for an an after a few minor changes. I summoned enough courage to portrait of the actress, (4) Dr. Hudson (5) Aquanauts 7:20— (7) Morning Prayer swer to this problem. At least I am probably the only news- Better Than Average ring the bell. "Who's there?"; As we began to talk the lights (5) Cartoons (7) Shannon 7:10— (5) English for Americans you don't stick to the big stars paperman who has actually seen demanded a voice. I announced went out. The butler entered with s (0) Terrytoon Circus (7) Early Bird Cartoons In most areas the viewer hat exclusively.—W. B., Pittsburgh, (7) Day In Court the drama in question so Id like myself and was prompted, lighted candles and said the (11) News 8:00— (2) Captain Kangeroo these three choices and in some Pa. (•) Movie to let you in on the kind of show "Closer to the speaker." I re-trouble was being attended to. (II) Fun at One 7:05- (1) Local News (5) Sandy Becker locales he had the added variety Answer—I'm glad you've no- that becomes a "cause celebre" peated my identification and wasMiss Swanson reclined on the 1:15- (S) News 7:10- (2) Weather ' (7) Little Rascals of a few local channels. Bus Stop ticed our attempt to answer let- in the wonderfully narrow world answered with a tnetalic click. couch and continued talking in (7) News (11) Local News 8:25— (7) Billy Bang Bang is a reasonably amibitious series ters asking questions about any of television. The door swung open. A hand- the candle light, while f felt for (II) Parlons Francais 7:15- (2) News 8: SO— (7) Tommy Seven which has already come up with actor or artress, whether they I saw the episode entitled "As some young butler ushered me! all the world as if I were in the l-.tt- (2) As The World Tumi 7:25—<11> Weather 8:45- ($) News and Weather one gem this year ("Success are full-fledged stars or not Told By an Kiot" (with a bow into the silting room, which was second reel of "Sunset- Boule (4) Dr. Joyce Brothers 7: SO- (2) Alvin 8:50— (9) Cartoons Story" with James Whitmore) decorated with old and new mas- yard." About Miss Blake ... She was (4) Wagon Train 1:00— (2) Amos V Andy to "Macbeth") in a screening and generally offers better than born in Buffalo, N. Y., but moved (5) Movie ters—the real things. "Miss Swan-; Back To Reality (7) Steve Allen (4) Slimnastics room at the Beverly Hills studio average TV fare. to California in her youth where (7) December Bride ton will be down presently/' the Miss Swanson soon brought me (9) Movie (7) Beulah of 20th Century Fox. Present for she graduated from high school 1:49-01) Through The Eyes ol Their basic problem, and the butler announced. (back to reality. The house was (11) Honeymooners the showing were the show's She was alwajj interested in be- the Artist (9) Jack La Lanne reason they have run into these Slim and Small not hers, but that of a family she 8:00- (2) Father Knows Best writer, three or four agency men ing an actress and started in that 2:00- (2) Password 115- (4) Family roadblocks, is that they seem to The uneasy wait. Then h" has known for years. And she is (5) Texas Rangers representing sponsors, an ABC direction with roles in stock and (4) Jan Murray 9:25- (9) News be guided by a childish miscon- heels could be heard on the Mt Norma Desmond, the silent (11) Bold Journey coordinator and me. Before it the motion pictures. She was nev- (7) Number Please 1:10- (2) My Little Margie ception that "adult" drama can marble hall. And then the swept! star she played In "Sunset Boule- (13) Betty Furnesi was shown the coordinator said er really a big star in movies (11) Atomic Age Physics (5) Topper best be. defined as sex stories. in, slim and surprisingly small, jvard." something to the agency men but in the "Gunsmoke" series she *:M- (2) House Party 8: JO- (2) Checkmate (7) Memory Lane Virtually every episode hat ex- "My God, how the legend about this being the show they is indeed a star to the many (4) Loretta Young (4) Joey Bishop (I) Movie ploited the sex theme in some hangs on!" she declared. "Just had talked about. Apparently the Duke of Windsor million weekly viewers. (7) Seven Keys (5) Award Theater 9:55- (7) Staying Young form. But if there is to be a re- a few weeks ago, I had to get (9) Meet Corliss Archer (7) Top Cat 10:00- (2) Calendar resistance began with the script. touph with an interviewer on jection of their efforts it should May Be On TV Series (11) Driver Education (11) Californians (4) Say When Powerful Drama : Question — Didn't an actress come from the publ c and not the JBBC in England. He kept trying 2:55- (5) News 0:00— (4) Perry Como (5) Movie By CYNTHIA LOWRY who starred in an Elvis Presley For the next hour I sat on themanufacturers. to link me up with the picture. 1:00- (2) Millionaire (5) Movie (7) Memory Lane NEW YORK (AP) — The Dukej ..[ fina||v [0|d hinli .No i movie die shortly after making edge of my seat watching a pow- When this particular series was the move? Please tell me her (4) Young Dr. Malone (7) Hawaiian Eye l«:05—(II) New Adventure in erful drama with an exception of Windsor has signed up with don't have a body floating in my originally proposed by 20th Cen- name and the name of the movie (5) Theater Five (11) You Asked 'or It Music ally fine performance by Fabian. •n independent television produc- swimming pool. I don't live in 0:20- (0) Playback truy Fox and ABC it was offered she made with Elvis? - C. W. (7) Queen For A Day 10:20—(11) Exploring Science He played a psychopathic killer er to take part in a series of pro- the past. I am concerned only 8:25- (0) News as an "adult" anthology series Huntington, West Va. (9) Star and Story 10:30- (2) I Love Lucy who kills an old man in cold blood grams about his life. with the present and the future.' (11) Teaching Reading 9: JO- (2) Mrs. G. Goes to loosely based on William Inge's (4) PlaylYbur Hunch out. on a lonely road near Sun- Jack Le Vien «ay» that the "I guess I got my point across. Answer—The young star was College—Comedy play. The setting wag to be a Judy Tyler and the movie was t:M- (2) Verdict Is Yours (7) Susie set (the setting for the series). duke would be his equal partner j got a ]ove]y note frorn Alec (4) From These Roots (0) Harness Racing 10;4O—(1L> Our World Neighbors bus stop in a small town and the Jailhouse Rock." Miss Tyler He is captured on suspicion and venture, based on thGuinnese s just before I left, con (7) Who Do You Trust? (11) M Squad 11:00— (2) Video Village stories were to revolve around in the died in a tragic automobile ac- brought to trial, but he has a duke's memoirs, -A King's gratulating me for standing up (9) Movie (IS) Movie (4) Price Is Right the people who passed through. cident which also killed her hui- pretty good alibi. He claims that Story," to be prepared for thagainse t the legend." (11) Abbott and Costello 10:00- (2) U.S. Steel Hour (7) Texarv—Western The Right to Censor band, who was driving. some "older" woman who gave 1962-3 television season. No ar-Miss Swanson was here after a J:55- (2) News (4) Bob Newhart (9) Herb Sheldon In the actual pilot producer rangementi have yet been made seven-week European trip, part- 4:00- (2) Brighter Day (7) Naked City him a hitch into town had driven Question—What has happened (II) Journey Ii»o Math. Roy Huggins appeared on screen ly to view the new Paris fashions (11) High Road • the car off the road and made with any network io broadcast to Cornel Wilde? He hasn't ap- (4) Make Room For 11:2©-(1I) Dimelo En Ejpanol after the show and explained all for her dress business, partly to 10: SO- (4) Brinklly's Journal improper advances toward him the programs. peared in movies or on TV in Daddy 11:25- (5) News this to the prospective sponsors. show her mother the continent. (9) Movie adjust about the time of the Le Vien laid that he had "been quite awhile. Is he still around (5) Mr. and Mrs. North Us*- (2) Your. Surprise Nobody bought a "pig in a poke" She's working this week in (11) Wild Cargo murder. The woman in question after" the duke for some time nrofessionally, I mean?—M. A., (7) American Bandstand Package and certainly a one-minute com- drama for ABC's "Straightaway." 11:00- (2) Newi ' turns out to be the DA's wife. to do the series, has had a num- San Antonio, Texas. (11) Laurel & Hardy (4) Concentration mercial on alternate weeks does "Guess what I am playing," (4) News Without going into any more ber of others, but without any in- Answer—Wilde has been In & Chuck (5) Romper Room not give anybody the right to she said. "That's right—an ac- 4:15— (2) Secret Storm (5) Newt (7) Love That Bob! plot detail I can assure you that terest on the part of the duke. Europe for some time now and censor. tress. Isn't it frightful, the type- it was well done and, considering Last January, however, when the plans to enter active movie mak- 4:25—(11) Pinocchio (7) Newt Il:40—(ll) Exploring Science casting in this town? They got And if sex is so objectionable duke was in New York, he saw ing in the near future with a ••JO- (2) Edge of Night (11) Groucho—Quiz 11:55- (2) News it was well done and, considering over it, for a while, but now it's to the righteous men of adver- one program of "Winston Church- film based on the tales of King (4) Here's Hollywood 11:10- (2) Weather the delicate subject matter, in just as strong as ever. I can't tising why are they so willing ill: The Valiant Years," which Le Arthur and the Knights of the (5) Mr. District Attorney (4) Weather good taste. I was a bit shocked fight it." to endorse it as the end result of Vien originated, and called the Round Table. His wife, Jean Wal- (11) Bozo the Clown (5) P.M. East . . P.M. that a drama of sex and violence Rather than fight It, Miss 4:50- (7) American Newsstand West MOVIE TIMETABLE was planned for a nine ocjock (heir commercials? Perhaps they producer. Then the duke had pri- lace, will co-star In thefilm. Swanson has kept busy in a mul- 4:55- (4) News 11:12- (7) Weather would like to begin their clean-up vate screening of the entire se- Manv of Cornel's earlier films RED BANK program but I kept my big titude of other activities—fash- (11) Mr. Peabody 11:15— (2) Movie campaign by agreeing to tell the ries ol 26 Churchill shows—and can be seen on late movie shows Carlton — Come September mouth shut and waited for the re- ions, television, the theater. Ev- (13) News (4) Jack Paar American woman that the road entered into an agreement to join 2:00; 7:00; 9:20. actions after the lights went on erything, in fact, but the medium (7) Movie to bedroom bliss is not stewn him as a partner in the produc Question—A show that was 5:M- (2) Life of Riley "You'll never be able to show that made her a star, movies. 11:SO—(1I> News EATONTOWN with soap flakes and toothpaste. Don. Portions in which the duke— shown on "Route 66" a long time (4) Kukia and Ollie this on a night when ... has a She made her last film a decide (IS) News I have seen at least 50 commer- and the duchess—will appear will ago has been on my mind ever (5) Heckle and Jeckle Drive-In — Come September commercial," said agency man ago. 11:40—(II) Movie cials that are more suggestive probably be made at the duke's since. It was about a town in the (7) I Maried Joan 7:05; 10:55; Night Passage 8:20 number one. (9) Space Explorers 2:20- (9) Crime Does Not Pay than the much disputed episode home in France, Le Vien said. West that was becoming a ghost COLLINGWOOD CIRCLE "That scene where Fabian (11) Dick Tracy 2:40— (5) Dateline Europe of "Bus Stop." "He wanted to tell his side of town and all the folks in town burns his knuckles with a cigar (13) Junior Town 1:00— (4) Local News Shore Drive-In—From Here To the story and to set the record independents Set had an Idea to make It a tourist while singing a spiritual has to Violence Is another matter, but 5:t5- (4) Movie (7) Staying Young Eternity 7:00; 10:45; On The straight," the producer said. nlace by building a resort, so go," said number two. (I agreed even there the responsibility must 5:25—(11) Rocky & His Friends 1:05- (4) 13th Hour Waterfront 9:00. they sent the town bum, who was with him.) rest with the network and the Onen House a Rood gambler, to Las Vegas 5:30- (2) Movie (7) Evening Prayer HAILET public. Unless we go back to Reserves Judgment SHREWSBURY — Independent with a bankroll and a chaperone (5) Felix and Friends 1:10- (5) News Loew's Drive In—Cartoon 7:00; shows produced by the advertis- candidates for Borough Council to make the big kill. Who was the (7) Highway Patrol 1:20- (0) Almarac Newsreel Come September 7:05; 10:15; "Quite a showl I'll reserve ers they must content themselves judgment until I talk it over RADIO will hold a public open house on wonderful actor who played the (9) Movie 1:25— (1) Movie Seven Ways From Sundown with the right to buy, cancel and WABC with our client," was number 770 Monday, Oct. 30, from 7:30 to IIbum?—!. K., New Haven, Conn. (11) Three Stooges (9) News and Weather 9:10. renew. This is enough power and WCBS 88» three's guarded comment. p.m. in The Hearth, Rt. 35. Answer—You certainly remem influence for any group. WHTG 1410 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Raymond H. Stillman, on: o it's "You're right though, it was WNBC her the plot in detail ON the candidates, said the candi- Atlantic—Cartoon 7:00; 8:55quit; e a show," added number It pays to advertise In The WNEW 11S0 surprising that you missed the dates will answer questions from actor's name. Sam, the town loaf- TV Key Previews Gidget Goes Hawaiian 7: ID; one. Register.—Advertisement. WPAT it> anyone who attends. The other er, was played by Walter Mat- 9:10. "Amen to that," said number WQXR 19M two. two candidates are J. Reid Har- thau. B'way and movie actor, Mr. -Today's top television shows askindly professor (Sir Cedric) the LONG BRANCH WOR 710 Needless to say, the sparks rison and Robert Rooke. Matthau has been signed to re- car. 9:30 p.m. CBS. previewed and selected by TV Baronet—Romanoff And Juliet flew daily about that episode. The place the recently deceased Don- Bob Newhart. Hard working Key's staff of experts who at- 2:20; 7:20; 9:25. first thing that I heard was thai 1414a ald Cook in the play "A Shot Newhart starts off tonight talking they were making changes in the In the Dark," which stars Julie tend rehearsals, watch screenings about "lookalikes," people who ASBURY PARK NOW THRU SATURDAY Harris. and analyze scripts in New York resemble celebrities or think they Lyric—Carry On Nurse 7:00; knuckle burning sequence so you would not see him actually touch- (For an answer to your ques- and Hollywood: do. Then he works in two comedy 10:00. School for Scoundrels tion about any TV program or sketches — one on the applica- 8:30. ing his flesh. Then I was told i Steve Allen. The most promis- had been moved from show num *ctor, write ta TV KEY MAIL- tion of modern banking proce- Mayfalr — The Hustler 2:40; ing part of the hour belongs to ber four to a much later date BAG, c/o this paper). Carl Reiner and Mel Brooks, thedures In ancient Egypt, and the 7:15; 9:55. This was all followed by the re- 2,000-year-oM man. These two can other on tipping today that's sentment of the ABC affiliates gab forever. To back up Brooks bound to make you laugh. Martin M0NTCLA1R as to Bus Stop's content and the Camvoree and Reiner, there are a number Denny's music featuring animal Clalridge — Cinerama Holiday of blackouts; an interview with noises is also on the bill. (Color) 2:00; 8:00. 10 p.m. NBC. a new singing group, The Three M1DDLETOWN Is Slated Chins; plus a Hearst Newsboys Naked City. "The Fingers ol Wagon Wheel Playhouse — County Agent - Rutgers Gardening 12:20 PM OAKHURST - Jack Kirby of Band; Steve Allen's piano ver- Henri Tourelle." Interesting eDi- Stage Show — Light Up The Holmdel, chairman of Chinsarora sion of "The Song Is You," andsode and a bit of a departure for DRIVE-IN Sky 8:40. ROUTE 11 EGG PRICES 6:59 AM & 1:03 PM District, Monmouth Council, Boy singer Barbara McNair. 7:30 p.m. this series. Luther Adler, playing li IhrCIHCLT Scouts' Camping and Activities ABC. a garment center tycoon, is dead AMPLE PARKING Open 6:30-Show at 7:00 P. M. Committee, which include* Mat- Perry Como. Martha Raye and at the opening (which proves Auxiliary Unit awan, Keyport. Holmdel, Raritan Perry's "Music Hall Players" that Ben Casey's surgery on NOW SHOWING AT BOTH THEATRES Township, Union Beach, Kean«- (Kaye Ballard, Sandy Stewart, Monday wasn't too good). Most Is Entertained burg, and Morganville, announced Jack Duffy and Perry's pal Paul of the show bogs down what with OM tf Amirici HIGHLANDS — Mrs. Albert S that the Wondchoppers Camporee Lynde) are happily whacky in athe flashbacks designed simply to TV, *• Good Shenherd Con- Moreno and Perry are delightful der suspect, but it's a rather recently entertained the group at vent Wooded Ares, off Rt. 79 onIn a duet to "Couple of Song and tricky whodunit with a clever so- her home, 277 Bay Ave. Conover Rd.. MorRanville. Dance Men" (Perry does the lution worked out by Detective ' Charles Vreeland, Cliffwood, singing and Rita the dancing), Flint. 10 p.m. ABC. Mrs. Richard Kleva of Middle- town Township and Mrs. Robert announced that the camnoree and Perry's working pals from David Brinkley's Journal. Im will open Saturday morning. way-back-when, Ted Weems and Overfelt, Barberie Ave., High- ^Sandra Dee Bobby Darin portant and thrilling television. lands, were welcomed as new Saturday afternoon will be de-Co., do some reminiscing and The most Interesting and most members. voted to a Woodchoppers Carnival performing, but barely give Per vital part of the show is Brink' Mrs. Robert Duncan will enter- W-"' WalterSlezak ••; with units participating by paa chance to sing. (Color) 9 p.m. ley's sardonic look at crime in tain the group at the next meet trols and troop. NBC. America. He discusses crime as ing. Vo/ne September't These events will include cross Mrs. G. Goes to College. Thea "growth industry" and shows Attending were Mrs. James E. cut sawing, tent peg making, dialogue Is pleasant in this one scenes of what happens to rea Smith, vice president; Mrs. Henry tooth pick production, loggers and the moments between Sir crooks — mansions and luxury C. Anderson, secretary; Mrs. splitting contest, physical fitness Cedric Hardwicke and Mrs. Berg instead of jail. There's a discus- "NIGHT Robert Duncan, treasurer; Mrs and lumberjacks pull of war. are the most engaging. Sarah sion in Attorney General Ken- CO-HIT (Eatonrown Only) PASSAGE" Walter E. Behrens, Jr., Mrs. Jos Mr. Vreeland said parents an Green takes time off from cam- nedy's office of the sophisticated Invited to attend the campfire Du.i to sell an old La Salle, her criminal who invests his ill-got- Saturday at 7:30 p.m. There will late husband's car. First she ten loot in legitimate business, Duncan, Mrs. Winston D. Rugg, he Indian dances put on by Posl tries the slick used-car salesman. which notes that in the under world today the machine eun ha Carlstrom, president. been replaced by Hie attorney There's also exciting footaqi PAUL NEWMAN showinE the violent reaction on "FROM HERE the nart of several ganRSters t( PIPER LAURIE TO ETERNITY" , . Alt* nttMl* fll NBC's taking pictures of thei "THE HUSTLER" On The Waterfront" ELECTRONIC KITS . Imll Parr* UillmltU suburban estates. It's ironic tha ELECTRONICS INSTITUTE Attorney General Kennedy de Anembte yiur cwn Electranie Kilt and IIVI , snuornomc sbtim OF EATONTOWN plores the public admiration fo Rocxnudfon up ti 50V Campliti HMTHKIT* llm ntw CfHTMS. „ itanRsters in this apnearance. on available it Parti Unlhnilid. Build ymr Approved by th» St«t« of N. J. SamhDMIoUiyDain'MfarShaii iwn WALKIE-TALKIE « STEREO • CITIKN [ AmpHtitra the very network which nlorifies SMD TRANSCEIVER, Etc. an early American hoodlum Sptektrs Department of Education (Factory wired ttti available) Billy the Kid. in its Tall Man PETER USTINOV I, SANDRA DEE '• Cartridge* Inquire about the future course in series. (Color) 10:30 p.m. NBC. "School Mathematics covering such subjects as 11 SEVEN WAYS FROM SUNDOWN', Scoundrels Romanoff j • Conversion Kit* Algebra, Trigonometry, Spherical Trigo- It pays to advertise in The CHIIOREN.UNDCR 12 IRK t Stereo Accaitory nometry, Analytic Geometry, Solid Ana- MIDGET RAILROAD Cords and Plugs lytic Geometry, Differential Calculus, Register.-AdverHsement. Clllnn Surf Traniulvcr Integral Calculus, Differential Equa- • Recording Top* tions, Advanced Calculus. This Mathe- DIAMOND NEEDLES matics course will lake two years In Buygiiore Council 2858 Knights of Coluinbus • Prt-Rtcardtd Tap* the evening to complete at the ELEC- Fir long wtar! Buy ns« it TRONICS INSTITUTE presents a musical review Parti Uniirallcit l»w, lew t Record Changtrt THE LYRIC • Ratios, ate. 'THE TIMELY MR. X" two of the most hilarious hits of all linw i\li. High School Auditorium Curtain Time 8:30 P. M. RED BANK—34 W. frontSt. (N,xitoP«pBo).i) SH 1 -5-488 • CARRY ON NURSE ASBURY PARK- 728 Cookmon An. (Off Main Si.) PP 4 0358 Friday and Saturday Evcniiif.'H, Ocl. 20-21 PERTH AMBOY 27? Modilon Av.. (Next Io Mo|*»lic Ihlr.) VA li 7373 and TKKKY THOMAS in BENEFIT BUILDING FUND for clhtr PARTS UNLIMITED ifoiti IM <(I« Vtffow Pagtii JHIVISION suevuis i Donation—Adult* $1.25 Children 75c • SCHOOL for SCOUNDRELS WHETHER IT IS THE Champagne Crowd OR THE

-a playboy, whose ulta teecmej Campus Set ihotet-befodtobad! "COME SEPTEMBER OCTOBER - NOVEMBER and DECEMBER TOO... ITS TIME TO SHOP These RED BANK STORES for GIFTS that Please The finest in beauty care Own a'Jeep? BOAT, SKI and SCOOTER Center for the discriminating woman Specialists 75 WHITE STREET In Hair RED BANK | Shaping, Styling, and Authorized Parts and Service for Pemanent AM "JEEF' Vehicles Waving WILLYS MR. JOSEPH and MR. ANTHONY MONMOUTH MOTORS RT. 35, EATONTOWN *W «||ICT Katherine's JU51 ROCK HUDSON'S" 46 Monmouth St. SH 7-3475 Rod Bank U 2-2414 2417 LAMBRETTA (OPEN EVERY DAY - THURS. EVE. TILL 9)



Established IDS SHadyildt 741M FLORA SANDERS Giaijtan.S-llU.qee SPORTSWEAR Fint Wtat oiid Liquor Merchants AND Men'* and Boys' Outfitter! Since 1846 FREE DELIVERY KNITWEAR 67 IROAD STREET RED IANK DRESSES 19 BROAD ST. RED BANK DAN SEARS, Mcnagar OPEN WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY TILL 9 P. M. RED BANK N.J.

DANCE CLASSES Phoni SH 1-8131 Air Csnditiontd for tofclig - CHILDREN AND ADULTS LOVE LANE


Walter Reade CARLTON Theatre Walter SLEZAK „. Rock's gentleman's gentltman-who turns out to be a villainous valet! BobbyDARIN ...•.student tourist who jrtsw (duution-in foreign affiksl BAM. CASE 0UMUCE0 NJEA Wants Full - it JUpdall^u uoriidit* l'it gw-; But he th*t Uit HJEA Harvest Moon wowouldd < wa/iitioni of tat TALLAHASSEE. Fit. (AP) JBraille Unit's mar. present benefits be ra*tnlsinid, A Uwsuit by « former Ku Kliixj Pension Reserve Mitchell has proposed to finance Ball Nov. 4 including a full reserve system Klan leader seeking to close all doublUUUtfIC KU9IWe pensioU WH1«Un benefitM *V* *mws »fo r teach- w i •• A i Work Discussed ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - St. TRENTON (APHThe New Jer-ers with a relatively until in- that If ;;«tuwUUy iou«l as at Florida public school! because sey Education Association wants some have Integrated hat been KEYPORT—Mrs. Adele Press- Agnes Parent-Teacher Assort* crease in state approprittions by to maintain the present full re- tossed out by the Florida S man, Braille chairman of thtioe n will hold its third annual drawing down reserves in theMitchell has proposed that the preme Court. ' Centra! New Jersey "branch of Harvest Moon Ball Saturday, Nov. serves in the state Teachers Pen- teachers pension fund. state pay teachers and public em- 1 The court made no comment|National Hebrew Women's; 4, at 8:30 p.m. at _Conner's Hotel, sion Fund. Hipp said in a letter to 4,000 ployees a pension equal to half their pay, plus Social Security Monday in dismissing a, suit League, was_the guest speaker at Water• W«ch. Mtae will beJy The NJEA stand, uannounced of the NJEA's officers and lead- HUFFMAN**? BOYLE brought by Bill Hendrix, Oliismar|a meeting of the Keyport League the Danseros, featuring Lawrence Monday by the organization's ers around the state that the or- benefits. At present the teachers and forjner Klan in'he Keyport Synagogue recent Schwartz as vocalist. executive secretary, Frederick L. ganization "welcomes any benefit and employees get a half-pay pen- contractor Mrs. Edward Zentar, chairman sion which includes Social Se- leader. ly. Mr». Bertrand Goldstein pre- Hipp, apparently is at odds with that can be achieved for members FINE HOME FURNISHINGS «nd BROADLOOM sided. of the ways and means commit- a proposal by James P. Mitchell, of the pension fund." curity. tee, announced that the arrange^ No problem finding tenan Mrs. Pressman discussed the ments committee will include Rf. 35 Circle, Eatontotm—Liberty 2-1010 when you advertise The Registt work of her committee and the Mrs. Mallory Pace, chairman way.—Advertisement aid it gives to the blind by transcribing books into Braille. Mrs. Fred Rast and Mrs. James Mrs. Stanley Cohen, adult ed- Powers, co-chairman. ucation chairman, announced that Mrs. Rast will be in charge of books will be sold as well as decorations, and Mrs. Powers, loaned from her library. entertainment, assisted by Mrs. A membership tea for paid-up Albert Bullwinkel. If you know beans about beans, members will be held Nov. 16 in Y« Cottage Inn, Keyport. you know that one brand Th» adult study group will irl.1 meet every second Sunday of the Fairvietb month in the homes of members. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stewart The programs will include review and family have moved from outsells the rest... and discussion of current books Commonwealth Ave. to Eaton- and affairs of Jewish interest. town. BES Dr. Walter Ogens and Edward Rothenberg are co-chairmen. Mr. and Mrs. William Ford and A survey of the Bible is con-family, formerly of Lincroft, nave ducted Tuesdays at 8:30 p.m. inmoved to Heron Rd., Oak Hill. the synagogue. Reading and dis- Mr. Ford is associated with the | cussion of exerpts from the Bible Bethlehem Steel Company, New with interpretations in the light York. BUY! of modern life will be given. Rabbi H. 0. H. Levine is the Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. MARCAL NAPKINS instructor. John Stryker, Monmouth Ave., A rummage sale will be held were Mrs. Stryker^s parents, Mr. Big, soft, beautifully embossed! Oct. 30-Nov. 1 at 25 Esst Front and Mrs. W. H. Ritzenthaler of * St.. Keyport. Palatine, 111. Marcal Napkins are pennies less per 80 Hostesses for the evening were package - have the quality extras you Mrs. Charles Goldstein, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. William Stout,

Samuel Korobow, Mrs. Max Mintz Monmouth Ave., recently spent * like. They're soft and absorbent yet *• and Miss B. Dorothy Cohen. several days in Maine. wonderfully strong. Come in packages Dennis Thompson, son of Mr. Morganville and Mrs. S. H. Thompson, Chapel of all white and assorted pastels Hill Rd., is serving on the air- Mrs. Victor Wenzel, Jr., ocraff t carrier U.S.S. Hancock now - yellow, pink and aqua. Brown Rd., entertained the Young at the Puget Sound Naval Ship- Mothers Club recently. Attending yard, Bremerton, Wash. Marcal Napkins-your best buy! were Mrs. Joseph Lanzaro, Jr., Mrs. Richard Farr, Mrs. William Clay pots provide their own tfeyer, Mrs. Joseph La Mura, cooling system to keep plant Mrs. John McCormick, Mrs. John FREE * roots comfortable in overheated SET OF SIX BEAUTIFUL Penksa and Mrs. Alfred La Mura. houses. Moisture is drawn from the soil through porous clay pot GUEST TOWELS Robert Murdock, son of Mr, See this new (ret offer on every walls by evaporation and this has X ^ Marcal Nipkln package! INSIST ON MARCAL and Mrs. George Murdock of a cooling effect on the soil and Pleasant Valley Rd., and Robert roots. Whaley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Whaley, Igoe Rd., are in Fort Jackson, S. C, for basic Taste America's best selling pork and beans—Van Camp's. Pro- training in the U. S. Army. tein-rich, cooked slowly in a Secret Savory Sauce made with Robert Seber celebrated his 12th birthday at his home recent- special spices and plump, luscious tomatoes. ly. Attending were Vivian Owens, Pat Reopell, Judy Tansey, Mikey Crocket, Jeanne Lanzaro, Rita Seber, Jean Seber, John Bab- risky, Edward Preston, Albert Gaynor, Frank Emmons, Gary Clark, Herbert Nielson, Steven You're Cooking Seber, and Erich Seber. Mr.^and Mrs. Frank Graziano and children, Cheryl and John, spent a Sunday picnicking and VI™ CHOPPED 691 mean consistent results FANCY YOUNG TOM - 16-20 Ib. size 4% 4% c • Automatic features TURKEYS 29 eliminate pot watching SWIFT'S PREMIUHUM SEASONESEASONED #%#% j • Meats won't shrink— c juices are retained 4• Vegetables won't lose Sirloin STEAKS69Ib. their nourishing goodness DELICIOUS » Cakes won't fall—the LONDON 5 BROIL I EYE ROUND 89'* pven heats so evenly SAVARIN - OLD DUTCH • CHASE & SANBORN c 6 Kitchen stays cleaner— so do pots and pans Ib. COFFEE 59 / • Oven retains heat— GENUINE YOUNG - 5-6 Ib. size LEGS •• A insulated all around plus c top and bottom O» No flame or fumes LEGS O LAMB 59 to worry about

LAMB 391. P. CHOPPED BEEF Surface cooking on a flameless electric tange can be almost waterless. So, vegetables retain that eye and taste appeal— never lose their nourishing goodness down the drain. Surface units are fast, too — by the stop-watch! And precision control does away with pot watching necessary with old-fashioned fuels. For the range you want af a price you con afford, see your Reddy Kilowatt Dealer during the big Fall E/ecfric Range Jamboree. luy with assurance from your local Daddy Kilowatt Dtalw * who displays Mil* •maUm. J CtX &L» Jersey Centra! Power ft Llffct Wednesday, Oct 18,1961—19 Rap Seamen r On6 Apathetic' Attitude RARITAN TOWNSHIP-Town- •hip Committeeman James G. Brady, police chairman, yester- day criticized Committeeman Harry P. Seamen, the lone Re- publican on the governing body, for not taking a more active In- terest in local government af- fairs, His statement was in reply to recent criticism made by Mr. Seamen against Committeeman Donald J. Malloy in regard to Mr. Malloy'* assisting the po- lice department in squad car pa- trols. Ill Said Mr. Brady: "As chairman of the police committee, I wish to publicly thank Mr. Malloy for all the aid and assistance he has so freely offered me In police work. As MEAT MAKES THE MEAL... AND IT COSTS LESS AT MAYFAIR! Mr. Seamen knows, similar aid and asslstancs in any form was never offered by him, even though he was the former police chairman. TOP CHOICE YOUNG WESTERN STEER "Mr. Malloy's help evidences his interest as a dedicated official In the duties of all departments BONELESS t;A?MfiU such interest." 1 Will Attend Save 30c Ib. InsuranceCo. $ Meeting SHOULDER RED BANK — Ten representa- tives from the local office of the FRUIT COCKTAIL Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., 12 Reckless PI., will attend the annual business meeting and LINDEN 1 LAMB luncheon of the company * Vet- erans Association today at the HOUSE NO. IVi Claridge Hotel, Atlantic City. Membership in the association WM li made up o( persons employed SAVE 8c by the company for at least 20 CHOPS years. Altogether, more than 350 mem- Buitonl - 3c Off L»b«l - Saw 30e "Simply Woiuftrful" bers from district offices in south- C Fmh, Young Gwiuln* ern New Jersey are expected to SpaghettiorSpaghettini .£ 6<«99 Spring Lamb c be present. Herbert S. McNally, local agent, Tenda-Big Pan; French Own Beam; Cut Wax B»»ns - Seva 21c Ib and president of the local associa- SAVE 30c LB. tion, will preside. The speakers White Rose Vegetables ^.f 6 99< LEGS* RUMPS « VEAL 49 will include Ernest K. Beckley, "Simply Wonderful" •uperintendent of agencies for the Oak Hill - Save We \ _ Atlantic Coast territory. Young, Sno-Whlt* Invited from the office here Freestone Peaches r^W LAMB COMBO are: "SIMPLY WONDERFUL' William W. Fair, Sr., manager; Linden Houte - Save 16c SAVE 20c LB. 49 FRESH YOUNG GENUINE Herbert S. McNally, Michael J. Lucas, Peter W. Falvo, and Sal- Whole Apricots ^4°99° SPRING LAMB vatore Cusumano, retired, all of CHOPS & STEW c Red Bank; Mrs. Helen B. Leh- Bavt man of Millville Miss Mary C. Shoulder VealChops ^ Boyle of Fair Haven; Harvey A. «, ^r-Yc un, T.nder-sr.0 SAVE 24c LB. Chase and Miss Edna C. Mapps, Staley's Com Oil ,..«. '1.59 25 retired, of Little Silver and Frank J. Klauss of Rumson. Sav* 16c V RibVealChops "SIMPLY WONDERFUL" — TOP CHOICI SAVE Kaiser Aluminum M tf 2 49< ^P.v 30c LB. Sirloin Steaks Halloween 20e Off Label - Save Me . LoinVealChops "SIMPLY WONDERFUL" — TOP CHOICE PaintingsStarted Sta Flo Spray Starch ,.^45' Porterhouse Steaks ». 89* I RED BANK - Henry DeLuca, chairman of the window painting contest for the Halloween Parade and Carnival Committee, said j! that paintings were started yes- terday by about 135 children. ALLGRINDS The paintings are expected to be completed and displayed in CHOCK FULL o NUTS the merchants' windows by the middle of next week. Friday and Saturday of this week are Halloween Tag Days, Children from River Street School will participate in the fund drive. SAVE 10' Mr. DeLuca said members on the gift and.financial committees or SAVARIN COFFEE are planning to make an effort to contact merchants, firms, and oorai< < < Individuals this week in an at- MAYFAIR Chocolate Doniits " '*19 tempt to "get the ball rolling so OODWIW that the celebration planned for tills Halloween will be the biggest Butter Gems and best ever, and one that the children who participate will long HollandHouse" WHITE BREAD remember." Ehlers Coffee French Fried or Crinkl* Cut 1 First Meeting IDA PAK POTATOES »—&1O FREE-200 Is Conducted Save 10c C.t Cm. feu, or F.M 4 C.rro(. ., - A_ Chu Uu 8hrim» « Chicken u „, ._ till* ft If AMI GRINDS Birdi lye Vegetables ..T 6,., 99c Cantonese Dinner *,. 49c lYllig ftOm HIGHLANDS - Jude A. Dur- ftewitz, new commander, con- U. CAN SWIFT WORTHMORE — SAVE 10c ducted his first meeting of Twin- Gr,Ba-Save 10c FREE — 50 — FREE light Post, American Legion, re- KING KORN STAMPS cently in the post home. He named committee chairmen. With this coupon and purchase of 6 bottles They include Stephen H. Faller, Americanism and Boys' State; SLICED BACON LINDEN HOUSE SODA Michael J. Monahan, Jr., child 28 oz. bot. — no dep., all flavor* welfare and oratorical; Bertram u Own . 6>TI> too Limit—1 Coupon Ppr A'tuU FamHv RB.R. Perry, defense; William Fuchs, SLICED BACON Pkf. 59c Crisp, Delicious Coupon effective thru Saturday, October 21, 1961 graves; Donald Mayenschein and giblrkhiui — Sm Ho Ib. James Sullivan, membership, and SAUSAGE MEAT Kyrll Parker, safety. Charles D. Eichler and Wil- ««rf»lr Flnnl — Sice ltn Ib. FREE — 50 — FREE liam F. Dilger of Rumson were LIVERWURST SLICEt> ,69c KING KORN STAMPS welcomed as new members. APPLES RlelTl — S.r« Ito With this coupon and your purchase of any Post members participated in DESSERT the parade preceding the dedica- WHIP TOPPING tion of the new borough hall Oct. || ...39c ONE POUND PACKAGE FRANKS Crprrm Oardrm — Bavo «o From Our Fresh Dell Department 8. FRESH FRUIT SALAD The members and the fire truckll • 59* Umlt—1 Coupon Per Adult Family RB.R. will participate in the Veterans Coupon effective tnru Saturday, October 21, 1W1 Day parade Nov. 12 at Middle-|| 2.25' WHITE EGGS Julqr Florida town. State Impeded SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT 3 for 25* It was announced the local post II FREE — 50 — FREE will be host at a meeting of the I Tulip Fair c Snowhllr Monmouth County Executive com- Grade "A" CAULIFLOWER «..< 25* KING KORN STAMPS MEDIUM mittee Nov. 1 at the local post|[ dz With this coupon and your purchase of any home. PRICES EFFECTIVE THR4U9 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, l«l. RIGHT TO LIMIT. SENSATIONAL PRICE - JUST REDUCED ! FANTASTIC! PACKAGE OF CHICKEN Two Fined From Our Fresh Meat Department 56 Newman Exclusive only with Maj/alr Limit—1 Coupon pflP A'ftiJt FVirnt'v R.R.ft. By Crowell MODESS NAPKINS SIR LAWRENCE "51" Coupon •ffective thru Saturdny, October 21, 1MI Modeu Model* Reg., FAIR HAVEN - Alton A. Em- Reg., Super 24'« Springs Rd. Try Thlf Superb Blend Whiskey Super 12'*, Rich, Full Flavored ple of 1M Oxford Ave. yesterday and 51%, S years old or more 81 proof FREE — 50 — FREE was found guilty of reckless driv- Tconago 2169 Vee-Forms. I2> and KING KORN STAMPS ing and fine.) $30 by Magistrate Wai 87c Red Bank P.nt John V. Crowell. Vee-Forms. Available In our Liquor Department With this coupon mid your purchase of Crawford A. Venn, Jr., of 91 Modeu Park Avc. was fined $105 for driv Tamponi, Modest Reg. Reg. or GALLON CIDER Ing on the revoked list and $30 or Super 4O'i. Super 40'i From Our Fresh Produce Department for reckless driving. Magistrate Wai 1.45 Wai 1J9 I.lmli -1 Dmonn Per A>lnlt Family It F1.H. Crowell also revoked his driv- OPEN SUNDAYS 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Ooupon eHectiT* thm B&turdny, October 21, l&fll er's license for ons year. Eiefcmu, Mnr. Ridiarf luum, , Oct. 18,1961 RED BANK REGISTER pUa< at oil aad eotwktl fro- (hat tkt •eoaeaqr aprta* over wtrt nude fpr a Jewel item- Cfcri«tmC u ptrtypy, to bt held la the by HurhcaM Cult. tec many fields these days for Keamburg stration. Mrs. Raymond Reaney K of C hall Dec. S. Clalrt Shaw'aad Mn.Wil. Alas lataat reports atww Octo- any one Industry, or avea aay will be in charge. MisaAan Reilly bur Murray wen marked. Host- Today's Business Mirror ber aal« of new can picking up grouping of Industries, to have was named chairman of the Mrs. William Pester, chairman, esses were Mrs. Douglas Kite and vigor. The auto Industry hopes th» impact for betterment or de- The auxiliary of the Ancient Christmas charity card party to reported on the success of the Mrs. Thomas Katlowskl. this means that production hist terment that once was the case. Order pf Hibernians, meeting last be held Dec. 1 in the Ancient recent annual New York theater by labor troubles can be regained If city folk go on spending for week in their new home on Main Order of Hibernians home, Main and dinner party at a meet- It adds up! More and mora people use The Register ads each in coming weeks—and justified by the things they need and want, if St. made plans for a kitchen St. At the next meeting, a com- ing last week of the auxiliary of Industrial Setback issue because results come fas- good retail sales. farmers turn the blessing of good shower to be held at the meeting mittee will be named for the re- Manning Place Fire Company. ter.—Advertisement By SAM DAWSON Most other Consumer Goods harvests in most parts of the na-Nov. 13.» ception of new members and The' birthdays of Mrs. Martha NEW YORK (AP)-Tot»l indus- segments of the The output of most consumer tion into steady or increased trial output h»i (lipped • bit from economy goods, other than autos, gained spending, the auto work stop- Court St. Ann, Catholic Daugh Itt August peak. But before you retained difring September. So did thepages and the ravages of Carlaters °' America, meeting last Jump to the conclusion it's been reaituringly production of many industrial miy quickly become past history|week in the Knights of Columbus LONG WEAR LUSTER LEATHER • short recovery from the reces- healthy glow. materials, other than auto parts —really past. hall, Rt. 36, mide plans for its officers and members to attend sion that bottomed out in Feb- And even in and oil hurt by labor troubles or the state court fashion show and ruary and March, remember: the industria weather mishaps. No problem finding tenants when you advertise The Register card party Oct. 28 in Deal Golf sector the ma- The big question atill is con- way.—Advertisement. and Country Club. Plans also TWO GENTLEMEN . . . jor setback can sumer buying, rather thin indus- seeking public office will meet be traced to trial output which in the long run with Ml&Detowa voters. Pub- ,shutdown „s ..i '» largely tailored to the former. lic forum at Mtdtfletown High BO8TONIAN School, Tiadall M, Thursday, General Motors And spending holds high for most 'servicea and m«ny consumer Oct. II, *J» P. M. Comt plants in September and in Ford meet yaw raiwihiitn goods. olaats this month, and to crip- Retailers count on the Christ- mas ipirit to pep up this spend You con buy stock ing in coming week). They also hope that the uncertainties bred of the recession will fade in con- sumer minds, and that the Berlin of leading companies crisis will ease and with it purse- tightening outions. by setting aside only $3.08 a week Many economists think the pub- lic is likely to attach too much importance to the lasting effects More than 12 million people now own stock CASH of strikes on general business. in publicly owned companies. Thousands of They concede that the long strike them are accumulating their shares through OTHER CORDOVAN is the etaatc leather—famous for its In steel in 1959 caused major ups the Monthly Investment Plan. BOSTONIAN STYLES long, strong wear and high-luster finish. It comes up as well as downs in the business This popular plan requires a minimum shining in any weather. A flick of a cloth keeps it curve. In large part this was FROM 19.95 glowing. Try Bostonian's Cordovans—they're walk- LOANS due to attempts by management payment of only $40 every three months, and MANSFIELDS fitted to comfort you. in steel supplying and steel con- gives you the choice of 1200 stocks listed on suming industries to adjust before the New York Stock Exchange. You can FROM 12.95 26.95 the strike, during it and after it. start or stop the plan any time you wish-no The poatstrike adjustment in par- i penalties. Opan Friday Till 9 ftt ticular proved to be exaggerated. Work Stoppages Dni in, writs ir phut fir Manthly Invtitnent Plan li.kl.L "Usually the effects of work stoppages are shaken off rather quickly," say economists at the THOMSON & M?KINNON *SOO Morgan Guaranty Trust Company 9 Memorial Parkway, Long Branch CA 2-431Q of New York. •* AMY MW «T If They cite the autumn of 1958 301 Main Street, Allenhurst • KE 1-3500 when auto production schedules 2 Broadway, New York • HAnover 2-5100 were snarled for awhile, just as Shemon-Eiit Hotel, New York • PLiza 5-8190 Men and Boys' Clothing We tpMcWin ii MU*I IMM his fall. There was fear then NMMU MW YOW STOW tXCHANM AND OTHER flUNCIML hat the recovery just getting up NCWnY AND COMMODITY DCCHANOtS 181 •roadway Long IrcNieh speed would be sidetracked. The ALL THE PUBLIC fears proved groundless. ALL THE TIME And certainly the government economists and department heads aren't writing off the recovery on the basis of the auto setback. Predictions for total national output of goods and service; seem to grow with each passing LL FINANCE week. This may be due to the natural optimism of ttioie in of- COMPANY fice. And partly It's due to the •HONI • WRIT! • «r VISIT expectation that rising govern- ThaOfflMNfortsfYeurHamaorWork ment spending will stimulate the US IANK OffICI IONO aiANCH OWIM economy. And a rising federal TTtnm*Unt>'l.li.74i Ml liaWw.y • lit. 171 PIMMI itMyiMa 1*00 rk«HsCA»M1*11)> 4 deficit could set the psychological KIMOID ornci ATLANTIC HIOHIANM OMCI stage for another Inflationary StlaattUI* (*»••• Ik. 7 Hiway M M> In An. • Ik. 174 boom. GREAT 3 for 1 PkmiMOpkluMMO « But largely the belief that the UTONTOWN: 11 Mala rar.la w I. |l. . lie. tU • tUm$i Uavrly 1-44*0 September easing in Industrial Smi*i til of Mmmuiit » Mmtr • MuUltia « Otn» Cotvitl output isn't too important In the ong run is due to the knowledge CARPET SALE! HEAVY WAFFLE PAD and SUPERB TACKLESS INSTALLATION Included at NO EXTRA COST! A great annual Sandier & Worth broadloom event. Mag- nificent carpets at unheard of low prices, plus heavy waf- fle padding and our famous tackless installation, all at no additional charge. .

MASLAND'S Installtd ovef "Alienberry" Heavy Wool Twist Htavy Waffla Pad Imagine! A solid, heavy all wool twist broad- loom woven from prime wools by a nationally $Q.95 known mill, installed over heavy waffle pad at actually Ian than formsr wholesale cost. A • I sq. yd. marvelous range of colors: Forait Brown, Nutria, Hampton Beige, Seafoam Green, Melon, Aiura Blua, Turcjuoise, Ruby Red, Gray. MASLAND'S To The lady ftVW Continuous Filament Htavy Walllt Pad Of The House Nylon Cobblestone Hera ii a wonderful opportunity to obtain An incredible value made possible by a ipacial $Q.95 < top rated, feature loaded, General Elec- purchase) and special weaving when looms wara tric Automatic Washer at a mbitantial idle. Beautiful texture and deep-pile luxury in • M sq. yd. a 100% Continuout Filament Nyfon Fabric. laving. We hive just 24 piaeai avail- GUARANTEED TO WEAR TEN YEARS. Colon: Regular able in pink for this special event and Walnut, Coppertone, Chestnut, Clay Beige, $13.95 hope wa will have the pleasure to larva Aqua, Spring Green, Gold. YOU.

FEATURE CHECKLIST "Forte" "Fascination" Mailond's #501 Cabin Croft S Giant 12-pound capacity Continuous Filament Luxury Wool NYLON TWEED DuPont #501 Nylon NYLON TIXTURED TWIST t' Famous GE Filter-Flo actian Installed over TEXTURED t Water temperature control' Installed over Installed over Heavy Waffle Pad Heavy Waffle Pad Heavy Waffle Pad Installed over •' Automatic load selector $ Heavy Waffle Pad V Non-clogging filter .95 • Detergent dispenser .95 $ .95 t' Damp-dry spin,brake lid 10 $g.45 13 iq. yd. •' Powered spray rinse fq. yd. sq. yd. Regular SU.95 hl#ilnnt #ff# ct. ft*- bfautlfu! wool twin. Cnlora: Ctiirnntpirt to wrxr fn yi>ir«. hesaiiy and we»r. A lolldly wov. marlishle beiuiy »rrl war at Sanrtlewoort, Honfy Bell*. Nut- Colon; Onyx Brown, Onyx rn fthrlc In a moit pltutnt in unheirrl of low prior.- Colon; hljh-low nffpct. Colors: Butter* Parchment. Sprue* Orcin, 'Ai- mef, Gray, Crocui, Gold tnd B«f!«, Peridot Grain, Imer»ld nut, Bind Beige, Sold, Oraan, de Gold, Rio Cocoa and fllut. Blua. Blue, Brown Pelg«. Aqua. EATONTOWN TV BUDGET TERMS and APPLIANCE SANDLER & WORTH • 'V.V Monmouth County's Largeit Salei 1 Service Organization ROUTE 35/ EATONTOWN TRAFFIC CIRCLE 50 Hwy. 35, Earonrown 508 Main St., Asbury Park LI 2-0400 PR 4.Q400 Liberty 2-2200

Open 9 to TO P. M. Daily—Saturday Nitt 'til 9 P. M. Men., Wad., frl. 11 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Tuei., 7/iuri., Sat. 9:30 a.m. to5.30 p.m. AMPLI FHH PARKINS Other Stores Rt. 22, Springfield! Rt. 4, Paramus and Rt. 46, Wayne' BED BANK REGISTER WediuadV, Oct. It, 1961—21 'Jack and the Beanstalk9 YOU'LL FIND A BUMPIR CROP OP GOOD BUYS JHROUGlHOUf THE STORE DURINO.H Perfdrmance October 29 l RARITAN TOWNSHIP - Th New York. Miss Schwartz won ac- Recreation Commute* will pre claim last season for her direc- sent "Jack and the Beanstalk' tion of "Pinocchio" on WOR-TV Sunday afternoon, Oct. 29, at OnUnder her guidance, this profes- MW Middletown High School. sional troupe has become expert Thit original musical ad«,pt»tio in the art of performing for chil- of the famous children'! clajii dren aged 4 to 12. hai new muiic and lyrics- Clay Boland, Jr., and a boo: by Linda K. Schwartz. Old Hotel Thia combination ot muiic, ion; dance and the spoken word tell the itory of Jack and hii adver Site Sold tures with the Giant. After th WEST END — Sale of the for- Mazola performance, the actora will re mer Hollywood Hotel property main to talk to members of th here to a prominent home build Margarine audience. Ing organization has been r Mad* from pwr» urn oil Township Committeeman Dot ported by the broker, J. I. K lak. Inc., of Newark. In ft Ik Hb-4f« FRESH BROILING or FRYING •Id J. Malloy, chairman of ret 1 reation, has announced there w Parkchester Land Corp, h; prin+i pig. " be no admission charge for thi bought the 27-acre tract from two performances, to be held a S. T. Corp., headed by Irvin, ? and 4 p. m. Since the aeatinj Cohen of Deal. SttttiSSM capacity is limited to 900 foi The site, according to the K Whit* « eolcrtd each show, tickets will be itsuti lak firm, Is the only remainin on a fint-come, first-served tract of its size in thii develops basil, he laid. area of the seashore. It has Tickets will be available ai frontage of about a quarter-mi CHICKENS Town Hall, Middle Rd., tomor on Cedar Ave. Fish N' Seafood W—k Buys/ row, Friday, Monday, Tuesda; The Hollywood Hotel, 118-roo Trand U.S. 60VT. INSPECTED and qext Wednesday between 7: hostelry, was demolished in For d1ihn mi Una fahria and 9:30 p. m., and this Satui $500,000 fire about six month: READY-TO-COOK WHOLE day, from 10 «. m. to 5 p. m. ago. It was a landmark for al T»i«»aek fl«t<«O C Dressed Whiting 9u^n " A profesiional musical prodw most a century and was, at on andtd*«9*)K«r" pitgi. ™ time, one of the luxurious resor Split, Cut-Up OQ tion by the Peppermint Playei or Quartered tfjki Jr"1- Rainbow Trout ^^ » of New York, it appeared last a hotels In the East. the Paper Mill Playhouse, Mi Mr, Cohen, who also owns th DMZ 25 Fancy Sworif Mi Steaks burn. Allen and Poincianna hotels Oun Spray Fried God or Flomdtr Fillet *•§• Last Saturday, Mrs. Cheater E Miami Beach, FIs. ,and the E Soap Powder Cranberry Sauce Johnson, Mrs. William McLaiM planade Hotel in New York Cit; and Mrs. Earnest Fr«t Foste named the Kislak firm as hi Shrimfj Coektail • ••- 3 ^ attended a performance of th< agent to procure a purchas production and recommend it fo for the Hollywood Hotel site month ago. =Macaroni >hs township youth, as well as fo "Super-Right" Qujliry—BONELESS—Sugar-Cured S)ouH«r'> Brand—Quick Fratan •dults. The purchaser, Parkcheiti Oxydel Detergent The producers are Caro Land Corp., is headed bv Davi for y«» laundry Macaroni ft Cheese Ichwartz and Paul Libln, wh Shane and Marvin Stoloff of E eperat* • year-round children'! sex County. They have been n Ann Page Maearoni 2 ,£4.* sponsible for many residentii SMOKED PORK BUTTS 59 theater at the Martinque Theatre, projects In the state and ai Fnia •ml*** Frut Mt Macaroni ^'m^N^ii* 2 I'C ^' building the Cherry Hill, Heat Fnsh CMckto Ports! 7 er Hill and Sherwood Forest di Kraft Maearoni Dinner ^17* velopments in Middletown. Tide Buy th* Part* You Like Bast Brisket Beef 59! 79: Ai J 7 'flit LOOKING FOR A spokesman for Parkchest ft tf • (tmlty with and dish** wc Tuna Fish ^'." .^J1* said plans call for developing th Rib Steaks " 69DAMVAB; ! SPAGHETTI No. I or « KM. fC| • new flagpole for site based on present zoning re Legs 39,! Breostf nVIUVRI SPASHCTTINI No. ? * pf»i. *• quirements which provide foi ItM pig. f F # Henry who keeps one-family houses. Under this ar Chicken Wings « ™ 29 Beef Liver ^^^ 39*Tomato Paste c^**™ 2 *M* ZS intistMp that he rangement, Parkchester cou Chick«n Backs t Necks 10 nb.-.c l5 erect approximately 65 houses o Sliced Bacon Ragu Spaghetti Sauee '^r57* needs it in hit work quarter-acre tracts. Vim Detergent fig. 99 which doesn't make NmdattroaniinatakUt Fashion-Flash fof iiiftmif i« 40 «. Vim Fnth Fruits and Vegetables! any tense to anybody .a.han pkg*' Infill Rivtr—rink—MttliH 111*—Sattlm till they hear that SALE! Henry ita flag-pole Blue Cheer Grapefruit 3-29 aitt$r by trade...' Naw wild dty ludi lir AM FvrttM A. FRUIT COCKTAIL 21*43' «»ifi «'»«*77« mnm big i •k|.«* pig. lf Apples 323' TOMATO JUICE 2^55'

Dash Detergent Iceberg Lettuce largaiiu |AC SWMt fv automatic wathtn Fresh Tomatoes ctn.3to4 IT GOLDEN CORN GreM Style 2^35' Cranberries c."^ Z\r Washed Spinach :23C PEAS & CARROTS •2K3F DuDoforgont TNftr ,7 „, Pramlum pack W\im»n-9nwn ni Wbltt SWEET PEAS SariH Variety WW,fc 7tu.M( «ff labal pkf. •• Large Eggs 6arston Free* II K. C hiiiykrHk itni—Largi Iriii A c SLICED BEETS 27 Rime Blue Fresh White Eggs 61 32 K. ••fttia family watH DILL PICKLES RwweWi fc«ttk 29 •IfJTe iOc*fflsb*l| October CAeese Festival! Urfapkaj. •• fiantpkf. • m mm Provolone * 'SZ ' 95f Sistar-RIgM Iraaa—I5'/J «. eass aaiiiw Silver Dust C Mild Cheddar Cheese ^Z,in & Corned Beef Hash 3 85 Mallomars 2S; £3S lb e Dine Detergent Danish Blue Cheese '^^ S3 Broadcast sStL '^r«" "iot59« Planters Peanuts,,.:;.^! 14 1 101 l2 8 CreamCheoseWith 3e^"^ off labal - ' Swift's Prem •- ;;« Walnut Nut Meats Fashion news! Crochet this araien bneose „,„imano—5, c oft labal ihakar' iretty, packabfe blouse that tops Foodcraft lib. I Kraft's Margarine °%££ Z^ Lady Clair Cookies kirts and slacks smartly. SplilSpM Cottage Choose Patfaurind cup" Casual in 3-ply yarn, elegant in :ring with gold or silver thread, hr tl»iilii| painted ntrfMM 43° Imperial Margarine •" "' LOOK HERE to find blouse for year 'round wear, Pittturtnd Proc*it pig. ^* Salad Dressing who atllt anything... 'attern 962: directions size* 32 4; 36-38 included. Frozen Food Vaiutsf Send 35c (coins) for this pat AkP Irani—Mana-y I PKk SI.IS srn—add 10c for each pattern e or Ist-clsss mailing. Send to GMMt QlMMir Yellow .aura Wheeler, care of Red Bank Orange Juice 2 «: 39 Doxsee Minced Clams 2r65« Instant Potatoes WitMcoffl. Fcr kathrMm and Ufohin sgister, Needlecraft Dept., P.O. lox 161, Old Chelsea Station Dole's Pineapple Juice 2 :;: 37° Libby's Sliced Carrots 2 . 37^ Aleea Aluminum Wrap,*: Pages • I4«.«|a 2K/|...««t few York 11, N. Y. Print plain • tarn •• ui •* Hawaiian Punch <*>»**** 2 L» 37« Marcal Paper Hankies * l 23' Noxon Metal Polish 14 y pattern number, name, ad- e Noxon Metal Po Iresf and zone. Dole's Juice S^' 2 '.:: 39 Nine Lives Cat Food 2 Fiih, Rifula FOR THE FIRST TIMEI Over B 27* Daily Dog Food er Livtr 3 !!T 25« 00 designs in our new, 1962 Nee- Lix Snow Crop Orange Juice 2 ':: 49 SEE: Polos, Ladders, llecraft Catalog — biggest ever! Mr. "G"lrand C f< Lumber, Tackle Blocks 'ages, pages, pages of :i fashions, R.,u|,rorCiinliltC:utu * pk Saturiait't the Sweetest toy! ome accessories, to, knit, cro- • 10 oi. fev Taste and Thrift het, sew, weave, embroider, Libby's Green Kale " pkji. quilt. See jumbo-knit hits, cloths, pl««e Jane Parker >reads, toys, linens, afghans c Warwick Brand Libby's Baby Okra lib. plus free patterns. Send 2Jc, Witk 2 Z » Assorted Chocolates Bakery Values! ( Libby's Turnip Greens boi 2:;:: 29« Thin Ilinle w.rwick Br«nd Libby's Black Eye Peas ChoeoUU Co»«r«d Islin RlInn Warwick Brand »OI. DUTCH Wl)h4« pint 1KB Choclata Covar.d 9 Birds Eye French Fries 2 BEST •ffltU un" pkgi. Non-Pariels APPLE PIE Mr. Claan Sweetheart Soap 1HI CtEAT ATUNTK t F«C«IC 1M COMWNT.JNC. Prlcti iMitllvi OF AD purpsi* liquid *htn§r luy 3 at regular price .. • through Salurdiy, Golden Loaf Cake 37« Get I lor tc Oct. 21 it In Supar llsi.fA* JIOI.MJAB MarktU and Silf- Homestyle Donuts ;;, 6<- 29° TODAY'S Sarviea atarti only. White Bread 2-;,29«

COFFEE RED BAKK LITTLE SILVER EATONTOWN SHREWSBURY 121 Monmsuth St. CLIFFWOOD 507 Presptct Avi. Routt 35 Newman Spring! Rd. at Shrewsbury Avt. Rout* 35 BOYS Complete Liquor Department Popular Brands Beer and Ale Monday thru Thursday 'til 9 P. M. Mondsy, Wednesday, Thursday 'til I P. M. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 'til I P. M Optti Thursday! 'Ill t P. M. Monday thru Thursday 'til » P. M. Fridays 'til 10 P. M. ;rld l0 Pi M VM 1|11 Fridays 'til ID P. M. Fridays 'til 10 P. M. Sundays 9 A. M. to « P. M. , ' T.'"' - "y io p. M. Sundays 9 A. M. to « P. M. Sundays 9 A. M. to I p. M. PORT MONMOUTH KEANSBURG ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS RARITAN TOWNSHIP DEAL Highway 34 Highway 36 80 First Avenue Route 36 2S2 Norwood Ave. Self Servlco Store Tuesday, Wednesday, Thundny 'III I P. M ComplclComplete I-lquoLiquorr DepartmenDeptrtt t H piNwv or your nwwy DSOK* y?:;«n» nday th Thd '11 IP. Fridays 'HI It p. M. M. Fridays 'III 10 P. M. No Meat Department Friday. •«..,. P.M. ' Moild'V;M" ^,%>'» ' Sundays I A. M. to t P. M. 1 I Sundays I A. M. to I P. M. Open Friday to 9 P. M. Sunday. » A. M. to « P. M. Sunday. 1A. M. to I P. M 9* I 22-Wednoday, Oct. 18,1961 BED BANK REGISTER JEW Packers To Lose Hornuug To Active Duty In Army

GREEN BAY (AP) - The subject to military call, but that U.S. Army dealt tbe Green Bay the club was trying to work out Packers' National Football League arrangements to permit them to title hopes a Jolting blow yester- complete the 1961 season. By JACKSON CUNNINGHAM day by calling up scoring cham- Hornung, who will be 28 Dec. pion Paul Hornung and middle 23, is single. Nitschke, who will With the sports editor out of action for a few more linebacker Ray Nitschke. be 25 Dec. 29, was married about days after undergoing a gall bladder operation last Although both Hornung and a year ago. Both served six Wednesday, the Short Snorts for Hy's Spotting Sports Nitschke are members of the Ar months in the Army a couple of years ago, then went into the Re- have been piling up on the desk so it seems like the my reserve, their call to active duty shocked the Packers, who serves. time for this writer to pass along the information. have streaked to four straight Nitschke, a former Illinois full- We have heard through a reliable source that Red victories after a 17-13 upset by back converted to a defensive specialist by the Packers, served Bank High may be without the services of their stellar Detroit in their •pener. his six-month tour with Cleve- Coach Vince Lombardi put off end, Warren "Utah" Scott Saturday when the Buccos land's Bobby Mitchell, who wai any Immediate decision on moves called back to active duty, Mon- take on undefeated Asbury Park in Red Bank. to fill key spots on both his of- day. Mitchell Is due to Report fensive and defensive units. He "Utah" missed last Saturday's game when the Nov. 2. noted that the departture of Hor- Bucs were upset by winless Middletown, 12-0, for nung and Nitschke is "two or Hornung was Green Bay's bo- missing school on Friday. three weeks away." nus selection in the NFL's 1937 draft after he won the Helimin We also heard that the Bucs could have also The 14th Army Corps head Trophy as the nation's outstand- quarters in Minneapolis , an- missed one of their outstanding offensive stars through ing college player In hi* senior nounced that Hornung has been year at Notre Dame. the breaking of a school rule when hejit up in the lit- ordered to report to the 896th A brilliant quarterback also tle boys room. An alternate penalty was decided upon Engineer Co. at Fort Rlley, used at fullback in college, Hor- Kans., Oct. 30. Nitschke was told and the player saw action. nijng blossomed into pro stardom to report to the 32d Division, re- as a full-time halfback In Lorn- The Buccos' chances in the Asbury Park game cently-activated Wisconsin bardi's first year at Green Bay tional Guard infantry unit, Nov. 2 Paul Hornung Saturday could be strengthened today when Wayne in 1959. He won the league icor- at Ft. Lewis, Wash. ing championship that season Edmunds, the Bucs' fullback, gets the X-rays of his An Army spokesman said that and Nitschke was made "becausi with M point* as Lombardi re- fractured right hand read. Wayne was outstand- orders normally are "personal of earlier rumors." Lombar built the Packers into a power. said early in the day that "fou ing in the Bucs' first three games, scoring three information" but an announce Hornung scored a record 178 CASEY STANDOUTS — Chuck Thompson, left, and Marty Brueckner are two of the ment of the call-up of Hornungor five" Green Bay players wen touchdowns while playing a solid defensive game, points, shattering the old league main reasons Red Bank Catholic High School has won its last two games by lop- mark of 138 by Don Hutson of before suffering the injury in the Rumson-Falr sided scores after dropping its first two games this campaign. Thompson! a reen Bay, in leading the Pack- Haven Regional contest He scored two TD's in 49ers' Rookie Bill Kilmer ers to the Western Division title bruising fullback, and Brueckner, the quarterback for the Caieys, have combined for the 4S-I8 victory over Rumson before being forced In 1960. He was injured and sat 50 points this season. Thompson had accounted for 24 on four touchdowns while out most of the second half ai to the bench In the third quarter with the fracture. Brueckner hat rung up four TD's and added two extra points. Is Gaining Yardage As QBthe Packers bowed, 17-13, to Phil- One more note on Scott missing last week's game. adelphla in the NFL title meet- We could have gotten into Fort Knox a lot easier than NEW YORK (AP) - Jim Tay-has run for 344 yards and ha ing. This season he has piled up 77 trying to find out the correct story on why Scott was lor and Paul Hornung of Green scored eight touchdowns. Lates Bay and Milt Plum of the Cleve- NFL Individual offense figun points In five games. Hii greatest in uniform tut remained on the sidelines. We had the Metuchen Pair Takes Honors land Browns held their places show him as the No. 4 rushei performance was a 33-polnt spree wool over our eyes until we found out the scoop on atop the National Football with 355 yards on 39 carries am on four touchdowns, a field goal and six conversions against Bal- the matter Monday night. League's principal offense tabula- tied with Baltimore's Lenn; In Winter Golf Loop Tourney tions last week. But the glamor Moore for second In scoring wltr timore Oct. 8. For the local cross country fans (there aren't boy of ground-gaining was rook- 48 points. He also has completed " In addition to hii great running ability, Hornung Is a polished enough of them) there is one heck of a meet today. St. LEONARDO - Monti Nor Sanderson, Rumson CC, and Ha Lillian Cunnane, also from Co- ie Bill Kilmer of the San Francis- 11 of 22 passes for 172 yards. passer on the halfback option, cross, Metuchen Country Club, Langdon, Colonia tied for set lonia, carded a 95-17—78. co 49ers. Kilmer, a former single win, Rose, undefeated and tabbed as the top Shore harrier Mocker and place-kicker. He i> and Mrs. Henry Mathiasen, of ond in the individual professioi Norcross and Mrs. Walter Kilmer, national college leader tailback, prefers being a runnin en Bay's field goal, point-aft- team and one of the best in the state, comes to Red Metuchen, took the team trophy al scores with Sanderson scori Rogers, Metuchen, combined for in total offense last season and quarterback to being just a pass er-touchdown and kickoff expert. Bank to take on the Bucs. The Bucco harriers haven't in the first New Jersey Shore a 39-37—76. Langdon recordi a 34-35—69 card to tie for sec- most valuable player in the All- er. "I'd rather be running wher Star game at Chicago last sum- Nitschke was the third choice ' done too badly themselves this season. Coach Tom Winter Golf League tournament a 38-38-76. ond place for team honors. San- hit by a tackier than be stand _ , . , ., . ,. ., , of the season yesterday at Bea- Mrs. Joseph Rudnick, Jum] derson and Mrs. Waters also had mer, found himself as a pro run-ing still and getting belted by >r the New York Giants in the a 34-35-7-69 and Roddy Newman, ner when he was installed as blitzing lineman," he says. 1957 draft and then was traded Perry s men have also compiled an unblemished mark cocon HiIHil|l countrCountryy CluClubb herehere.. ing Brook, had the low gross ft this year. Perry's harriers have won four meets, in- Norcross and Mrs. Mathiasen the ladies with 42-41-83. Homestead, and Mrs. Ira Mill- one of the three rotating quarter- Green Bay's Taylor also scorec to Green Bay. He became a reg- backs in San Francisco's shotgun ular linebacker last season and cluding dual meet victories over Neptune, Freehold and combined a 34-34—48 for the Three ladies tied for low ne er, Beacon Hill, came in with four touchdowns in the Packers trophy. honors with 78's. Mrs. Stanle; a 35-34-69 score. offense. rout of Cleveland and ran for IS! his year has been a standout in Keyport. Their fourth win came In a triangular meet he Packers' tremendous defense Norcross had the lowest pro Savage, Beacon Hilt, had a Newman and Mrs. Savage were In his last three games, Kilmer yards to Improve his lead ovei which has held opponents to SI against Asbury Park and Long Branch. Leading the score in the pro-lady tourney 12-78, Mrs. L. L. Waters, Co- fifth with a 34-36—70. Jimmy Brown of the Browns points, fewest in the league. Bucco charges are Dave Winfield, captain, Jim Me- when he carded a 34-36—70. Doug lonia, shot a 91-13—78, and Mrs. Other individual professional Taylor has gained 918 yards Ir low scorers included Phil Cas- 81 attempts for a 6.4 yard av- Hornung's halfback spot prob- Grath and Mike Boyle. Perry is also looking to the Raritan A.A. sidy, Flowertown (Pa.) CC, 38- erage. Hornung picked up i: ibly will be filled by Tom Moore, future. He said last night that he has an up and com- Tigers, Falcons Victors 41—79; Newman, 41-39—80; Jerry points on a touchdown and sev ; pro sophomore from Vander- ing star hi freshman Roger Wild. Massiello, Pennbrook, 40-40—89; Cage League en conversions to run his poini ilt. Among the candidates for and John Belluardo, Orchard total to 77. Vitschke's job is veteran Tom Jay Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller, In CBA Intramural Loop Hills, 42-38-80. Opens Oct. 30 Plum, who took the passin. ettis, who lost a regular position Rurason, is going great guns as a frosh at Blair Host pro Andy Sikora of Bea- lead the week before, maintained luring the 1960 campaign. con Hill said 30 players partici- RARITAN TOWNSHIP - Nine it in the intricate NFL computa- Academy. Jay, who attended Rumson Country LINCROFT - The Christian The Conference, divided into pated In the tourney and there teams—four of them newcomers tions by completing 17 of 26 for Brothers Academy opened up its Senior Division and Intermedia! Iiled Day School last year and was co-captain for Coach were 22 teams. Sikora did not — entries for the 1961-62 Rar 193 yards. Bart Starr of Green Intramural Football Conference Division, had three teams sco MILITARY or COMMERCIAL participate. He was so busy itan Athletic Association basket- Bay vaulted from fifth to third Dave Warner, scored the whining touchdown in a last week with four games being victories while the fourth gam searching for the highest possible ball season last week at the in passing, behind Philadelphia's recent frosh win for Blair, 20-16. Fullback Miller played. resulted in a scoreless tie b number of teams that he failed league's organization meeting. Sonny Jurgensen. ELECTRONIC tween the Giants and the Eagli put the icing on the cake when he also rammed up to get a partner for himself. Holdovers from last season are Other Individual league lead- in an Intermediate Division con- the middle from two yards out for the extra point. The next NJSWGL tourney will Raritan Police, Upper Raritan, ers: Pass receiving, Del Shof- test. Harmony Park, Woodland Park ner, New York, 25 for 327 yards TECHNICIANS Jay is doubling up on his grid actions, also playing CBA Frosh be held at Colonia Oct. 31. Tee- In the Senior Division, thi off time will be 10 a.m. and Hidden Hills. Fleetwood Park punting, Yale Lary, Detroit, 23 on the jayvee eleven as a second string FB. highly rated Ramblers were up The tourney at Colonia, as will returns to the league after a for a 47.4 yard average; Punt Re- set by the Tigers, 20-6. John Hus- Congratulations are in Harriers Win be the following one, will be pro-year's absence with two teams. turns, Willie Wood, Green Bay, son capped a Tiger drive the lady tournaments. Raritan Hills and Coralwood, 6 for 176 yards; Kickoff Re- line for John Kingdon, our first time they bad the ball with both freshmen entrants, round turns, Tim Brown, Philadelphia neighbor in Rumson. John, 5th Straight 35-yard scoring dash after tak- out the list of teams. Norgate 11 for 394 yards. ing a pitchout from quarterback Manor, Foxwood and Raritan who is the boating editor of ELIZABETH - The Christian Two season distance records Jim Curley. Husson tallied a six- Surfrider Teachers have dropped out of the Brothers Academy freshmen were set last Sunday. Bobby the Newark Evening News, pointer in each of the quarters FOR cross country team won Its fifth loop. Joe Conrad of St. Louis returned was recently appointed as- straight meet of the season yes- the second half to lead the Beach Club Last season, Raritan Police a Philadelphia punt 73 yards and ictory. WORLD-WIDE sistant secretary and assist- terday at the hands of Roselle won the regular championship by Erich Barnes of New York inter- Catholic at Warinanco Park here. Skip McKenna took a pass from one game over Upper Raritan. cepted a Dallas past aad ran a ant general manager of the Bill Callahan for the losers' only Tourney Sun. Harmony Park finished third two near-record 101 yards. ASSIGNMENTS CBA scored easy wins in all score. games back and Norgate forth, American Boat and Yacht FORT MONMOUTH - The three class runs. In Class A, John Callahan, captain of the team, three games behind the Police. Council. THE IOBS: Eager, Tim Sheehan and Jim Hood out for the Ramblers, while rst annual golf tournament for Upper Raritan copped the play- it Hit Kemp finished first, second, and Plum. Cleveland J. Paul Stender, Fair Mike Fitzgerald and Roger Web- members and guests of the Surf- off title by defeating Norgate, Jurgensen, Phil. _13115 B34 9 ... Itis maintenance and nrvlclnf 1 third, respectively, to lead the ...135 74 I,tt< II S«.l world -wide communications and ster played outstanding game! 65-64, and the Police, 50-27. Both Starr. Green Bay -..107 ( 811 S«l.' radar equipment. Haven, recently topped a yearlings to a 17-31 victory. rider Beach Club, Sea Bright, Brodle, Ban Fran. .U&] 978 < 62.3 for the winners. the Police and Upper Raritan Tittle. New York _ 68 51 660 SM.B field of 46 members and ill be held at the Officers Club Unltas, Baltimore —125 93 9)0 4 50. THE REQUIREMENTS: In Class B, Dick Wight toured In the second Senior Division are expected to have strong Wade. Chicag_.JB o „__rj„ 5 32 094 4 88.2 guests to win the third an- the 1'4-mile course in 7:13 to course here Sunday. clubs again this year. Keredltn. Dallas 104 51 «51 I 4S.ll rou'lt qualify a* you aittr. an? of mcounter, the Falcons scored in Turkenton. Minn. _ 79 il 566 4 51.9 the following: Teen school frad come home a second in front of he first quarter on a 20-yard run The linksters will tee off be- The teams will conclude prac- ItchBverry. St. L. - 7» 11 417 5 Sl.D with commercial or military site* nual New .Jersey Shore Baaed on completions, yards sained tronlo maintenance experience. CBA teammate Paul Stach to >y Denny Hahn with an inter- tice sessions next week and be- Builders Association Golf ween 8 and 11.30 a.m. touchdown paries, per cent comple pave the way to a perfect score :epted pass and made the score gin the regular schedule Oct. 30.tlons, per cent Interception!. Nine months' electronicf icboollnf A feature of the afternoon will rwi Becelren plus two years maintenance ex- Tournament with a card of victory, 15-40. iold up in recording a 6-0 decl- Games will be played Monday perience on eommurtfeaitoaa end/or e a putting contest at 4 p.m., radar equipment. John Klngdon 40-49—79. Robert Hughes, Robert Hayes iion over the Hurricanes. and Tuesday nights at Balbach's Yds. Gain TD Allowed by a hot and cold buffet Hall, Carr Ave., Keansburg. Fi- Shofner, N. Y. 35 347 41 Radio-TV servicemen with receiver and Robert Brandow placed high Hahn scored the deciding tally McDonald. Fhlla. _~24 342 t* and transmitter Dackfround. We noticed recently some past Thorn McAn Tro- in the Class C event to pace a in the contest on the second play t Gibbs Hall at 6 p.m. Dancing nal rosters will be due at a Phillips, u A -.22 389 «9 Broadcast enrlneers. meeting of the managers next UcOee, Oreen Bay -21 377 48 24-39 CBA victory in the closest From scrimmage when Hurricane rom 8 p.m. to midnight will top Renfro, Cleveland -21 3W 94 phy winners that have really made it in the collegiate Wednesday. Roue. New York —21 307 HE PAY: event of the afternoon. luarterback Pete Dixon threw a ff the day's activities. Stickler San. F 31 3(0 M and pro football ranks. Mike Lind, who is leading the In the Class A race, CBA had lass into the flat intended for President of the league for the Brown. Cleveland .-.20 138 28 «7,0OO-»10.0O0 pLTjg BONUSES William LeBaron and Gregory second year in a row will be Dial, Pittsburgh ..._.2O 3SS 44 surprising Irish of Notre Dame this season at fullback Pete McGuinnes finish fifth, rom Ierubino. The aerial never Dugan, Washington -20 421 SO OCATION: Kevin Sullivan sixth, and Joe Az eached its target and the Fal- illman, chairmen, are being as- Fred Kluin of Harmony Park. Ground Gainers was a winner in Chicago in 1957. Norman Sneak, All- Loot World-wide or continental V.M.X. rack eighth to aid the winning :ons scored a victory in the open- listed in preparations by Ed Alt OBJn Air. ~*leld Engineering assignments. American last year at Wake Forest, won in Newport cause. Eager's winning time in ing game. anta, Bill Hagerman and Clint Taylor, Green B. ..81 sis 53 g.4 the race was 7:01. Sheehan's Brown, Cleveland ..96 287 30 4.0 Phone (Long Branch) SH T-MM News. Va.. in 1956. Howard (Hopalong) Cassidy, now In Intermediate Division play, Pack 25 Wins Pletrosante. Det. -.72 ITS 5 2 Weekdays 0 AM. to 4:10 P.U. to clocking was one second slower Thompson, co-chairmen. Kilmer, San F. -59 3J« 26 60 Fringe confidential Interview. a mainstay of the NFL Detroit Lions, won in Columbus he Lions edged the Packers on Smith. San F. __.5« 307 33 while Kemp was in with a 7:02 :he strength of a brilliant 40-yard Webster, N. Y. ,_«1 304 89 Or lend Resume 1* Ohio, in 1951. The list goes on and on. We think time. Ninth Straight Oautt, St. Louis ..55 290 M •un in the opening quarter by Hornunr, O. B. ..fil 582 B4 last year's choice in the Red Bank area, Ralph "Doc" HIGHLANDS - Pack 25 ot Perkins. Dallas ...71 279 47 LADIES DAY juido Innacelli. Bruising down- Qallmore, Chlc'go..55 n Corley of Red Bank Catholic, will live up to the prestige ield blocking by Nicholas Calien- Highlands remained undefeated in Leading Scorers PHILCO lo and Terry Devlin sprung In the Cub Scout Football League TD PAT FO IP this grid award carries. We hope to have some reports Hornling, Oreen Bay..6 20 77 nacelli loose for the encounter's Sunday when Coach Al Turner's Kilmer, San P. ~8 0 48 TECHREP DIVISION forces rung up a 41-19 victory Moore. Baltimore 8 O 48 on Corley's play coming in soon. "Doc" is performing only TD. Taylor, Green Bay ..7 0 42 over Keyport for its second win P.O. Box 4730, Phila. 34, Pa. this campaign for the Virginia University frosh eleven. In the scoreless tie between Waliton. Phila. I 13 37 in a row. Oroza. Cleveland 0 U 35 the Giants and the Eagles, , were "The Negro boys got real emo- tention of a Coast Guard plane. expected this morning. Dabiero, George Sefick, Paul Bill Russell, Al Butler, Sam tional. They said they'd like to BUFFALO, N. Y. (AP) — Jim The Coast Guard cutter Agas- The Optic Nerve left Beach Ha- Peelle, athletic director at the Costa and Frank Minik and full- Jones, K. C. Jones and Tom go home. siz readied the disabled 53-foot ven Saturday noon for engine University of Buffalo, missed an backs Mike Lind, Gerry Gray Sanders. Woody Sauldsberry and "I said, 'Let's think about it Optic Nerve at 8:40 p.m. EDT.trials in the Barnegat Light area. athletic banquet at that institu- and Jim Snowden. of the St. Louis Hawks awhile.' And we talked for two All six persons on the yawl were However, she ran aground and 37-YEAR-OLD tion for the first time in 26 years, "Those other 13 backs we used then- Joined the five Celtics in hours and I couldn't change their Coast Guard assistance was need- but they had to lock him up to 1 against USC were mostly sopho- refusing to play. minds. ed to refloat her. "- TACKLS OF keep him away. Brown Wins First mores and got into the game in The Boston players boarded a "They said, 'We want to go When the yawl failed to return fibwc/sco the last half mainly to gain ex- plane to return to Boston. The back to Boston.' And I took them Peelle was serving on an Erie Hound in Tourney on schedule Sunday, the Coast 49**S,M perience. game between the two National to the airport and they got on County court jury deliberating an PINEHURST, N. C. (AP) - Guard again was notified. ST/LL "No, we will have nothing new Basketball Association teams the plane." insurance fraud case, and was Three New Jersey golfers were A Coast Guard plane wai re- to show Michigan State, which went on as scheduled, with the Paul Seymour, coach of the held overnight with other jurors in the field as the second round turning from a hunt 1,000 miles 6rf probably has the strongest and Celtics having seven players and Hawks, said, "The Celtic team when they could not reach a of the North and. South Senior at sea for a B52G Air Force Jet best-balanced team in the coun the Hawks nine. was refused service and our verdict. Golf tournament' began today. Bomber, missing since Saturday's try. Our patterns were set up Art Lang, manager of the boys figured it would be for the WOMEN'S COMMUNITY LBtGCE All three of the Garden State Sky Shield II defense test opera- W L before the season opened. I ad- Phoenix Hotel where the players best if they didn't play." Tram No, 10 ... 10 5 qualifiers won their opening tion. The plane's crew spotted the mit we haven't thrown the ball were denied service at a coffee Auerbach emphasized that the aiiorfway Realty 7»i 4'i round matches yesterday. yawl when her passengers re- V«!lanl. 7 5 much so far. I don't know if our shop, said the hotel did not have Kentucky Alumni Association Mlddirtown Youth Center 7 S J. Wolcott Brown of Sea Girt felcted sunlight from hand mir- Rellord Gull 7 5 rors to attract attention. passes are off target or our re-discriminatory policies and the ["treated everybody beautifully Twin Diner 7 S topped Oral Carter of Cincinnati, ceivers are not getting them— refusial to serve the Negroes to make this a wonderful stay Mldcfletovrn Lanes . d'J 5'S 4 and 2. Consolidated Fuels «'i S's but we could stand improvement resulted from a misunderstand- here. Tt«m Mo. 3 _ « » Walter Pease of Plainfield de- A telephone exchange has re- in our aerial game. We may ex-ing. Fair Haven Yacht Works .... « « cently been installed in Car- Rick Smiths -•- :. 2'4 fl'4 feated W. E. Norvell, Jr., of Sig- ploit our passing a little more. He said he heard about the It adds up! More and more Matnwan Ford 1 11 nal Mountain, Term., 2 and 1. macks, Yukon Territory, the High Team dime — Valiants, 731 'As for backs, most teams incident about 30 minutes after people use The Register ads each High Team 3 Gamp—Valiants. 2119. James Ackerman of Princeton frontier town named for George have one or two real key play- it had happened and would have issue because results come fas- Hlr.h Ind. Oaine—Vickie Slravo 1B7. scored a l-up victory over Eu- Carmack, whose gold discovery High Ind. 3 Game — Joan Morford, ers, but MSU has 10 or 11 who"served the boys on the house" ter—Advertisement. 111. gene Pittman of Washington, D.C. sparked the Yukon gold rush. can go the distance at any time. And their quarterback, Pete Smith, has indicated he can throw the ball when he wants to. GET THESE MONEY-SAVING SERVICES AT NO EXTRA CHARGE They have a defensive unit they WHEN YOU BUY YOUR TIRES AT ANY BAMBERGER AUTO CENTER can rely on and some men on their offensive unit who are ex- • TIRE INSTALLATION • TIRE ROTATION • FIAT REPAIR cellent two-way performers. AT THE There*' a Bamberger Drlve-ln Auto Center near you: t'Paramus: Parking field A-4 it the Garden State Plua 'It remains to be seen if our 'Newark: Sales, service at 438 High St., entrance en little backs like Dabiero (165), EKTONTOWH Sefick (170) and Minik (165) can CIRCLE t'Monmouth: Adjacent to Bamberger'i «t the Academy St. Eatontown Circle tPIainlleld: 245-47 E. 3nl St., between Roosevelt Ave., take the pounding that I know MW Jiuiri Munil ncm OHI OF AMIIIOO HNUT the Spartans will dish out." t'Menlo Park: Parking field #23 at the Shopping Center Church St. Against such a rock-ribbed de •Quick, expert Installation and service on tires, mufllen, shocks, batteriei and seat coven. fBrake and alignment fense as Michigan State's Notn service. , Dame may find its most danger ous weapon to be the placekick. OUritaM H «H Mm imMt ing of Joe Perkowski, 200-poun senior from Wilkes-Barre, Pa Joe "The Toe" booted a 28-yar field goal that beat Purdue, 22' Rookie Bob Gaiters Gives 20, and last week -set a school record with one of 49 yard! against USC. The day before ii Vanderbilt 'Slow' Giants New Look practice, he booted one of t yards. NEW, YORK (AP) - Speed, in "Now as a halfback, I am back "Perkowski has one of the best the person of rookie halfback Bob that extra yard and it helps me legs I've ever seen," appraises Gaiters, has suddenly trans- get a start and keep flying," he Kuharich. 'His form and timing formed a lortoise-like New York went on. "I don't take that extra are nearly perfect. If he gets a Giants' ground offense into a real step because I don't have to." little more ice water In his veins, Safety-Nylon tires threat. Sherman backed him up. he could be one of the greatest Coach Al Sherman has ben ever." promising all along to put speed "Just like any good rookie— into the Giants' attack he is fash- jand I remember Bobby Mitchell ioning in his rookie term as a of the Browns was the same way WITH 24-MONTH GUARANTEE-NO National Football League heed' —he used to try and do a little Bowling HOI.Y NAME LEAGUE America* Division w L. RECAPPABLE EXCHANGE NEEDED Holy Spirit 3 _ 15 3 Holy Trinity 1 II S BL Rose 2 11 7 St. Jerome 3 — 11 7 'Tittle (quarterback Y. A. Tit-St. Gabriel — 10 Then last Sunday against Dai- St. Leo Tin Oreat 1 t Ins, Gaiters, the Giants' top tle) got after him in Dallas last 9 10 SL Jerome 1 10 draft conjee Irorn .Ne,w. Mexico Sunday after he had made a St. Michael , State, made his debut as a half- couple of dandy runs on some Mount CaTmel — ••8 trap- plays," Sherman said. Holy Bplrtl 1 ii back, and all of a sudden, the ~t. Rose of Lima 3 15 "When he tried his little dance Trln- Giants~were off and running. 23«!" 1T0. »»•«<" .-' was having my troubles as a step on another trap and got 300 Club — Joe Dtnnls 313, Chai 2forl7.99 Hull TXI. John HcBrlde 217. Jae. fullback," Gaiters said today. stopped cold, Y. A. got right Vlilnho 2OS. John stahl 203, Bob Wese "People said I was taking little down on the ground by the piieup an. 640x15 TUBMTPI UACKWAU, PIUS •teps before I began running but and said 'Boy, in this league the W direction to that safetyman Is 14 TAX AND ANY 2 O1O TIRES IN TRAM I couldn't see It. Besides, I d'dn't St. nose of Lima 1 — 13 feel comfortable as a fullbacit I straight ahead.' Holy Trinity 2 .... 11 Holy Spirit 4 11 had played halfback all my life. "Y. A. .told me later, 'The Holy Spirit 3 10 Vanderbilt Safety-Nylon tires have abroad 6-ribbed tread dedg» next time I looked at him he Star of the 8ea . ...10 Dorothea - 9 was running over the safetyman, James 1 _ 8 that gives greater traction and stability for safer starting and straight ahead/ " Sherman said. St. Jerome 3 7 MC Sailing SI Rose 1 , 7 stopping. They also give more mileage than usual became of - " ,7 "Gaiters will stay at halfback St. Leo The Great 2 from now on," Sherman added. TOt, Club - Joe Zlararek __ heavier tread and sidevrall. Guaranteed against all road hazards Club Meets "He has the speed we need back Ham Power 218: Joe Ward 2M: Ralph Done 20*: Jot Lee 207: Mike Rallerty such as blowouts, glass cuts, curb braises and the like, pro-rated there. He can hit a piieup at the205; Jules Ba|Ul 204, 202; Ted Com! 204: Bill Scol-i 202: Dan Bruno 201; on these sale prices. line but can fly off and head Jim Craftey 301; Bill Ruckalew 200; Lehigh Sat. downfieid before anyone realizes Bob Pelrero TOO; sieve Shedlack 200. he's gone and get that 10 or 12 WOMEN'S COMMUNITY CHUBCH WEST LONG BRANCH - Mon- LCAGvE mouth College's Sailing Club yards at a clip." j W L l .. . S takes on a strong Lehigh Univer- The 5-foot-ll, 205-pounder is Re'd*BaRed Bannk"*utk Methodlni t 2 11 sity team Saturday after captur- the team's second leading rusher, IJlf'if"!".'" II ing second place last week-end at with 223 yards in AJ attempts for auini Anthony ...... io Red Bank Presbyterian 3 .... 9 • Fort Schuyler, N, Y., regatta. a 5.3 average. He picked up 177Re" d" Ban" k Methodist 1 ... .9 in IS carries in helping the Shrewsbury Preabyterlan . . 8 The race against Lehigh will Pair Haven Nativity . S Giants to a 31-10 victory over Trinity EpiscopaDDSlt . a Snow tire sale take place on the Shrewsbury CongregatioConsrei • n BetBith Shalom ... • II River. Dallas and keeping them in a Saint Jamei 2 9 12 tie for the Eastern Conference ISO Club — Linda Meeker 210, Ann Last week-end's honors came to Chrutensen 531, nolle Slhute 1»R. Monmouth College during com- lead with Philadelphia. 800 sertea — Ann Chrlsicnaen 16T 231. 111-912: Roile Shute 159, IBS, 161. petition against the New York 304. NAULLS KNICK CAPTAIN Maritime College—which took AT. HI.DS. BAYSHORE TAVERN first place—Webb College, Colum- NEW YORK (AP) - Willie bia, Cooper Union and Queens Naulls, a veteran forward, was 2 Conner's Hotel ' I"J j, College. named captain of the New York Paul's Tavern Westend Liquor 11 « 7.99 Monmouth scored 65 points to Knickerbockers yesterday. He es-Herti'i Place ... ^. II Oceanvlew Tavern _. 7'$ 7' the New York Maritime College's tablished a club record with I,M6 At. Hlds. Rec- . 7' 600x16 TUBI-TYPI BLACKWALL, PLUS 71. The West Long Branch col-|r- -, and a 23.4 average last Waziy's 9 Rldftewood inn -_. ,... 3 10 lege was represented by Craig season. Oslp's .... 4'4 10'i TAX AND ANY OLD TIKI IN TRADI 10'4 Wolcott of Red Bank, captain of The Knicks open the National Frank's Tavern . 12 the "A" division. In "B" divi- Basketball Association season in 601) Series — BUI Hodieklas 204. !00 • Fully recapped—sidewall to sidewall :2(-K»; Jot BalOfh 222. 199. 216-627. All prlcas plai tas ana any sion, Roger Smith of Fords was Madison Square Garden tomor- 200 club — Tony Belieua 223, 210; • With 12-month road hazard guarantee ikipper. Substitute skipper was Johh Outh 222, Frllzle Gilbert 211, tin In Itadt. Wslttwalb an row night meeting the new Chi Herb Mahler 202, Jack Flyrm 290. klth.r Barry Rosengarten of Perth Am- cago Packers. On trie s?me pro- • Made of 100% Grade-A rubber boy. LLNCBOFT WOMEN'S BOWUNO gram, Philadelphia takes on Los W L Everett W. Holt of Elberon, as- Angeles. Frank's Earner Shop 11 Llncroft Pharmacy 10 itatant professor of the mathe- Lincroft E»*o »H Wassermnn's _ flij matics department, is the club's It pays to advertise In The Llncron Hardware 9 faculty adviser. Llncrnft Inn 8 Register. —Advertisement. Keansburr NHtlonal Bank .... 8 "Ulan Markit 7 EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? By Blalc* 500 Strlea — N. Bleiel «2». William the Conqueror's iSlTWHEPeMESETS 'Doomsday Book" was a tax l«ar 6-pelnt front end Rutt-reiisranr muffUri THE MOST HANDOUTS survey of medieval England. Vanderbilt heavy-duty Save on bended alignment special - 0(2 WHERE H£ CAN COOMT with 5-year guarantee batteries with 24-mo. brake lining, all 4 wheelt Fret installation ON THE MOST SPILLS ? guarantee-installed free with free installation Make lui Meeel Mea •tudebaker .Ui-'M—ChamploiL. e.»9 Crimollt _'4»-'S3 « TO Chtvrolet __'s4-'6O_5 and •— 9.4t 7.49 WHV DOES HE Focttu J3 5«_5 and a_ 1.1* For moil ALCOA ALUMINUM Olds '»'•'»« I _ 9.99 AUWAVS HAPTA Sir lulek '49-'c3 0 9.99 {•volt c« FOR MOST CARS Blllck '53-M I 18.49 i 7.99" Can. >front) '52-'J6 a ls.99 12.49 Cad. Iraar. '53-'S8 a ».«» • Correct toe-in, camber and caster cad. Uronli '57-'«o a ..lt.49 w Cad. Irtarl '57-'6O a I1J9 For mott Anwrictn etrt Ford '4J-'S3_S and »_ 1<» For moil s rord 'J4.'S9_8 and a_w.!>9 • Remove front wheels Dodre '49-'Sfi « 9.99 IJ-volt can Dodn '63-09 a 11.49 9.99 Specially engineered linings, brass • Inspect bearings and seals Hjmoutb _'43-'S0_8 and «_ 9.M i Impregnated for extra heat dissipa- Lifetime guarantee against man- •Prices Include old battery in trade. tion—guaranteed for 1 full year or • Ilepack the bearings ufacturer's defects. Duals, con- 10,000 miles against parts, labor. Plus: Owens-Corning Fiber- vertibles, slightly higher. Till Batteries for other cars available Wheel cylinder conditioning special • Adjust the steering pipes for most cars also avail- at similar low prices. Guaranteed glas Siding Insulation. when done with brake job—only 112. • Inspect and refill brake system able; at low price. /-i against cell failure for said period. Plus: Backed with Reflective Aluminum Lining. ALL Teleserviee OR WRITE on tires only—Free delivery within our delivery area. (Except C.O.D.'s, add 50c) Tlrei (Depr, 144) and Auto Ac- cessories (Dept. 143), Bamberger's Monmouth, and at Paramus, Newark Menlo Park and Plainfield unless otherwise specified.

Order by phone Monday through Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m Call OSborne 1-2500, Kellogg 1-2400 CONSTRUCTION Hwy. 35. Mlddlttown CALL DAY OR NIGHT BAMBERGERS MONMOUTH, OPEN MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, THURSDAYS AND FRIDAYS TILL 9:30 01MI, Hot staton flradkata, ha. World righu naxvad. OS 1-1479 SHOP TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS FROM 10 A.M. TILL 6 P.M. • AT THE EATONTOWN TRAFFIC CIRCLE AND ROUTE 35 at~W*dae«ky,0ct.l8,iy l RED BANK REGISTER. i*J], sorting kt 7:30 p.m. There By SAVNDERS and OVERCARD J 1 STEVE ROPER Union Beach will be a Halloween party and a uniform inspection. MAJO*SA»MOTHER FIRST fLL HAVE TO \ ABOVE WHU^,»jM/«E A planning, board meeting of FIHO A awe FOR . I Rqc^_»«i»«/»iws Cub Scout Pack. 6 will be held SHES fORftJTTE- All// BACK yPBWH TO THE FOtKS TOLIVtU/UHWORW^Rffl WORTHY fWSOHM W«HO 0 today in the Park Avenue Mrs. John Calandra and Mrs. ABOUT WSW6 THE TTIOOK R3RTK BUNCO BE HONORED TOTO RORO T Bridge Column James Calhoun were hostesses to JV THEtnODURESTEOTHEtnODURESTEO O aflSOOO'/ • fire house. The pack meeting BWEMTS scheduled for Oct. 31 will be the auxiliary of Fire Company Knugeiy enough there is DOT. One at a meeting last week in •oca thing u a lucky bridge play- changed to next Tuesday. It will be held in the American Legion the fire house. Mrs. Albert Krill air. If a player is unsuccessful, he THE HANDS was welcomed to membership. b obviously unlucky; if he is suc- North dealer two spades, two hearts and one Mrs. Henry Gunsauls, Jr., was ac- cessful, he owes nothing to luck. cepted as a new member. Plans North-South vulnerable diamond. He will tell you so himself. NORTH for the Christmas dinner party Isn't it lucky to count your When this hand was played In * 6 2 were discussed. Members will ex- K> A J 7 tricks and tackla the right suit change gifts, and the party will * rubber bridge game, South won! first! the first trick with the king of 0 A Q J 9 6 be in charge of Mrs. James Hag- 10 DAILY WQESTION •pades and tried the diamond • Q J - gerty. WEST EAST Partner opens with one no finesse. It was unlucky. East won * J 10 9 4 3 8 5, trump (16 to 18 points), and the with the king of diamonds and I derline hands. If partner bids two 6 to 9 p.m. Take-out orders will A very uniucky hand, since all spades or two diamonds, you can be available from 5 to 6 p.m. the finesses were sure to lose pass and feel satisfied that the What can you do but weep a heart to dummy's ace and re- contract is safer than one no- Mrs. Susan Lembe, Second St., bitter tear and hope for better turns a club for the finesse trump. days? is a surgical patient in Riverview If the club finesse happens to For Sheinwold's 36-page book- Hospital. No Tears work, our lucky hero will run thelet, "A Pocket Guide to Bridge," A lucky player doesn't have to clubs and then try the diamond send 50c to Bridge Book, Red shed tears about such a hand. finesse. Even though the club fin- Bank Register, Box 3318, Grand It pays to advertise in The At the second trick he leads a esse loses, h« still has four clubs, Central Sta., N. Y. 17, N. Y. Register.—Advertisement. DAILY CROSSWORD "ASTRO-GUIDE" By Ceean THE PHANTOM By LEE FALK ACROSS 8. Narrow band 3& Actor: THEN WEU UARMI HOW POES HE For Thursday, October 1° 1 Alloy of 8. Siamese Leoa m*®Mu WalHii TOGETTO \WEWAHTTO KNOW My copper coin HBHB• R2DEH3B THIS tEADS TO THE BEACH.' rWROL HQ | SEE WHO NAME7--WHO (.Dissociated 7. Self-con- 28. stuffy HHasuriB as Present—For You and IS THIS HOW AIL THE It THINK ANP REPORT/COMES TO ESCAPE TUNNEL, t IS HE? tradictory 29. For HBO BS®2i Yours • • • Not a particularly PRISONERS ESCAPEP SEARCH FOR IlTJeeesof annna EIQBISS statement 32.Sainte HEI3Q HEE inspiring day, but radiations im- FROM HERE: YOU HERE. (abbr.. 12, cad coin 8. Hawaiian BE miEKUHS prove somewhat late in after- (Get.) royal chief 55, like Msccaa oasm noon. Discretion is advised as 18. Arab 1 Tear a saBbaoroak etty &xo' so* 98. Art. cented. Postpone social plans lea other than bmfly get-togethers. St Harm mam rooms Doot mate major changes at sa laUnttot MSUn 44.APOC this tSmo. PvoMenv can fee SXCnmto opN/ MMn 34 ftiapintioa comes to your a



.. i .0 IMl VOUUWAQCM Of *M(tlCA. WC Why won't your wife let you buy this wagon?

;"lr looks like a bus." She can take eight or more Scouts, with all "I wouldn't be caught dead in it." their cook-out gear. Do these sound familiar? Your wife is not alone. She can give the family plenty of sun and fresh ~M a hard to convince some women what sense the air. (Why no other station wagon has a sun-roof VW Station Wagon makes. remains a mystery.) Its chunky shape, for instance, allows it to hold She won't ever have to worry about the more than the biggest conventional wagon. (Yet radiator boiling over. There's no radiator, ro it is a good four feet shorter, and a lot less ex- water. (The VW engine is air-cooled.I osperaling to park.) And if she likes to see where she's going, the Your wife might like the easy way it loads. The VW Station Wagon has incredible visibility on wide side doors give her almost 16 sq. ft. for big hills and curves. supermarket bags, an open baby carriage, etc. If these facts don't convince her, inert you She can cart home an antique chest, standing might as well give up gracefully. 'WELL-L-L-- LOOK HOW CAUSE HE'S TH GOOD HE CflN^Wa^ BESTDOGGOME. vp. Or delicate trees from the nursery. Or wide But before you do, bring your wife in tor a drive. TAIL-WAGGER • .things, like on open playpen. (And don't be surprised if she does let you buy one.)

VW Stallon VViunn •2096- lo ritlKS" SHREWSBURY MOTORS. INC. (Sllitlnf Rnnf Kjlra) Shrewsbury Avenue Shrewsbury, N. J.

LI 2-1400 HEI EALEfl d nnall I'rlci E«»l Dul !* 0,1, FOR HIM l\KI) BANK JtfcGISTfcR ANHOUNCfMEWTS AUTOS AM) TTtUCKS IMrLOYMIHT HEf> WAOTED-HMAJJB BUSIHESS drrjCK Keirny LOST AND FOUND AUffrm MULBY •MUTE-***. HELP WAWIED-FEMALE ft CoC . bu inj. Roue 39, Wednesday, Oct. 18,1961-25 9SJSnil Ures, one owner, mt)s#»s ADVANCED AERO Adjacent to Township Hall. Air con- ygn — Pair ot i:»y ram. Vltlnlly 1,000. Call w 1-JlM. . INVESTORS CONSTABLE ditioned. ieptnt« «niranc«, ftmpi* park- st 1. Kriatl. Brosd «na Front tu. 15*3 RAMBUUt station wagon, tltO. WANTED utllftits included. One or two year HOUSES FOR SALE ItM Buk. Rtward. IH 1-5300. 173 Brou) St., Xltontown. U MR' Iciic |75 per month. Call OS 1-0600, UOtt — Built Book Mo. F-1M17J of or CA 2-2065. Woman to canvass from own home by INSPECTORS CHECK THIS AUTHORIZES RELEASE 9-fi. 811 l-Slio after 6 p.m. RL'MSON. No eye'appeai, but • lub- at. Salary piui commliiton. AT I- itantlai roomy house. Ten roomi, ilz U» Unltsd GUtes Savings Bank " J*U FORD V-«. ndlo, bnter, »100. ), Mr. McCarthy, a OWN rOI'R OWN BUSINESS IN THE WATERWITCH AVE, HIGHLANDS. Ntwftik, N-J. Finder * please return 72 Complon Are., Weft Keustrarf. IXCITIHG NEW DOIT YOUR IELF Store, luitable for delicuWMen, etc,. herirooira, three bath*. Holy Cross Mm* to bank. MECHANICAL DRY CXEANINO FIELD. • OF 3 ROOM OUTFITS CHII HI 3-H110. Partuh. Two-car caraf!. Walk to UOUg£K£fiP£R — Must b* - fond ... ocean beaches. Taxes $362. Asking }2S,,- 1955 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe, (ullr children, hive In. Pleasant room *'iih Broad experience in the i ALL NEW RETAIL LOCATIONS PUBLIC NOTICE equipped, atandard tranirollllon, l televiKon. Relerencei required. CA 2- NOW CLESCO 420 COIN cylinder, Oood condition. $375 or b< 2400, from 9-5, Mrs. Abbott. mechanical aspect of FOR UNPAID BALANCE Near railroad depot Little Sil- I AwrpnrA J DUB TO UNFORSEEN Clreumsunces, ffer. Call CA (-1882. OPERATED DRY CLEANERS Some brand ntw. Ut&r]y new and In e EXPERIENCED SALESLADY ~ For the missile or aircraft excellent unable, condition. In al! canm ver. Ideal for pharmacy, barber|"W nCf J. the showing it IT Warden Av«., Rum-IBM JEKP STATION WAOON AVAILABLE FOR IM- shop and beauty parlor, luncheon- •an. October IS and IS has keen can- pclaJity *hop. Wriu "Speciality," field required. Exray, pay fraction ot origins! cost. Pay Slladysi.le 7-4121 called. Oood condition. Call Bos fill. Red Bank. MEDIATE DELIVERY »2,89 ft wetk for any on*! Consisting ette. Available in units of 1,300 Multiple Lmtint Sprvi BH 7-4430 EXPEHIENCBU STENOGRAPHER - Zyglo or Magnaflux ex- or living room or leettonal. Complete sq. ft. to 3,000 sq. ft. Parking for 1854 MERCURY — Automatic tram legal experience preferred), Apply bedroom and dinette piui many eitrai. mlailon. sno. Call Toolui, Haney janitorial OHI-SEN REALTY. Realtors, New 11319. or belt offer. Call anytime, until 6:30. ;Novrmhpr 15 Mnnmnu'.h. OS \-i:\12. OS 11492 insurance, paid sick machine. BH 7-:30(l. 1M0 Al'STl.V—A-10 sedan. Under 15.000 FIELD FURNITURE FiVE-REIiKOOM. J'-l.dili. two-oar al- miles. Owner returned to Europe. SH 1956 PLYMOUTH utatlon wagon. V-8. ca| real pwale and lnsuruncf 7-1S38. fiooil condition. »27J. 101 Swimming office leave, cafeteria on lachoil. l>i-ievfl rari'li .Stone Churcrt River Road, New Shrewsbury, .» openifljp ; for neat,, pffJcirnt indus- COMPARE HOUSES FOR RE\T arfa, M.iMleUiwn. FHA financing ar- 1957 FORD — Ranch Wagon, Radio, trloua woman witihh nome experience. premisei, etc. Warehouse Department! ranKPd $117 a. lilrmlll r>^>* all carrying beater, good tires, iggs. Phoni MJ-455J, FORU 1855 Station Wagon, radio, heat- Reply In own handwriting, stating ex- —The c:ifaco 420 in n PROVKN VIUK HELfiCi'ION OF RENTALS — cnntfl for qualiflpd buyrr. Convenient Colti Neck. er, automatic transmission. Needs ml perience ani salary deilred. "Local," PROFESSIONAL TYPE DRY 22 East Front St., Keyport, N. J. Furnmfied and unlurnlihe'i immed Hell I,atm. Bendlx anri I.uy Tulip, also nnr repaln, $100. Call anytime 08 1 Bo* 511, Red Bank. CLEANER . . .Sot a converted atp> occupancy Samuel Teicher Ajency Nrw York arvl Npwarlt bus service, STATION WAOON - 19M Chevrolet. 1492. wafhing macHlne. Octanport Ave,, Oceanport. Call or dial a."klnF $J1,ij(i<). fAl"I. A. McFAR- Four-door fix cylinder, automatic SALESLADIES wanted for Christmas THIOKOL CHEMICAL —Clenco 420. . • farh unit com- for appointment dial CO 4-3020 U C-35W or LI 2-3501. 1>ANN. broker RU 1-2IH9. tranamiiaion, radio, heater. Oood AP-1993 0LMMOBILB"S«, four-door udan. •eaaon In fine quality itore. Sincerity pletely self-contained with com- pearanc* and operating condition. 1625 owner entered service. Asking |120. CAand enthusiasm needed, not experience. ptoe refrlgeratlon-full 12 pound STORE HOURS: S95 to S12S Per Month OCKANI'ORT — Builder's sacrifice. or belt offer. Weekday!, call M2-3J21, 9-10K. pDly In writing to, "Christmas," Box capacity. THE BEHQ AQE.NCY Complttely rebuilt, two-bedroom, two- CORP. Monday thru Saturday 9:00 a.m. 31 Ulddlelown •venlngl after 7:30, 8H 7-9111. CHEVROLET 1981 — Ultimata luxury,511, Red Banh. to 6 p.m. Thursday and Fri- fllory home. FI1A financing arranged. NEWPORTVILLE RD. PLUS OB 11000 . ((10 9 a montmoh p.'iys all carryincyingg ccost s t o ItM COUNTRY SQUIItE — station maximum economy. Impala. white CLEANER WANTED — Apply in per- day evenings tilt 9:00 p.m. qualifid li Aki (14000 Wagon, automatic traniralialon, Thun,- •porti sedan, llx cylinder, alandard son Rlvercrest Nuning Home, Chapln LeviHown, Pa. * UNIVERSAL MACHINERY MANY KUIl.NISHED KENTALB - In qualified liujprj . Askingg (14.000(.00 . transmission. Sacrifice, 12,175. Fhone prices and sizesi . EElll a WiltshiWh r EVERETT II TIIQP.NKI NK. FllFll.'' 1-2OJ912OJ9. derbird V-8. radio, heater, power brake! Ave., Red Bank between 10-3 p.m. OFFERS ITS FOUR-PIECE hertroom Ml; Nve-f>[pcR AgeDcy. 1480 ocean Ave.. Sae Bright - Two bedrooms, bath, tl6,a». Call alter 8 p.m. SH 7-1311. Cream body, red and cream Interior, MOBILE HOMES ARRANGED. tion. — Low Initial Investment. BLACK~PER8IAN LAMB ~coatT~ kitchen, living rocm. Located at Par FIVE-ROOM HOL'SE Best offtr. full power, heater, radio, eicellent con. HOUSEWORKER — Experienced wom- 16, reasonable, going south. Ave.. Port Monmouth. Call after 6 p.m Cllffwood. 43 Salpm PI dltlon. Only 311,000 miles. JH50. CO < MOBILE HOMES an, good character. Permanent position LI 2-0828 08 1-IMI28. 03 1-0210. LO 6 3417 1124. open for care of ranch house and plain An Equal Opportunity Use! • 10% down cooking. Exctllent nalary, own room PRIME LOCATIONS FULL, DINING ROOM Mt, Frtnch Pro- KAm~ilAVE>i — Blx-rooA dwlei" OOMCOL DH CHEVROLET BEL AIR — Stand- New • 7-year financing and TV. Will consider ileep out with Employer vincial with breakfront. alao two bedbus line. Three bedrooms. S10O pe— INCU'DES APPLIANCES MOST ard Ihin, good tires, radio, heater. ROBBIN8V1LLB own transportation. RU 1-1308. room sets. Call LO 6-4205. month. SH 1-8298 alter S p.m. PAM1UBS PREFER. FRIOIDAIRE Oood condition. (500. 787-5107. TRAILER SALES INC. EXPERIENCED SPRAY PAINTER — AVAILABLE We repair aluminum window fcreena, DOWNTOWN RED BANK — Four-bet WASHER. DRYER. OISHWASHER. BE- Routa 130 RobblniTlIla, N. J. GENERAL HOUSEWORKER - Re- Steady work with, overtime. Apply in Venetian blind!, aluminum norm win- room colonial. Fireplace in living room, KRIOERATOR • FREEZER. CAFE UM CHRYSLER — Four-door deluxe. , JU T-1JM fined, recent reference*, sleep in. Call person, Eitey Metal Products, 1 C*th- iET ALL THE FACTS RIGHT dow glsai Incertl. Faat iervlc*. finished baaement. Two-car Karaite. Im- KITCHEN EtliriPMEMT AND HOST OF New tranamiiaion, valvei, Four food RU 1-19S0 after 3. ertne St., Red Bank. PROWN B, 32 Brad It. BH 1-1100. mediate occupancy. Write "Town", BOJ EXTRAS. ALUMINUM AWNINGS AND tlrai. Excellent condition. OS 1-0481. WOMAN — Capable, for rest home, on NOW... NO OBLIGATION 511. Red Bank. PATIO COVER, FENCED LOT. REAL ESTATE MANAGER — Must TV, RCA table model, 1?" need! lomc PANELED RECREATION ROOM, 1M0 COMET, nation wagon, radio, WAlVTED-AUTOMOnVE duty nights, weekend!. Live In If pre-have brokar'i license. Liberal comnaK- work, but ID good condition. RU 1 SIXROOM HOUSE — 21 Stsvenl heater, whltewalls. Automatic transmls- ferred. Salary 1160 monthly. Call KE l-afon, plus override on all Bales. Harry Ave., New Shrewsbury, 9115 montH. SIDEWALKS. SEWERS. FHA AP- 9893 after six p.m. 0487. PRAISED AT I20.50O. QUALIFIED alon, luggage rack. 11930. m Mil WANTED — Lata model jeep In food A. Kearny & Cu., OS 1-0600. Member Call BH 1-1144. BUYERS ONLY. JI.1O0 DOWN. BARO- condition. Call MATURE WOMAN — To llve-ln, care of_Kert_B«nk MuU.pl Listing_^ UPHOLSTERED wine colored 1959 FORD OALAXIE - Convertible, Vallay a-0591 chair. Very loofl condition. KEANSBURG — Beacon Beach, nlci NET rtEALTY. HAZLRT. CO 4-2O10. black with white top. Low mileage. for three clilldren. (6, 7, fit. Good, MA^ WANTED—To work in hardware- Universal Machinery 8H 7-2*47 -' ilx-mom home, porch. Unfurnished. |1O Excellent condition. HU 1-1231 W. permanent home Uw starling Hilary. )loUHeWjire store. Ked Bank area. MuM month plus utilities. Security, reference! i5b"w^TOWN~RTrT~Banir"Tou'r- bedroom i1 nft p m 7 colonial. Twn-car Karace. Suitable pro- " l^ - - "-66lW. _ _ mve fSlieri(,m;i, WrlU "HARDWARE" LIONEL TBAINS — Thr»e 1M» r''<|ulrpri. Chateau Realty, Real EstBt 1043 FORD — Two-door, radio-Theater, Distributors flrc*nsoriei. Call alter t p.m. 215 Carr Ave.. Keaniburg. 787-5SS4. fessional-home office combination. Prln- economical alx cylinder, 1125. Call fill BOATS & ACCESSORIES GENERAL HOUSEKEEPER — Live in|jioxJ.U. ]}<•<[ UanH. Ml. ciprils only. Write "Home", Box 511, out. rcccnl rrfen-ricrH, pxper.fnce PAIN'fKJ^I'AI'KlllYANtlKH -- 200 SOUTH GROVE ST. Red Bank. 7-4478. or MODERN SEVEN ROOM RANCH — JJS5 PONTIAC CATALINA—Aulornntlr. ______„ _ __ ' iiiainit?nafice work,. steady, EAST ORANGE Spacious grounds. |125 month. Call H IJTTLE~siLVER~^~Lovely Fox Hill COME IN AND SEE SALESLADIES — For children'* wear. all year position, pleasant working con- 4733. radio, heater. Nice condition. 1400. Call ditions. Reply P. O. Bex Ml. Red Bank. MERCHANDISE WANTED area. Three-bedroom ranch. Living •H 7-4273. Full anil part-time. Experienced . OR 4-0171 FOUR ROOMS, sunporch, bath. Fu: •oom with fireplace, dining room, ferred. Apply In per»on only, Youi PIANOS and muiicai Initrumenu nished. For particulars call 787-49B' icreencd porch. »23.Ollfl. SH 1-8390. MOTOR SCOOTER — l»t«. leaa than 1962 'enter, 20 Broad St., Red Bark. MEN •ranted. Hlgbeit t>rleci paid, R Ten-between 4-6 p.m. 800 mllea. Can be aeen at 13B South MAJOR OIL COMPANY fan • modern, ter, 3Q< Ualn Bt.. Laktwood or Vox- NEW HOME — Near completion. Thmi__ It., Red Bank or BH 7-5570. HJO. '.OSMETICIAN-DRUf} SALESLADY Ten nptdeti « once to IM opening* two-bay atation lor least in Bed Bank. Croft 3-21W, THKEEROOM BUNGALOW — Fu bedrooma, living room with fireplace, CHRIS * CRAFT Experienced, full time. Apply in pern acateil by men called Into service. Moderate lnveitment for atock and nished. Bath, hot water .787-2136, If n combination kitchen and dining room, 1MT PLYMOUTH — Four dooropower 2fCTN8TELLA!ON Pell'* Pharmacy, 588 River Rd., Fai Jobs In our service department, office, tqulpmenl only. Training available. Call WANTED answer call evenings. •' baths, recreation room, cellar and Hits, low mileage, excellent condition. 25' CONSTELLATION Haven. i and personnel department. Fer- MI 3-C10O. 1-0 p.m. after 7 p.m. Bn «• tJBEP ORIENTAL RUQfl garage. Brick veneer front. 75x100 lot. CO 4103a. 2o- CAVALIER CUSTOM manarit employment. J95.50 per w*elt D3S8. OH1NX6I! AND PERSIAN RUM6ON' RANCH HOME In tltati quiet location. AT 1-0221. M0 25' CAVALIER EXPRESS SHIRT OPERATORS WANTED — E; for right man. . Call BH 1-4011. FRIEDMAN OALLIP.IE8 area. Four bud room •, two bath I, ovei LEAVING COUNTRY —Muit lell 1 IV CAVAUER SPORT perlence preferred but not neceaaar< TEXACO SERVICE STATION — For 4-31» Evenings CA 2 7483. two acict. Uwlnj loom, dtnlQi loom, HAZLET — Three-btdroom ranch. lUe- Tt o n 11 a c four-door hardtop, hilly Steady position, free tionpltallzation. A] FOREMAN — Capable Handling 60-90 lease. High volume. Paid training pro modern kitchen, baaement and pity reatlon room, 79x100. many extras. By •quipped. Bait oiler over 11,900. IIHIII ply Star Cleaner* and Launder en sewing machines In sportswear plant. gram. Small Investment, For InfortnB' OLD FURNITURE - Antiques chlnu yrtle Ave. Lone Branch. Some machine repair knowledge neces- room with flrepla.ee, two-ear garage. appointment only. CO 4-5132. 1W7 FORD — Country aedan. Ra NAUVOO MARINA. INC. tlon call Mr. Lewla, WAbath MMOO. .luiwarc, art object* and bric-a-brac. Two year leaie. Available November sary. Permanent position. Writs Immed.ata caih lor anytrtlnc and ev1-. |259 month. Call Hall Broa. Real- KEANSBURG — 81 Mornlngilda Are. .rn, RU 1-0M4. preferred, but not necessary. Oood pay framei. glssiware, marbietop tsblea, RIVER from this attractive home. Four good clean car. Call before 6 P.m. with vacation. Apply by letter only to: MONEY rooms and many conveniences. Avail :c. Writs 117 Main Bt.. Port Mon- '. Immediately to April or Maybedrooms, l\i tiled oaths. Living room, |H 7-4US or evening! LI 2-O3M. 14' CHRIS CRAFT runabout — Kully PBX OPERATOR — Part time to »tari Hayshor* Stationers, 36 W. Front St.. OWN A HOUSE? NEED CASH! louth. large tiled kitchen, dining area, full Week-end and fill-In during week. Qj Key port. - Write "Rumson" Bo* 511. Red Bank. 1903 S1XCYUNDER — Wlllyi sta- equipped. Beit offer over 1200. Call po-tunlty for lull Umt later. Call SH Prompt, courteous service for basement. Screened porch, two-car fa- tion wagon, overdrive, heater, |t50. SH 1-8MB, after 4 p.m. • HOME IMPROVEMENTS PIANO — UPRIGHT OR SPINET, BIXROOM HOUSE — Bs'.h, hot watel raRe. Home completely equipped. Ask- 4100. • DEBT CONSOLIDATION CALL IE S-2J8O. RUNABOUT. 39 h.p. Johnson. 1160 heat. Call ing <23.000. Russell M. Borus Realtors, WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE — It yr all BARONET REALTY, CO 4-2010. 787-4015 7HJ-B934 600 River Rd.. Fair Haven. SH 7-4J32. TOUTH'8 DREAM — Or excellent sec CALL would enfoy working three or fo Member Multiple Lilting Service. end car. 1&4 Mercury, itlck, overdrive, SH 1-2162. alter five. hours a day calling regularly eat NOW .'AIR HAVEN — On husllne. unlu radio, heattr, lakea, new tlrea. Beaut!, 24' CHRIS-CRAFT Expreia Cruller, month on * group of Studio Girl Co. nished, half double house. Couple 01 MIDDLETOWN — Custom four-bedroom ful. Beit offer. An; tint after 5. BH 7130 UP., head, galley, ileepi two. Kxr appointment call PR 5- W4» AIR CONDITIONED — Cadllli~ 7686 daya. CA 2-8150 nlchta. I. B. M. MERCHANDISI SADDLES REMEDIES :cvipancy. SH 1-9695. FHED D. WIKOFF CO. mint condition, bought from reputabl* INSURANCE — Marine.—outboard-all QUIET colored girl wlihes to rani RED BANK — Charming home on Kumlon original owner three month formi. Rolaton Waterbury. Realtor, HAIRDRESSER — Experienced. WeH FOR SALE MAPLE AVE. AND BERGEN PL. endi. Apply in person Contessa D' OPPORTUNITIES for technicians. Men apartment or small house partially lur< quiet, dead-end street. Near schools ago for S800. hy young man going In' Inen IKS. IB W Front St.. SH 7-3500. with at least t*o years recent train- RED BANK, N.J. SH 1-0654. nished, snout g«S a month. Call aftel and transportation. Living room with • rmy now. Will lell for 141)0 or be Acme Lin croft Shopping Center. roft. Ing -- experience and proven ability AKC — Labrador retreiver, male. 5 p.m. 8H 1-S3S0. fireplace, dining room, den with flag- offer for quick aale. Evening! after BARGAIN — Any boat you want to In Electro — Mechanics. Physio. HAMMOND 'ally trained. Reasonable. stone floor, two bedrooms, tit* bath. ard. CO 4-5«55. own. Ltw bank ratea. Financing &T- CLEP.K - Part-time. Hry eleanlnK stoi Math, Electronics. ORGAN STUDIO U-2-0079. kltchtn on first floor. Large bed-sitting ISM PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON - rangementa completed tn one cm at Vogue Cleaners. Line roft. Experlem room and bath on second. Full base- any of our oftlcea. THE 1IONMOLTH innecfstiary. SH 7-8819. OF A8BURY PARK L'BT TWO-le(t. AKC Labrador pup FURNISHED ROOMS ment, oil heal, two-car garage. Excep- Fully equipped. 1900. COUNTY NATIONAL BANK. SH I Succeiifuj] applicants receive lull pay flammond 8plnet Organ, Brand iiea. One mRle, ore female. Reaion- CO 4-2»M 1000. while training on company products. New — _ __.J89J ible. LI 2-0079. LARGE FURNISHED room and bat lonslly well landscaped lot. Owner, 1B50 PONTIAC Bonnevllte four-'loo Compensation and advancement bated Tor professional or business man. River- III 7-1359. UAJUNK SUPPLIES on merit. SALEi AND SKRV1C£ DACHSHUND PUPPIES — AKC. Four front. Red Bank. SH 1-0076. hardtop. Power hrakei. power ateer KELP WAOTED-MALE jeneratton perllgree, wormeri and tera- DOZEN DOGWOOD — 30 holly. 15 ln«. hydramitlc. Vinyl uphoilerlnir. Im Everything For me Boatman. Ne» RJENTAL AND INSTRUCTION SINGLE ROOMS — Clean and commountai- n laurel, and birch trees make maculate, mechanically perfect, f2,lt>0. Jeraey'i largeat marine lupply nouaa. Open Dally Till • - Saturday Till S.SOporary Inoculation. SH 1-B728. ortable. Reasonable rates. Garage. this (ourAedroom ranch In Fair Ha. CO 4-3140. Evlnmde Salea and Service Company pi id benefits that are lettin Gentleman preferred, n WaJlaca " en's choice residential area sn excel- THE BOATUAN'S BHUP iltndardi for Industry today. COOKMAN AVK. AND MAIN ST. PR t KMO SH 1-5392. lent buy. Enjoy basement, fireplace, » WUart Ara. Red Bank DRAFTING REAL ESTATE FOR RENT icreetied porch and large shaded play AUTOS AND TRUCKS SB 14710. DRAWING CHECKERS l'YPEWRITERS, AJJDI.NO maenmes. area lor the children. $23,500. Russell All makes new or used. Guaranteed. M. Borus Realtors. MO River Rd., Fair Eiperlenced with production draw- Low as f2fi. Serplco s, 101 Monmoutb APARTMENTS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE inns for electromechanical part* I. B. M. SL Next to theater. SH 7.04U Haven. SH 7-4332. Member Multiple and ansf mbllri. Famillur with Gov- HOUSES FOR SALE Listing Service. •USINESS NOTICES eminent Staniarrta. Joh operiitloni 215 West State St. MAPLE LIVING ROOM — Sofa btd NOW RINTINO McCARthy and matching chair, was |199., now LOCATION — MIDDLETOWN Trenton, N. J. WO. 8ectlonal aola, two pieces-one 7V TIVOLI GARDENS S2.3O0 G.I. assumption on this better- '" AMBOY, N. J. AREA Ions, one 5' with built-in end tables. than-new one-year old split-level. Three NEED A BAND? EXport 2-3461 All for {33. Invlni, 27 ilonmouth St., talh and Westwood Long Branch SHOREWAY bedrooms, living room, dining, play Good falary with travel allowance THREE TO FIVE ROOM room, utility, garage. City Kwers. "Bob Gold Arid Trio" Red Bank. Low monthly paymenta. Don't delay. ^CHEVROLET/ APAJtTMXNTS Mualc For Occailona NO AOI LIMIT Consideration for employment 1o a.. STORKUKB BABY CARRIAGE, very REALTY CO. Low assumptions are hard to find! 787-37B qualified applicants without regard to modern - trade In your home for WH «-«32 Mail resume Immediktfly or telephon race, creed, color or national origin. good condition. Reasonable. $135 to $225 MONTHLY the above. Walker * Walker, Hwy J3. It DUMP BODY TRUCK, avallauu u (Phil.) HA 7-7O OS 1-0004. INCLUDE3 ALL UTIUTLES FOUR-BEDROOM OLDEB Hazlel. CO 4-J212. Member Multiple remove traih from yard!, attlea, cel- DININO ROOM SUITE _ China cab- Listing. 21-hour service. lan. ate. Alarj, equipped for contract- RETAIL DEPARTMENT MANAGER Large noomi Walk-in Cloi«« HOME — Excellent-location. Liv Rocks Prices Ing «or«. »H 1-21(4, inet, buffet, server, table, six chairs. AirCondUlonlni Ewlmmlnf Pool H. L. YOH CO., Inc— Man to take charge of hardware, Alter 6 or weekends SH 1-4398. ing room with fireplace, dining ATTRACTIVE AND ROOMY- seven^ '50 Mercury J75 123 80 2D ST. PHILA. 6, PA. paint and auto accessory department. Optional room, utility and basement, ga- room split In Shrewsbury, lg' living KuK l'Kaiii WORK C4O uaa ier«c« National discount store chain. Send Topping, irunmlftc. nmovat Can Li And Equal Opportunity Employer a5 PIECE SET of Bavarian „RENTINO AOBNT ON PREMISES rage. Fully furnished including room, large dining room, sclenct kitch- '53 Chevy Sedan $135 M220 for traa aatlnaiaa. Full tnaurance complete resume and salary require- en, den, three, bedrooms, one being ments to "Discount," Box 5U, Red new freeier and washer. Wate 17' aquare. tile bath, attached garage. •54 Chevy 4-dr. $295 TRUCK DRIVER — Experienced. De- Bank. China, bedroom set, 787^179. |129 ENNIS-VOSE6 Norwood AM. L REALTORS liver aluminum doors and window GIRL'S BIKE, (reen, ballooi tires KEM2M view. Sewers. Price $11,850. Very reasonably priced at J16,B00. El- $195 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR painting Muit be familiar with all areas <. »15. Call CA 2-2900 wood A. Armstrong Agency. Realtor, •55 Ford 4-dr., Auto. reaaonably done. Eatlmata cheerfully SALESMAN — Married man with car 555 Prospect Ave., Little silver. SH 1- $275 given. SH 1-SO5S or 03 1-1783. New Jersey. Welded Door Corp. Floi to learn estimating and selling retail OS 1-3371 KEANSBURO—four rooms and bath. OVELY THREE-BEDROOM •55 Buick ence Ave., and Broadway, Unlan Bcac r cun lrut:tl Gas heal lurnlthtd. Adulls only. Re I MABO.N - Dry oalli, lateral!. paUoa, ?'?' ? » ™ *>Mfc«roiHi. ...d_ » LARGB OFFICK DESK, wood, RANCH — Large basement play- $«5 SALESMAN IPARTTIMEI In tutom learnarn . ClCal1l PR I used. 123. Call erences required. Call 7!MM52. MOVE IN NOW •56 Chevy, +dr., Auto. •IdAwalaa and aaptlo tanka. Cau BH 1- for appolntmenl. 1O7S. live department or local department SH MOW THREE ROOMS — Furnished. Private room. Living room, kitchen witr split level home. Three bedrooms. 14 '56 Ford Victoria HT $595 itore. Must he available from 10 a.m MASON wanted lor polntlnt work. baUi, all utilities Included. 139 B. Bridge dining area. Good spot for chil- lathi, spacious dining room, roomy PAINT1NO to % p.m. fiv# d*yi a wepk. Salat Call after S p tn. 20 VOLUMES ENCYCLOPEDIA In perAve., Red Bank. kitchen, large recreation room, attached '56 Buick Hardtop $695 Exterior and Interior, Eitlmalei glTen. nlui commission. Write "PART-TIM HO 2-06S1 feet condition with wrought iron book- dren. $16,000. garage. w Shrewsbury. OHD daily tm H Sat. till 4:30 FIVE CORNERS M1DM.ETOWN' E. Front Bt. Red Bank PI". 1DJ01 NBW WESTWOOD OARBEN APAItT Broadway at 4th Ave. Long Branch CA 2-1234 MENTS — Weilwood snd Bath Ave., OS l-'Jo9<> BH 1-S700 158 FIRST AVE. 'ilKMANENTS (H.M U|i. Artistic hair Long Branch. One bedroom aparlrnenli Member Multiple Listing Service SITUATIONS WANTED, Female cutting by Iris and Josephine al Iris' and two-bedroom duplex. Gas and cenFAIR HAVEN — Attracti ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Hairdressers. HH 7-1661. tral heating, 1120 per month, up. Walk- Ionia], Four bedroomi, WILL HELP WITH PARTIES dlnneri Ing distance Long Branch Station, shop- room, full baieimnt, j Very REAL ESTATE WANTED Sales-AT 1-3830 Open eve*. - other occasions. - Call VUAM CUSHIONS — In home S-. ping area, beach, schools. Gfi utilities, goort condUlon. Otfeied 9H I-SSS1. Ice. PhoM LI IARfMENT - BeaiiiifuTTy NKKiHBORIIOOD. BEST SCHOOLS. 811 np days or evenings, Phone LI 2- situated, nicely furnished, farage and * 1080. fl Bank ail 7 3000 TWO EBONY END TABLES -And OUR HOME WANTED — Why list Adding Michlnes— rvwrnrlleri China and Gloss Repair PaintinR and Decorating sofa. Excellent condition. Call CA s-private entrance, CA 2-51A1. lELFOftU — Two bedrnomB, aluminum It. EMPLOYER: We are now accept 1IS7 ith us? We advrrtlu •xlenalvely In ADII1NQ UAClilNKB - Trpanrllara LOUIS CARS AN . rnintir, tier.nrntnr, ng orders lor Christmas sales )inl|i. TURKE-ROOM apartment. 34 Oaklant •Idlnf, oil-fired [urnace. On Int 53x112. :nn newspapers, radio mnri publish a Mid. renttd. repaired. Berplco'a. 191 EXPERT MUNU1NU - Clililu lllii itsiiprlianRpr. L'S ypurs pxpcrlrncp- 13 nil or pnrt-tlme, anit will derm It a M1SCELLANBOU8 householil Items, St., Red Banh. Becond door. $00 month New 12il2' building, used as work shop. :at(ttojt for home iftrkeri. We nra m#m. Monmouth 81. Red B«n>. Sll I-MS6 lllver rerinlaning and plating. Therm- Clmpli. Avf. BH l-17f)S altnr 6 p.m. Tivliege to serve you. Please nimact also Frlgldalre refrigerator, new condl- Including utilities. BII 1 IH' 787-2944 after five. icri of the TWR, a nnllnnai rral eitata •eferral itrvlce. W* nre "Home Trsd- oa nucketa China A Olnea flhoti. 147 CA.ur~B~J(1 NKfik Faintine ind dec early for best qualified applicants. Ion, apartment alze, *K. AT 1-M78. •oUlVROOM furnished apartrniTnir IH COOP DUPLEX APARTMENT - Two nmad Bt. Red Bant mi 7-4MO J J. STATE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Cheitn t St., Red Bank. Sll 1-S12I, cross ventilated bedrooms. Small down " • (wo otflcps. 11 full time in In. Appliance Rcpain oral!nj aenerw contacting. Fret p>. Call WALKER ft WALKER. filimntr'i Cnll 811 1-4.14.1 24 hnun !S E. FRONT ST.. RED BANK No. S baby (rand piano fter ft p.m. payment; small monthly charge. Occu- SH 1S0S0 pancy November 1. Sll 1-UTI or LI 2 tea I ton, Mom hers Red Rank Area APPL1ANOS fUCPAUl and Inatalla- NO FEE CHAROKI) SH 1-2010 |fOirn~IwbM~ APARTMENT — Newly Ofi7n. Iulllp1t> LIstlnR Bervlcr. Shrpwibury. llon Realdenttal and commercial fir- Fuel Oil - Heating Public Stenographer NEW CAflSANIlItA JEWELltY—Anyone Ircorated, JR» hent. In Lennnrdo. Call H 1-5212 niul IliizlPt, OS 1-2121 mt, Allan Electric 8H 1-IM1, BLIABLE WOMAN — Wishes Iron Interested In purchasing In Katontown- r\T 1.0317. lifter 6 WEST LONG BRANCH — Seven-room BMt SEIWIF.H home, and nmall wash. LOIIB Rrnncli area c-ontnet representa- ITVIHO"APAIITMKNT — Priv«Ve~ihow- put level, finished recreation room, The ReKurtera c I a.Milled ad net Ion FUKL OIL * HKAT1NO Call fill 1- TV PINO - Publicity. UnnriKerpinR _ Sll 1-4IM4 tive, Mrs. Mntthewfl. 1,1 2-0242. r and entrnncp. Call glnns enclosed porch, ground level felon mo nth county • great markft Auctioneer Oliiu on Delivery Inc. Bervice A Survlcft, MimpoRraplilnR Will ptckun ntln Near (hopping centers ani lies whert buyen snd icllcr'i men FAAMU.K WOMAN wished to mlml PK 2.(i,y,fi ichrals. IKI.m. (.'nil CA !K'3;|7, '•ry Hsuf.-Advertidemcnl B O COATS - An aiientlal Auction Rule!. 3 Herbert Bt.. Rt4 Bank mm amivfT. ck 9-^500 illilrcn In my home. Conveniently ! AWNINGS 'I'ltNIsilKI) haciu'lur apart tnents, bl'R'llboM Z7~ Co-opeTaTlvn apsrT- \ppraiul Serrlc. anywhere. J«a ntrrl, rcannnulilr. BH 7-4021. ,'anvaa, Klherglas or niumlnum. Made hroe rooim, 2".. roiunv. utllltlrn In- Norwood Ava. Deal. Fhom KKimll U I'KIMKIIANO "Ttie Carpenter." Radio-Television Repair ment tiool ciiifllllon. 1,1 2-100J1. HI 511 - LEGAL NOTICE^- 1 3481 1 order. Ixw prices. Rest qaallty luOwt. V>v<\ Bwnk. Bit 7-S3M after H. Includes^ sll utllltles_except heal, UxperlrticEd alteratione. repair work, Visiles four nr five hours work dnlly. 'ree eitlmales. Nt> monoy down. out-lmlde BH 1.4151 811 76(1)1 A C KA1>1(> A rUljfJVlRlON CO.- ig for elderly permiii. SH 7.411.13. 'ROWN'fl. 3J Broad Bt. SH 1-75UU llItEB~nKI)KooM~spiiiievePln New NOTU'R 12:1 ShrfiwDbury Ave. HH 1-4788 SEftV : Branch, ('lenn. newly ilccorated Monmoutli. Nenr schnols, shn|ipln|[, Aulo and Truck Rental [CIC WHI1JC YOU WAIT itudlo apartment, two roomi and liatti, TAKK NOTICE that tht* Borough of WonltlNci UAN'S contiactor- Alter- UUY AN1> dElLL auythini ani] churchra. traniiporlRtlnn. nousht sn- «w 8hrewibu/>- win conduct an n- Irnt floor Conveniently located. ICE 1 >ther house, must sacrifice this one. atlona. addition., painting, maaonry. jverythlng. tllv* me nighest prices. I77rt nr CA '.I-Wflfl. mlnntion lur th« appointment of a AVIB--R.nl a new car or trunk. Urn all lho» little loft LO S-1714 Roofing, Siding and Insulation SITUATIONS WANTED, Male " ,11 William Le(f Kurnlture, Inc., Uwy Reduced Ui J17.30O. \Uy secure own if pemnn an a prohitlonnry pa* ratal Uapla Ave.. Ited Daok, nil 1 Middietown. 911 t-3313 Op«u «v». MKICU R&LIABLJD BUTS available furnlihoil ronm apart- morts«Ke (ir asiume 4\ per cent VA. rolmnn mcmhor n( Us police IlcpEtrl* 030A PR 4-8314. Dally T a.m.-10 p.m. ir.niilatlon A Siding Corp. CortKJerl ilnfis till 9 pm. nrnt. All ulllltlei, 78T-63H9 nr tSTCal- l OH lllfi.1R. irnt, No person will >>p appolnlflil un- tToIins-Manviile contractor. 1'It B 8407 ?r yard, attic, cellar, cleaning. Qenenil mriooi work. Call evenlngl 8H T-lRfitl iUdaAU^^ii^Tl^HNT — For" rent ATLANTIC IIIriliLTNI>~«~-~iofl~8cenic 'K.i lie i)in!l hnve Kt Ipnit (ho qUflll- INSURANCE Adnm Llpzmayer AT 1-0202 r sale. Fru* ilnllvery. HO17T11 JKR8BY entiom al art forth In thr inptl. Building Contractor LNV' TYPE WORK ~i"rr~eKchBiij:"ir~fr.r I, Itnrch, klti-lien, .lining room, llv- uhle Inwn n( llii» Hlair of Nrw Jtrery OL£ON CO. fISC. - Hoofing, Biding A niniii with llreiilarc, three beil- ot Uie ROTOU|1I of New intiulnUon, Inn tut led »ntl Ruatfiinecd iim'-fmir ro.un hmiiip or in>«rlnifnt. Idtli^. ri'i'rrfitiun NlfiW II0MK8. alleratlona, repalra. llBSATlaFlKD with pieaent Inanr- '7.ANNINOA N10WciiKNVBioiin COMMERCIAL RENTALS hrrwstmrv ceT Want a hetter deal? ran Pnnn for 10 yeATB PH 5-070»- AT 1 034D dfi finytliinff. Wrlt« "Work," Ho* far Illerature atid product Information. inhy Htti IIKheil quality work. For •mlmatia inNiiranca Aiency BII t-9533. II, KPII Fin nk. ItKl)" HANK" ill nil < The lime :inu lent tVntrr m .alc od K" 3-21W1 lt,!tl Ml Ceaspool Cleaning Odd joha. lawn furnlturn [flut own. Coulil he used also for offtrr • Hilly. T» linmf> oven, WMII tllffl clnined, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES parr. Approximately 3.4IIH S'|. IL Wrllr Harvtct Huppilca .•iTItANI>'"~APAl'lTMKNT~ tHZK^Hnliy •I.OIXir." IKii Ml. Red Itnnk iti« kllrhr ttlc Imili. i Kmliiy, NnicnUirr II, HHP11U 1'ANKtt. ilri «alla aarvtul. tirlnr p^tntlng. - Cftll&m, at rrl Avu,, XJll.» Bllv*r, ffor VlCBAforas! Ursnd. f'(i*l SII10, linen only tlir-e . .litfl f(, fmrn Illvrr I'.cl In Laaolilna flaltt added. Paokhoa vrork. fltantif. I If In inow removed, R«a\i RUctrolui, c»ll PR B0J61 or yrnrn. sell 4.VV). LKOMATlh ()l.|ip:it tbl*. CtU TAO U 2172*1 )cr«nporl. Kxreilent bunlnenn onpor- TOUR" V6n itKNT —' on Whlt#~ Bt JKHOMK S. IlKKP, C H. WllaMl. mi l-IMa mity. Informallnn call Export 6-55)7 nABY (1P.AND, good ccnrllllon. III). ;all your own brokar or Call ail T SMJTII, 14 Uspls Ave., II 3-12U 30-& p.m. weekdays. 100. nvrn. 8H 1 -Wi Oct. 1«. X,, Nov. t. a |1«.!7 Opt* Daly 10 A. M. to 9:30 P. M. MCfNMOUTH SHOPfINC CENTER HMt Sotorosy 10 A* M. to 4 P» M. PHONE U M1S0 SALE ENDS WARD WEEK SALE SATURDAY J

FOR THE great buy! made SPKIAIPURCIMH FASHION .BEAUTIFUL WOOLS especially for • MINDED -MISSIS', WNWRS Wards at WOMAN A 488 this low price surprise! • foHdwIors • imartplaldi price! (AVI «N IHCRIDIB1E $1041 • many *tyJe* A variety of pfeoted, > •" 3 flared and slim skirts. Cabretta Black, beige, honey, charcoal, camel, blue, leather grey, green in the col* lection. Shop now! OMON* coats KNITS IN save 2.10!


Mora proof of Wards tremendous vateesl We've safe-priced oar ftiest leather ooat 3 ... a coat so soft, so beautifully detailed, even the regular price it amazing. With •M.S.M two deep pockets and an optional belli * one* a year »al* white or sand beigej * ward week only * a terrific buy mdwMH Mri** ribbed IUY NOW ON WARDS IAYAWAY Fabulously soft Ban- ond flat IniL unuraidMnd, HAN. Pay just $1 deposit, the balance in Ion® textured nylon Deoaea conan. OMQC^DIM convenient monthly terra. Or, if you prefer, sweaters. Our famous fust soy "Chaw H" and pay NO MONEY Style/Maker in white, DOWN. Payfa 3 0 day* or •stand payments. black, magenta, red, teal, fed. Made M 4w blue, rust. 34-46. group. Seat 1048.14% to fidulv* wMi Montgomery Ward


save 1.54

COZY-WARM MEN'S BRENT TOTS' IIANKR LUXURY-SHEEN 1-TC. fUIKM JACKETS 7.9S MOID BUUMKT !Ex»ra large 80x90* iraycm-Olon* A- 99 leryfc Mend. 4 KM. 5

o Like wearing • blanket e Quilt lined e Washable terrific buy for bath o Machine washable REOULAR 79c IACH BATH TOWILS Soft, coxy Acrilan* Handsome Brent jackets Acrylic fleece sleepers Seldom, if ever, have you seen styled for warmth and keep tots warm aH night. these Treasure Chest* beauties easy action. Elastic knit 3-snap drop seat, zip priced so low. Fluffy cotton terry waist inserts for snug fit. front, nonskid plastic absorbs fast, washes easily. 2..1 SHUT BLANKET KRCMI mm Light or dark gray. Sizes soles. S-M-L. Limited quantities. 22x44". CHOKI 0* CMOIS Use bfeodied cotton flonne)- Cofor-sporked cotton prints; 34 to 46. 'Sold txclulhely at Montgomwy Word ette os oozy sheet *8I onorleeUtmited- <_ or blanket. 70x90*.



99 HfAVY-DOTY 10 HOODED PARKAS $ e nylon reinforced T99 save 1 a pair! REG. 9.50 WORK SHOE: Neoprene e quilted lining BOYS', GIRLS' STURDY OXFORDS soles resist acids, oils; cushioned in- e xlp-on hood Ward Week special! Extra heavy ear warm- Ward Week only! Little girls' soles; elk-tanned leather. Sturdy cotton reinforced er knit collar, inner | nylon velvet saddle cleani in a 99 Brown. Sizes 6-12. with DuPont "420" ny- knit wristlets keep jiffy, wears long. Little boys' REG. 6.99 WORK OXFORD: . . . lon. Orion® Acrylic pile winds out. Sturdy cot- 3-eyelef tie is built of long- 3 Cushioned heel-to-toe for extra com- and nylon quilt lining. ton poplin has acetate [ wearing learner. Black. 8'/i-3. HV.4.H fort. Oil-resistant neoprene P99 Bulky collar. 8 to 20. quilt Rntng. Hood zips 4-10, reg.9.98...8.99 soles. Burgundy leather. 6-12. %r / on. Sizes 8 to 18.