Distribution Weather Today Fair today, tonight *od to- BEDBANK morrow. High today la 7N. 18,425 Low tonight la Sta. High to- morrow, M. 8M weather page 1 Independent Daily I HomArmmxiaiinnMY-tfr.w Dial SH I-0010 Iiiutd duly, Ifouli* mnmh ITldur. leeocd CMu Pwnjn /VOL. 84, NO. 80 Pill u Red Buk uai U AdUUoul IttlUng OMeM. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1961 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Oppose Bomb Test Khrush ILS.toReds: Don't Do It Blows Big Hughes Made Silly WASHINGTON (AP)—The White House has asked the Soviet Union to Red Horn reconsider its decision to explode a 50-megaton nuclear bomb, charging that tl)e test would be unnecessary and could "only serve some unconfessed political MOSCOW (AP) — Niki purpose." ta Khrushchev told the it said the United States had the materials and know-how to produce bombs 22nd Soviet Communis' Charges, Says Ike in the 50-100 megaton Party Congress today thai range — and higher — but the downfall of imperialism that such weapons are not and the triumph of social essential to U.S. military ism on a world scale are Hits At needs, and that full-scale inevitable. tests are not necessary to de- The Soviet premier look the rostrum at the second session of velop them. the Congress to discuss the Demo A 130-word statement was massive new party program — handed to newsmen last night by its first since 1919 — which the Press Secretary Pierre Salinger Kremlin claims will make com who said it should be attributed munism supreme and irresisti to the White House and not to bly attractive to the rest of the 'Bossism' President Kennedy personally. world by 1980. JERSEY CITY (AP) — Only Comment Khrushchev told the more than The statement was the only of- 4,000 delegates in the new Krem- Farmer President Eisen- ficial U. S. comment so far on lin Palace of Congresses that the hower last night accused Soviet Premier Khrushchev's an- experience of a large group of the Democratic candidate nouncement yesterday that Rus- countries had confirmed that the sia would explode a 50-megaton Socialist system inevitably re- for governor, Richard J. weapon at the end of this month. places the capitalist system, Hughes, of making silly A 50-megaton blast isjEO-Uivalent Imperialism — the standard charges against him and i to the force of 50 million tons Communist term for Western his administration colleagues. of T.N.T. and about 2,500 times capitalism — has irretrievably more powerful than the U. S. lost its hold on the bulk of the Eisenhower made the remark at the end of a day of cam- atomic bomb dropped on Hiro- world's peoples, he declared, as paigning for one of those col- shima. serting that socialism is the main leagues James P. Mitchell, his avenue along which mankind ad- U. S. strategists hoped the former labor secretary. vances. White House statement, citing the He ad libbed the remarks dur- lack of military purpose for such In the Soviet Union, he con- ing his speech to a crowd esti- a test, would rally world opinion tinued, socialism has been trans- mated variously at 4,000 to 15,000 against the Kremlin. lated into reality and this 22nd in Journal Square in the heart From a diplomatic standpoint, Party Congress will go down in IKE GREETED WITH AN ISSUE — Former President Dwighf Eisenhower holds liter*. of Hudson County's Democratic Khrushchev's Moscow speech history as the congress of the iur» distributed by costumed Larry Finkelstein of AFL-CIO as ho arrived in Newark, stronghold. builders of communism. was seen as combining the carrot PREMIER OPENS CONGRESS — Soviet Premier Nikita to campaign for GOP gubernatorial candidate, James P. Mitchell, background- Fin- Mitchell, buoyed by the ap- on a stick technique with the The premier said the Soviet pearance of .his former boss, took flick of a whip—mixing the lure Khrushchev addresses the 22d Congress of the Commu- people's living conditions have kalstein was one of three men who rushed to Eisenhower with Mitchell campaign lit- his campaign into Republican of negotiations over Berlin while nist Party in Moscow at its opening. Behind him are Mik- been radically altered as a re- erature. The men said they ware protesting use of prison labor at state mantal in- territory today, touring Bergen County, usually the top vote-pro- brandishing a mammoth nuclear hail Sudov, left background, member of Soviet Presidium, sult of these "colossal trans- stitutions, one of tha issues Mitchell hat raised in his campaign. (AP Wirephoto) threat. formations" — that unemploy- ducer for the GOP. Study Text and Deputy Premier Anastas Mikoyan. (AP Wirephoto) ment has been wiped out long Eisenhower's appearances yes- ago, workers' real wages have terday included speeches in Meanwhile, a task force of risen 480 per cent and the real State Department experts—includ- Newark and Jersey City, plus a incomes of the peasants have Ike's Popularity Won'tRubOff news conference In Newark. ing (J. S. Ambassador to Moscow risen more than 500 per cent. Llewellyn Thompson — gathered Council Establishes 'Handpicked' to scrutinize all available textual In both speeches he hit at what natter to weigh the significance Warm Weather On Mitchell, Hughes Declares he called Democratic bossism, of what Khrushchev said, and Student WalkRoutes the main theme of Mitchell's campaign. Mitchell has charged what he didn't say. SHREWSBURY -"Student The routes are: Back Again NEWARK (AP) - Richard J. "Because ol this stand," Hugh- "With this record of failure in Hughes, Democratic candidate hat Hughes in the handpicked The State Department said walk routes," consisting of side- LONG BRANCH — A touch es declared, "New Jersey jobs Washington, why should the work- White St., on the south side for governor, last night called candidate of Democratic bosses there would be no official as walks to be cleared by the bor of summer will return to the were lost and some of our state's ing people ol New Jersey expec between Broad St. and Robinson former President Eisenhower's in Essex and Hudson Counties. tesiment of die speech until Sec- ough in the event of a snow- Shore area lor the next 24 industry moved to the low-wage him to take any action on a min- PI. visit to New Jersey a "good char- At Journal Square, Eisenhow- retary of State Dean Rusk holds storm, were designated last night houra, William D. Martin, U.S. South. A southern state like Mis- imum wage in New Jersey." Obre PI., for its full length on acter reference" for James P er said he had been informed his press conference late thi by Borough Council. weather observer, predicted sissippi, for example, has an Hughes said "with the over- the south side. Mitchell. that Hughes had referred to him afternoon. School and borough officials this morning- average hourly wage which is I whelming support of the Demo- Broad St., on the east side, "But this does not mean thai and his former associates as U. S, officials, however, re- last winter expressed concern Temperatures today will cents below New Jersey's. Our cratic Party, I take my stand on from Silverbrook Rd. to White the former President's popularity "discredited carcasses and tat- served any enthusiasm for the that children on their way to reach into the 70s, and are ex- state cannot safeguard its stand- a bill which calls for a $1.25 Rd. will be transferred to my Repub- tered remains." Russian leader's conditioned of- school often were required to pected to hit 8t tomorrow, he ard without effective action—ac- minimum wage." Sycamore Ave. on the north lican opponent," Hughes de fer to lift his Dec. 31 deadline foi walk in the street because side- said. tion which Mr. Mitchell refused Prior to his address, the union, Eisenhower admitted that aft- side, from Broad St. to Silver- dared. "The issues in this gu- er many battles he had felt bat- signing a separate treaty with walks were clogged with snow. Winds from the west and to take on the federal level. (See HUGHES, Page 2) brook Rd. bernatorial election go deeper tered and he was no longer East Germany until they are cer- The "student walk routes' southwest are expected to push Samara Dr., on the east side, than that." youthful. The "discredited" part tain what he meant. They indi- were declared as a partial an- from Obre PI. to Spruce Dr. temperatures to {our to five Hughes said he was happy with of the charge, he said, he would cated that his speech seemed to swer to the problem. Spruce Dr., on the east side, degrees above normal for the the reception Eisenhower re- leave the voters. contain no basic change in his from Samara Dr. to the brook. season, he added. Yesterday's Township Considers views on Germany. average temperature of 57 was ceived during his visit. But when It comes to re- Council authorized Borough At- "It's only fitting that we honor mains and carcasses, I object," Salinger, Kennedy's press sec- five degrees above normal. May Spend torney Milton Mausner to pre- a former President of the United he said. retary, said earlier that the pare contracts for the purchase States," he told a newsman, "It His former colleagues In gov- President would "have absolutely RegionalHealthPlan of equipment to clear sidewalks I had not been busy campaign- ernment, he said, "are vital, liv- no comment" yesterday on $25,000 On of snow. Consider ing myself, I think I would have RARITAN TOWNSHIP — The ing warriors." Khrushchev's 6-hour and 20-min- He reported finding 11 possible Councilman Kenneth L.
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