Without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement. V. I. Lenin, What is to be done? Revolutionary Marxism 2017 Special annual English edition www.devrimcimarksizm.net
[email protected] Devrimci Marksizm Üç aylık politik/teorik dergi (Yerel, süreli yayın) İngilizce yıllık özel sayı Sahibi ve Sorumlu Yazı İşleri Müdürü: Şiar Rişvanoğlu Yönetim Yeri: Adliye Arkası 3. Sokak Tüzün İşhanı No: 22/2 ADANA Baskı: Net Copy Center, Özel Baskı Çözümleri, Ömer Avni Mh., İnönü Cad./ Beytül Malcı Sok. 23/A, 34427 Beyoğlu/İstanbul Tel: +90-4440708 Yurtdışı Fiyatı: 10 Avro Kıbrıs Fiyatı: 20 TL Fiyatı: 15 TL (KDV Dahil) Cover photo Protesters gather in Tahrir Square on February 1, 2011. Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Image Revolutionary Marxism 2017 CONTENTS In this issue 5 The rise of proto-fascism and the struggle against it Sungur Savran The great challenge: Winning the working 11 class back from ideological irredentism Tamás Krausz An updated, second edition of the 27 Horthy regime in Hungary Ewa Groszewska The new Polish government: 37 Anti-neoliberal but anti-left profile first Class struggles across the world Savas Michael-Matsas The French Spring and the crisis in Europe 43 Balkan Socialist Center Against austerity, fascism, war, 65 “Christian Rakovsky” environmental catastrophe, and barbarism, and RedMed fight for international socialism! Historical materialist analysis of Islamism Burak Gürel Islamism: A comparative-historical overview 77 Mustafa Kemal Coşkun The class bases of political articulation: 102 Islamism in Turkey Reassessing the Soviet experience Özgür Öztürk Economic background of the 121 collapse of the Soviet Union In this issue Revolutionary Marxism is a brand new journal of theory with quite a long history.