Integrated Pest Management in the Global Arena This Handbook is dedicated to all the participants of the Michigan State University’s International IPM Short Course and to the faculty members who have provided support to this course. Integrated Pest Management in the Global Arena Edited by K.M. Maredia Professor Institute of International Agriculture and Department of Entomology Michigan State University East Lansing Michigan USA D. Dakouo Senior Research Scientist INERA Bobo-Dioulasso Burkina Faso and D. Mota-Sanchez Research Associate Department of Entomology Michigan State University East Lansing Michigan USA CABI Publishing CABI Publishing is a division of CAB International CABI Publishing CABI Publishing CAB International 44 Brattle Street Wallingford 4th Floor Oxon OX10 8DE Cambridge, MA 02138 UK USA Tel: +44 (0)1491 832111 Tel: +1 617 395 4056 Fax: +44 (0)1491 833508 Fax: +1 617 354 6875 Email:
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[email protected] Website: ©CAB International 2003. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronically, mechanically, by photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owners. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library, London, UK. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Integrated pest management in the global arena /edited by K.M. Maredia, D. Dakouo, D. Mota-Sanchez p. cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-85199-652-3 1. Pests--Integrated control. I. Maredia, Karim M. II. Dakouo, D. (Dona), 1951- III. Mota-Sanchez, D. (David), 1960- SB950.I4575 2003 632′.9--dc21 2002154965 ISBN 0 85199 652 3 Typeset by AMA DataSet, UK Printed and bound in the UK by Cromwell Press, Trowbridge Contents Contributors ix Preface xv Acknowledgments xvii Foreword xix Acronyms and Abbreviations xxi 1Introduction and Overview 1 K.M.