VOL IX. DQVEK, MQRI{S COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 1879. JfO.42 THE1RON ERA POETIC. ItlLLMAlWT0\, TIIETRAl'l'EK. We have just received 500 pair ed that I wonhl in time, nndoabtedl did. I might have asked him if lie liniLiHUicu ETEUI BATCBDU et PJT Vie Iron Era.~\ linuteswe were far beyoocl tlio hetmj- become a terror to both "beaver ani didn't kill my oat. aud if he didn't Btoao ig light of the ecattorud fire, when m< injon," I determined that thn last In- WIT DID KATY D07 my chickens booaase they trespassed iu BEN.T. H. VOGT. In tho nntaaro of 18641 concluded to This couflrmed myy wors)pppt )ipipip|(inB,| ' lenly stopping his swift though silent of Mens', Boys' and Youths' Wist In t world dirt Katy do, dian to fall by my hands bad fallen, a his woods, where actually the rooks are OD a bunting trip to tha bend waters nd I haBtilhtil y turnetdd to obeb y thhe lnjlj"i ' EIUTOll AXD PROHIKTOH. Bo wontiiB, ID mvtitoriouB, dvance, Marston caugbt my arm am :bot in future I woald confine myself io thick tbat tbe brakes can't nnd their Office on Morris Street near Blaokwell, To kbcjp I sistors in & rftnr. tho riaseatobewan—rtie North Branch of my wounded friend, when I be- lOrriedly told ma to reload my rife, a toy legitimate weapon, the pen, and iy through them ; but then I knew ha -anti I speedily found myself traveling thought mo that I had better conceal "ie samo timo tonliuK tUo captured v/ea TEKM8 UP SUUBCIUPTION HEAVY WINTEK BOOTS made Foroveiaktns encli a funs ? have kept my word. would deny it, and it would grieve me a northwest direction, well supplied If from ciurti sho was froo, of my effects and accrete tho most ions, vbiiib ha found nlrcudy chatgn-l From ono of Murston's trips be never hear him. He tulmitfl that he was ADII lior t uxompl&Tj, ith the simple oeoes-sarios for a sisfuluuhle of the peltries. Imagine my waa eager to get as gwat a disfneo Irivwg my thteo cows np Uie road, and 1 •eturned, and tbe rongh spirits nronm (MIL Year, --.----- 132.1.11) Why uot tho world proolalm >nths' absence in that region, I Lad i when I found most of the f uri our enemies as possible, an3 no : by Isaac Prouty & Sons, Spencer, ThfWLlu Kity'aname? he old fort gave it us their opinion thai bat he struck at one of (im, but Bays it Six Moutba, ------i.tlll ovided myself with a monstrons Ken* ono, as well as every article of mine, ild Marston; but he eoon oonv.nced ly old friend's prophecy regarding his 'ill* a small! switch. I have proved Tiirco mouths, ------50 dky rifie, wblch ID itaolf was a hear; indeed anything that would betray io that that would only briug on thi loath had proved true, or, as they said hat this switeli was a pole about U>n but which I valued highly on ao- 1 Mass., and Durland, Torrey & Co, fact that two men lived ia the camp, Sestruetlon I would escape. "For, their poculior vernacular, "Th feet long and about three inches across ADVERTISING BATES. To talk otr the wholo night through mnt of its acottmoy and long range, did not quite comprehend this munceu- said he, "if them ar redskins diskivcr •lasted red-skins bad snuffed him out al lie batt-end, and I have also proved Aod m< loll tho flood BIIO did. [y companion in this expedition was an BPiOB. | 1 W*. | 8 WKB. 1 MO Bad she lprij her to woo- re till sometime afterwards. I then iat they imm't chased, they won't run 'hen he Btruck tho cow fell, It Honesdale, Pa. 2,000 pairs of To Ihem i she fclao or true? trapper, with whom I had become uietly crawled through the wooda to tr; and tlio chances are that they'd true my 'witness couldn't swear that $ i r.o $17 On & thro of faded grocn ititnate at ft trading post. Hi lie collection of rocks that my friend, lisa our bar afore we'd been usleep an SELF-UEFEKCE TBIUHPJUITT 8 B itick hit her, he waa so for off; but i ur> •1 00 2 BO 'W&* Kidid your qnoen ? ten a fancy to me at a shooting match 1 7G 2 7C 3 Mi 4 r> ir Boma fanciful reason of hfi fit) I) fl on of 'the crook shot' This r " 2 7n X will hive her perfect qnite; It was late in the day when I arrived lad really left as, and, if not, "to wipe iwing case was tried, nnon which the ien, should see me point a guu at a L Oolumti. 3 .1(1 7 00 8 n Myftncyints bor lair and trae, in dietinotion in a place whore eight hem ont" as soon as possible, it was fi-jury was addressed by tlie 4 BO r, so 8 y> 10 0 the bluff, and, Counting wearily to and pull the trigger, see the flash Shoes, made by the celebrated A little.iry nymph of night. of ten bullets were always pat into a nally (tatermiu&d that I should return to rbo had concluded to appear in his own li CO 8 00 io '^r. 12 /> Q top, I looked around for MaietoD, ind hear the report, and at tho same Who comtrhon Summer flowers fade illeeye,' of about one and a batf bo ambuBh whence I bad fl red on them, 1 "" 10 00 15 W lit no H2 0 tt he wag nowhere" t& w^seen. Fear- left imo Bee the man drop, I think you With her tors to tho shade— iches in diameter, at a distance of id watch the opposite side of tbe valley UL'ACE. 2 MOB. TMOH. (JMOH. Tho first halo yet to keep ig he had fainted from loss of bipod, I 11a People v. Jamea /^rton.—Tnia ild say that I shot him, although you Bay State Shoe and Leather Co., IghtyyardB, This excellence OB a rifle- or their return/whilst my companion A cccrUr k wtjuk. FEUZ DAXTOIT. leaoarefal though.cautious searoh is a very interesting caso. rondorcd so light not see tbe ball strike him. 1 Inch. * 4 r.n stood me in good stead, as the onld silently creep around to ttie rear 5 00 fl no "l()0() *17 0 long the •om the fact that the defendant acted as 'Now the fact ii, gentlemen, that on im\ will show. * the thicket opposite, wherein tbe sav- 1 idny I was 1} ing on my lounge in my « " (i fi() !) 00 H 00 22 01 and 50 doz. Women's, Misses' and 4E BROOKSIDE. mignt p$$f p^ hia own lawyer ' on the trial, without ;ea had disappeared. At sunrise wo 4 " 8 DO 11 00 1H 00 27 01 I vando by tho brooknido. mse, when my wife said to me that My companion waa a tall, raw-boned, If. But I could sea* no sign "of him, ivingthe advantage of being one of the » •• 10 00 13 00 HI Oil J10 Of I wftDted b; tho mill; 'ere to meet at tho old bluff nnd com* was chasing my coirs. X jump- 16 25 an no ;ir, oi leavy-ahoaldered man, whoso uation- id concluded that, through weakness, igal fraternity. His "Bumming up," ol i Column. 12 fit) I could i hoar thobiook flow; pare notes. As soon as this arrange-i up and pulled an my boots and went 15 no •_'ii w •ir. oi Children's extra fine Shoes, made hndnot been nble • fp • gO^ rhidh wears able to give nearly a vsr Tho af whof? wna still; ity would have puzzled a physiogno- lent-had been agreed npon, filareton 1 " 1H fiO 25 00 ;t7 fio (if> Of batim report, with the eioeptioa of the it of doors and saw Dodder and the 5I .. 1,(0 01 Thoro wnoburrof graiahopper, it, as nothing of his face could be in aa X had j BO I Bat myself down in disappeared noiselessly into the dark- »a <>t> 41 00 Ii5 00 )Wfl coming np tho road. It is true, 1 ' No chiof »oy bird; ID but a very large Roman nose, a little thicket of yonng cedars that 'acting," was decidedly nob, ens, and falling ou my knees, I caa- says he was not driving them, but he EW1EMTAOB ADDKU FC in all widths by H. W. Merrian, But tho itiuft of my own heart twned one of ths peaks, where I much amusement for tba legal gentle- ir of piercing grey eyes, and an on* TIOEH 15 CENTB TEIt LINE. ously retraced my stops to the old iys he and tbe cowa were both going Wsa she sound I heard. lited quantity of grizzled beard. Ho Quid am without being seen myself, to m present The defendant who is camp, and having securely hidden my- mg the road in one direotisn, and ESTABLISHED IN 1851. I tat berth tho elm tree, id little of himself, eicopt that ho bad Fait his ooming. Here I crouched till il/ from any onUide observation in the iftll. red-haired, thin specimen ot a Newton, N. J. The above goods was us near us I oon]d get him to I wntcl the long, long sbuilo, •apped and hunted off and on for he k, and still no sign of my oomrodo. 'aukee, was indiated for an assault aud mnircnnuns ana MEDICINES, PAINTS, lick cedars, peered through a tangled' cows or the truth; but it is proved AudaairewitillloiiKor In't know how long in them ports.' irmenting doubts now beeet my mind; titor? on one Mr. Dodder. The facts, I OiH. OH««, Ilnmlira. lVrMmcrJ, *c, I did i feol afraid ; insb in my front fur signs of life on tbe iat the cows were going ahead of him, . ,7,1,1 bv JAMES A. UOODALE, tliu 1'ionrar id 'kalkerlated as how eomo-un *ud id I began to fear tbat Huston had : divnlRedupon trial, are briefly as fol- t, of Dover. Storo opcmiul icnm SUNDAYS were all made expressly for us iposite bank. id he was following after tbem, atrik- 0 to 10 A. d hia old grizzled karkis but tbero ,herbeen captured in his retreat to »WB : The defendant fa in the employ r.,r iln- mlo of Moillelnn only frm Ilislenfora word; lg at them with this little switch tea M.,ami from 4 to 51'. M, imo bright'lay, fur he couldn't abide bluff or that he had been unable to the Mongaop Yalley, Forrentburg, Ent ibe Itius me five years In the Hudson's Bay iuting. . . i- in, kept mo full; awake watching tie ,car neighbors. ;e sbatfowB that chased each other went about ten feet overhis head, MASTER IN CIIANCKRV, Tho evoig air pa a net! by my chook, rritory, and was on my way southward Oo a Buaday iu February last the While debating whbt course to pursue, mg tho margin of the sombre woods, the Bame time going toward him, HOCKAWAY, N. J. finding any SHODDY or any The lets aboro woro atirr'd; d homewards when I formed the iden 'endant ao.w ibo complainant in the °°' Hut the itlnfi o' my own heart porceivud a bright light some mile or minutes aeemod hoars to me, as I 'bile ba *aa coming toward me. Ho Tl*-,VimOM IIOUSB. ioIningDill Maraton in bis winter's beating his (defendant1!) covs alo»f[ Win tfce Donnd I heud. no o2—I could soarcelj say now for ma lay in wait, nnd, aa the night 'air id no attrition, and I sung out ngain, int. ie highway, and oa an inducement tat Corner ct Dlackwnli ami SUSBOI 8ts. might bejn the gathering darknesf ; irbod my bounding ptilees, I fouid ladder, stop 1' still he dfdn't mind me, composition in them NOT LEATHER Fait BiieteMH woro flowing, im to quit, hurled a few stonos tt him, When motliicg t'.aoil bclilnd; it, as no attempt at concealment was 'self wondering at the nonohalande then I jast threw another stone ; DOVER. N. J. Maraton'a repntation as a keen and e of which, w tbe complainint testi- ,dc, I concluded it proceeded either ith. which I regarded my then preeant on he came a&d on I wont, nnd I can get their money refunded. Our reputa- try hunter stood high among the id, Btruck him on tho back of the neck. I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor. 1 knovn teucb vaa kind ; im Marston, who had outwitted bis occupation and the still visible bodies of iff tbe third stone, wbioli ho Hays hit igh band of which he had long been The testimony being concluded, the Horses and CurrUgoii toLut. tion in the .past for selling GOOD GOODS 'uasi member, and it was admitted imiefl, or from those enemies 'them- slain—slain, too, by my own baud 1 im in the back of hia nock, but which Wndioot rJiionkoimworti, ifendant addressed tbe jury aa follows: iea, who, in that etont, X .thought How long I lay there I had no means .hi ok ifl rather strange. «s wo were L C. BIERWIRTH, But tlio tlitig of oar own hcartB iat he could draw a quicker and truer] "Gentloiiten ol tbe jury,—I don't know CHEAP is a sufficient guarantee that our lastlmvecaptarodor killed my poor knowing. All I knew was that no og toward each other as last as wo Wasatho BUUIHI wo hoard. oad'than any moo thereabouts. Ho inch about law, and since tbe trial has ANALYTICAL CHEMIST. ind, in spite of bis keen woodcraft, ilcome beams of tbo wiBiied-for Ban ild. Bat he never slacked tip, and >ver banted in company with others of !U goiug un I have cocchdtd tb&t I prices in the future will be satisfactory to otherwise they woald be too wary yet tinted even the fleecy clouds high this time we were within about eight DOVER, N. J. A Cored Quadrille Call. doss, but came and wont—no one ight to know a littlo more. I ought Oit jo' filtier-, fust qualitlioa ! is to draw on themselves the veil-, iove in the starry sky, and. that till Bt of eacb other, I halted and hollered a and Assays carefully rrmuV. Gold am! ew whenoa or whither; and tho Bnr- apologize perhaps for aPpoariig i" our customers. RODERER & HEAGAN, Cor. blamjo' foot and raiao 'cm high; mceof the wounded trapper. I im- lien I must keep my weorisoma watch, :Iifl top of my voice, 'Dodder, why iu Silver On* Bouglii fn large i inlliiunrjtitiflltiti l riae was great when I was seen 'step- y own defence, and will do so by tell* Tunu ia"01 •Ja.t vratcrmillioDl" diutoly descended frommy.fienjh and ras trying to imagine where Marstou —-don't you "top?" About then he Miiiorn.uboHRht.i ig into his old 'dugout' and taking a ig you that I feed one Uwyerand hired Warren and Dickerson Sts., Opposite Depot, Owitiooatit bimoiiy. tionuly crept along the shaded edge ien. was,,ami whether he was more sue- stop, and raised hia ten-Foot switch iand in tho managnmenfc of that rather lother in this enso, bat thov both come rrr T. UCFOIIT. 8'lctc ;pardner H^riipo porlitcly ; tbo river, keeping well, undeif .the oossfulin,ibis vigil than myself, when if to strike me, I Bang out, 'Mr, Dover, N. J. craft. I even heard another miasiug when I need tbem moBt. I llon'll bumpi (jtn do rent, izzled, buck-skinned old trapper, say jr-hangiug branches pt the bordering, eou»d of obreaking twig startled tbo idder, look out I You may wallnp my Counsellor at Law, top out rightly; ippose I might have secured the ser- Balinc.l! No it bo had proposed accompany in1 ff my cdon. In tbifl way I must have crept Ineasof thepighb, and Uie next in- but if you wollup me with that lbos'l 1 ices el Bomo of theso other 'limltf °* AND MASTER IN ClttNCEKY, Alluiineo yo' Io' orward for a fuU hoq* and afill the it the loud whirr of a tomahawk itcb you'll wallup. an animal that'll npfmion, but he hod been repulsed ia that I see around me, but, hav- PASSAGE TICKETS FoVtrcurl Whoop op niggeral [re seemed far away. As I stopped at }k I'" Here the orator mode an ap- Ofilco in Hie National Union Itak Ii»iUiiiB itty short terms; 'and now' sail tbe iandea.olosetomy ear, I woe on my fl*ofc>n! Don't beio slowl og been cheated by two on 'em, I ^on- opriate gesture of the head, as in tho AT lignant one, Bpitting out a huge flood Send ia tho river, on the far, Bide of teetiaan instant; but before I could D 3LAainrauj8T., DOVEE, N. J. inded to go it 'on my own nook,** ^ BwluRmahal Mind do CggorB- rhiob the fire borne^ with'increased ing my rifle to bear in the right direo- of booking, which was followed with tofiacoo juice, 'he's tuck that yonng jre I am 1 I want to tell you, gentle- ORAM, HANCE & Co.'s STORE, Whdflioltoriidanyo'jjo. iry, a large owl flew from fait "peron in in, I waa seized in tbe arms of a pow- controllable laughter that continued Berkshire Valley Hotel 1 instead to keep him in perpotooal ien, before I go further, that it is not overhanging ..tree,: »&d .olantlj. be- !ul savage ,and. dasheil to the earth, A ROAD HOUSE near hunting mid Ssh Top luioroieoberl it water.' Maratop must bare heard iy fault that this caao is here taking UP PORT ORAM, N. J. DAY'S IDE CREAM, 1 ik himself to a safer dlsUmca from his ing groundn ; a protty spot with largo airy (Ho , tilt I take a dram); a rifle going off aa I fell. *WG fell to- ia.ftsldid, buthe took no notioe of timo of this hononrtble Court, rooms, good stables, HUOIIJI, £o. Thin house R all the prlninpiv] lincH of BtoainBliipa Oemmaolo! Yen, I'enober— , atural enemy. AH the ill-omened ;ether, my antagonist uppermost, and I linntes. hag undergone thorough repairs, in duly froji Ne» fork lii Liverpool »t LOY7EHT whatever; and I. a little taken down, think you will give me credit for tell- F Stlntl! haw do fiddlers sm. ird spread his soft, nolielen wings to ilf stunned beneath. I struggled with "No*, gentlemen, if you convict me, liconBed, litiiAted on a oroBB-roftds, 4 wiles UtTEH. Al«o niAETS ON GllEAT UIUTAIN glad iWhen he gave tbe 'dugout' a ig the truth whon I say that it ought from bowr. Hporting man, pedlars,-and ,ND IBELAND. !«•' BTILL THE BEST IN THE MABKET. Shads land I Hold up yo' town I •ong pnah otf-fihoro, nnd sprang in is night air, I bethought mo that, if my Btreagtli to throw him from uio, a Court can fiuo me 8260 and jug me Don't* lookm* »t TO' feot 1 havo been trietl before a jaatico of others looking for it good place to Htop ,h astoniahing agility for a man ol his lareton wore near, I oonitl comnidnl-- i, I might as woll have tried to move six months; and if you really think Hlioulil hour ill luiud till* hot*! in the cheap- Swing j pardnerB to yo1 place! t aw, it being bottcr adapted to WOODPOltT HOUSE. e my presence to him by imitating mountain. My right baud was a pria- ;mglit to Via cuiiviutflfl of this ORflnult, eat place in the Stflto with good beds, boun- Dat'al w«j—d*t'i hird to beat 1 i—which I afterwards learned was [mciticH of Buck a court than of this cry, which I bad often repeated in ler, cauRbthy tho aleevft of my hunt' ao, tot 1 am in favour of living up to tiful tnhle, BAH well stocked with the best ilOM'AS BRIGHT, Proprietor. 'er fifty. o. After this difficulty Dodder did of UtiUOIia in tlio market. Also POBTElt PIC-NICS and FESTIVALS Sldtt fctra I Whan yoa'» teady but whon we lay listening to theing-shirt, together witlr the boflom of! laws as long as they are lavs HilebQwiitlOTt'B jo'ldol t a warrant for uio from Sqniro Cud- ondre.fl. " DOC." HODGKISB. WOODPORT, MORRIS Co., N. J. i iat too unyielding garment. In onr ,ether it in the Fugitive Slave Law, Bwlngiasiffliltip'Bt kdyl •We were about three weeks in reach- eibaclc, over in Dcerpark. He thoi: Horkfihiro Valley, Nov. 7th, 1(178. 46-ly liisoia aatflbllahcd Hotel I. oi.on for the Bcaion 1 akened chorns oiltsitle. Placing my ill we liti'l olenrflil tlio dump «f Nebraska Bill or the Excise Laws. anil la i»rlit.tarty oimlianle fir tune sa.Miw Kow (11 let yo BW»P agio I ig Marston's camp—Inr, far from any rRedtbatl li^ ftainialt«d himjhul T • • '.lincD, Situated at tli" hnad Mlsnver moutb, I emitted three m trees, which I believed had RO BO B will read you » littlo le-w, however, JOHN nUITMMER'S SOPPLIED AT BEOBT NOTICE, Lnjieli ftb£t> 1 Shot Up (Ifit tnlltm' 1 mac habitation, except tho ncca« my ,TC or sli months have- freshened " I fratiiroit nr lake and mouii- .rely concealed me, and iu his titrii| ioh I have just neon in t. book I found Do yrAlkin'mrtor while I igwam of Bomo Indian huntor engageil {our of those weitd, diainn. erica, •coliection, and he now BO?B that I Qa iinfliiri>s«H'il by any In tbat rrKlon 1 hold me down and to reach tbo wea- re" (the speaker here picked up a law- SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING Bight i> let', don't wtnt no walkln ; ke ourselves. Part of tlie wuj WB sail- ioh were echoed by tho sombre woodi .ultDil and battered him. I believe ria-idrrsaMftbov., 18-tr ion ho had thrown at ray henil, we hm ok and read as follows): " 'Every man MaVei" fiopi »nd HIIOW yo' stylo. along in our dugout between the utiltho Inr river bend returned it* lore is somo difforonco between tbo tw< adunUv opprouohod tbo GIOPS Icfldinj a right to defend himself from per- SALOON", leautifully tinted and evor-varying tree- i.Htly answer. iiirgcs. R. A. BHMVKTT, M. D , il violence.' Now I don't know id banks oi tho river, pushing along Hastily lookiug to my rifle, and an- tha water; ond, just aa liis hand bad REUBEN ROWS, RADIATIONS. •(her tbat- is law or uot, but I find it SUSSEX STREET. HOMEOPATHIC iy day SH rapidly ospoa^ilile Jigninst fin vins myself that the priming was al (•cured the handle of the h&tcuet, find I, "Dodder BOJS ho Bworo to the com having leaned the whole of tba property when my eyes, was mpeetiDg tbe i law-book." (A. veteran member of Io tak (turn to pay a bill is aa easily irong current, andf carefully drawinj ;.it, I hurried ou silently and stealthi pint before Squiro Cuddebaek, and 1 (botmjon the MANSION" HODBEanilDopul,) I'HYSICIAN & SUKGKOX, hell, las enlarged fstllltiM for 111" MMirol iraebiujjljlow, the sliarp crack of a rifle ie bar, who was Bitting near the speak- Sewing Machines. Fiiearmi, Mu«ieal Instra •aid n« dn a our canoe under noma overhanging iinlil within an eight of a mile of the ;avo it for yon to say whether ho telli DOVER, N. J. nTentsT ete. All klndi of Bold, Bll.er and •oke upon my oforatraiucd ear?, and I remarked to him that it was good Sor..Blackwe!l& Warren Sts., Nickel Plating done. A large mnrlment c The hcai« is the poorest thing on BO, passing tho night enveloped in on ;bt. When .1 pnrtcd the branches, io truth now in saving that I battered Tlio place has been ontirolv rellttedln a neat rOtir>nHi'"nnv"r Batik,) Qoixl flecoud-hand flewing Mscbinei, froi -arm blnnkets. iy arm freed from tlio vice-liln ira. I was taken by a constable before .) "Well, gentlemen here is an old mannner. LADIB8' and OfllLDllKtt'S UAI1I ear tli to li back on, & wUisp Bliatlo I had cautioaslj DOVElt, N. J., tl 60 np. A itock of musical iDEtraiaentl, •asp of my eoemy. Opening my eyes, io squire, und cither becanBo the jui in, "bo looks as if he might know UUTTINa A SPECIALTY. Orearma 'oto. DoTer. Susaei gt.H. J, The dtiiuti In convention ngreo to At tba end of two weeks we arrived at iced, and looked in tho direction Dlica«es of Womon and Children, and of the ectin^mj nsedilaut to fnll dead nt ;co was ashamed of what bo had already imething, and be says this is good law. pall togetir /or anotlior year. fork of the river, where wo left our tboblnzcibutielrin eight that Eye and Esr specialties. side, (forlknow itranstbo Murston one or hadn't time to attend to it. 1 ', iiyon will tnrh to Harbour some- HEK.SB0UK & SMITH, Office HnunKlto II A.M., Ho 3and7lo8 P.M. THE OLD STAND. moo—concealing it in tho hollow of an blood cold and chill back on my Itia eaw to draw an inference than •ho flrod.) I saw to my horror tbat be in't know which, it went down, ing, Tttfio 399, you'll find that the 18-8»pd Id button-wood log, whirii Mnrstou'bad jiirt. Before me, on the griisfly plot in ATTOBNETS 4' OOTHJSELLOKS AT the cork m Scotch ale bottlo. is uninjured, but I paw also tbat bi . three weekB after thct I was arrested doctrine ia applied to cattle. int of our hut, were seated throe LAW, A barkoer of long experience sajfi ieJ far this purpeme for many years, in startled 'by tho diHcharge. Quick gain, and my wife hftvinp: been rent Innghtor.) Therefore, 1 take it "WKITLOCK'S HALL UNION HALL BUILDING, • told me there was n considerable fall iwny savages, naked, and painted 1 icht tc defend my cows against takes a prter to "set 'em up." thought I threw nil my strength in sd, I thought it beat, aa a dutiful b«s- Cor. Blackwell and Sussex Sts. IJlaokitollBtrtut, Poier, Hi black nud vermillioo Btripea, and COB. BLAOKWELL 4 M0BMS BH., ihort distance above the forks, over ie last dospairiER effort, and, all n tnd, tobenround home, so I got rid adder's ten-foot switch. Why, gentle- DOVER. N- J. Chili iBiisposed to helieve that the 0 others, in a similar "costume," were bich wo could not get the canoe ; so we •epiuvd, flm savage was soon strup- >f it by giving Bscurity for my appear- m, nearly nil my wealth is invested in >. H. KElaHBOUIt. A. 0. HU Hot Air Furnaces, PemUn irk is worse than its bite.. ooing around a young birch treo to DOVER, N. J., itjuldcrod onr packs and made tlio rest ling beside me on the dewy sward. As ance to court. i em three cows, and you can't wonder Of tlio latent and molt Improved styles, fo It ia nolgn that B hen meditated evil our journey on loot. lich wasbonnd, hand and fOot, poor '0 rolled swiftly down tbe slope, I soiz- iat I became a little excited when I saw L. W. THURBER, HAS been put in order for tho season and »ariuiusmiUi° and private buildings. A Isrji •Yon know, gentlemen, that I am ic will bo Let tor assortment of fitoves, olioap for caih. i her owr flimply beoonaB she lays On tho fourth day of or.r march, ill MUrston I d my knife and buried it to tho hilt switching thorn with bis -ten- TEEST OF rm:Lic SCHOOLS :he employ of the Monganp Valley, For. for bim. _araton's keen eye detected 'Indian 1 waited to see no more, hut hurrying ot pole. I am a poor man, and have COOK, PABLOB, HEATINO reetbnrg, and Tort Jervis Planlc Road OP M0UKI8 COUNTY, Concerts, Lectures, Exhibitions If histoi repeats itself, Raja the amall ign' here and thnre along our route, irmird as rapidly as possible, from the large family, consisting of a wife and nRftin aud again. Almost with uapany ns a gate-feoBper. This com- r OEO. lUCBARDS * Oo.'B BTOKE, md Entertai. ol various li jy, whyhouia tlio leaclicr niBkc mo ittire of the ground and my '-desire to children, which I reckon is doing STOVES, RANGES, id while he seemed to feel aunoyod 1 ny, it seems, had eufflcicnt confidoncu lbll i« laruo woll Bpated ffitli cninlorlab 1 is Inet expiring groan, however, hi itty well for a small man as I am, aud , lii iiail at reaBonalilo terms. repeat it. ing 'meddled with and 'perhaps main unseen, I soon. come to' the thick DOVER, N. J. c]iairB, anil m; Ao. Also a varloty of fted mo'in his arma and plunged inU my integrity and honesty to place " could not afford to let Dodder kill iny WHIILO0K * LEW19, Bequicat in Bpaco," as the mnli >pa stolen,' it did not preatly affect me; rtb of young trees in the Spec API* to ie rolling: atrouin. My bead must liavt that important station, and even M till ill!. In Hi.- linllilinc. I knew that all the tribes of British whiohour hut hod been Iroilt, There 4iir T . A Tvn?«s. Mid whemo kicked a man np into tli. itmok upon n projecting yock, lor ii ibould receive 18000 and steal $1600 of ./as of course no hut now. Everything elouds. dians were on friendly terms with the amed to be clelt in* twain ; the brigh.j t, tbnt'a between mo and the compauyi •Now, gentlemen, I don't believe MOSES BLANOHAHD, uopany and tbe bunten. •--, ? ,, had been1 deatwyed tbat would be nie- iTJ KEBOSEM: on,. The wot kind of a Roman now is ; ira dnneea.befo™ my closed oye« t the nd it's nono of Dodder's ba*inens. Now m'll convict me after what I bsvo said; - ATTOKNEYATLAW, 1 ROOMS TO LET LANTEENSAW) At length we reached- *tW lodfifl*' to oar Bttvoge • toon i tho roat ! »ND MABTEIt IN CHASCEBY, one that', always roamio' into other iel(ltng" WftVO alosed over us, ho abovr n tbo company sent me up along it if jou do, and this Court Ones mo BMTTAMA WABE, :"ttrston invariably called his hot, wil [nil view of their- miscn.- road to collect tolls, this Dodder DOVEH, N. J. FPLYTO ople's btiness. ,nd I bdbw, and—I r^mAhber no more. 1250,1 Bhall 'repudiate,' because I 'can't Afal assortment of it Boeiuft anything mbreoJ Uie Indians, and &uc ?aa ono of the inhabitants I foimd tbero A. Wi.hten^ at.ve and tin .tore, "Busina carried on without pnblio- ,' And if I'm jogged for i!i months, Oltoe M. & I. SEARING. id my host's temper was visibly im' silently through the woods, and I will nsy for him 17-ly Blacknell atreot. ruing snu ,waa shjuing anij r, theie Dodder* will bare it alt their « mart e the motto of the man that lick underwood until within forty yards TIN & JAPAN WARE, •oved when' ho found every^itp was w*8IKpouri[iB' cold wnlor ;bat ho ia a very fair specimen of the ,wflj op there. Eat, notwithstand- ,; tho hostile circle. This movement doesn't adjrtiso. ;actly as ho had left it two "month! hoa*at'and 'cbest from ' nitf' •cut of the population. Bat there isn't ing all this, I am willing to risk myself MARY C. FORD, M. D., 'BUIT CANS, *a, "But I HI not linger upon this point" jforo. He at onco commenced ^initial iad of fcimraa taken some time—for to Whcn I was ahlo to sit up. he! U^d J»** 1Py of tbem that seem to appreciate all yonr hands, and if yon think I ought TIN BOOPINO, DENTISTRY the preiher snid when he sat down ig me into the art and mystery of ireakfttwigorstir a le»f would have ;he benefits of this plank-road. have stood by and not dono anything Hommopathic Physician, EAVES, TBODOHB, fl thohttd abol the wounded Induu,; IN ALL ITS URAN0UF,S AT ,n the caret tack. kiugnpand setting traps tor mink, jsurcd my destruction—and, when I •ho had placed #j^j)4W "It let ont to civilnution a da** _of ien I &tw Dodder hammering my .EADEHF.andall kinds ofJolibing in my line, «iwr, and otter, with wl-ioh Hie, rivsr [gain pnrtod the branches before me, I milar to my own on lie opposite hank, peoplo Who never belgre realized ' iwe, *hy, then I am 'gone in,' toll- ono in tbe bost manner and at tho ihnrloal A puust' challenged a sick man's vote nd adjacent meadows seemed to be oBdd the two Indians hasily piling idfora^SLIafliiriBO^to shoot ns 34-ly S.B. JOHNSTON'S [Otloo. Hlgheat prloea paid for old Iron. at a city action, on tho ground that he ,dea that there WM and* thing M * BOX 4S0, DOVER, S. J livo; and in a short time I eonlfl flo iroand their prisoner materiah. for a is true I am a poor man, hut not Copper lead and powtor taken in eiahaDB* M an ill-ignl ,wn did we inca^ Ufa, and thii D«dder ia one of wherewith to roast him, I plainly mean one. Tha name of Atlerton can orsoeds. J^JJJ^J^JJJ, ION. iia a.t well as my teaoher, though per- ildoamrvor the fire. Theo .hem. It 1B » fact that soon after I DBHTAIJ BOOMS. WIQH Hanging is capital pa nishmont—es- :j SPRINC PATTERNS eoembol'2itli. 1870. Mw ipg leas expeditionsly. thatprpiypt afltiop ftlone.ironld nave b' ^Vti id moved there a jonn« won*". aavaDteen traced to the Mayflower. Whon aha pecially wBn jon're hiiDging on • , One morning, after we had been thus .'orston, who waa' cursing ths "blasted landed the Pilgrim* on Plymouth Bock, AT oofc g v'ears old, corns down oil of the inoui INSERTING, EXTRACTING, occupied about three weeks, and had[leaking, cowardly, rfld-«Wnned heath- imoug the paatwngera waa a widow, Shingle eddingi are becoming fash' iaina on :the plank.rot4 ono day* « to FORD, SMITH & Co., aken an£ cured a large number of flnfl ."witheveryvariety>of oath known Lid iba'faBd sever been out bflfu Mary AllettoDf with four fatherless PILLING, lonnble. 1«T occur whon the first child tpnaly ci#t' ownnd f- _. K ittdren, and I »na descended from that Morristown, M. J. ikins, Marston got up and went ouf the fraternity—and there are some 1 he, fairly-aesmed'aan>r!B«d to •« HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERS, is old enotth to spank. iith theresnlt "I'have detailed. '.J'M Poritan stock; and from that day to rcry early, snying he would visit mm ange onea, white man, and after taking i fe* qo«- A foil line Mmo. Domarrfs Bprinrgi f Tbt barbr of *"" gorernor-Renerel o: iton fonod no in the water and napposad iii tbera has never lived an Allerton terns; also "Portfolio," ann d " Wh»V.1 l i^bcsntifnlsdWo'lootlilnr DOVEIt. N, 3. ,t otter traps which had been set fl The'thiee savages who Ioolwdoa were ions went back• int" o - This mail on spp 11,« Domiion Btyles himself "L .H detdj Tbat, on eiaoitnaflbn, ne fonnd _bc> hadn't Yankee spirit enough to We«r.", O«talogo«s free .Iting opon a-loR B. BlxBrrr. Orulnlrd, lUlinmlnlnc. I'arar nac|lng, ma S'lrr ngiine. I remained in camp several lBt life hainot entirely quite fled, and,Dodder wai my aetrest fccighboor, an cation, s FIFTEEN DOLLARS. toower to IB royal highness," etc. stop a Dodder from polling hia cowa, s ? t t ours, but finally, otter psyinR a'virik 1o aoBBy enrtb, and the idea struck me fc k i kiv . good deal nearer than I vmted him LLl. WORK WARRANTED. ? "•• L" .S".',"j.i.™b, .'rf.."iC.': it: PbeM8T°i7oItli Shake- "oi done." Jemiint ander th« BIOM of OKOBQK BICHA1DB II Uie other traps ia oar ueighborhood hat as tyrifla throw attillfit wit|i very, iufl I hadn't Beeri'ttiere J*">g befo» Hare too laughing was Qxefledingir THE NATIONAL UNION l m b l«tk eimled at it, Xou remembe led tlia expiring flama. mr.Boptomtar 25111.1BT6. -resetting those that had been sprunj- great (proe, if I coald «et them il^it - beudhehad b^en lying ibont joe to.aiatoroni, in wbieb all participated, BANK OF DOVEIt- im: «T11 call tho hamiGl.1 •While'Manlon prepared breakfaat,rhe| ltrieI,niiBQtkUlthBmi.t one ,ttot, mo of the aireotoa, and 1 soon found LDd it was several minntei, despite the noTM,N.J.,rol.r».rj2011,.lB79. -I took my rifle and went in searob ol related his adventures in tha earlier por- at all eveuts, kill one ana perhaps jut that he wapled to get hit son. "lio .vpeatod ories of "Order, order," l.y the H. P. SANDERSON, is tat ft spM. Marriago is Qe to .apply our lardor. Tbia tion bf the preceding day, He diseov Ai ExperiencBil Fwmp?, wrcr'ely woanil the other two. > -1 there- Court, before • order ooold he restorid .iiair^-r^^io^H'S lHii Xoath wedaod to old agf ,ally fell to my lot, an.1 it wan by.no eredi the Indian encampment about was sworn here against me. in my pl&c», Our eloquent and usually nnvanquiBh- ho h«d just fore crept silently back and oonddera- Bntbehaen'tdone it yet, and U J01able District Attorney, fearing to cop© OPPOfilTE DOVER DEPOT. ST tcndei. A crUM old bachelor » ana a laborious oeoapaUon, ui dew : bree miles from our own, and while en lbly further to tha rlgbt, where, much tc don't convict me I reckon he won't v with so formidable an antagonist, mere- 3J7.OOporfiet. AJlkindi ringlfl and il "olfcy. - were plenty and Umo, while parlriages Ignoring to apy ont tbeir number, hod WHEELS, aali nj gratification. I found! potM draw " ramnkea, *lt is a plain case," etc.. * modejt.lown,;1 and «nxiu few up at almwt evai7 »Ui been fired upon and woonded by soon, i ">••••' '• - ' idjeftit to the jnry, who promptly bead on their ttirw beads )*;• Una. • • "It won't take long to dUpow of Tod. 1 I had been ont about an how, hi ler. Throwing himself on the sai inaTsrdtot of "not guilty. * CHAS. BUCHANAN [ der Ko. 2. He tee tides tbmt bo »w m bagged aereial fine bWh, «d '*•"* he Btanuod him with a blow from T.py,, throw three stones at hh£»ther,and aai tly looking fl^> into ft giant da; rtye bntt of bis riflB, .and escaped to the none,other.',,, ! Ob Ms erbis-tt ono if a 'oovey I had- HV-^ni. log w e bo MS fakon tta p ihfl 'old A N«WP»BT BOICAMCX—There is a saya tin t»y ,rop. H< omlnationhe Wya thst'be w In hi ALLEH t mmmaTcon, i^ti An old p whoa the aUtflnt report of a rifle, fcroki 6 tlie Indian? and wan U lady at the Ocean House this season who i oonntry, fo: Uonsto own hooie in the woods, fcta hftd to ,e atillnesa of the- mid-foraat^tir.' a soon the 6re 'lortii* »,' jSfth me pi«rwWch*the-Tead8r--hM -already travels with ten children and six ser- look ovw i hill twonty feet high, ui EOCKAWAT, U. J. i ^.inedtomeMU thera werft two I boen! ma^jeiac'qiiamted.,, He ,ww->oy* vant*- Bfae has an eitm maid who ' night for Ha •»« *>" o 1 1 1 1 1 also over three slob fences and two st°" PATIHTST AND HAHUriOTimEH Of ORIENTAL AND ECONOMIST ports almost Bimnltaneousi trnt jast ""'lypurauedby the whole "" ' n twice a day to arrange her hair, walls I Well,' if be tells the truth. *1' another fe> button her boots and pare wiehifl that I isdjbnng Dodder's ej\ _,ked *l»t Initrnment he preferred, L Jt waa during tHfopunnU finger nails. She glories in tho pos- ORE ^RUSHERS SEVERAL OIL STOVES HeiBjcerUiolT,,* remarkable ,bo5, am modeitlyienominnteathewl:'-"-— atrpok " ' -flrrivea'atthecaniltfB! session of one hundred und fifty drenses, are the best. We »ffl tonhh oil fcl lire., oan'i ?onsi?teDUy deny hi" '/other: HOtrsiBS W forth* pwaea io explain mdrning left" his Til BD the. river course, a with a set ol Jeweiexy lor every two i qiuten of a emt u bn I r ahonid just see sorm mind than Heltonre that. 9omfl of tl Lily followed hv JbiMoMiii -'predispQution her othfef ten onDdren, and completed a* , tlod,! u tbelr. packa were filled with man; ttoo ana THE of bis M lettora." '*Ie«, I know," w ideringIndians, who perhapB '•' TVVard ana leveled1 JraV bflhe two'hid, baier> diiaen of servants. It is quite » Lieswiiich" belong to whites alone wb*. tho'latter canse' that mov& RS the Ireoing replji " !* WUB impi dapoiag ?m&L»/fl }} | sight to sea her go down to bathe in Uie temptel to mnrdet himjor Itiu Meatcbiirte r*pbronri»ted thefr hones to fkone Dpa^r. 1 'ttewJoro, ,«n of them i» my to^^ was taken too mwh'Jby km myaflf, goilty' pi ,tiifl utM *$ mornings'; the first carriage contains. and traps. • .. . and traps, and, having uneftrthed our EBUIT CANS. *e. T betneribarftttaok'wia An inietenta oUobioken thief , LeaviBgliBftiMrtri&gennaiBC Concealed wlt.ries^.aet^.ofl. fa FftjS m battery 1 deny; «wl U yen find adime, her toilet and her pug; tot, ,gitj of the iattury I *•» tppe*1f ™ t«o nurfes. and threo cbildren ; theiext, AWaWamJwnJ o b>a a, mineto TiaaUly tamed Jn the, direction of th Oetnge wherb'wo imv^ without fw* tia deoiBloo to *l« jpoorti o- bigb.h** four children and one none ; tha next, of glidiTB ont °' ***" camp. Among!"tlie '^t. things that itKaib6toreIwiHBubmitto.it- two nataw and one oLild, tUi» last being ALIEN * MONINGTON tut oamht in * oloao oorner with caughtiinjlejle oWraaohing it w» • i SEND TO ebiokenTn hi" bat He denlsd the.a nt On:boni?«tuj4ritid. M U-villed, lii* bUwama, and requir- ntJl mlnkiUn banging !roDi tho bMV- «btbtid ing muob. ear*, tmd the nroeestdon is end- .DOVER AND CHESTER. IDS of it, ud on. being, uked bom *h ' where *d#^^. was W ; ,d IioarJ him awetf) KICE* STEPHENS, Uibl hn, to aolBiBDly «id behind *biohH 1 »11U'Kill n.ect un Or MwrlalBWii vB. 1'eiit W. CcMdlwitnd I*an« {lul'l

  • «. OLD ESTA LISHED STAND*! , PELOUBET, PELTON & Co, Dr. BeocL; a pun ftketcb of Dickoua and ajeW. et one o'clock In tho .flernoon «t tb» Mnuu, in tWJO, and nili Huuklt Uonae. ID Dovor, tn reoelTO EOAD (Bxrtnct YOOBBEEI! anon AJ.DUA.-V M > IF A I> NATI C«L In i\ lui ] Siuurday, Sept"*?, 1879, rater color "Italian Boy," executed by OVlilt»EE118 iirOBTS. Mom* Circuit Cewi^-Wiu. M. BmH v». Isaac Hairy Bvnuu wl* «"' • littIe to lbe &»mt.ii,PuU»rW.Ooinbi. Fi. fa. do boo. et L. ptaden, lwt» paintings by I. D. Condic ED. I.I1I0KEB8OK, tor Iu COM. Uatnrnablo to Untot«r Term, intorfbt of tho old book department by the lVlwnabip Olork, Standard Organ. THE LOAN EXHIBITION. and fecort'S of nthora. A. D., 1879. display of a tniubfr mngii.g lm date fro MILLS ft CHUKCII, Att'j«. Ujiou tho floor is a varied assortment WANTED—igente fcr oar eplendid book, OHAS. K, AN IXrEUEmMd COLLErrtON 07 mtCELLANl 1T38 to 17!H, nud Kev. Mr. Hblloway sho' Inrrii Circuit Conrt^Jnlinatliau Htimn, things well worth lookfne at. There a Inaao UoniltB anil Pok'r Vi. Combs, Fi. b. OCS A11TICLEX. a email Hbniry of mre booki istued in tlie Indiun reltcH cf various kinds, collcotious do bou. ct tor. Uulurualle luiJuutiwItfrSd, DRUGGIST AND-APOTHECARY, ewly part of (hi- present centurr- A. D., 187P. When tbo Young People's Union of Hi linerols—particularly tbo valuable ones Mrs. J. Ji. Vail olso makes a notable l'ITNET4yOUfroar,O0D, Atl'ys., 1'r.tftiiytfirian Clnirch originated thu projeri ttobtrt F. Orani and L. C. Bierwirth, e In ono relume. liln.lrnted with flni (rthiliit of old Iwokn extending iu r (jiving n loan exhibition hero, they doubt- ndrioiu^ t-uiie of buttorflies from It. Davy, .lea iaitljuuntL'iHoUki. plitce il Uiu Uuiiud Hiilil io 17:17, nnd Mrs. J. MeDiwit coutrib I-w little imiigined that Bucb a vast" ami llogtr'a blatuitttes aud so on, without eucL Siitoii Botul iu Moiristown, N. J., ou • qteu a Diblu 1H yuiirs old. varird collection of tliingH antique, curfou Wi; have reached the end of the KpMe I iffSjPDD.HOUBE MONDAY, OOTQilKU Cth, Dealer In Drups and IVj iclncs^ Chemioalcand Dye Stuff Aiiothcr o\A newspupur, tbe Boston Gu- 723 B.n»om St., l'bil«dolplili A. D. 1870, iH'twobQ tlio niain of 13 JI. nnfl B end iuttmtiuR would be forthwtni'ng ti are i. nuillod to allot to this valuable col- ilt.--, nf 17"l>, is loimcd by Wm. Harris. "" ck V M AND ALL PllA»l^ACl!U;nCA^|>itiipi.J^lTlOAS.- reward tlioir efforts. For uouriy ft »w' loctiou, nud yet wo feel that we have burdly Activu purtiou to nut F,. E. JnckMon shpws bis love of Ice • •I I f'H;ilSOS A.FREI'.MAN, Lalo Hliiiriflf. [iMrvi.'Us to tliti ojjfuing of tlio oihthitiuu ( begun. To note all the things of Interebt aenenlAginUlortbe.i 5(l •J-PHl'SICIANBANn DUALKllfi \ tr.iditioiin, by a flno assorfnient of local pup* UlnnfQrl .peol.Iti>.. B id Ailfiunt 8tU, 1870. *' Wodiicudiy people from all pnrts of tli would bi; beyond our power, yet there are mnpy of the parly ilays of tbifi viciuity. II UlllCU lSpUlj W Pruicriptionn oarofnllv iircparod. \i' Imt H'lii;. XtHlI(JH n viitinily Rent iu thoir contributions and i a number of utbers of equal interert with H. h. Itoso iireseulii a nnmbur of interest- prepartel ucuunlitif; to tlio Uoitud i tin* way of local nutiquities in ptiriictilar tli abov'a which we hope to bB able ' o 1200 • mouth CIO hi midu b» live men. if; rtmiuisueuce.s of vlie late Itebellfon, and ^1»PQ^ lot ranking PODef. AunraRi AfiilliBaortmcutorTOOKT AlCi-'ll iloutttiouB wer« « source of con* taut siirprif detmribe iiext week. Mewwbfle, we advise Mofri«tuwii, July lat. 187P uotjg tht-iu a cane mnde from tbe dead line nud wonderment. Where did «n« nil com* all who hjivo not ocon them to e»ll thU day 1S8 Clark Ht.. Chits | teaaa ot Audurguiivillu prison. from ? It would seem ns If evory eld family or eveniuu and bo delightfully surprised, a Captvired rebel nworils «re exhibited by in tbe vicinity find gono over thoir eff« •U have been, at tbe multitudinous dlspla; 1)K. CUAS. JUANCA8VJSU, Dr. CrilU-udeu and Wm. Pedrick. and Fed- in id tmml nonietliing wliioii they deem which tbU coniiiiimity has produced. ufNEWAHK.K.J,, wlsnos la inform Hio cil worthy of coutribulion because it had been eral anil rtbcl cunipmenta loaned by leimof Uoreraad.f.diiitr tint be const"" M.L asweiated with tbo Hbudowy past, TitiiH Berry, Ewj. FALL MIEHS GOODS thin week ift employi : Tmwliy of thin weak over one tuc i'tandiiiE iu a corner, cue of the inotit W. H. BADMTT'I, Morristown ELECTRICITY articles had Iwen added to tbo catnlogue of nttriiL-tive olijich ur the room, Ii a oontribu. in connection with Mi olhur remedies II GREAT CLEARING OUT "SflLE OF G OTHING FLANDERS. Ilia exhibition, and all worn tastefufy ut Ortnge. I bavif roino»itd to m» uaw store, imn
  • lurtcut am! I FOR THIRTY .ho length of tin! whole is six feet and ciglil The frienda of tbe Sunday School of Mt Br purmiiilon referi to William A. Mi nil tho parts of tba earth and of uonrly 1 Jfrq., Stickle House, Dovvr, N.J. il Jtwcli-y Btoro hi thv rtlv, ami willi .. indies, nnd tbe old flintlock emits fire at Olive township, will meet at the Mt. Oil ...rtiulv hicriMii^ sluck i>( USE WATCHF.8 nvt'ry ago of the past. Baptist Church nest Tuesday evening, at AND jEWliLItY at prliifH ntver liufure tuouKlit npuiikily an ovor. From appearances il Auil During tbit Timo i "III Boils'.,JI>Bull to O«T.« to JlWfH <* A uovaiMpvr article would hardly begin o'clock, for the purpose of effecting a Town, to give- an id.'ii of tbw lulncellimeous nssort- would probably shoot a gbost or anything irlHt^a nvoi' ono liuixlrwl (100) elsfl wlthlu a range nf fi' Sunday School Association ThP RtibMiIber will offer it pulilicsnle it bix incut of IOHUB, and for this week wo ti\M to tha County Association. routine mincWei to such articlea JW came Tho metal bond of n knight'B pole axe, a AMERICAN WATCHES, •wish liwin over 4(H) years old, and other TIIB Gospel Tempentuco Union held Iti fall Bivlca n ru! quail tie (, from tH to I860, prominently to our notice during ft'tarty HiiHsiou iu the Prutbytflriin Church larttues- jiliei' aullil gotil watchu, m«n »1S to*12S, luieiit curiosities come from tbe oldcuri- THURSDAY, Oct. 2d VIH of juwi'lry in cudlotiBiiirtciy. from*2.6O to viuit oil TuwiLiy. Wo HIMU enduATor, Low- day evening. Thus the ball in kept rolling. THE FINEST WORK MADE, TFE IJOAVKHT PilTOES, STYLES c v^r, to add to tbe aoeouiit in our nest itwur iity shop of lieubtu Rcwe, 1870, tbo following i*in'Ui»! propert;; 5U. lliiigx of nil hiuilri. rr.iin Uio fluostDia - A pood assortment of Goutintntal aud We have htiird of a collapse of which we -lourt to a plain golil wivlilir^ riDjr. of all w COMBINATIONS SUITED TO EVERY UHE. NKW AND Tho room dovotwl to books, autographs, wuiglite nnd siZM, dt oxlii)iin!l.v i(iT flRiiras. THE Bi mar speak of ia the future. ELEGANT STYLES. EXCELLENCE AND VAKIETY OF TONE. luimuscripln, etc., first attracted our otton- itu-UoTnlutionary ctirroncy is displayed by 2 HORSES, Nii-k i-haltisiti Itoniaa (Juki in great vnviotj, Mrs,, Vail, Mm. Itobert BiohordB, Mrs. B. The ?roe Methodists bold services in the illi liichelM, jwtiduittii mid cruKnea to mat oh, 'NEW AND HKILLIANT SOLO STOPS. ti.ui, probably becauso of a natural weiknettH p)t(*taul(!n and cye-gliim*tK l» suit all agoi and H. Vogt, Wm. Hum's urnl 0. J. UroodwcU, Aoadcihy last Babbnth afternoon—conduct- tlmt wo Imvo in that direetiou. The assort- 1 Mare and Colt xitjlits, from 25c, a pair il]). Uteri lug silver Mis of • tlie ClotliiE We In NEW STYLE CABINET OKGAN "WITH PORTFOLIO TOP ,ud these nr»suppbuicnted by a collection id by thfllr now pastor, RBV. Mr. J( ana uuWnlaied ware iu groat variuty, at 30 l mi'tit nf old priuta alone here deployed 2 C0W8, 2 t«o-vear v]<] HULLS, lot or Cum pur cent. licJow former \)r'\i-vn, Cmtom mid •f American touts nnd half oeiitfl from A. B. There Was a good congregation in attend- STYLE 2. One net of roods, fivo (HJL'LVOM, live stopa with ot't. (jouplur wnuid 1M> mifflclmit to dJigbt the huirtof ckonhock, .otof KYIS BT1UW, cuke baslu IB almnitt givnn nwav. A largo at' ( Searing and ft BhiuW.of fractional currem-y ance. gorl tn out nr clock B ut all |)nccs. I have the BJCOKJ N COU.NTY.. and nipelmnical nub-l)!i«n ; pvim ?l ii)« tlio most ardent blbb'oinauiaa. TliG rarest 1O Tont) of Hay, hoik $1 i-lookn in tbo raarkot. Call and nee from I. ltaker. them. WuldiuH sold on ttio Instalment plan SniiE C. Two nets of weds ono of five octavcH and one of two and work of tbo collodion in ono exhibited by Pino Brook. ottloei by the buibnl, 1 two-homo team One of tho moBt valuable of, ail the dim- IBKOU, 1 niie-hoTM lumber W»BOII, 'I hug^iett, as uBUnl. Useful care givoti to rupulrlug flm one-hnlf octaves, Hevon wtops; price $155, ltuv. Dr. Magio, of Pleasant Grove—a Latii Chill* keep our people shaking here, and . ifed, 1 iet of double, hainein. 1 Mt oT mgh watobti. work, with HluminntM texts, printed in the :ibnril'alnlichigbly'|}ri'zedby.the.anti(iiiai7, lurueig, » lot 01 ?A11 MING Ul'ENKILH, cuw Those Desiring to linve tlifclr ^rinoiitsiMjidC t6;0r- STYLE 8. Two sots of roucm of fivoootuvo s oacli, nine ntopB; price £170. fever k t« ps their imagination lively. Many A fl(l M a atope from Ninoyah, 'iritii.' imueiform ilntlnjt of plows, h«rrowp,forkV>'iin. &*>• ' Wo do not enter into competition in prices. Every Or^nn fi'om thu fliteonth oentnry. He also exbibitH a large are prn.-nng for frost, hoping thau to bav< Honiehold and Kttohen FUllNI'itJllK. HDJH 3V. II. WHITE, ^iMriptions, liie property(ol Bov. Dr. Magte dcr can do so at CorresiKindinily Loiv, I'j;!i;ys.j ,i lownst lo tlio highest prwjc, is of the unmo qiiiility, nud nrndo in tlio KLW Testament printed in Amsterdam BeoKo i for rest. to commonce at 10 o'clock A. M., when condi- 1iii)!i, and other raro old works. •'•• ' ' A.tattered'reber flajE,'conBplciiouBly dia- tion! »il 1 bo made koowo and attondmifti (,'ivc 443 BttOAD St., host possible man nor. It is boyond oontrovei'My the liEST ami playea/httflRthrilliag bietory. Itwaacapl Our i Lhool hod K short vacation In cou-by QE0. T. SUIfH. not buy one dollar's vorlli ofoiotliing.ij.iiu uut up tor ule AND USES! NO POOR WORK ! NO I1KJH 1UUCES. he Shen(»nd6ih' ddrln| the * rebelHoo, who mmod 6n Tuemlny. vnliiablo display in a large frame bearing the STVLE 5). Two nets of five octave vevxh, ninn stops ; ]mcu Sl'JO. nctually,a&coDi'plisbed the feat of entering : Servi ies in the church on Sunday wai certificate of the ndmiaeiou of WilUaia 63 ACRES OF LAND OLD AND RELIABLE. STVI.E 10. Tliroo aotn of roods, ono of fivo ootftves, ono of HUTU hguBe'oooti>le'a'Dy.nbel officera.Bod iol- oondlnct ed by llev. /. Orane, a retired supef tlu to the Society of tho Cincinnati ou the oonUining thereon • nice Farm Houne, Inrge DR. SANPORD'B LIVER IV!.; L. FeLjUiV- .-•• octavos nnd ono of c>3iu octavo mib-buwi, with ootnvo coujiler, iiino iera' iiMete'aliUR awav wilh it. It is loaned inoati d preacher. Btru, Wayou Uoanf and Ice Uouae. Tlie piar iMtli of AueuBt, 1781, tho vnlus of which U )• well fruited and iu a deiirablo locution ii n StnnilarJ Family Ilcuii'dy foi »U)]\n; price §190, >j-,Vm, U. Bynim, to whewe lot it ML Ou ISiesday Mr. Itichard Fierce VfbUe greatly enbauced because it bears tbe ; Wslerand other donvenieBoei, hand.T, By itn (lisensesof tbejjiver, Stomitcb " n&tiwtar.the.jfoow aHoWnatoqld milkiuR wiw struck in tbe ferehead by the t«rmR ot ule of lue place two-tbiiilR ot tin This Organ is produced for tho UHO of Ihoso who wish a low fnp turvB cf General Washington, rresidon^and purchase motioy can remain on btfntl nix dndEowpls.—It is had 'bflUKttpia ..utenalb. in .tU< horn of a eow. The out bled profusely, and Clia]>i'l Organ ut a low pvico. Tiio tono in loud utul full, and the Ktoj)rf Geuernl Kuox, Secretary. moflH*gtj. »d the bilaooecau oauily hu nr jVegetnbln.—It never , itinrisbljere asd surron^dlpgB of whicbitifi Air. Tie res was for a while insensible, but ran&ed with thoowuer. mtiiiorouH and well nrraiigod. Tho workmanship is tho very bent. In another frame is a rare collection of old Ji. 1). K1TCHEL, AuctloDocr. JDebilititkn—It is +£\ Jot'atjall/aifflBiiit'to^a^a oneself traiw- •koitly afterwards abqut all right except 1 -nmantcn to HI.11 tho HUatlar.l Organ junt an clicap ILH ttmv ium Ijti h?r, N, .1, Morris County Minute Men during the Eev: FALL .DREBB OO0D8 this week at |TRY **V I m HJ'S'W ^ L toinea' tha age of 7ft mM$ »% •»** PERSONAL PE0PEETY llovt>r, N. J., A«R. 2fith, 1HI8. HLJ.sIO HTOllli UN .SUHHl^X HT. ulution, to Joseph JacVson, his townsman,' t , ' W. B. BAMITT'I, MorrUtown, inly ^ig^ty,1 wenpyinff W time with the 5ioiml3 cincurr COURT. of Kockaway, executed Sopt; 17th;'l?B9. eftmaDrouTMaoi tbe apiiititiiK wheel,'and VICINITY NEWS. JobD U. D. Barfle. i la c..e in Foreign By ite side is a letter written Bt Valley Forge GEORGE EHRET'S MORRIS COUNTY April Mb, 177*, by Major Joaeph Bloom- irrodnd^by WW W$to& felt*™o f EasUra ia organising a paid fire depart The MiVpib T.lliy Allicbgiiut. A CELEDIIATED field, thcu & sharer in the privations of ttmt ye'^'lM"' •'* '-"" ••- • ment. Iran Oompsn). t Here U an old cradle whose'rode embrace memnrable winter camp, and nftorwnrdH The. GreenbaokeiB of Oxford have to. KEIOHBO0H i SMITH. Att'j.. uUedito bleip the' Raceaton of Stephen Y virtue of ID order of uid Court ni.de LAOER BEER Goveraor of New Jersey, Nest In the frame Hardware, Iron MACHINE & IRON Co. Awi.lOlb, 1S79. tbi>.ubKril»r, Au.lic.i Briant two hundred yean Ago, and « chair, ganized. B is n letter written August 23d, 1GG8, and ftppolatea ID tbe ftboTe MUie. will lull nt tffo BOLD AT contributod bf Stephen Bruint, which cams The Dsnoerats of Warren meet ID eauons o'clock P.M., on j AND higucd by tbo initial! "8. W." The other from Franoe nearly two centuries ago. The next Saturday to nominate » county ticket WEDNESDAY, tbe 81b