Configuring Stasis in the Reign of Cnut the Great Wurdon Sammęle Ęt Oxnaforda

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Configuring Stasis in the Reign of Cnut the Great Wurdon Sammęle Ęt Oxnaforda some extracts from the Anglo Saxon Chronicles Entry Printed by Susan Irvine, The Anglo-Saxon My translation Chronicle vol. 7: MS E pp.74-75 c. 1017 Þa toforan kalendas Augusti het se cyng And then before the first of August the feccan him Æðelredes lafe þes oðres king ordered that [Imma / Ælfgifu] the cynges him to cwene Ricardes dohtor. widow of Æthelred, the former king, the daughter of Richard [Duke of Normandy], should be fetched to him as queen. c. 1018 On þisum geare wæs þet gafol gelæst In this year the tax was imposed all over ofer eall Angelcynn, þet wæs ealles England, that was in total 72,000 .lxxii. þusend punda, buton þam þe seo pounds, not including that which the burhwaru on Lundene guldon .xi. people of London paid [which was] þusend punda. 7 se here ferde þa sum 11,000 pounds. And then some of the to Denmearcon, 7 .xl. scipo belaf mid army went to Denmark, and 40 ships þam cyninge Cnute, 7 Dene 7 Engle remained with King Cnut, and Danes wurdon sammæle æt Oxnaforda and English were agreed at Oxford [to Edgar’s law]. [to Eadgares lage]. some extracts from Sawyer 951: A 1018 confirmation of Edmund’s grant of land to Bishop Brihtwold of Cornwall Printed by Haddan & Stubbs Councils and ecclesiastical Translated by Dorothy Whitelock, EHD vol. 1, §131, documents relating to Great Britain and Ireland vol. 1, pp.551-53 pp.686-88 In Nominæ Sanctæ Trinitatis! Cum mundi In the name of the Holy Trinity. Since the course cursus uario, ut cotidie cernimus, incertoque of the world, as we discern daily, tends to its discrimine tendat ad calcem, cuique mortalium end with various and uncertain hazards, it is opus est, ut sic caducam peragat uitam, ut necessary for each mortal so to pass through quandoque possit Dei adiutus [beneficio] this fleeting life that he may at some time possidere perpetuam, et quamdiu uitæ istius possess the perpetual life, aided by the favour of utitur aura cuncta quæ iusto statuuntur God, and, as long as he breathes the breath of examine certis apicum lineis inserere, ne forte this life, bring within the safe bounds of writing subsequentibus ueniant in obliuionem, et sic a all things which are established by just iunioribus paruipendatur institutio seniorum. consideration; lest perchance they fall into Quapropter ego Cnut, Rex subthronizatus oblivion for those succeeding, and thus the Angligenum, cuidam meo fidelissimo Episcopo, dispositions of the elders be despised by their qui noto uocitamine nuncupatur Burhwold, juniors. On this account I, Cnut, enthroned king condono in æternæ ius hæreditatis quandam of the English, grant to a certain most faithful telluris particulam... bishop of mine who is called by the well-known name of Burhwold, in right of eternal inheritance, a certain portion of land... 1 | P a g e Configuring stasis in the reign of Cnut the Great some extracts from Sawyer 956: A 1019 restoration of land in Hampshire to New Minster, Winchester Printed by Walter de Gray Birch, Liber Vitae: Register and Translated by Dorothy Whitelock, EHD vol. 1, §132, pp.553- Martyrology of New Minster and Hyde Abbey, Winchester, 55 Hampshire Record Society (1892) pp.247-50 Px Christo Iesu saluatore nostro . uero et summo Christ Jesus our Saviour, true and highest God, Deo in unitate trino . in trinitate uno . atque three in Unity, one in Trinity, born by an incomprehensibili natiuitate omousios a coeterno incomprehensible birth of one substance with his patre genito qui pulcherrimus rerum pulchrum co-eternal Father – who, most beautiful of things, profunda mente gerens empyrium . ante bearing with profound mind the beautiful materialem olimpi telluris et oceani empyrean before the material formation of specificationem . luminosam angelorum heaven, earth, and ocean, brought forth by the ierarchiam . ac preclara solis et lunae power of a mere word alone the shining hierarchy astrorumque igneorum uasa limpida . of the angels, and the bright clear vessels of the uarigenumque cosmi quadrifidi ornatum ac sun, the moon, and the fiery stars, and the specimen . atque squamigeram neptunice various decoration and adornment of the four procellositatis copiam inexcogitabilem . solo quarters of the universe, and the inconceivable dumtaxat uerbi protulit imperio . indeficienter abundance of fish in Neptune’s tempestuous regnante . ac triumphante . element – reigning continually and triumphing and perpetually guiding all things: perpetualiterque omnia moderante . Ego Cnuto inclite ac speciosae gentis Anglorum I, Cnut, ruler and basileus of the noble and fair regnator basileius . coenobio quod nouellum race of the English, have ordered this parchment dicitur . famosa ac populosa in ciuitate Wintonia to be inscribed by the furrowing reed with the situm . in quo et preclarorum confessorum Iudoci forms of letters, on behalf of the minster which is atque Grimbaldi mirifica decenter hodietenus called ‘New’, situated in the famous and populous pollent somata . hanc membranulam grammatum city of Winchester, in which the wonderful bodies carecteribus canna sulcante precepi exarari ad of the illustrious confessors Judoc and Grimbold fundum .v. cassatorum amplitudinem in se to this day are efficacious in miracles; for an continentem quem indigenarum lingula Drægtun estate containing in it the extent of five hides, uocitare assolet . quatinus haec terra which the tongue of the natives is accustomed to monachorum in prefato monasterio degentium call Drayton, that this land may be applied for the utilitatibus deseruiat . quem admodum ante benefit of the monks dwelling in the aforesaid multa deseruiebat tempora . minster, just as it was a long time before. Hanc quippe terram quidam prefate ciuitatis This land, indeed, a certain inhabitant of the inhabitator adolescens animosus et instabilis aforesaid city, young, daring and inconstant, calliditate et mendacio sibi a me adquisiuit . acquired for himself from me with cunning and dicens terram meam fuisse . meque facile eam lying, saying that the land was mine, and that I sibimet tradere posse . quod et feci . At ubi could easily give it to him, which also I did. But ueritatem agnoui . hereditatem Dei dignis when I realised the truth, I caused the inheritance heredibus ocius restitui feci . et ad testimonium of God rather to be restored to worthy heirs, and et confirmationem hoc in presenti cartula ordered this to be manifested for testimony and manifestari precepi . confirmation in the present charter. 2 | P a g e Configuring stasis in the reign of Cnut the Great some extracts from Cnut’s 1018 law code, issued at Oxford (the ‘D’ code, from CCCC 201 pp.126-30) edited and printed by AG Kennedy, ‘Cnut’s law code of 1018’ (1982) ASE 11, 57-81 [On 8 occasions in first 11 sections] And witena gerædnes is... And the decree of the councillors is... [Introduction] In nomine domini Đis is seo [Introduction] In the name of God. This is gerædnes þe witan geræddon . 7 be the ordinance which the councillors manegum godum bisnum . asmeadon . And determined and devised according to many þæt wæs geworden sona swa cnūt cynge . good precedents. And that took place as mid his witena geþeahte . frið 7 freondscipe . soon as King Cnut, with the advice of his betweox denum 7 englum . fullice councillors, fully established peace and gefæstnode . 7 heora ærran saca . ealle friendship between the Danes and the getwæmde . English, and put an end to all their former enmity. [1] Þonne is þæt ærest þæt witan geræddan [1] In the first place, the councillors decreed . þæt hi ofer ealle oðre þinge ænne god æfre that, above all other things, they would wurðodon 7 æne cristendom anrædlice always honour one God and singlemindedly healdan 7 cnut cyngc . lufian . mid rihtan . 7 hold one Christian faith, and love King Cnut mid trywðan . 7 eadgares lagan . with due loyalty, and zealously observe the geornlice folgian . laws of Edgar. [3.1] 7 heonan forð læte manna gehwilcne [3.1] And from now on let every man, . ge earmne ge eadigne . folcrihtes wurðe whether poor or rich, be entitled to his beon . customary rights. [14.4] elles oðre freolsa 7 fæstena . healde [14.4] Festivals and fasts shall otherwise be man georne . swa swa þa heoldon þa observed zealously, just as they were ðe betst heoldon . observed in the past. [14.5] And ymbren fæstena . swa swa [14.5] And the fasts of the Ember days [shall sanctus gregorius angelcynne silf gedihte . be observed] as St Gregory himself prescribed it for the English people. [14.6] And sancte eadwardes [14.6] And the councillors have decided that mæssedæg . witan habbað gecoran the festival of St Edward shall be celebrated þæt man freolsian sceal . ofer eall throughout England on 18 March. englaland . on .xv. kalendas . Aprilis . [18] And word . 7 weorc . frēonda gehwilc . [18] And each of our friends shall properly fadige mid rihte . 7 að 7 wed . wærlice order his words and deeds and diligently healde . observe his oath and pledge. [35] And þæt hi ælþeodige men . 7 feorran [35] And that they do not annoy or harass cumene . ne tyrian . ne tynan . foreigners and those who come from distant places [36] 7 þæt hi oðrum mannum unriht ne [36] And that they do not commit injustice beodan ealles to swiðe . ac manna gehwilc against other men all too much, but each oðrum bēode. þæt riht sy . þæt he wille þæt man should do what is right to others, what man him beode . be þam þe hit mæð sy . he wishes to be done to him, as far as he is able. 3 | P a g e Configuring stasis in the reign of Cnut the Great some extracts from Cnut’s 1020 letter to the people of England (in the York Gospels (York Minster Library Additional 1) 160v-160r) from F. Liebermann, ed., 1916, Die Gesetze Der Angel My translation Sachsen Volume 1, pp.273-275 1.
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