Early Bibliography (1968)
fh.a..c,4,r" tt.c. ~ . .I lw~ jOWL ~u/f ~"Z;, ( A. ., 0 ",l O'¥U.. ! ) ~ rt.c. J #f 6 7 8; t, / ,;.y>y'7. / - +~~ OLD EUGLISHBIBLIOGRAPHY ."' :.~1968 . ,, l will be grateful if re aders -will call my at tention _to .any omissions or inaccurACies thP.y .mliy notice in the , biblioe;Ta.P1:-J~_·_:· r . Respectfully submitted, r:~·q:. R~~~-:i Fred C ~ .Robinson, Chairman !lesearch and Bibliography Committee . HISCELLANEOUS Bessinger ·, J. B. (with -S. J. Kahrl). OE Newsletter, Vol. II, no. 1 (December, 1968). [Prepared and mimeographed at New York _University.] . Kpssick,' -Shirley. ".An Introductory Note to the study of OE, II UNISA Erw:lish ·· Studies [ Bulletin_of the Dept. of Engli~h, Univ. of South . Africa, Praetoria], I (1968), 72-75. LElementary .remarks about beginning the study of OE-.] Ogilvy, J. ·n. ·A. Books Known to the En lish 9'7-1066 (Cambridge, f.1ass., 1967). REV: I\fortoi:i W. Bloomfield, Speculum 63 1968 , .529-30. · • . Or:rick, Allan H.; ed. Nordica et .Anglica: Studies in Hondr of Stefan Einarsson (The Hague, 1968). LCited below as "Nordica et An.dica. "] · · Robins .on, Fred C. "OE Rese arch i n .Progress, ·1967-1968,°" NM, -69 '(1968), 472- 487. Thrupp, Sylvia L., ed. Early i'Ied~ieval Society (New York, 1967). [Reprints of various essay~ including ·'some touching -on Anglo-Saxon society. 260 pp.] Tinkler, John. "OE in Rohan," Tolk i en and the Critics, ed. Neil D. Isaacs and Rose A Zimbado (Notre Danie, 1968), pp. 164-69. · \'liley, Raymond A. "Four Unpublfshed Letters .
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