
Elmer’s Aquarium Community Tank Ideas Tank Size- 20 gal or more.

Acve Community Tank with Tiger Barbs and other Barbs Why Keep Them? Barbs are a group of freshwater that are members of the family from Asia. Many barbs make great community tank members because they are colorful, active and very hardy.

Tank Conditions: This community tank is suitable for tanks 20 gallon or more. Larger tanks can create an even better display. Filtration can include a properly sized power filter with a supplemental air pump. Temperature range 72-80. Aquarium salt is optional, but 1 tablespoon of salt per 5 gallons works well.

Live Plants? You can use live or plastic plants. Leave open space in the front for swimming and some tall plants or driftwood towards the back.

Feeding: They will accept a wide variety of foods. Feed two to three times a day with flake food, small pellets, mysis shrimp, plankton, or bloodworms.

How Many? Barbs should be kept in groups. Five or more is best. When in groups they will harmlessly chase each other and usually leave other fish alone. You can keep several together, but always buy them in groups.

Tankmates: Here are a few choices

Barbs: Rosy, Black Ruby, Clown, Gold, Odessa, Rhomba, Cherry. will require 40 gal or more. : Keyhole, Kribensis. : Giant , , Zebra Danio. : Blue, Kissing, Gold, Moonlight, Pearl, Platinum, Sunset Thicklip. , : , , Weather Loach, most Botias. Livebearers: Moons, Swordtails. Rainbowfish: Most Rainbowfish of similar size are compatible - buy in groups, tank should be 30 gal or more. : Brilliant, Scissortail. Buy in groups Sharks: Small Red Tail Shark, small Red , small Tri Color Shark, Roseline Shark. Tetras: Choose larger, more active tetras. Large Black Tetra, large Bleeding Heart Tetra, Congo Tetra, large Serpae Tetra, Glofish Tetra, avoid small slow moving tetras. Other Fish: Algae Eaters, Blind Cave Fish, Chilodus Headstander, Prochilodus, , Siamese Algae Eater, Panda Garra.

Silver Dollars: If your tank is 20 gal or more. They will eat live plants Eels: Fire, Spiney, Tire Track. Catfish: A wide variety of catfish will work including Corydoras, Small Plecostomus, Synodontis and many others. Others: African Frog, Snails.

If your tank is 40 gallon or more : Tinfoil barbs Avoid: Barbs are very active and sometimes will nip fins of slow moving fish such as Neons or Guppies. The solution is simply to keep them in groups and keep them with other active fish of similar size.

Elmer’s Aquarium 4005 William Penn Hwy. Monroeville, Pa. 15146 412-372-6535 www.elmersaquarium.com Established 1969