Liberian Frontier Force
Liberian Frontier Force. Monrovia, LIBERIA His Exreiency, Ho. C. B, 0. King, secretaryy of State, R. L. ~1r: I have the honor to re tirn to you herewith the note of the French Vice- ons 1l with reference to the charges 4a(e against Lieut. dioson, L.F.F. I t~sg to submit herewith enclosed the written state- ments of Oenator H. T. Wesley and Liut, Gibson, with a cover- iig betterr from Lieut. Gibson endorsed on the back by Captain L . HawKins, L.F.'. Very respectfilly, major L. F. F., (ormmand I n. Fotir encclosur'es). z 4 i , Q, a Yt r ar S EVIC-COtif DE FRANCE w a MONROVIA Monrovia,January 28th,1915. REPUBLIQUE DE LIBERIA Dear Mr Kiig, I beg to inform you that about on the 8th instant,two boys of a FrenchmanMr PUZZIN,merchant in the Ivory Coasthave been arrested the Liberian Lieutnant GIBSON, of L.F.F.,at Tibo Iv KCoast) and taken away at VEDBO and innc d into the Camp of NIAAKA. The Lt Gibson had a woman,domestic in his family,and who had escaped at Tiboto (Ivory Coast) where she has a sister who is married to a clerk of Mr PUZIN,at Tiboto. The Lt Gibson has oeen to Ticoto to fetch her but she refused to folio; him.Then Mr Gioson. has arrested the tro boys as above mentioned saying that he was tav<ing them as hostages an they would be free only when the woman would come back into Liberian territory.
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