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San Juan County Index, 1890-1902 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

9-27-1901 San Juan County Index, 09-27-1901 L. C. Grove

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vci.u; ni Aztec, i;nv r co, i ; day, sr.PTEnr.LR 27. i?oi. NUMDEIl 3Í.

rartn!nqton Fair Winners. PnOFESSIO.JAL LEGAL LOTICES. LEGAL NOTICES. 00000 (inoran U. Culnwoil, in tho Korky The winners in the fruit itinplay at J. WEST. A rt Iclf" of I ncorpornt Intt of the A ft of Oil fiounl-ur- or nine1, mo tlio Farmington fair were an follows: I)k.t. e THE ONLY HARDWARE STORE IN foB recent givoa V,r.r. .!.,,,, ' a tHrü-l- nmn, ti anil Ifvrlo)mrnt Company. t .' f .i T (Ji m i tion vl two grout ilin- - T), A. Lewis, f ' ,.,y ,,f April NORTHWESTERN NEW MEXICO Aborted drat, fruit I N'-- Secre- A. . V'nrl', - ... nt w .i v Torri'orv of Mcxioo, Otli.?n of tho ) PHYSICIAN, KOKON. I. trust ni t Allen, sou- 8b OUSTETRICIAN. f !- i- V, "'' I r:ovpriB lately niH'le in this reyon: ladder and f 10.00; (ieorijo f"'Mt ir in el l'roi,!.' .. í't.'i Ií iou tin lili'H t''. It'.'.-.i- -t r ,1 1 .1 in. of M10 Hlarm King, rx f ' i n m t h ihtt.'ii IVrritorv ntd, flock. Apples II. C na'i ir, M.-- bins t. .V vv t I of .v iwr.'hv ciTtlfv H. 1'. Wn'' inrr juat Boruroil from lirst, .'; M. v. V ight man, seeond, ten Alloc, New Mexino. i.f V i.n l.r ti nt .ti th'rwai f t A 111 ' 7 Vntr-'- : lih it oflii'i', nt i n. m. AND ui.unty A7.i1.; nioini.l r. 4i t H. íi, in. t iir in thw o'ch.rk p PniNTS OILS doors sasn Juan jiirtiul K. .1 ' A. Vhi(, aiui burs (), X. soap. Oriipestieorgo III '1 W nf fiil'l C'MHlt ; ri on ho ."" h of Ao.rnM, or! s ni ''í'or-- l'v I. r (if a ; itlr()ip(,i-.tio- .:tvi'. (Jll iol lhvi-p-niO- nt niHiiit; K'C'i'itic lrnliir,tii fiuiiily Mlon, Mrst, f'Z: H. II. ltlakn. pecoml. ten E. 1' ' v tn " ', nr In In i'v.'iit of of th. I)lt. CONIJlT I CDiiKi'ilcl nt w ifo Hru! m Ik r- - " - vn n liN'mrp mimwinv, an hIhh, t'.at I Imvo com- - l.irh iiiiiihiirnl, a O l.'i i'ii' or , biirs Ilium. md "imp. 1'riu'hon Arthur Ol p t 1111 in-- iHiil'iil'ly six 0I1J. riiYsiciAN i, ' n ft'nl in Hint p:iri'i Id" t'ol Inn tl'tf "f wl'h tho c'rM months first, J 2; A. second, and srnciix'.w t i oiii-.íi.i- l It t'oolide, R":nthnl, " "le lf tS.Ml ,) llJKI tto linvv mi tiif .in ir" to 'I lit! t t ri'inuiriH, C(JinirHiii(f nil of y. II V ti Mil I'i'- i C'M fM- - i correct ranm ript, tinT Irottl ami of tho thre bars Dinmond O soup. I'ears K. nny tinnr, ctny e--r nii-'li- l'i h) ri'Hl t'n 5rTi.'ftl!s n.Mreit w bUuíIh, . . ' MUt hule hereof. tlit) rcFK".'livo jMirtions of tlio flr-- U . . l MijiK'-ai- hi Ul ti UvL ti l'.liike, ; li. II. MfJu.nkiri, second. iinr,iiin Kxai?inuiiii t';.; rKt - w not U ItouiiA ti co t n M mi t " I Mi' íii. Tit ol his wi rti; Iwioof. i hivo hern'l!lto fnp FRED BUNKER r:h of tho nmn ami almost a;l I Ar- I h May ten burs liamond O soap. lMunm ii pr. . "1 (i ( V h.'Mi nml nihi.' inv official 'ni thh J't of K'lvis Ar.tec New f'TI ui in 'l it ' the structure of the thur Coolidgo ti rut, Í1; A. Ilosenthal, oti.i t.l IHI ,)..,.,( TI',. l( lllll (.f t WtJ ot Aiu.iat. A. L. I'.nl. J. W. HWNOhliS, ! 1, -- New woman, iiulicate R stature for C In in 'I ninl hi'v-- - ii..1 '.rvj wit ÍM) ST'nry of i the man second, ten barn llinmond (J Bonn. rab i'i r. pcvcn foot H "t, IP r "1 'H t I l rltl Hti of ly.'rivi- prr C of or fifht and for irnmjn E. í ' AppluH II. I.inior. his!, It. t it ' y til; i. K. WAlHiUNKa ('i jmt t 4. ."irr Ul t'T lúe Ki)"vn!l tnon hv t pronotifH, that wo, nf or noven font, whilo I ; i.i Hardware, Agricultural Implements eh the child uitmt iiiko, second, ton bars Uiauionü V ir,'. W II. S Mli.unn. Krol Unr.k-rn- A. L. fr'lshr, Tinware, r 3 h K ílf-,- Jiuve niMHureil at liRnt four foot. soap. trn-- t fit ,ni of t iie I' nt t (" St to- of . nter lea, have (' Duggies and Glass. Mail Orders Solicited. W of FHYSIC'IAN AND i'CKim.lN, t'i'it i'i ,''(' iniMl nf ,ii, k 01 ed toireiin-- as a corporation ith the bonfR thu man waa a liin ' oureiver in races and other sports pillHMl'lÍ Tiriirllt- '1 V pllf t, t ll"7t'Of mu i r n unió and st vio of tho A zrec Oil and bowl of the Aztnc hlack and rod pottery, Winners the r t ' ' if mt to f tin l.-- pm Mi t, ( . for t ho purpoo of New ,1!! t fn.r whieh bad evidently licen lield in thn were the following: A.te;t f"lco. "I M(t, 'Jt'1,,,, t) D 'en.i tin: a Oohy poraio fleil pnio ie, ' t lin'ler bollow of the elbow, w hile a Bimiiur nf lie I' 'i t iiiit tu S' It ti ud iv" irme of Hi-- of tho Territory of AZTEC, - - MEXICO ' NEW .1 nf - l Indian Traders' llace Joe Hatch, ll, a iii Ki.ii nist N ,'v .t .' ten. nuil ui arco l,i in"1 ' h l he pi vi bowl been placed over i (! : had evidently the r. A. KOSENTUAL. d f i ' h o a ot t !ir tvx nf (he Territory, ivh do I'tn'it'iuiid, first, f -- .. .aid faro of thn woman the undoubted r n, t,., ' U it 'ÍO iu ttr y hen hv moke. vcul e and iu- k nowlnlue thl i'ortest Frank Drown, La ITiiM.f ,,f nor -- ) tI..T(-- I.1 o !..!!.; that theno tnUU bowls r ki f c rüii.M'i' tíi Wilt in; of unr in ten muí o to ho UUJL2JUL2 JUUUJUULJL5UL JUUl JULÜ SD riata. first, ifr.O saddle. rn YsiciAN and h era; eon. 'i ti lili ;Tf-1- , a :n aM imtc pro- eniiu1 a lndy corporato under and by virtue of j loved a more or le itnportHDt part in ; lfiilt-mil- l)n?h, ".I M't ilHV, Az'ec burial ceromoniea. fU fren-"- "tti ' di! pri-i- to lr?'t. Tho rorporntrt nnnio and atvlo of our Maj .iis, Cortoz, Colo., farft, foO, and t ' (! The man's skull has the dnop and FarminBUut New fcfoxiro. lu tint " wlicii nh ",''m i'no, sell, tratw-'- ' ,iid cnrp.ontjon -- h.tll b;t The A?.tc Oil and sefíond, f J". f r. ai'-- - - un nil i ,l hli'tl ln: he i) iJevHlopment company. wollrouDdod out cavity marking the Fourth-mil- in hímkÍ iii it ft mi-- vi' Dash New Mexico horses 'onii-i- I ie for which rnibt ror-pn- ; male weight of brain, Y)H. O. C. ill Ml object out and iho lone and ileu'.YEN', t mn is formed and incorporated, i for tho Fidiik I'.iouu, iii mi, iZ; John Brown, Mi I ;t uarrow oruice in the woman's skull is j, ' pu rn Jo of b iim a hod v corporate and second, 15. fífnr,--;- v .'i it; y ,if n Ti'in Í í'l o o Ic t taw of Hi N ow equally eloquent of the forualo length of , PFJ YSIC1AN ,f l ' - - 1. uiidr he of Sale 1. Aztec Feed and for-All- AND SURGEON tian Hii.l (intu Livery, Stable Fourth-mil- Andy "Y of ' Hash Fres ' t ieo to a 'ipilro, hv puich imi. leaar or torque...... ,1 II. i S Ui'Cl-H- i w me, l ro il estate, Majors, first, and second, f'i5. ai r in t i it- t ; oh proporty and V lib the bones of the Aztec gianten8 Farrainftoo. New Mexiro. put li'uia 01 i lutntK ; hold, h audio ami Five-mil- Ilolay Urown, N.iw, t lur,.fnr e feivi-- to Itaco Frank ii hroliy (1 o t I í Hpo-- of li" ; drill nil, a was the big nursing bottle of her child, I. .Inlui V. )'r. r li ami "ame to for natui CHARLES CARTER, - Proprietor first, f75; Cyril Collyer, second, i'JO. e art mi; f fanhioned of the uncut Aztec potter clay iu Allen BuiLlinu. S ,, irH, cr other ulrMimro and mlni talá. and liuseball Aztec, 30, Farmington, 8, ni lierwise to d" t;l un Hci ireti a lid; amav Bnd containing a small of v i a ni fi i do 1. tho quantity W be deemed t.i"t; to sell, contract or ot It t U fl'U '.: r of NHiil not f iirwino chnoee, which had formed from milk H- - WEAVER. to:'.' rt. p' ot 0 or ot her pioiiuotn, hm f onu t huh the nni r t.y .1 i.t no OHM T H M'l O. to e muy be neoeh.-.t- i ry or to con - Uood Rigi and Raddle Hornos Always on Tennw and Stock (iiven the with which the bottle wnn prebiatoric-aü- Ulliil' ií V t' UIH ' t ti!- - of Nfiul t.'rins h t and pipe Hicrt; aeipiir- ami Host of Atteut ion. General v liusineaa Transact pd. New Mexican says: COUNTY BUHVEYOH trtMl (In J, W ill .i nt tnh!i-.- ' met oj" rate to Itvi Güed. The "The ooei'tii e ull uiuchiU'Ty phmt tor fui'" t n 1'ir li " '.! ioi t hf n .ird necesarv Mr. feas Aztoo, New Moxieo. ,nii evcctiT in tí tho o! j i'c t h of t l.e huMiie'-- oondüct-od- . VVaceoner epects to find many at Washington bocomo will hrinii in cn-- h u ' " l 'i. -- r of t th'Tou, m Í time ' ; exe- of tnene hune human bones and hnuxn 1,1 tlh- tiiiwn ' in Iu county f ruin to time determine t" inore thoroughly interested in the ic í morí ií ;vi;lm unci loasea. bmuN, and to k Sun anil " r o S w AI , cute tium will store them for eastern shipment Hnrvnyim of all Intln don promptly and at Jni'n on aeoeire. own. hold mid dipo-- of, and do AZTEC, NEW MEXICO. ruins of New Mexico, is c'storminod S'tt iinlnv, thn I'H It ' '"J' t: , A Ü. l'K.l. and of It natisfaetorT prices. any jvhieh ip cou-(iu- when the advent the broad gauge In o'l l cii a. ni., 't, r tool all thpis the Van- at title. claim of tiie may any time bu Colorado A Oulf railroad alforüs the to protect and to preserve them. ni inttTcuL 'f Lit l rnLiwinir ilc- - bnineH at found - y neccHHitry or iiesinillu. necessary transportation capacity. ia to stopped by rigorous U. 8. WU1TEHKAÜ. pi rilx'd tHiT- ,!S nf illlMi HIIUtltM, dalism be ''' y ttiír and in t ' P V itl.'l Third. The capita! of our corpo- of nf Jlihli stock said In direct contradiction to find AT i' V New .Vi i Is j H th8 means and any collections mado after ATTORNEY LAW. tvn "t of mid dMMurtho't ration. wi utidrnd ThouKund Dollars giants is the uncovering by Lr, O. U. UM fnllows, to V, It : i j h,'-- li) to bi divided into two tiundre.l thou-Hiin- this of prehistoric relics filched from ....NOTABT PCBLIC Jjutu f , McEweu of Farmington, of the skeleton niiiniKTt'íI n '"i twonty í'.'f) . (.'niMi) niiaies of tlio par vaiuoofono t (2V i1 (loiter per b'ifty dol-- 1 of man who was the prehistoric ruins of New Mexico itnii tw twonty-- t lir' (!.'!!.) nhnro. thoiiHutid a scant four feot in Farmington, New Mexico. (I'M) nml twi'iity-fot- 'i in hl. r!; n umhrp'il lit tV.'iii.Mi id vuht capital atnek híimII ho beight. It would, therefore, appear to will be confiscated. The very existonce 41 in till- - tnwn ni lini; to the Hiid all stock of litis compauy eiiall bo t)''ÍCÍUi f i be beyond contradiction, or even dis- of be as l'lüt of all rk'lit. tioii such collection taken GRANYTLLE tiU' cl.iiin i'i 'i'l i 'A ll si mViT of t.'iirili, Unr Kiid incorporatfoa in to ex1nt pute, that prehistoric Ban was PENDLETON, .1 n Juan evidence of vandalism. The exploration t i"i H1I IiUli'4 J 'ut h' l'i Cilid HrisijíUH for tiio term of Uity years ra 2 t-- peopled by both giants and dwarfs, and U 111(1 to t llO ilUU " Fifth. Tho a flairs and mnai;emoiit of our ATTORNEY AT LAW. .1 ' : may iudeed have been the original alike of those ruins will henceforth bs carried . r.nnwN, faid inctirpura ion to be tiudi-- t he control of Short IT un? Anlltu' Sh v S H. WILLIAMS of ' W. Uroabdi-Th- Notary Punr.ic in to county, h ii dire n re. ami It N. reciñan, b auk of the of Liliiput and on in a systematic manner .Sin- - , regions and under Nrw M xict., íit Tntt. i idre;i-.i- W. L Will practice in all Courts of the Territory. -- fbapmon, J. Paroiia, goTornmont supervision, and, naturally, Eirst pn h! io it inn, s i.iíwr l'.l. V. H. Wu!inmí, Kred lintikerand A. Io Fichnr dwarf akeloton discovered by Dr, Aztec Now Mexico, Lat itnlilicutioii, LK: :cr lit. r.i. aro berebv select ed Kt't an said dlmetorn E JlcEwsn had a burial face veil of what some very' interesting discoveries may and u maiuik'o t li a H';drs and concerns of aid a was ouce tine cotton fabric, domjn be mado very soon." Kwtray Nutleu. corporation for the tit si tliree nioiitha. thus n Thn of our Maid corpora- titrating these peoplo commu- . .. . Notti'o it hut the undcriimod Sixth. operation that had h;iR t iki3i up t In; foil iiiif ii"srn(ii ü est ruy tion símil be carried on iu th county of S ui nication more and, Ium .- New Mexico, otsr with southern folk, Theodore Ronsovolt's accession to the II. B. Wiiitford Hninutl at ranch a: lar Hill, New Moxloo. Juan. territor of and where; also, that the cotton plant is &s ancient viz.: and t he prinrtphl nlacn of bnineHs nf ct- - tl presidency is a boost for statehood, ul OiK' l.mvf. 1. v r o yi'.ar oM, p..r 1: ton it Inn the territory 01 rew M ox tro at least as the Aztecs themselves. ,1 - ' t ; ti t hrainl'"! K o- ''. lit 'I- hu'!, 011 njit, l rao the town of Aztec : and oliutea Dry Goods, Groceries Ü The skull ot this dwarf was endowed, mougn statehood would pave come Hhollhh1!' tt.i-'l- ,;H i', .,,,,,11-- h,ot!l .t!itM r ie..v he opened at Mich other pluce.i -- (n 11 t t by the way, with wisdom teeth of extra anyway. Now white hi;. r on i.M rv ;i v.( u u,te err tor v, and ei sew here, as h . n Boots and Shoes nothing can delay it. Conlrüctor and to tho of inrecioiv may from time to time de-- ordinary proportionate sue, and Dr. ' Statehood is aseured and certain. Tho u r ov ni o l.n.l f( n - mué. c ana Just -i Hats Caps McEwen. accepting the goods provided - nialsfor' . ,0 H.'Vrll veiii h. No pe'finnl liability shall to 1001-- í - watch our smoke! A. inOliti'H ! " ' '', l O k Mtijt my shiip iinider of our aaid by the gods, promptly extracted these D. rail i3- Ii.i'i; ir lio p H eorpoiu- ' ir -' V a Hardware, Glassware "wisdctn grinders and frequently con roads, irrigation, booms and big cities of this nu1"- '.f in.'d by ti'. n or )o OVIMMN httl'iif, r t lie. :.'rnt, Jiliivi iu:r- - hi htU. The d tr.Ttor of said coruorntiou u eulta them in ma professional practice. 200,000 people New Mexico, the Sun Hhip ftu4 puyiujf ull Í í ohar-M- tir eh tliUiavo power to inukeBuoh prudeiitial Queensware, Etc. VV. L. t 1jA( K, ry they may in proper, for the mmiaire-moii- t shine statel First pub. Sopt. 27, Cedur Hill. N. M. (V (ho atl uirí of t)iA corporation, accord-ii- n City Estímate and Plans Fnmuhoil tot íiuücüugs l'l. to ti.H statute lii nu n case made aud pro-- Smelter Papers. or all kimli. V1U (l. a At a meeting of the territorial board KHtrrt. WoLloo. In tost reof. v. t1 have herount)sot n From tho Durango Domocrat. our hnn.i bu l t ft t (li., duy of Auguat, A. of equalization held at Santa Fe this Woodwork of all kinds Tu.aod Out cn Short Notiro 3 lifrohy iv tlint tho nndorsltrnort Ed Tiffany departed yesterday for 11 m the Notice. Iihh ti'kt'ii p tlio fot r oVím iitod "rttray d! W. F. WILLIAMS. a resolution was .aüeed ruifiing ' M, 1 Al ., : Aztec oil holds accompanied by several month, ennn:' íit tus r.un .i, vía. nj M :. h a. AZTEC, fJCW MEXICO. Vhio líHjh'r, n ti J Io-- from i',..,-- I'- c- A. L. l pntleTpn h' are u i t in each county of tke Shop South of Li"cry Ktal-lo- all tii, v. '. in-.- . í ' PvT cent 1,' !,!!' - t ' ... t ( onus v all. o .. t r te- t i -- .i a aatmt on .caí catate ai:u in nt its from the .M pu tnicai ion I, L. C. ate C k in id for San ill. of t ins uotice. uní i el;, i ;ee, .y owner or (r ri.d t ... I. ide : On l! lit V. tel IV Ol JSi'W SieViCn, lo i..!, if I" iiiil'tovfcmonta thereon and ruorehandice owners thereof, ' 11 u j ow tier-altl- o' here Oy t i it V ti VV H. iMlairm, Fred i.' ry all . 011. are moi.; Lei. in eUtiiiti- within the limits of all aud paying ierr'i ('t;r, thn liuitkcr and A. L. blotter luTeionnily known Ui incor W, , 0! .Tt. U. uiu to bo tiie peihuus w ho-.- Harnett are Sí porated cities, villages, a Strictly in the rush First pub. Sept. 1J, ll'Ul. La N. M. -- towns and and Plum. to the Mnue&ed and t reiroitiK crtitl-eai- eatvPN GALLEGOS, Charley Flock returned last night (f luootpoiatiou, me s from FarmingtoD, raise of fifteen per cent upon the present appeared betore tin R. T. F. SIMPSON NEW MEXICO 2 where he attended For all kinds of I'stray Notice. day lu peron, and nckiinwU'iR'ed that tliey San Juan county fair. Ha got off the assessed value of all stocks of merchan tiJiiiied. pea led and delivered the Haid inptru-me- nt stage all Kotioo is hereby iven that the nndersitmod of writinir aa their free and voluntary with the fruit he could carry dise situated outside ot the limit of any has taken up tho (ollo viojj described ewtray act. the umhb aud purposes therein set and late last night was still bubbling incorporated city, town or village, xhis animal at hm nmch, La I'i at it , N. M , viz. : tori .1. Indian Trader over with enthusiasm for gmat FURUITU C)na tecr, roan unjor, ouo year old, branded 'iiven under my hand and seal this '3d day ths fruit liL 4 1 I). country he beheld and the genuine action adds almost $1,000,000 to the tax- A hi it mdi oAnwrtt, A. liü. Í Located on the direct route from Durango, Farminpton aud Aztec to Nsw aad S.xoud Tho owner of ani- L. C. íiUOVK, Prohibe Clerk, cw courtesy able assessment of the territory. liaod or ownor.s nhl dencrlhed Hy Gallup nnd all pointeon the Sauta Fe I'acilic railway. and hospitality he mals forfait, the saine fit th'.! end of tho hoici Joe t'rewltt, Deputy. encountered. He bung up in the Inter inontÍM fr-i- tho dute t t ! ii iirt publication ico, Ocean oilice a branch cut from a Lom-bard- y Mattresses, Springs, of this net uulem cl.ti.iit'd by tint owner or Navajo Blankets, Indian Curios, Silverware, Etc. Etc. LARGO. t p plum, ovar owuera t hereof, or ludí acont pro inii nwuur-rthl- not eighteen inches Covers and and pHViny all U gri charu'-'- long, Wagon Tents. ü Hht iiu. containing over 150 perfoot speci- L. Welsh returned from a business V. . II. '1 O M AH, A.L.niCHEYBRO. iteiiivMiniiiif irnif iiitiiiiitiiiiMiiK(Min mens of fruit. They wore from ths trip to Chama last week. Look Us Over Firt pub. Sept. hi, HMJ. . La l'latu, N. M. of iiufora You Purchasa. Aztbo orchard J. II. Austin, as wore beginning Uctobor 1st, Kev.- Father Wholesale and Retail aleo a box of fine peaches, a box of mixed Gamier will open a private school for grapes and three mammoth winter pears Days at his rosidence at Alcatraz. A reward of SI' 0 will to paid by this AasocU-tio- n Books and weighing over per-so- infor-muti- Stationery three pounds each. Mr. J. C. Carson of t armington was a visi to any or person f iiruibhiinr The Whitson Music Company Austin has one of the best orchards in tor to Largo last Saturday and Sunday. that will lead tllie arrest aud convic- Periodicals, tfcho"! Snpplto, Maiinfiicturorg country and tion of any iieron or pnioua steiiliiikf, tiriviut; Confer Tioury. All trrad'-- of Fooks iu the told Mr. Flock he was t,llnjer moved mer u ued James his stock ot A. B. DOUGLASS, away or ti lonioiily h:io.llooi Hoy Mock bt'loii-l- Now Mexico schools kept iu UcU. preparing for a big exhibit of his fruits chandise into his new store building last to any member of thift JJurango at fair. week. THE SAV ,M'A OUNTY ('ATT LI? GHOW-Bli- DURANGO, - - Ilarvey McCoy of DURANGO. COLO. ASSOCIATION OF NEW AllAlCti, COLORADO uno, Or (Jul MumcrI luatrnninnto. Aztoq brought in Born. Sunday, September 8, two loads of Hubbard to Con hendipiartern at Aztec, Snn Juan Count v. New Sheet Mum, ud Books. Albuquerque, Bquushos yester- Jose Aramenta and wife, a daughter. Mexico; W.J. Wright. President: J. ii. day and there was a St-- llio Hydo E.vplnrinj exptíditioii will better market, sold II. (J. Willis and family of Abiqui, (inuivillo riTnifton, ro- Writ for CataloKue and Prices. better than peaches. tary ; lio a rd of IHrectora, J. C J)odson, E. Ií. luiy wliRiit, corn ant outa at mill and passed through here last week on lj. AiUiuanu, tho W, P. Nolan, a rustling ranchman of their Stewart., Ií. T. N. Jotinuou, and way to Farmington. I1' ra 11k Murr. will pay ciish for eutne. Flora Vista, waa up yesterday with a 13 load of peaches F. 1. lowneond and fauilv have re which were consigned turned from their fishing trip to the to Brachvogel & Co. Mr. Nolan is ar- El MOORE M. A. mountains. Bays the fish he LD. BRACUVOGKL. W. S. WKKÜITMAN. ranging for Bn exhibit of his late fruit Frank 4 f sa oaught were decorated with four legB In 2iG aaa nwt3a at our fair and will also make soveral a Dealer eDaaaancHnHa entries in the live stock department, and said "baa! Poland Chica hoga 15. N. Freeman of Durango, the genial a and Shropshire president of the Colorado State bank, m eheep being his hobby. He brought bis Ice, Cigars, M. A. BRACHVOGEL & COMPANY atocle direct visited friends at Largo Wednesday of f from Iowa and believes he last week. El u bat the best in this section, anyway he's Fino Wines - wining to go after the blue ribbon. u Cottage Home Hotel M Tho call for a aiatohood convention n Licxviors S the 4- and ietuod by Ciovornor Otero fixo9 Tuesda. - o a Commission IMorehaiits rnKiVilNGTON. n VtiuleiaiO and Rotull II. WIIITLOCK, Prop. m October 15th as the day and Albuquer- m J. George Criflirr has purchased the que as the place for the gathoricg, property. K. li. u Handlers of vSan Juan county, N. M., fruits. wrap- iloiccr l. hollers and which it is believed will be fraugnt with Fruit boxes, fruit family, who have been occupying this a Aztec, New Mexico AZTEC, - NEW MEXICO. a pers, paper for lining boxes, etc., iu stock. residence for several months, have great good to iew Mexico. All the, moved into several rooms routed from counties aro invited to send reprauonta-tive- s Mrs. Feaeock. and soveral congressmen ami The lice ia being pipe extended from United Statea senators have been invited n DURANGO, the east ide of the park west to Frank attention, Ttacher! ti COLORADO. Allon'g livery stable, to be present. LJ The lirii'k in Iih4 liLi'?il and rnf nruiMhed in uowr open tiide lines will be Special short term in methods of hotol Atec rf aud introduced wherever Decennary. for ll.ti i' üírnuíU' of tho trav.'liii. i.uhlii;. (ioiíl ln'dü, uiro coiufortHljlo E3 teaching. Persons desiring to teach in Hi Ix'.-- uv;-r- . Charles Daniels has gone east to Nob-rus- k Joseph Ilofmann, the great Polish ruoniH muí tie t ot tiling. Unr liiin id to Tha pcttrollBgo a to be gone for some time. pianist, who first played in public, when the county this year, but who have not jf COlllllH'll'l li lij n ÍH HitlÚMt"!. complied with the law requiring attend U A. 1. Camp and Mr. McNeil, of six years old, and now, at twonty four, THE who have boon out on a hunting atice at au institute, may ten vi after CHEAP CASH STORE C v,.,..ton. rcturucd to 1'ariniogluu is ranked as one of tho greatest living taking our special work in "Methods," u Vhca in Aztc itop at the Cottage Home Hotel. 'I'liesday and to Durango Wednesday. performers, is a mechanic as well as a Jpproved by the county superintendent, u muHi .'Íhu. Just now he is busy experi- NORTHWKSTKUN Noi'.MAL CoLI.Uii; John McGaon was arrested on the menting with electricity, when not t- looming of aud u l;iih for selling at the piano ho may be found at work A FULL LINE OF GENERAL IIERGííAIíDISE or giving liuuor to an Indian, His heal a for ing coming in his laboratory, perfecting motor up before the jublice at l:M increasing the speed of automobiles, lie DIRECTORY. i). ui. 11 was a'juuowliHif.'oil by the do tata applied for patents on thin invention Fresh Groctries, Boots and Shoes Icuilant that he had given a - drink of in the United btatea aud Germany, PUESKYTEHIAN rilVKi'H Morn 114 wuiHsey 10 an muían. waa iilrtt HII'l thtrti HllPitHh .tf Orulu, Com, Oiit, Klc, Kti.t on llau.l. Navajo libink.'ln lit ntoi-k- . Now l.'ooiW C.w.,iuii iUcliaun llofmau is gifted iu many ways. An ivcoivt-d- sentenced to the couuty jail for oatrh o' lo. b. I'.H'Uihk A tflmre o( our Hti iiko ll,'iu t. thirty artiele in tho Ladies' Home Journal for evory batniuv t lit o v.Un k. t 4...VH, uilit ilf October on "'laying the i'inno Cor- hna k y hi liwt at J .:í") i. lu. Piwjcr iih U'ik 1 lie of hint week W tMliif.Hil.iV a I 8;Ui p. m, fair nroved to be onn shows b i to be a of no (it J. D11 AZTEC, i.f rectly" in writer tUUl't-U-, 1'astur. When you go to the beet ever held in tee county. The moan merit and the advice he gives is, C. G. üifpiay as to jmrchase Gro-cttic- s BREWER, New l":x: anuoujiU notas large antici. of course, authorilativo. JVXS roi'NTY TATHOUC MISSION rano atii.l was of a very i j superior character (CaLhollc ijuimlut uu íí.hí.j J! i (jr ir.uduarc- - or eporU were vei y IniO hítula htiu 11, Irntneo i'. U llo entertaining to .ro lit'ii "- targe crowdd attending. The bund Kcport for Week. iikcuinr "i Vltirii. Ill Mt HiiU Hiromi iSuihiaV (t si.ll Ranch product', you 1- . '"fi. i f" t. Veather nioiun; mart at tf ft- in., Stuniiy f T. n l their utmokt to please , m- -. and certainly , htl for iiilliln-n- intuit 'lai lv itft. r will save money and much to the pleasure of the fair. Following- is the weather repfirt for At a 111.. rotary, ""iik' ; iui .mi hiin,'i', tu s '1 he play rotidoroJ I home week emliiig Sejit. Uii, l'JU!, as observed bil hitt'ry, niui.l m tve lii t interests talent at the Itoli'iiDtilnr, Wai'lltl L.m I .V.'O.I )'onr J ,i,f'!i.i au bloi k done Now Muxico: ;'!dl I' !' wa romui kably at Atec, tUltt'rt litli itikf vmr, A. U, by cal'ii! on we. f .v imateoia and the Otut hi m.-l- .1 liv I lie (M4.-- 1 111 iihihio ut tho t..ii and ... ',. I r tiiir K' I'l ,1. Ho Ai , .V M. ever I'riM-lp- o. '' ABSTRACT! evening win the 1h I f OF 1. S bet (i tith-ili- l;... itl n. I.'. ..Ml TITLE I riiar-- I. d i 'ai 'I a biiHiiitiwH 11 '.i in iiioitou. of llMtnai Mitxi- lltrl lii"a CNll Any n o 01 o II. (.11 111 or ... ! th f.or v.'.is propeily conducted BIRl e ilium CllU H (1 (ill lit IU' I "itlTti Mr "J lit- ot 1. kUi-iaii- i ik-,a- tin Ui ,r, I .U ., 3 r Cr.refu'Jy aiul tuiic-itl- j.rc.i-rt- in be levo tLouo J i ted well any Niiw ji uh.' J'1' d. H. tx enmity, iar.V i;-i- r mi in .... 'i Z''' i' 1'OfT ' (1. 1.1, (i A. U ti Hi scarclii!;,'.; titles. '1 .M The Furinii 'l;tou Loen 111- - r.,11 of I''- -' W II 1.1.1 C I w it!i ow ven. 'lJ lab the i';.; lauoti.i W . M.'i V - .5 li. O:,! Co:rr).:' E i.i t'..- C .;y pern, mi ili . i,s re! tut h; nil '1 l'ierco O ; .Uc Fo:.!i'Lkc ' '1 .1 i el.lrl, J,,a. .i,.,' .... . I niDi'tiin, oh Fi A (1. M Faino '!'. Vi Win Mi I'.,,., J. I 11, .) ..'. ' ' t, A A A A i.' .i it ; i s "'. .'ft- !L., .1 l. J. F i At. I U C. IH TI INDEX. YIELD3 A FROFIT, Peculiarities IIedo OAPPAGE Figures Arc VI 3m 1 Ü t Ity IIefne r1le a flunrce of Perenne In 1 4- of Seven av AZTWJL. kew xinxico. About Three, i - W Ak jm. w J at mm i V H.liliintoii. If - oí i- Queer eLnd Nine. iroson Wnblt'ptcin city, It pppcftrn, so dis- poses of lis Fnrlnigi 1 lint a profit Is Every p. tlonlboy knows in brief 1he fer of plenty, and thn comfortable ex- taln thene qualities of leaf Is the got nt of It. will In most other Ameri- can have to pay lurirely for Its The number of rn.lentant Chris- Nobody lias ever satisfactorily ac have seven wonders of the world, sev- frightful 'ry of cruelty and horror ample of tholr renegade countrymen problem of the grower a mu'i more cllles ' removal. There Is a contract with n tians In Ojlon h8 Inrronned Sri counted for the popular partiality for en champions of Chrlstenrom, seven practiced tjpon the prisoners of our ashore should they desert the conti- complicated one that meets the or- year privateers company which mUecls the pnrbane from 446.780 to 753,641. odd numbers. "This is the third sleepers, seven wlsemen, seven planets, by the British during the nental cause. dinary farmer. H rec- ami disposes of It The garbage time!" exclaims Falstaff, on the occa seven dendly sins, seven ages of man, revolution, .and especially of that With every reasonable consideration nubes nml go kept separate from other tn Ue, not counting colonic, the sion of a crisis In his relations with and four ordinary leases are made for ord of tho old Jersey, which will for their health and comfort, the pris- refuse. In iron tanks it It taken by i.uroppan with rotftt Service powers stand In th la ordpr: one of the merry wires of Windsor. seven or a multiple of seven years. down the ng corridors of time oners on the Southery have nothing to From any point In Ixindon a man rail thirty miles down the I'otornnc t. Russia, "I hope good our ouca It AuHtrla. Germany, France, luck lies In odd numbers: But, however mystically significant undimlnlslilng reproach to endure save confinement to the ship. can write a letter In the morning and the reduction works. Hero Is sorted. they say d I'nlted Kingdom, Italy. there's a divinity In num- thrte and seven may ho, they cannot bitter foe. Food they have In plenty, and of work get an answer the same day. and if Tin cnn.t, bottles, etc., are removed. bers, The It placed In r close iron ves- either in nativity, chance or lay claim to any such peculiarities as The whol-- i story was boru anew the and exercise enough to keep them In in rest not too far off he can do the Rame sel and subjected to steam pressure, Residents In England have 110, death." And It Is scarcely necessary are the property of the figure nlno. other day by the announcement that proper trim. country, depending, of course, 000,000 to say the after which It Is pumped Into tsnks Invested In mortgages In for that the belief Is much more That the ancients had nine mnses. nln the navy department would use one of Tht ship Is under the police control upon prornptneps of person to elgn the the nml allowed to settle. Oils nml fat countries. These Investments an- older than Sir. John Falstaff. Three, rivers In the Infernal regions, a hydra Its colliers ns a prison ship at Norfolk, of a marine guard detailed from the re- Is addressed. This nually seven whom the letter rise to the surface. nml, being skimmed drain the foreign countries of and nine appear to have been with nine heads and nine gods fot Va to lighten the tax upon the pretty ceiving ship Franklin herself most will apply anywhere within 100 off, sold to soap makers. Under the rule arc about 5.500,000 In cold cash. favorite numbers all the world Iars Porsenn to swear by, or that In veil filled prison at the Boston navy famous because she brought bark from miles of the Bank of England. There pressure more oil Is obtained, to go over. The ancients had three fates, modern times a cat has nine lives, that yard. the Mediterranean the notorious are hourly collections and hourly de- the snmo wny. The caked garbage, In 1818 the sugar producta of I,oiitr.-lnn- a three furies and three graces; Nep- It takes nine tailors to make a man, or The report of the Judge advocate of "boss" Tweed years ago. liveries in all parts of the city, the after pressure, Is pi'1. veilzed nml sold amounted to 25,000 hogHheada, the tune's trident had thre prongs, Jupi- that possession is nine points of the the navy foj-ih- past fiscal year point- ROBERT O. SKERRETT. business as well as the residence quar- for fertilizer. profits nrtso whole of the cane being ground by ter's thunderbolt three forks, and Cer- law, are farts that pale Into Insignifi- ed out the Inadequate quarters for ters. average number of deliv- from the salo of the bides or luirse berus The and other animals and the manipula- cattle, the use of steam In the grind three heads. We have three es- cance after one has once sat down prisoners at Boston long the principal Virtue, of Tnrtles. eries In cities of over 10,000 Inhabit- ing of tates of the realm, a man who accepts pencil paper Investigate coast, tion of the carcasses along with the cane and the manufacture of with and to naval prison on the Atlantic Doctor Yerkes of Harvard Univers- ants Is fourteen a day. Within the good augar a bill has three days' grace, some of gnrbngo. The horse hides make not being Introduced until 1822. and three the special peculiarities of the and urged that something be done to ity, In experimenting with the turtle, city limits a letter Is carried by the russet leather. A good monthly profit persons gathered may mul- ac- together make figure nine. For Instance, if you meet the growing demand for such has discovered that it is a model of ordinary mall service about as prompt- is said to be realized. a riot. Shakespeare was well aware tiply by any number, you great The annual report concerning the nine other commodations, incident to the patience and persistency. It rises su- ly and as rapidly as a telegram with that he must ha,ve neither more nor will find figures composing food supply of for 1300 contains that the Increase of the service. perior to great obstacles. The Pru- us. There Is a letter box at every World to Knd till. Tear. less than three witches In "Macbeth," the product, when added together, will story prison ship 9 some Interesting figures. Here Is the The of the British dential Record gives certain results of corner. A person mailing a note at Thl I tha rerent decision of one of the and that the brlndle cat must mew always amount to prominent soeletlp Hie world, otilclal average cf what a Parisian nine. Thus: Jersey Is a criminal record of the his observations: The doctor arranged o'clock Is sure to have It collected be- of but the thrice, and our popular folklore in- 9 times 2 equal 18 1 plug 8 equal 9 10,000 exact day has not yet been fixed upon, eats and drinks In one year: Two and progressive murder of nearly a box fore 10 in the morning and delivered and while there are very few people who sists upon 9 3 2 7 9 with various obstacles between forty-tw- o three merry men, three times equal 27 and plus equal within thlw prediction, thou- fcundred and eggs, 19.23 continental patriots, and that the extreme corners, of which at Its destination anywhere within the bPllove there are blind mice and three Goth- 9 4 36 3 6 equal 9 in one sands of othpra who not onlv hplfpve. but pounds 3.05 ready-cooke- d wlsemen of times equal and plus the slglit of their own dear land and 12, and the of butter, pounds of am. was a dark nest. At the end farthest limits of Ixndon before if mow that HotPttr's Plomach Birtpre Is Three meals a day Is the usual and so on to any extent. On arriving amid the vaWnted plenty of cap- 1 beat medicine to cure d.vpppln. Indi- butcher's meat, 31.92 pounds of their from nest he placed a The reply is posted before o'clock he will the Bcale of feeding. Of a more myBtlcal at 11 times 9 we find what appears to tors; and It Is something to tile dis- the turtle. gestion, constipation, biliousness or liver fifth, 154.74 pounds of beef, 25.38 pounds thirty-fiv- e receive It within three or four hours at nd kidney trouhlps. A fnlr trial will cer- character 99 animal wandered around for ; than three is the figure sev- be an exception, for the digits of credit of urfwho enjoy the fruit of quick postal ser- tainly convince vn-- of lt value. of pork, and 27.83 pounds of fowl and en, or, minutes before finding what it the furthest. This at any rate. It has a large num- equal 18. But it will be observed that their sacrifice, that no fitting monu- great In the game. wanted; but after It once knew the vice has been a obstacle 1 he rnln rnme Just es the farmers of ber of religious applications. Noah 18 Is a multiple of 9, and, moreover, ment has yet been reared to their prob- had route it began to Improve on Its rec- way of telephones. There are Mtssouii nnd Knnsns were on the point seven days' warning of the coming that the figures composing it add up memory, eren though their bones have telephones of using the watermelon crop to Irrigate A cooling tower made of brush and of ord. In fact, the fiftieth trip was ably fewer in London when with. the flood, and when it came he took to 9. Another peculiarity of this fig- been given the Christian burial first In twigs Is in operation at the power- thirty-fiv- e dif- compared r the population than fowlá by sevens and clean beasts by ure is discovered by taking any num- denied them, says Boston Herald. made In seconds. More house of the Los Angeles railroad at arranged, any city of the United States. Catarrh Cannot Be Cored sevens into the ark; the ark touched ber of two figures of which the first The Jersey, the most notorious of ficult labyrinths wero and LOCAT, Sherman, Cal. with APPLICATIONS, an thev canno The cooler consists of on Mount Ararat In the seventh month figure Is of greater value than the sec- the severa) prison ships, was an old the turtle again showed that when the set of the dispuso, t'atarrh Is a 12 blood or conHlitutlonnl disenso, and In a timber framework 60 feet long, 64-gt- once knew way went as jVw ropulan order to and after seven days a dove was sent ond, reversing theae figures and then a craft, which it its it Tether nail rure It you must take Internal remedies. Hull's feet wide and 13 feet high, filled up out, followed seven days afterward by subtracting the number thus obtained had passed tft days of naval useful- straight as possible to its destination. On any number of lawns this year Cntarrh I'ure Is token Internally, and acts with brush and twigs, and it cools the ,In It got go to pole directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. another. Phnraoh's dream there numbers Is divisible by 9. It is not ness ere the revolution was more than If lost, it would back the you can see a tall around which Hall' Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine. condensing water for a were seven fat and seven lean kine, every number which can thus be dealt begun. starting point and begin over again. a party of girls and boys with tennis It was prescribed by one of the best physicians compound engine a All things circling in this count ry for vears. and la a regular pre- and which Joseph Interpreted to mean sev- with, and the reader may find an even- Fast decaying, the ship was disman- these show that the turtle rackets are watching the scription. It Is composed of the best tonic compound engine working on a en years of plenty and seven years of ing's entertainment in trying to puzzle tled and first turned Into a storeship has some points which everybody flights of a string attached to the pole known, combined with the best blood purlllcra. railway acting directly on the mucous surfaces. Tho load. famine. At the destruction of Jericho out the reason why. An example of and moored la the East river at New might copy with profit. For Instance, and ending In a plummet in the shape perfect combination of the two Ingredient Is . seven priests bore trumpets ven may by way York. In year 1780, be- Its way of making its record better of a tennis ball. This is the what produces such womierf ul results In curing-Catarrh- days higher number be given the however, tethr Send for Af- and on - gained popular fa- - testimonials, free. The Kongo Ivory as. Indeed, all the seventh day they walked of a little assistance: 896,573 is not coming unfit for that service, she was with every effort Is entirely commend- ball pole which has F. J. CHUNKY & CO., Props., Toledo, a rican Ivory, is far more highly prized round the city seven times, which by 9, If mystic 7 be Sold by dniKKlsts, price 7ño. after divisible but the Hall's Family Pills are the best than the Asiatic product. It is harder, the walls fell. In the apocalypse al- added to It, either In front, where It of a finer grain, lends Itself more easi- most everything is seven except the raises the amount by 7,000,000, or in A se hr.lmaster snys he once tried to ly A- number of beasts. k govern his pupils by moral suasoln, but to workmanship, and has fewer There are seven any other position, each one of the Of THE IM7EP STATE OvERMfiENT It made a heap of trouble. The girla ssures. The tusks of Kongo elephants churches, seven golden candlesticks, eight various amounts which may thus Jk didn't object to the klsslntr,. but old up the are as a rulo very large and weigh on seven lamps before seven spirits, the be obtained becomes divisible by 9. folks cut like all possessed. book an average of 60 pounds. Some of with seven seals, the lamb with It may he that if any of us would only The theory ti nt the sun Is getting; hot- them are of extraordinary size. At the 6even horns and seven eyes, seven an- put himself through a sourse of the ter is very olnrmlnR Just now but only think how cor.HollnK It will seem next Drussels exhibition a pair of tusks gels with seven seals, seven kings, higher algebra, digest the integral cal January. were on show each of which weighed seven thunders, seven thousand slain. culus and master a few amusing treat 156 pounds. the dragon with seven heads and Beven ises on the theory of differences all FRAGRANT crowns, seven angels brings seven that now seems so perplexing In the plumages, A an and there are seven vials matter would become as plain as the rare phenomenon attended of earthquake a town wrath. In merely secular matters multiplication table. Montreal Herald that visited little seven occurs In Mexico recently. Having wrecked frequently enough. W and Star. several houses In the town the tremor passed on to a lake In the neighbor- hood, the waters of which it put Into When Not a Drop of Rain violent agitation. The agitation ceased IShe Awful.... after a few minutes, and then the Fell After the Middle water gradually disappeared, leaving Drouth of 1854 of the bottom of the lake exposed, when June tn a handy Patent Box (new) it was seen that the earthquake had S0Z0DONT LIQUID 2Sc Urje LIQUID and POWDER, 75c opened a fissure In the bottom and The present devastating drouth in all nearly as white as snow7 Some-tim- es At all Stores, or by Mail price. thus drained It. Missouri, Kansas and other western travelers' throats woutl become for the so HALLA RUCKEL, MEW YORK states recalls to the mind of J. H. badly choked tha. they couldn't talk I did you 4- t$TP.r v.-- "What God give a crook in Wright, president of a bank at Callao, until they took a drink of water. I I lift, - i .'.. .mi.ii r the for?" Bishop Crelghton once 1 iis-n- fi- ariry Mo., a drouth in 1854 to which the guess in those days most of us ate our SEAFARING MEN asked In an address. "Why, surely to present Is Insignificant Mr. allotted 'peck o' dirt' or more. Wright PmH TKC KNOW THE VALUE OF hook it into some other fellow's." Upon says. "The spring of lfe55 was seasonable WAR friendly arma do so many persona few "I was about 19 years old. A large and crops sprang from the gro Kid w th lean for help over hard places s on partí Pi JdiKSOur.l .for taxa. in renewed Ieor. I can Voniv r?wW..i April. On tha 16th or 17th of June, our first meal wltlA home-grow- n vege- twenty of 1U assemblies are to be held while in camp on Red river, near tables on the table, and I've never this summer In tblrty-fou- r rUitercnt fell, which waa tasted anything since that was quite 111 prospe Prestln, a heavy rain states and territories, with a throughout country, but so good." tlve attendance aggregating a mtllloa general the it was one year. Up to NEW PRISON SHIP SOUTHEY AN D THE OLD JERSEY. persons. Moreover, this is Chautau- the last that OILED CL0TKING weather had been un- CHASING STRAWBERRIES. relegated to the duty of prison ship abl..'' Its habit, when lost, of going vor this year. game is being pre- qua's only. that time the The IT WILL summer work for our back to begin- usually favorable, and there never had From the Nils Hirer la September to and a place of confinement the starting point and scribed by many doctors who are con- KEEP YOU DRY prospects for crops. prlvateersmen captured by the British, ning over again can also be warmly sulted as to the sort of IN A pleasant accompaniment of the been better Scotland lo Ao-a- t best exercise Trie summer went on without bitterest animosity commended. Youth's Companion. for reducing flesh up WETTEST hot weather this summer is the In- "As the The queerest fad of a mllllopalrs toward whom the the and limbering WEATKEÍ we began to get discouraged, and was Smallpox in its most viru- the body. The pole ten mm LOOK fOR ABOVE TPADE Win creasing tendency on the part of city rain globe trotter Is that of John K. Hamp- felt is about feet most of us decided to return to Mis- lent form soon fastened upon her In- Thlere. of India. high and six feet from the ground is ON JALE EVERYWHERE teamsters to provide their horses with ton of Liverpool. He made his millions CATALOGUES There were seven covered mates, and fearing that the disease Probably the most expert thieves in a black band. With tennis bats FKtE head coverings. The really fashiona- souri. on the corn exchange and holds the the SHOWING FULL tfNE OFGARrlENTJ ANDHAT3 wagons in our caravan, containing as might spread to the world Bombay. players endeavor so ble thing In equine millinery Is a golden key to the world's pleasures. the are those in lower to strike the ball A.J.TOWERCO..B03TON.MA55. many families. As we slowly drove up shore, the ship was moved to the There has been made a fine art. that It will coll the string around the M walking-ha- t of straw, with a high Yet he spends his life chasing the theft through the Indian territory the scarc- Wallabout, then a solitary and unfre- To enter a zenana, or the woman's pole above darkened portion. To crown and holes In the brim through strawberry. When he was working the ity of water became a serious problem. quented part of Long Island, but now apartment In a native house, where all do th's the players stand a pre- which the horse's ears protrude. Some night and day amassing gold he found at I remember one day we traveled 40 the site of the flourishing Brooklyn the family treasures are kept, is the scribed distance from the pole, a circle of the teamsters who have feminine a plate of really fresh miles with only five gallons, the heat that strawber- navy yard. There she slowly rotted ambition of every native thief. This of three feet being marked off. The friends and a sense of humor have ries and cream was deli- n7i and dust were awful, and toward the the finest away during the remaining years of is no easy matter, for the zenana is game may be played in sets or each Ti SHOES provided their animals with trimmed catessen he could have. Fortune liberty, and finally k l it rsiiis HADE. hats, generously decorated with chif- afternoon our thirst became Intoler- our struggle for the center of the house, surrounded player may take a certain number of 1 I or Mora Than a Quarter of a Centur camp- smiled on him in 1891, and the follow- on she had made the by apartments by ever- - t bright-colore- d able. At nightfall, instead of sank the site other occupied strokes In his endeavor to get tha Th reputation of W. L. DouRlaa 3.00 fon, ribbons or a gaudy ing year found him so wealthy that misery and and (3.60 shoes for style, comfort and quill. The hats themselves are a con- ing we resolved to press on to a place center of bo much human wakeful sentinels. In order to reach string colled around at the proper wear has excelled all other makes sold at where a spring was said to exist. Some further work would have beea mad- needless suffering. It the thief burrows under the hoube mark. The game requires a lot of these prices. This excellent reputation has siderable protection against the sun, I- - ness. It was early September and he Any one has been aboard the be- been won by merit aione. W. Douclaa and when, as Is usual, a wet sponge of the teamsters were In an ugly mood that until his tunnel reaches a point jumping around and raising of the hoes have to Rive belter satinfaction lima went at once to Cairo, where fresh our wooden ships can re- SO is placed In the crown, the horse can and nearly delirious. My heart nearly old order of neath the floor of the room to which arms above the head and is undoubted- other ÍJ.OU and J. shoes because ins strawberries can be obtained during space between decks, na- reputation for the best 3.00 and 3.60 do his work without danger and In failed me in thinking what would hap- call the limited access Is sought. But the cautious ly a good exercise for gaining quick- sliooa luubt be maintained. The standard that month. Since that date he has scanty of sunshine that baa always placed so high greater comfort. Is a sensible pen should we not find the spring, or the allowance tive does not at once enter. Full well ness on the feet and getting off any, been that thf It regularly followed the late spring, and way in through the wearer receives more value for his monef if it should be played out. But we found lta he knows that the inmates of the accummulated flesh about the waist. in the V. Jj. Douglas 3.00 and S3UK reached it at 10 o'clock In the night, so that strawberry, from Cairo to Al- gun ports, and the general house sometimes detect the miner at Tether ball originated from tennis, the hoes than he can get elsewhere. giers, Algiers up even W. L. 1oukIbs sells more 3 .OO and f3.60 Juvenile courts and the system of and such a yell and scramble for It you from through Spain atmosphere of confinement under work and stand over the hole armed idea being to give practice in serving hoes than any other two manufacturéis. probation for young offenders have never saw. Men, women and children from South to North, and likewise the pleasantest conditions. The sur- with deadly weapons, silently await- the ball. But it proved such a health- W. L Oouglat f4.U0 Qilt tdgt Lint on Jersey were these cannot 6 equalled at any price proved so successful in Eastern cities, fought for places, and accidenta were through France. Then, in early May, roundings the ing his appearance. He has with him ful game in Itself that it has speed- by an indiffer- especially in Boston, that much good only averted by the men In charge when the strawberry season in that limitations intsnsifled a piece of bamboo, at one end of ily become popular on its own account. well-nig- h dev- was expected from the Introduction of taking their stations between the country is finishing, he crosses to the ence that amounted to which a bunch of grass represents a cunning. plan In Chicago. The results are crowd and the spring, and passing the Cnannel isles and chases the smiling ilish human head, and this he thrusts up Maw the ports were securely Frocau of Mercerizing. disappointing. The fundamental Idea water out in moderate quantities. They fruit across to Cornwall, generally The old gun through the completed breach, rf the A ship was given German Chemist and an Austrian of the system is that for a first offense weit so thirsty they would have killed landing In England In the middle of closed as soon as the vicarious head does not come to grief mechanical engineer purposes, and small have Invented an a young lawbreaker shall be placed on themselves had they been allowed un- June. His trip finishes in Scotland at over to prison the real one takes Its place, and the Improved mercerizing process holes, about 10 feet apart, were cut entering zenana and probation, during the term of which he restrained liberty at the water. the end of August, when he takes a thief the secretes have obtained letters patent instead. These openings, only 20 himself or, finding everything favor- in all is to be under the care of suitable per- "All along our route was the dreary through ticket back to Cairo, and so countries. They mix copper, ammo- twenty-fiv- e fields Inches square, were, in turn, partly able for this purpose, proceeds to at- rons. In Chicago at least picture of the drouth of stubble, commences hla tour again. nia and cotton waste In a large vat. trees closed by the stout iron bars that tempt what seems an Impossible un- In probation officers are needed. The city leafless and dust white roads. about six hours a liquid of no crossed them in two directions; and dertaking. This, Indeed, is no less a dark blue appointed only five, each of whom has There were birds singing In the Italian GlrU Photograph is very and Thalr when we remember that the vessel's task to remove from the ears and color formed, which passes into a charge of about three hundred boys, trees and little sign of animal life Italian girls, unlike most of than large press, was no their sidos were from 18 to twenty odd arms and noses the earrings, brace- filter and then out of small and the whole fifteen hundred are anywhere. There relieving American sisters, are generally un- Inches thick, one can realize how ef- lets, armlets, bangles and nose rings glass tubes through a mild sulphuric fcerded together in a reformatory spectacle anywhere along the whole willing to have photographs pub- their fectually the inmates were cut out sleepers without awakening acid bath. It then is of a gelatinous school which does not reform but cor- 700 miles of our homeward Journey, lished, and even when of the their consent is from the reach of sunshine, except for them and to get safely away with his consistency, and is caught by a small rupts. It Is a pity that American cities which showed the absence of rainfall obtained their relatives may object. In glass so slow to learn anything bad been general. the briefest while In the earliest and plunder. Who but a dacolt would be rod and reeled on a large glass are that arranging, for instance, for pictures to spool as It passes num- "We reached Missouri about latest hours of the day. equal to so delicate, dangerous and through the bath. which prevents an Increase in the the Illustrate the article on "What Girl of August and found vegetation The bowsprit of the ship was the difficult a piece of work? But the The copper and ammonia, together ber of criminals is a saving in dollars middle Life in Italy Means," in the Ladles' cents, say nothing of on every farm burned up. The corn only original spar of the ship left, and dacoit seldom fails. with other chemicals, are deposited as and to the moral Home Journal, the agent of mag- gain. that looked so promising in the early that out upon Its ample length the hardiest a sediment and are used again. As W. Lm Uauntmm azine had with much difficulty at last be as the Jtoena are summer was cut for fodder, and that of the prisoners clambered to How ta Juitfo of Tobacco-Color- , threads are reeled they receive a secured the photographs of some very as posslble-fro- noisome at- bath of cold water German folk-lor- e tells of a peacock It all that saved the stock. There were free the burn and texture are the from a siphon. Tie 4 roca mnti mrm isitf mm p4oSm pretty girls, permis- by Wia beat no railroads, and It was impossible to Italian with their mosphere of the body of the hulk. Sev- things which the grower of to- numerous spools center on one large bold hiioe lioalon everyvher. which thrust the glory of his plumage sion to publish pictures three IntiiMt uuun hitvliif W. 1M Douglua vhtve get anything In the way vegetables, the without eral accounts of the ship have been chiefly to consider. At pres- spool, and are then reeled on one large Willi umut) ami i o alauifjeti uu bottouu upon all other poultry till a young hen of bacco has ji í their naini'j, simply as types of Italian written, but none of them with more spool and are then reeled an- Blow to UNrr If W. atkled, look at his The fruit or cereals. Cornmeal cost $1.50 ent the trade calls for a light cinna onto hot are oíd Inlryour Uwn, rrW dim lo "Just feet!" girlhood. ft f l Before the photographs had fulness and startling truth of color n uni- other, so on, B!l a bushel when brought in from Glas- mon-brow- shade, which must be aid always under cold Í -. peacock had forgotten his been a jealc. ac- -- 1 sKi'i of In;- f gow or Hannibal. We lived on bacon, mailed, however, s lover, than the simple, straightforward mottled. The leaf when water, until all chemicals and in n Hi form, not acids udl 16 H extremities. "Just look at hla feet!" is three still more jealous brothers, of .iAitj ail cornbread, coffee and molasses pur- and count of Capt. Thomas Drlng the rolled on a cigar and smoked must are removed. This stage of the proc- turn "J In ivi", til Mutt not an uncommon expression tolay. a pair of angry fathers withdrew Providence privateer, The Chance a Iota Uit'iutiiir-mriite- uf chased at those places. Farmers moved the leave a white or light gray ash, which ess takes four hours. The thread Is i BH iho w on iiHMirl tin 10 growing summer fashion of dress- young ladies' given permission, and vessel of 12 cannon and a ( iv ri ; )) t v lihll The their stock over to the Charlton river, does not flake off and fall Into one's then taken to a drying room. The Uu.U:y Woin; jiu or children's feet with sandals only in the photographs were, of course, at complement of 65 men. It product Is ing which ran until late the fall. The bosom or lover his waistcoat, and brilliant in color and finish k ttnu or lu onco sum- .111111.-- . U has much to commend It. It will cre- stock too far back in the country to returned. After further frultleva Drlnga account dwells upon the must not "coal" 1. e., have a black, and of considerable textile strength - A HI ate a healthy sentiment and a good reach the river perlnhed. There was efforts the hope of getting any pictures mer period, In fact he was liberated In charred ring Just behind the ash on The thread consists of ten or twenty had a only "understanding" that will refuse to nothing to be done on the farm, and almost been abandoned when, by October, after confinement of the burning cigar. This is sure to give fibres twisted into one, but can be wait for the millennium to know why people just sat around and looked a happy chance, the good offices of five months, but the story of the win- and taste. The leaf also auy at a bad flavor made of desired thickness. WmA aT""""" Ruspoll, suffering Is even many times worse. f shoes are Invariably made too tight. the sky. Some of the emigrants who Prince Lord Mayor of Rome ter must burn freely, and when lighted Cmi'lfrW.(,. BtiV . JU. tfl a., 141 sac Ik tota, up large and head of the municipal schools, The old hulk was absolutely unheated, a time. had taken tracts of land hold firm for reasonable It Ranriwlch-Uoar- d !. A Men's ii'eejy method of plucking fowla were pho- and the great mass of the prisoners texture, Union. abandoned It and returned east, under enlisted, and the attractive must have a soft, silvery Only a few years ago lias been devised la Germany. Th the Impression a tographs the had only their tattered garments in and the elustlclty of a the business that drouth was a that illustrate article glossy surface most despised In New Yo-- fee dead bird is piactd In a receptacle and were finally which to wrap themselves. The cold may be was per- .J ..4 regular thing In Missouri. obtained. piece of kid, so that It drawn wlch-boar- : subjected to cross-curren- ts haps that of the Band d man. BY M!U íbtJil..tJYOUH rvvK r several of "At last winter set In, and it was winds blew through liie old craft with smoothly and closely about the cigar. ft3ioaoe lie l'aje lue Vftjilit tiubtiuBUu, !".M k from electric fans turning the Now It has achieved the dignity of a air at hoped early snow falls would furnish tallying- - out hindrance, the Bleet and snow fll Flavor Is not wanted In Connecticut Onr Tramway. whose Nnturs" Prli eles Rumndj Rheuma'rum, ftmimt-p;- a, rute of 5.000 revolutions a minute. The down through hatchways up union members are as rigid in water, and one right good storm came The London (England) county coun- tared the tobacco, for if there be much of it It W.O. PHELPS bHUrtN S V.k ttritk, &iM"a. the enforcement of their rights as H bird has every feather and quill blown the r-- m ff r burnt, burn and tru. up. But t lie snow was dry and it blew cil has voted to send a tramway man- on the crippled elck, and the wretched Is sure to be bad. Perfect burn, color r r men in any other trade. n ft ifu-- t u uf your off in a tew minutes. away with the dust, without even ager and electrical engineer to investi- prisoners saw their frost-bitte- n feet and texture can be got In the northern r f actually fr.ll want of agreeable of Alfloltle.. i 11A in. i'il u,ii 1 dampening the earth. gate street railways, especially the from them for climate, but a delicate and IW u ltn tiAiiie. i.l do you V The polios authorities always look Fla- law holds li uim'r i ill f r "The dust on the pikes was fright- "shallow medical attention of the mildest sort. flavor has not yet been obtained. The that this universe to M Curtii 1 f 3 underground lines" of the hrouiih tito fttri i 1 m f I epidemic of as soon as grevr-om- e for an crime tne ful on a windy day. You could hardly Boston system, which is proposed Heaven kuowi the record Is vor is conditional upon soil and fer- gether is the law of atllnitles: like will In. prove it hot weather Sets Statistics see a vehicle just ahead of you. The to construct in London. enough as far as we have gone, tilizers. It Is desirable, therefore, that setk like. Make your choice now for taking W. N. 34-lw- OI that tie of huirían Ufe, either old Gladgow stage coach woulj roll la- and yet tbla is but the briefest bin; the leaf be neutral, without taste, as the good things of timo that go into ty or suicido, is nearly tO per VUc murder to Callao with everything about It A friend to everybody la a friend of the suffering, of LLat 10.0UO that fur as may be. We get the flavor eternity with you. Iudk-s-' Huuie Aushcrit j AJvtrtíJK anuí lu than, , I - i auuiuier la winter. ! (itetteiigi-rs- driver, horses, bmues and only to himself. weut to martyr1 graves Willi the prof wholly in the Cuban filler. To ob- Journal. t.'f THE CHEAT DISMAL SWAMP. DUT MIGHTY. f ' LITTLE. lit la? e n r nars la ba linn.l In th Virginia of reata of Strength nf e Mrata of the f. L Morp. DOCKS km M SAM Ininrt World, J, v Hie Grrnt Dismal Swamp In a region d a. The flea possesses all the piratical strange nnd Interesting, sol- weinl and for blood, rapacity, A Prc.T.!r.2nt Lsíy RaiseJ Frc a Sick ty itary. occupies a billowy plain instincts thirst C:i - It Hcttt Ih Frrnch UUfUttd 1h cruelty. He Is, further, as Ingenious (y twenty-fiv- e Tiritijh some forty miles In length by Lion' tSail. Ve-te- in devising tortures ai he Is untiring C'jrcj Two miles in breadth along the Atlan- The Petit Bien c Brusnels publishes b in the torment of bis victima. The Ala KAA ÉVA4.1 tic seaboard, extending Suffolk, on open letter from the Belgian his- i I AAAAavlAXAAAAiiAf female weakness; had pells of flowing from flea Is built upon the Unes that make Va., In a southerly direction, well into torian. Parral, to Kdmond Itostrand, thiit exhausted me so that I feared I him forever hungry. But his contin- my un- the bounds of North C'nrollna. Its the author of "L'Alglon," which would lose mind. I suffered uous performance appetite Is far from agony my back, pain ex- deep sliadeg, great touches on a curioiiB point told with the stretches of brake of real or being the oldest thing about him. Pro tending down my left ler. My pain very alleged history. and Its solitude make It a rerjon Rostand's wife ls a portionately to Blze he Is the Samson was so severe that I would have wel- of granddaughter of Marshal Interest. To the naturalist and Gerard, of tne universe. If the elephant had comed death at any moment so no one sportsman who In 1832 a it has much to offer. In its led French army through the same relative strength he could need wonder that I recommend Peruna Belgium. me entirely ot silent fastnesses, the black bear finds come near to oversetting a steel- - so highly, for It cured a pro- The object of this thai. Not a sign of pain has returned, home admirably adapted to his letter ls to ascer- framed skyscraper. A flea, wingless, tection and In every way favorable to tain If Mme. Kostand has any papers and that will soon be two years now. with 'a body out of all proportion to am glad there ls a way I can his increase. Here amid the derme of her grandfather which may throw "I that Por r It pay, I wonder, lo toll for Kohl his bead, and all over less than the speak. trusting that manya sufferer will I llgnt on by Till the back bowed and bent. growth of underbrush and timber, he the att ick made his troops sixteenth of an inch In length, will read my testimonial, and not only read Till the heart l old nnd the Imlr Is white, may live in comparativo safety. And on the British Lion, which stands on U Wm. Mrs. An.l llfe'a hcpt leap upon a plane surface more than ie but believe." Henderson. dayii are Pent; there Is perhaps no locality la the a hill at Waterloo. The French sol- ONLY. Till the eyes ore blind with the yellow a yard.- This, too, when he' has been l FOR WOMFX (lUHt whole ex- diers, it sesroH, endeavored to over- eastern United States of like hatched In hair, or straw, or sand, and Ft) Dnrlne; Hot Weather by That we atrlve for day by day. tent which can offer a larger bear pop- throw this Insulting" monument, and it never known what It was to have a Or. llartiuan. Till all ye hear Is the coin dull clink. great was all that the marshal could do By the assistance of an experienced - ulation than this morass. The to full More marvelous stlü, he I wonder, docs It pay 7 y meal. pro- white-taile- d deer is also an abundant prevent its destruction. will spring perpendicularly upward staff of physicians, Dr. Hartman poses to the treatment of sev- l)oe It pay, I wonder, to strive for naught denizen of the swamp, frequenting the Now M. Barral has discovered that from one to two feet. Fancy a man direct Hut the pleasures eral thousand women, who, for one Ufe will give, y elevated parts. In addition to the deer though the British Lion ls etlll there, or boy standing fintfooted and all of MRS. K. A. CnOZÍKR To dance nil nlRht and to dream day. reason or another are ailing. all Ls big-gam- e 1U tail hus been sadly TTTTTTTTTTTTTTtTTTTTTTTI MM, To be merry we and bears, there a feature twisted, and he a sudden leaping over a church spire. fHT patient name, symp- while live; - Mrs. E. A. Each sends To worry X- of a unusual nature. The wants to know how and when. Crozler, Senior Vice Presi- work and and fume and fret rather Wonderful things have been done with dent of the James Morgan Tost, W. It. toms, and a short description of previ- Over what we shall wear swamp abounds In wild cows. These The tall, once borne proudly aloft, fleas. They have been put into gold ous treatment, and are entered in the. Yhat we shall eat and what we shall C, the largest corps in Minnesota, animals, of a brown color and some- flamboyant and aggressive, now trails collars and set to drag about lengths writes from "The Landour," 9th and doctor's books as regular patients. drink, as limply Is 1 wonder, dors It pay? what smaller than the ordinary cow, and tamely as that of the of gold chain at least 10 times their Nlcollet.Mlnneapolls.MInn., as follows: The treatment directed from time having for many years been under harmless and necessary cat own an Ingenious accept hearty on to time as may be found necessary ' the weight Further, "Please thanks Every t "'i Does It pay, I wonder, to give our peculiar of swamp, un- In the Brussels Museum Is a plaster goldsmith leisurely seven- behalf of Pervna, that wonderful med- by the doctor, without charge. strength. conditions the bark in the strictly conf- cast marked "MorM of of icine which raised me from a tick bed letter and name is held The treasures of henrt and hraln. til they are almost completeiy special- the Lion teenth century made a coach and four idential, and in no case will any one The gift gods ized, are extremely wild. are Waterloo," and this has an erected Ivory gold, on and made a strong and well woman of of the and the skill of hand They in and with a coachman me In two weeks. I suffered with be published except by the express For that which brings no gain: ferallzed from the herds of the farms tall, while the Irorf on the battle field the box, postilion and outriders, yet all of To labor for bearing-dow- n pains, backache and con- wish the patient herself. that which It bread alone, de- has a drooping one. so tidy was by a pair And the things that pass away. adjacent to the swamp, and are the it dragged of tinual headache, and found no relief These cases are treated with the Till the hea.-- t Is full of an achín void, scendants of cattle which many years According to M. Barral's account, the fleas working in gold collars. They until I tried Peruna. It cured me com- same care and fidelity as the private 1 wonder, does It pay? back wandered Into the fastnesses and French soldiers broke off the lion's worked under a bell glass and were pletely, and I feel as young and well patients of a regular family physician. past year large were lost to owners, finally be- tall, which was subsequently replaced exhibited In London and Paris. To as when 18. I wish every woman During the a number of Does It pay, I wonder, to never stop their cured. Every Item ot coming wild. Being no longer recog- by a new one or by the old one In a fight like cats and dogs Is tbe synonym knew the merits of the medicine, and cases have been In the ceaseless rush and care, XV s no home would be without Mrs. the treatment ls directed for which no And llt to the songs of birds and brook. nized as property the sportsman may new position. of continuing strife, but even cats and It" Is Or wander through E. A. Crotler. charge whatever made. woodlands fair; call game all that he may have the M. Barral has also Interrogated the dogs do not fight so bitterly as cat fleas Mrs. Wm. Henderson, Bordulac, N. Address Dr. Hartman, President of To never think of what lies beyond dog fleas. Oddly cat The narrow sphere of prowess to shoot. Lake Drummond, proprietors of the Belgian foundry and enough, the C. writes: The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus, Sax Till the new life dawns on our untried m some ten miles from Suffolk, Va., is where the lion was cast about 1830 fleas are bigger than the dog fleas, so ''I was troubled with very serious Ohio, for free treatment souls, the only body of water in the swamp. They state that the original model had should be always victors. But here as I wonder, does It pay? It is a beautiful sheet water, of an an elevated tall, and feel quite certain elsewhere condition tells. If the cat E. J. D. of DENVER NORMAL and PREPARATORY SCHOOL. I Varía oval contour, and fringed with a that the cast was like unto It fleas are lazy and luxurious fat they heavy growth of timber, mostly cy- can never grow the small, lean, keen-beake- d press, white cedar and black gum. Its Fair T"orto "Rican Fainter. dog fleas kill them out. A Teachers Training Classes, Kindergarten Department, Book- water is of a dark green color, owing Miss Herminia Davlla of Porto Rico flea's beak ls sharp and hard, some- keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting. Fall term opens Sept. 9th. to the decaying vegetation of the sur- has placed a portrait of Andrew Car thing like a bird's, only more pointed. A and rounding country, but ls suitable to flea bite ls not poisonous, save 1543 QLCNARM STREET. FRED DICK, Principal drink, and possesses the quality of re- except in rare cases where a flea has maining pure longer than mosf other previously been biting Infected tissue. the old man begged. "Jim didn't water. For reason It is often car- Certain French scientists have shown Tta Heart of a Woman. mean hit, he this were crazy with liquor. ried to sea by sailors on long voyages. that both fleas and bedbugs could thus We've lost one of our sons and what's The carry tubercular infection. Further, the use of havln' go characteristic mammalian fauna BY GARRARD HARRI3. the other one too? semi-tropic- fleas are greatly dreaded is of a al nature as regards rats and rat (Copyright, 1901, by Dally Story Pub. Co.) He'll go to hell sure if he's hanged the smaller forms, while there are as helping to spread the fearful bu- They sat before smouldering fire In In his sin, If he's to 1 allowed live. many bonic plague. Washington Evening the little cabin, the two old people, know he'll repent and be a Christian." tropical plants. Of birds there rest- are not many kinds, prothonotary, Star. upon whom the burden of years "His beln' a Christian don't bring Within ten days send us 15 names and addresses of energetic young peo- ed with no caressing weight. On every back my boy thet's a lyln' out hooded and Swainson's warblers and there ple between 15 and 22 years' of age, who might be interested In BOCK-KEEPIN- line of their features, unceasing toll, in thet lonesome little ole graveyard the Maryland yellowthroat being the LATEST IN BRIDE'S CAKES. and SHORTHAND and two stamps to pay postage, and we barren hardship and the lot of sordid in the mud an' rain, and I'm so lone- principal smaller forms. The trees, What Faehlon Ilerreee to ba Beat will send you free a copy of Webster's latest and best cloth bound in- poverty were written Indelibly. some sence he's gone, bo lonesome!" some of which are primeval, are large Form. Not a word was spoken. Once In She began to cry softly. and beautiful, while there is a luxuri- dexed dictionaries, containing 45,800 words, spel'-- d, pronounced and defined. Wedding cake boxes are in any de- a while a tear welled from the old The days wore one. At the ant growth of ferns and aquatic plants. THIS OFFER WILL NOT BE MADE AGAIN. last sign which the bride Is pleased to or- woman's eyes, and rolled silently court eession began, and every one Cane grows In profusion. and MODERN Forest If gives long Address SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, Charles Building, Denver, down the withered cheek, wrinklcW expected that the murderer would be der, she the Instructions Stream. enough In present, how- Colorado. Send for 68 page illustrated catalogue of College, free. and furrowed with time and sorrow. hanged. The only eye witness to the advance. At The old man nothing, but stared ever, there ls a tasteful preference for said UP at the embers with a dazed, hopeless NOT TO EXPECTATIONS. severe shapes, with dependence upon "If Bill ever exK'cts to get his nine distinction, SOZOSCriT forth. TEETH 25s expression. Aluminium Has Not Proved So Useful the best materials for iinwiiterul," said the old prospector, navy "white water color" papers are "he'd lx'ttor l)t'lu by getting himself Jt was a sad affair, the killing of a Was tinea Predicted. S the; proper covering of unwliiskled." Joe Wilson by his brother Jim. Joe A dozen years or so ago, when 7 sort for the boxes, on the tops or of which was by far the best one of the two aluminum was placed In mar- sides first the the monógama, rsually of both bride For several yeRr The Romero Irriga- Denver Directory. young men a outfit tellowy' who had ket it was scarce and dear. It was tion Cornpuny has been at work upon the stood by the old folks manfully, and DAVrLA. and bridegroom, are blended in relief, development of a large body of the choic- predicted that It would ultimately be HERMINIA est agricultural land to he In THE DENVER TENT I either In white or In gold and silver. found the ; done his full share towards making used for a great variety of purposes. negle on exhibition in the Porto Rlcftti atate. The canal Is at length completed NO Awning CO. I Ribbons for tying the boxes are of new : the evening of their lives a little more section of the n. The por- and the town of Romeo has been fJfiS yia1;,',HitBn"(k'' O" Satis J These expectations unfortunately have moire, taffeta or satin. The bride's laid out In the midst of this land. A ffifffiTl comfortable than K otherwise would not been realized. As time went on It trait is done In b'ack and white silk combination of very old water rights and film. cake ls exclusively the bride's. What- the flneHt land Is one Is hard to beat. hava been. He was sober, steady, aud was contrary to what of such mlnut t .Ifiwork that the that "wll erery one. Especially discovered that, ever the amoynt of cake previously Thle la what the Hornero Irrigation t'o. PALACE - lud br was first believed, was readily acted enecc is similar j.o sieei engraving offers to the intending nettler. It not KGTElyu- was he fond of his mother he was it stored in boxes for the guests to carry convenient for the purchaser to do so, The picture presents the head and - t i always showing It by little thoughtful upon by solutions of many salts, by away as they pass out, there ls always the company will fence nnd plow and pre- acids, including vinegar, and especially shoulders of Mr. Carnegie, and is an pare for crop any land bought of it upon TUB COI l HA DO TKNT ASNINO CO, Robert acts. To her, he was all there was In an especially decorated cake among payment of the estimated cost of the tftlUhall, I'roa. L.anfO.L rnanufeouirers In tba exact reproduction ot a photograph. . H.17-2- 3 life, she had few dreams of happiness by alkalies, though it excelled copper the goodies served to the guests. It work. For prices and further particu- Weat Write loreal'l ILawrouoe St. Denver. The frame wag also designed by MIes lars and illustrated pamphlet, write to beyond in the resistance which 't offered to is intended frequently the 102 him. many that bride Zeph. Chan. Kelt. President. Uoston On the contrary, Jim was about the nitric acid. Besides, aluminium for Davlla, and she has embroidered herself shall cut the cake in the pres- Building, JJenver. Colorado. E. BURLINGAME & dainty panales in the four white cor COJ most trifling limb of Satan In the en- kitchen utensils and the like has the ence of the guejta, especially her bo CHEMICAL "Don't vou think the country would fcSSAY OFFICE AND tire settlement lie was drunk half great objection that it blackens the oers. maids, who expect to find In it a gold better oflf If we emptied nil the whisky LABORATORY barrels?" "No: I think the better plan the time, and manifested a deep and hands like lead. To obviate this draw- "Roojler in ring or some other article foretelling would be not to empty them." HaUbllihrdinColo'-ado.'.rKo- Eamplra' 7raallo j. Harness. cxprraiwillreceive prompt and carrfu attention steady aversion to the strenuous life. back it Is not frequently coated with Rev. Long the marrying within a year of the "I do," She whispered. The Charles A. of the E3ld &SIlTcr Bullion His associates and intimates were of a layer of silver, but this in itself ls York (Pa.) German Baptist church finder. A bride lately took high- Lame back makes a young man feel taWv"J!ieH? the lowest, and altogether, he was a no easy matter, for aluminium ls so handed hold of tradition and substi- old. Wizard Oil makes an old man Cir.icatrat'ca Tests lwl'-,?.ri- lod killing was the mother of the two when not occupied with the duties of young. tenni. pretty tough Im- fore-mothe- rs' feel See your druggist. customer. He cared boys, and it was generally understood porous that it retains water and his charge, finds diversion in the rais- tuted a heart for the ring of our I7JIT39 Lwrft St.. Cota, nothing for his parents, or God, or purities obstinately, with the result superstition. Some persons lavr. that she was very Indeed , man, and upon bitter ing of fancy chickens. The pastor's Dog Fancier How do you like the set- several occasions had against Jim, and desired his punish- that bubbles are formed in the electro pretty account for the bride's cake by saying ter and pointer i sold you struck his mother, little daughter is I'tirchaner whl'e his tottering ment should be the extreme penalty, deposit, or that this peels off in the very that it originally was a sample of what Oh. he lives up to his pedigree sits In old father was thoroughly cowed by fond of her father's chickens, and the corner and points toward the RELIABLE ASSAYS. which was death. polishing process. The chief remedy displayed peculiar she could do in the way of fanciful him. Strange to say, of the two boys, she has a ingenuity housekeeping; Gold M Oold and HllTwr....t0.TS Tbe grand jury was empaneled, and ls to thoroughly cleanse the aluminium her wedding cake was 60 I Jim was the In taming and teaching a number of Lead Uold.ailrer.copper 1.50 father's favorite. the district attorney had her sum- and to give it a preliminary coating her chef d'oeuvre. Whatever it may 1 am cure Pino' Cure for Consumption saved bamplea by mall receive prompt "He'll get over the fowls to perform tricks. Several ago. Ro all tbls after a moned before that tribunal. with another metal, preferably copper, have been, the confectioner takes the B17 life three years Mr. Tuoa. bulks, attention. while, of them follow her where she wills and Maple Street, Norwich, N. Y., Feb. IT, 18O0. RWih Hon mother; it's Jest the young "Now, madam," he said, "I want silvering. patents hazard now, and the dear girl Is re- Orea and Hulllon (he before Several hava are frequently her only playmates. 16 Mt. blood in him. He don't mean no harm last-minu- te I49 til you to tell the grand jury all about recently been taken out for processes lieved of any posssible dis- "A ma'i dnt hns sense enough to take OCDEN ASSAY CO., Colo. by One handsome Black Minorca rooster, gln-er-- ly liuver, It why, I used ter be mighty nigh this unfortunate affair. I understand satisfaction with her accomplishments. good advice." said Uncle Kben. "la as as on thes lines. Another great draw- harnessed to a wagon, takes a smaht enough not to nved it in de wild Jim." you are the only eye witness. Hold staid Wedding cakes are sent any distance. place." I back to the general use of aluminium old a carriage ius' "Yes, but know you never struck up your right hand. Do you solemn- hen for ride, with little One New York maker of cakes whose CENTRAL your pore old mother, nor yer pa ls that it has hitherto been very dif- Iva manipulating the reins, as shown Hra. Wlnelow'e Hoothlnc Bymr. iT) ly swear that the testimony you are pastry has long been famous, shipped Forehlldrea teethlnK, aoftem the umi, redaCM 1m now did you?" ficult to unite two separate pieces of photograph. same allay wind coito. about to give In this case shall be the in the The rooster an ornamental bride's cake with dis- OemmatluD, pain.curea 3o about is say I the metal. This objection, however, "No,I must never done that truth, the whole truth, and nothing and several others have been taught tinguished success 6,000 miles to Libre- But Jim were drinkln' some, of he'd will probably be met by the welding "If you can tell me of n place where but the truth, so help you, Almighty process recently ville, Gaboon, West Africa. people, never die, said tne insuman, Enterprise Block, 15th and Champa a never done It, neither." God?" of Heraeus, which has I'll go there uu stay till the end of me Sta., Denver, Colorado. al- days. The woman sighed. Jim was been protected In several countries. In New location. t rooms. larif-e- "I do," she whispered. ' Methodleal The ways defended, while the least short- this the welding la so complete that John. piTS rrmanentlt;urrd. uflttf cr nrvoa,nee Hftei cheani'Kt ami ticnt positions "Well, go on now, and what u of Kniliirxcd by eiuli'd. coming on part tell juncture ls practically A West side woman a few days ago Oral day Lr. klios'a l.rvat Narva Haatorar. Becurril. Denver merchants. the of Joe had the you know about it?" the Invisible Bond tor FIIK.K f '4.00 trial Boltla and traatiaa.. Trial Instruction and Outfit Free. was boasting to a caller of the virtues Da. R. 11. kUMi, I.1.1..K. 1 Arco Ku. t'liil.d.lliia, fa. effect of bringing his father and Jim "There ain't much to tell," she said, and the aluminium can be rolled out Call or wrlta for Illuntratcd CataloKue. down on him without mercy. And of her Mongolian cook, and she em- In a low voice. "Joe and Jim was to a thin sheet without separating Into Two ahowera of froga have fallen re- phasized the latter's systematic meth- ev- now, Joe was dead by bis brother's in the room quarl'ln', and suddenly, its component parts. cently at lthnca. New York. It Isn't DANIEL WITTER CO. ods as his special strong point. ery lorulily limt can get Its greenbacks r I"" hand, and tiie brother was in jail says "John ao all iiiatu-- (eriauilri to f A K I O Joe to Jim, 'you infernal scouu'l, eauily. I bo LM KY tfK I'l Ml.lll L cr.IM LJ charged quaver- finishes his work precisely tbe same O with his murder. The I'm agoln' you A KN1 KOR NKW HPiTTI.KIWt (il'lDU. ter kill right new,' and Remarkable Oetofenarlaa. 7 Hlo.-fc- , ing voice of the old man Interrupted minute every evening," said she proud- It ls to be hoped that the Rev. Frost Room Union leuvr, Ooiur-ul- u Con-u- reached back for his pistol, and Jim Although 82 years brouKUl or her thoughts of dead boy. old this summer, in ly. "I always know exactly where he Craft, who has been called to Trinity deieiided. the got hls'n out first, and fired, and Joe Mrs. H. P. M. K. Church, Uenver, will prove neither "Yer agoln' swear Van Cleve, "te first white is and what he ls doing any rrority nor ain't ter Jim's fell: Jim had save him- at time crafty. ye, ter shoot tsr baby born In the Northwest," ls still of day. life away, air Nance?" There was self." the "Well, what is he doing vigorous of mind and actively Inter- now" was asked. me see. EDUCATIONAL. DENVER SAVI'IGS DAÜK ii long silence in the dreary room. Amazement was depicted on the "Let It ls "No," she replied after a while. "I ested In the world's affairs. She lives to play at they also have 7 o'clock. Well, he has Just finished Corner lfilh ami Arapahoe. Capital faces of the grand jurors. The dis- in Minneapolis, Minn. Her life story, ICM.uuo. Tratinacta a general ImnUintc other accumpliahmenta. putting the dishes away, and at this buBliKKB. trict attorney looked at the witness as told In The Ladles' Home Journal, lnterent on eo. R. keenly. moment is sweeping the kitchen. Swallow, president. b o, Vallle. Vlc "That is sufficient, you may ls a picturesque and exciting one. president. C. Wood, cashier. go. case is prossed." Capt. R. G. F. Candage, one of the Come, let's go and see If I'm not The nolle Born at Fort Crawford, Wis., on July The jurors saw the old woman rejoin most prominent men in maritime cir- right." They started through the 1, 1819, the daughter of one regular dining-roo- her husband, and the two go dodder- cles in New England, celebrated his and found everything in army officer and the widow of another, place, pan- ing over to the Jail to receive their seventy-fift- h birthday at his home in its as prophesied. In the hard- pAIiA".ERItAU son, who walked out she passed through all the trials, Brookline, Mass., on last Monday eve- try the dishes were neatly arranged Iq the murderer, ships a free man. and adventures of military and ning. In his seaf.rlrg life Capt. Can- their customary place. Then they pioneer al- "There's no telling what a woman life on the frontier, and dage over 500,000 miles of Bait opened the kitchen door. There in spent sailed EXPOSITION will do," remarked the district attor- though she has most of her later water, doubling Cape Horn thirteen the center of the room was John and years he) ney, as he proceeded to look Into the in cities, her experiences have times both ways. was complacently washing his matter of the State against Tom still been of a varied and unusual feet in the dlshpan! Milwaukee golden anni- Jones, for the larceny of a pig. character. Her wedding John Morley, talking with a friend THE UNIVERSITY CF NOTRE DA!E, versary was fif- celebrated more than about his literary work at Hawarden, teen years ago. NOTRB DAME, INDIANA MISSION OF SLOT MACHINE. said that his labor had been greatly Inventora Aven to Maala ClnflA.cj, Lrttera, I cunomli and History, by Is said Edison despises mu-, Art, cierne, t'haritta:v, law, lessened Mr. Gladstone's personal It that Ovil, ruchan leal aud a.Ux;tilcJ l.ukinecrtng, Its Aborpttv J'owert for Small Chauga Dangnra ot an Education. habits of order aud regularity. sic and that Nikola Tesla Is peculiarly Architecture. Knormotia. On being Informed member averse to its charms. That Is a strange Ihuruuifh Preparatory fcrid Commercial ' that of Through lae last sixty years of his I'XO.ieHtuM.t-tt- n ntlentH at sperm) ruU'H. half-penn- y Courts. The dearth of pieces, or his race had been sentenced to the pen- every im- freak. Many believe a person kooma Junior or Y'ttr, 'olu-irtai- , career ue not only f reserved that Bmlr pieces valued at cents. In Holland, itentiary for forger;,-- Brother Dickey portant who does not love music has no soul. Courufi, k(Ktn to Wtnt, imxierutt) t'timifu, 24 letter or document that btm I dwrvi' Hll( fur hoy'u unilnr 1.4. has caused a new class of merchants exclaimed "Dat's what comes er dls reached him, but neatly indorsed It But some of the acknowledged genius- 1 tie SH h Year will uiH uSrpteiiibr luih,l90i, spring Into existence, namely, the yer eddlcatlon. Thank de good Lawd own es of history, among them true poets, Ctaltvu-- ftrr. Atl trt Toe) to witn his hand and stored It away kLV. A. MOUmisM:Y. C&Cm PrIJent bulf-penn- y merchant, writes an Am I never could read or write, en what'a in order of date. Among the papers could not bear the sound of the sweet- sterdam correspondent. The scarcity mo', I never will." Atlanta docketed and stored at Hawarden in est melody. Byron had no ear for mu-bI- c, of the coin in question has been order of date Mr. Morley found notes and neither vocal nor instrumental ST.iiinY'sr.or.czLT wide-sprea- d slightest They Sat litfore the Smoldering Fire. caused Jy the employ- ot a speech delivered by Mr. Gladstone afforded him the pleasure. Notre Dame, indiana. 'ABASH Edmund Burke, whose oratory was ment of the automatic gas meter, into If I pad Her Prewldeot Father. at the Oxfuru union Just seventy years Conducted by tbe Sisters of the Holy IS. r L! away music to his audiences, the M.Mtr ain't agoln' to swear his life which the Dutch housewife puts her The lute Mrs. Martha Patterson, ago. hated music Cros. Chartered 1SV. Thorough 1W I 13 he's done tho'ed it away himself. I'm half-penc- e, Charles James Fox, another great or- CI Ke;r-ula-r LO la the Netherlands it is daughter of President Johnson, was Kntflioh anil issical educatiou. ItAAbAa, agola' II about It If it ator; Daniel O'Connell, l'olleifiatj ttíltAiü to tt Hie truth the largest copper coin made, hence In politi- Edwin Ginn, who is to still another; Decrees. ANU INrH-'Vi- her father's confidante all his build several 1 OiAlU M I hope will. He 2V4-ce- ut be-iu- g Pitt, a In l'repai at ry icpartincnt students UcMMifiMn r n band's hi in, and it the piece or half penny is cal struggles and difficulties. hus- model tenement-house- s William third; Robert Peel, a uia lu, i, mi I Her in Boston, has prepared for Collegiate course, iMrltml mt4d liad no call to murder my baby boy, auto- fourth all of these ran away from the carefully used for he gas meters and band was Judge Thomas Patterson, made a long study of social conditions l'hysical ami Chemical Laboratories none at all. Joe never done nothlu' to sound of music. p. matic machines generally. The Dutch who died a number of years ago, and in that city, where he is one of Well 1. CoUMTvatory of Music Or run., mririi.'iw Mm, ho Juwt shot Joe ('own like a dog the KiuliH mint does nothing to easn the scarcity, the left two children, Belle and Au-dre- w largest real entate owuers. He says unci School of Art. tyiniia',iuiu under keep from 1, i.'lU t,L., 1 (ivX because Joe trk'd to him result slowly surely Johnson settling la direction of graduate of Itohton Normal one with the that but Patterson. that now a man it!i only flO a month Northw.t Terrltorr, hitting n.e. I'm the that half-penn- y (i C a f the is disappearing from for rent cannot possibly get there a Canada ls now the only country in bchool of y iniiakl ics. at logue rea. mm hit, I Bttu toy child di, I hult The 47th year will open 5, l'jol, his use among the general public. The It Pa;s to rulia Oatrlohea. place fit to live in. the world offering free latnl to home Mm la my arms when be breathed means, juj.m. DlhTCTRESS CF THE ACADiY, vllyua la Jail dealers In these coins sell them at the Our ostrich firms are profitable. seekers of limited i'i.'ly thou- last br.ath, aiul that Mary'a At.aoktxjy, Nwdc .f of one penny premium every sand Immigrants are each year enter- t. l)mc, li.Jiu.da fch&ll no goud to auy-Iff- ate for Bird are worth apiece and a g.xid Mailoa Crawford, tte novelist, was die for It; he's 10 75 twtDty coins, or per tent profit. 1- T on ing her porta, and per cent f cu t!.tn jirtU nohow." specimen yields about -5 worth tt yean old Av..-.- 2d. His Era thee I'lJKIjAlf 'lltui -- rialu LitaUr. Dt J.liKkii:g. .novel, "Mr. people go at once to tLe Noithwett , I. U. I. ivu't, Cu't U:k t'.at . Kw," Clbliiid Ie.ia.4," waa puMUhec layout twtiity yriim a.). territory. .ytiiiiuutimi ,)on ,r riitit li'nHi niiiuiuuuuiniu.iiriu;;. THE INDEX. of tho upper .t i.jnuiM, is liorf ln?.ing up the county. It first vittit to points r3 ! Aztfci, Nkw Mrxico, hm SEE OUR LIST, a jj Pianos Organs K'intli of i!n, hi'b (nilch during hi resi- rrcscriplions Srccially dence in tho vh!I y above Durnno, and .; F.uterod at th itMnthre at Altec as mail Tho Old Rcliablo Jeweler, ! matter of the Refund clang. he has liVfil tLn twenty years and ILPO " Sheet Music more. ' L. V. Art Ir leu M ft The vt OHOVK, S llUir and Proprietor. T'.ll"t I'aint iclr stock of Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks, Jew- - The CliHtna Tribune shjb: "L. E. ('ft i ii nmry ( fH'in leuls Oil , t try and Silver ire Rt Eastern Catalogue prices, in Stutnp returned fr;ml a business trip to ?Iim one of Ihrt ntK"Ht stock of Southern OFFICIAL PAPER lit iim'icí and romlifl Iriajnctlciilcn Colorado TIF. OF FainiiiiKton and vioinity yesterday. He Vfitrh, Diamonds, .Inwolry, llM.i.a, " t . J decks, SilTcrWare. Fountnin P.mjk, Ht i ioncry lTt'l SAN COUNTY was loud in praise of country sur- W nil 1'bp'T JUAN the Kuitre, Korku, Htn.tia and Fancy rounding I'lrn tttff ' Anin Fariniri(.ton and is thinking pieces, all suitalile for wedding and HiuviiiK Muk" And PriilifHi TERMS OF II BUBSCHIPT10N. very soriobply of locating down there birth lay preiort". All momb guar- HAHN I One Tear $2 00 anteed a. represented or money re- somewhere." "n Mont lie i i.i funded. Special nttontioD to fine easoiES nD cigjirs. Three Month. W Mrs. A. M.Leo, of Carbondalo, Ills., EXPERT WnTeilMAKER watch and Jewelry repairing. D. A n'D JEWELER Friday, Skptimbfr 27, 1901. and her father, who have been visiting R. O. Watch Inspector, DURTINGO in the county, stopped over Saturday to TIJE AZTEC DKUG STOKIi, ' A explore C. E. MEAD, - - - - - Proprietor. 2 DROP US LINE. REFERENCE,: the Aztec ruins and to renow SEND US YOUR WORK. acquaintance R. Waggoner, ' FIRST NATL. BANK J' with Dr. F. ecLORnoo naxht bldg. of whom they weri"iieighbors twonty-fiv- e statu OJL SULSLSUUUUULSUUUL LARGELY LOCAL. years ago. Several now houses are needed in Durango. -- Aztec for rental purposes- a. OHEAT- The demand i 6 ' Aztec ecLools open Monday, October 7. each winter far exceeds the supply and HmHmMHM P-- Save your money for good interest could bo roalizod from noiir y the Durando Furniture.. (SAn fair. money piaced u ouch an inveBtiueut. ft Already every houso town sev- ! V, A. Hunter of Farmington was an in has BARGAINS Aztoc visitor one day th8 veeic. eral applicants for rental. -- ST- Col. Hust- Men's Work Shoes I J. II. Ferguson and family have re- Sellers prints a letter in the BEST Come and look over our stock of Men's and Boys' Clotlun turned to Aztec to Bpend the wiutwr. ler stating that the amount of f 100 is AH leather oil grain, lace and congress, at still due the telephone company on the OF Boots and Shoes, Ladies' Dress Goods, Hats and Caps, A fresh lot of vaccine points has just JOIIU Notion per pair f3000 subscription) aid iu building a ALL .... mid Furnishing. A complete line of S1.50 been received at the Aztec Dril)? store. Groceries. New Good ... line from Durango into this count. constantly received. f It will hurry you to beat these. Head Treasurer no'tice KINDS Fields' in this This amount should be paid in at ouce, issue concerning UORELOCK'S the delinquent tax as the company agrees to build the line AT Also, fine tine of ladies' list. and children's Shos, Dress Goods, as soon as it rocoives the money. LOWEST We guarantee satisfaction in quality and price. Waists, Hosiery, Kiblous, Trimmings, Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hilde-bran- etc. The Northwestern Normal college of Flora Vista, Suptember 18, a PRICES Successors to opened last Monday. SEE OUR LINK boy. There was a fair GEORQE TRICK FUR- attendance at the start and it will be CO. OF FINK SHOES M. RANDALL, Dr. E. Q. Condit and NITURE J. Price Walters incroBBod A latet. splendid course of were Fartuington visitors laat Saturday studies has been mapped out and AZTEC, N. M. night. the normal school will prove a valuable aid John Graham, of Faruuington, is in educational advancement. It should Durango, Colorado The among tho studonte eurolled at the receive the united Bupport of all our ! BAILEY A WILLIAMS First National Bank tiiiiíitif nit ifsfizrr; normal. psople. Mrs. Sallie A. Grilfin was OF DIRANOO. up from Frank Brown of the La Plata was the mnn ttittt á 2- - Flora Vista Tuesday I AZTEC, NEW MEXICO. established liSl, Í2 rIVv on businoss with chief winner in sporting contests at ' lllli MW the probute court. Farmington's fair. The roping contest, Elder the quarter mile Capital, . g J. T. Green's Henry will preach at Flora and the relay race were INTER-OCEA- N 9 arpias Fund, 5.CC0.C0 Vista ceit Sabbath at 11 a. m, and at all taken in by Frank and ho gave the t Center Point at 4 p. ni. chicken-puller- s a close run for thoir Celebrated money. That Ar.toc badge which Frank Banking The Hyde Exploring expedition will In All Its Branches. wore during the K . , . buy wheat, corn ad oats at the mill and festivihes uudoubtedly HUI LU 0 rVa bave au extensive correspondence and pa- Concord will pay cash for same. did the business, throughout Southwestern Colo- triase L. D. Moore ti DURANGO, COLO. y rado, and the adjoining counties James Mann and family, of Farming-ton- , sent a cabbage to Du- c m. LLI0TX of New Mexico nod Utah. Tlio Durango, rango - Aztec - Harness... have rented a house ia Aztec and last week in charge of Johnny f- Proprietor. have moved Olbert. to be placed on exhibition at the XJ Newly furnished. Service here for the winter. to any OFFICERS Sweat Pads. Whips and full L, fair. It weighed i' pounds and was equal hotel in and Fttrmington k GusVon Fintel came down from Tol-luri- P.CAMP President J line tf Horne Ooi'J alwuva "L, packed in what had been a pian box. the city. J Reaaonable Rate, OHN L- MoNEAL Vice President. er!" on hand. ifarnrna, Saddle fC Monday and will remain several Wm.P VAILt Cashier. r" and Shoe Kepalriuir a bpec- - This cabbage was raised by Peter Knick- tho Rule. laity ml days visiting his family in Aztec. .... Stago Line. erbocker and Mr. Moore in their garden Liert Hubbard 9 CHAS. FLECK, Prop. went through town en the lot at the rear of the lattor's 6500-poun- i THE GOOD yesterday with a load of place. It ought to take a prize. Easy ridim? stages, makingthe trip through to Durango OLD QUAKER onions for the Durango Opp. Depot, Bates $2 per Day. from Aztec or Aztec, N. M. market. G, Fartuington in one day. The patronage of the id M boy : Prof. G. McCurdy, professor of an- traveling public solicitbd Oace sn to Proba'.e Judge B. Nathan, it in not what thte Juan Valdez was in thropology and archaeology in Yale col- rvHN that nuik8 thee miirt : It town from the Sao Juan Tuesday to hold Is not wtmt tin eat 8 that make lege, was hero Sunday and explored the thfo fat; Dor what the itrrm a speciul special of , session hia court. Aztec Mc- Package, to be iont by express should be that miikf'n the i lcli, hut what ruins across the river. Prof. loft at the postoffico in Aztoo. thee SAVfcS." The law requires all children to be Curdy ia a nephew of Peyton Skidmore, Thi -- avlutt hahit may h arrjuird vaccinated whose FRANK REVELL, through thf iteaclv una of a before attending school. The guest he was while hc.o. He ex- account ia our bank. Aztec Drug store has fresh vaccine. pects to return n6Xt summer with a Interest allowed la thfSavititrn depart- party of ment Mt four percent per annum E. R. Stewart was in town last Satur- scientists to make fuller inves- AND BUILDER. Interest couiponndud quarterly. AUSTIN DUNNING, day en route to UeBporus, where his tigation of the ancient dwellings in this CONTRACTOR Colorado State Bank, 1 brother Ora is ill with mountain fever. section. it, -- C ) F3 R. S. Ridenour, a former resident of the social at Mr.JaKoontz'e residence Eetimatea furniahed for all kinds of ÍJBANGO, COLORADO BLAOKSMITIIING San Juan county, hart returned and Tuesday the ladies of buildings.. .. Commercial and Saving Bank. with his familv will make his home in Aztec for the purpose of raising funds AND Carries in Stock a Complt-t- e Line Granville B. K. FH F.K M 'i Presidf.wt Aztec. for the ceiling of the church, was quite Pendleton VV.C CHWM. VK B I'BbHIllkNT of imported Undertakers' Goods, Hi .ASSISTANT CABH1KB HKPAIIIING. It is expected will a success, although the evening was a F. RLlMiULI' that there be some Coffins, Caskets, horse racing in Aztec trifle cool for the ice cream feature. The Etc. Attorney at Law and Real Special Thanksgiving Estate and Loan Agent. attention to bicycle repairing. week. Arrangements programme was extellont, the music, Shop South of Livery Til M are being tuado to Stable, that end. Miss Mary Prewitt's recitation and the Azteo, N. M Aztec, New Mexico. phonographic Algebra, Latin, bookkeeping, physical seloctions furnished by ííiss Waring being Smoltor City Aztec, New Mexico. geography, physics, rhetoric all especially good. and sella farm,, ranches, fruit tracts and town property on and the BUYS Will practice law before all the court of New common branches will be The Durango Demx'rat says: "VV. C. alexico and Colorado. With seren years' experience as taught at. the attorney Colorado, district Bank Chapman will give as a in makes criminal law a specialty. Will attend to State Normal. special premium, all classes of cuses before the local and general land otlice and depart- Hardware ments Washington. Speciul OF a Universal Cutter, for the finest and at attention given to collections iu ban David Trujillo and Tomas F. Garcia of Joan county. Will advertise extensively among Kasteru investors. most artistically decorated cake, made Those baying property for Bale call and leave list. No Blanco are taking the epeciul teachers' charges. sales, no COLO. oy girl 1G years of aga Commiusious reasonable. MM1G0, AZTEC BARBER SHOP work in methods at the Normal school and under. No Farm machinery and Imple- will in Aztec. some millinery doalor chase in about ments we carry in stock of the GRANVILLE PENDLETON, CAPITAL, $30,003.00 a 17.50 hat as second premium with Mr. beet varieties and fullest lines. Office over Randall's Store, M. M. CONDRON, Prop. P. B. McAtoe, the D. & R. Q. Artec, New Mexico. traveling Chapman's liberal donation? Aztec has representative for this section, was an E. McCONNELL, Presidmt. several young girle who are right up on t. MOTTO : Aztec visitor and an LLOYU C. SUEETS, Assistant Cashier Index caller one cake decoration." Now how did the day lust week. Clean Towels Sharp Tools Firet-Clas- e Democrat find out? Lost, on road near Twin Crossings, Builders' Hardware fwenty-tw- Work. Twon-ty-thir- , rears' experience hanking in Major W. II. Wr. James,- of the d W & Colorado. ladies' broadcloth shoulder cape. -- r.- 0. 0 0 0 Finder United States infuntry, who will & NKXTDOORTO GUEEN'B HARNESS SHOP will please leave at Kellonberger'b, Du-rang- be remembered as the oflicef who enliBted And building paper, iron roofing and and receive reward. olaterite rooting, sash and doors, recruits here in March, 103, for the plaster cement, A. and poultry netting, Fraiik Cuiiha's G. Grommet, brother of C. A. First Volunteer cavalry (.Roosevelt's screen wire and barbed wire, spring R. G PREW1TT Groiumet, of our town, ia here from regiment), writes Tub I.ndíx from Jolo, wagons, buggies and farm wagons, Colorado and is taking the teachers' P. J., renewing his subscription to the Deering mowers and hay rakes, bUMUUL IIMt - BARBER SHOP - INSURANE course in methods at the normal. ranch and garden tools of all kinds, paper. Major James hau been stationed plows, harrows and grain drilld, - Farnungton, New Mexico. If you have a bad cold or are antici- with his regiment in the Philippines for blacksmiths' supplies of all kinds. y Is approaching and now is the time to prepare your child--- P pating chills and fever try some of the the papt three years, but they are soon ren for scuool. no roof find you Under one will you the stock, the place to go whao want a bath, EepreneDU Iqso-uo- the Leading Lifo sad Fire e "Break Up-- a Cold" tablets at the Aztec to return to the United States and will Crnquet Range assortment, quality hava, a haircut or auytlun in the Coinuauiea. at Heater and values to equal this store. touaoriai line, tíret- Drug store no cure, no pay ia probably be located at 111. child-ren'- s ela Work. the guar Chicago, Boys' and girls' shoes, school hose, boys' and anteo. clothing at low prices. BlIOP IN 8TBATER HOTEL BUILDING, Chae. Vandorford went to Durango a Wonderful invention. DCHANÜO Meat Market Tuesday to moet his mother end sisters, They cure dandruff, hair falling, head- Make our store headquarters who arrived from Missouri and will ache, etc., yet they cost the same as an F. II. GRAHAM, when you come to the Fair. A. M. HUBBARD, Prop. make their home here. His father will ordinary comb. Dr. While's Electric follow in a ftw days. Comb. The only patent Comb in the Durango, Colo. Mrs. E. H. vVaggBner, wife of Dr. world. People, everywhere it has been 'A. Waggoner, introduced, are wild with doüght. You i AZTEC, N. n. is expected here the tirst of c- - next week from Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. Bimply comb your hair each day and the THE FAMOUS R"hSjf Fresh and Salt Meats kept con- Waggoner is national vice president of comb does the reat. Th'fl wonderful stantly on hand. the Ladies of the Grand Army, comb is simply unbreakable nnd is made bo that it is abuolutely itiponaible to T.E. BOYLIAIi rt, M. B, Scott, representing & A trial solicited. Stubbs break or cut tho hair. Sold on a written y 0 v tai Jukway of Durango, handling a guarantee to give ptttoct and satisfaction in Uiih(!Bt cash price paid for nido large line of buggies, spring wagons, et 2,. every respect. Send stamps for one. Stringed Instruments and LadieB sizo 50c. Gonta' 35c. was in town Wednesday, He is making ei'e Live Strings a Specialty. JTECLtlEi:-i.,tm-'g.-1J.-J- men and women wanted ovory where to w Sau Juan county hie headquarters. Bolls A v introduce this article. on sight. - .-- , Agents wild The preparation of are with success. (See Pianos and Organs, Dooks, n ti ' f n líioGrande 11. exhibits for the N í Southern II. want ad in this paper.) Address D. N. . It i I Durando fair roes steadily on. A large Rose, Gon. Mgr., Decatur, II Stationery, Wall Paper Í- um of good ex- VI VV' attendance its people and a Í- 1 .' :.t " a Silver San Juan Scenic Line, I r, -í W --J .hi hibit of its resources can safely be experimental Station...... AND TTs. on from Sao county. counted Juan For Bale, the Experimental tation at Azteo, KIlHiWAf TO TF.LLÜB1DK, BAW PIT, New Mexico. , . Ol'HIH, RU O, DOLORES, MANCOS, LA Note the "ad" of the Cottage Home School Cools STOHE STOCK The comiulHsionert appointed by the Gov- IPLATA ANO DUHANOO, hotel, II. Whitiock, proprietor, in CCLOflADO J. this ernor are now fully authorised to negotiate PRICES (lower than tver) Of ibwue. The hotel building has been the lulu the abore named property, euusiat-lii- K neatly fitted, a good table is set and the of HO aere, cf ohoioe land, wltfi all Onmiinir np tlie moHt tnaKiiitlrout acenery in thereon. For price and term, cull he Uocky - public is BBBured excellent accommodu-tioii- . . . DURANGO; Wouutaiun, abd .aMU- through the uiMin ot write to eiiher of the folio !uu COLO. at this place, It will pay you in satisfaction and in dollars Famous Gold and Stiver Fields of W. H. Vt'ILLlAJJH. Jose Bnmiez and Mitís Juadaluae Tru- JOUN A. KOONTZ, and San Miguel nnd Dolores Counties cents to trade here. jillo were married at the probate clerk' A. VII.1.MA. The Sail juan Corral Aiteo, New Mexico, Juiy 11, l;il. . CL'CACO, Ami (he olllce in Aztec Thursday, September Ü0, Justice of the i'sace E. G. Berry officiat- Montezuma and Sbcnandoab Valleys Notice. and Feed Stable ing. The contracting parties are rea- I am ninking out for publication a Ut of the I of dvliuqtiout taieil of thl county. aDanes The Great Aifricilhir! Bexioo of douts Bloouitluld. j. w. LAIR, Proprietor .UjErj'ERY,J All who dtalre to avoid extra touts must pay Shipping Fruit? On the Fence UolorcH 3 The railroad makes a rato of 20,00, oue atouco. MONKOB F1EI.PH, The liver IUiftn.M thn r fare for the round trip, from Durango to 1 r for Ran Bee us for boxes. We'll HiKTtSN of ' rcHur. and Collector. Ileadijuartera Juan Connty fiult ftHHlt a. ÍS.i lift fut tu- tii.d A..Hugf, Ktucliiuuu. yua Un.' T ..... the Denver carnival this year, inbtuad of si ll you what nt. Y lit). the tourist within eaay ride of the ondrl ul the old-tim- $10 fare, and the attend To the fublic DURANGO, COLORADO. UINVCA auce from this section will naturally IIavlu ptirchi .J t At.w .hop, I am prepared to attend !o the nOMES OF THE CLIFF DWELLERS. bhuw a considerable decrease. auU of all in that Hue and rmpnctfii'1!,' Hu ieit a nHrn of the busiiwaa. ( John Kollonbeiger, tho popular pur- ft. U. OMUiO.V. ' m W In com., t tion with f .j k H1uaie or luu rt'. is Je .i. t the Ihiuvur A liio (iraude Artoc, N . M. lt(uiu tija uuflurtt,fd veyor of cigars and tobaccos, hitUieu At mitt ItM talt.t.. UC aiui ftijct tail t'tlri, and wines, slipped down from IV'rango For ? . c -- virt'uslness SE Ranges f'.'s.íi ' ' 1 I """" 1 li-4- ll Esií fur a lew da) oft this week and One milt h Cow, a ntdtfoq au,j hillll. ni.. s-w Jj Colleges m, trip." Lev. ilia, K feuntyurr.rf, Ala. f Roitnd Ot:k r 1 i h ftirm liuiitementu, etc. ..p. tie t In !, uilu-- i. roun 1od up his traJ3!nlhls J T.x. tutuniüiit. tea. or of f.f J h!t h K.t. !,, j !: , li. t. ji:i i i.KY.r !!... AilrC, Spa &(i.ttoo. V. tiiHV if. t. n