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ITIMIMO WOBLD, MOK DAT, VOYIMBIft 10, 1114. , O00000000g000C0060O0OCX00O9OOuuWAA. fit A Seauel io 18 Complete "Tarzan of the Apes" Week's Novel I To-D- ay 1 n 'he Evening World - THE BEASTS OF TARZAN BY E. R. BURROUGHS Begins .If 3ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc

wa 'iiepit Sarr III Tvnlaloaar, of Qeraatsa) Ptt siravcr, the fact that oners, II Says t ' Intensity of hU conviction lin tha BELGIANS IN NEW BLANKETS Q0IN0 TO WINTER IN TRENCHES ALDERMEN SLASH PETItOaiiAD. NOV. M. COBgfS displayed hdne of th Intent hatred ESSwoundcdT Tlch'kavlts of Kletf, on arriving hr J Kngllah or the bitterness toward th I admitted that I had tost count. today, reported that on tbe way k 'which 1 hair seen manlfeat ao con NO WAR PARTY IN EMPIRE, HK passea mirieen iruios, oonuuBung ' staatlr aiaonjc,. people 0f all walk of SAYS. BOOSTED SALARIES German prisoners, going sasaSMNr,r llf 'since outbreak of the war. from Warsaw. th' "I am upmed recently to have On the contrary, there wa a note of been badly defeated on th Jtuaalnn V leaji'i ana annual unc ui aauncaa frontier," chuckled Ills Hlghnea. a AlfltimA ihtm tih.i. nf tha Brent "Ilut thla whole bnslneira would Im OF ECONOMIZERS .taaue. much more ntnualng." he added In n more eober tone, "If I did not Know Early In the converaatlon the that aa n reault of It the public In --.rVlace) made evident hla dctp Interest neutral countries Is belntt mlelrd. As ' 4 In the sentiment of America and hit to my lelng a war nKllntnr 1 am '' vJack of understanding of the general truly aorry that people do not know Committee Knocks Out $1,500 ? - . . me . llter. mmuue u uiir cuuniry nine a arru. Ttiara la ua war atari- - In uer ''kaionty of nermana. he I unable many new, and thr never has bn. Raises Given to Tirrel 'tartly to understand why there la "I eannet hlp bllvlno that It will faat more symnnthy In th United dawn upen th wHd seert tht as and Adamson. , Uermany. ar a armany la eoneernea mi an-fll- 8tts for I not a war waged by some . .ADMITS WORLD OPINION 18 UN mythical party, but I a fight baekjd raiiNnLV. by th unity and solidarity ef Tho first Item on the list of cut In . is no uae or no purpose to Oerman Empire. the $189,230,000 budget 4 inare I te recommended by This unity th bjrt nwr ln Mrved our cloalnt our eye," th eharg with whleh England I n by tho Aldcrmanlc Flnanco Commit t aaM, "to th fact that a very tars deevering to terrify th world that tee this nftcrnoon was $1,600 each from , art,ef th world I against ua. Ilut tha war" blno ,pubd by an am the salaries of Gcorgo, Says the Music Matter: military ellqu." L. Tirrel and i It aurarlse me that America, to which bltlaut When you be The I'rlnro lnugbeil heartily, when Tlldcn Adamson. Tirrel is head of jmy a Victrola, I told him thnl the Russian I'raaa tho Ilureau of Standards. Adamson sure to make your puchasc.in one wl blood aa to no other neutral llurnaii bad recently reported that Is head of the Bureau of Contracts. troops nearly captured the of the five Landay Stores,' jfor rij0UBtry, America, whrro mllllona of their engagement llotli of tliene. bureaus are part of tho aur .people have rone nnd carried the Katner during n recent then you'll be assured he . near Warns w. Board of Kstlmatc. that Oeman lonjrue and Uermnn Idea of "I must tell father about that. I Adainnon and Tirrel each receive instrument is perfect in every ,4IMrtr nd freedom, ahould be ao to am sure It will be news to him and $6,050 a year. The Uonrd of Kstlmato enjoy' It," particular that it has been thor- tally unable to put themselves In our that he will he aald. boosted th'clr salaries to $7,500. No 1 would not bo frank unlea(l PRAISES BRAVERY OF FRENCH lone, Outside of the Board of Kstlmato oughly tested before it is shipped. adiattted that It hn been a aurprla TROOPS. knew of tho contemplated raises un The records arc carefully.tin ' to- - that Americana have not aeen (twitching to the subject of th til tho, budget had been finally passed spected they will accurately re- y,jBor clearly up to thla time the! enemy, the Crown l'rlnc aald: bVthe Board of Estimate. T petition of Uermany, entirely "Th French soldiers ar surpassed wcro produce the fine tone-shadin- of 'aurrounded by Jealoua enemlea. by none for their Wavory. They have Tirrel nnd Adamson members fhtlBg for her existence, that they' fought splendidly. Individually, the of tho commlttco of tho Hoard of to the nrtists who made them; - ti4Mt not had a better understanding. ' French soldier la equal In every ct that recommended tho laying Landay Victrola ScrvicelLtlUs 9 Which would neceeenrllr mean a hlarh to our own in Intelligence and off of 750 employees of the Dock De- of th unexampled la afjpreclallou In aom thing Quicker and more partment. Many employees only to your enjoyment pfthe (MrlfioMf and herlim of our people, agile. of these instrument and records you buy " making thla gigantic struggle with no "Ilut he Is a itafenalvn fighter and kicked to tho. Aldermen, demanding ,,othr objective than th saving of the lacks thn dogged determination nnd (t)uNDevooo and UNprtuwooP. to know ,why professional economiz- but nothing to their cost. s lfalarlaad." taylng power of our troops when It ers linvo n right to seek a H attributed th attitude of Amer- offensive work. Kventa should Why take chances? ' cornea to hnve ralno tu their own snlurles. ica almost wholly to England' con hown thnt French leadership has Records, 60c up. Victrolas.$15to'ti$t for of th press and th world'a chan been excellent, and It has commanded jGnn t - y' .REtClveDFWOM TMEIR .5UPPLY DEPVRTMEra Mayor Mltchcl defends the work of 't conimunlcallon. WINTER aU'of our admiration." ySWHl..-- Tirrel nnd Adamson and suys they - ' 0 "1 have faith In th sense of juatlc point wa Send At thla were Interrupted. should got $7,500 u year. tho Mayor vaf Ui' Amorlcan people," lie salil, Inviting ine to hnvn dinner with him If "once, we ran net to them the actual that evening, Ills Highness excused Ten Miles German Trenches exercises his veto power In tho matter . facta and the actual truth, back nf himself nnd galloped away to the of WAR SUMMARY of tho Tirrel and Adamson reductions !,tnlf conflict, I know that up to this scene of the day's fighting. 37h - Germany acknowledges that tho Russian northern army has penetrated tho Board of Aldermen will havo to twt It has been Impossible for them Durlnir dinner he to three-fourth- s -- returned tha Taken, Claim override his veto by a tetJj6rmjhry understand our altua subject of America and'tla deslr to Latest Russian into Kast Prussia to a dlstanco flftocn miles southwest of Gumblnncn, ' rKTKOOIUI) (via Nov. 30 (Associated Press). Six hundred vote. visit our country. Indon), which Is about twenty miles west of the German border. The cuts recommended by the many yes- total li 'AtKr TO KNOW OPINIONS HAD PLANNED TO VISIT UNITED prisoners, seven guna and wounded fell Into Rasilan hands In Flnanco Committee amount to $399,150. 9Store At iJJ-'- AOUt HIMtKtr. STATES THIS YEAR. terday's fighting to tho west of Locltch, where the Russians took ten miles says official thc'allics j no uiKBems ucm is ,a ine f. In Belgium, the French statement, It la and hot ment of Education. In recommending Authorbed Vktor Factary Distrftutart . f. .'Thu turning abruptly and looking arrangement of Oerman trenches between Olovno and Sobota, according to information "1 had all made for a tho Germans who are now on the offensive. tho elimination of $202,500 from the AVE.', jw aajuareiy in in aye, ne aia: visit two veer ago," h said, "but po received to-d- through trustworthy sources. education budget the committee sug 863 FIFTH COR. 48TH ST." want you to tell m exactly what objections prevented my 42? FIFTH AVE., AT 38TH ST mmA twin, m lltlcal trln. Olovno Is' Sobota gests $110,000 be cut out of tbo rW - In Am.m sixteen miles northeast of Lods and is twelve miles The statement to-da- y says strong forces that 21 W. 1 had determined on a visit this year German official that Russian $1,000,000 new yet d; 34TH ST.. Bet. Sth fcfthAaw I heoltated a moment, trying to fig of Olovno. The tronches were protected by triple earthwork for teachers not and had planned a hunting trip with north and attempted a surprise on the fortifications of Barkehmcn and $32,000 from lecturers' fees. 1S3 W. 42D ST., Near Broadway, tVawa lust how much franknaaa wu Qerard. but the war haa attack that ' cMNpatibl with Ambassador wire defenses. , presenting a 50 per. cent, cut, nnu 23 W. 42D ST.. Bet. Sth k 6th Art. discretion. Apparent. of course epouen irmi. Borne ume, they were repulsed. rc scml-orflclal- ly of $20,000 for . ly reading my thought, lilft Hlghn. However. I Intend to make the trio. It is announced that tho Germans havo received rein total elimination ' Uughed and prompted: your infantry swimming teachers In baths. "I am Mpttoiaur mieresiea in forcements In the shape of two divisions and one cavalry division. Semi-offici- , "I Hk frankBMM and can al information from Pctrograd is that operations along the The efficiency start under Commls- - t stand th big centres like Pittsburgh and Chi- The occupation of Olovno, Dlclavy and Sobota straightens and strength Is tfMk. Uo ahead. 1 rJly want to cago and In your mora beautiful cities Prussian front are turnfng to the advantago of the Russians and that, the mi.iflloner of Accounts Wallstctn sjan ana ens the itussian rignt wing, wnicn aircaay is saia io nave wiaeiy out abolished In the committee's recom- Ha ueiroii, srancisoo fori Germans are retiring in disorder. Samuel Wcldon, latWI'. i loft, bringing Russian from twenty to twenty mendation; J. chief iXM-lmPt- flanked tho Oerman tho right, year, be f Highness has very "l'tm mo, anxious io see on or of the staff, at $,000 bn your baseball games and one bf'Votir five miles In Its advance on atrykow, where a battle now Is raping, and employed, elsewhere In the city gov The great battle in Russian Poland, between tho Vistula and Warthe - . tlfJ w" wv w baseball crowd. Tou know I fuve puts the Oermah' centre under an attack from Olovno and Lodt. ernment.- The elimination oi tne stare agitator. aifaajani port Rivers, continues without definite result. The German War Office states would savo '$34,500 i I been grtatly Interested Irf f and The Oerman army Is 100 miles from Its base at Thorn. aMeliMt extraordinary pf mill furthering them with eonalderatri.n Tbo contingency fund of,the Hoard the extrame weakneat often-aol- ts In - that the Russians were defeated In a battle south of the Vistula and that to1 th physical .training of put- The extent of the Russian advance In East Prussia 'between the Mssur of Katlmate Is cut $50,000. of to $25,000. in impaired hearing, ,500 men were captured. Further south, in Oallclif. the Russians are of weak, ,.k.riowr uiA Crown mn," , and tho River Angcrapp is officially stated to be one day's said Thin Is getting back at the Hoard ened eyel,ht, bronchlWgSd tmtaaa. nodding in aoent "And th th reading In Iate march. to Cracow to have begun slcgo of Katlmate, whlcn allowed tne iionru aaya a slanoe at tabla have reached and tho the city. other trouble, but If ST all that and much the Crown Prince's room nailed the of Aldermen a contingent fund of but 5ef7S aaere. Th Bnallsh nnnara Tnava Emabion is Siren promptly, ' generally repeated story that. he reads $30. strength at Uat i'am a thief and that I According to the French official statement, the German forces In Bel- - budget for Bellevue and al- caniea to the or. AT "Ktdpersonally only wnai in cuiuvu Him. i saw War Office Claims Gains In tho wns ana creates kara nkbed'and Dlllavag on his table leading American,, Eng glum are on the defensive and tho allies have made progress "at certain lied hospitals clghten Jobs are strick- rich blood to French nouaea In which w ana paper. out. are one chief of medi- buildup the depleted forces. 3U lish, French .Italian To-Da- y9 Argonne, en These kav been forced to make our head. points." Fighting continues in the where, the French statement cal servlco $5,000 and three at $2,- - CUUrmtMmnSCOTTS. II Iff t In s Official Report at I I II rxHrs. . assorts, German attacks were repulsed. 500, n chief of surgical service at 15,-0- Sir "nany ana i wani you io ten me TWO SONS OF CABRERA, PARIS, Nov. 30 (Associated Press). The French official communlca and three at $2,500, which repre- i ytfMgiy i it poiibitbat inteillMnt Uon given out In Paris this afternoon la as follows: sents $25,000. There are several minor Yl fmiMm In American or Ens. GUATEMALAN PRESIDENT, The whereabouts of the Gorman Pacific fleet, of which little has bean cuts. -- I MM can honcstlybellevo rnlnsuch thlnga "In Belgium tho enemy Is remaining on the defensive. The artillery heard since It sank tbe British cruisers Good Hope and Monmouth oft tha .' vfc I: of mT Can IC.be poislbl that ther ARE LOST IN WAR ZONE. pre has been feeble, and we have mado progrss at certain points. In the Dll Da iMHm m capabl of stealing pic coast of Chill nearly a month ago, haa becomo one of tho mystorlcs of the HAVRE DE GRACE RESULTS. KEI.LT. HudJnly, Sunday. tfdr.V se. vicinity of Fay we hold securely tho positions we occupied Nor. 28. JOHN, belovad huib.nd pr.Mafgi Kelly WABIIINOTON. Nov. SO. Two anna war. Despatches from Montevideo again report that this fleet Is now In looting of French hohtear "In the region of Bolssons there has been an lnternttent artillery Are although FIR8T RACE. (nes Lynch), late of Eait 'THIrly-lU- U kHl'- - I reminded him ttiat In war tlma of President Cabrera of. UuatemaU the South Atlantic, It was said last week to have remained off Btrt.t Police Btatlon. tho town. three-year-ol- Judgment often want by probably lost somewhere between MMln directed against coast. British Japanese squadrons Helllnn: and up Memb.rs of Holy Name fjocl.ty W Ml . tha the Chilian and naval have been scour. tt. iMtra-- . and Madrid, are belna sousht by the the Argonne sovoral attacks on the town of Dagatelle were re- ward: live and a half furlongs. V Auru.tlne'. Church. M.trooolltan Sena-e- ll 'In Ing the seas for weeks for the Germans. z 1 know, but It I slmDlv incredihle I Ulata Denartmtnt. pulsed by our troops. See It, 103 (Amiirosn), 7 to l, to 1 Catholic Ben.vol.nt lllos.i arntf tilikt people ahould believe what th The young men werfc In Berlin at the and 7 to 10, first; Prairie, 104 (Mc- - Patrolmen's lien.vol.nt Aaaoelajlok are heavy fog on (he heights sec-on- Ifckfjtah iapravhav printed about outaet oi me war. "There has "aeon a of the Mouse. Cahey), 7 to 2, even and 2 to 5, d; r.pectfulty Invited to funeral iattfl late "In UtWoevro district tho enemy bombarded the forest of Apremont, PICH0N URGES HASTE KAISER LAUDS GERMAN Isadora, 108 (Shilling), 8 to 5, realdcnce. No. 1227 union Aenu, 1 to 2 and out, third. Time, 1.07 Dronx. Wednoiday, Dee: 1, 0.80.JC V., but with "result. IN BRINGING JAPANESE CHANCELLOR AS FIRST Shadrach. Itoger Gordon, Inferno. thence to Bt. Ausuatlne'a Churc f; Ote nothing to report In tbo Vosges." Queen Coy also ran. Blal'yaevenlh "There is TO FIGHT IN FRANCE OF STATE'S DEFENDERS and Hundred and atrt(raael Tlio opener weni io u see it, mo Vrttnktln Avenue. Itaaulam iaa. fa. outsider. Coy was the first to show lerment at 81. Haymond'a. " II 10. In up. The jf PARIS. Nor. In an editorial LONDON, Nov. 30. Router's Berlin when tho barrier went field MEKNAGn. On Monday. Wov. SV.aD'l up when OTcy -- German Fleets Petit Journal, Stephen was close and bunched I.Atir, mamiA QR ... t.ilf..t it MM. British and correspondent sends this official Oer- straightened .out In tho stretch recently France'a Minister of for and Mary ataaaagfeaaa 1 Plchon, man announcement: home, -- u see u rorgea to me front of Patrick UwWM Foreign Affairs, writes: brother ot Anna Meaaafk- - oatlre' t Seem Near Battle in the Atlantic "Emperor William has sent this there, winning by a length and a half sfcfrA wno was MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, Nor. 0. Tha recent report the The moment of decisive acttona birthday telegram to Dr. von from rrnirie, nair a length f that Oerman employ Id of isadpra. land. annraoehea. The allies must front No. 4ST fleot now in tho South Atlantic appear to have been confirmed hero to- tho Oerman Imperial SECOND RACE. Funeral from Lailn it all their force to chasa th Oerman Chancellor: nue on Wedne.day, Dee.. -- L'itl day. from Franca ana Belgium ana ria tno Helllnsr: steeplechase; three-yea- r. M., to Church ot the of Em- thence tni' tHtf tk fleet of twolve warships is world of tbe barbarians who menace At head the German olds nnd upward; about two miles. Evsnsellst, where a requlem 'mkss will It If. also rumored that a British nearby. come to civilisation. m pire I Your Excellency Idle Mlchnol, 143 (F. Johnson), 2 to 1, he otrerod for the repose of hla Interruption of British shipping and the outfitting of Oerman mer 'Japan is omciauy an any or Eng seel. A with congratulations of a partic- to 5 nnd 2 to s, first; Orowoc, 142J vrnvRNV Suddenly, on Bunday, land, agreements with France and y it t 1 n t . al PtANOS ships with supplies were accepted here as confirmatory of reports of has w H in... . nnun...l r i . L. I., ex. chant kind. Luck is necessary to inrv.iiiii. tu Jameaport. Chief F. D. N. T. '3 , "Quality Russia and I at war wiin uermany. ular First" now believed second; Mystic Light, 152 (C. drarut), EUC1ENK V. TKItPENV In flftyflKll 1 the approach of tho German fleet, which is to bo off the mouth pinhon demands that the Chan pilot the ship of state through hla if. 6 1, 5 to 1 and 6 to 5. third. " celleries of tbe allies lose no time In tormy times Into tho harbor und to Time, year. 'The Waters Piano presents most Attractive of the River Plata. Japan 4.0B. Jesuit. Drownlo Cllrl. Hcnesram. Funeral aervlcca Monday evertlnc, Nav, tle arranging means by which purpose Providence em- Tho Uerman ship Patagonia Is being loaded with provisions, the Sierra may tn allies. for this blan, wooiiex nnu itooeri unvcr also 30. 1014, at Jameaport. L, I. Intsrinfl .proposition possible to all those who arc looking for aia men who know how to fight - In Cemetery Cordoba with coal and the Mera with coal and water. ploys ran.- private Greenwood Tutda. Also Montevideo TURKEY firmly and stoadtly and to keep 'both n4ano aualttv and oiano valua. to those Sailings of British steamers from and the Braslllan ports SPECIAL AGENT TO the welfare of tho Fatherland In great ac- will . of Santos have been suspended. mind until the atm is .. who want, to be absolutely sure that they get a SENT BY WASHINGTON complished. men Your Excel-lene- y swMt-tons- d, piano will wear TO AID MORGENTHAU. Among those food, durabia that Mtrlno records show that the Sierra Cordoba was at Monte- ooeuple first plsce. Th a9aaBBFB aaaaaa bbbbbV. aaaPaWiSA. aaaT well and give perfect satisfaction. video on Nov. 22. Tho Mora reachod that port on Sept. 8, since Oerman people know It and I ,A WASHINGTON, Nor. JO. George T. know It God bless your work. been no report from her. The latest Nicaragua, The Watars-Auta-la is a combination of tlie cele- which time there has record Weltael, former Minister to WILHELM. on Oct. 22 appointed' a special agent of "The Chancellor. In a renly thank- - of the Patagonia Is her arrival at Teneriffe, Canary haa been Emperor, Impressions brated Waters Piano and the wonderful Xutola the State Department to assist Am- ins tho aald the Islands. Constantinople. he naa receivca in iiertin svo mm , - bassador Morgenthau In confidence that tho population was WaftfaETv-a-- AdiMrtiitd Special Art on "ZsiiS&Bk Player and 'embodies every essential quality that the He will leave lor luraey in lew uajrn. -- Henry Morgentnau jr., son oi ine jvni Arm in tne ueienninaiion to ngni JmFmt-- Salt at All Our Stortt M29BSB) pluyer-pian- o AVIATOR DANIELS BACKS EVANS a final victory was aecurea." - I I z . . . . e best should have. ONLY WOMAN kaaudor. conferred with Actlns Secre until r- C Tmrtn 1r cinrla V I I to-d- for M jpecmi or iuesrtay tary Lansing preparatory to I I I I IN VI FKTTIT km RITTT Kit CHI'S CHOCOLATE PLANTATION BON iu Judged by every known standard of excellence IN WAR JOINS RUSSIAN FORBIDDING SINGING leaving for Constantinople to assist in rn HONS The reiilre uf I hi. sweet la B Embassy there. These are dainty, silky finished oy Uolri-- n the af dallrlanalv ftavarad ftnl- - inoran MoltHf. Casdr, Waters-Auto-la player-pian- o ARMY IN EAST PRUSSIA. OF "TIPPERARY" IN NAVY. So strong, the brew'a increased m..m. The out.lde Jacket l the is the very highest type of designated ns a special agent of the fecllon. . ravin . iminn rich Bon Hon Ijteam, Cho- of cma nea colate flavored. Department In France and will by half, rraii; u.nj State NaU. 10c . poiiNn nox 10c construction. PHTHOQRAD, Nov. SO. Princess WASHINGTON, Nor. 10. Secretary ieav shortly to Join the stun of Am So good 'tfc a delight to quaff. Very low prices and most liberal terms of pay- Shakhevskayu, the first woman aviator Daniels y eipressed approval of the bassador Sharp In Paris. tq b commissioned for war service by action at LUut. -- Commander F. T. Evans, Special Offer to Sunday Schools, Churches, Etc. ment are now offered and your old piano will be th Russian Government, left for the commanding th Naval Training Station OVER 1,500,000 MASONS Cooiinltte. OU417 WalUd On. E.ea Than ah Not Heady te Parehase. front Bhe will join tbe North- at Newport, It. I In forbidding th sing. TO JOIN IN AIDING AafTa rounds of METROPOLITAN MIX-CIlTUR- Ei taken in exchange. western Army, operating In Rest Ing of "It's a Long Way to Tlpperary Absolutely Pur, Wholesome Call and let us demonstrate all we claim for the Prussia. by naval apprentices. Secretary Daniels SUFFERERS BY WAR. mue vv Candy, and CO Half Pound Boxes for $2.70 that Princess Bhakhavskaya applied for a said as "Tlpperary" was marching of army th' Oaflv Pound that at Waters Piano and the Waters-Auto- la or send postal --tummlislon as an aviator earlier song of tha Itrltlah force It ought not to CINCINNATI, Nov. 10. At a meet BOILD SUGAR MIXTURE, and 60 f AA Wn tha war. hut was refused because It be sung Bo.aa Lwas feared that If she were captured by or played by American tailors Ine t prominent Masons from all UWujf Pound for VwWW for catalogue. uenuans iney sue was any more than should the "Marseillaise" a of MANHATTAN Con- - the misni oeciae or "nia W.rhl am tthalt, over the country here last night Pound MIXED. not entitled to the rights of a soldier, nation-wid- nose e scope, AUt,n t Chocolates, Caramel 20 and order her shot as a spy. movement, in Its Osfl and O was launched to secure' fund to aid CEYLON TEA tJlljOther Kind, and 60 Half Pound Boxes, 3tSArflf II (Si QUEEN OF BELGIANS ILL ' Europe. Co. RUSSIA REPORTS tha war sufferer In Horace Waters I 1,S$0,- - estimated there are Hi FROM OVERWORK IN It that White Rom Ctffae, Feand Taw, 35c aSStefSop.mTi litTot 900 aana AUSTRIAN LOSSES AT THE 100 Masons in the United States, and awl u.ai.1 aet.IOl.re, 134 Fifth Ava., rtfar ltth Strsst it Is hoped to secure at least $1 from m CortlanSt Btreel 14T Naaaan atraat RED CROSS SERVICE. city will be Claaa 11 p. m. 15aUj aoMe.aep.ra. sat.ip.a. 127 W. 42d St., near Broadway 900,000 TO DATE. each of them. This made Park Row a Nasaan St zoo wc.i ia.it a st. the headquarter for the collection Clona if p. ra. iJaily ciow. ll.au: p. Dally FOUR Harltm Branch (Open Evenings) ROTTBnDAM Jvla London), Nor, It and distribution of the funds which FOR SALE. 4Of) BVaaaaa Mraat Ql Waaait A London) 1 F PUTHOUHAD, Russia (via (Associated Press). The newspaper will be sent to the grand lodges of ILUV1T MAf.K flNK WEEK UHLT. Cleata P.m. fBat.10p.ai $ (M f P.M.I Io p.m. 254 W. 125th St., nsar 8th Avs. Boat STORES Nov. t (Associated Press). On the Hoaabode Queen tho countries at war. Dm. FfMl M U acrtet retro-gra- learns that Bits mm llli Cetin, 19.41 Clean 10 p. m. Daily Bronx Branch basis of report received la d beth of Belgium I III ana ooaftasd aamW R.laUn 20 lVatarketatNtWKrk from Hungary, It Is stated nuo.. fit. mowld p. E. rUir here to her bed. Wmm feaaJMiatarwl la J bM as s J71 14fth St,, that the AuatroUuBgarfaa aaaaaaaaTUDtnr er leatherette . . . Tka apaelfled laetadee Ike seatfiMr, MW casualtitles Ut tote amount to Her lllne is due to overwork welfht la.c ,JMN - - la officer aad HiNt i aw wrest aacri,' a. ' .Ju' mc ...... l , ' .. . '.. 51 wwtajaT.s-nii V J'.f MWaffifc tirf