University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository San Juan County Index, 1890-1902 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-27-1901 San Juan County Index, 09-27-1901 L. C. Grove Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sjc_index_news Recommended Citation Grove, L. C.. "San Juan County Index, 09-27-1901." (1901). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/sjc_index_news/117 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in San Juan County Index, 1890-1902 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. t ( -,- - J 1 I 1 vci.u; ni Aztec, i;nv r co, i ; day, sr.PTEnr.LR 27. i?oi. NUMDEIl 3Í. rartn!nqton Fair Winners. PnOFESSIO.JAL LEGAL LOTICES. LEGAL NOTICES. 00000 (inoran U. Culnwoil, in tho Korky The winners in the fruit itinplay at J. WEST. A rt Iclf" of I ncorpornt Intt of the A ft of Oil fiounl-ur- or nine1, mo tlio Farmington fair were an follows: I)k.t. e THE ONLY HARDWARE STORE IN foB recent givoa V,r.r. .!.,,,, ' a tHrü-l- nmn, ti anil Ifvrlo)mrnt Company. t .' f .i T (Ji m i tion vl two grout ilin- - T), A. Lewis, f ' .liPl.th ,.,y ,,f April NORTHWESTERN NEW MEXICO Aborted drat, fruit I N'-- Secre- A. V'nrl', - ... nt w .i v Torri'orv of Mcxioo, Otli.?n of tho ) PHYSICIAN, KOKON. I. trust ni t Allen, sou- 8b OUSTETRICIAN. f !- i- V, "'' I r:ovpriB lately niH'le in this reyon: ladder and f 10.00; (ieorijo f"'Mt ir in el l'roi,!.' .. í't.'i Ií iou tin lili'H t''. It'.'.-.i- -t r ,1 1 .1 in. of M10 Hlarm King, rx f ' i n m t h ihtt.'ii IVrritorv ntd, flock. Apples II. C na'i ir, M.-- bins t. .V vv t I of .v iwr.'hv ciTtlfv H. 1'. Wn'' inrr juat Boruroil from lirst, .'; M. v. V ight man, seeond, ten Alloc, New Mexino. i.f V i.n l.r ti nt .ti th'rwai f t A 111 ' 7 Vntr-'- : lih it oflii'i', nt i n. m. AND ui.unty A7.i1.; nioini.l r. 4i t H. íi, in. t iir in thw o'ch.rk p PniNTS OILS doors sasn Juan jiirtiul K. .1 ' A. Vhi(, aiui burs (), X. soap. Oriipestieorgo III '1 W nf fiil'l C'MHlt ; ri on ho ."" h of Ao.rnM, or! s ni ''í'or-- l'v I. r (if a ; itlr()ip(,i-.tio- .:tvi'. (Jll iol lhvi-p-niO- nt niHiiit; K'C'i'itic lrnliir,tii fiuiiily Mlon, Mrst, f'Z: H. II. ltlakn. pecoml. ten E. 1' ' v tn " ', nr In In i'v.'iit of of th. I)lt. CONIJlT I CDiiKi'ilcl nt w ifo Hru! m Ik r- - " - vn n liN'mrp mimwinv, an hIhh, t'.at I Imvo com- - l.irh iiiiiihiirnl, a O l.'i i'ii' or , biirs Ilium. md "imp. 1'riu'hon Arthur Ol p t 1111 in-- iHiil'iil'ly six 0I1J. riiYsiciAN i, ' n ft'nl in Hint p:iri'i Id" t'ol Inn tl'tf "f wl'h tho c'rM months first, J 2; A. second, and srnciix'.w t i oiii-.íi.i- l It t'oolide, R":nthnl, " "le lf tS.Ml ,) llJKI tto linvv mi tiif .in ir" to 'I lit! t t ri'inuiriH, C(JinirHiii(f nil of y. II V ti Mil I'i'- i C'M fM- - i correct ranm ript, tinT Irottl ami of tho thre bars Dinmond O soup. I'ears K. nny tinnr, ctny e--r nii-'li- l'i h) ri'Hl t'n 5rTi.'ftl!s n.Mreit w bUuíIh, . ' MUt hule hereof. tlit) rcFK".'livo jMirtions of tlio flr-- U . l MijiK'-ai- hi Ul ti UvL ti l'.liike, ; li. II. MfJu.nkiri, second. iinr,iiin Kxai?inuiiii t';.; rKt - w not U ItouiiA ti co t n M mi t " I Mi' íii. Tit ol his wi rti; Iwioof. i hivo hern'l!lto fnp FRED BUNKER r:h of tho nmn ami almost a;l I Ar- I h May ten burs liamond O soap. lMunm ii pr. "1 (i ( V h.'Mi nml nihi.' inv official 'ni thh J't of K'lvis Ar.tec New f'TI ui in 'l it ' the structure of the thur Coolidgo ti rut, Í1; A. Ilosenthal, oti.i t.l IHI ,)..,.,( TI',. l( lllll (.f t WtJ ot Aiu.iat. A. L. I'.nl. J. W. HWNOhliS, ! 1, -- New woman, iiulicate R stature for C In in 'I ninl hi'v-- - ii..1 '.rvj wit ÍM) ST'nry of i the man second, ten barn llinmond (J Bonn. rab i'i r. pcvcn foot H "t, IP r "1 'H t I l rltl Hti of ly.'rivi- prr C of or fifht and for irnmjn E. í ' AppluH II. I.inior. his!, It. t it ' y til; i. K. WAlHiUNKa ('i jmt t 4. ."irr Ul t'T lúe Ki)"vn!l tnon hv t pronotifH, that wo, nf or noven font, whilo I ; i.i Hardware, Agricultural Implements eh the child uitmt iiiko, second, ton bars Uiauionü V ir,'. W II. S Mli.unn. Krol Unr.k-rn- A. L. fr'lshr, Tinware, r 3 h K ílf-,- Jiuve niMHureil at liRnt four foot. soap. trn-- t fit ,ni of t iie I' nt t (" St to- of . nter lea, have (' Duggies and Glass. Mail Orders Solicited. W of FHYSIC'IAN AND i'CKim.lN, t'i'it i'i ,''(' iniMl nf ,ii, k 01 ed toireiin-- as a corporation ith the bonfR thu man waa a liin ' oureiver in races and other sports pillHMl'lÍ Tiriirllt- '1 V pllf t, t ll"7t'Of mu i r n unió and st vio of tho A zrec Oil and bowl of the Aztnc hlack and rod pottery, Winners the r t ' ' if mt to f tin l.-- pm Mi t, ( .ntn.au . for t ho purpoo of New ,1!! t fn.r whieh bad evidently licen lield in thn were the following: A.te;t f"lco. "I M(t, 'Jt'1,,,, t) D 'en.i tin: a Oohy poraio fleil pnio ie, ' t lin'ler bollow of the elbow, w hile a Bimiiur nf lie I' 'i t iiiit tu S' It ti ud iv" irme of Hi-- of tho Territory of AZTEC, - - MEXICO ' NEW .1 nf - l Indian Traders' llace Joe Hatch, ll, a iii Ki.ii nist N ,'v .t .' ten. nuil ui arco l,i in"1 ' h l he pi vi bowl been placed over i (! : had evidently the r. A. KOSENTUAL. d f i ' h o a ot t !ir tvx nf (he Territory, ivh do I'tn'it'iuiid, first, f -- .. .aid faro of thn woman the undoubted r n, t,., ' U it 'ÍO iu ttr y hen hv moke. vcul e and iu- k nowlnlue thl llopir.cf i'ortest Frank Drown, La ITiiM.f ,,f nor -- ) tI..T(-- I.1 o !..!!.; that theno tnUU bowls r ki f c rüii.M'i' tíi Wilt in; of unr in ten muí o to ho UUJL2JUL2 JUUUJUULJL5UL JUUl JULÜ SD riata. first, ifr.O saddle. rn YsiciAN and h era; eon. 'i ti lili ;Tf-1- , a :n aM imtc pro- eniiu1 a lndy corporato under and by virtue of j loved a more or le itnportHDt part in ; lfiilt-mil- l)n?h, ".I M't ilHV, Az'ec burial ceromoniea. fU fren-"- "tti ' di! pri-i- to lr?'t. Tho rorporntrt nnnio and atvlo of our Maj .iis, Cortoz, Colo., farft, foO, and t ' (! The man's skull has the dnop and FarminBUut New fcfoxiro. lu tint " wlicii nh ",''m i'no, sell, tratw-'- ' ,iid cnrp.ontjon -- h.tll b;t The A?.tc Oil and sefíond, f J". f r. ai'-- - - un nil i ,l hli'tl ln: he i) iJevHlopment company. wollrouDdod out cavity marking the Fourth-mil- in hímkÍ iii it ft mi-- vi' Dash New Mexico horses 'onii-i- I ie for which rnibt ror-pn- ; male weight of brain, Y)H. O. C. ill Ml object out and iho lone and ileu'.YEN', t mn is formed and incorporated, i for tho Fidiik I'.iouu, iii mi, iZ; John Brown, Mi I ;t uarrow oruice in the woman's skull is j, ' pu rn Jo of b iim a hod v corporate and second, 15. fífnr,--;- v .'i it; y ,if n Ti'in Í í'l o o Ic t taw of Hi N ow equally eloquent of the forualo length of , PFJ YSIC1AN ,f l ' - - 1. uiidr he of Sale 1. Aztec Feed and for-All- AND SURGEON tian Hii.l (intu Livery, Stable Fourth-mil- Andy "Y of ' Hash Fres ' t ieo to a 'ipilro, hv puich imi. leaar or torque. ..... ,1 II. i S Ui'Cl-H- i w me, l ro il estate, Majors, first, and second, f'i5. ai r in t i it- t ; oh proporty and V lib the bones of the Aztec gianten8 Farrainftoo. New Mexiro. put li'uia 01 i lutntK ; hold, h audio ami Five-mil- Ilolay Urown, N.iw, t lur,.fnr e feivi-- to Itaco Frank ii hroliy (1 o t I í Hpo-- of li" ; drill nil, a was the big nursing bottle of her child, I.
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