By Duane Carpenter

Some are on the teaching ray, and hold for eloquently in the Voice of the Silence, verse 41, your wise instruction much lore about the when she said, "Before thou set'st thy foot manipulation of the occult laws of nature, the upon the ladder's upper rung, the ladder of laws that govern evolutionary progress, and mystic sounds, thou hast to hear the voice of closely allied with them are the devas of the thy inner God in seven manners." One of the concrete knowledge, the fifth ray devas. These essential requirements to treading the latter are paramount in importance in this spiritual path of yoga lies in the capacity of the five- fold evolution of ours for they go to the student to develop perfect occult hearing and building of the . They are principally sight on the inner planes of his own spiritual found on mental levels and wield concrete being. thought matter for the instruction of the No person can claim to understand reality masses, directing thought forms, sending great or the one true self unless he has first seen his masses of ideas and aiding the Hierarchy in inner bodies shining and heard his inner their work of raising man from concrete to sheaths vibrating. All great religious and abstract mental levels, the immediate metaphysical systems speak of these interior problem.1 states of light and sound. Christianity speaks of the one Original Word; The Hindu 1. Introduction: Sound Upanishads, the Soundless Sound; in , the clear light of the Void. All 2. Devas in the Externalization Program advanced yogic systems have the same reference to inner esoteric sound and light. 3. Meditation: The method of contact Let us list several of the more important: Mantra Yoga: Esoteric recognition and 4. Meditation: Practical application utilization of sound. Nadar Yoga: The yoga of the inner sound 5. Meditation: Macrocosmic current. Tummo Yoga: or the yoga of the inner Heat 1. Introduction: Sound (heat, light and sound esoterically considered Sound, we are told in the esoteric teachings, is are synonymous terms). the originating power that creates all form life Kriya Yoga: The yoga of the inner sound in its wide variety of manifestation. Sound is current and the circulation of the inner fires. also the great destroyer bringing at the end of Laya Yoga: The yoga of the or fiery the final cycle all existence, (be it the tiny atom force centres. or a complete solar system) back to its original Daoist Yoga: The macro-microcosmic primal state of pure undifferentiated being. circulation of inner sound and light. Between these two stupendous states of Agni Yoga: The yoga of fiery synthesis. When creation and dissolution there are seven lesser the system becomes infused with notes, rays of light and vibration frequencies spiritual energy from on high, the "solar man" that must be recognized and transcended in will blaze forth in all of his glory. humanity's march towards perfection. We have been told that the Hierarchy of H.P.Blavatsky expressed this concept adepts withdrew from physical contact with 1

The Devas: Part II J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e 6 • N o. 1 • 1990 humanity because of certain violations during maya, at the 1st on etheric levels, the time of Atlantis. It must be recognized that glamour at the 2nd initiation on the astral the Masters remain ever accessible to those and illusion at the 3rd initiation as it disciples and initiates who can make the exists on the lower . All these necessary alignments. There is no time period difficulties are the result of humanity at in the history of the race that some advanced different stages of evolution responding to the system of yogic discipline has not existed for Deva Kingdom incorrectly. Much emphasis has man's opportunity to liberate himself, serve been placed on the intelligent understanding of perfectly and find his eternal home in the God's systems of laws and ethics and much centre of his being. progress made in the comprehension of the Not since the time of the Buddha has an nature of love. Little has been brought forth on opportunity to undergo the initiatory the nature of the will. Only as man develops experience been so widely available to those his will (personal, egoic and divine) does he who want to apply themselves and make the learn the method by which he can finally break added extra effort. Between l975-2025 we free from the powerful grip of the devas which have a new cycle of opportunity that has been have kept him a prisoner of the planet. The called by the Tibetan as a ''gathering of the involutionary devas that make up our threefold Arharts" within the outer world of men. Part of lower personality vehicles, and the three lower this externalization process will be the training levels of the planet, care not what master they of those advanced disciples in the techniques of serve and are swept into our system to create energy recognition and manipulation. The the wide variety of form life that we recognition of the Deva Kingdom and their experience. Until that central spark of unique contribution of light and sound will be spiritual will (which is potentially present at an intimate part of this work. the center of the student's being and exists at The goal of discipleship training according the heart of all the chakras and psychic to the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul has centres) is galvanized into activity, we are not changed from consciousness to something free and cannot spiritually free others. deeper, broader and far more inclusive. The Before the devas in their serried ranks can new teachings were given out along the be transcended they first have to be recognized following lines: and controlled. It is by an intelligent, loving 1. The building of the rainbow bridge, the act of will that this work can be initiated. It is Antahkarana. this science of form manipulation and building 2. The nature of the intuition and its that must be mastered by the advanced of the development as it supercedes the mind race who desire to undergo the initiatory in its two aspects: concrete and experience. It is only through the Science of abstract, lower and higher. Telepathy, the Science of Impression and Invo- 3. The nature of life as the Monad evocation that this process of transmutation expresses it [Divine Will] .2 can proceed with any intellectual clarity and The emphasis of the future teachings for detailed accuracy. It is only through these the advanced of the race will be on the will allied sciences that the chakra or force aspect of intelligently understood and can be activated in their fourth-dimensional lovingly applied. The Tibetan also indicated capacity and their allied service potentials that the majority of the teachings for which he fully developed. Through the scientific was responsible for communicating (1914- development of the will in all of its many 1949) were written for advanced disciples most facets, the disciple learns the method whereby of whom would not make their appearance he may force his perceptions into the periphery until the last quarter of this century. We have of those initiating causes, or energy streams of been told that as disciples we must escape from which he presently knows nothing, but without 2

The Devas: Part II J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e 6 • N o. 1 • 1990 whose assistance this magical process of be the head of the 2nd ray ashram and the redemption cannot take place. H.P.B. pointed chief executive for the externalization out in The Secret Doctrine, that if you want to program, it is often overlooked that the Master speak to the gods you must learn their Morya, working within the central stream of language. And what is their method of Shamballic force, is the subjective head of all communication or language? They are the ashrams. The Christ wields the Rod of numbers, color-light, sound and geometry - Initiation at the 1st and 2nd initiations. It is esoterically understood. Meditation, a science the Master M. who, as a direct representative we will explore in some depth is essentially a of the Lord of the World, controls Agni, the forcing process in which the meditator high fire devas which are invoked at the 3rd attempts by an act of intelligent will through initiation and beyond. Christ, K.H., and the use of these mediums just outlined) to are responsible for most of the speed up or hasten his contact with higher teachings to disciples along the 2nd ray line. evolutions, understand their greater purpose Master Morya, working in connection with and plans, and assist in the externalization Master R. and a number of other Masters, is process. the initiating impulse behind the development We have already discussed in Part I of this of all new 1st and 7th ray occult and initiatory article (Journal of Esoteric Psychology Vol. 5, schools now forming. Number 1, 1989) the general nature of the Master Morya inspires national executives devas, their relationship to the three-fold lower in all branches of the Great Work. He man and their place in the Macrocosmic- manipulates the powerful streams of force Microcosmic system. It is upon this earlier emanating from the Deva Lord Agni, and information that we will now expand. The stimulates the higher head centers and base of method of contact with the deva evolution the spine, through activation of kundalini, of must be made accessible to the advanced all intuitive statesmen and 1st ray disciples. student without any essential loss to their high The devas he works with are predominantly origin or true spiritual standing within the gold, flame, and white. divine scheme of things. Any review of contemporary literature on this subject of the The Christ: Ray 2 devas will confirm the prevailing gross oversimplification of their nature, work and The Christ works with the devas of the method of contact. high through second ray ceremony and ritual. This can be seen working out 2. Devas in the Externalization through churches, cathedrals, temples and all Program groups who work with this magnetic and cohesive force. These devas of the emotional The recognition of the deva or angelic plane are primarily of a rose and blue hue. We evolution is a major facet of the have been informed that this energy of the 6th Externalization of the Hierarchy. By the ray is slowly being eclipsed by the influence of release of those denizens of the etheric, astral, the incoming 7th ray violet as a major mental and buddhic planes, the Christ will approach to divinity. Because our solar system effect a great cleansing and purification of the is 2nd ray in nature and humanity is still lower kingdoms. Some of the Masters and their polarized predominately in its work with the devas can be classified as these sixth ray devas of the blue and rose will follows: influence man's astral nature positively for an extended period. Eventually the devas of the Master Morya: Ray I astral plane will be superceded by the radiant While the Christ is generally considered to yellow devas of the . In working 3

The Devas: Part II J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e 6 • N o. 1 • 1990 with his own group of disciples the color most blue on the astral, yellow on the buddhic and frequently given by the Tibetan for alignment blue on the monadic levels. and uplifting solar plexus energy into the heart center is rose. The rose of aspiration eventually Jesus: Master of the 6th Ray culminates in the white of complete purification. After the 3rd initiation, a very It is well known that the Master Jesus has advanced group of green devas are available to worked extensively with the 6th ray devas of work through the astral body of the initiate. the astral plane. For this new cycle we are entering, he will work predominantly with the Serapis: Master of the fourth Ray. violet devas of the 7th order. It is the destiny of the Master Jesus to guide, and of Christianity This member of the Hierarchy stands (which is for all practical purposes a bridging behind the great artistic movements within the religion) to have its intense emotional idealism world that are concerned with the guided by the advanced of the race into a more beautification and perfection of form. We will scientific and intellectual recognition of know when this great fourth ray has done it’s divinity. Included within these new approaches work when the outer forms become so ethereal to divinity will be the ability to invoke and and luminous that the inner light that those record devic force on the various planes. The forms veil will shine clearly through. Most of predominant color of the devas of the astral this Master's efforts and attention is given to plane are blue and rose. This sixth ray the manipulation of the deva evolution and influence will not simply cease to exist because perhaps this is the reason why so little is the 7th ray is rising in ascendancy but become known of his work. It has been said that the so modified (as its influence cycles out by the fourth ray, from humanity's standpoint, is the influx of Aquarian force) as to become and most luminous of the energies. This is because constitute for the average minded spiritual it is the first level upon which the formless person a completely new approach to divinity. levels (1st, 2nd, and 3rd rays), make impact. This new religious orientation for the masses Here, through the process of occult friction, the of men will not deny or repress intense fourth level is fanned into a brilliant fire of emotional aspiration but intelligently refine it radiant heat and light. The fourth ray is also to its highest point of expression so that it may the soul ray of humanity. Bright lemon yellow reflect perfect love, as it exists on the plane of is the color attributed to the fourth ray. buddhi (fourth). It is an important consideration when making these broad and general outlines on Master Rakoczi: 7th Ray some of the Masters and their specialized area of work that we keep in mind that all Masters Upon Master Rakoczi, who has temporarily of the Wisdom work in a triple fashion (having undertaken the responsibilities of the triadic force at their disposal) and that their Mahachohan (3rd Ray Master) during this new work interpenetrates, overlaps and blends with cycle of activity, will fall much of the all other ashrams. responsibilities of this 7th ray work. The violet 7th ray "devas of the shadow," can only be Master Hilarion: 5th Ray manipulated safely within the group ceremonial setting. Each Master is the He works with those who are developing custodian of certain mantric sounds which are the intuition. He has under observation all devic in origin and are used in the respective those who are psychics of the higher orders initiation for which they are responsible. We and works with certain devas of the astral may also look forward to new and more plane. The colors of those devas are rose and progressive forms of ritual and ceremonial 4

The Devas: Part II J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e 6 • N o. 1 • 1990 work. With the aid of the deva kingdom the theoretical outlines but by direct irrefutable emerging spiritual interests of humanity will experience, then and only then will spiritual be guided into a more rhythmic and controlled health come about through right balance and approach to divinity. continuity of consciousness. How any system operates (be it the grand The Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul macrocosm or the tiny microcosm of our own individual selves) is dependant on our ability D.K. is commonly identified with many 2nd to understand how that organism (be it ray projects such as World Goodwill, the New physical or psychic) was built, is sustained, Group of World Servers, Full Moon and will eventually be destroyed. All is energy. meditations, etc. One other important area of Studying character development and work for which he is not well known, and for human behavior is the main preoccupation of which he has been made responsible, is to be a contemporary psychology and forms a useful main liaison officer for the externalization foundation from which to expand into the more program. It is here in this area he is esoteric side of reality. Eventually the disciple coordinating many of the Masters' activities in having done the preliminary work of a clear and intelligent manner. The strong personality integration will discover his higher affiliation the Tibetan has with the Master M. and more expanded energy bodies and learn is often overlooked. In listing the newer truth the techniques of energy transference in which for which he was responsible in The Rays and energy and force situated in the centers below Initiations (pg. 251) it might be of interest for the diaphragm are directed to centres above the student to note that topping his list the diaphragm. (numbered 1-7) is the teachings on Shamballa, The scientific transference of different and information as to the nature of the Will of grades of devic life from the lower centres to the . D.K. works with certain groups of the higher in a certain geometric order can devas of the ethers. It is with their help that only be safely undertaken in the meditative many of the ills of humanity are being healed. state. This work should be considered the apotheosis of esotericism and should be sought 3. Meditation: The Method of by all those who are in preparation for the Contact initiatory experience. Meditation when rightly practiced reveals If we can postulate that devic life is simply a number of important recognitions not easily energy in its wide variety of forms, then we can understood unless proficient in this art. Let us easily understand that all ill health, sickness enumerate a number of the more important: or disease (be it physical-etheric, emotional or 1. Meditation reveals an important mental) is the result of the improper astrological key because it puts the distribution of devic force circulating meditator in direct alignment with the throughout the chakra or force system within emanating source of spiritual life long man or the planet. There is either too much before those higher forms of creativity energy going through a certain chakra and become absorbed or diminished by the consequently the organism suffers from over- form side of life. It also reveals the stimulation, or not enough and thereby it cyclic opportunities through which suffers from atrophy. Meditation is the method these powerful devic forces, emanating par-excellence by which man is put in touch from planetary, solar and cosmic with the deva evolution and the subjective side sources are available for our use. All of life. When the forces that manipulate the energy manifests itself in rhythm and outer forms are recognized, when cause and cycles. He who can unlock the divine effect are linked together not merely through relationship and mystery between 5

The Devas: Part II J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e 6 • N o. 1 • 1990 numbers, color and sound will find the their consciousness to include the opportunity for release from the super-physical... separating the veil of anarchy and chaos that exists on the the temple which divides the physical lower planes and find much plane from the unseen world...By the opportunity for service. growth of the intuitional and telepathy and the increasing comprehension of 2. Meditation is the key to understanding the power of color and sound will the esoteric healing because it clarifies how work of the Christ and of the great disease and disharmony are the result Ones be contacted and understood.3 of the wrong distribution of forces The phenomena of man's self-consciousness within any system, and that by an (which psychology has classified, for lack of a intelligent act of loving will within the better understanding, as the subconscious, meditative state those energies within conscious, and super-conscious states) are that system can be harmonized and really different qualities of devic life that are restored to full or free expression. The at work in response to the indwelling will or Tibetan has pointed out that through spirit and whose sole purpose is to galvanize their techniques of scientific meditation all life forms into higher and more ethereal the Christ and certain of his high expressions of divinity. Even the lower forms of initiates will orientate and assist elemental and devic life that hinder spiritual members of humanity towards a expression in the shorter cycle are fulfilling number of important recognitions. often blindly, some aspect of higher will. Some of these contributions that will be It is by this same process that the mineral assisted by the deva kingdom are: kingdom eventually through long cycles of evolution and devic influence becomes a new a. They will teach man to see classification or. species we call the vegetable etherically, and this they will do by kingdom; and that the vegetable kingdom heightening human vibration by eventually merges into the animal kingdom interaction with their own. and the animal into individualized human b . They will give instruction in the consciousness. It is only by the assistance of effect of color in the healing of disease, the devas that base instincts can be raised and particularly the efficiency of violet through divine condensation to the level of light... creative intelligence and the mind in all of its c. They will also demonstrate to the many facets to the pinnacle of spiritual love materialistic thinkers of the world the and divine will. fact that the super-conscious world It is only in the meditative state that the exists and that and men who deva kingdom can be contacted, and the one are out of incarnation and posses no primary question of how one form of life can be physical bodies can be contacted and slowly expanded or developed into what known. appears as a totally new and more dynamic d. They will train human beings in the organism answered. Meditation reveals the knowledge of the superhuman nature of Fohat, the missing link between physics... mind and matter, the missing link between e . They will teach humanity how inner subjective reality and outer gross forms. rightly to nourish the body and to draw The influence of the and the devic from the surrounding ethers the force they convey may be easily recognized requisite food.. within humanity by certain outer.qualities of f. They will also teach human beings as character development or personality traits. individuals and as a race to expand The real or inner man must eventually become 6

The Devas: Part II J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e 6 • N o. 1 • 1990 known by the meditator and revealed as magical process takes place. certain emanating sounds or colored hues of When progressing on the spiritual path the light within ones different chakras or sheaths. meditator's attention first experiences an The Tibetan qualified this concept when he exhilarating state of emptiness or pause of said: silence between two worlds, the outer world of Every individual vibrates to some form and the inner world of formless spirit. particular measure. Those who know and This silence is only temporary and is not an who work clairvoyantly and clairaudiently indication of a high state of achievement. find that all matter sounds, all matter Contrary to popular belief, there is no true pulsates, and all matter has its specific emptiness or silence anywhere in the universe color. Each hum an being can therefore be short of pralayic absorption. It is this high made to give forth some specific sound; in praylayic state of pure undifferentiated being making that sound he flashes into color, that Buddhism calls "the unborn, the and the combination of the two is indicative uncreated, the great womb of eternal darkness of som e m easure which is peculiarly his from which all life and consciousness own. Every unit of the hum an race is on proceeds." It is only this that we may some one of the seven rays; therefore some accurately call "a place of great peace" or what one color predom inates, and som e one tone H.P.B. designated the "Sound of Silence." This sounds fourth; infinite are the gradations state of Divine Will can only be understood in and m any the shades of color and tone. 4 its higher nature by the Masters of the 5th degree and beyond. Astral clairaudience and clairvoyance, Eventually within the meditative state the which is the subject of such wide interest student recognizes the low and distant hiss within the spiritual community at this time, associated with the tuning of the etheric ear. can only be safely undertaken when the This creative recognition of inner or subjective disciple or student is safely situated on the sound is the first contact with the deva high mental plane, otherwise one's kingdom and their electrical and magnetic development can become inundated by an constitution. This creative contact, however endless series of glamor and illusions. tenuous, is a milestone and pivotal point on the Devic vibrations are essentially living Great Path of Return. Now the student of strands of magnetic light and electrical sound meditation knows conclusively and beyond all that emanating from cosmic and solar Sources, theoretical outlines the energy source that descend to the furthest bounds of the Divine infuses and animates atomic and molecular System and by means of the elasticity of their substance. From a dull whitish glow, own nature create the occult bridges that allow clairvoyant perception of the consciousness to expand from one plane or ray eventually expands into the higher subplanes to another without a break in continuity. This of purple and varying shades of violet. Solar is why occultly following the One Path of prana emanating from the sun, which sustains Return we see the four rays of attribute and purifies the etheric body of the planet, is eventually become merged into the three recognized as a golden orange light and emits a primary rays of aspect and the three triadic sound not unlike the low undertone of rushing rays become the two (1st and second ray force) water. Noting this etheric phenomenon but and these two rays finally culminate in the directing his attention towards higher levels, eternal one or original initiating primal ray. the student eventually recognizes his own Too apt is the student to overly concretize this emotional and lower mental note. process that is characterized by continuous Although the sound of these notes will movement and spiritual continuity. Let us depend and be qualified by one's own unique explore in the meditative state how this ray combinations and coloring, they have often 7

The Devas: Part II J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e 6 • N o. 1 • 1990 been compared to the distant murmur of an expression of the 2nd aspect of deity and water, the loud falling of rain, the power of that the A.U.M. has a strong 3rd ray or matter many streams cascading, and the final climax connotation. (See The Rays and Initiations Vol. or crescendo of all these progressively dynamic 5, pgs 51-6 for additional clarification) At the states of conscious perception into one all third initiation the emphasis once again pervading oceanic roar. Mystic literature, both changes; the "A" or father aspect of sound East and West, is full of descriptions of these begins to slowly peal fourth directing the different levels of phenomenon ranging from initiate towards a whole new range of flutes, harps, violins, conches, bells, thunder, advanced recognitions. Hence one can see the etc. On the astral and lower mental planes and need to intone the OM in the right key, through the devas that animate those rhythm, or with the right interior principles, one eventually finds his group concentration for any important effects to take brothers' and sisters' personality note. The place. sum total of these lesser devic sounds (The As one's meditation deepens and his sense physical-etheric, emotional and lower mental of hearing and inner sight becomes more notes) eventually become absorbed and highly developed his egoic group note peals dominated by the personality note. fourth linking him with all other divine In time the student ascends higher on the within the greater body of a Heavenly Man. evolutionary arch and recognizes the note of From the high mental plane to the buddhic and his own divine Ego which is situated on the eventually the atmic, the disciple ascends in a high mental plane. The "Lost Word" is now blaze of radiating sound and light. Sub-plane restored as the Solar radiates through by sub-plane, level after level man elevates the lower attentive man, revealing the nature himself until he faces the one initiator, the of the spiritual kingdom and the true destiny Logos himself. Exploding with devastating of man and all the lower kingdoms. The lack of power the One Great Sound of "AAA" now recognition of the soul note constitutes the peals fourth from the gates of Shamballa. In a crises that many masonic and ceremonial flash of awesome identification, man refuses organizations are now undergoing. If ritualistic for all time to be a prisoner of the cosmic magic in any of its diverse forms is not directed and ascends out of the tomb of by those individuals who are soul infused and matter. have an intimate understanding of this lost When the word of power is known word, all work of this nature will be empty and and rightly used the bridge is meaningless. rapidly built. 6 The Tibetan qualifies this important All this takes place because man develops revelation of the soul note: the scientific ability to discriminate between The sound of many waters will cease different qualities of devic vibration, light and (astral plane). Then the sound of sound. The idea of movement or expansions of AUM which is symbolically spoken of consciousness along waves of living sound or as the "roaring of a blazing fire" and colored rays of light (remember color and which is the sound of the mental sound are interchangeable) is far more literal plane will take its place. The word of than one might suppose. the soul cannot be given except in the The aphorism "Traveling on Wings of secret place of initiation. 5 Sound" can be interpreted as more then some The OM and A.U.M. are the closest vague poetic metaphor, but one of the major exoteric approximations that can be revealed keys to all occult expansions. If we may take as to the essential nature of the soul on its own the liberty to formulate this highly occult and plane. The Tibetan however has advised the esoteric process in the vocabulary of the student to use the OM because it is essentially personality we can say that there is no bridge 8

The Devas: Part II J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e 6 • N o. 1 • 1990 that cannot be built, no road that cannot be There are 7 major Rays of divine sound traveled on the inner planes of one's spiritual and light each of which has 7 sub-tones being if the disciple understands the science of making the 49 colors or words that relate to sound and how each level of reality, however the 49 builders of the sacred fire. There are 7 humble in the early stages of its recognition, initiations for humanity; at each initiation a penetrates through devic vibration to the next key color and note flashes and sounds forth. It higher level. Let us give a simple example of is only in the recognition of these various notes this principle. that the bridges into higher levels can be Devas on the astral plane will have a recognized and scientifically built. natural affinity for a greater and more powerful group of devas of the buddhic plane, 4. Meditation: Practical Application who will in turn have a natural affinity to those devas who work on monadic levels. Having outlined the importance of Devas who work on the monadic plane are meditation in the recognition and direct expression of those devic lives who manipulation of devic vibration, let us continue preside on the cosmic astral plane, etc. This to enumerate several important areas that same analogy or relationship can also be made relate towards an individualized meditative on the other six levels equally. approach. The disciple who has done the preliminary The occultist knows that to sit passively in work but is overly dominated by a wide variety the meditative state with high aspirations of mental complexities and personality details hoping something will happen of a constructive must eventually tune his "etheric ear" and and positive nature is of little value in an discover the simple audible devic life stream Aquarian Age. The Eastern types of passive that will lead him to the Source of all life. It meditation that are taught here in the West has been said that the average spiritual are to a very large degree inappropriate for the aspirant cannot "occultly hear" because he Western type of polarization and can create in simply does not know how to listen. He is so many situations a negative state in which full of his own knowledge and power, so unwanted forces may enter the meditator's entranced with his own sweet voice that he is aura. It has been pointed out that the incapable of tuning into the subtler grades of development of an Easterner should be the devic life. The Tibetan emphasized the need to head center, having already developed recognize an inner silence: somewhat his heart center, and the Westerner, One of the primary conditions that a who has already developed his lower mind disciple has to cultivate in order to should be focused in his heart center. The only sense the plan and be used by the way to achieve either goal safely is to first Masters, is solitude. In solitude the bring one's polarization onto the high mental rose of the soul flourishes; in solitude plane. It is only from this superior position the divine self can speak; in solitude that the necessary outlines can be understood the faculties and graces of the higher and the work scientifically initiated. It is the self can take root and blossom in the astral plane that constitutes the great test to personality. In solitude also the the majority of students treading the spiritual Master can approach and impress path. An intense emotional nature puts the upon the quiescent soul the student who meditates easily in touch with a knowledge that he seeks to impart, host of lower psychic glamor and prevents the the lessons that must be learnt, the true soul light from shinning through. Passive method and plan for work that the forms of meditation without mental clarity and disciple must grasp. In solitude the personal grounding are dangerous and can S ound is heard.7 direct the student into a number of difficult 9

The Devas: Part II J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e 6 • N o. 1 • 1990 areas not easily remedied. Let us create a brief man and release Solar Fire. The outline of the work to be done: disciple, if only for a brief moment at A. In meditation, after drawing all of his first, is then left with an indelible forces up onto the mental plane the impression of that ecstatic note of his student sounds the OM audibly in the soul. It is this sonorous and creative head, accustoming himself on the sound and its unique coloring that he physical plane to the closest will need to know and remember if approximation to the inner egoic note. future communications with his Angel This is somewhat paradoxical since the are to be reproduced in an ordered and student may not as yet know the note of rhythmic manner. his soul. It is for this reason the student The Antahkarana or Rainbow bridge has is asked to familiarizing himself with now been tenuously built between the the OM, and eventually discover a color integrated personality and the soul on its own for visualization purposes and a plane and although much work still remains mantric note that most closely there is now something real or spiritually approximates his or her own tangible upon which the disciple can now fix personality and soul rays. Enunciating his attention. The recognition of one's the OM verbally is useful in the opening personality and egoic note is a prime factor in phase of the mediation because of its drawing the meditator's attention away with positive effect on the lower vehicles but greater speed and control from distractions it is not sufficient to organize or move that are taking place continually on the lower mental matter. levels. J ust as two thoughts cannot exist B. The OM is next sounded inaudibly onto simultaneously within a person's mind, it is the high mental plane. This is a crucial also psychologically impossible for the human factor for the penetration of casual mind to detach itself from its normal outer levels. field of experience without first anchoring C. Having stabilized the lower vehicles itself inwardly in another higher reality. One and attained this point of active mental proficient in the art of meditation aligns his invocation, the mind (maintaining its attention with a higher form of life and begins positive polarization) then becomes still slowly over extended periods of time to rc- like a limpid pool - listening. This polarize himself on that expanded level curious active receptive point of tension permanently. Eventually the meditator can of the mental principle will only be fully fully reactivate the mind and the lower brain understood when we realize there are and train himself not just to receive these five levels of mental energy or activity. higher casual impressions but to be able to do The first lower two are characterized by so while simultaneously "thinking in the light the generation of thought-forms that of his own soul's luminosity." It is in this way literally have a certain shape, size and thought-form building can take on a new power dimension. The higher three are and versatility. A thought form without the formless and characterized simply by radiance of the soul fails to have the dynamic the quality of potent fiery devic energy. medium (color, vibration, sound), or the ray or Only by making the mind receptive to beam of light upon which it can travel or be these higher three formless planes does projected beyond one's personal aura. This is the occultist achieve soul consciousness. the secret of working with the devas or how D. When the divine Ego on its own plane telepathic communications can exist between hears our invocative cry and sees we those individuals who are working out the have prepared a place for positive entry, plans of the Hierarchy and are in constant he will turn his gaze towards the lower communication amongst themselves. These 10

The Devas: Part II J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e 6 • N o. 1 • 1990 individuals exist within a subjective grid of retreat environment. timeless lighted substance we call for the lack Steeped in centuries of mystical lore and of a better word the soul. aflame with emotional aspiration many In some unpublished papers of Alice A. students of the Ageless Wisdom search Bailey given by the Tibetan Master in 1919 he endlessly for the perfect mountain peaks upon gives a rare invocation and alignment, (The which they can commune with God - only one in all of his works), where specific overlooking the simple yet highly esoteric fact instructions are given to contact the Deva that the true cragged peaks and mountains of Kingdom. It should be used along with the initiation are all within. No matter how long allied information given through these papers our physical travels or wide our spiritual on the devas only after sufficient contact with journeys, we must always come back to the soul is established. ourselves - to that obscure Spiritual Self that In visualizing the deva, you make a lies waiting in the silence to be recognized and mental statement of the matter at revealed. issue, and ask for guidance. Then, In the meditative state the occultist does in silent waiting, raising the not simply shut his eyes and passively consciousness as high as m ay be, gravitate into more ethereal realms, but inner conviction of the solution will through the invocation of spiritual sound and gently come. Having intuitively light draw down actively into the personality grasped it, you may then employ the those forces and energies that are required for reasoning faculty and apply the the redemptive process to take place. The solution to the matter at hand. When lower concrete mind working in conjunction your intuition and your reason with the soul is used in two overlapping but agree, then put in practice the advice distinctly different types of focus: donated. 8 1. By using the concrete mind positively Some mystical types through long and through active creative visualization its protracted meditations can be put temporarily normal propensity for distraction is in touch with their Solar Angels, but, lacking illuminated. Through its use a line or the specific techniques or the mental cable of creative light is scientifically comprehension of how this whole process projected from the personality onto soul works, they are often incapable of causing its levels. reoccurrence in some clear and coherent 2. Only when the higher sounds and notes fashion. The mystic's failure to control this emanating from the mental and process of ascension must be compensated by a buddhic planes are recognized can the complete withdrawal from the smallest lower mind safely add to its active distractions within his outer life. The occultist upward focus a new and dynamic type who is trained in the techniques of energy of receptivity. Only at this point in the transference knows that the inner solitude and magical work is the disciple in a safe sound must also be found but it must be position to become open and receptive recognized amidst the activities of everyday to the dynamic down flow of causal light life if a complete cure of society and the world and sound into the etheric body and is to be permanently effected. To the trained lower mind. Because we are essentially occultist solitude can be found in the power of speaking of a process of energy his concentration which, when highly receptivity or transference it is not developed, will by law and natural inclination easily recognized where the lower mind powerfully narrow one's point of focus and must make this pivotal but important exclude all distractions, and will remove the change from active to active-passive. need for reliance upon some geographical What we have just outlined is a paradox 11

The Devas: Part II J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e 6 • N o. 1 • 1990 that all disciples must eventually work out in symbolized occultly by a wheel of energy that, the crucible of their own individual experience. turning in two distinctly different directions, Without continuous mental focus the eventually turns upon itself and becomes a alignment to higher levels cannot be initiated sphere of burning radiating life. and one's polarization can easily descend onto Egoic alignment, where the mind becomes the astral plane, which is the path of least receptive to the soul's impulse, can take place resistance to most students. Yet if the mind only after long and protracted concentration is allowed to dominate throughout the and should not be confused with the passive complete invocative/evocative process, one can condition the aspirant creates in his astral never reach that dynamic point of stillness or body. Alignment is the culmination of long receptivity in which powerful soul and causal cycles of mental activity and building, the forces can Row down into the lower man. other, an attempt to bypass or skip the mental We have been taught that physical purity, plane in the intense emotional longing to be at emotional calm and mental clarity are one with God. prerequisites for true occult meditation. Our Contrary to the opinions of conventional ability to control our thinking process should schools of psychology, the endless problems never be the result of a forcing process by the plaguing the human race cannot be eliminated personality's own power of individual will. It or controlled by merely understanding the should be the result of the conformity of one's personality nature. Man needs the individual will with the will of the Divine Ego. intervention of the soul that lies (for all When egoic life descends into the personality practical considerations) outside of his normal its unique quality of light-sound will field of experience. The discovery of the automatically clear the mental ovoid of all personality and Egoic notes is the true light limiting thoughts or overly concretized forms. found at the end of the proverbial tunnel. This is equally true of the emotional body; Esoterically all magical work of the soul fears or states of irritation and depression are can be gauged by the quantity and quality of not controlled simply by the integrated spiritual energy (high devic vibration) which personality alone. The threefold lower man, the disciple can evoke and draw into his having done the preliminary discipline or various centers and how long he may hold that work, creates an open and unimpeded channel fiery point of tension until his objective and between himself and the soul. It is this goal are reached. In time the disciple becomes transforming power and light of the soul that so familiar, so completely identified, with the sweeping down from higher levels, drives out soul's note, light and vibratory frequency that unwanted devic and elemental vibrations from the personality fuses with it and all the lesser his lower sheaths, bodies or centres. sounds of the personality fade out. The Tibetan has pointed out that until the Spiritual revelation is not something we third initiation each person is possessed by create personally but something that is three lower elemental forms of life. These potentially present at all times and that we elementals take up their habitat in the three may align with by means of certain lower vehicles, the physical-etheric, astral and manipulations of force implemented by the lower mental vehicles and have a diametrically lower man in conjunction with the soul's different path of involutionary development impulse. It seems somewhat paradoxical to the than the indwelling solar-man, and will use uninitiated that the not-self (the personality) (until transmutated) the three-fold lower man has the capacity to seek and find the real or to work out their own will or purpose. Building Spiritual Self. This, however, is only a part of in higher sub-atomic devic substance and the great illusion. The personality, for all of its throwing out lower elemental forms of lesser limitations, is a reflection of the real Spiritual life within the sheaths or chakra system is Man who presides on the higher planes and 12

The Devas: Part II J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e 6 • N o. 1 • 1990 contains latently the spiritual germ of the plane of the soul. Let us now expand this higher within itself. Until the lower man outline and see how these key qualities of color awakens to this Spiritual Self and knows these and sound relate towards the greater truths directly, he is forced, unfortunately, to macrocosmic system. A few key quotations by identify with the lower and more restrictive the Tibetan will suffice. (The aspirant and self. neophyte may find little of value in these It must ever be kept in mind that the note higher outlines. To the occultist who applies of or key to the greater is first found in the these relationships to his own spiritual work, lesser. This is why any attempt to suppress the these correspondences become a field of future energy or force of the lower centers below the recognitions and revelations. God must first be diaphragm (so typical of sixth ray religions) is intellectually defined before he can be safely fraught with peril. The only sure way to and scientifically penetrated. The key to all liberation and perfect world service is to invocative work in the Aquarian Age we are transmute and elevate the lower into the now entering lies in the statement that "energy higher. Contrary to popular belief, during the follows thought.") initiatory experience we do not find a new Self totally divorced from what we have always One permanent cosmic Ray of our Logos identified as the old self, but find that our Himself, and the sub-rays of his ray common and familiar personality permeate His entire system. Six other identifications are fused with a whole new cosm ic R ays, anim ating other system s, series of creative experiences and energy influence ours, finding their reflections contacts. The mystic often interprets the in the sub-rays of our logoic Ray. To revelatory experience as a "going up or away these six cosmic influences our Heavenly from the personal" the occultist interprets the Men respond. They absorb the initiatory experience as a "pulling energy down influence, being centres in the body into and through the personality.” logoic, pass it through Their schemes, circulate it through Their own centres 5. Meditation: Macrocosmic (chains), and transm it it on to other schemes, coloring it with Their Own It has been pointed out by the esoteric peculiar shade and qualifying it by teachings that because God is in a state of Their own peculiar tone or note... From meditation all of His corporate parts who scheme to scheme, from chain to chain, comprise that vast system (although on a and from globe to globe, this force or lesser scale and often unconscious of that quality passes and circulates, both greater creative process) will also be found to adding, and at the same time share in that same creative state. We know abstracting, and returns to its focal that all life or reality is composed of a series of point with two noticeable differences: energy relationships. All rays, all bodies, a . The radiating heat is intensified. planes or sheathes are composed of atoms of b. The qualitative character or color is force. This wide variety of atomic life does not increased.9 exist independently of other life forms or each other, but will automatically by law have an A tabulation by the Tibetan further affinity or relationship with those life forms on clarifies this theme of circulating energy from all other levels, be they on a more expanded macrocosmic levels down into our planetary level or a lesser. system in its fourth aspect (there are six other We have explored how sound and color additional relationships that can be made on relate towards the individual in the meditative the six other levels, 1-3 and 5-7) state and how this relationship relates to the 13

The Devas: Part II J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e 6 • N o. 1 • 1990 ...I would suggest to all occult evolution of man. investigators the close study and d. It is the etheric sphere within which, at scrutiny of the following manifestations a little latter date, the human and deva in tim e and space: evolutions will touch. (mitten in 1925) e. From this fourth etheric sphere the 1. The 4th Creative Hierarchy • The human dense physical bodies are created. 2. The 4th scheme • Our earth’s scheme f. It is the sphere of physical 3. The 4th chain • The earth chain individualization.... 4. The 4th globe • Our planet g. This fourth ether... has to be completely 5. The 4th kingdom • The human mastered and controlled by every unit of 6. The 4th round • The first human round the human family before the end of this 7. The 4 Kumaras • Embodiers of humanity round. 8. The 4th plane • The buddhic, the human h. It is the sphere wherein the initiations goal of the threshold are undergone, and the 9. The 4th ether • The physical correspondence fivefold initiations of the physical plane of the buddhic plane are entered upon. As knowledge of the four types of ethers One fundamental sound is responded to is available, as the vibratory action of by all these varied factors; it is the note these ethers is realized, and as the that is the cause of their existence and details concerning their composition, the basis of their being. This note, if utilization, light-bearing capacity, and sought for and found, will bring into the various angles from which they may close alliance all of these factors till they be studied become known then are blended into a great occult unity; it paralleling knowledge anent the will bring likewise into cooperation the corresponding four cosmic ethers will be band of devas who are the essences of the forthcoming. Much concerning them fourth hum an principal. 10 may be deduced from the already apprehended facts which relate to the Bringing this alignment down onto four solar physical ethers. [Logoic, lower levels where humanity lives moves Monadic, Atmic, and Buddhic planes] 11 and has it s personal being we see how this By looking at this fourth human etheric divine circulation of fourth level energy plane we can see how it applies in practical (qualified by color, vibration and sound), ways toward new discoveries that can be eventually finds its place of grounding and looked for in the immediate future of mans expression on the fourth sub-plane within evolving sensitivity to the new and more man’s own etheric body. expanded. Taking this analogy one step further we The Fourth Ether of the physical-etheric can find an important hint that the Tibetan plane. gives that will, if used in a practical way, give us the opportunity to direct ourselves towards a. It is the ether that the violet ray uses as these interior states of subjective recognition. a medium. b. The fourth ether is that whereof the ...The basis of all manifested majority of the etheric bodies are made. phenomena is the enunciated sound, c. The fourth ether is largely the principal or the word spoken with power, that sphere of influence of the "devas of the is, with the full purpose of the will shadow" or those violet devas which are behind it. Herein, as is known, lies the closely concerned with the physical value of meditation, for meditation 14

The Devas: Part II J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e 6 • N o. 1 • 1990 produces eventually that inner designated by the Tibetan as the color violet 14 dynamic purpose and recollection, or and is the true plane upon which the that internal ideation which must Hierarchy exists, much will be revealed to the invariably precede the uttering of any discriminating disciple. With a one pointed creative sound... focus, and through the laws of analogy, the 1. The Great Word, as sounded by the disciple must follow the path of return to Logos of the solar system, and original initiating causes. According to the communicated to Him by His superior Tibetan, the Law of Correspondence is 2. Three words committed by the Solar infallible if approached from a scientific point Logos to each of the three Logoi as of study. follows; In this short series of quotations we have a. The sacred A to Shiva, He who explored fourth level relationships from the embodies the spirit or will aspect... Grand Macrocosm down to solar levels and b. The sound U to Vishnu, God the eventually impacting man's etheric body on the Son... fourth sub-plane. All of the seven levels or rays c. The sound M to Brahma, Who…links can be worked out in the same analogous in active intelligence spirit and form. manner. 3. Seven Great Words, again based on the It must be realized that the seven colored sacred three sounds A.U.M. These hues of light (the seven notes and vibration produced creation, or the manifestation of frequencies that proceed or emanate from out the seven planes of our solar system. They of this mysterious void of pure darkness which are committed not to human entities, but we call the Divine Will) are found on all the to the seven great Devas or Raja-Lords various levels from the highest to the lowest who are the ensouling lives of a plane; the seven divine rays and seven planes) but in hence in the various initiations their different degrees of quality and potency. This collaboration is necessary, before these key is the secret to the continuity of the whole words can be committed to the initiate. 12 divine system and how (through color, sound and number) every ray or plane is connected to Let us now conclude this correspondence. every other greater or lesser plane or ray. The We know one of the major goals for the Tibetan has clearly stated that the seventh advanced disciple is at this time the sub-plane of any level of spiritual life is recognition of his personality and soul rays and transitional and becomes the first sub-plane of that these recognitions will eventually lead to the next level. Each plane and each sub-plane hierarchal or buddhic consciousness. If we which is numerically allied embodies the same know that buddhic energy or force is most type of force. The serious student should reflect closely approximated or conveyed by the great on this fact for it might explain and bring devic note MI, 12 and that this principle of love together into a more comprehensive whole a is embodied in the planetary logos Mercury an number of isolated facts on the rays and important hint is conveyed. If we know this planes. We must remember that each plane or fourth ray of buddhi is carried forth primarily ray is characterized by one predominant note through the deva Lord Indra (the fourth or colored hue of light but will have in its plane), we can also understand the subsidiary constitution six additional secondary or devas (Raja-Devas, Agnishvatta-Devas), to subsidiary notes or colored rays of light. Every name a few of the key ones, that She will work one of the seven rays or planes of our solar through. If we add to this relationship the fact system and their corresponding notes or that this fourth ray or principle of Buddhi has vibration frequencies should be visualized as a the colored light hue of lemon-yellow and miniature rainbow of creative sound and color works through the fourth plane which is that is but a small part of an even greater 15

The Devas: Part II J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e 6 • N o. 1 • 1990 Existence Who is also known by His own with the same principles and laws that unique coloring and sound. According to the animate the Logos, the Christ and the soul on Tibetan our solar system seen clairvoyantly their own higher level. from etheric levels is an immense Blue Lotus with seven centres and forty-nine major This article on the Deva Kingdom constitutes vibrant petals. The student should realize that part of the general curriculum of the University it is the nature of the lower mind to define, to of the S even R ays' Telepathic Com m unicators separate, and to divide so that an intellectual Group. A more practical and bridging set of understanding of the various principles and instructions and meditative techniques are laws upon which the whole system is built can given in this group work. This group is be theoretically comprehended. This approach coordinated by Duane Carpenter and Mary is necessary, useful, and according to law; but, Esther Andrews in Boston, MA. We invite eventually, there must be a synthesis of all this com m ents and inquiries by those individuals information on the high mental plane and a and groups interested in research and recognition through the meditative state of experim entation along these lines. how the whole system is connected together by devic force or energy. REFERENCES The concept of static or clearly delineated levels or planes, bodies, and rays, although 1. Bailey M: Beacon "Unpublished material useful in the past and forming a necessary from D.K.'s instruction to A.A.B. 1919 on foundation, will one day give way to the the Deva evolution," Jan-Feb 1990, p. 203 sweeping panorama of creative cycles of motion 2. Bailey A: The R ays and Initiations Vol. 5, and energy patterns - multi-dimensional p. 114 3. alignments that do not begin or end with our 3. Bailey A: Externalization of the written words, simple tabulations or charts but Hierarchy, p. 508-9 through the direct intuitive comprehension 4. Bailey A: Esoteric Psychology Vol. I, p. 126 reveal Life in all of its facets as one grand 5. Bailey A: Treatise on White Magic, p. 479 sweeping panorama of electrical and magnetic 6. Bailey A: The R ays and Initiations Vol. 5, fire. p. 493 If we know the seven subsidiary sounds 7. Bailey A: Treatise on White Magic, p. 132 which emanate from this divine triplicity 8. Bailey M: Beacon "Unpublished material (A.U.M.), or even general approximations and from D.K.'s instruction to A.A.B. 1919 on that these seven sounds are direct expressions the Deva evolution," Jan-Feb 1990, p. 203 of the Seven Ray Lords (Planetary Logoi) of 9. Bailey A: A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 437- our solar system, this information will reveal 8 the seven corresponding Egoic Groups and 10. Ibid., p. 498 their unique notes upon which all of the 11. Ibid., p. 326-7 human family in its wide variety are found. 12. Bailey A: Initiation Human and Solar, p. From this information any individual who 150, 153 knows his personality and soul rays, their 13. Blavatsky, HP: S ecret Doctrine, Adyar unique coloring and sound, and is in Edition, Vol. 5, p. 506 preparation for the initiatory experience can 14. Bailey A: A Treatise on Cosm ic Fire, p. 328 develop specialized techniques of alignment which will speed this transformational process scientifically and with a certain amount of accuracy. With this understanding of the nature of God and the constitution of man comes the opportunity to build on a lesser scale 16

The Devas: Part II J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e 6 • N o. 1 • 1990