The Solar System
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The Solar System by Lieut.-Colonel Arthur E. Powell 2 DEDICATION This book, like its four predecessors, is dedicated with gratitude and appreciation to those whose labours and researches have provided the materials out of which it has been wrought. 3 CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE INTRODUCTION 9 I. GLOBES 11 II. ROUNDS 14 III. CHAINS 16 IV. SCHEMES OF EVOLUTION 19 V. THE SOLAR SVSTEM 22 VI. THE BUILDING OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM 25 VII. THE SOLAR LOGOS AND THE PLANETARY LOGOI 32 VIII. THE LIFE-STREAMS 38 IX. THE GOALS OF OUR SEVEN CHAINS 45 X. DEGREES OF ATTAINMENT 49 XI. RACES AND SUB-RACES 52 XII. THE INNER ROUND 56 XIII. ”JUDGEMENT DAYS” 61 IV. INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION 71 XV. TIMES AND DATES 75 XVI. THE PLANETARY CHAIN LOGOI AND OTHER HIGH OFFICIALS 79 XVII. MANUS 84 XVIII. BUDDHAS, MAHACHOHANS AND BODHISATTVAS 89 XIX. THE LORD OF THE WORLD AND HIS ASSISTANTS 92 XX. THE EARTH SCHEME OF EVOLUTION: THE FIRST CHAIN 97 XXI. THE SECOND CHAIN 101 XXII. THE THIRD (MOON) CHAIN: THE FIRST FIVE ROUNDS 104 XXIII. THE MOON CHAIN: SIXTH ROUND 110 XXIV. THE MOON CHAIN: SEVENTH ROUND 114 XXV. PRODUCTS OF THE MOON CHAIN 118 XXVI. THE BUILDING OF THE EARTH CHAIN 128 XXVII. THE EARTH CHAIN: THE FIRST ROUND 132 XXVIII. THE EARTH CHAIN: THE SECOND ROUND 138 XXIX. THE EARTH CHAIN: THE THIRD ROUND 140 XXX. THE FOURTH ROUND: GLOBES A, B AND C 145 XXXI. THE EARTH: THE FIRST ROOT-RACE 148 XXXII. THE EARTH: THE SECOND ROOT-RACE 151 XXXIII. THE EARTH: THE THIRD ROOT-RACE: LEMURIAN 154 XXXIV. THE COMING OF THE LORDS OF VENUS 167 XXXV. THE FOURTH (ATLANTEAN) ROOT-RACE: THE RMOAHAL 169 XXXVI. THE SECOND ATLANTEAN SUB-RACE: THE TLAVATLI 174 XXXVII. THE THIRD ATLANTEAN SUB RACE: THE TOLTEC 176 XXXVIII. THE CIVILASATION OF ATLANTIS 183 XXXIX. ANCIENT PERU: A TOLTEC REMNANT 193 XL. THE FOURTH ATLANTEAN SUB-RACE: THE TURANIAN 201 XLI. A TURANIAN RELIC: CHALDÆA, B.C. 19,000 202 XLII. THE FIFTH ATLANTEAN SUB-RACE: THE ORIGINAL SEMITES209 XLIII. THE SIXTH ATLANTEAN SUB-RACE: THE AKKADIAN 210 XLIV. THE SEVENTH ATLANTEAN SUB-RACE: THE MONGOLIAN 211 XLV. BEGINNINGS OF THE FIFTH (ÂRYAN) ROOT-RACE 212 4 PAGE XLVI. THE CITY OF THE BRIDGE 216 XLVII. THE FIRST ÂRYAN SUB-RACE: THE HINDU: B.C. 60,000 218 XLVIII. THE SECOND ÂRYAN SUB-RACE: THE ARABIAN: B.C. 40,000 222 XLIX. THE THIRD ÂRYAN SUB-RACE: THE IRANIAN: B.C. 30,000 227 L. THE FOURTH ÂRYAN SUB-RACE: THE KELTIC: B.C. 20,000 232 LI. THE FIFTH ÂRYAN SUBRACE: THE TEUTONIC: B.C. 20,000 238 LII. THE FIFTH ROOT-RACE STOCK AND ITS DESCENT INTO INDIA: B.C. 18,800 241 LIII. THE ÂRYAN SIXTH SUB-RACE 245 LIV. THE SIXTH AND SEVENTH ROOT-RACES 248 LV. LIFE ON MARS AND MERCURY 260 LVI. CONCLUSION 263 5 LIST OF DIAGRAMS PAGE I. GLOBES AND THEIR COUNTERPARTS (A) 11 II. GLOBES AND THEIR COUNTERPARTS (B) 12 III. THE 7 GLOBES OF THE EARTH CHAIN 12 IV. THE 7 ROUNDS OF THE EARTH CHAIN 14 V. THE 7 CHAINS OF THE EARTH SCHEME 16 VI. THE 7 CHAINS OF THE EARTH SCHEME AND THEIR PRELÂYAS 17 VII. THE EARTH SCHEME OF EVOLUTION 19 VIII. THE PLAN OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM 22 IX. THE SOLAR SYSTEM AS IT AT PRESENT EXISTS 23 X. THE 1O EXISTING CHAINS 23 XI. TATTVAS AND TANMÂTRAS 28 XII. RELATION OF PHYSICAL PLANETS TO THE SUN 35 XIII. FOURTH DIMENSIONAL CONNECTION BETWEEN SUN AND PLANETS 36 XIV. THE 13 LIFE-STREAMS AND THEIR PROGRESS 41 XV. THE LIFE-STREAMS OF SUCCESSIVE SCHEMES 41 XVI. THE GOALS OF OUR 7 CHAINS 47 XVII. DEGREES OF ATTAINMENT 49 XVIII. THE PROGRESS OF THE KINGDOMS 50 XIX. THE ROOT-RACES OF THE EARTH CHAIN 53 XX. THE RACES OF THE 7 EARTH-PERIODS 54 XXI. THE ROOT-RACES AND SUB-RACES OF OUR SCHEME OF EVOLUTION 54 XXII. THE PASSAGE OF THE LIFE-WAVE 56 XXIII. THE NUCLEI ON THE PLANETS 57 XXIV. THE INNER ROUND: RETROGRESSION 58 XXV. THE INNER ROUND: SPEEDING UP 59 XXVI. THE PRODUCTS OF THE EARTH CHAIN 65 XXVII. A ROOT-RACE JUDGEMENT DAY (FOURTH ORDER) 68 XXVIII. A GLOBE-PERIOD JUDGEMENT DAY (THIRD ORDER) 69 XXIX. JUDGEMENT DAYS IN ONE ROUND (FOURTH, THIRD AND SECOND ORDERS) 69 XXX. THE JUDGEMENT DAYS OF THE EARTH CHAIN 69 XXXI. THE DOWNWARD AND UPWARD ARCS 72 XXXII. THE INFLUENCES ACTING ON ONE PLANE (THE ASTRAL) 81 XXXIII. THE INFLUENCES ACTING ON THE 7 PLANES OF MATTER 82 XXXIV. THE ”SERVERS” AND OTHER GROUPS IN THE MOON CHAIN 105 XXXV. EMERGENCE OF CERTAIN GROUPS OF THE MOON CHAIN 118 XXXVI. PRODUCTS OF THE MOON CHAIN 122 XXXVII. THE WORK OF THE BARHISHADS IN THE EARTH CHAIN 129 XXXVIII. THE EARTH CHAIN: FIRST ROUND 134 XXXIX. THE EARTH CHAIN: ROUNDS 1, 2 AND 3 140 XL. THE THIRD ROOT-RACE (LEMURIAN) 156 XLI. EVOLUTION OF ROOT-RACES FROM SUB-RACES 171 6 PAGE XLII. THE CITY OF THE GOLDEN GATES 186 XLIII. A CHALDÆAN TEMPLE 205 XLIV. ARRANGEMENT OF MIRRORS IN A CHALDÆAN TEMPLE 205 XLV. THE FIFTH ROOT-RACE AND THE FIRST MIGRATION (SECOND SUB-RACE) 213 XLVI. THE THIRD AND FOURTH SUB-RACES 227 XLVII. THE FIFTH AND FIRST SUB-RACES 238 7 AUTHORS QUOTED ABBREVI- BOOK AUTHOR EDITION ATION Astral Plane . C. W. Leadbeater . 1910 A P Changing World . A. Besant . 1909 C W Devachanic Plane . C. W. Leadbeater . 1902 D P Hidden Side of Things, C. W. Leadbeater . 1913 H S I Vol. 1. Initiation the Perfecting A. Besant . 1912 I P M of Man. Inner Life. Vol. 1. C. W. Leadbeater . 1910 I L I Inner Life, Vol. 11. C. W. Leadbeater . 1911 I L II Man : Whence. How and . Besant and Lead- . 1913 M W Whither ? . beater. H W Masters and the Path . C. W. Leadbeater . 1927 M P Pedigree of Man . A. Besant . 1904 P M Pyramids and Stonehenge . A. P. Sinnett . 1912 P S Story of Atlantis and . W. Scott-Elliot . 1925 S A L Lemuria. Seven Principles of Man . A. Besant . 1904 S P Talks on the Path of . A. Besant and . 1926 T P O occultism. C. W. Leadbeater. Textbook of Theosophy . C. W. Leadbeater . 1914 T B Theosophy . A. Besant . - T 8 PUBLISHER'S PREFACE THE author's purpose in compiling the books in this series was to save students much time and labour by providing a condensed synthesis of the considerable literature on the respective subjects of each volume, coming mostly from the pens of Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater. The accompanying list shows the large number of books from which he drew. So far as possible, the method adopted was to explain the form side first, before the life side: to describe the objective mechanism of phenomena and then the activities of consciousness that are expressed through the mechanism. There is no attempt to prove or even justify any of the statements. The works of H. P. Blavatsky were not used because the author said that the necessary research in The Secret Doctrine and other writings would have been too vast a task for him to undertake. He added: ”The debt to H. P. Blavatsky is greater than could ever be indicated by quotations from her monumental volumes. Had she not shown the way in the first instance, later investigators might never had found the trail at all.” 9 INTRODUCTION BOTH before and since the publication in 1888 of The Secret Doctrine, by H. P. Blavatsky , there has become available for students of occultism a good deal of information regarding the Solar System and the streams of life-amongst which is our own humanity-which evolve in that System. In 1883 appeared Esoteric Buddhism by A. P. Sinnett, followed in 1896 by The Growth of the Soul by the same author. In 1897 was published The Ancient Wisdom by Annie Besant, and in 1903 this great student of the occult delivered an important series of lectures, afterwards published in book form, under the title The Pedigree of Man, dealing in greater detail than anything previously published with the Solar System, with its Chains, Rounds, Globes, Races, Sub-races, etc. Further elaboration and details have been added by C. W Leadbeater in various, books, notably The Inner Life, Volumes I and II, and A Textbook of Theosophy. In 1913 appeared, Man: Whence, How and Whither? In addition to these, two fascinating volumes, entitled The Story of Atlantis and Lost Lemuria, with maps of those continents, from the pen of W. Scott-Elliot, appeared in 1896 and 1904 respectively, describing in very full detail the races that inhabited those lands, and their civilisations. Up to the present, however, no one book has appeared covering the whole of this vast ground, describing both the ºfieldº of evolution and the streams of life which evolve in it as the ages roll by. The present volume is therefore an attempt to fill this need. The whole of the information it contains is to be found in the volumes already mentioned, or in certain others, the complete list being given on page 7. In view of the complexity of the subject, and its many details, a large number of diagrams, most of which are original, have been included in the text, and it is hoped that these will facilitate the work of the student in mastering the many intricacies of the system to which we belong and the method under which our evolution proceeds.