THE DEVAS: Part 2 By Duane Carpenter Some are on the teaching ray, and hold for eloquently in the Voice of the Silence, verse 41, your wise instruction much lore about the when she said, "Before thou set'st thy foot manipulation of the occult laws of nature, the upon the ladder's upper rung, the ladder of laws that govern evolutionary progress, and mystic sounds, thou hast to hear the voice of closely allied with them are the devas of the thy inner God in seven manners." One of the concrete knowledge, the fifth ray devas. These essential requirements to treading the latter are paramount in importance in this spiritual path of yoga lies in the capacity of the five- fold evolution of ours for they go to the student to develop perfect occult hearing and building of the mind. They are principally sight on the inner planes of his own spiritual found on mental levels and wield concrete being. thought matter for the instruction of the No person can claim to understand reality masses, directing thought forms, sending great or the one true self unless he has first seen his masses of ideas and aiding the Hierarchy in inner bodies shining and heard his inner their work of raising man from concrete to sheaths vibrating. All great religious and abstract mental levels, the immediate metaphysical systems speak of these interior problem.1 states of light and sound. Christianity speaks of the one Original Word; The Hindu 1. Introduction: Sound Upanishads, the Soundless Sound; in Buddhism, the clear light of the Void. All 2. Devas in the Externalization Program advanced yogic systems have the same reference to inner esoteric sound and light. 3. Meditation: The method of contact Let us list several of the more important: Mantra Yoga: Esoteric recognition and 4. Meditation: Practical application utilization of sound. Nadar Yoga: The yoga of the inner sound 5. Meditation: Macrocosmic current. Tummo Yoga: or the yoga of the inner Heat 1. Introduction: Sound (heat, light and sound esoterically considered Sound, we are told in the esoteric teachings, is are synonymous terms). the originating power that creates all form life Kriya Yoga: The yoga of the inner sound in its wide variety of manifestation. Sound is current and the circulation of the inner fires. also the great destroyer bringing at the end of Laya Yoga: The yoga of the chakras or fiery the final cycle all existence, (be it the tiny atom force centres. or a complete solar system) back to its original Daoist Yoga: The macro-microcosmic primal state of pure undifferentiated being. circulation of inner sound and light. Between these two stupendous states of Agni Yoga: The yoga of fiery synthesis. When creation and dissolution there are seven lesser the chakra system becomes infused with notes, rays of light and vibration frequencies spiritual energy from on high, the "solar man" that must be recognized and transcended in will blaze forth in all of his glory. humanity's march towards perfection. We have been told that the Hierarchy of H.P.Blavatsky expressed this concept adepts withdrew from physical contact with 1 The Devas: Part II J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e 6 • N o. 1 • 1990 humanity because of certain violations during maya, at the 1st initiation on etheric levels, the time of Atlantis. It must be recognized that glamour at the 2nd initiation on the astral the Masters remain ever accessible to those plane and illusion at the 3rd initiation as it disciples and initiates who can make the exists on the lower mental plane. All these necessary alignments. There is no time period difficulties are the result of humanity at in the history of the race that some advanced different stages of evolution responding to the system of yogic discipline has not existed for Deva Kingdom incorrectly. Much emphasis has man's opportunity to liberate himself, serve been placed on the intelligent understanding of perfectly and find his eternal home in the God's systems of laws and ethics and much centre of his being. progress made in the comprehension of the Not since the time of the Buddha has an nature of love. Little has been brought forth on opportunity to undergo the initiatory the nature of the will. Only as man develops experience been so widely available to those his will (personal, egoic and divine) does he who want to apply themselves and make the learn the method by which he can finally break added extra effort. Between l975-2025 we free from the powerful grip of the devas which have a new cycle of opportunity that has been have kept him a prisoner of the planet. The called by the Tibetan as a ''gathering of the involutionary devas that make up our threefold Arharts" within the outer world of men. Part of lower personality vehicles, and the three lower this externalization process will be the training levels of the planet, care not what master they of those advanced disciples in the techniques of serve and are swept into our system to create energy recognition and manipulation. The the wide variety of form life that we recognition of the Deva Kingdom and their experience. Until that central spark of unique contribution of light and sound will be spiritual will (which is potentially present at an intimate part of this work. the center of the student's being and exists at The goal of discipleship training according the heart of all the chakras and psychic to the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul has centres) is galvanized into activity, we are not changed from soul consciousness to something free and cannot spiritually free others. deeper, broader and far more inclusive. The Before the devas in their serried ranks can new teachings were given out along the be transcended they first have to be recognized following lines: and controlled. It is by an intelligent, loving 1. The building of the rainbow bridge, the act of will that this work can be initiated. It is Antahkarana. this science of form manipulation and building 2. The nature of the intuition and its that must be mastered by the advanced of the development as it supercedes the mind race who desire to undergo the initiatory in its two aspects: concrete and experience. It is only through the Science of abstract, lower and higher. Telepathy, the Science of Impression and Invo- 3. The nature of life as the Monad evocation that this process of transmutation expresses it [Divine Will] .2 can proceed with any intellectual clarity and The emphasis of the future teachings for detailed accuracy. It is only through these the advanced of the race will be on the will allied sciences that the chakra or force centers aspect of divinity intelligently understood and can be activated in their fourth-dimensional lovingly applied. The Tibetan also indicated capacity and their allied service potentials that the majority of the teachings for which he fully developed. Through the scientific was responsible for communicating (1914- development of the will in all of its many 1949) were written for advanced disciples most facets, the disciple learns the method whereby of whom would not make their appearance he may force his perceptions into the periphery until the last quarter of this century. We have of those initiating causes, or energy streams of been told that as disciples we must escape from which he presently knows nothing, but without 2 The Devas: Part II J ournal of Esoteric Psychology • Volum e 6 • N o. 1 • 1990 whose assistance this magical process of be the head of the 2nd ray ashram and the redemption cannot take place. H.P.B. pointed chief executive for the externalization out in The Secret Doctrine, that if you want to program, it is often overlooked that the Master speak to the gods you must learn their Morya, working within the central stream of language. And what is their method of Shamballic force, is the subjective head of all communication or language? They are the ashrams. The Christ wields the Rod of numbers, color-light, sound and geometry - Initiation at the 1st and 2nd initiations. It is esoterically understood. Meditation, a science the Master M. who, as a direct representative we will explore in some depth is essentially a of the Lord of the World, controls Agni, the forcing process in which the meditator high fire devas which are invoked at the 3rd attempts by an act of intelligent will through initiation and beyond. Christ, K.H., and the use of these mediums just outlined) to Master Jesus are responsible for most of the speed up or hasten his contact with higher teachings to disciples along the 2nd ray line. evolutions, understand their greater purpose Master Morya, working in connection with and plans, and assist in the externalization Master R. and a number of other Masters, is process. the initiating impulse behind the development We have already discussed in Part I of this of all new 1st and 7th ray occult and initiatory article (Journal of Esoteric Psychology Vol. 5, schools now forming. Number 1, 1989) the general nature of the Master Morya inspires national executives devas, their relationship to the three-fold lower in all branches of the Great Work. He man and their place in the Macrocosmic- manipulates the powerful streams of force Microcosmic system. It is upon this earlier emanating from the Deva Lord Agni, and information that we will now expand. The stimulates the higher head centers and base of method of contact with the deva evolution the spine, through activation of kundalini, of must be made accessible to the advanced all intuitive statesmen and 1st ray disciples.
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