Astral Bhuvah Plane Physical Plane Bhuh

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Astral Bhuvah Plane Physical Plane Bhuh MAN, GOD AND THE COSMOS Theosophy Presented in Graphical Form Made by Anand Gholap from PowerPoint slides created by Dr. KVK. Nehru. For more information on Theosophy visit www.AnandGholap.Net Manifest and the Unmanifest POSITIVE POTENTIAL ILLUMINATION N E G A T I V E SPIRIT CONSCIOUSNESS M A T T E R The Three Creative Channels r R e t o t o a THE t M - 3 - S rd g t DIVINE p O n o i u ri o r ut u it po po R TRINITY ou ut rin t O g 1s Divine Consciousness 2nd Outpouring ENERGY MATTER LIFE PROCESS SPIRITSOUL rs e d r r O e n tt e a v M e f S o MATERIAL SPIRITUAL Evolution BIOLOGICAL Evolution Evolution FIRST ASPECT SOLAR LOGOS SECOND ASPECT THIRD ASPECT DIVINE or ADI PLANE ANUPADAKA or MONADIC PLANE G N I NIRVANIC or R SATYA ATMIC PLANE U O TAPAH P BUDDHIC T U JANAH PLANE O MENTAL T MAHAH S PLANE R I SUVAH F ASTRAL BHUVAH PLANE PHYSICAL PLANE BHUH THE THREE OUTPOURINGS PHYSICAL ASTRAL MENTAL BUDDHIC ATMIC 2nd ELE. KINGDOM 1st ELE. KINGDOM 3rd ELEMENTAL 3rd ELEMENTAL KINGDOM THE SEVENKINGDOMS Monadic Essence MINERAL KINGDOM 2nd ElementalEssence 1st ElementalEssence 3rd ElementalEssence VEGETABLE KINGDOM ANIMAL HUMAN KINGDOM KINGDOM Super Human ... PHYSICAL PLANE MENTAL PLANE ELEMENTAL ESSENCE ELEMENTAL THE EVOLUTIONOFLIFE THE EVOLUTIONOFLIFE THE EVOLUTION OF FORMS MINERAL GROUP-SOUL MINERAL VEGETABLE KINGDOM VEGETABLE GROUP-SOUL VEGETABLE INVERTEBRATES ANIMAL GROUP-SOUL ANIMAL ANIMAL KINGDOM INDIVIDUALIZED SOULS INDIVIDUALIZED VERTEBRATES MAN The Constitution of the Human Being MONAD (TURIYÂTMA) SELF (ÂTMA -- BUDDHI -- MANAS) CAUSAL (KÂRANA) ASTRO-MENTAL (KÂMA) THE ETHERIC DOUBLE (PRÂNAMAYA) PERSONALITY GROSS PHYSICAL (STHÛLA) ÂTMA-BUDDHI-MANAS GROUP SOULS MONAD MENTAL ENVELOPE ASTRAL ENVELOPE ETHERIC ENVELOPE UL SO UP RO L G ERA MIN VEGETABLE GROUP SOUL MENTALA BODYNIMA L GROU P SOUL LOWER TRIAD ASTRAL BODY ETHERIC BODY VariegationVariegation of of the the Group Group Soul Soul LOWER TRIADS PHYSICAL BODIES PHYSICAL H.MENTAL ANUPADAKA L.MENTAL ATMIC BUDDHIC ADI INTUITION INDIVIDUALIZATION SPIRIT GROUP SOUL FIRST STAGE SECOND STAGE THIRDSTAGE THE MONAD GROUP SOUL Veera (ADog) Veera (ADog) GROUP SOUL GROUP SOUL MANAS BUDDHI ATMA A PrimitiveMan CAUSAL BODY CAUSAL THE SELF (JEEVATMA) Through Causal Death to Re-birth Mental Shell Astral Permanent Atoms, active Etheric & Physical The Law of Karma OF PAST LIFE OF PRESENT LIFE Helpful Actions make Good Environment Hurtful Actions make Evil Environment Desires & Aspirations make Capacities Sustained Thoughts make Character Successes make Enthusiasm Experiences make Wisdom Painful Experiences make Conscience Will to Serve makes Spirituality FORM SIDE LIFE SIDE Sanchita Tho Feel Act P ughts, ast ions ings, Operation of Karma Prârabda Psychic Temperament Mathematical Brain Disabling Factors Musical Ear (Lipikas) “Nerves” Lords of Karma Virility etc. PHYSICAL ASTRAL MENTAL BUDDHIC ATMIC 2nd ELE. KINGDOM 1st ELE. KINGDOM 3rd ELEMENTAL 3rd ELEMENTAL KINGDOM THE SEVENKINGDOMS Monadic Essence MINERAL KINGDOM VEGETABLE KINGDOM ANIMAL HUMAN KINGDOM KINGDOM Super Human ... CONTROL OF BODIES BY SELF TheThe SELFSELF (JEEVATMA)(JEEVATMA),,throughthrough itsits CausalCausal BodyBodyshouldshould controlcontrol thethe MentalMentalandand AstralAstral BodiesBodies---drawing---drawing themthem UpwardsUpwards ElementalElemental EssenceEssenceisis CAUSAL taken into, and is later BODY taken into, and is later expelledexpelled byby thethe MentalMental andand AstralAstral BodiesBodies------ just like the Physical MENTAL just like the Physical BODY ASTRAL BodyBodyusesuses foodfood BODY TheyThey willwill bebe drawndrawn DownwardsDownwardsifif thethe ElementalsElementals areare allowedallowed toto gaingain control---insteadcontrol---instead ofof thethe SELFSELF TheThe ChakrasChakras 7. CROWN CAUSAL BODY 6. BROW SPIRITUAL FORCES 7 BRAIN 5. THROAT ABSTRACT MIND 6 MENTAL BODIES CONCRETE THINKING 5 BRAIN ABDOMEN 4. HEART 3. NAVEL HIGHER EMOTIONS 4 ASTRAL BODY LOWER EMOTIONS 3 2. SPLEEN PRANA 2 1. ROOT PHYSICAL BODY KUNDALINI 1 BLOOD SEX ORGANS NERVOUS SYSTEM STAGES IN AN INCARNATION The Physical body is renewed entirely during each 7 year period; Astral and Mental bodies at shorter periods. Chakras activated: 0 -7 years, Root and Spleen; 7-14 years, Navel and Heart; 14 -21 years, Throat and Brow; Crown at later time. 35 35 ATMIC WILL - PERIOD OF GREATEST MATERIAL INTERESTS 28 42 LOVE COMRADESHIP BUDDHIC MARRIAGE OR DIVORCE 21 49 MENTAL MIND WISDOM OR STUDY CLOSED MIND 14 56 ASTRAL EMOTIONS COMPASSION OR RELIGION EMOTIONAL RIGIDITY 7 63 VITALITY REVIEW OR 2nd ETHERIC PREVIEW CHILDHOOD 1 70 1st Period --The Sowing 2nd Period -- The Testing ‘EVOLUTION’ of CONSCIOUSNESS ATMIC BUDDHIC MENTAL ASTRAL PHYSICAL MINERAL PLANT ANIMAL HUMAN SPIRITUAL Types of Human Temperament Magnetic EXECUTIVE Dramatic Synthetical Analytical PHILOSOPHIC Artistic Humanitarian Dramatic-Actor Devotional-Martyr DRAMATIC Philosophic-Playwright Executive-Warrior Theoretical Experimental SCIENTIFIC Reverential Spectacular RITUALISTIC Symbolic Ceremonial Direct to God DEVOTIONAL Through Mediator Intense Love to One AFFECTIONATE Philanthropic Stages in Discipleship INITIATEINITIATE “SON“SON OFOF THETHE MASTER”MASTER” ACCEPTEDACCEPTED PUPIL PUPIL PROBATIONARYPROBATIONARY PUPILPUPIL MAN OF IDEALS TION DE INA SIRE RIM LESS DISC NESS SHATSAMPATHI TOLERANCE CHEERFULNESS SELF-CONTROL AS TO THE MIND SELF-CONTROL AS TO ACTION LOVE ONE-POINTEDNESS CONFIDENCE Qualifications for Initiation Stages on the Path A ( S th É e K M a H s A te AR r (th H ) e V AT ene rab le) ANÂGÂMI (not returning) SAKADÂGAMI (once returning) ANNA OTAP h) S e Pat red th (ente S IT S N IR A P H S O H T -C R A I HE E AN TC R Y WA G DH T N EN E IL V S LD E HE OR S . T E W 0 TH E 1 OF H ORD T 9. L DHA) EKA BUD A (PRATY 8. BUDDH 7. MAHA CHOHAN (MANU, BODHISATTVA) 6. The C HOHANS Beyond... and Man.
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