Golden Blade
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AN APPROACH TO CONTEMPORARY QUESTIONS IN THE LIGHT OF ANTHROPOSOPHY The Golden Blade THE COSNHC WORD AND INDIVIDUAI, MAN RVDOU' STEIM-R THE HEAVENLY HIERARCHIES AI)A.\J lilTTLESTOX ETHERIC l ORCKS LtlVRF..\'CE EDWARDS and CHARLES WATiCnMAA' FAOLUilON AND CREATION £. L. GRA.\T WATSOA tXZ^ ox BEINC; AN AMERICAN HRGIMA AtCORE .SOLOVIEV ; A SEEKER OF SOPHIA VIOLET PLLVCKE FORM IN .\RT AND IN SOCIETY OU'E\ BARFfELD A FAIR RE\\v\RD FOR WORK BRXA.\ STOCKWELL TFIE CHESS-GAZING BOY CHARLES WATER.M.W POEMS h' BRAD IXC, ISABEL IITATT and AVDREIV KEITH Edited by^Arnold Freeman and Charles Waterman t H o I PUBLISHED ANNUALLY SIX SHILLING T W O P R O V O C A T I V E B O O K S B Y ANTHROPOSOPHY E. 1j« Grant IVatsoo THE SELECT LIST OF LITERATURE LEAVES PROFITAIILE] KETLRIV WONDERS Fundamental and Introductory lit. 66. n«e ISa. nat *He takes the most common of *Hc describes various examples of Outline of Uccull Science objcccs and transforms it into a astonishing adaptation and ap Theosophy thing of wonder and perfection, parently purposive behaviour in Easr in the Light of the West The short chapicr on tlic Wisdom living creatures, ranging from Christianity as Mystical Fact of ihc Wilds is a ma.stcrpiecc of shcllhsh and insects to birds and considered thinking on the svide migration habits, and asks how On the Training of the Soul question of the power of birds and chcy arc to be explained. In these toasts to think and reason, in coo), lucid essays the reader is Ho^^' to Attain Knowledge of the Higher Worlds opposition to mere instinct, His given an intimate experience of the facts and left free to take them The Life of the Soul o b s c r v ' a t i o n n e v e r r e l a x e s f o r a moment'. as he will*. A Road to Self Knowledge — West Countryman —The Observer Crown 4 to, both superbly ill us f rated by G. F, Tunniclifle, A.R.A. Education O B T A I N A B L E F R O M A L L B O O K S E L L E R S O R rhe Spiritual Ground of Education C O U N T R Y L I F E L I M I T E D Essentiab of Education The Stiidv of Man 2-10, TAVISTOCK STREET, LONDON, W.C.2 Medicine Fundamentals of Therapy Spiritual Science and Medicine The Golden Blade Philosophy and Science The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity Copies of the frsi two issues are available in limited numbers Goethe's Conception of the World T h e c o n t e n t s I n c l u d e Anthroposophy and Christiaiiity 1940 I9S0 The Threshold in J^^alure and in Spiritual Knowledge : A Way of Life (rospe! of St. Matthew Man Rudolf Steiner Rudolf Steiner Gospel of St, Mark Tendencies to a Three/old Order Exfterience of Birth and Death in Gospel of St. Luke A. C. Harwood Childhood K. Konio, m.d. Gospel of St. John Are There Too Many People ? Spiritual Geography of Palestine &c., &c. E, Pfeiffer liMTi. Bock Goethe and the Scxenee of the Future What if a Fartn ? LisU of oil fhr published works by Rudolf Steinrr in the origiml Gcoroe Adams C. A. Mier German and in English Iranslalions can be had on application to A P o e t a n d a P a i n t e r A Third Way in Arehiteeture RudPlf Stelner Book Centre & Publishing Co* A1.BERT STBFFEN Kenneth Baves What is a Healthy Society ? Adediiaiion and Time 54, Bi-oomsbury Street, W.C.I, C h a r l e s W a t e r m a ? ! A d a m B i t t l e s t o n or Orders, enclosing 6/4 (or 81) for each copy, post free, should be sent to Anthroposophical Publishing Co. Aruold Freeman. 3 Siiipton Street, Sheffield, O 35, Park Road, London, N.W.I. 1 The Golden Blade FABER BOOKS 1951 T h e A g e o f T e r r o r L E S L I E P A U L Total war, total propaganda and political terror arc iIjc 'discoveries' in politics of this century. The author of that brilliant study The Annihilation of Man makes a wide sweep through European history and speculation to find out what really has happened to a Europe which was nurtured by Christianity, gave birth to THE COSMIC WORD AND INDIVIDUAL MAN Rudolf Steiner 1 humanism and had hoped for progress. With 13 maps and a chart. 18/- THE HEAVENLY HIERARCHIES A d a m B i t t l c s t o n 1 5 The Universal Character of Christianity A. K. CLARKE ETHERIC FORCES . Lawrence E^ardsaiid Charles Waterman 32 The distinguished classical scholar considers the significance of universality in religion, and gives grounds for thinking that Christianity has universal character JOTUNS Andrew Keith 42 and value. 8/6 EVOLUTION AND CREATION . E. L. Grant Watson 43 Conditions of Freedom JOHN MacMURRAY H. E. Drading 56 These three lectures, the last considerably expanded, were delivered under the W O U L D r r W E R E A LWAY S A P R I L auspices of the Chancellor Dunning Trust at Queen's University, Ontario, in January, 1949. Professor MacMurray devotes all his powers of logic and ON BEING AN AMERICAN Virginia Moore 59 persuasion to the cause of proving the supreme inaportance of the dignity, freedom and responsibility of the individual in human society. 6/- CAROL OF THE CARTOGRAPHERS Isabel Wyatt 73 The Supreme Identity A. W. WATTS Violet Plincke 74 A brilliant comparison of Oriental metaphysics and Christiamty. 'The attentive -SOLOVIEV : A SEEKER OF SOPHIA . reader cannot but be fascinated by his dexterity, and deeply depths—or heights—to which he attains... a brilliant book.'—Catholic Herald. 12/6 FORM IN ART AND IN SOCIETY Owen Barfield 88 The Three Spheres A FAIR REWARD FOR WORK . Brian Stockwell 100 C H A R L E S W A T E R M A N of Society Isabel Wyatt 112 'Far more than an engenious applicadon of the Steiner theory. It is a thoughtful AMBER study of contemporary society and an earnest attempt to find a way of hie that avoids totalitarianism on the one hand and the economic evils oi latssez fatre on THE CHESS-GAZING BOY C h a r l e s W a t e r m a n 11 3 the other.'—Scotsman. CHARLES WILLIAMS THE FIGURE OF BEATRICE: A Study in OW;). FROM HEAVEN and THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS (16/-). TOE DESCTOT OF THE DOVE (15/-). With these books the reader is as fully equipped as possible for studying the religious thought of this brilliant poet, novelist, essayist Edited by Arnold Freeman and Charles Waterman Ld historian, whose work has been exerting an increasmg mfluence ever smce his untimely death in 1945. Published at 3 Shipton Street, SheJIield, 6 Price 61' (6/4 post free) kk-kirk*-k* ***AAAAA T H E C O S M I C W O R D A N D INDIVIDUAL MAN RUDOLF STEINER A Lecture given at Stuttgart on May 2, ig23^ INanpresent-day art which anthroposophical was one of the artslife we of must the oldbegin Mysteries—thoseto develop Mysteries which were based on a quite difKrent kind of knowledge from that of to-day, and yet possessed in their customs, and in their whole way of conducting affairs, a great deal that has been lost, ^ and must be renewed. The art I mean can be described, quite in Anthroposophy, a way of thought rather than accordance with the intentions of the old Mysteries, thus: from words a body of dogma, springs from the work and there must be drawn Spirit. But when, in the old Mysteries, they spoke teaching of Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). He spoke of Word, or Logos, they meant something very much more significant of it as "a path of knowledge, to guide the spiritual than is generally meant to-day. We have to learn to find again a in the human being to the spiritual in the universe." deeper and deeper meaning in the objects and processes of the world—and in this sentence, once more : Spirit must be drawn forth The purpose of this Annual is to publish I f r o m w o r d s . writings which bring the outlook of Anthroposophy To speak of the human being as consisting of physical body, to bear on questions and activities of the present etheric body, astral body. Ego, and so on, is really very abstract. time. For this reason we have tried on many occasions to describe what is really meant by these members of man's being. It is always The title derives from a reference by Rudolf possible to go further in such descriptions, and so to approach Steiner to an old Persian legend. "Djemjdid was nearer to spiritual reality. To-day we shall consider the human a king who - led his people from the north towards ' etheric body, describing what is discovered by supersensible vision Iran, and who received from the god whom he about the real being of this human etheric body. We should not called Ahura Mazdao, a golden dagger, by means stop at the vague conception conveyed by describing how the of which he was to fulfil his mission on earth.