Welcome to The Church of St. Dominic Parish Office: 507-645-8816 216 Spring St. N. www.churchofstdominic.org Sat. Mass: 5:00 PM Sun. Mass: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM (Misa) Confessions: 5:00-5:25 PM Tues., 3:30-4:30 PM Sat. Parish Email:
[email protected] May 2, 2021 Sacred Relics Of The Saints: Treasures Of The Church On Saturday, May 15th, the faithful have the oppor- tunity to venerate the sacred remains of the Church’s heroes. Father Carlos Martins, a Custos Reliquiarum (ecclesiastically-appointed curate of relics), will return to Minnesota in April with a Vatican exhibit of more than 150 sacred relics. Immensely popular, it is high- lighted by some of the largest remaining fragments of the Wood of the True Cross in the world and a piece of the Veil that belonged to the Blessed Virgin. Each exposition begins with a presentation on relics that provides the catechetical and spiritual basis for the veneration that follows. The teaching presents the basic Gospel message: God wants to be encountered; He touches us through the lives and the sacred re- mains of His saints. “God never disappoints ... he always ‘shows up,’” remarks Fr. Martins. “There are healings at every exposition. Hun- dreds, perhaps even thousands, have been reported. Spectacular ones. Attendees have reported cancer, heart dis- ease, tumors, osteoporosis, physical deformities, etc., disappear immediately and completely.” Though a great num- ber of miracles have been physical (the exhibit’s website lists a sample of these), he admits that the most spectacu- lar is the healing of faith, where a new and deeper relationship with God and His saints are formed in the faithful.