Development Plat Submittal Requirements
CITY OF HOUSTON Archaeological & Historical Commission _ __ Planning and Development Department PROTECTED LANDMARK DESIGNATION REPORT LANDMARK NAME: The LULAC Council 60 Clubhouse AGENDA ITEM: B1 OWNERS: C. 60, Inc. LLC HPO FILE NO.: 20PL181 Ray Valdez, Chair 502 Avondale Street Houston, TX 77006 APPLICANTS: Sehila Casper, National Trust for Historic DATE ACCEPTED: 2/1/2020 Preservation, Houston Field Office LOCATION: 3004 Bagby Street Houston, Texas 77006 HAHC HEARING: 4/9/2020 SITE INFORMATION: Lot 3 and 4, Fairgrounds Subdivision, City of Houston, Harris County, Texas. The historic site includes one extant historic two-story, stucco single-family structure. TYPE OF APPROVAL REQUESTED: Protected Landmark Designation HISTORY AND SIGNIFICANCE SUMMARY See Attached HISTORY AND SIGNIFICANCE See Attached ARCHITECTURAL DESCRIPTION AND RESTORATION HISTORY See Attached The LULAC Council 60 Clubhouse Page 1 of 3 20PL181 CITY OF HOUSTON Archaeological & Historical Commission _ __ Planning and Development Department APPROVAL CRITERIA FOR LANDMARK DESIGNATION Sec. 33-224. Criteria for designation (a) The HAHC, in making recommendations with respect to designation, and the city council, in making a designation, shall consider one or more of the following criteria, as appropriate for the type of designation: S NA S - satisfies D - does not satisfy NA - not applicable (1) Whether the building, structure, object, site or area possesses character, interest or value as a visible reminder of the development, heritage, and cultural and ethnic diversity
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