OpusCapita has been distributing in- “When we are selecting a total supplier of invoicing voices for Vegfinans AS ever since 2000. services, it is important for us to find a business partner In 2015 the Vegfinans group expects to who understands our operations and can tailor solutions send out nearly 2.4 million invoices, of to meet our requirements.” which approximately 400,000 will be Nils Christian Helgesen, CEO Vegfinans sent to subscribers (holders of Auto- PASS transponders) and approximately 2 million will be sent to non-subscrib- send as many invoices as possible elec- voice distribution in the future. We want ers. Currently 14% of all customers – tronically, and accordingly is offering to get most of our customers to take ad- both subscribers and non-subscribers its customers several new electronic vantage of electronic payment solutions – are invoiced electronically. A greater payment solutions. In December 2014, and to reduce the use of paper invoices. percentage of subscribers (23%) than of OpusCapita emerged as winner of the Among other things, in collaboration with non-subscribers are invoiced electroni- open tender for a new contract to dis- OpusCapita we have begun to establish a cally. Vegfinans is also in the process of tribute invoices for companies in the direct debit system. This is a new service making payment by direct debit avail- Vegfinans group. The new contract with that many of our customers will wish to able to all its customers. Vegfinans an- OpusCapita is an important step in the take advantage of. We anticipate that this ticipates that 20% of its customer base process of establishing more electronic will give us financial benefits such as a de- will take advantage of the opportunity payment solutions for Vegfinans custo- crease in incorrect payments and a reduc- to pay by direct debit. mers. tion in the need to send payment remind- ers. This will contribute to improving our Aiming to increase digi- “With our new contract with OpusCapita cash flow. The entire invoicing process will tal invoice distribution we are establishing new electronic pay- be more efficient than previously,” says Looking forward, Vegfinans plans to ment solutions designed to facilitate in- Nils Christian Helgesen, CEO Vegfinans. Case Vegfinans

“With our new contract with OpusCapita we are establishing new electronic payment solutions designed to facilitate invoice distribution in the future.” Nils Christian Helgesen, CEO Vegfinans

Increased efficiency Requirements for the The challenge and cost savings efficient management of » It is anticipated that a significant “Vegfinans is a regional toll-collection toll collection service proportion of Vegfinans’s 2.4 mil- group that performs services linked to the Vegfinans began sending out invoic- lion invoices will continue to be distributed as paper invoices. Too lifecycles of toll-collection companies. We es in 2000, and ever since has used much time and too many resourc- contribute to improving the efficiency of OpusCapita to supply services related es are expended on handling pa- the toll-collection companies’ adminis- to invoice distribution. OpusCapita has per invoices. Electronic solutions trative functions and the management submitted competitive tenders in all will be given high priority under of toll-collection projects. Accordingly we the public tendering processes held the new contract with OpusCa- focus continually on improving efficien- since 2000. pita, such that the proportion of electronically distributed invoices cy and saving costs, including for invoice will increase, while the proportion distribution. Our new extended contract “When we are selecting a total supplier of of paper invoices will decrease. with OpusCapita is a step towards facili- invoicing services, it is important for us to tating even more efficient and cost-effec- find a business partner who understands The main advantages of tive invoice distribution that will be even our operations and can tailor solutions electronic invoice distri- simpler for both us and our customers,” to meet our requirements. OpusCapita bution explains Nils Christian Helgesen. understands our operations, and is at the 1. Lower costs forefront of development in proposing 2. Faster invoice distribution new and improved technological solu- 3. Easier to manage for the recipient 4. More straightforward tions that improve the efficiency of invoice administration distribution,” concludes Nils Christian Helgesen of Vegfinans.

Vegfinans is a regional toll-collection group in Eastern . Vegfinans AS is wholly owned by the counties of , , , , and . Vegfinans AS has 16 wholly-owned subsidiary companies in these six counties. Vegfinans is the part owner of, and provides administrative services to, a further three companies. All group employees are employed by Vegfinans AS, which performs all administrative tasks for the group. The company has 17 permanent em- ployees. The Vegfinans group is the largest source of toll-derived road financing in Norway, having made loans totalling approximately NOK 19 billion to finance road projects. The group anticipates almost 110 million transits through its toll stations in 2015.