Mary #&%$an Obey An Interview C~raduoteQby Wflla %lug Barn Photograph following: Dr. and Mrs. John Knox McLean and daughter Mary, early 1890Fs. All uses of this marmuscript are covered by nn agreement between the Regents of' the University of California ad Nary McLean Olney dated 13 December 1963. The manuscript is thereby made available for research purposes. All. litera.ry rignks in the mznuscript, including the right to publish, are reserved Lo the General Library of the University of California at Berkeley. No part of the manuscript nay be quoted for publication without the writtea permission of the University Librarian sf the University of California at Berkeley. BilBwy 0lne-j~was bozfi i~&Q,a.mdin 1873. She.w,aa *he &aughB,er 0:f.&, J0.k fi-@e%&a, pas't;~~ of the rj+s~.%Q~pgrqptj,oa . .Qbap~h. &..Qua& <, U,72:m5895:+.%~~sBqq::. and pre~%~@,~tYb!~.-af %e..2~a&if$#:. , %.. !th@;oLty@sal,hrsljlaaq;,:mm.bsr & %he Bmd.:.:0f G,had.*$;&eo.., ,. ., ..: -4 ~B~?.~B.%,~BS.,. .., . t~tas$e~t99 ..~?..BHM~:
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