D-AMINOACYLASES AND DIPEPTIDASES WITHIN THE AMIDOHYDROLASE SUPERFAMILY: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ENZYME STRUCTURE AND SUBSTRATE SPECIFICITY A Dissertation by JENNIFER ANN CUMMINGS Submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies of Texas A&M University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY December 2010 Major Subject: Chemistry D-AMINOACYLASES AND DIPEPTIDASES WITHIN THE AMIDOHYDROLASE SUPERFAMILY: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ENZYME STRUCTURE AND SUBSTRATE SPECIFICITY A Dissertation by JENNIFER ANN CUMMINGS Submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies of Texas A&M University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Approved by: Chair of Committee, Frank Raushel Committee Members, Paul Lindahl David Barondeau Gregory Reinhart Head of Department, David Russell December 2010 Major Subject: Chemistry iii ABSTRACT D-Aminoacylases and Dipeptidases within the Amidohydrolase Superfamily: Relationship Between Enzyme Structure and Substrate Specificity. (December 2010) Jennifer Ann Cummings, B.S., Southern Oregon University; M.S., Texas A&M University Chair of Advisory Committee: Dr. Frank Raushel Approximately one third of the genes for the completely sequenced bacterial genomes have an unknown, uncertain, or incorrect functional annotation. Approximately 11,000 putative proteins identified from the fully-sequenced microbial genomes are members of the catalytically diverse Amidohydrolase Superfamily. Members of the Amidohydrolase Superfamily separate into 24 Clusters of Orthologous Groups (cogs). Cog3653 includes proteins annotated as N-acyl-D-amino acid deacetylases (DAAs), and proteins within cog2355 are homologues to the human renal dipeptidase. The substrate profiles of three DAAs (Bb3285, Gox1177 and Sco4986) and six microbial dipeptidase (Sco3058, Gox2272, Cc2746, LmoDP, Rsp0802 and Bh2271) were examined with N-acyl-L-, N-acyl-D-, L-Xaa-L-Xaa, L-Xaa-D-Xaa and D-Xaa-L-Xaa substrate libraries.
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