1 | January 9, 2019 NFN Council Meeting 'Namgis First Nation Council Meeting January 9, 2019 9:30Am Council Chambers Council

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1 | January 9, 2019 NFN Council Meeting 'Namgis First Nation Council Meeting January 9, 2019 9:30Am Council Chambers Council ‘Namgis First Nation Council Meeting January 9, 2019 9:30am Council Chambers Council: Don Svanvik; Robert Mountain; Kelly Speck; Dixon Taylor; Brian Wadhams; Victor Isaac; Bill Wasden; George Alfred; John Macko; Regrets: Jerry Alfred; Staff: Administrator Verna Ambers; Assistant Administrator Jamie Hill; Recording Secretary – Gina Wadhams Prayer Dixon Taylor Agenda 2019-Jan-09: (01) BRIAN WADHAMS/ROBERT MOUNTAIN That we approve the agenda. CARRIED December 4th, 2018 2019-Jan-09: (02) BILL WASDEN/KELLY SPECK Minute Approval That we approve the minutes of December 4, 2018 as presented. CARRIED Update on Action Items: • MMIWG: Support letters provided for Cary-Lee Calder • Strategic Plan: Set for February 13th & 14th, 2019 for Council at L.C. at 9am • Travel Expenditure: Numbers to be brought to next meeting • Specific Claims: BCR being signed • OSR/Kwagis: Bring back payment options. Council requests report on what has been spent. Council agenda: January 22nd, 2019 In-Camera 2019-Jan-09: (03) ROBERT MOUNTAIN/KELLY SPECK That we go In-Camera. CARRIED 2019-Jan-09: (04) KELLY SPECK/BILL WASDEN That we go out of In-Camera. CARRIED Governance Training 2019-Jan-09: (04) BRIAN WADHAMS/GEORGE ALFRED That we approve the Governance Training on February 13th for Council; February 14th for Strategic Planning and February 15th for Boards and Mama’omas. CARRIED 1-Against Travel/Land Code 2019-Jan-09: (05) BRIAN WADHAMS/ROBERT MOUNTAIN That we approve travel for Don Svanvik to the Land Code meetings in Vancouver and Victoria and for Brian Svanvik to Victoria. CARRIED Travel/ACC 2019-Jan-09: (06) VICTOR ISAAC/DIXON TAYLOR That we approve travel for Brian Wadhams to the ACC meeting in Nanaimo on January 16th & 17th, 2019. CARRIED Request for update on meetings attended Travel/Fishery 2019-Jan-09: (07) GEORGE ALFRED/DIXON TAYLOR Guardian That we approve travel for Robert Mountain and Victor Isaac to attend the AFS/Fishery Guardian meeting on January 17th, 2019 in Richmond. CARRIED Meeting with Kelly Speck, Robert Mountain and Victor Isaac on January 16th, 2019 Travel/Joint Gathering 2019-Jan-09: (08) VICTOR ISAAC/GEORGE ALFRED That we approve travel for Don Svanvik and John Macko to the Joint Gathering in Vancouver: January 22-24, 2019. CARRIED Travel/FNFC 2019-Jan-09: (09) VICTOR ISAAC/DIXON TAYLOR That we approve travel for Brian Wadhams to the FNFC Regional Socioeconomic Workshop on January 24th, 2019 in Richmond. CARRIED 1 | January 9, 2019 NFN Council Meeting Travel/Pacific Salmon 2019-Jan-09: (10) BRIAN WADHAMS/BILL WASDEN Treaty Chapter 4 That we approve travel for Victor Isaac to the Pacific Salmon Treaty Chapter 4 on January 25th, 2019 in Vancouver. CARRIED Travel/Pacific Herring TABLED – need more information OSG Don Svanvik will sign letter as discussed RDMW Transit Agreement 2019-Jan-09: (11) ROBERT MOUNTAIN/GEORGE ALFRED That we approve signing the RDMW Transit Memorandum of Agreement for year: January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. CARRIED Verna Ambers to get stats from RDMW on the Transit services. Solid Waste 2019-Jan-09: (12) VICTOR ISAAC/KELLY SPECK Agreement That we approve signing the RDMW Solid Waste Memorandum of Agreement for year: January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 in the amount of $27,000. CARRIED Information Distributed to Council FNMHF Report on the 2018 Engagement Sessions of the First Nations Market Housing Fund K’omoks First Nation DFO Minister’s Lack of Willingness to meet with the K’omoks First Nation on TRM Items FNFC DFO/FNFC Aquaculture Tier 2 Meeting Minutes Freezer Plant Council members voiced their concerns about the freezer plant: broken lock on ceremonial food freezer, missing food, cleanliness of the building; butchering elk; key holders; carcass disposal; what rules exist for governing the building. Suggestion to put up signage of how to look after the building when people finish butchering their food. Band members must learn to respect the plant and leave it in a clean state to reduce the likelihood of rodents entering the building. Jamie Hill will personally go to the plant and will provide a report back to Council. Goldthorpe George Alfred gave contact number to Admin to access the Goldthorpe report. George would like copies for Council to review. Local Gardens Future consideration – get people interested in gardening. Need a champion to spearhead. Produce for community would be ideal. Economic Development Economic Development Officer is needed; Hold Co. will look after for us. Brookfield Will be here on February 6th, 2019. Find out more information. Plan on lunch (BBQ fish) and performance by school children. _____________________________________________ _______________________________________ Chief Don Svanvik Date 2 | January 9, 2019 NFN Council Meeting ACTION ITEMS: To Do Comments Appointed to: Governance Training Remind Council, Departments of dates: Wednesday (Feb 13th) Council Governance Training and Council Strategic Planning Thursday (Feb 14th) at Learning Centre at 9am. Lunch provided. Freezer Plant Inspection by Jamie Hill Brookfield Plans for February 6th, 2019 3 | January 9, 2019 NFN Council Meeting ‘Namgis First Nation Council Meeting January 22, 2019 9:30am Council Chambers Council: Don Svanvik; Kelly Speck; Brian Wadhams; Bill Wasden; Robert Mountain; Victor Isaac; Jerry Alfred; Dixon Taylor Regrets: John Macko; George Alfred; Staff: Administrator Verna Ambers; Assistant Administrator Jamie Hill; Recording Secretary – Gina Wadhams Prayer Dixon Taylor Agenda 2019-Jan-22: (01) BILL WASDEN/KELLY SPECK That we approve the agenda with additions. CARRIED December 18th, 2018 2019-Jan-22: (02) ROBERT MOUNTAIN/KELLY SPECK Minute Approval That we approve the minutes of December 18, 2018 as presented. CARRIED In-Camera 2019-Jan-22: (03) ROBERT MOUNTAIN/BRIAN WADHAMS That we go In-Camera. CARRIED 2019-Jan-22: (04) BILL WASDEN/DIXON TAYLOR That we go out of In-Camera. CARRIED Financial Law No update IMSI (Wharf) 2019-Jan-22: (04) JERRY ALFRED/BRIAN WADHAMS That we support the Indigenous Marine Services Initiative (IMSI) Business Case & Work Plan dated January 18, 2019 to upgrade the ‘Namgis Dock approach. CARRIED FA #31 2019-Jan-22: (05) KELLY SPECK/DIXON TAYLOR That we approve signing Funding Agreement #31 in the amount of $15,600 for Operator Wage Enhancement. CARRIED ITHA/FNHA Discussion about ITHA/FNHA 2019-Jan-22: (06) VICTOR ISAAC/JERRY ALFRED That we approve travel for Don Svanvik and Bill Wasden to attend ITHA in Nanaimo on January 28, 2019. CARRIED 2019-Jan-22: (07) KELLY SPECK/VICTOR ISAAC Travel That we approve travel for Don Svanvik & Georgia Cook to attend FNHA. CARRIED 2019-Jan-22: (08) VICTOR ISAAC/ROBERT MOUNTAIN That we support mediation with ITHA & FNHA. CARRIED Travel/FNEC 2019-Jan-22: (09) BRIAN WADHAMS/KELLY SPECK CARRIED That we approve travel for George Alfred to attend FNEC in Port Hardy on January 24th, 2019. Travel/IMAWG 2019-Jan-22: (10) BILL WASDEN/DIXON TAYLOR That we approve travel for Victor Isaac to attend the IMAWG in Nanaimo on January 29th to 31st, 2019. CARRIED Travel/FSMC 2019-Jan-22: (11) DIXON TAYLOR/BILL WASDEN That we approve travel for Victor Isaac for FSMC in Kamloops on February 7th, 2019. CARRIED Travel/FNF FSC 2019-Jan-22: (12) VICTOR ISAAC/DIXON TAYLOR That we approve travel for Brian Wadhams and Jerry Alfred to attend the FNF & FSC Session in Nanaimo on February 13th & 14th, 2019. CARRIED Travel/FSMC 2019-Jan-22: (13) BILL WASDEN/ROBERT MOUNTAIN That we approve travel for Victor Isaac to FSMC on January 23rd & 24th, 2019. CARRIED 1 | J a n u a r y 2 2 , 2 0 1 9 NFN Council Meeting NEDC/Keena Hicken- Governance Policy Gaberria 2019-Jan-22: (14) BRIAN WADHAMS/JERRY ALFRED That we accept/approve the Governance Policy: Draft v1.0 dated January 22, 2019. CARRIED BCR/Infrastructure 2019-Jan-22: (15) BRIAN WADHAMS/ROBERT MOUNTAIN Breakwater That we sign the BCR: The ‘Namgis Chief and Council support the proposal titled ‘Namgis Community Marina Restoration Project seeking funding from Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program in the amount of $9,385,000.00 Phase I; Further we agree to seek additional funds from the Department of Indigenous Services Canada, (DISC) other funding sources, Own Source Revenue Funds as well as other levels of government to secure our 25% cash contribution of the overall cost of the project; our cash contribution Is estimated to be $2,346,250.00; And as per the program requirements ‘Namgis agree to cover an y costs over-runs; We further note the program is claims based and understand we will need to be able to incur and pay costs prior to submitting claims for reimbursement; Finally, if the project is funded the ‘Namgis First Nation will look into bridge financing based on the fact funds need to be spent upfront and then reimbursed by Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program. CARRIED Finance Committee Lynn Anderson Recommendations Financial Summary 2019-Jan-22 (16) VICTOR ISAAC/KELLY SPECK CARRIED That we reviewed and received the November 2018 financial statement summary. Cigarette sales to be reviewed Tsunami Sirens 2019-Jan-22: (17) KELLY SPECK/DIXON TAYLOR That we approve payment of the invoices for installation of two Tsunami Sirens on Cormorant Island in the amount of $97,430.68. CARRIED INFC Loan Agreement 2019-Jan-22: (18) ROBERT MOUNTAIN/BRIAN WADHAMS That Council provide written consent to waive the $250,000 cash sweep entitlement under the Loan agreement with INFC (formerly PPP Canada) and have Brookfield send the remaining amount of the loan $224,707 to IFC and have the balance of the January 31, 2019 Kwagis payment sent directly to ‘Namgis First Nation. CARRIED Hold Co/NEDC Council previously approved the appointment of the CEO for a one-year term starting January 21, 2019 and authorized the expenditure of $180,000 for this position.
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