Luftfahrt-Bundesamt Airworthiness Directive Section Summary of Airworthiness Directives 38144 Braunschweig G E R M A N Y published by Luftfahrt-Bundesamt / Tel. +49 (0) 531-2355-5223 email [email protected] Fax +49 (0) 531-2355-5298 URL

Aircraft: Dornier / Do 28 D-6, Dornier 128-6, -228-100, -228-200 German Type Certificate No.: 2031 a

No. LTA-Nr. Date of Description of Problem Service Bulletins Note issue

1 1983-215 11.01.1984 Actuator motors ARC-PA 520B and ARC-PA 500A Dornier SB No. 1084-2820, dated 21.11.198 - Dornier SB No. 1069-2820, dated 12.09.1980 ARC Field Engineering SB No. 181, dated 01.12.1975

2 1983-216 11.01.1984 Leather bellows on control columns Dornier SB No. 1094-2401, dated 21.11.1983 -

3 1985-040/2 31.05.1985 Flight controls, horizontal stabilizer trim, trim relays 4CC and 9CC Dornier ASB No. 228-019 Rev. 1, dated 19.04.1985 supersedes AD-No. 85-040

4 1985-097/3 22.07.1986 Horizontal stabilizer, front spar Dornier SB No. 228-035 Rev. 1, dated 18.02.1986 supersedes AD-No. 85-097/2 Dornier SB No. 228-024 Rev. 1, dated 25.04.1985

5 1985-158 02.08.1985 Wiring harness on cockpit roof Dornier SB No. 228-025, dated 30.05.1985 -

6 1987-001 15.01.1987 Main Wheel/Brake Assembly Dornier AOT 228/86/012, dated 04.11.1986 - Dornier AOT 228/86/012 Rev. 1, dated 06.11.1986 Goodyear SB Do 228-32-7, dated 30.05.1986 Goodyear SB Do 228-32-8, dated 15.09.1986

7 1987-101 13.05.1987 Engine Nacelle LH/RH Dornier SB No. 1111-3601 Model Dornier 128-6, - dated 20.02.1987

8 1987-102 10.09.1987 Wing, attachment points for the tanks Dornier SB No. 1113-3829 Model Do 28 D-1 and D-2, - Dornier 128-6, dated 08.04.1987

9 1987-217 13.01.1988 Hartzell Propeller - propeller mid-blade failure Dornier AOT No. 228/87/17, dated 09.10.1987 - Hartzell SB No. 140 C, dated 30.09.1987

10 1988-010 29.01.1988 Rod End on actuator motor Dornier SB No. 1114-3405, dated 08.05.1987 -

11 1988-131 12.07.1988 Horizontal tail bearing-fitting Dornier SB No. 1110-3204 Model Do 28 D, Do 28 D- - 1, Do 28 D-2, Dornier 128-6, dated 15.04.1988

Page 1 of 3 12 1989-004 24.01.1989 Emergency Exit Door Dornier SB No. 1117-3848 Model Do 28D-2, 128-6, - dated 02.05.1988

13 1989-107 03.08.1989 Electrical system, Essential BUS Modification Dornier SB No. 228-143, dated 03.03.1989 -

14 1989-156 13.09.1989 Nose Wheel Steering Dornier SB No. 228-148, dated 22.05.1989 -

15 1990-182/2 20.12.1990 Trim Relays 4CC, 5CC, 8CC, 9CC Dornier SB No. 228-160, dated 18.12.1989 for supersedes AD-No. 90-182 Aircraft without (S20) and without Trim coupling (C01) Dornier SB No. 228-164 for Aircraft with Autopilot (S20) and with Trim coupling (C01)

16 1990-183 12.07.1990 Ground connection wing/ Dornier SB No. 228-162, dated 19.12.1990 -

17 1990-294 03.09.1990 Startergenerator Fa. APC P/N 250 SG 117 Q Dornier SB No. 228-173, dated 17.07.1990 - APC SB No. 150 SG 111, dated 26.06.1990

18 1992-188 02.03.1992 Wiring Harness, Installation in fuselage Dornier SB No. 228-192, dated 18.11.1991 -

19 1994-042 09.02.1994 Change of main axle P/N A-511000 B28B against an improved version Dornier SB No. 228-214, dated 28.01.1994 -

20 1994-151 25.08.1994 Flight Controls, L/H Control Column In The Cockpit, Pipe Area Under The Gust Lock Dornier 128-6 SB No. 1137-1401 Rev. 1, dated - 20.06.1994 Airplane Maintenance Manual (AMM), Appendix 1 - Temporary Revisions TR A1-003, dated 14.03.1994 and TR A1-004, dated 15.06.1994

21 1995-175/2 02.08.1995 Horizontal Stabilizer Rib - Inspection for cracks Daimler Benz Aerospace SB No. 228- supersedes AD-No. 95-175 211 Rev. 3, dated 07.07.1995

22 1995-246 23.08.1995 Landing Gear - Modification of Gear Warning System Daimler Benz Aerospace SB No. 228- - 215 Rev. 1, dated 01.01.1995

23 1998-141/2 21.05.1998 Landing Gear - Inspection of landing gear actuator Dornier SB No. 228-226 Rev. 1, dated 23.03.1997 supersedes AD-No. 98-141

24 1999-030/3 29.05.2003 Ice and rain protection – Modification of Windshield wash system Dornier 228 SB No. SB-28-235 Rev. 1, dated supersedes AD-No. 99-030/2 18.12.2001

25 2001-045/2 24.07.2003 Horizontal Stabilizer Leading Edge and Ribs - Inspection for cracks Dornier Airplane Maintenance Manual Temporary supersedes AD-No. 2001-045 Revision No. 55-6, dated 03.03.2003 and No. AMM TR 05-88, dated 22.04.2003

26 2002-264 19.09.2002 Air Conditioning - Change of Cockpit and Cabin Auxiliary Heating Wiring Dornier 228 SB-228-249, dated 19.11.2001 -

Page 2 of 3 27 2005-438R1 15.10.2013 (ATA 05) Time Limits / Maintenance Checks – Maintenance Requirements - RUAG AMM-228-00014-080184 Rev. 3, dated supersedes AD-No. 2005-438 Implementation 30.10.2012 RUAG Dornier 228 TLMCM-090305-ALL Rev. 5, dated 20.03.2011 RUAG Dornier 228 TLMCM-228-00002-150610 Rev. 1, dated 03.03.2011

28 2007-079R1 27.05.2009 Fuselage – Reinforcement and Inspections of fuselage Frame 19 RUAG Aerospace Services GmbH SB 228-273 supersedes AD-No. 2007-079

29 2007-350R1 30.01.2009 Partial de-bonding of the surface protection on rudders and elevators RUAG SB-228-270 Rev. 1, dated 28.11.2008 supersedes AD-No. D-2007-350

30 2007-353 28.12.2007 Cracks in rudder control cable terminals due to production errors RUAG SB-228-269, dated 23.03.2007 -

31 2008-149 05.05.2008 Fatigue cracks at the connection between nose landing gear cylinder and strut RUAG SB-228-274, dated 05.03.2008 - support because of a manufacturing error during the welding process RUAG ASB-228-272, dated 30.11.2007

32 2008-337 16.12.2008 Flight Controls – Aileron Trim Actuator and Rod Spring Lever Attachment Bracket RUAG Aerospace Services SB 228-275, dated - Riveting – Inspection / Modification 08.10.2008

33 2008-381R1 18.06.2009 Möglicher Verlust von Propellerblattausgleichsgewichten im Fluge durch Bruch der - none - supersedes AD-No. 2008-381 Befestigungsbolzen infolge eines Produktionsfehlers

34 2009-039R2 30.06.2016 Engine Controls – Throttle Box Assembly-Inspection RUAG Aerospace Dornier 228 ASB-228-279 or supersedes AD-No. 2009-039R1 Rev. 1, dated 22.09.2015

35 2009-077 01.04.2009 Main Landing Gear – Identification / Replacement of the Main Landing Gear Stub RUAG Aerospace Dornier 228 SB 228-276 - Axle

- END-

Datum der letzten Änderung: 30.06.2016

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