Hillside Birthday Planned Zone Suit Dismissal HILLSIDE's
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I Try THE WEATHER THE HILLSIDE TUBBS Fair today and tomorrow. For Your Next Order Of PRINTING under tin? Act of Mini'll :t. V^LXIII, No. «9:j HILLSIDE, N. J., FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1938 Oi l l( I.\l. N KIVSI'AI’MU OF 1 11 I: TOWNSlIll* OF iiil i.s i d i: I’UK E FIVE CENTS Don’t Hillside Hillside Boys In Alaska Oil T ru c k Hit Three Police Veterans Zone Suit Mention it Find Jobs And Good Pay By T ra in ; 2 Die Penalized By San ford Birthday beautiful spring weather. Some of More than one person lias been Steve Nemeth, John Dienst the fellows got spring lever and quit Local Driver of Truck Se Returned Founding Pave early lash-week, although officially Dismissal threatened with a beating up "lor In Forest Service camp.. T don't expect to be here verely Burnett Fireman, action was not taken, cleflnilely un two cents,” but to Canio FasLige, 37. much longer myself. About March ments ; | Rank on I )utv til the hearings Fripay. known as “Shorty,” proprietor of Engineer Fatally 11 ml wiloti Much” Planned An interesting letter has just been 31st. Johnny and I are'going to roll duel San lord declared he had Shorty’s Garage at 1425 North Broad received by Steve Nemeth, of 430 up and go to Anchorage. That'S Penalties were imposed _hti three personally seen Beyer drunk Sun street, it has a slightly different Long avenue, from Ills son. Steve about a l'.OOO miles from here. John Major. 45. of 56 Ride,way veteran members of the police de meaning. day night March, 13 in North Broad ..... Jr., who is staying far uji Nonh at Things are supposed to be pretty avenue, driver of a Bennett Oil Com partment by Police Chief NOainair Because three men found he had Dinner and Parade with street. He aid Beyer also had Marine Station. Ketchikan, Alaska. good ui> there. We can get a cabin pany i ruck and trailer .struck Mon L. Sanford at private hearings!last tailed to make his regular ring on a only 2 cents in his pockets and Floats Among Events Steve, together with John Dicnst, to .live in Tor $10 a month; and then day by -i Central Railroad-of New Friday afternoon. The three av mv Adjust moil Board Will In- nothing in' the cash drawer when call box to headquarters. Burst an.i for Anniversary also of Long avenue, is in the forest we can look lor a job. That's owe Jersey passenger train, at a grade charged with drinking while on duty, Beyer. Sanford slated, came into sped Revised Plans for they walked in on him about 3:15 service of the agricultural depart good thing about Alaska, wages are crossing in Sewaren, is slowly re but,-Sanford said, not in a tavern. Sunday morning, he was pushed headquarters the same night "in a Liberty Park Tavern ment. They both joined up last pretty good up here. Mast jobs covering from severe burns of the The three are Joseph Beyer, who condition that indicated'they had against the wall of his gai'age and HOPE TO ORTAIN September. Steve was graduated pay about $115 to $135 a month with face and hands in Perth Amboy slugged over the head with pieces had been temporarily assigned to (trunk much more than they could from Hillside High School the sum board. General Hospital. scout, car duty; Albert Borst and carry." CONSENT TO CHANGE of pipe. NOTED SPEAKERS mer of 1936. “The days are getting much longer According to jx'rsons who witness William Dierolf, both of whom bad Patrolman Harry (ioheen,- one « . Yelling loudly, “Shorty” followed Steve will celebrate his 21st birth ed the wreck Major-escaped death NOT FORTHCOMING Main feature of Hillside’s cele now. It gels -daylight about 7 bet'll on motorcycle patrol duly. E.u li the Iasi three members ailue 1 i the three hold up men out of the day von April 2 in Alaska where he by a lew livl He was reported as was deprived ol In.- days off for ilit garage until they got into a black bration ol its twenty-fifth anni o'clock and gets dark at 7 o’clock. the police ilep i: tm an w a sub". 1 Legal prep,nations to have dls- intends to remain until next fall. In the summer time it becomes dark remembering little ol the collision, next, three months and Beyer, in luted lor Hoi: i on a moio. .. t ! sedan and drove off in Mertz ave versary as a separate municipality He is anxious to study mining en although he knew unbeing pulled m i d the suit before the Supreme will be a dinner on Thursday eve at 11 p. m.' addition, lust his fiftecu-day vaca lord said there would i • only iw.. (Mum ol New Jersey which had con nue. He told police he could not gineering at Fairbanks, Alaska, and out from his flaming truck. His tion this summer. shifts oji the motoicycle instead i ]' get the license number and was un ning, April 28. and it parade includ is saving money to this end. "We have some baseball equip wile, who was at bis bedside for tested granting u! a permit to build ing a large number of floats, ac ment so some of the fellows got up T’he three were assigned I" night lhrec, so no one wa a •. i .11 Ai im an addition to a Liberty avenue able to give a detailed description The letter he wrote to his folks several hours after he was taken to "beats" on loot. In addition. Chit i DieroH's place on one Beyer hau of the men. He was treated at the cording to the program to be pro follows: a\tca.m. There isn’t any field the hospital, declared he lvad told l nvei n were held up over the week posed by Dr. Fred II. Roever Jr., around here, so when the tide goes Sanl'ord has ordered Patrolmen been nlfmiatin \ on scout car duty. end last night by the Zoning Board Elizabeth General Hospital for n “I’m feeling fine and hope every - her he wanted to see if anyone, was Harold McBride and Ernest Vuelk. Ill platvjjf McBride and Voelk m deep scalp laceration, which re program chairman. one at home is feeling well.., too: out we play, on the beach. There A lnut but he was removed imme ol Adjustment. Settlement of the program for the a baseball field in town. We want to veterans in scout cars, to duty on scout cars, (lint Sanlord ass; m- . Alter some debate, a motion made quired three stitches, and a badly Three otlier fellows and myself were diately. lie was kept Unaware ol foot, clii< l Sanford issued no iv.i Victor Heller and Andrew dep.son. bruised 'tight hand. week probably will be reached dur looking over a boat we were going to challenge the Ward Lake Camp, to a the fact that the engineer and a by George T. Steuerwald and sec ing the coming week when the anni game. son for this action, other than tn u who aie aim,iv, the Ucwvr p.itivjr- onded by Stanley H. Weston to con buy for $350. but we changed our fireman on the train were killed. it was lor the "good of the service m e n , Township Committeeman Robert versary committee, headed by Ben minds as we didn’t like the propeller “I ’m not the second cook any The engineer and fireman died sider cl Binges in the plans previously jamin Hale, holds another meeting. No charges apparently were made Borst and Beyer yv< re named to approved, dependent on removal of O. Thompson, raving about how fine shaft on it. Otherwise it was a more, as another fellow who was from burns, as the truck exploded against Voelk and McBride, as ilu the police department in 1926 and traveling by air is, since his trip to Dr. Roever said the dinner would swell; boat. It had plenty of room cooking on a .rarigor boat (govern and the flaming oil sprayed in all the case from the court was passed open the week’s celebration, and all were not ordered in tor healing... Din oil m 1927. Mi lb it.e was a p when Chairman Thomas Keyworth Missouri and back last week, isn’t to accommodate four persons. We ment boat) is hack tit camp here directions, particularly Into the en Tilt, change;, l'or the live were maue pointed in 19.'5 and > Voelk m 1929. quite up with the times. Of course, organizations would be urged to co were going to go clam digging with so he took over. We are through gine cab. where the two had little added the third xyile. Raymond J. he knew the large cr6’\vd -waiting at operate in the function. He indi it. mining school so now all I have to chance to.avoid it. 1 W;ird and Louis E. Wallraff declined j to vole. Newark Airport, wasn’t for him when cated1 efforts would be made to have (let Spring Fever do is to find a gold mine.” Ga( e m a i l Is Held 1 lie moditication of the plans cuts he and his wife arrived Sunday Guvcimn A. Harry Moore attend as “For the last four days we had (Signed) STEVE Joseph Laskie, g.stcman at the Tony’s ’ Day Oft) | Approve WPA afternoon, but he apparently was the chief speaker, and to have Con crossing, was.