Anti-Markedness Patterns in French Epenthesis
Anti-markedness patterns in French epenthesis: An information-theoretic approach Author(s): Elizabeth Hume, Kathleen Currie Hall, Andrew Wedel, Adam Ussishkin, Martine Adda-Decker, and Cédric Gendrot Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society (2013), pp. 104-123 Editors: Chundra Cathcart, I-Hsuan Chen, Greg Finley, Shinae Kang, Clare S. Sandy, and Elise Stickles Please contact BLS regarding any further use of this work. BLS retains copyright for both print and screen forms of the publication. BLS may be contacted via The Annual Proceedings of the Berkeley Linguistics Society is published online via eLanguage, the Linguistic Society of America's digital publishing platform. Anti-Markedness Patterns in French Epenthesis: An Information- theoretic Approach1 ELIZABETH HUMEa, KATHLEEN CURRIE HALLb, ANDREW WEDELc, ADAM USSISHKINc, MARTINE ADDA-DECKERd,e, and CÉDRIC GENDROTd aThe Ohio State University; bCity University of New York-College of Staten Island & The Graduate Center; cUniversity of Arizona; dLaboratoire dInformatique pour la Mécanique et les SciencesCentre national de la recherche scientifique, Université Paris-Sud 11; eLaboratoire de Phonétique et PhonologieCentre national de la recherche scientifique, Université Paris 3 Introduction Cross-linguistically, certain vowel types tend to be used to break up otherwise ill- formed consonant clusters in a given language: they are generally non-low, non- round and either front or central. Such epenthetic vowels are commonly referred to the languages default vowel. For example, the default vowel in Maltese is [i], in Spanish it is [e], in Korean it is [], in German, Dutch and Finnish it is [], and [] or [] in English.
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