PRICE *1 The Jew Refugee



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w Aug ms -- E55 u\m¢n\cAn~1-louis Ulysses S. Grand' World famous victorious United States Army Gen- eral and two term Presi- dent of the United States. General Grant declared "The are a class violating every regulo- tion of trade established by the Treasury Depart- ment, and also depart- ment orders and are here- in expelled from the de- partment within 24 hours from receipt of this order." Whai' World Famous Men Said AbouT Jews INDEX Beniarnin Franklin ...... 14 Iesus Christ ... 18 Samuel Adams ...... 14 Martin Luther . , 16-17 U. S. Grant.... . 4 Mohammed 17 lames Abraham Garfield.. 15 Pope Clement VIII ...... 18 Henry Ford ...... 15 Dr. Ioseph Deckert...... u 17-18 Newton D. Baker...... 15 Iustin Martyr 18 Patrick Hayes ...... 15 Marcus Tullius Cicero...... o 18 Iohn F. Hylan...... 15 Siculus Diodorus .... 18 lames W. Gerard...... _ .. _ 15 Peter the Great...... o 18 Charles A. Lindbergh. 16 Paul Knrger ...... 18-19 Charles Evans Hughes...... , 7 Count Nobutsune Okuma.. 19 Mr. Iustice Oliver Wendell Holmes. 8 Lord Harrington .. _...... i s Mr. President Woodrow Wilson . 8 Frederick the Great...... , 19 Rep. Martin Dies of Texas . .11-84 Heinrich von Treitschke...... 19 Rep. Robert F. ones of Ohio...... 14 Count Helmuth von Moltke...... 19 Senator Borah ...... 11 Thomas Carlyle 2fJ Giordano Bruno .__...... 20 Lucius Annaeus Seneca...... St. Thomas Acquinas_ 20 ...... 20 ...... Quintus Septimus I-'lorens Tertullian... 20 lean Francois Voltaire...... 21 Abbot Tritheirn of Wurzburg Napoleon Bonaparte I-...... 21-22 ...... 20 Desiderius Erasmus _...... 21 Iohann Gottfried Herder. 22 Arthur Schopenhauer ...... Mr. Newdigate ...... _ 23 21 Elizabeth Petrovna ...... za Maria Theresa ...... 22 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe...... 24 Wm. II of Hohenzollern...... 23 Nicholas I ...... 24 Kasimir Edschmidt ...... 23 Ernest Moritz Amdt...... _ 25 Friedrich Hebbel ...... 24 Iohann Gottlieb F1chte- _...... ___ 25 Prince Otto von Bismarck...... 24 Turkish Sultan Abdul Hamid...... za Ernest Henan ...... 2S 5 What' The Jews Say Aboui' Themselves INDEX Iews. Enemies of Christianity...... 26-27 Iew Assimilation ...... 26 Iews Boast they are Iews Rule thru Political Control...... 27 "A Nation within a Nation"...... 27.28 Iews Cause of Anti-Semitism...... 28 Fews Dream of World Domination . . 28-29-30-31 Iews Confess Guilt for Revolutions, Iews Control Finance and Press 33-34-85 Wars and Destruction...... 31-32-33 Iew Patriotism ...... 35-38 Iews Control America...... , . _ .. _ , ___ 34-35 Iews Predict own Collapse...... 38 Iews Communists and Bolshevists.. ..38-37-38 Jewish Ioint Boycott Council...... 62 Iew Threats against Gentiles_ . ___ 58-59-60-61 Iew Pressure on Press...... 33-34-65 Iew Vengeance and Persecution . .83-S4-S5 The Asioundinq Testimony of Dr. Wm. A. Wirt...... S9-70-71-72 Revolutionary Radicalism ...... ss Immiqra'ion Laws ...... 80 Religion in the News...... 66 Growth of Un-Americanism...... 82 U. S. Bill of Rights...... 73-74-75-76 Sob-Stuff Propaganda ...... 83 Tactics of Revolt...... 67-68 Chain Reading Agreement...... 85 Dictatorships ...... 8-9 Efforts to Restrict Immigration...... 80 U. S. Laws on Conspiracy...... 76-77 American Legion Fails...... 81 Favorable Court Decisions...... 78-79 WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT...... 88-87 The Legal Right of American Citizens to Publish, Sell and Distribute this Booklet or Similar Informative Printed Matter...... _ 77-78 Seditious or Disloyal Acts or Words in Time of War...... , 79 Washington, D. C. Unsafe for Un-American Investigators...... 84 Chain Reading Agreement...... 80 PETITIONS TO CONGRESS FOR REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES...... 88 to 98 inc. 6 TRUTHFUL INFORMATION

Charles Evans Hughes-former United States Secretary of State- later Chief Iustice of the U. S. Supreme Court, on Lune 19, 1922, said : "The people cannot judge wisely without being informed, and the problem is how to inform them. In dealing with the problem of developing sound opinion, the fundamental consideration must always be that misinformation is the public's worst enemy, more potent of evil than all the conspiracies that are commonly feared." Mr. Hughes' statement -"The people cannot judge wisely with- out being informed ... and misinformation is the public's worst enemy .. etc., applies - fundamentally - the same in war time, as in peace time.

7 Mr. Jusl'ice Oliver Wendell Holmes. once said: "We do not lose our right to condemn either measures or men because the country'is at war." and, Mr. President Woodrow Wilson. declared : "We do not need less criticism in time of war, but more. It is hoped that criticism will be constructive, but better unfair attack than autocratic repression. Honesty and competence require no shield of secrecy. DICTATORSHIPS If Patriotic Citizens can be silenced, through the suppression of free speech, and the Press, whether by proclamation, intimida- tion, smear campaigns, or through economic or political pressure, the ground work is prepared for a dictatorship as absolute as any totalitarian state in the world.

8 Dictators gain complete power through "Trojan Horse" meth- ods. First a limited amount of emergency power is granted - then that power is used as a stepping stone to gain greater power - and so on - until - finally - all governmental restraining agencies are under puppet control. Dictatorial Methods are rapidly appearing in the United States. More and more will likely be introduced in quick succes- sion. The internationalists seeking control over our country, are now being reinforced by Empty Titled Foreigners. along Wth the most "Notorious Detrimentals" has to offer. Unscrupu- lous Old World Politicians - who were traitors to their own countries - selling secrets to the enemy - looting government tills of vast sums of money - and too cowardly to remain and help

9 their fellowmen in times of distress, are swarming to the United States, together with shipload after shipload of a type of refugees unwanted in every country in the world. After escaping the wrath of their countrymen they accept our hospitaI ity and 'tolerance as their Divine Right to use our country as a "safe haven" to continue their intrigues and sub- versive activities. Un-American Groups, operating in the United States are closely organized and have become dangerously brazen, arro- gant, financially strong and politically powerful, mainly through a lack of co-ordinated action and vigilance on the part of our citizens and political leaders. In the excitement of war un-American activities present an even graver danger. While Real Americans don'i scare, yet

10 many of our citizens may hesitate to, openly, make justified com- plaints and criticisms for tear their utterances might be construed in some quarters as appearing unpatriotic. Rep. MarTin Dies. in his Ianuary, 1942, report to the House on un-American activities disclosed that a number of persons who hold key positions in the nation's defense agencies "consider themselves strategically placed for purposes of revolutionary change in our form of government and economics if and when some great crises engulfs us ... Let us be on the alert lest the Communist Party of the UnitedStates utilize the present situation to lay better its foundation for a future Soviet Russia. I regret to say that the flow of Communist sympathisers into government positions has not ceased." The late Senator Borah, once said: "When a country becomes

11 indifferent to injustice; when it loses its capacity for indignation and anger, it has begun to decay." For the moment a large part of the American public appears to be in an indifferent frame of mind, or fails to realize the serious- ness of the activities and motives of those who seek to destroy our constitutional form of government, or make good their "boasts" that they will "take over" our country as they have so success- fully done in other lands. Perhaps there are those who think this indifferent mood will persist, come what may. If so, they are going to get the surprise of their lives, when this silence is broken by a nation wide reali- zation that certain un-American groups, public officials and their un-sound alien policies are responsible for our troubles. The heat of such an explosion will be terrific.

12 HISTORICAL FACTS and QUOTATIONS "The Quotations" appearing in this booklet were gathered from world wide reliable sources. Students and authorities on these matters agree as to their truth. Volumes of similar informa- tion have been published, from time to time, thrust the world, confirming the essential correctness of the limited number of quotations contained herein. However present happenings and events, in our own country, and in foreign lands, confirm their truth. WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT Help others know The 'l'rui'h. The issues can be quickly settled in a sane and orderly manner, when a majority of our citizens become acquainted with the facts. The priceless inheritance of liberty is never fully valued until it is lost. THE AUTHOR

1a WHAT WORLD FAMOUS MEN SAID AIOUT JEWS BENJAMIN FRANKLIN your graves. laws. gentlemen. are Asiatic! American Inventor and Statesman born they will never be otherwise... . Ianuary s, 1706. died April 17, 1790. SAMUEL ADAMS "In whatever country Iews have settled American Patriot, born September 27. 1722. in any great numbers. they have lowered its died October 2. 1802: moral tone, depreciated its commercial integ- rity, have segrated themselves and have not "If we are not represented we ore loves." been assimilated: have sneered at and tried (Today in Federal. State and City govern- to undermine the Christian religion ... have ment the U. S. Gentiles have permitted the built up a state within a state, and when Jews to be their official representatives.) opposed, have tried to strangle that country ROBERT F. JONES to death financially. Congressman Hom Ohio, in radio address "If you do not exclude them from the United from Washington, said: States in this Constitution, in less than 200 "Everyone knows that Communists are on years they will have swarmed in here in such the Federal pay roll even in the heart of numbers that they will dominate and devour national defense....Some of your Federal the land and change our form of government. employees attended meetings of these Com- "If you do not exclude them. in less than munist front organizations and listened to 200 years our descendents will be working speakers who have sought public office on the in the fields to supply them substance while Communist ticket....Power and more power they will be in the counting houses rubbing for a power-mad Administration is the watch- their hands gleefully. I warn you, gentlemen, word of the day. Behind a false cloak of if you do not exclude the Iews for all time patriotism they clip the wings of the American your children's children will curse you in eagle to feather their own nest." 14 WHAT WORLD FAMOUS MEN SAID Another IEWS (continued)

JAMES ABRAHAM GARFIELD (95 percent of all New York theatres are U. S. President, born November 18, 1831. owned or conducted by Iews.) died September 19. 1881: JOHN F. HYLAN "Whoever controls the money of o nation Mayor of , bom April 20, controls that ncxtion." 1868. Speech held on March 26, 1922: HENRY FORD American Automobile Manufacturer and "The real menace of our republic is the writer, born Inly 30, 1863. invisible government which. like o giant octo- pus, sprawls its slimy length over our city. "Corral fifty wealthiest Iews and there will state and union. At the head of this octopus be no more war." is a small group of banking houses, generally NEWTON D. BAKER referred to as the 'International Bankers.' U. S. Secretary of Wat, on February 14, 1818 , This little coterie of powerful 'International "Causes and motives of malingering: Bankers' virtually runs our government for "These must be clearly understood in order their own selfish ends." that medical examiners may be on the alert for deception. The foreign born, and especial- JAMES w. GERARD ly the Iews are more apt to malinger than One-time U. S. Ambassador to Germany, the native born. Eastern Europeans more than on October 8, 1931 : Western Europeans." "As a friend of the Jewish race I want to PATRICK HAYES state that if ever the American nation gets Cardinal of New York, on October 3. 1930: the idea that the Iewish race and Communism "The theatres are reeking with filth and ore synonymous there is the possibility of a there seems to be no way to stop the trend pogrom in the United States that will make of indecency." those of the Czars look like a small parade."

15 WHAT WORLD FAMOUS MEN SAID ABOUT IEWS (continued) CHARLES A. LINDBERGH When he specketh a lie he speaketh of his own. for he is a liar. and the father of it." Speech -- Des Moines, la. Sept 11, 1941. "O generation of vipers, how can ye, being "Instead of agitating for war the Jewish evil, speck good things, for out of the abund- groups in this country should be opposing ance of the heart the mouth speaketh." it in every possible way. for they will be the first to feel its consequences. Tolerance MARTIN LUTHER is o virtue that depends upon peace and Church Reformer, born November 10, 1483, strength. History shows it cannot survive war died February 18, 1558: and devastation. A few farsighted people realize this and stand opposed to interven- "All their heart's wailing and longing ter- tion. But the majority still do not. Their great- minates in the effect that they some day est danger to this country lies in their large might deal with us as they did at Esther's ownership and influence in our motion pic- time in Persia. And how the Iews love the tures, our press. our radio, and our govern- Book of Esther which is so suitable to their ment." bloodthirsty. revengeful, murderous appetite and hope! The sun never has shone on such a bloodthirsty and vindictive people who JESUS CHRIST cherish the idea of murdering and strang- Founder of Christianity, born December 24, ling the heathen. died April 7, 33. To the Jewish representa- "No other men under the sun are more tives: St. Iohn 8, 44: greedy than they have been and always "Ye are of your father, the devil. and the will be as one can see from their accursed lusts of your mother ye will do. He was U usury. They console themselves that when murderer from the beginning, and abode not their Messiah comes he will collect all the 'n the truth, because there is no truth in him. gold and silver in the world and divide it

16 WHAT WORLD FAMOUS MEN SAID ABOUT IEWS (continued) among them. "Then as now Iews have to be reminded "One should destroy all prayer books and intermittently anew that they were enjoying copies of the Talmud in which they learn host rights in any country since they left such Godlessness. lies. curses and blasphe- Palestine and the Arabian desert, and sub- mies. Young Iews and Iewesses should be sequently their ethical and moral doctrines given flail. hoes, axes. spades. distaff and as well as their deeds rightly deserve to be spindle so that they can earn bread by the exposed to criticism in whatever country they sweat of their noses." happen to live. "The chosen people of any nation are the MOHAMMED original inhabitants of that country (Palestine Re'igion Founder, born 570, died 632: and the Arabian desert) and members of any "It is incomprehensible to me why one has other emigrated race or nation in that respec- not long ago expelled these death-breathing tive country are to be regarded as guests beasts. Would not one immediately kill wild and are entitled to nothing but guest rights." beasts who devoured men, even ii they had human form? Are these Jews anything else DR. JOSEPH DECKERT but devourers of men? Austrian Pastor. March 6. 1895: "Only after the Iew is banished out of our POPE CLEMENT viii hearts entirely and burnt to ashes the fight Supreme Church Head, 1592-1605: against Iewdom and -Iewish domination can "All the world suffers from the usury of be renewed successfully. It was not a blind the Iews. their monopolies and deceit. They tanatism that has made us anti-Semites fight. have brought many unfortunate people into but the clear conception of the necessity of o state of poverty. especially farmers, work- this right. Not hatred against he Iews. but it ing class of people and the very poor. is an emergency right and love to our own

17 WHAT WORLD FAMOUS MEN SAID ABOUT [EWS 'continued) people which we cannot leave at the mercy "One knows how numerous this clique is. of o tribe strange to us. It is impossible that how they stick together and what power they a Christian Aryan, in whose heart but one exercise through their unions." spark of Christian consciousness and Aryan pride and of love to one's' own nation is SICULUS DIODCRUS glowing, can face these condition any long- Greek Historian, born 30 B.C., died 20 A.D. er. Relief must come. legal. constitutional re- has reported: lief, before it is too late. For if nothing hap- "The friends of King Antiochus (175 B.C.- pens soon. we will march toward a terrible 183 B.C.) advised him to expel the Iews us revolution which is liable to swallow up the they would not mix with others and regard last remnants of our Western civilization." everyone as their enemy. JUSTIN MARTYR PETER THE GREAT (Sf. lustier), Christian apologist, stated 116 Russian Emperor, born Lune 9, 1872. died A. D. February 6, 1725: "The Jews were behind all the persecu- "I prefer to see in my land Mohammedans tions of the Christians. They wandered and heathen rather than the Iews. The latter through the country everywhere hating and are crooks and swindlers. The Iews would undermining Christian faith." get no permission to settle and do business. Despite of my orders they are trying to do it MARCUS TULLIUS CICERG and are bribing my official for the purpose of becoming readmitted." Roman Orator, born Ianuary 8, 108 B. C., died December 7, 43 B. C. PAUL KRUGER "The Iews belong to o dork and repulsive President of Traasvaal, born Oct. 10. 1825. force." died July 14, 1904:

18 WHAT WORLD FAMOUS MEN sAID ABOUT IEWS (continued) "If it were possible to eject the Jew mono- FREDERICK THE GREAT polists from this country's neck and crop King of Prussia, born Ianuary 24. 1712, without incurring war with Great Britain then died August 17, 1788: the problem of everlasting peace would be settled in South Africa." 'The rulers must keep their eyes on the Iews, prevent their interference with wholesale trade, check the growth of the COUNT NOIUTSUNE OKUMA population cmd deprive them of the right of Honorary President of Waseda University, sanctuary whenever they commit an act of dishonesty. For nothing is more injurious to born September, 1871, in Sage-ken, Iapan: the trade of the merchants than the illicit "The Iews all over the world destroy profit which the Iews make." patriotism and healthy state foundations." HEINRICH VON TREITSCHKE LORD HARRINGTON German Historian, born September 5, 1834, died April 28. 1896: (House of Lords). London, England. Speech held on luly 12, 1858: "The Iews are the cause of our misfortune." "I oppose the admission of Iews because counT HELMUTH VON monks they are the great money lenders and loan Prussian General, born October 26, 1800. contractors of the world. They do not care died April 24. 1891: whether they support o good or o bod cause. The consequence is that the nations of the "The Iews tozm a state and. obeying their world ore groaning under the heavy systems own laws, they evade those of their host of taxation and national debt. They have ever country." been the greatest enemies of freedom." "It is seldom that the police investigate a

19 WHAT WORLD FAMOUS MEN SAID ABOUT JEWS (continued) robbery in which a Iew is not found either and dangerous race who deserve to be weed- to be an accomplice or a receiver." ed out from the day when they are born.

THOMAS CARLYLE ABBOT TRITHEIM of WURZBURG Scotch Man of Letters, bom December 4. Bom February 1. 1462. died December 13. 1881: 1516: "Actually and spiritually the Iews only deal in money, gold and old clothes: of real "It is clear that an objection to the usuri- worth they have contributed nothing." ous Iews is gradually developing amongst the high and low. I approve of lawful methods LUCIUS ANNAEUS SENECA of preventing the exploitation of the people Roman Philosopher, born 4 B. C., died 65 by Iewish usuary. Shall a foreign invading A. D.: people rule over us? And rule over us not "These pestilential people (the Iews) have on account of their greater strength and been known to acquire such influence that courage or higher virtue, but through their they. the vanquished. dictate laws to us. the wretched money? Shall these people dare to victors." fatten themselves without punishment on the sweat of the peasant and the craftsman? Quintus Septimus Florens Teriulllan Latin Church Father, born 180, died 230: ST. THOMAS Ac¢ulnAs "The Jews formed the breeding ground d Philosophical Teacher, born 1225, died all anti-Christian actions." 1274: GIORDANO BRUNO "The Iews should not be allowed to keep Italian Philosopher, born 1548, died 1609 : what they have obtained from others by "The Iews are such a pestilential leprous usury; it were best that they #were compelled

20 wHA'r WORLD FAMOUS MEN SAID ABOUT IEWS (continued) to work so that they could earn their living they are enriched. instead of doing nothing but becoming more "The Iews are a horror to all people by avaricious." whom they were admitted ... at all times Iews have disfigured the truth by absurd DESIDERIUS ERASMUS fables. Dutch Scholar, born October 28. 1487, died "The Iews are the greatest scoundrels who luly 12, 1536: ever besmirched this earth. "What robbery and oppression of the poor "The small Iewish nation dares to show there is by the Iews so that they cannot suffer on irreconcilable hatred toward other peo- any longer-God have mercy on them! ple's possession. They are creeping when The Iewish users are fast rooted even in the hard luck comes over them and impudent smallest villages and if they lend five florins when prosperity sets in." they require a security of six times os much. \. They charge interest upon interest and upon ARTHUR SCHOPENHAUER this again interest so that the poor loses German Philosopher, born February 22. everything that he owns." 1788. died September 21. 1880: "The fatherland of the Iews are the other JEAN FRANCOIS VOLTAIRE Iews. hence they are fighting Io: them like French Writer and I~'reethiMer, born No- for altar and home and no other community vember 21, 1894, died May 30, 1778: on earth sticks as tight as this one. "The Iews are nothing but on ignorant \ and barbarous people who tor a long time NAPOLEGN BONAPARTE I combined the roast loathsome avarice with I-'reach Emperor, bona August-, 1789, the most abominable superstition and an in- "I decided to improve the Iews: but I do extinguishable hatred toward all people by not wont any more of them in my k'mgdom-- whom they are tolerated and thxough whom indeed. I have done all \o prove my scorn of

21' WHAT WORLD FAMOUS MEN SAID ABOUT IEWS (continued) the vilest nation in the world." commit ull deeds which an honorable man "The Iews are a nation capable of the despises. Subsequently they have to be re- most horrible crimes." moved and excluded from here as much os "I wanted to make a notion and citizens possible." out of them, but they ore good for nothing but dealing in second hand goods. I was JGHANN GOTTFRIED HERDER compelled to proclaim laws against them for German Author, born August 25. 1744, died their usury and the peasants of Elsace have December 18. 1803: rendered me their thanks." ' "The Hebrews ore Q despicable race of An Ordinance of Mm 17. 1808: cunning dealers, a race that never desires "l) Every big and small Iew in the ped- honour, home and country. That they ever dling trade must renew his license every :auld have been valiant warriors and honest year. I peasants does not appear credible to us, cr 2) Checks and other obligations are only the disposition of a nation does not alter so redeemable it the Iew can prove that he quickly." has obtained the money without cheating. "A ministry in which the Iew means every- MARIA THERESA thing, a household where a Iew carries the key to the store room and to the cash box Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, hom May of the house. a department or a commissary 1a. 1717, died November 29, 1780: where the Iew does the main business, a "Henceforth no Iew. no mutter under what university where fews act as brokers and name. will be allowed to remain here with- money lenders to students are like the Pon- out my written permission. I know of no other tinian swarnps in which, after the old saying. more troublesome pest within the state the 1 the vultures eat their cadaver and from its this race, which impoverishes by their fraud, rottenness the insects and worms suck their usury and money-lending, the people, and food.'"

22 WHAT WORLD FAMOUS MEN SAID ABOUT JEWS (continued) WILLIAM II. of HOHENZOLLERN to their fellow creatures by the most wicked and cunning devices. The cause of the Theodor German Kaiser, to the Jew, Dr. odium. against them lies in the character of Herzl, on October 19. 1898: Iudaism itself which affords its votaries no "Among your countrymen are some ele- point of centralization based on morality." ments to dispose of whom in Palestine would seem very advisable. I'm thinking of the KASIMIR EDSCHMIDT usurers in the Hesse district. If these with German Author born October 5, 1890: their possessions would settle in the colonies "A little while may pass until one acts: they could be more useful." perhaps two years. perhaps even three years. And to the Turkish Sultan Abdul Hamid: But finally the protest will grow to such a "The Zionists are not exactly o menace to dimension that its sound for justice would Turkey, but the Iews are o pest everywhere burst even a concrete dam." of which we like to rid ourselves." ELIZABETH PETROVNA MR. NEWDIGATE Empress of Russia, born December 29, 1709. House of Commons, London, England. died, January S, 1782: Speech made on March 22. 1858: "Iews ore still existing in various parts "I do not believe that the Iew is likely of Russia. From these Christ haters we can to be a better member of this House because expect nothing good. On account of these he is a strict adherent of the Talmud. of circumstances I give this order: All Iews, which I can show that the tendencies are of male and female. regardless of their rank an immoral. anti-social and anti-national and wealth. with all their property, have to character ... the Iews have directly and leave immediately across the border . indirectly brought about agitations and revo- From these enemies of Christ I want 710 lutions. They have caused ruin and misery profit." 23 WHAT WORLD FAMOUS MEN SAID ABOUT IEWS (continued)

FRIEDRICH H£n£l. should be my enemies, they are forgiven. I German Poet, born March 18, 1B13. died grant them all rights except to _hold a high. office in the Stale. It is the purpose of the December 13, 1863: State to introduce Christian doctrines and "The emancipation under those conditions there is no_._hgpe._that this can be achieved os described by the Iews would lead in the successfully with the assistance of the Iews. course of history to o crises which would I share this oiihiOn Wiilli"lthe masses of the make an emancipation of the Christians ne- lower section of the population and I am not cessary." ashamed of their company." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe German Poet and Statesman, born August NICHOLAS I 28. 1749, died March 2. 1832' "The reverend should rather quit his posi- Emperor of Russia, born Inly 6, 1788, died tion than marry a Iewess in the name of the March 2, 1855: Holy Trinity." "The general ruination of the peasantry "The Israelites never were worth very of these provinces is attributed to the Iews, much. as this people has been reproached who are second in import to the land owners , a thousand times by its own leaders. judges, by their industries they exploit to the utmost counsels and prophets. They have but small the unfortunate population. They are every- virtues and most of the faults of all other thing here--merchants, contractors, pothouse peoples." keepers. millers, carriers. artisans. etc., and "They have no point of honor." they ore so clever in squeezing and cheating the common people on the unsown bread and PRINCE OTTON von BISMARCK discount the harvest before the fields are German Chancellor, born April 1. 1815. sown. They are regular leeches, who suck died Inly ao. 1898: up everything and completely exhaust the "I cm no enemy of the Iews and if they provinces." 24 WHAT WORLD FAMOUS MEN SAID ABOUT ]EWS (continued)

JOHANN GQTTLIEB FITCIHTE are on entirely foreign people and I wish German Philosopher, born May 18. 1762. to preserve the Germanic tribe as free as died Ianuary 27. 1814: possible from foreign elements. The emigra- tion of foreign Iews who desire to come to "Through all European countries a\hostile our country is o menace and o pest to our state is paving its way and lives on a war footing with all others and falls terribly hard nation. on all citizens: It is lewry! ERNEST RENAN " . . . a country, where no unauthor- ized king may take my cottage away without French Orientalist and Historian, born Feb- me getting my right from the almighty min- ruary 27, 1823, died October 2, 1892: ister, but the first Iew whom it pleases may "The Iews are not merely o different re- rob me unpunished. ligious community, but- and this is the most "And you are watching all this and can- important factor - ethnically an altogether not deny it even, but are talking sweet words different race. The European feels instinc- of tolerance and human rights." tively that the Iew is a stranger, who im- migrated from Asia. The so-called prejudice ERNEST MORITZ ARNDT is natural sentiment. Civilization will over- German' Patriot and Author, born Decem- come antipathy against the Israelite who ber 28. 1769. died Ianuary 29. 1880: merely professes another religion, but never "The emigration of Iews from foreign against the racially different Iew . . . . countries should be prohibited and should "In Eastern Europe the Jew is the cancer- be hindered. The Iews as Jews don'i tit in slowly eating into the flesh of other nations. this world and in these states and for this Exploitation of the people is his only aim. reason I don't want their increase in an un- Selfishness and lack of personal courage are due manner. his chief characteristics: self sacrifice and "Also I don't want them. because they patriotism are altogether foreign to him." 25 WHAT THE JEWS SAY ABOUT THEMSELVES ! Every Aryan who loves his country should read these extracts from lewish writings of modern date and judge for himself from what internal and external source the harmony and security of his country may be threatened

JEW ASSIMILATION "The chasm dividing Iew and Christian is "The real New does not become assimilated: too deep to make o meeting of the two pos- many of those who consider themselves so, sib1e." Rabbi A. I. Krim, in a 1926 booklet under G blow of an exceptional circumstance. entitled "Liberal Iudaism and Liberal Chris- that the race within awakes and speaks with- tianity." in them."--Baruch Haqani, in "Pro-Israel." "The Iew is not satisfied with de-Chris- JEWS ENEMIES OF CHRISTIANITY tianizing, he Iudaises, he destroys the Catho- "The lewish religion is hostile to Chris- lic or Protestant Faith, he provokes indiffer- tianity in general and to the ence but he imposes his idea of the world. in particular." of morals and of life upon those whose !ai"h "Assimilation is impossible. It is impos- he ruins; he works at his age-old task, the sible because the Iew cannot change national annihilation of the religion of Christ." character....whatever he does, he is and Bernard Lazare, in his book "L'Antisemitisn:e,, remains a Iew." From the papers of Ludwig page 350. Lewisohn. "It is a good deed for every Jew to burn "We Iews have spoiled the blood of all and destroy the non-Iewish church or what- races. We have tarnished and broken their ever belongs to it or is done for it. and to power. We have made everything foul. rotten, throw the ashes into the jour winds or throw decomposed and decayed." From the book them into the water. Furthermore, it is the "The Way to Zion," by Iewish author Munzer. duty of every Iew to try to uproot every non-


Iewish church and to give it o curse name." "Jewish Nationalism." The Jewish World. -Shulchan Aruch, Iolite Deah, 143. Ian. 15th. 1919. p. 6. JEWS RULE THRU POl.ITI¢AI. ¢ONTROI. "Britain has a mighty empire but there are "The Iews of America, because of their forces in the universe more enduring than numbers, interest and ability constitute A empire or dynasty. Britain may imagine that, GREAT POLITICAL FORCE. They have not dealing with a world in chaos today. she may usurped this power. IT BELONGS TO THEM disregard public opinion. But Jewry of 1887 is AS OF RIGHT. They are going to exercise not the Iewry of 1898. We are no longer a it as they see fit. What are you going to do disunited and incoherent mass." Rabbi about it?" Stephen S. Wise. American Delegation to "Der Tog", Yiddish, New York, April 9, 1886: Zurich, 1937. Jews Beast They Are "A Nation "Let us recognize that we Fews ore a dis- Within A Nation" tinct nationality of which every Iew, what- "Iewish Nationalism is c Iewish question ever his country. his station, or shade of which must be governed by Iewish principles belief. is necessarily a member"...."Organ- and not be made subservient to the conven- ize, organize, organize, until every Iew must ience or exigencies for the time being of any stand up and be counted-counted with us. Government, however important. As a people, or prove himself, wittingly or unwittingly, of we Iews have not been at war between our- the few who are against their own people." selves, the Iews in England against Jews in Louis D. Brandeis, the Newish judge of the Germany, or the Iews in France against the United States Supreme Court of Iustice, in a fews in Austria: and to sectionalize Iewry book entitled "Zionism" pp. 113 and 114. in obedience to international differences seems Quoted in "The International lew," vol. 1 p.54. to us to give away the whole principle of Rabbi Stephen S. Wise (New York) said:


"I am not on American citizen of Iewish Levy, in The World Significance of the Rush faith. I am G IEW. I am an American. I have Sian Revo'ution. been an American for sixty-three sixty-:Iourths of my life, but I have been a Iew for 4,000 JEWS DREAM OF WORLD DOMINATION years. Hitler was right in one thing. He calls "The principal end, which is Hebrew world- the Iewish people a race, and we are a race." domination. is not yet reached. But it will be From the New York "Herald-Tribune", June reached and it is already closer than the 13, 1938. masses of the so called Christian States imag- lne. Russian Czarism, the German Empire JEWS CAUSE OF ANTI-SEMITISM and militarism are overthrown. all peoples are being pushed towards ruin. This is the "The general causes of anti-semetism have moment in which the true domination of Jewry always been the fault of the Iews themse'ves has its beginning."-Iudas Schulduch, in The and not the fault of those who have opposed Wise Men of Zion. them ... With his dispositions and his ten- dencies it is inevitable that the Iew plays a ...A Iewish State would be a 'Hague' part in revolutions." Bernard Lazare. The which could and would command the attest Iewish author of a book entitled, "An2i-Semi- lion and govern the thought of the world.... Iism, its History and Causes." 1884. There have been many of us who for many years have seen in the Hebrew laws the ele- "We Iews have erred grievously. We who ments of the social regeneration of the world. have posed as having given to the world A rationalized Hebrew State founded on He- 'the' Saviour, are today nothing else than its brew fundamental laws, ethical, social. sani- destroyers. its incendiaries. its executioners. tary and dietary. and all the rest. would be We. who have promised you a new heaven, a working laboratory of social regeneration have given you a new hell."-Dr. Oscar which would excite breathless attention."


A. A. Berle, Sr., in World Significance of a "There is one way to abolish the capitalistic lowish Stale. state.. and that is to smash it by force: This "We intend to remake the gentile - what means civil war." -- M. I. Ougin, Russian the Communists are doing in Russia. Three born editor of the N. Y. "MorniNg Freheit," generations may be required."-Rabbi Lewis largest Communist newspaper in the U. S. Browne in his book "How Odd of God", 1924. as quoted in the Congressional Record of lune "I do not consider the Iewish question 25, 1934. either as a social or as a religious problem. It is U notional question. We are the only The "Brooklyn Iewish Examiner" of Oct. 20. people." Theodore Herzl, "Modern Iewish 1833. edited by Habbi Louis D. Gross. said: Prophet" "The Roosevelt administration has selec- "The great ideal of Iudaism is....that the ted more Iews to fill influential positions whole world shall be imbued with Iewish than any previous administration in American teachings, and that is universal brotherhood history." of nations - a greater Iudaism in fact -- all the separate races and religions shall "If you admit that, in spite of the national- disappear."-From 'The lewish World' issue ity you have adopted, you remain and form. of February 9. 1883. always and everywhere. part of the one and Walter Rathenau, lew. late financial dictator only nation, then come, hear our appeal and of Germany, in "The Wiener Free Press," Dec. send us your adherence. The day is not far 25, 1909. hence when all the riches and treasures of "Only 300 men, each of whom know all the world shall become the property of the the others, govern the fate of Europe. They Children of Israel."-Letters of Itzek Aaron elect their successors iron their entourage. Cremieux, at the Foundation of the Universal These Iews have the means in their hands Iewish Alliance. of putting an end to the form of any state which they find unreasonable." "The Iewish people, considered os o whole, 29 WHAT THE IEWS SAY ABOUT THEMSELVES (continued) will itself be its own Messiah. Its sovereignty whole world shall be imbued with lewish over the world will be reached by means of teachings, and in a universal brotherhood the unification of the other human races. the of nations - a greater Iudaism in fact - elimination of frontiers and monarchies, which ull the separate races and religions shall are the ramparts of particularism, and by disappear!" "The lewish World", February means of the institution of a world republic 9, 1883. which will everywhere grant civil rights to "Without having been absorbed. today the Iews. In this new organization of humanity Hebrew spirit dominates where at first it the sons of Israel will become every where, was hardly endured. We no longer need to without meeting an obstacle, the directing close ourselves in the medieval ghetto, since element, especially ii they are successful in we have for some time possessed the domi- bringing the proletarian masses under the nion which was promised to us. Without us direction of some of their own number. The no potentate in the world can undertake any- governments of the peoples included in this thing for we control the gold market. No world republic, with the aid of the victorious word contrary to our taste is published be- proletariat, all will fall without difficulty cause we control the press. No idea which into Jewish hands. Private property will then displeases us penterates the intellctual world be strangled by the Iewish directors, who because we dominate the theatre. The He- will administer the state patrimony every- brew spirit has conquered the world."-The where. Thus the promise of the Talmud will [ew Maritz Cohn, in his book, "Weiser von be fulfilled, that is the promise that the Iews Zion." page 27. at the arrival of the Messiah, will possess "What Iewish idealism and Iewish discon- the key to the wealth of all the peoples of tent have so powerfully contributed to accom- the earth." - Earuch Levy, in world famous plish in Russia, the same historic qualitie of letter to Karl Marx. the Jewish mind and heart are tending to "The great ideal of Judaism is....that the promote in other countries," -- The American

ao WHAT THE IEWS SAY ABOUT THEMSELVES (continued) Hebrew, Sept. 10th, 1820. quoted by the people who have given more to culture and "Dearborn Independent". in its re-issue as a industry than any other race in the world." volume 'The International Iew' vol. 1, p.224. Samuel C. Rosecrane, in September 8 letter to Chicago Tribune. "Till mankind heads the message On the Hebrew trumpet blown, The two Internationals of Finance and Rev- And the faith of the whole world's peoples olution work with ardor; they are the two Is the faith that is our own.' fronts of the Iews' international.... There Israel Zangwill: "The Voice of ]erusalem," is a Iewish conspiracy against all nations: p. 308. it occupies almost everywhere the avenues of power-a double assault of Iewish revo- Jews Confess Guilt' for Revolution. Wars lution and Iewish finance."-Rene Groos, in and Destruction Le Nouveau Mercure, , 1927. "A Iewish writer in the "Jewish Chronicle" "The more complete the democracy. the for September 22nd, 1922. has at last ad- nearer the moment it ceases to be necessary mitted what the Lloyd George Government ....the more rapidly does every form of the knew in 1917 and the "Morning Post" pub- state begin to decay."-Lenin, who with lished in 1918, i.e. that the Bolshevist officials Trotsky-Bronstein, established the Communist of Russia are Iews. The Russian Revolution regime now headed by Stalin. with all its ghastly horrors was a Iewish "The two Internationals of Finance and movement. Revolution work with ardour; they are the "I am an American Iew. I stand for the two fronts of the Iewish Internationale.... liberation of Iews of all nations. The neces- there is a Iewish conspiracy against all na- sary incident for the participation of America tions." in the affairs of Europe is at hand. I am in "There is a Iewish conspiracy against all favor of using our man power, even at the nations; it occupies almost everywhere the expense of thousands of lives. to liberate a avenues of power - a double assault of

31 WHAT THE IEWS SAY ABOUT rHEMSELV1~:S (continued) Iewish revolution and Iewish finance."-Rene because of unfair practices - until. it being Groos, in "Le Nouveau Mercure," Paris, 1827. impossible to hold in check the wrath of a "The Bolshevist revolution was largely the betrayed people. there is violence and. inevi- outcome of Iewish idealism. What it so power- tably, an ignominious ejection of the whole fully contributed to accomplish in Russia. the race from the land. There is not a single in- same historic Iewish qualities are tending to stance when the Fews have not fully deserved produce in other countries."--Frorn the Ameri- the bitter fruit of the fury of their persecutors." can Hebrew" September 10, 1920. "We come to the nations pretending to es- "The German revolution is the achievement cape persecution, we the most deadly perse- of the Jews: the Liberal Democratic parties cutors in all the wretched annals of man." have a great number of Jews as their leaders, "It is my honest belief that nothing the and the Iews plays a predominant role in [ew does in America is essential to its welfare. the high government offices."-From "Jewish On the contrary, a great deal of what the Tribune" luly 5. 1922. American Jew does is subversive of America's "Iewish history has been tragic to the Iews best Interests. "-New York lew, , and no less tragic to the neighboring nations 1934, in his book "Iews Must Live." who have suffered them. OUR MAJOR VICE Rabbi Israel Goldstein, N. Y. "Herald Trib- of old as of today is PARASITISM. We are une" Nov. 26, 1834. A PEOPLE OF VULTURES living on the labor "Zionists Helped Bring America Into the War." and the good nature of the rest of the world." "The Zionists carried out their part and "Read for yourself the story of the progress helped bring America into the war. The of Iewry through Europe and America. Where Balfour declaration was not merely a volun- ever they come they are welcomed. permit- tary gesture on the part of the Allies, but it ted to settle down, and join in the general was a CONTRACT BETWEEN THE BRITISH business of the community. But one by one GOVERNMENT (Iew controlled) and the IEW- the industries of the country close to them ISH PEOPLE-Authority 'History of the Peace az WHAT THE laws SAY ABOUT THEMSELVES (continued)

Conference in Paris' Vol. S (1920) Page 173. try Magazine". Ianuazy-February, 1928, by H. M. V. Temperly (Jew). M. I. Olgin, Iew, in the "Morning Freiheit", "We. the Iews. are a people-One people N. y. Daily, Ion 10, 1937: ....When we sink. we become o revolu- tionory proletariat. the subordinate officers "We Iews. we the destroyers will remain of a revolutionary party: when we rise. there destroyers forever. Nothing that you will do rises also our terrible power of the purse." will meet our needs and demands. We will From a book, "A Iewish State," by Theodor forever destroy because we need a world Herzl. PP- 5 and 23. of our own."-Maurice Samuel, in book "You Gentiles," page 155. JEWS CONTROL OF FINANCE AND PRESS "You coll us subversive, agitators. revo "We no longer need to close ourselves up lution-monqers. It is the truth, and I cower in the medieval ghetto. since we have for at your discovery. We undoubtedly had a some time possessed the dominion which was sizable finger in the Lutheran Rebellion. and promised to us. Without us no potentate in it is simply a fact that we were the prime the world can undertake anything, for we movers in the bourgeois democratic revolu- control the gold market. No word contrary tions of the century before last. b:)t"l in France to our taste is published because we control and Pmericc. If we were not. we did *ct the press. No idea which displeases us pene- know our own interest. trates the intellectual world. because we dominate the theatre. The Hebrew spirit has "You go on prattling of Iewish conspiracies conquered the world."-Matitz Cohn, in his and cite as instances the Great War and book, Weisen von Zion, page 27. the Russian Revolution! Can you wonder that we Iews have always taken your anti-Sernites "We will attract the proletariat by gold rather lightly. as long as they did not resort and enticement: they will assume the task to violence?"--Marcus EH Ravage, in "Cen of annihilating Christian capitalism. We will 33 WHAT THE IEws SAY ABOUT THEMSELVES (continued) promise the workers wages of which they movie palaces....but what is that compared never dared to dream, but we shall also to our staggering influence in your churches. raise the price of necessaries, so that our schools. your laws and your government, and profit will be even greater. In this way we the very thoughts you think every day? will prepare the way for revolutions which the Christians themselves will make and of "You have not begun to appreciate the real which we ourselves shall reap the fruits." depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We ore Rabbi Reichhorn, at the tomb of Grand Rabbi subverters. We have token your natural Simeone ben Ihud. world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bot- JEWS CONTROL AMERICA tom not merely of the great war but of nearly "The Jews of America, because of their all your wars, not only of the Russian but numbers, interests and ability, constitute U of every other rnaior revolution in your his- great political force. They have not usurped tory. We have brought discord and confusion this power; it belongs to them by right! They and frustration into your personal and public are going to exercise it as they see fit. What life. We are still doing it. And the end is are you going to do about it?"-From edito- till a long way off. We still dominate you." rial in Yiddish newspaper The Day, New Marcus Eli Ravage, in "Century Magazine, York, April 8, 1936. lanuary-February, 1928. "We have exterminated the property own- ersin Russia. We are going to do the same "European Iewry does not exist any more thing in Europe and America." -- The Iew as a medium of Iewish life. Out of 10,000,000 Zinovieff, Third International, December, 1925. persons, half are now under Nazi rule and the rest under Stalin domination. But there is "You make much noise and fury about not much difference in their fates, for both undue Jewish influence in your theatres and are now slave Iewries.

a4 WHAT THE IBWS SAY ABOUT THEMSELVES (continued) "Jewish Front Line Here" patriotic Englishmen and good Iews are Simply Living Lies."-- B. Felz. A letter en- This means that the front line of Iewish titled "Can Jews be Patriots?"-lewish Chro- lite has been shifted here and American ide, Dec. 8th. 1911. p. 38. Iewry has to assume the leadership. The "Let us take the mask off. Let us play the thinking and the fighting must be done here. Lion of Judah for a change. Away, Away on the American shores. I soy political lead- with false patriotism. A Iew can only recog- ership, for today the Iewish problems can nize one father-land-Palestine."-M. I. Wodi- no longer be solved with philanthropy. The slawski. Iewisn World, Ian. 1st 1909. aspect of Iewish problems, is no longer ii- .We are, whether born here or natural- nancial. it is political." Dr. Nathan Gold- ized here, not really British at all. We are National Iews - Iews by Race and faith - man as recorded by Meyer Zolotareff, "Chi- and not Englishmen."-"Zionist" in the Sunday cago Herald-American" Lune 9, 1841. Chronicle, Manchester, p. 4. Sept. 26, 1915. "The Iews of America constitute a greet "We shirk our patriotic duty in wartime political force. They are going to exercise it because we are pacifists by nature and tradi- as they see fit. What are you going to do tion, and we are the arch-plotters of universal wars and the beneficiaries of those yvars." about it?"--From the New York Iewish Na- Marcus Eli Ravage, in "Century Magazine," tional Day, April 9. 1938. Ian.-Feb., 1928. JEW PATRIOTISM "The most remarkable and the'most injuri- ous consequence of the Great War has been "The patriotism of the Iew is simply a the creation of new nationalisms and the ex- cloak he assumes to please the Englishman. alting of those already existing. Nationalism Jews who pretend that they can at once be is a danger for the Iewish people. Today, as

35 WHAT THE IEWS SAY ABOUT THEMSELVES (continued) in all epochs of history, it is proved that Iews shevism at many points are consonant with cannot live in powerful states where a high the finest ideals of Iudaism."--The Jewish national culture has deve1oped."- From "The Chronicle, April 4th, 1919. Jewish Sentinel" Chicago, issue of September 24, 1936. "Stalin, it is further recalled. hos made no In "Chicago Tribune" of Sept. 25, 1935. secret of his adherence to the axiom that Bernard M. Baruch said: while tactics may change again and again "I believe national pride (patriotism) a lot lo it conditions. the fundamental strategic of nonsense." plans of Communism for world revolution "Beware of the movements which label remain fixed."-William Phillip Simms in his themselves "Pctriotic." September 29 column. One of the key Roosevelt advisors is "With the rise of the Soviet regime. Iews Bernard M. Baruch. a power in the Wilson have been granted rights not accorded even administration. In the absence of Secretary of State Hull and the President from Wash- in the most advanced countries. The state, ington, Mr. Baruch is regarded as "unofficial which previously did not employ any Iews. President"-"Brooklyn jewish Examiner" of now employs in White Russia 61 per cent Ocf. 20, 1933. Iewish officials. A Iew is commander of the Ukrainian army; a Iew is president of the JEWS COMMUNISTS AND BOLSHEVISTS state bank; Iews occupy almost all impor- "There is much in the fact of Bolshevism tant ambassadorial positions: universities. itself. in the (Oct that so many Iews are Bol- professions, judiciary and administration now shevists, in the fact that the ideals of Bol- have a greater percentage than any other 36 WHAT THE IEWS SAY ABOUT THEMSELVES (continued) nationality. Anti Semitism hos been declared press, therefore our people must direct ull a state offense, and is punished as counter- the daily newspapers in each country."-- revolution."-Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, in Jew- Kalixt de Vodsky in his book "La Russie ish Opinion, December. 1933. Iuive." "The Bolshevist revolution was largely the "Mr, Treister stated in his letter in your outcome of Iewish idealism. What it so power- paper that the Jewish people form a very fully contributed to accomplish in Russia, the small percentage of the Communists in Ameri- same historic Iewish qualities are tending to co. He states that "in Chicago with a Iewish produce in other countries."-The American population of 400,000, there are about 150 Hebrew, September 10, 1920. Communists. "The time has come when patriotic Iews "I, myself om Jewish, and I come from of America should feel the great responsibil- Chicago. I spent 13 years in that city. Ap- ity for the evil deed (Communism) hatched proximately 98 per cent of us ore Communists and planned in the camp of Israel."-8. A. M. and we are not ashamed of it. It is a system Shapiro in his booklet. America's Great Men- laid down to us by our great leader Karl ace. Marx. and only the cowards hide behind "Ii gold is the first power in this world. the 'Democracy' or 'Americanism'. Furthermore, second undoubtedly is the press. But what I think Mr. Treister should check up on his can the second be without the first? Since figures more closely if he would give out information.-Sarah Finkelstein, in a letter to we cannot realize all that has been already "New York Herald Tribune." said and planned without the help of the 37 WHAT THE IEWS SAY ABOUT THEMSELVES (continued)

Rene Gzoos, ]ew, in "Le Nouveau Mercure" of Esau."-Dr. Joseph Shapiro in the October Paris, May 1927: 4 American Iewish Outlook. "The two Internationals of Finance and "We should not want to be false prophets, Revolution work with ardour; they are the but to dodge facts does not mean solving the two fronts of the Iewish Internationale there problem. What is occuring today in Germany is G Iewish conspiracy against all nations." will come tomorrow in Russia. For all crimes which were the consequences of the Com- "The Russian revolution was mode by Iews. munistic system. the Iews in Soviet Russia We have created secret societies. planned will have to suffer some day. We shall have the Reign of Terror. The revolution succeeded to pay dearly for the fact that Trotski. Iofle. by our convincing propaganda and our mass Zinovoev, had leading posts in Soviet Rus- assassinations, in order to form a government truly ours"-M. Hermann, lew, Communist, sia."-Rabbi Manfred Reiter. in "Czernowitz Allgemeine Zeitung" Sept. 2. 1983. New York, 1917. "We Iews who have posed as the Saviors JEWS PREDICT OWN col.LAI»ss of the World, we are today nothing else "The year 5700 has passed. As we retro- but the World's seducers. its destroyers, its spect, we find that we have witnessed abroad incendiaries. its executioners." p. 10. "There the crumbling of well-nigh every fortress of is no further doubt that the influence of the [elvish inspiration. Synagogues. scrolls, and Iews today justifies a very careful scrutlmy. countless treasures of learning have ascended and cannot possibly be viewed without seri- the heavens amidst clouds of smoke. Tal- ous alarm." p. 8. Dr. Oscar Levy. in a pre- mudical acadmies and schools of every de- face to a book by Mr. G. R. Pitt-Rivers, "The scription have been closed or razed to the World Significance of the Russian Revolution." ground. The voice of Iacob was smothered and silenced by the cruel and relentless hands

a8 HISTORICAL CHRONOLOGY OF RECURRING JEW TROUBLES AND HAPPENINGS OF EVERY AGE AND COUNTRY SINCE THE FALL OF JERUSALEM. Beginning on Page 71, Volume IY of the "Jewish Encyclopedia" (Funk & Wognolls, 1903). ill. 'following record Is printed. C.E. 70 Ierusalem besieged and conquered by 325 First Nicene Council separates the cele- Titus; the Temple destroyed. bration of Easter from that of the Iew- 72 Iudea completely conquered; the"Fiscus ish Passover. Iudaicus" instituted by Vespasian. 339 Constantius forbids. under penalty of 115 The Iews of Babylonia, Palestine, Egypt, death, marriage of a Iew with a Chris- Cyprus. Cyrene. and Libya rise against tian woman, and circumcision of slaves. Trojan. 361 Restoration of the Temple at Jerusalem 118 The Iews of Palestine rise against Trajan undertaken under Iulian the Apostate. and Hadrian; "War of Lucius Quietus." 362 Iulian the Apostate abolishes the Iew 133 Rebellion of Bar Kokba against Hadrian: tax. restoration of the Iewish State. 400 Moses, the false Messiah of . 135 Fall of Bet far; end of Bar Kokba's re- 415 Cyril. Bishop of Alexandria. drives the bellion. Iews from Alexandria. 161 Revolution in Palestine against Anto- 418 (March 10) fews excluded from all ninus Pius. . 280 Iudah III, son of Judah II, patriarch, public offices and dignities in the Roman collects a tox from foreign communities. Empire. 306 Council of Elvira forbids Christians to 425 Extinction of the patriarchate. eat with Iews or to intermarry with 455 Persecution of the Babylonian Iews un- them. der Yezdegerd III.


465 The Council of Van res (Gaul) pro- 537 Justinian declares Jews incapable of hibits the clergy iron taking part in holding any official dignity. Iewish banquets. 538 The Council of Orleans forbids Iews to 471 Persecution of the Babylonian Fews un- appear on the street at Eastertide. der Firuz (Perozes); the exilcrrch Hung 589 Reccared, Visgothic King of , com- Mari and others suffer martyrdom. pletely isolates Iews from Christians. 500 (circa). Abu-Karibcx. Himycxrite king, 612 Sisebut, Visigothic king, forces the Iews adopts Iudaism, and converts his army to accept baptism or to emigrate and his people. 624 The Banu Kainuka'a. a Iewish-Arabic 511 Mar-Zutra II, prince of the Captivity tribe, driven from Arabia by Mohammed. (exilarch), establishes an independent 827 Emperor Heraclius forbids Iews to en- Jewish state in Babylonia under the ter Ierusalem, and in other ways hor- Persian king' Kobad. asses the Palestinian Iews. 516 (May 14, 15) Uprising against Iews of Clermont; synagogue destroyed. 629 Dagobert orders the Iews of the Frank- ish empire to accept baptism or to emi- 517 The Council of Epaon forbids Christians grate. to take part in Newish banquets. 633 The Council of Toledo under Sisenand Visigothis king. and Isadore of Seville 518 Persecution of the Iews by Kobcxd, King forces converts to Judaism back to of Persia. Christianity. 532 Iustinian I decrees that the testimony S38 Chintila enacts that only professing of Iews shall be valid only in Iewish Catholics shall remain in Visigothic Cases. Spain; Iews emigrate.

40 chronoLoGy OF IEW TROUBLFS (continued) 640 Omar. the second Calif. banishes all have Church utensils in pledge. Iews from Arabia: the "Pact of Omar" 827 (circa). Eberard. "Magister ludaeorum" imposes restrictions upon Iews in the under Louis I the Pious, king of the whole Mohammedan world. Franks. protects the Iews against Ago- S41 Bulan. khan of the Chazars. becomes bard, Bishop of Lyons. a Iew. 845 The Council of Meaux, under Amolo, 658 Beginning of the Gaonate; Mar-Isaac, Bishop of Lyons, enacts anti-Iewish de- head of the Sura Academy, takes the crees. renewing those of Constantine and title lIGa°n'll Theodosius II. 694 (Nov.) All Iews in Spain and Gallic 850 Al-Mutawakkil orders the "Peoples of Provence declared slaves: children un- the Book" to wear yellow kerchiefs. der seven forcibly baptized. 878 Ibrahim ibn Ahtunad orders Iews of 720 Omar II, Ommiad Calif of Damascu . Sicily to wear a badge. re-enacts the "Pact of Omar." 982 (Inly 13) Kalonymus save life of Otto 721 Appearance of the false Messiah Serenus II after battle of Cotrone. in Syria causes many Spanish Iews to emigrate to Palestine. 1007 Persecution at Rouen by Robert the Devil. 761 The Karaite schism led by Anan ben David. 1012 (Nov.) Iews driven from Mayence by Emperor Henry II. 797 Isaac sent by Charlemagne on an em- 1013 (Apr. 19) Massacre at Cordova _by sol- bassy to Harun al-Rashid. diers of Sulairnan ibn al-Hakim. 814 "Capitula de Iudeis" of Charlemagne 1021 Al-Hakim renews the "Pact of Omar" in and Ludwig decide that Fews should not Egypt.

41 CHRONOLOGY OF IEW TROUBLES (continued) 1066 Banishment of the Iews from Granada. 1117 Persecution at Rome: appearance of a false Messiah at Cordova. 1078 Pope Gregory VII (Hildebrand) pro- mulgates canonical law against Iews 1120 Calixtus II issues bull "Sicut Iudaeis" holding office in Chrisendom. the charter of the Roman Iews. 1078 Iews repulsed from Ireland 1124 Ladislaus I of Bohemia decrees that no 1085 Pope Gregory VII protests against Iews Christian shall serve Jews. being placed by the King of Castile in 1144 Alleged martyrdom of St. William of authority over Christians. Norwich ((first case of blood accusation). 1090 "Ftlero" (decree) of Alfonso VI appoints 1148 Second Crusade: Iews massacred duel as means of settling litigation be- throughout France and Germany. Begin- tween Christian and New. (Feb. 19) ning of the Almohad persecution in Henry IV grants to Iudah ben Kalony- northern Africa and Southern Spain: mus and other Iews of Speyer protec- fews lee. or pretend to accept Islam. tion to life and property. 1150 Statutes of Aries appoint a special Jew- 1098 First Crusade: Iews massacred along ish oath. the Rhine and elsewhere. 1156 Iews of Persia persecuted on account of 1089 The Iews of Ierusalem burned in a pseudo-Messiah. David Alroy. synagogue by the Crusaders under God- frey of Bouillon. 1168 Latins and Greeks, Iews and Saracens. granted right of being judged by their 1103 (Ian. S) The "Constifutio Pacis" of the own laws in Sicily. imperial court at Mayence assures the 1171 Thirty-one Iews and Iewesses of Blois Iews of the "emperor's peace." burned on the charge of having used 1108 Massacre at Toledo. human blood in the Passover.


1172 Persecution of the Iews of Yemen. cheque! of Iews. Messianic excitement. 1198 Iews permitted to return to France by 1174 Sultan Nureddin Mahmud removes all Philip Augustus on payment of 15.000 Iews of Syria and Egypt from public livres in silver. offices. 1200 Bishop Conrad of Mayence issues o 1178 Riot at Toledo. at which Fermosa. the formula for an oath in German for Iews Jewish mistress of Alfonso VIII, is killed. of Erfurt. 1179 The third Lateran Council passes de- 1205 (Inly 15) Innocent III writes to Arch- crees protecting the religious liberty of bishop of Sens and Bishop of Paris lay- the Iews. (Aug.) Iews of Boppard and ing down the principle that Jews are neighborhood slain because body of bound to perpetual subjection because Christian woman is found on banks of of the Crucifixion. Rhine. Iews expelled from Bohemia 1209 Council of Avignon issues restrictive 1182 (April) Philip Augustus of France bon- measures against the Iews. (Inly 22) ishes the Iews from his hereditary prov- French Iews attacked and plundered: inces and takes one-third of their debts. 200 murdered. 118S Attack on the Iews of London at corona- 1210 (Nov. 1) The Iews of England tion of Richard I. prisoned by King John. 1190 (May 17) Self immolation of 150 Iews 1211 Many French and English rabbis emi- at York to avoid baptism. grate to Palestine. 1194 "Ordinances of the Iewry" passed in 1212 The Iews of Toledo killed by Crusaders England for registering Iewish debts. under the Cistercian monk Arnold: first thus preparing the way for the ex- persecution of Iews in Castile.


1215 Magna Charta of England lilunits rights 1236 Frederick II takes Iews of Sicily under of the crown in Iewish debts to the prin- his protection as being his "servi cipal. Fourth Iaterun Council under camerae" (first use of this term). Pope Innocent III, among many unti- 1240 (Lune 25) Disputation before Louis XI Iewish measures decrees the Iew badge. of France between Nicholas Don if and 1221 Jews killed at Erfurt. the Iews represented by Iehiel of Paris, Moses of Coucy. Talmudist and itinerant 1222 Golden Bull of Hungary refuses Iews preacher, and two others. the right to hold public office. Council of Oxford imposes restrictions on the 1241 (May 24) Riot at Frankfort on account Enqlislz Iews. of a Iewish convert. Iewish Parliament summoned to Worcester, England. 1223 (Nov. 8) Rabbinical Synod of Mayence 1244 Archduke Frederick II the Valiant. of regulates the payment of the Iewish Austria. grants priveleges to the Iews taxes. ("Privilegium Fredericianum"). Twenty 1227 Council of Narbonne re-enocts the cmti- four wagon-loads of Talmuds and other Iewish decrees of the fourth Lateran manuscripts (1200) burned at Paris. Council. 1246 lames I of Aragon. in the Ordenamiento of Huesca. declares Iews to be "in com- 1230 (Dec.) "Statutum de judeis" in France manda regis." Council of Beziers forbids by Louis IX prohibits Iews from making Iews to practice medicine. cantracls or leaving their lord's lands. 1254 (Dec.) Louis IX expels Iews from France. 1234 (Dec. 10) Iews of I-'uldu find a murdered 1255 (lily 31) St. Hugh of Lincoln disappears C&1risliem; 261 Iews killed in G011S8~ and the Iews are accused of murdering queue. him for ritual purposes.


1259 Iahudan de Cavalleria becomes "bayle- 1274 (Inly 7) Gregory X issues bull against general" and treasurer of Aragon. Pro- blood accusation. vincial council of Fritzlar for province 1275 Iews expelled from Marlborough, Glou- of Mayence repeats several of the ca- cester, Worcester, and Cambridge. at nonical restrictions, including the badge request of the Queen-Mother. (first time in Germany). 1280 Alfonso X orders all Iews of Leon and 1261 Expulsion from Brabant. under will of Castile to be imprisoned till they pay Henry III. of all Iews except those liv- 12,000 maravedis, and 12,000 for every ing by trade. day of delay in payment. English Iews 1263 Disputation at Barcelona between Pablo forced to attend sermons of Dominicans. Christiani and Nahrnanides. 1285 Blood accusation at Munich. 1284 Massacres at London. Canterbury. Win- chester. and Cambridge by the barons 1286 (Lune 28) Meir ben Baruch of Rothen- in revolt against Henry III. burq (1220-83). chief rabbi of Germany. imprisoned when about to emigrate. 1265 (May 2) Persecution at Sunziq: 72 per- Sancho of Castile in Cortes of Palencia sons burned in synagogue. orders Iews to submit their cases to 1267 (May 12) Synod of Vienna, under Car- the ordinary alcaldes (abolition of dinal Guido, orders Iews- to wear point- legislative autonomy). (Nov. 30) Bull of ed hats. Honorius IV to archbishops of York and Canterbury against Talmud. 1270 (Lune 23) Persecution at Weissenburg. 1287 (May 2) All Iews in England thrown 1273 (Nov. 4) Iews of Leridcx obtain Fermi - into prison. sign to substitute oath by the Ten Com- mondments tor the oath "more ludovico." 1290 (Nov. 1) Iews banished from England.

45 CHRONOLOGY OF IEW TROUBLES (continued) 1282 Ritual murder accusation and riot at ref mezora'im"). (Lune 24) Second ex- Colmar. pulsion of the Iews from France: Five 1294 (Aug. 7) Bolko I of Silesia grants Iews thousand slain in Dauphine on charge "Privilegium Fredericianum". of well poisoning. 1285 (Lune 23) Boniface VIII enters Rome 1322 (Pentecost) Talmuds burned in Rome. and spurns the Torah presented to him 1330 Alleged desecration of host at Gustrow. by Iewish deputation. 1334 (Oct. 9) Casimir III the Great, of , 1297 "ludenordnung" for Brandenburg. grants Iews "Privilegium Fredericianum." 1298 Persecution of the Iews in Germany 1334 Host-tragedy at Constance. instigated by Rindileisch: Mordecai ben Hillel a martyr. 1337 (May) Armleder massacres at Ensi- sheim, Muhlhausen. Rufach, etc. 1301 Iews plundered and slain at Magdeburg. 1346 Blood accusation at Munich. 1303 Ordinance of Philip the Fair enacts that all trials between Christians and Iews 1348 (Feb. 28) The Ordenamiento of Alcaza be decided by regular courts. orders all usury to cease. (Inly 18) Karl IV forbids Iews being summoned before 1308 First expulsion of the Iews from France the Vehmgericht. under Philip the Fair. 1315 (luly 28) Iews recalled to France by 1348-49 Persecution of the Iews in central Europe on account of the Black Death. Louis X for twelve years. Pope Clement VI issues two bulls pro- 1320 The Pastoreaux persecutions in France tecting them. ("gezeret ha-Ro'im"). 1350 Alfonso IV of enforces the 1321 The Leper persecution in France ("geze- badge (first in the Peninsula).


1351 Cortes of Valladolid demands the aboli- 1391 (Lune 6) Spanish horrors begin; Ferdi- tion of the judicial autonomy of Span- nand Martinez incites the mob against ish-Iewish communities. Iews burned at the Iews of Seville; anti-Iewish riots Konigsberg in Neumark. spread throughout Castile and Aragon. 1353 Iews invited back to Worms on account 1894 (Nov. 3) Third and last expulsion of of their usefulness. the Iews from France. under Charles VI. 1360 (Nov.) Samuel Abulafia dies under 1400 Persecution of the Iews of Prague at torture on the charge of peculation. the instigation of the convert Pessach; Manessier de Vesoul obtains from King Lipmann of Muhlhousen among the Cohn G decree permitting Iews to dwell sufferers. in France. 1403 (Oct. 25) Iran II of Castile withdraws 1365 Iews expelled by Louis the Great from civil jurisdiction from Jews. . Hungary; many go to Wallachia. 1405 Iews expelled from Speyer. 1370 All Iews imprisoned and robbed in 1407 (Oct. 26) Iews attacked it Cracow. Austria. 1410 (Sept) Meir Alguades slain on charge 1380 (Nov. 18) Riot in Paris; many Iews of host desecration. plundered. several killed. most fled. 1411 Vincent Ferrer raises the populace 1381 A synod at Mayence regulates the rab- against the Jews. Second general mas- binical marriage laws. sacre of Iews in all the Spanish prov- 1387 Iews expelled iron Basel. inces. 1389 (Apr. 18) The charge of insult to a 1413 (Ian 7) Religious disputation at Tor- priest carrying the sacrament leads to tosa arranged by Pope Benedict XIII the massacre of the Iews in Prague. between Geronimo de Santa Fe and


Vidal be :Benveniste ibn Labi and 1440 Jews expelled from Augsburg. Ioseph Albo. 1447 Casimir IV of Poland grants special 1415 (May 11) Bull of Benedict XIII against privileges to Jews. the Talmud and any Iewish book of 1450 Ludwig X of Bavaria throws all the tacking Christianity. Jews in forty towns into prison and con- iiscates their property. 1420 Charges of hostdesecration lead to the putting to death of a number of Iews 1451 Nicholas de Cusa enforces the wearing and to the expulsion of the remainder of the Jew badge in Germany. from Lower and Upper Austria. 1454 (May 2) Forty-one Jews burned at 1423 Iews expelled from Cologne. Breslau, and Jews expelled from Brynn and Olmutz, through Capistrano. 1424 Iews expelled from Zurich. 1458 Jews expelled from Erfurt. 1432 Rabbinical synod at Valladolid. Host- tragedy at Segovia. A synod at Avila, 1480 (March 5) The States of Austria de- under Abraham Benveniste Senior, pro~ mand that no Jew be permitted to dwell vides for an educational system for Iew- there. Jews expelled from Savoy. ish Spain. 1464 (Apr. 12) Jews plundered and murder- 1434 The Council of Basel renews old and by soldiers in Cracow. devises new canonical restrictions again t 1467 Eighteen Jews burned at Nuremberg. Iews. Annihilation of the Iews of Majorca. 1468 Jews expelled from Neisse by the guilds. Blood accusation brought against Jews 1435 Iews expelled from Speyer. of Sepulveda. 1438 Iews expelled iron Mayence. 1469 Jews plundered and slain at Posen.

48 CHRONOLOGY OF IEW TROUBLES (continued) 1470 Jews expelled from bishopric of May- cited." ence. 1488 (Ian. 25) First auto at Barcelona. (May 1475 Bernardinus of Feltre preaches against 24 and Inly 30) Autos do Fe at Toledo: the Iews in Italy. The Iews charged at former. 21 Iews burned, 400 pun- with the murder of Simon of Trent for ished: at latter. 78 burned. ritual purposes. Riots in Padua and else- 1480 (Dec.) Jews expelled from Geneva. where in Italy and Sicily. 1492 (Aug. 2) Expulsion of the Iews from 1476 Blood accusation in Regensburg through Spain. the convert Wolfram. 1494 Iews plundered in Naples. Blood occu- 1477 Iews plundered at Colmar and burned at Passau: the rest expelled through sation at Tyrnau. bishop. 1495 Iews expelled from Florence, but re- admitted after c few months on ac- 1478 Iews expelled from diocese of Bamberg count of their utility; Iews expelled from on account of Simon of Trent affair. Lithuania. 1481 The Inquisition against the Maranos 1496 Expulsion of Iews from Styria. Manoel established in Seville and at other of Portugal orders the Iews to accept places in Castile. baptism or leave the country. 1482 Inquisition established in Aragon: Thomas de Torquemada, chief inquisitor. 1498 The exiles settled in Navarre banished. Jews expelled from Nuremberg and Ulm. 1484 Iews expelled from Aries. 1486 (Feb. 12) Auto da Ie at Toledo at which 1501 (luly) Fifty-four Iews burned it Seville. 740 were absolved. (Dec. 10) Another 1502 Appearance of pseudo-Messiah Asher auto at same place, 900 Iews "recon- Lcxmmlein,


1503 Pfeiferkorn denounces Reuchlin. (March (Diogu Piles, 1501-32) begins his Mes- 22) Iews permitted to return to Lith- sianic agitation. ucxnio. (Dec. 27) Iudaizing followers of Zechariah of Klev burned of Moscow. 1530 (Aug. 12) Iosel of Rosheim obtains s extension of Alsatian privileges from 1505 Iews expelled from Orange. All slain at Charles V. Budweis on a child-murder accusation. 1531 Clement VII issues a bull establishing 1506 Jews settle in Pinsk and secure syno- the Portuguese Inquisition for Maranos. gogues and cemetery. Massacre of 4,000 Maranos in Lisbon. 1541 Iews expelled from Naples. 1508 (luly 15) Royal decree issued expelling 1542 Jews expelled from Bohemia because Iews from Portugal. of fires in Prague and other towns. 1510 Burning of Iewish books at Frankfort. 1543 Luther publishes his attack on the Iews. Thirty-eight Jews burned in Berlin for host - desecration and child - murder 1548 (Inly 10) Eighteen hundred Maranos Gratz, ix. 84). released from the prisons of the Inquisi- tion in Portugal. 1516 (March) Vem°ce sets apart a special quarter for a ghetto (first use of the 1550 (April 2) Iews banished from Genoa. term). 1551 Iew expelled from Bavaria and Wurt- temberg. 1524 The Iews of Cairo threatened with de- struction by Ahmed Shaitcxn, viceroy of 1554 (Lune 21) Rabbinical synod at Ferrara. Egypt. Iews return to Genoa. 1555 Paul IV issues the bull "Cum Nimis 1529 (Moy 21) Thirty Iews burned ot Posing Absurdum." Iews expelled from the on blood accusation. Solomon Molko Palatinate.

50 CHRONOLOGY OF IEW TROUBLES (continued) 1556 Twenty-tour Fews of Ancona hanged and 1592 (Aug 17) Papal edict forbids Jews to burned by order of Paul IV. admit Christians into synagogues. etc. 1587 Don Ioseph Nassi appointed ruler of 1598 Clement VIII expels the Jews from all Naxos and eleven other islands of the the Papal States except Home and An- Grecian archipelago. (June 15) Iews cona. The first Morano settlement in expelled from Genoese territory. Holland made at Amsterdam under Jacob Tirado. 1568 Isaac Luria Levi (1534-72). cabalist, pretends to be the Messiah, son of 1598 Persecution of the Persian Jews by Shah Ioseph. Abbes the Great. 1589 (Feb. 26) Bull of Pius V, "Hebraeorum 1598 Bet Jacob synagogue consecrated at Gens", expels Iews from Papal States Amsterdam. except Rome, Bologna, and Arcana. 1812 Portuguese Jews granted right of resi- 1570 Solomon Ashkenazi sent as an envoy to dence in Hamburg. by Sultan Selim It. 1814 (Sept. 2) Vincent F'ettmilch's attack 1573 (Ian 28) The Iew Lippold executed at upon the Jews at Frankfort. Berlin: all Iews expelled from Branden- 1815 Jews of Worms banished. burg. 1818 Jews return to Frankfort and Worms. 1576 Stephen Bathori allows the Iews of 1617 (Jan. 3) "Nene Stattgkeit" for Frank- Poland to carry on trade without re- fort makes right of domicil for Jews strictions. perpetual. 1829 (June 28) Lippman Heller forced to 1582 Expulsion from Silesia. leave his post as rabbi in Prague 1586 (circa). The Iews of Poland establish 1832 (April 20) Proselyte Nicolas Antoine the Council of Four Lands; Mordecai burned at Geneva. (July 4) Auto da Fe Iafe probably its first president. at Madrid.


1639 Dutch West India Company grunts Iews lB60 Iews expelled from Kiev by Alexis. of Guiana full religious liberty. 1665 Shubbethcxi Zebi (1628-76) publicly oc- 1642 Six hundred Iews of Amsterdam with cepted as the Messiah it Smyrna. Isaac Aboab as hakarn settle at Per- 1667 (Feb. 14) Iews run races at the Roman nambuco. carnival for the lost time. 1646 The Iews in Brazil side with the Dutch in their war with the Portuguese. 1870 Iews banished from Vienna and Lower Austria by Emperor Leopold I. Synod of 1648 The beginning of the Cossack persecu- Lithuanian rabbis and deputies settle tions of the Jews in Poland under spheres of jurisdiction in relation to Chmielnicki. central kahals. 1652 Two sales along the coast of Curacao 1671 Frederick William. the Great Elector, granted to David Nessi for a Iewish grunts o privilege for twenty years to colony. fifty families driven from Austria. 1654 (July 8) Twenty-four Jews land at New 18791 Appearance of the pseudo--Messiah Mor- Amsterdam from Brazil. decai Moshiah of Eisenstadt. 1655 (Oct) Menasseh ben Israel goes to Lon- 1680 (Lune 30) Auto da fe at Madrid. don to obtain from Cromwell the read- mission of Iews into England. 1882 (May 10) Auto do fe co Lisbon. 1657 (Feb. 4) Resettlement Day; Oliver 1688 Iews the victims of the Imperialist Cromwell grants Carvajal right of resi- soldiery at the recapture of Buda from dence for Iews in England. Turks. 1859 (Feb. 26) Iews expelled from all the 1690 Ninety Fews from Curacao settle at Papal States except Rome and Ancona. Newport, R. I.


1695 Iews forbidden to enter Sweden by 1738 (Feb. 4) Joseph Suss Oppenheimer exe- Charles IX. cuted at Vienna. 1700 The house of Oppenheimer in Vienna 1740 (Feb. 3) Charles the Bourbon, King of attacked by a mob. Eisenmenger ot- Naples and of the two Sicilies, invites tempts to publish his "Entdecktes Iuden- the Iews back for fifty years. (July 11) lhum." .. Iews expelled from Little Russia by 1703 Iotas Aaron settles in Philadelphia. Czarina Anne. Act passed by English Parliament naturalizing Iews settled in 1710 The "Iudenordnung" of Hamburg deter- the American colonies. mines the social conditions of the Iews of that city. 1742 (Dec. 2) Iews expelled from Great Rus- sia by Czarina Elizabeth. 1716 (Inly 24-25) Serious uprising against the Iews at storming of Posen. 1744 (Dec. 18) Expulsion of Iews from Bo- hemia and Moravia. 1727 (April 26) Iews expelled from Russia and the Ukraine by Catherine. (Nov. 1747 Bull of Benedict XIV decides that a 15) Act passed by General Assembly of Iewish child baptized. even against New York permitting Iews to emit "on canonical law. must be brought up un- the faith of a Christian" from oath of der Christian influences. abjuration. 1748 Iews permitted to remain in Bohemia 1732 (Sept. 2) "Editto supra gli Ebrei" of on payment of a "Iudensteuer" of 218.- Clement III renews all restrictions 000 florins. against Iews of Rome. 1750 (April 17) Frederick the Great issues a 1733 (Inly) Forty Iews from Lisbon arrive "Generalprivileqium" for the Prussian cl Sovnmluah. GGL Jews.


1753 Act passed by English Parliament per- zoll" in Prussia. mitting Iews to be naturalized. "No Iews, no wooden shoes" riots in England. 1780 The French National Asembly grants citizenship to the Sephardic Iews of 1754 Act granting naturalization to English Bordeaux. New constitution for Iews of Iews repealed. Sile ia: a few receive general privileges. 1756 Blood accusation in lampoon, Poland. etc. 1757 Iacob Frank becomes leader of the 1791 The French National Assembly grants Shobbethaians. Bishop of Kamenitz- full civil rights to the Iews. Podolsk orders Talmuds to be burned. 1796 Iews of Holland declared by the No- 1761 Persecution of Jews in Yemen. tional Assembly to be full citizens of the Batavian Republic. 1787 (Lune 20) Cossacks slay thousands of Iews at Homel. 1787 (Aug. 1) Two Iews. Bro ret and De Lemon. elected members of the second 1772 Iews settle in Stockholm, Karlskrona. National Assembly of Holland and Gothenburg, by favor of Gustavus III. 1801 "Leibzoll" removed in Nassau. 1776 (Oct. 17) Senatoriol decree of Russia 1803 Israel Iacobson and Wolff Breidenbach grants freedom of settlement and other agitate the abolition of the poll-tax for rights to baptized Iews. Iews in Germany. 1781 Ioseph II of Austria abolishes the Jewish 1804 (Dec. 9) "Enactment concerning the poll-tax, and grants civil liberties to the Iews" passed by Alexander I of Ru sia. Iews. 1807 The Great Sanhedrin convened by Na- 1782 Ioseph II issues his Toleration Edict. poleon; Ioseph David Sinzheim presi- 1787 Frederick William II removes the "Lieb- dent. 54 CHRONOLOGY OF IEW TROUBLES (continued)

1808 (Ian. 27) Ierome Napoleon issues de- 1825 Iews expelled from St. Petersburg cree giving full civic rights to Iews of through influence of guilds. Westphalia. (Dec. 11) Napoleon at Madrid issues decree dividing the French 1828 Iews obtain full civic rights in the state empire into Iewish consistories. of Maryland, U.S.A. Decree issued in Russia enrolling Iews for military nerv- 1809 Law of Baden forms Iews into special ice. religious community with ull privileges. 1831 Louis Philippe orders salaries of rabbis 1811 The Iews of Homburg emancipated. to be paid by the State. 1812 The Iews of Prussia emancipated. 1833 (Oct. 29) Iews of Kur~Hessen granted full emancipation. 1813 (Feb. 18) The Iews of Mecklenburg emancipated. 1835 (April 13) General Iewish regulations issued in Russia. Edict of Nicholas I 1815 (Lune 8) "Bundesakte" passed at the founding agricultural colonies in Russia. Congress of Vienna decrees maintenance of status quo in the political condition 1836 Laws refusing Jews the right to bear of the Iews. Christian names renewed in Prussia. 1818 First Reform Temple in Hamburg 1839 Sultan 'Abd al-Majid grants citizenship opened. to Turkish Iews. 1840 (Feb 5) Damascus blood accusation. 1819 (Aug.) The beginning of the "Hep, hep!" (Nov. 6) Fir ran issued by sultan against persecutions. Formation of the Society blood accusation. for the Culture and Science of the Jews, by Zunz, Gans, and Moser. 1844 (May 25) Louis Philippe issues regula- tions for the internal organization of 1820 Iews admitted again it Lisbon. French Iews. (Lune) Rabbinical confer-


once ct Brunswick. 1880 Alliance Israelite Universelle iounded. 1845 (April) Ukase issued ordering Russian 1863 (Inly) Emancipation of Swiss Jews. and Polish Iews to adopt ordinary cos- iume. 1866 Roumanian constitution, clause 7, makes all Rournanian Iews "aliens." 1848 Emancipation Year: most of the coun- tries of central Europe grant full civic 1868 Iews permitted to return to Spain. The and political rights to Jews - in the law of the North German Federation of majority of cases, repealed the next Inly 8 decrees that no state shall retain year. (May 19-20) Riots in Presburg. restrictions on the ground of religious belief. 1849 (Inly 8) Baron Lionel de Rothschild. previously returned as M. P. for city of 1870 (March) Thirteen hundred and sixty London. not allowed to take seat. Iews expelled from districts of Falciu and Vaslui. Rournania. 1852 (Sept 8) Violent anti-Iewish riots ot Stockholm. 1871 Anglo-Iewish Association founded. 1873 Union of American Hebrew Congrega- 1856 (Feb. 18) "Huts-Humayun" issued, tions established. granting full civic rights to Turkish Jews. 1878 (luly 28) E. Lasker procures the pass- 1858 (Lune 24) Edgar Mortars in Ancona ing of the "Austrittqesetz," permitting forcibly taken from his family by Bishop Iews to change their congregation. of Bologna on plea that he had been baptized when an infant by a Roman 1878 (Iu1Y 13) The Berlin Congress inserts Catholic servant. The oath "on the true clause 44, that distinction of religion faith of a Christian" abolished in Eng- shall not be a bar to civil and political land; Iewish disabilities removed. rights in Houmania.


1880 (Nov. 20-22) Debate in Prussian Diet 1887 (Feb. 28) Romanian law excluding on Kantorowicz incident. Iews from public service and buxom tobac- 1881 Atrocities against Iews in South Russia. co trade and from employment in retail (April 25) Anti-Semetic league in Ger- trade. many presents petition with 255,000 signatures to Prince Bismarck. (April 1889 (May 12) Roumonian low limiting num- 27) Riot at Argenau. ber of Iewish factory hands to one-third. 1882 (April 7) Disappearance of Esther Soly- 1890 (Dec. 10) Guildhall meeting oqcinst mosi causes a trial on blood accusation persecution of Russian Iews by May at Tisza-Eszlcr. (May 3) "May Laws" Laws. issued by General Ignatiei confining the 1891 (Lune 28) Blood accusation at Xcnten. Iews in the Pale of Settlement to the towns. 1892 Iewish Colonization Association iound- ed by Baron de Hirsch. 1884 (March 7) Romanian law prohibiting hawking put 5,000 Loewi h families out 1898 (Ian. 14) Roumcxnicn law prohibiting of employment. (luly 9) Lord Roths~ Iews from being employed in public child takes his seat is first Iewish peer medical department. in the British House of Lords. 1895 Capt.. Albert Dreyfus condemned and 1885 Pittsburgh Conference of American degraded os a spy and deported to Rabbis establishes c platform for Re- Devil's Isle. Cayenne. form Iudcxism 1897 (Aug. 29-31) First Zionist Congress at 1886 Drumont publishes "La France ]rive." Basel.

57 A JEW THREAT 'ro GENTILES On the following pages appears an exact reproduction of A Lefter and A Resolution, (names omitted) sent thru the United States Mail, to many old established American Business Firms and Owners of property in Chicago. Illinois, giving these people An Uliimahim.

Expiring al' the end of 40 days and 40 nights-outlining as to just how The Jews will permit them to conduct Their Own Business and to whom they should accept as tenants in Their Own Property. These Jews give Gentiles to clearly understand that they will be sub- jected to dire consequences if 'they du not' follow their ins'I>rud'iotns and de- monds-at the end of Foriy days-"inc'uding the use of economic pressure."

'Econo-mic Pressure' means 'BoycoH'.'

If it is o Jew Rig-ht to 'Boycott Gentiles' it is most certainly A Gentile Right to rent his own property to Gentiles or to tenants he considers the most desirable and profitable without mentioning any other reason.

58 i

IN Ll VIA .lu.ll.a» nu | gin llQblOVO\' Vu.; Pa. Jewish Peoples Committee For United Action Against Fascism and Anti-Scmitism l5PL"D8_D baiaw °.y:v*.'n ::~n°=::~=:I§ me 8ww-l59 1a:: was -.p:,e°:-l:-.l_u: use H POLL. Collvspondanq Se.:'y Jolt) Sunnyvde lvenua. Chicago -n.

Gentlemsn; We enclose tor your serious consideration oortain resolutions adopted by the Jewish Peoples Committee of Rc;_era Park at a mass-meeting sponsored by it on July 8, 1941, and attended by one hundred and twenty- five Americans of both the Jewish and Christian faithlo

je especially direct your attention to the last I paragraph of this resolution, and further advise you that identical copies of this latter and the enclosed ros

elution have been sent to each of the firms and I individuals listed under the "Real Estate" heading in the "Rogers Park Telephone Dirf:etoz'y", as well as to and and to the North Side Real Estate Board.

. In closing, we wish to assure you that the cnoloso& I resolutions were aaoptoa in no spirit of antagonism, i 'but in one of an uniszmassionbd desire for equality of Qrosimont.

Vary truly yours, Jewish ?ooploa Com- ittuo of Rogers Park C~ mmittee of Rogers Park, demand:

1. That all building owners of Rogers Park, presently refusing the privileges of occupancy to Jew, cease their arbitrary and UnAmer1can exclusion of Jews, and accept and Judge the app- lications of prospective Jewish tenants in the same manner, and subject to the same conditions, as is exercised and are imposed upon applicants of other faiths.

2. That all firms engaged in the management of real estate, whether owned by them'or by others, which presently offer apart- ments or buildings for rent with the proviso that no Jews are permitted to live therein, cease to include any such proviso in . I their future offers of apartments for rent.

3. That copies .of this Bill of Complaint be sent to the persons and corporations hereinabove specifically named, and to all real estate firms doing business in Toners Park.

L. That unless a written indlcat'ou of bona fide attempts to comply wlth the requests herein contained be sent by the persons and corporations hereinabove specifically named to the office of the Jewish Peoples Committee of Rogers Park, 6109 N.

Winthrop Ave., Chicago, Ill., wlthln forty days from the date hereof, and, in the event that any real estate firm not specific- I ally named herein, to whom a copy of this B111 of Complaint shall

have been sent, $s found by good and co~ ~petent evidence, to engage i in the UnAmer1can practices hereinabove described, that then, and in those events, or either of them, we, the members of the Jewish Peoples Committee of Rogers Park, reserve the right to use every legal means at our disposal, including the use of economic pressure, to compel cmnpllance with our requests, hereinabove related

Jewish Peoples Committee of Rogers Park July 22, 1941 I

To prove this movement as nahonwade m lcopo lh. lol§owing lotto! is uplo. ducted Under pressure a gonlila made u S1 00 conlribuhon to a lavish cou- and was nulomahcolly renado <1 member of lhss organilaiion. JEWISH PEUPLES C0MMlTTEE : as lrondway • New York, 14. Y. Clollon 3'51l'l

NAIII moss »4lu.¢n u..101»4'r .ll\nAoo J. HARKAVY nAv1vr4AL sloan-Auv aLAs STONE -\'1onAI. 0n.Anlz.l

Dl.r Friend: We wish to take 'his opportunity to thank you for your membership a1'f11\a'1on to the Jewish Peoples Committee. We herewith enclose your 1941 membership card and are placing your name on our mailing list to receive pub11cst1ons,mater1 at and communications relative to our work.

Enclosed you will Finn an issue of our publication "noleaso', which will be went free of charge to all members for one year.

At a time such as the, when anti-Bemltlsm and dis- crimlnatlon are increasing, it is vital that our membership grow rapidly. During the past few months the Jewish Peoples

Committee has carried on a program of action that has 11 et with . greater and II ore enthusiastic response than we have ever re- ceived. But the seriousness of the present situation demands even more Activity, even f aster growth. We trust that you w1l1 do your share by enrolling new members and by participating in I the work of the Council or "hepter in your city or neighborhood. I With your help the Jewish Peoples Committee will go I forward for the destruction of fascism and anti-Semitiem, the .bo11tlon or discrimination and the defense or democracy.

Sincerely yours,>' -- > /¢ 1 Ziationul Secretary

BJH:JC uopwa 15 ABGLISK lllSCRlMlNATlON Reproduction of o letter head of another Iewish Boycott Council disseminating boycott provocottons long beloro the war started in Europe. JOIIIT BOUCOTT COIHICIL of lhé JlMERlCA'[ll JEIDISH conqnsss and JEIDISH LABOR COMIIIITTEE

MAX A. KOPSTEIN. 8 South Dearborn Street Room 912 <1uul.A\l NATIONAL omens DR. JOSEPH TENENBAU.. sAnu:L HOLLAND. CHICAGO Clllllll co-¢na11llAl a. c. vLAo:cx. J u n e Co-¢llllul lovcorr smear connlrrlz 1 6 II. LESTER SEIDNER. cnA111Au 1 9 5 9 DAVID GERTLER. leyeoiis and Economic Fressure <.Eways *use strife and reprisals among ql.¢lll1l.l. all people, and has been the basic cause of most of the wars between nation: thruout the ages.

An amazing revelation appeared in Social Iustice magazine under date of March 16. 1942. showing the activities in 1933 of the World .lewisli Economic Federation of Amsterdam, Holland. Mr. Samuel Untermeyer of New York, as President. 62 JEW VENGEANCE AND PERSECUTION This picture shows eight bullet holes in a bevel plate glass in the outside entrance door to a North Side-Lake Shore (Chicago, Ill.) flat building. The police caught some of the Iew gangsters in a Jew minutes "after the shooting." They told everything, .- squealed on their pals, etc. When the police asked them why they did it, one re- plied. "Because I am a Iew, and I object to the ms sign on the door, 'Gentiles only' ". The policeman asked him it he thought this was Russia. and what would he think or do if someone shot out -nr his old man's butcher shop windows just because he displayed a "Kosher Sign". Local Iew politicians and representatives of Iewish organizations from far and wide went into action at once to save "their pals" from prosecution. The Jews were not prosecuted (only warned). nor did they pay for the damages. A few days later a glass taken from the door of a wrecked building was offered, it was refused and a new polished glass was put in and paid for by the owner. HISTORY OF THE CASE The building was purchased several years ago by (I retired Mid-West farmer and his wide. The building earned on excellent return on the in- vestment. No vacancies for years and the best

63 IEW VENGEANCE AND PERSECUTION (continued) of tenants. The husband died and the widow over this part of Chicago and if you do not sold the building and took back a first mort- like our ways or our terms you can 'get out' ". gage. The new owner finally became finan- cially involved and was unable to keep up This was a fighting challenge to this Ameri- the taxes and pay the interest on the mort- can Christian woman of pioneer stock. She gage After a most harrowing and costly and her ancestors had gone through great experience with a Jew Receiver she finally struggles and hardships to develop America recovered title to the property. All Iew ten- from a wilderness to what it is today, and ants. Her troubles started at once. She was she could not understand why Fews who obliged to "throw out" some of the tenants have intermittently been "thrown out" of many tor non-payment of rent and let others go countries thruout the world, could have the for other causes, Soon there were many va- audacity to push her out of her own home cancies. No restriction was made as regards and her own property in her own country. race or religion. She had never read "The Octopus". or Mrs. Iew prospects (?) come by the score. Mos: 'ilmfxbeth Dilling's "Red Network" o docu- of them made impossible demands. It was mented exposure of the doings and activities soon discovered the Iews were conniving with of the many "subversive forces" operating each other to rent the apartments only on in our midst. their terms and conditions. Gentile pro- spects come - took G look at the names on the mail boxes and when they learned that This action on the pan of the Iews caused [ews lived in the building they were no the owner to restrict the building to Gentile longer interested. tenants. The word "restricted" was first in- serted on the "Apartment for Rent" sign on Finally the Iews made this audacious open the door. While Iews understood what this ultimatum to the owner: "We Jews have taken meant. still they came, then the words "Gen- 64 IEW VENGEANCE AND PERSECUTION (continued) tiles only" were inserted - still they applied. never another "mistake" (?) in copy or classi- fication for two years. Things began to happen. First the "For Rent" sign on the door was repeatedly torn Then evidently some .kind of strong pres- down. Several different Iews were caught in sure was brought to bear on this same news- the act. Ominous warnings of bombings and paper to cut out the word "Gentile" and sub- other disasterous threats were ignored. Fire stitute the word "Restricted" in all ads. The brands were thrown on the porches. One tire word "Restricted" does not necessarily have was started on the property. Tenants were the same meaning. It might mean dogs, chil- shot at with air rifles. A crippled young lady dren or what not. Now, no longer can Chris- sitting on the back porch in a wheel chair tians get full benefit for the money '.'Iley was shot at by Iew kids and barely escaped spend for their advertising. The newspaper injury or death. Small children of a tenant was simply used as a cat's paw to scratch playing in the back yard had to be con- those who are offensive to Iudah. stantly guarded against attack by Iew kids. Fear for the safety at their youngsters caused A repitition of the following quotation ap- them to move. Advertising copy inserted in a pearing in this booklet seems to be appro- leading Chicago newspaper "Flat for Rent"- priate, and could be the answer. "Gentiles" was repeatedly wrongly classified "Na word contrary to our l'as+e is pub- and garbled. When complaint was made to lished because we eonirol the press. No the newspaper that these were not ordinary idea which displeases us penetrates Hue mistakes they could not believe any employee lnhllectual world because we dominate of 'theirs would stoop to such tactics. and only 'l'he theatre. The Hebrew spirit' has con- quered *he world." when they were told what employees to The Iew Moritz Cohn, in his book "Weisen check on, did the sabotage stop. There was von Zion," page 27.


RELIGION IN THE NEWS "We Iews now rule this country; we intend to rule America, and we deny ony- one to stop us." Statement made by a Rabbi over an Eastern Broadcasting Station - Iewish Hour - Sunday, lune 21, 1941.

REVOLUTIONARY RADICALISM The following "Tactics of RevoH"' was taken from the famous "Lusk Report," filed April 24, 1920, in the Senate in the State of New York, by a Ioint Legislative Committee, investigating Seditious Activities, Clayton R. Lusk, Chainman. Despite this amazing public exposure there evidently were not enough patriotic citizens then who showed sufficient interest to put a stop- to or even check the progress of the plan, all of which brings to mind the statement made by a famous American industrialist and patriot who once said-"There are so many people you cannot convince that fire is hot, until they burn their fingers."

.56 TACTICS OF REVOLT This is 'I-aughi' '|'o- hand picked members off 'l'he Communist Party in 'l'heir "Red Schools." Instructions from Earl Browder, Secretary of the Communist Party, given at the seventh congress of the Third International at Moscow, on August 11, 1085. 1. Terrorize the bourgeoise* (middle class) by descent "en masse" into the streets. Post patrols, machine guns and armored cars. 2. Disarm the bourgeoise by suppressing the newspapers, so that they will know nothing; and money, by closing the banks; deprive them of means of transportation (motor cars) and prevent them from organizing by con- trol of meetings. 3. Nationalize banks, factories, industries, private firms (work of the cells). 4. Assure possession of the necessary money by seizing the banks and by contributions from public and private funds. 5. Establish a popular police (Red Guards) and tribunals; regulate traffic by requiring an identification card. From this moment the bourgeoise can no longer escape you. 6. Apply immediately the system of house committees. You will thus have a further check upon everyone. 7. Take control of all private arms. This gives you pretext also for domiciliary search and fines.

' Pronounced boor-zwhwa-ze 87 8. Isolate the central power by seizure of communications; posts, telephones; telegraphs; radio, transports (work of corresponding cells). g. Isolate in the same manner the subordinate organs; provinces. military and police commands. Suppress troublesome personalities. 10. Set up a Soviet power in opposition to the fonder power and whenever the moment possesses evident superiority, and only then overthrow the former authorities. 11. Do not touch those points (country and provinces. where the government has the upper hand) but be content with isolating them completely. They will soon fall tor lack of orders, news, money, food and will be easily re- duced once the Soviet regime has been consolidated elsewhere. 12. From the administrative point of view, leave this alone; substitute in each leavened administration the cel-_ - .` its corresponding administration of its department. The rest will be a< complished by the exploitation phase. 13. As regards the army-do not seek conflicts. Isolate the command. Prevent the heads from reaching their posts, thus paralyzing the whole. Try to obtain detections. Regroup them so as to make it appear that the revolu- tion is supported by the army. The transportation from one point of view to another is a very quick process. It might happen in half a day. It will come.

68 THE ASTOUNDING TESTIMONY OF DR. WLLIAM A. WIRT And then 14 years later in 1934, the you will be interested in this quotation ircm ASTOUNDING TESTIMONY of Dr. William one of our members of Congress: A. Wir'l'. of Gary. Indiana, and the hap- " 'Replying to your letter of the 10th, this is penings to date contlrming the success to advise that I have been unable to obtain of their program. a copy of the testimony given by Dr. Wirt The Chicago Journal of Commerce, Moy before a special committee of the House Cr 22. 1941, reprinted Dr. Wirt's statement few years ago. which is herewith reproduced. " 'In trying to locate this document, I have Though the famous statement by Dr. W:1- contacted the Library of Congress. Congress- liam A. Wirt, in 1934. os to where the rudi- man Bullwinkle of North Carolina. chairman cals in the New Deal were leading Mr. Roose- of the special committee for whom tlfs tes- velt, has been republished from time to time. timony was given, and also Mr. Lewis of a new demand for the doctor's tel'ing pro- the House Document Room. Apparently the phecy of seven years ago seems to come up New Deal was not overly anxious to have every time his name is mentioned. this testimony circulated around in the public The other day in writing about the testi- prints, so they have withdrawn every single money given by Dr. Benson. of Harding Col- copy of this testimony that they could lay lege, Searcy. Ark., the statement was made hands on. The Library of Congress tor ex- that we suspected Dr. Benson's statement ample informs me that they knew of only would in time become as famous as Dr. two copies in the city of Washington, one in Wirt's. the city of New York, one in Chicago. The G. L. Ireland, of Grand Forks, N. D. revives Library of Congress here does have a copy interest in Dr. Wirt's statement in a new way however. but they keep it under lock and key. He writes as follows: No one is permitted to take it out of the Li- "In view of the fact that you referred to brary.' Dr. Wirt's statement in your column, I feel "I feel more publicity should be given Dr.

ss Wirt's statements and the treatment of Dr. have been making great social progress. The Witt." common man is getting his place in the sun. It is hard to believe that the New Dealers Why try to put him back into the dark ages? would go so for as to eliminate Dr. Wirt's "Last Summer I asked some of the individ- testimony from the official records in Wash- uals in this group what their concrete plan ington. However we ore pleased to re-pub- was for bringing on the proposed overflow lish his statement before the special inves- of the established American social order. tigating committee again. It strikes us as "I was told that they believed that by being a related and interesting corollary to thwarting our then evident recovery they Dr. Benson's statement which was published would be able to prolong the country's des- in these colunms May 19 and May ZC. titution until they had demonstrated to the DR. WIRT'S STATEMENT American people that the government must "This manuscript has not been written for operate industry and commerce. publication. I merely want to make the ma- "I was told that of course commercial banks terial available to a few friends in the hope could not make long time capital loans and that it may be of help to them in their own that they would be able to destroy. by propa- writing. You are welcome to use any or all gcnda: the other institutions that had been of it in any way you ee fit. making our capital loans. And of course when "The fundamental trouble with the Brain Uncle Sam becomes our financier he must Trusters is that they start with a false assump- also follow his money with control and man- tion. They insist that the America of Wash agement. ington and Lincoln must first be destroyed "The mo t surprising statement made to and then they will reconstruct an America me was the following: after their own pattern. They do not know "We believe that we have Mr. Roosevelt that the America of Washington, Jefferson in the middle of a swift stream and that the and Lincoln has been the "New Deal" and current is so strong that he cannot turn back that during the 18th and 19th centuries we or escape from if. We believe that we can 70 DR. WIRT'S STATEMENT continued) keep Mr. Roosevelt there until we are ready 'Oh' they said. 'that would be easy.' to supplant him with a Stalin. We all think "All that they would need to do would be that Mr. Roosevelt is only the Kerensky of to point the finger of scorn of the traitorous this Revolution! opposition. These traitors in the imaginary "When I asked why the President would war against the depression, would be made not see through this scheme they replied: the goats. And the American people would " We are on the inside. We can control the agree that they. the Brain Trusters, should avenues of influence. We can make the Presi- be more firm in dealing with the opposition. dent believe that he is making the decisions "Thus, they, the Brain Trusters, would soon for himself. A leader must appear to be a be able to use the police power of the gov- strong man of action. He must make decisions ernment and 'crack down' on the Opposition and many times make them quickly, whether with a 'Big Stick.' In the meantime they would good or bad. Soon he will feel a superhuman extend the gloved hand and keep the 'big flow of power from the flood of the decis- stick' in the background. sions--themselves good or bod. Eventually "I was frankly told that I underestimated he can be easily displaced because of his the power of propaganda. That, since the bad decisions. With Mr. Roosevelt's back- World War, propaganda had been developed ground we do not expect him to see this revo- into a science. That they could make the news- lution through/ papers and magazines beg for mercy )y "They said that such individuals can be threatening to take away much of their ad- induced to kindle the fires of revolution. But vertising by a measure to compel only the strong men must take their place when the unvarnished truth in advertising. That they country is once engulfed in flames. could make the financiers be good by show- "I asked how they would explain to the ing up at public investigations the crooks in American people why their plans for retard- the game. And that the power of public in- ing the recovery were not restoring recovery. vestigation in their own hands alone would

71 DR. WIRT'S STATEMENT {continued) make the cold chills run up and down the government could no longer dole out relief spines of the other business leaders and pole in the grand manner. By that time, it was ticians-honest men as well as crooks. answered. the oft-repeated exhortation to in- "They were sure that they could depend dustry and commerce to make jobs out of upon the psychology of empty stomachs and confidence and to produce goods and pay THEY WOULD KEEP THEM EMPTY. The wages out of psychology, together with their masses would soon agree that anything other propaganda. would have won the peo- r.hould be done rather than nothing. Any ple to the idea that the only way out was for escape from present miseries would be wel- GOVERNMENT ITSELF TO OPERATE INDUS- come even though it should turn out to be TRY AND COMMERCE. another misery. "They were certain that they did not we*:t "They were sure that the leaders of Indus to operate agriculture for c long time. But try and labor could be kept quiet by the the farmers could be won by doles to support hope of getting their own share of the gov- aovernrnent operation of industry and com- ernment doles in the form of loans, and con- ce. Farmers would be delighted to get tracts for material and labor-provided they "'.; hands in the public trough for once in were subservient. the history of the country. The farmers would "They were sure that the colleges and be one with the masses-united for a re- schools could be kept in line by the hope of distribution of the wealth of the other fellow. Federal aid until the many New Dealers in All that they (the Brain Trusters) would need the schools and colleges had control of them. to do with the opposition would be to ask, "They were sure that their propaganda 'Well, what is your plan?' could inflame the masses against the old "All they would need to do with labor social order and the honest men as well as would be to lead labor to say to the oppo- the crooks that represent that order. sition. 'Let us have our way or we will raise "I asked what they would do when the hell and put the blame entirely on you.' "

72 LEGAL RIGHTS OF AMERICAN CITIZENS IN WAR TIME AND IN PEACE TIME. As defined in "A Bill of Rights" - U. S. Criminal Code - U. S. Supreme Court Decisions. Etc. The First Ten Amendments to the Constitution, known as "A Bill of Rights", were adopted by the first Congress, culled to meet in New York City, March 4, 1789. They were later ratified by the various States, and on December 15, 1791, were made a part of the Constitution. AMENDMENT I FREEDOM OF RELIGION. SPEECH, AND THE ness: RIGHT OF ASSEMBLY AND PETITION Congress shall make no low respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peacably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. AMENDMENT II RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of cz free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

73 AMENDMENT Ill QUARTERING OF SOLDIERS No soldier shall in time of peace be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner prescribed by law. AMENDMENT iv REGULATION OF RIGHT OF SEARCIH AND SIEZURE The rights of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue but on probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the per- sons or things to be seized. AMENDMENT v PROTECTION FOR PERSONS AND THEIR PROPERTY No person shall be held to answer for o capitol or otherwise infamous crime. unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces. or in the militia. when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any crimi- nal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or

74 property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use. without just compensation. AMENDMENT VI RIGHTS OF PERSONS ACCUSED OF CRIME In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascer- tained; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense. AMENDMENT VII RIGHT OF TRIAL BY JURY IN SUITS AT COMMON LAW In suits it common low, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States, than accord- ing to the rules of the common law. AMENDMENT viii PROTECTION AGAINST EXCESSIVE BAII. AND PUNISHMENT Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessives fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

75 AMENDMENT IX CONSTITUTION DOES NOT LIST ALI. INDIVDUAI. RIGHTS The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

AMENDMENT x POWERS RESERVED TO THE STATES AND THE PEOPLE The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor pro- hibited by it to the States. are reserved to the States respectively or to the people. UNITED STATES LAWS ON CONSPIRACY "If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten or intimidate any citizen in the free exercise or enjoyment .>' any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or lows of the United States, or because of his so having exercised the same ... they shall be fined not more than $5,000 and imprisoned not more than ten years, and shall moreover, thereafter be in- eligible to any office, or place of honor, profit or trust created by the Constitu- tion or laws of the United States" (Section 19, U. S. Criminal Code (l8USC 51), titled "Conspiracy to Injure Persons in the Exercise of Civil Rights.") "Any person who, under color of any statute, ordinance. regulation, custom

76 or usage of any state or territory, subjects or causes to be subjected any citizen of the United States, to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in any action at law or suit in equity or other proper proceeding for redress." (Sec. 43 U.S.C.R.S. 1917) THE LEGAL RIGHT OF AMERICAN CITIZENS TO PUBLISH, SELL AND DISTRIBUTE THIS BOOKLET OR SIMILAR INFORMATIVE PRINTED MATTER The U. S. Criminal Code - Sec. 51; Old C. C. No. 19 - provides stiff penalties for any person or official interfering with the citizen's enjoyment of free speech and free press, or stopping the sale of books or periodicals that in themselves are publishing material which proprietors consider in promotion of the public interest. These laws apply against Federal and State authorities, even the F. B. I. is not excepted. The most recent and leading U. S. Supreme Court decision, handed down Nov. 22, 1939, holds; "A Municipality cannot require of all who wish to disseminate ideas to first present them to police authorities for their consideration and approval, with a discretion to the police to say some ideas may, while others may not, be carried

77 to the homes of citizens, and that some citizens may. while others may not, disseminate this information from house to house . .. "Although a Municipality may exact regulations in the interest of public safety and health, these may not abridge the individual liberties secured by the Constitution to those who wish to speak, write, print or circulate informa- tion or opinion. The purpose to keep the streets clean is insufficient to justify an ordinance which prohibits a person from rightfully, on a public street. hand- ing literature to one willing to receive it." Persons interfering with those selling publications violate Section 51 of the U. S. Criminal Code, which section carries severe penalties. including a jail or prison sentence, a fine, and the payment of damages to be awarded to the person whom they prevent Iron doing that which sa'd person had a right to do, as defined in this law, in violation it the above decisions of the U. S. Su- preme Court on Nov. 22, 1939. FAVORABLE COURT DECISIONS Lovell v. Griffin (Georgia), 303 U. S. 444. Hibshman v. Kentucky (Pikes Circuit Court Schneider v. State, 308 U. S. 147. opinion March 17, l94l.) Cantwell v. Connecticut, 310 U. S. 286. Rosco Jones v. City of Opelikct (Alobczrncx Sta'e ex rel. Wilson & Shad ran v. Russell, Court of Appeals opinion March 18 1941) Police Chief, City of Clearwater (unani- People V. Kienan, 26 N. Y. S. 2d 291. mous opinion of Florida Supreme Court People v. Ludovici, 13 N. Y. S, 2d 88. April 8, 1941.) People v. Guthrie, 26 N. Y. S. 2d 289. 78 _ FAVORABLE COURT DECISIONS (continued) Tucker v. Randall, 15 A 2d 324 (New Iersey). City of Gaff fey (S.C.) v. Putman (opinion by Commonwealth v. Anderson. 32 N E 2d 684. South Carolina Supreme Court. In re Roland Lefebvre (unanimous opinion Lune 2, 1941.) N. H. Supreme Court Moy 6, 1941). Zimmerman v. Village of London (opinion by California v. Northum, 108 Col. Supp. 295. U. S. District Court Southern District of Ohio. South Holland (Illinois) v. Stein, 28 N E 2d April 25, 1941). 868. Reid v. Brookville et of. (opinion by U. S. Thomas v. Atlanta (Georgia). 1 S E 2d 582. District Court for the Western District of Cincinnati v. Mosier, 81 Ohio App. 81 Pennsylvania. May 2, 1941). Semansky v. Stark. Sheriff (Louisiana). 199. Douglass v. Ieanette (opinion by U. S. Dis- So. 129 trict Court for the Western District of Penn- People v. Sandstrom. 279 N Y 523. sylvania. May 2. 1941). City of Portsmouth (Ohio) v. Stockwell opinion Kennedy v. City of Moscow (opinion by U. S. Court of Appeals Fourth District of Ohio. District Court of Idaho. Moy 14, 1941). Nevember 1940. In re ones, N Y S 2d 10. State ex rel. Hough v. Woodruff, Police Chief De Berry v. City of La Grange (Georgia). (opinion by Florida Supreme Court, May 8 s E 2d 146. 27, 1941). De Berry v. City of La Grange (Georgia). City of Chicago v. Schultz, 341 Illinois 208. 8. s E 20 146 and hundreds of others. Section 33. Seditious or disloyal ads or we-rds in time of war:- Whoever, when the United States is at war, shall willfully make or convey false reports or false statements with intent to interfere with the operation or success of the military or naval forces of the United States or to promote the success of its enemies and whoever. when the United States is ot war, shall willfully cause or attempt to cause insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, or re- fusal of duty in the military or naval forces of the United States. or shall willfully obstruct the re- cruting or enlistment service of the United States, to the injury of the service of the United States, shall be punished by a fine of not more $10,000 or imprisonment for not more than twenty years. or both. (Lune 15, 1917, c.30, Title I, Par. 3, 40 Stat. 219: Mar. 3. C.136, 41 Stat. 1359). 79 IMMIGRATION LAWS When our Immigration Laws were passed the number of immigrants to be admitted from each country was primarily based on the following: 1. A percentage of the population of each country in proportion to the number-who-as early settlers from that country, did their part to help develop the nation. 2, The proven desirability, melting and assimilating qualities of the people from each country. For many years. and even at the highest peak of our own unemployment period, a continuous line of planes and ships. loaded with IEW REFUGEES and ALIENS entered our ports. Almost unbelievable numbers are still coming in. They come in under our OLD and OBSOLETE IMMIGRA- TION QUOTAS. They come in under the permits of "temporary visitors"--the number of which has no legal limit. Many from countries that do not now exist-others from countries that will never permit them to return. The outrageous methods used to bring in IEWS. and the conniving tactics employed to "high-jack" the jobs of Americans to make places for these INTRUDERS will go down as one of the BLACKEST SPOTS IN AMERICAN HISTORY DICTATORIAL POWER to suspend IMMIGRIY. :ON and TARIFF RESTRICTIONS has recently been urgently requested of Congress. The result of such legislation-Unmasked-would reveal the "Naked Tnxth" that returning ships could be "legally" loaded with IEW REFUGEES an ALIENS and enter our ports from all parts of the world to take the business and jobs of Americans. ALL EFFORTS TO RESTRICT IMMIGRATION FAILS For many years. numerous measures. sponsored by Legislative and Patriotic Groups, were introduced in Congress. Most of these bills were successfully buried in committee. A recent modified Immigration Bill was introduced designed only to deport certain type of criminal aliens.

ra* \.»J After strenuous opposition the bill wus finally "Blasted Out of Committee" to the floor of Congress, and was passed by a large majority in both Houses. IT WAS VETOED BY THE PRESIDENT. A Iew Governor of Cr mid-west state "Plastered state institutions with IEW REFUGEES. After his demise a new Governor was elected. A bill was soon introduced in the State Legislature designed to give these jobs to Americans who deserved and sorely needed employment. The bill was vigorously opposed, but passed both Houses of the Legislature by a large majority. TO THE UTTER AMAZEMENT of the trusting people of that State who elected him. THEIR GOVERNOR BETRAYED THEM by killing the legislation through his veto power. That Governor is now being boosted by the Jewish Press as a Presidential possibility in 1944_


The American Legion at their Chicago Con- "IMMIGRATION TIDE SWELLS vention (1939) passed Resolution No. 314 GREATEST NUMBER ADMITTED which reads as follows: 'to U. s. A. SINCE 1831 "RESTRICT IMMIGRATION FROM EVERY COUNTRY. Washington, D.C. - Despite efforts of the American Legion to have migration laws Be it resolved that we ask our representa- tightened in line with its policy of preserving tives in Congress to use every effort to enact American for Americans, the 1939 immigra- bills to restrict immigration from every country tion into the United States was the highest until such time as the employment problem in since 1831. the United Sttaes shall be solved or brought down to below the one million mark." This was revealed here Ianuory 13, when lames L. Houghtelinq, U. S. Commissioner of From the February issue (1940) of "The Immigration made his report for the fiscoi year National Legionnaire" appeared the following! 1939. His report showed ... etc."

81 THE GROWTH OF UN-AMERICANISM The strange condition that has been changing THE THOUGHT in America for the post quarter of o century can be attributed to one thing-the importation of Old World Schemes-Hcxtreds and intrigues Through Immigration.

A Menace 'l'o Our Form of Gavernmeni' Subversive, racial and un-American Organizations operating in the United States, have become arrogant, brazen, financially strong and politically powerful. mainly through a lack of co-ordinated action and vigilance on the part of our citizens and law enforcement agencies. So widespread has this menace become that it is now considered a serious threat to the political, economic and social security of our citizens, and even threatens to destroy or change our Constitutional Pom of Government. Even when the war is over this "REFUGEE INVASION" will continue unless we Americans organize a "Solid Front" and STOP the movement. Only by QUICK ACTION can we avoid the same disaster that befell other countries. They were "big hearted"-they were tolerant-they gave haven to EXILES and REFUGEES they allowed them to spread their poisonous propaganda- they permitted them to hold important public offices and to contaminate and to sabotage their governments-their industries-their armies and see what happened. Despite the HEROIC last minute efforts of the patriots of these countries to "clean out" the saboteurs. they soon found they had started "too late." The work of he DESTRUCTIONISTS had so weakened the morale of the people, and the structures of their governments that collapse was inevitable. 82 SOB-STUFF PROPAGANDA

Don't be mis-led by SOB-STUFF propaganda-haven for the oppressed. etc., this is being used as a powerful disguised weapon to "white-wash unethical practices, greed, racial domination, sinister motives and many other destructive activities. America. as o Christian notion, is the lost place in the world, where ANY ONE is likely to be discriminated against, unless there is IUST and SUFFICIENT CAUSE. However, as a warning, Americans are last losing patience with those who teach DESTRUCTIVE COMMUNISM and spread FOREIGN DOCTRINES in our Universities, Churches, School, Movies. Radio, Labor Unions and all other possible places.


The singing in America of the OLD INTERNATIONAL WAILING ANTHEM-"Persecution" is last becoming a "Sour Note" BARBER SHOP CHORD to the ears of GENTILE AMERICANS as they learn the TRUTH and REAL REASONS why people all over the world-thruout world history- found it necessary. from time to time, to issue "GET OUT ORDERS" when the activities of these people became unbecxroble.


The following obscure News item appeared in The Chicago Daily Tribune under da'l'e of May 5, 1942.

Does l'I\is explain WHY cer'l'ain NOTORICUS RACIAL SUBVERSWE SECRET ORGANIZATIONS have escaped Exposure? Dies Drops Plan 'Io Hold Hearings in Texas Home

Beaumont, Texas, Moy 4 Hep. Mcuttn Dies iD., Texas) today disclosed that his un-American activities committee will conduct hearings soon .n west coast and Mexican border cities instead of in his ranch home at Iaspcr. as previously planned. Objections of several committee members caused the change. DIES SAID THREATS HAVE BEEN MADE AGAINST MEMBERS OF HIS FAMILY RECENTLY AND HE CONSIDERED WASHINGTON UNSAFE FOR THEM. HE 1>SCLIN;D TO GIVE DETAILS. (Emphasis our own.)" Mr. Dies does not need to "Give De*ails" as to who is responsible Io: threats against Him and His Family. The Culprits have repeatedly POINTED THEMSELVES out to the American Public by their organized Smear~Purge Plots, etc., and Opposition to the Exposures of his Committee. and the Persecution of American Patriots. 84 CHAIN READING AGREEMENT

Christians will find the "Quotations" contained in this booklet a most expedient and convincing argument to the skeptical and uninformed, and a copy of the book should be kept in every home library for that purpose. After reading a few of the "Quotations by Famous Men" most persons will war t a copy of the booklet immediately, and will probably ask to BORROW your copy. If you have extra copies you can do either of two things: 1. Offer to sell a copy for $1.00. 2. Give your friend a copy with this DEFINITE UNDERSTANDING and AGREEMENT. (A) That he will read the book within 5 days and return to you. or (B) That he will pass the book on to some friend to read for 5 days and return or have that friend agree to pass on to another to read for 5 days, et::. under the same terms. This is what is commonly culled CHAIN READING, and has proven very successful. The success of the plan depends upon each reader KEEPING FAITH and not breaking the chain. and that fact MUST BE emphasized to each new reader. It enough CHRISTIAN PATRIOTS will co-operate and follow this simple inexpensve plan this information can be spread in every Christian Home in America in a remarkable short time.

85 WHAT TO DG ABOUT IT The Congress of the United States has the power to pass legislation TO STOP the OUT- RAGEOUS IMMIGRATION SCANDALS and ABUSES. Petitions must be directed to that Honorable Body. Amendment 1 of our Constitutional "Bill of Rights" (Page 73, this Booklet) clearly gives Amer- icans the right-in these words---"TO ASSEMBLE AND TO PETITION THE GOVERNMENT FOR A REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES." Penally for Any Interference THE UNITED STATES LAWS ON CONSPIRACY Section 19, U. S. Criminal Code (18 U.S.C. 51), quoted in this Booklet. Pages 76, 77. together with "Favorable Court Decisions" Pages 78, 79. offers legal redress and severe penalties aqair. ""'*JSP!RATORS who hinder or interfere with the legal rights of American citizens. Wlld We'l' Do WE MUST STOP the entry of IEW REFUCEES and ALIENS who will take over American business and American jobs. United Ac~l'ion Imperative Petition or write Congressman and Senators at once requesting the passage of legislation to "STOP IMMIGRATION now."


YOU ARE URGENTLY REQUESTED To have EVERY MEMBER of your family, your friends and neigh- bors sign the following pe'l'i'l'ions and mail of' once +o your CONGRESSMAN and SENATOR.

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