Ann-Christe Galloway Grants and Acquisitions Brown University has received a grant of project will be named “The Elizabeth Murray $228,454 from the National Endowment for Oral History of Women in the Visual Arts,” in the Humanities to create a statewide data honor of the deceased celebrated painter and base, entitled the Rhode Island Archival and printmaker. Through the twoyear project, Manuscript Collections Online (RIAMCO). the Oral History Research Office will conduct Through the application of Encoded Archival life and career histories of 20 women artists, Description (EAD) finding aids, RIAMCO will collectors, and curators whose contributions collocate more than 300 dispersed but over have impacted the art world in the 20th and lapping collections about the history of Rhode 21st centuries. An advisory committee led by Island drawn from local public and university Gund will select the interviewees for project. libraries across the state, fashioning a union The interviews will take place over two years Web resource hosted and supported by and result in 200 hours of interviews. Each Brown University. The material documented woman’s history will be approximately ten in RIAMCO represents the history of Rhode hours in length, composed primarily of audio, Island from the colonial period to the pres supplemented with video, and available to ent day and provides valuable insight into a the public through the Columbia University range of topics including business, the Civil Libraries upon completion in 2009. War, slavery, literature, church history, poli tics, diplomatic history, art and architecture, military history, labor, health and medicine, Acquisitions state and local government, higher education, and Native Americans.
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