7L Esau's Status & Dominion
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The Dominion of Esau 7l 70 Wo is Esau-Edom? the Montezumas." The colored race (Mexico) was forced What race of people easily rule over all other people? to cede half of its territory, including California, Arizona, Several centuries ago, when our white ancestors were 'fexas, and New Mexico, into the hands of the white race coming into the light of God's word and the Reformation (America). Thus was fulfilled the promises to Jacob-Israel: was sweeping Europe, our Anglo-Saxon people began to go to other continents. There are many cases in history where And five of you shall chase an hundred, and an hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight: and your enemies shall a handful of white European people have conquered or put fall before you by thc sword. (Lev. 26:8). to flight a great multitude of the colored races. At one of many instances where the colored races time Britain had control of all of India with less than 30,000 History is full soldiers. When Attila the Hun, known as the "Scourge of could not stand up against God's Israel people. Why? over other peoples. God," had subjugated all of Asia, he decided to extend his I]ecause God had given them dominion the barbaric dominion to the west into Gaul' The Visigoths Iir-om Adam to Seth to Noah to Abraham to Jacob, under king Theodoric defeated the Huns in the battle of ltirthright included the right to govern or rule. Chdlons. During the settling of South Africa by the British While the Israel (white) nations were to have this right were encircled by and Dutch, a group of some 460 colonists , r l dominion, it was conditional on Israel abiding by God's 30,000 Zulu warriors. The Afrikaner colonists prayed and l.rrw. If that race departs too far from God's laws then: "give enemy made a covenant with God asking Him to our 'fhe LoRD shall cause you to be smitten before your into our hand that we might be victorious over him'" At cnemies. "Battle of Blood River," not a single the end of the historic 'l'he stranger Ialien] that is among you shall get up above colonist was injured but the Zulus lost 12,000 warriors. you very high; and you shall come down very low. When Santa Anna marched into Texas with the aims to llc shall lend to you, and you shall not lend to him: he shall the head, and you shall be thc tail." "kill all the white gringos" in the land, his well trained and be 'fhe supplied army of 1300 was defeated by 600 volunteers under heathen races, knowing that this is the relationship t have attempted to use it General Sam Houston in a battle that lasted only 20 minutes' iorl has with Jacob-Israel, often During the Mexican War (1847), Santa Anna sent 20,000 r , ) I h oir advantage and gain dominion over Israel by seducing told troops to destroy the American forces under General ,rrrl tleceiving them into violating God's Law. Thus God n()t to allow the heathen in our land or make covenants Zachary Taylor. "But Taylor, with an army one fourth thc ', '., rtlr tlrem (Exod.23:32-33, Deut. 7:1-5). size of Santa Anna's, drove the Mexicans back in- the hotly Vista (Feb.23,1847)"J contested battle of Buena Esau's Status & Dominion southward to defend Mexico City Santa Anna retreated When Esau learned that Jacob had acquired the blessings with a force of 30,000 soldiers. But General Winfield Scot t , , I r lrL: birthright, he mourned and begged lsaac - "Have you of about 10,000 entered the Mexican capital. with an army '1,'t t(.,\arved a blessing for me?" (Gen. 27:36). Isaac subdued its forces, and raised the flag over "the palace ol | ,, llle fonomy 28:25,43,44 3 David S. Muzzey, An Ameican History Ginn & Co',1933,p'211 I --. 1') Wo is Esau-Edom? The Dominion of Esau 73 answered Esau saying that Jacob had received the blessing race. With two peoples that are so opposite in character as making him "thy lord" or master over Esau. But Esau Jacob (the white race) and Esau (the Jews), one must pefsisted and asked "Have you but one blessing for me7" In predominate over the other. They can never have mutual what can be construed as a type of blessing and prophecy, agreement or equal status, If the laws, religion, government Isaac stated this to Esau regarding his fate: and morals that are characteristic of Jacob are followed in And by thy sword shall you live, and you shall sewe vour the land, then those of Esau are rejected. Esau will, by the brother [Jacob]; and it shall come to pass when ]'ou shall nature of his character, be under the subjection of Jacob. have the.dgminion. that you shall break his yoke from off And so it was with the Jews in much of European and your necK.- American history. The Jews, because of their contrasting The words 'have dominion' used here is in some ver- customs and religion were under specific regulations in white sions translated as "become restless" or "grow restive," but Christian nations. As one history book illustrates: this explains only part of what is meant here. The Hebrew Their [the Jews'] religion set them apart from the rest of word used here is "ruwd" (Strong's No. 7300) and means to the population of the country. The whole of ordinary ramble or tramp about, be free,, disconsolate, the life was conducted -have on the supposition that men were dominion, be lord, mourn, rule.o members of the same religious body. The Jews did not fit into this framework and so had to live a life apart. They This verse is thus saying that there will come a time when were allowed to live only in certain wards of the larger Esau will be unhappy with the yoke of Jacob about him and towns, which were known as "Jewries." They were required will ramble and tramp about until he gains the position of also to wear a special dress or a badge of yellow cloth on rule or dominion. Only then will Esau be satisfied. Thus, the breast. They were considered to be living in the country not common although Esau was assigned to be a servant of Jacob, there by right but by special consent of the king and under his protection. They were subject, therefore, not to would be a time when Esau would gain dominion over Jacob thc common law but to special regulations made for them and "break the yoke" of Jacob off of his neck-that is to by the king or his officers. / say, destroy the dominion of Jacob. So, did the Edomites Such was the caso regarding the status ofthe Jew in much ever have dominion over the Israelites in Bible history? ol lJurope where they were subject to the rule of the white No, not once did this ever occur. Therefore we must look r ir( o. In ea'rly America Jews could not vote, hold public to more recent times to find the fulfillment of this prophecy. ,rllrce, be a witness in court, and were socially regarded as This dominion of Esau, through his wrestling free of the ,r subordinate class of persons. Due to their contrasting yoke or dominion of Jacob, is being fulfilled through the tr;rils, when the white race (Jacob) governs, the Jew (Esau) control and stranglehold the Jews have gained over the white rr ill always be in a subservient position. All of history r,'r ilios this. In a white Christian nation, the Jew will always 5 Genesis 27:40. l', tho "tail." 6 Strong's Concordance of the Bible. This word is given the meaning "To rule" in Young's Analytical Concordance to the Blble. The word ruwd is also translated "We are lords" (Jer. 2:31) and "ruleth" (Hos. lrrlward P. Cheyney, A Shon History of England, Boston: Ginn & ( i)rnpany 11:12) in the King James Ver., lligram Englishman's Concordance. - 19L9, p.217. ii The Dominion of Esau I3 74 Who is Esau-Edom? Economic Control The historical rule of the white race was the "yoke" of The history of money and monetary control is a history Jacob on Esau's neck, which Esau was prophesied to break ; of and slavery-this is to say, economic bondage some day; and this yoke could only be broken by Esau freedom have long been adept at gaining the dominion or rule. or economic freedom. The Jews the primary means for putting other people under economic or have the dominion in a nation over For Esau to rule bondage via banking, money lending and usury. Jacob's descendants, he must establish his principles of law and government (socialism), his religion (Judaism), and his The use and control of usury-the loaning of money at code of morals (Talmudic ethics)' He must have his irrterest-is a powerful tool for gaining financial dominion method of economics established (credit, usury) as well as rrvcr others. Not only is "the borrower servant to the lender" his way of tife (a Judaic society), thus bringing about the (l'rov.22:7), because of the debt he owes, but he must also destruction of white rule and society: l)ay more than what he borrowed. By making one's ability lender can take The tlay when the Jew wtts first admitted to civil rights, the to pay off a debt more difficult, the Christian state was in tlanger.