Board Asks Extention
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A Newspaper Devoted OWNSH1R Complete News3 Pictures To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, Qearly Full Local CoTerage And Impartially. Each "Week VOL. XIV—NO. 27 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1952 PRICE EIGHT CENTS Board Asks At Start of School Safety Patrol Members9 Busy Day Exploring Amusement Extention Of Order Month's Grace Sought By Commissioners on Stepheriville Problem RARITAN TOWN-SHIP—An ex- tension of 30 days was asked of the State Board of Health by the Board of Commissioners last night on the former's order to show cause why the pollution of the Stephenville development, due to Agree-to Talk faulty septic tanks, should not cease. The order was returnable RARITAN TOWNSHIP—Magis- July 1. trate Christian Jorgensen heard The ' septic tank ' problem in eight cases in the' local police court .Stephenville has plagued residents Monday night. WOODBRIDGE — July 8 at and the Commissioners for some William F. O'Donnell of Ruth- 10:30 A.M., has been set by the time. The remedy, as cited, by the erford was fined $50 and $3 costs Department of Local Government, State Board of Health, is to con- on a careless driving charge. Wil- Trenton, for a hearing on the struct a sewer system, the cost of lard Evans of New Market paid application of the Board of Edu- which is prohibitive. $5 and $3 for speeding. Harold cation to increase its bonded in- Jackson, Camp Kilmer soldier, re- debetedness in order to construct ceived suspended sentences on a a $3,.100,000 High School and a charge of having no driver's li- $400,000 grade school in the Meat, Humidity Cause cense or no car registration in his Inman Avenue section of Colonia. possession but was fined $10 and Board to Quit Early $3 for speeding. Meanwhile, 10 of the 11 ar- chitects invited toy the Board to RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Ernest Holey, 25 S-turgis Road, attend a meeting Monday night May!>e it was the heat that was Nixon, was fined $5 and $3 each have indicated they will send responsible, but the Board of for careless driving and having no representatives to the session. Commissioners last night es- license in his possession and paid $25 and $3 for leaving the scene They are C. Ballinger Co., tablished some kind of a rec- Philadelphia; Leslie M. Dennis, ord when it adjourned at 9:30. of an accident. George Higgins, New Brunswick, Elizabeth; Frederick A. Elsasser, Township Clerk Oscar Kans Union, who is *he architect for said it was the earliest ad- was fined $2 and S3 for having -. -*•*'•*'" the new Rahway grade school; journment since lie has served no registration in his possession. Above are members of the and from all reports had a Port Reading School; James the motorcycle division; at janitor of 'Port Reading School. John Riesinger, Scotch Plains, Leo L. Fischer, Newark; Pierson as clerk. Township Junior Police Patrol wonderful day despite the in- right, Captain Benjamin Par- accepted a- sentence of 10 days in and MacWilliam, Metuchen; R. who enjoyed their annual out- clement weather. At the left Catano, janitor of Sewaren sons, who directs the Junior The men accompanied the chil-. the county workhouse in lieu of O. Peck, Westheld; Emil A. The Commissioners finally adopt- ing at Palisades Park, Monday, are Martin Braun, principal of School; Sgt. JOseph Farkas, of Police; Charles McGettigan, dren on the trip. paying a fine of $2-5 and $3 for Schmidlin, East Orange; P. C. ed an amendment to the zoning having no license in. his posses- Van Nuys & Son, Somerville; ordinance creating a new restrict- sion. Ernest P. Brown, Plainfield and ed .building zone. The -ordinance Robert Proctor and Margaret Lauren Pohlman, Elizabeth. The calls for a setback of buildings Both Factions Remain. Adamant First Aid College Dr. Brancale Addresses Group Brown, tooth of 'Brooklyn, N. Y., district clerk is yet to hear from 50 feet in the new zone. failed to' appear to answer dis- Alexander Merchant and Son, Thirty plenary retail consump- orderly conduct charges and each New Brunswick. tion licenses, four plenary retail .in On Diagnostic Center Patients forfeited bonds of $50. According to the Board's plans, distribution licenses and six club WOODBRIDGE—No decision has been reached as yet RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Mrs. RARITAN TOWNSHIP—Dr. Ralph Brancale, director of the the architects will be informed of licenses were approved for re- on Commit teeman Warren's demand to remove the gar- New Jersey Diagnostic Center at Menlo Park was the guest the needs for, each school and newal last night. Inez Larson, Raritan Township, then invited to submit sketches. bage dumps from Keasbey. and Julius Bernstein, W^odbridge, speaker at a meeting of the Menlo Park Civic Association In eception Three assessment commission- Although Mr. Warren still vehemently insists that the the Menlo Park firehouse. The doctor, in his talk, reassured the However, there is one thing ers were appointed to assess prop- were named a committee bo ar- that hinders proposed compari- dumps be removed from the Keasbey site, other members residents of the area regarding possible escapees from the son. Commissioner Harold Van erty benefited by the installation of the Town Committee just as vehemently insist that it range for a-first aid college at a of sanitary sewers in the vicinity meeting of the Gold Cross of the Institution. Ness amended the resolutions of of the Lincoln'Highway, Belmont will not be moved" to their wards. •• ———-—•——-^——— :—• Several incidents, coupled? with that a greater appropriation be Edwin Casey, Leon McElroy and second district in Clark Township. various rumors, had created anxi- asked for the center so that funds WOODBRIDGE—Rev. and Mrs.Winfield Finn toy attaching the Avenue, Suydam Avenue, Taft Mayor Hugh B. Quigley said' The organization is made up of Avenue, Fourth Street. Fifth yesterday he and the members -of ety among area residents, con- would be available to allow for William Justice and son, Lincoln rider that any sketches would be first''aid-squads throughout the cerned both over their own safety increased supervision of the pa- and daughter, Ruth, were wel- "at no cost to the Board of Edu- Street, .part of Route 25, Hillerest the Sanitation Committee, L. Ray state. The first aid college will Avenue and Prospect Avenue. The Alitoani, chairman; Peter Schmidt and the welfare of the children. tients there. Commissioner Julius comed by the members of the cation." be conducted in October and No-As a result, Dr. Brancale was in- Engel spoke against the location Woodbridge Methodist Church at pqmmissioners are 'Stuart Robert- and L. Charles Mangione, visited In .Sister's: Estate vember with the location where . Since most architects belong to son, James 'Stephens^ George the Keasbey . site aaid ,yitedi to- explain -the work of the of the center in a residential area. a reception. Rev. Justice recently the American Institute of Archi- is not within ^300feet of the school •the .oaurses,- -will-:: • b&: -givento-- .becenter at last" night's! meeting, Di\ Brancale told the audience Hollingshead;' """"* ~" anhouned later. •_ . that the patients at the- center are took over his new duties here. tects and since that organization as Mr. Warren claimed, tout about (Special to Independent-Leader) which was open to the public. Greetings were extended by the prohibits competitions without three-quarters of a. mile away. NEW YORK—Vincent McMor- , More than 75 delegates, repre- . The opposition to the center minors between the ages of 8 and senting 22 first aid squads in the 18. Eighty per cent of them, he various groups af follows: Arthur prize money, it is doubtful if the Although it is understood Com- row of 514 Joseph Avenue» Wood- ranged from opinions- that it Vail for the Youth Fellowship; firms will toe able to present district, attended the meeting. should be removed entirely as not added, are sent there toy courts Mrs. Parke Elected mitteeman Warren would like to bridge, will share in the estate of The organization's- convention throughout the state for minor George Fyffe, for the Young Adult sketches. In that case, member go along with. Committeeman being isolated enough, .to sugges- Group; Mrs. William Schwenzer architects will, be forced to with- his sister, the late Mrs. Kathryn will be held October 24 and 25 at tions that a low-voltage electric offenses. The remainder are sent Schmidt's suggestion. that the Asibury Park. Dr. William Simons and paid for toy parents, who seek for the Fortnightly Guild; Ar- draw, and leave the field clear to NJ Auxiliary Head Blackhall of 45 Fifth Avenue, -New fence be installed to prevent thur Carlson for the official board; tarbage be dumped in abandoned York, under the terms of her will. addressed the group on skull frac- diagnosis and- treatment of their Pierson and MacWilliam who clay pits off upper Main Street, tures and- the correct first aid '.escapes. children's poor social habits. Russ Howard for the Sunday have toeen serving as Board archi- WOODBRIDGE — Mrs. James The document was offered for School and Men's Brotherhood and tects and who have already pre- First Ward residents are ready probate in 'Surrogate's Court here creaianent for such cases. Mayor James C. Forgione urged Parke, 142 Bucknell Street, was to fight the proposed move. The director pointed out that no Mrs. Edward Kinsey for the Wo-pared sketches which were sub- elected Department Commander of •Monday. one convicted of a crime was a men's Society of Christian Science. mitted to the State Department the Ladies Auxiliary to the Dis- Mayor Quigley stated yester- Mr.